enjomo-arch · 1 year
❝ i’m sorry i’m late. ❞
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Clock  is  ticking.  Time  flowing  like  a  river  in  which  Ace  was  immersed  up  to  his  ears.  Sleep  carrying  him  through  the  waves  as  if  he  were  a  ship  at  sea  when  the  silence  in  the  office  enveloped  him  and  lulled  him  to  sleep.  He  had  no  idea  how  much  time  had  passed,  only  the  quiet  ticking  swarming  through  the  four  walls  in  which  he  was  confined.  Laid  back  in  his  chair  and  legs  resting  over  the  desk  with  arms  behind  his  head  serving  as  support  to  keep  him  from  falling  over  backwards.  
Mouth  hanging  open  with  quiet  breaths  before  the  doors  opened,  and  an  annoucement  coming  from  the  voice  opened  his  eyes  in  an  instant.  He  got  up,  adjusting  his  position  with  hands  resting  over  the  wooden  surface  and  tired  eyes  welcomed  the  other  with  a  small,  crooked  grin  blooming  over  the  freckled  features.  
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❝  Y'were  ...  ?  'ight,  sorry  I  kinda  fell  asleep.  ❞  He  admitted,  casually  with  a  slight  raspy voice.  It  wasn't  hard  to  guess  when  all  it  took  was  one  look  for  the  whole  truth  to  come  out.  Even  if  being  late  was  a  hassle  it  completely  flew  over  the  head  of  the  gambler.  ❝  So,  how  was  it  ?  Take  a  seat  n'  spill  me  the  details.  ❞
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ardenssolis · 1 year
@twilium said (inbox):
don't worry , he's got this -- he's just skipping over , tongue hanging at edge of maw , rolling onto his back . a single legs lifts , fluffy paw & most importantly TO BEANS , presented to his future wife .
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     OH HOW INSTANT HIS temper evaporated upon being presented with such an adorable sight. Who was he to resist the temptation of squeezing soft paws and their equally squishy beans? He huffed, amused by the wolf’s behavior as he reached out to take that paw in hand and just as gently massage it. ❝Hmm…I suppose sometimes you can be endearing.❞ Just sometimes, though! Don’t let that get to your head!
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sasouken · 1 year
twilium liked ❀ for a starter !
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                                "it's too dangerous to go alone." a pause. "i'll go with you. it's non-negotiable."
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barrenstars · 1 year
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sometimes reina just couldn't help herself, sometimes she just had to stick her nose into business that was, quite frankly, none of hers. but this pretty woman has been sitting here for a while, looking quite gloomy, staring at the bottom of an empty martini glass. the blonde hasn't seen her before, this was a new job she had picked up part-time so she could take a break from social media, but working in a bar wasn't anything like she'd have imagined. she could only bare to look at the ravenettes sad expression for another two minutes before springing to action. reina works swiftly, grabbing a glass and the mixer, preparing an extravagant-looking cocktail, with a cute little umbrella, a little flamingo - and anything else that was cute to toss into the glass. once finished, she picks it up and walks down the bar, stopping before the woman with a tiny smile. ❝ excuse me, ma'am... ❞ her voice is soft, quiet, and quite coy, ❝ it's none of my business, but... i couldn't bare to watch you look so sad. i made you a cocktail! ❞ setting the glass down before her, black-painted lips pull into a wide, proud grin, ❝ on the house! ❞ it was prepared in a tall glass, quite busy looking with all the unnecessary accessories, and colour wise? it looked like a unicorn and spewed into the glass. / @twilium liked for a starter !
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hehosts-moved · 1 year
Towa sighs softly, cheeks flushed from a night of drinks after work. Quietly, she takes off her heels, humming as she skips about, phone at her ear, calling ren “ne ren-san,” she starts softly, “come over ! I have — four wine bottles.” She isn’t counting, stumbling about as she strips, “i have also bought— eight onigiri from the conbini.”
it's late, and ren is locking up shining! for the evening (early morning). the key that slides out of the lock is pocketed quickly, and he breathes in the night air.
a few strides down the street before his phone is ringing. a familiar name appears, to which he answers.
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ah, she's drunk. a feeling he is all too customary with.
of all the people she could have called, she called him. ren figures he could spare the time, looking at his watch. kyosuke is with his mother, and his own is sleeping fast (he assumes). he does not realize how often she stays awake to wait for him.
he runs his free hand through his hair. the wine is tempting enough, but the company even more so.
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❝ i suppose i can make time for my favorite girl. ❞ he's laying it on thick, sure to keep temperaments even and heads cool. overall, she's a rather pleasant drunk by nature, something he has had to work at. he speaks easily, telling her that he's "on his way." wait for me, @twilium.
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dogkillmoon · 1 year
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the shackles upon his wrists weren't exactly binding-- he could've broken out of them hours ago. but he didn't really feel like stirring anything up. the situation he was caught in was. . . hard to explain. he looks to @twilium with a muted gaze.
