thosetaleskids · 1 month
@twinklesofhope / continued from (x)
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It's okay, he jumped too.
The young Malak had been gazing around in awe. Even after all the times he'd sneaked off to Teresa's library when he'd been tethered to her, and even after the impressive one in the Loegres castle... he'd never seen a library this grand before. More books than he could possibly have dreamed of, and they all called to him... something told Phi that he could spend a lifetime here and still not read everything. He hadn't been ignoring the girl who had promised to be his guide, of course, but with so much to take in...
Of course, the book falling had jerked him back to the moment.
He flushed a little, embarrassed to have been so easily startled; but didn't dwell on the feeling.
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"This place is amazing. There are so many books... I'd love to read them all, but I'd hardly know where to begin."
Well, he had one idea where to begin. Venturing over to the book that had fallen, the boy picked it up, turning it over in his hands.
"I wonder what this one is. If it was so eager to be read, it must be really important, right?"
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cauaullection · 1 year
Look into my eyes. (From Eri to Rena?)
Send “Look into my eyes” & My Muse will BOLD What They See!
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I see:
Absolute Conviction  |  Aggression  |  Ambition  |  Anger  |  Anxiety  |  Apathy  |  Arrogance  |  Bloodthirst  |  Bravery  |  Compassion  |  Confidence  |  Conflict  | Courage  |  Darkness  |  Defeat |  Denial  |  Desire  |  Despair  |  Determination  |  Devotion  |  Disappointment  |  Distrust  |  Dominance  |  Emptiness  |  an Enemy  |  Enlightenment  |  Envy  |  Excitement  |  Exhaustion  |  Elitism  |  Experience  |  Fear  |  a Friend  |  a Future  |  Gentleness  |  Greed  |  Grief  |  Guilt  |  Honesty  |  Honor  |  Hope  |  Hostility  |  Ignorance  |  an Illness  |  Insecurity  |  Integrity  |  Intoxication  |  Kindness  |  Lies  |  Loneliness  |  Longing  |  Loss  |  a Lover  |  Loyalty  |  Malicious Intent  |  Mania  |  Melancholy  |  Misery  |  Negativity  |  Overcompensation  |  Pain  |  Paranoia  |  Passion  |  Perseverance  |  Pettiness  |  Pity  |  Positivity  |  Pressure  |  Pride  |  a Purpose  |  Racism  |  Regret  |  Resentment  |  Resignation  |  Resolve  |  Sadness  |  Self-Hatred  |  Sexism  |  Shattered Remains  |  a Shining Light  |  Something Familiar  |  Spite  |  Stress  |  Stupidity  |  Submission  |  Tranquility  |  Trauma  |  Trust  |  Vengeance  |  Warmth  |  Wisdom  |  Wrath  |  a Cry for Help  |  Something Eating Your Mind  |  the Years have Changed You
Animalistic  |  Approachable  |  Broken  |  Closed-Off  |  Cold  |  Crafty  |  Crazy  |  Defensive  |  Devious  |  Difficult  |  Disheartened  |  Emotionally Detached  |  Frightened  |  Frightening  |  Genuine  |  Guarded  |  Headstrong  |  Heartless  |  Human  |  Immature  |  Impatient  |  Inhuman  |  Insane  |  Intuitive  |  Lost  |  Mature  |  Noble  |  Patient  |  Pitiful  |  Primitive  |  Pure  |  Reliable  |  Remorseless  |  Reserved  |  Resourceful  |  Short-Tempered  |  Simplistic  |  Sly  |  Soft-Hearted  |  Struggling  |  a Threat  |  Trapped  |  a Troublemaker  |  Trusting  |  Understanding  |  Unique |   Unpredictable  |  Unwavering  |  a Victim  |  Wicked  |  Feeling Vindictive  |  Guilty of Something  |  Hiding Something  |  Lost in Thought  |  Planning Something  |  Scared of Me  |  Scaring Me  |  Someone I can Trust  |  Someone I Can’t Recognize Anymore  |  Someone to Fear  |  Someone Worthy of Respect  |  Weak to Manipulation  |  Weighed by Something
Aren’t Being Yourself  |  Belittle Yourself  |  Don’t Want to Hurt Me  |  Don’t Want to Leave Me  |  Drown Yourself in Something  |  Feel Alone  |  Feel Empowered  |  Have a Plan that Involves Me  |  Have No One Else to Turn to  |  Have Nowhere Else to Go  |  Have Seen Some Things  |  Haven’t Been Sleeping  |  Lie to Yourself  |  Lost Faith/Trust in Me  |  Lost Something/Someone Important  |  Need Me/my Help  |  No Longer Believe Me  |  See Me as a Thing  |  See Me as Someone Else  |  Seek to Hurt/Harm  |  Seek to Manipulate  |  Think Highly of Yourself  |  Think I’m Hiding Something  |  Think Little of Yourself  |  Think You Know Best  |  Want to Hurt Me  |  Want to Protect Me  |  Want to Sleep with Me  |  Want to Use Me
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pegasus-parfait · 2 years
Continuing after this post!!
