#twdg comic
nllick · 3 months
“Clouis better”
“No Violentine is”
“Actually Gabentine is the best”
How about we all team up and bash whoever that woman is in the comics that Clem gets with. (Ricca I think)🤢
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bluebutterfly1 · 28 days
I had to jump on this trend
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Bruh, the TWD “Clementine Lives” comic series is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen in a long while. That’s not even Clementine in my opinion, that’s her doppelganger Tangerine.
Also, if Skybound wanted to do a spinoff comic series, Javier Garcia is RIGHT THERE. 
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creoterative · 1 year
On my way to finishing the next chapter of ‘Let’s play a game then’ and it’s gonna get wild, folks xD
This story is really pushing me so far and I enjoy every last bit of it, but this chapter is what’s gonna bring more action to the plot, so I’m even more excited. 
You know the rumors about Telltale Games making another Season for TWDG? To be honest, I’d be quite disappointed if they decided to give Clementine yet another cruel season to go through, I’d rather for her to finally have her happy ending and rest in peace. 
I think a story about the Ericson Kids and how they survived through the years might be more interesting than pushing Clementine into something she really doesn’t need, because she already has her literally perfect story and great character development. 
Would be a shame to destroy that with another season for her, and I’m afraid that it’ll end like the comics...
I only saw snippets of them, but so far... just... not my thing, I’m sorry to everyone who likes the comics...
While we’re at it, my Marlon redemption arc is almost at half time now and although I’ll have less time to write in a few weeks, I’ll definitely finish this one. I’ve got so many notes with ideas, I wanna put in there xD
Also I’m gonna do the same as I did in ‘The Lambda Core’ and add little sections, where I’m gonna put in some music, that I think would fit in the specific scene. I dunno, I like it, when I can read something with good music playing in the background, that sets the vibe for the story.
So, be ready for the next launch of yet another wayyy too long chapter for Marlon’s redemption arc! As always, I’ll post a little section of it here and the rest will be added to AO3.
After that, I’ll take a little break and try to focus on drawing more stuff, OC’s, but also scenes for the story, I dunno, I’m in my Metal Gear phase again, let me have this crossover stuff  xDDD
BUT I already planned out the last two chapters and (probably) one last bonus chapter, which is gonna be a bit shorter, but... I know me and... it’s not gonna be shorter...
Have a nice day and stay safe out there!
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rrosiepetals · 2 years
Man oh man… where do I even begin with this? I had a bad taste in my mouth ever since I read that mini comic about Clem leaving AJ and the rest of the school to go off on her own. It went against everything Clementine had stood for and experienced on her journey. It set the tone for the rest of the book, and I tried to approach it with a more open mind... and now that I've read it all, let me just say... this was a mess. So, from this point on I’ll get into spoiler territory just in case you want to go into this blind:
I’ll list the aspects of the book that I liked before going into my problems with it:
• I liked Amos. I know a lot of us thought he'd be the new potential love interest for Clem that made our eyes roll, but he was a breath of fresh air. He was just a happy go lucky boy (perhaps a little too trusting of others), but he had his heart in the right place. His only goal was to fly in a plane, which was simple but yet heartwarming, and I was rooting alongside him to succeed. He had some good moments bantering with Clem and kept his hopes high even when the situation was grim.
• There were a couple of flashbacks involving Clem, Lee and AJ which instantly made me want to replay the game again.
• Tim is a hero and he got done so dirty. He had some history with the twins which wasn’t expanded upon long enough sadly but his scenes were nice.
Yep that’s all I can think of, but now it’s time to discuss the problems:
• Aside from the characters I've already mentioned, there are number of characters that were unlikeable. Clementine reminded me of ANF Clem, with her 'edgy' attitude of not trusting anyone and preferring to be alone all the time. This didn’t feel like Clem to me at all actually, she felt like a completely different character. As if TFS had no influence on her character development.
• The “evil” twins are just bland and they’re straight up assholes. Left (Olivia) wasn’t all too bad but Right (Georgia) made me want to reach in the book and slap her.