' so. priestess, is it? mind taking me out of these? ' a nonchalant, smarmy comment to make.
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lifesliced · 1 year
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❝ yeah. i've, uh, been calling out recently. ❞ the last week actually. ❝ they won't fire me, but they'll cut my hours until i quit. ❞ // * @twilium like for a one-liner from fujita akira !!
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straye · 1 year
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     𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 : as found here, for @twilium.
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     Kogami might be a bit naive in this regard – too trusting, holding his heart too far on his sleeve. But for those that have won his heart, he readily opens his home; this is especially so with Philomene, being his lover. He may not be totally aware of his nature, but he hopes that he’ll at least stay for a little while. “Spoiling you? Hardly. It’s what I feel is right of me to do for you.”
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     Kogami gingerly brushes his thumb over Philomene’s cheek, affection spilling from his heart and filling the rest of his body with warmth. “Beautiful,” he thinks, and doesn’t realize he’s also said. “Can I kiss you?”
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
ღ…for nanami
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romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme  sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
❝  nanami-san  's  strong  as  hell,  somethin'  admirable  to  me.  ❞
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deityforged · 1 year
Teiga's in smaller bear form , running circles around Ashmi to tire himself out , tongue hanging out the side of his jaw . gotta -- go -- faster !!! eventually he does trip , & horrible roll until he hits a trunk , whimpering . yes , he is stuck upside down , wiggling legs helplessly .
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Tigress had comfortably been resting on dry earth, with a blanket lest she get her outfit dirty again, eyes closed in brief repose while companion decided to entertain himself by running in circles around her. It was of no mind to her - Teiga was sweet, & the closest thing to a son she had, so she would pay him no mind while he played -
That is a sound that immediately has tigress sitting up, blearily blinking the last remnants of what would have been a nice cat nap away from her mind, as she stumbles up, looking around for the source. & there he is, whining and whimpering,
Oh goodness, she better get up and help him before Saya finds out the trouble he's gotten himself into now....she hustles over, still sleepily blinking back, before hands reach onto back legs and wrap tight around ankles.
' Teiga, dear, please do stop squirming. I do not want to hurt you by yanking you out of this because you won't stay still for just a moment honey. 'and then, in hushed tone, ' Please stay still so I can pull you out before Saya sees, I told her that I would keep an eye on you. ' @twilium
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incendiorum-arch · 1 year
[ 𝐑𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐄 ] - philo !
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IN THE WARMING SUN OF early morning, iovita busies themself just outside of inter mundos’s front windows. the sidewalk here is rather broad, the shop set back from the street, and they’ve decided to take advantage of that. crates are set down as well as a couple of little benches – all places to place the potted plants they bring from inside to set out in the full sun.
the young hour means that hardly anyone else is out, but iovita still pauses to look around and observe the pedestrians. as their gaze skims their surroundings, they linger on one approaching figure in particular. recognition snaps through them not a moment later, brightening slate gaze. “ philomene, ” they say when he’s close enough to hear them, “ salve. ”
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iovita sets down the pot they had been holding, plucking a dead flower off as they do, and turns back to their surprise, and welcome, visitor. “ it’s been a while since I’ve seen you. come inside, and I’ll make tea, of course. it’s a nice day, we can sit on the balcony to catch up. ”
@twilium , the 5 senses.
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barrenstars · 1 year
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reina sits comfortably on the dry sand, gaze directed towards the night sky, when it very well could be cast ahead, observing the beautiful midnight-coloured waves crashing gently against the shore. yet, reina keeps her gaze cast above, where many beautiful stars pepper the night sky. stargazing was a hobby, but it was also relaxing. but nothing, and absolutely nothing, was more relaxing than just sprouting absolute rubbish into the endless void of space, which was directly above them. ❝ i walked all the way to my favourite bakery the other day, the one i always talk about? and guess what. this big dumb, ugly, smelly guy skipped me in line and got the last baguette. i pondered over if it was worth doing jail time for, but then i remembered they wouldn't let me wear my demonias in prison. ❞ the girl blabs away, saying anything and everything to ease the weight off her chest, being absolutely oblivious to another presence drawing up close. / @twilium liked for a starter !
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hehosts-moved · 1 year
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everything she says, everything he has never heard, comes crashing down like a bell through the tower. his ears are ringing, listening to each syllable drip / drop along the conscious nature of his very being (and the subconscious, too). have i upset her? ... she looks so sad.
what can he return in words that are enough? words are never enough. he is not enough, and yet she begs to tell him different, and he lets her. you don't have to beg me. i should be begging you, shouldn't i? why are you still here ... why don't you go? where would you go? and what would you do without me?
he sucks in the air he didn't know he had left, all oxygen removed, and still she has taken his breath away. nothing remains now. he is who he is — and she likes it. she likes him.
everyone loves ren, but who loves yori?
and is this even yori? can he compartmentalize this enough to not bleed through? his heart bleeds. it cannot stop — an open wound since birth that spills out and drenches everything it touches.
what's wrong with me? he thinks. was my life really so bad? ... maybe it hasn't always been. but it's always been hard.
