linkedforlife-blog · 9 years
Where do you cut the line for involved?
what is the end of the line? involved is such a broad word. 
Like, dislike, love hate.
such broad powerful words.
why must I pick one. Why can everybody go on without me?  
I dont understand how this all works. I thought i was a simple person yet I am the cause of all complications. How does this all work? 
decisions. What my mind wants. What my heart wants. Im not even sure anymore. 
i dont understand why i have to pick when I’ve clearly stated that I didn’t want a relationship.
So technically Im supposed to pick so other people can move on? Why cant you move on without my decision then? Why do I have to be the bad guy?
Somehow I didn’t choose to become the protagonist yet I was elected to be it anyways. The entire group of people knows ... what to do. ha. ha. ha. ha. 
yes. That actually is the question I’m supposed to be answering now: what to do. Everybody wants an answer. Everybody. Including me. 
But like has anybody stop for a moment to think for me? they say they like me? They want an answer? An answer I can’t provide. Yet I’m still supposed to go off to figure something out. 
But do you know how much it hurts, knowing you will hurt your friends. Every friend has the same value in my heart, it will hurt just as much. I believe in friendships more than relationships and now I’m supposed to break of bonds. okay. 
well i’d much rather they teach me what to do. What am i supposed to do...
i dont want a relationship right now... why do i have to pick. 
i feel so lost. Idk where i stand. I just want to walk away now. 
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