• Ricca… oh Ricca. Stop trying to butt into Clem’s business. She gets all upset when Clem doesn’t tell her everything that’s going on and at points gets up in her face. “You’re supposed to tell me what’s going on.” Like?? You barely know her and you’re already trying to act as her girlfriend. I wouldn’t call her Clem’s gf at this point, I don’t feel the chemistry between them since the pacing was all over the place here. Violet and Louis had such distinct personalities that meshed well with Clementine’s, here I don’t feel anything from Ricca.
• Oh speaking of Violet and Louis, they get no mention so :,)
• The dialogue feels all over the place and unnatural to where one character says something unrelated to the situation and it trails off from there.
• The art isn’t all bad but I wish it was in color because most of the time I can’t tell what’s going on from how crowded it feels.
• The flashbacks I mentioned, while they were nice callbacks… they only lasted for a page or two and then are cut short, they felt like they were only there to remind you “Hey remember this? This is what you guys liked right?” I wish they’d been longer.
• Clementine’s “goal” was just so that she could be alone to prevent herself from seeing other people die when… she’s going out on this journey, joining new people and seeing them die. This makes no sense, she was much safer at the school than anywhere else. Just imagine how AJ must feel, after all those hardships, after that talk about “Never go alone.” I guess that never mattered.
I'll stop here, but those are my main points. Overall, I enjoyed some aspects of this book, but they were overshadowed by its flaws. Then we have to wait another year for book two, which I don’t know how it will take off from there. What did you guys think? Please let me know, and feel free to spoiler tag it if you wish. Thank you!
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kiwiddiescorner · 2 years
I’ve started writing some scripts for Season 5 TWDG, I plan on making some new characters for this season, new faces to interact with Aj & the gang.
I’ll have some character designs posted up soon once I’ve actually started on the pages for the comic.
What to except:
A new possible love interest for Violet (sense in this comic Clem will be with Louis)
New friends for Aj interact with
A possible first-love experience for Aj
A few old characters from season 2-3 may return (not naming anyone it will be a surprise 😌)
Ericsson school having a updated-look
New scenery to explore
New Enemy / leader to deal with 
Omar will not just be a cook you see sometimes
Also I’ll post redesign of the Ericsson Kids and Clem new looks as Adults & Teens
Sense Aj & Willy will be the only Teenagers in this story (RIP Tennessee)
And No amish people ❌ and No Abandoning the old cast, ❌ Clem will not be pulling a Jane move,,
And Lastly Clem & Aj will have a new Haircut to give respect to Lee Everett the Man/ The Myth/ The Apocalypse Legend
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neonvioletlight · 14 days
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“oh that’s easy, horse eyeballs” they were probably starving so bad💀
wip i’ll polish and post the finished version later🙏
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morballs · 3 months
you're NOT the THINKER!!!!! get OUT!!!
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willemdafinky · 2 months
Me thinking about the Clementine Lives comic and how Tangerine told AJ he doesn’t make her happu
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terrak0 · 3 months
Just realized how clementine is kinda a deadbeat mom in the comics like oof.
Look at it from the Ericsons kids POV:
You rescue this girl and her kid from a car crash and welcome them into your little community. The girl maybe has a romantic relationship with Louis/Violet. The girl gets bit and loses a leg, so you treat her with your medicine and feed her your food and make a new prosthetic for her.
Then one day you wake up and find that she took a bunch of your supplies, left way early in the morning so no one would see her, and also left behind her 5 year old kid for you to raise 💀
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gambit-blogs · 4 months
So I'm replaying twdg and I thought of making my own OC
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Also, I forgot how sad this game is I'm now on season 3 and I'm still so sad over Luke dying.
Btw does anyone have any good zombie apocalypse book recs (with romance or even fan fics)
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evangelinelawson · 9 months
I love how Clementines story ended after the fourth game, and there wasn't a comic release that totally butchered her character and ruined her happy ending. Hope she's doing well at Ericsons
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bluebutterfly1 · 9 months
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donerunning · 8 months
Also what is with this consistent theme of Clementine struggling to read in the comics??? She literally taught AJ to read and there are multiple instances in the game where she is presented with text and reads it out loud no problem no stumbling whatsoever ?? Why is she so dumbed down 😭
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citrusflowerss · 11 months
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this is so stupid i’m crine
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rrosiepetals · 2 years
Do y’all want me to share my thoughts about the comic? If so, I’ll keep it brief just for now and have it posted later.
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