— maybe ... it doesn't have to be ... ??
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❝ towaru, ❞ he says. he's dropped the formalities. there is no need for those anymore. her hand burns the flesh of his cheek, though he remains. he remains. ❝ your words are worth everything. ❞
@twilium // * cont.
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ardenssolis · 1 year
@twilium said (inbox):
philomene nods his head to ozymandias , a determined expression upon his face . " alright , let's do it ! i'll make my arrow follows your strike -- i'll aim for the mountain top ," a fun training exercise , something philomene didn't often partake in due to his fragile health . but today , healed & rested , he knows a single arrow of sunlight won't do him harm . "let's see if you can make it time ," he teases , preparing self , arms lifting to pull an invisible arrow , only for a bursting golden light to apparate suddenly , blinding & sizzling , tugged as far as the raven could, before releasing with a booming echo , breaking the sound barrier . " godspeed , my friend!"
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     OZYMANDIAS LAUGHED, AMUSED AND pleased that Philomene took him up on his game. They could have refused, of course, and he would have accepted this without complaint, but to see them so lively and excited for their little competition… It was a sight that he truthfully enjoyed seeing. ❝Very well then. Let me see the accuracy and speed of your shot. Will your arrow of light outmatch a ray from the sun itself?❞ That question was more or less aimed at none in particular – such being Ozymandias’ own quiet musings if anything. He summoned his staff in hand from a mist of gold, fingers clasping upon the cool surface of that metal before he pointed it towards the distant mountaintop in question. The moment that Philomene released his arrow was the moment he the clouds above parted and a beam of light shot down towards that great peak. He narrowed the intensity of it, not wanted to cause destruction when destruction wasn’t necessary. All the Rider sought to do was leave a mark and nothing more than that. Even so, everything was so quick that one could have blinked and not known what happened in that instance. Staff placed back upon the ground beside him, he whistled.
     Not bad.
     ❝You never told me you had a warrior’s heart, Philomene. I am impressed.❞ Who was the victor in this? In the end, it didn’t really matter to him since it appeared both landed at exactly the same time and not a second late. Had this man been an enemy, even Ozymandias felt that he would have had to truly be paying attention to avoid having one of those arrows of light embedded in his flesh. ❝What an incredible shot! Even I am filled with awe at it.❞ He hummed, lips curled into a pleased smile as he gave a small nod of his head as if coming to some quiet conclusion only he was aware of.
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straye · 1 year
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SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muses so people know how shipping works on your blog.
tagged by. @reddragon-cowboy <3 thank you, beloved!!
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hmm, are we saying for this blog or within kogami’s canon? because within his canon, my otps for kogami are shinkane and kogino, TOPS. but OTPS on this blog? well, i'll definitely say that my ocxcanon take the cake : step up to the plate shinhiko ( @valkyrrhic ), ShinNiah ( @reddragon-cowboy ), ShinThana ( @vtriol ), and ShinPhilo ( @twilium ) for giving me the ships that i bolt to talk about and send memes and songs and the works for <3 I also love love LOVE the crossover ship I have with @greenskirt !!
it's stated in my rules that i'm really uncomfortable with adult x minor, so anything along that line really stinks. but if they're both adults, i'd say a ten year age gap or so will really make a stink for me because of the inevitable maturity gap. 30-40 is whatever, but early 20s-30s is bound to make me kinda 🤨
heavy petting, making out that includes moaning.
very much so. because Kogami is Kogami, It’s Hard to get close to him in general and he comes with a lot of baggage. i always feel like there's this expectation of me to make him readily available to people just because he's hot but I like working through his issues with each individual person.
oh ... i already named my oc ships. <3 but other characters that i love shipping with kogami from canon are kogami x risa, kogami x kagari.
you just straight up tell me you want to ship with me or ask me. i've got this big rule about consent and such : I’m not a mind reader. I can play tease and prolong the process until someone (you) speak up.
i'm a bit of both. i love love love love my ships but i'm ridiculously picky with them because i like people buying me and kogami dinner first before taking us home you know?
yes! contrary to my pickiness, i do believe kogami has a lot of love to give and i see him fitting into a lot of different dynamics.
Shinkane and KoGino.
just go : hey, i have this idea for a ship with kogami. plant seeds and scenarios in it and if i'm jiving with it, consider it done! i'm not impossible to discuss with. the worst thing i can say is no and propose an alternate outcome for our characters' dynamic. <3
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wystful · 1 year
@twilium ( Shiki )
❛ Congrats , you get to go home. I'm here to relieve you , the spirits were re - classed in the last hour , this is below your grade. Otherwise , Kyoto wouldn't have sent their fumigator. ❜
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