“You can do this, dear! Only you know how much sweat and tears you shed to be here. Go out there and blind everyone with your beauty and talent. Your Pokémon will always be by your side, don’t ever forget that okay? I believe in you!” Tulip squeezed Rosie’s shoulder slightly in support and gave her a comforting smile before returning to her audience seat. Tulip is very interested to see what kind of show Rosie and Lisia prepared today. 
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rosecoloredmuses · 2 years
Trick or Treat! 🎃
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((This is definitely a situation where downloading a card of Maya's FC would be the easier way to do things... but my brain was like "lol nah let's overcomplicate things". I'll probably make adjustments to her later but I made a Maya model!))
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lesserden · 2 years
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Hoping that her little joke went over well, though, knowing there may be a bit of a disappointed look on their face, in case her short, and simple answer isn’t what they weren’t expecting. She paused for a moment, looking like a bit of deep of thought.
“Knowledge comes in various forms, so there is no clear answer. While one medium can provide the knowledge you may seek, sometimes it can also be found through word of mouth. Knowledge is like oil. It behaves like a natural resource. This resource is widely available in any library, through traveling merchants, and given away regularly within your own street, and in schools. The best way to answer your question, is all dependent, on the knowledge you seek.”
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seraphgels · 1 year
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┆ ° ♡ • ➵ It them ur honor // @twinklesofhope
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rosecoloredmuses · 2 years
"Hey Megumi! I saw this and thought of you! Happy birthday!" Here comes Hime carrying a small strawberry cake. Cake as a present... interesting,
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"Himeee this is amazing! Thank you!" Megumi dashed towards the other girl and wrapped her arms around her, giving Hime a tight glomp. The actual present didn't matter. The fact that Hime went out of her way to get her a present at all was the important part! That, and Megumi was just happy to see Hime.
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rosecoloredmuses · 2 years
✨ — what would you change about yourself, if anything?
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((Hmm... that's a hard question. I'm pretty happy the way I am but I suppose I wish I had the confidence to be more open about my interests. There are still things I'm way too embarrassed about-))
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pegasus-parfait · 1 year
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SPARROW || innocence. big dreamer. waking up too early. walking home. being afraid of meeting new people. slim hands. always cold. reading a book under a tree. the smell of the forest. missing your home.
EAGLE || independent. caring too much for others. sharp looks. walking through the city late at night. the tallest and most spectacular building. iron. being single and okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad.
SWIFT || falling in love easily and heavily.  traveler. the infinity of the bluest sky.  storms. broken smiles. forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones. feeling out of place. mistrusting people. a fleeting romance.
CROW || feeling as if you have seen so much and as if you know a lot. prejudging. tight hugs that leave you breathless. a grey sky. serenity. intelligence. being left behind. chains. smoke. the pride of someone wise.
DOVE || petals. jealousy. being tired of living with the same old faces. whispered secrets. marble. sundresses. white clothes. the first sunset of winter. pride in who you are. learning to get over someone.
SEAGULL || family. golden light. the sea murmuring in your ear. summer afternoons. caramel ice cream. collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures. living breezy and carefree. swimming in the sunlight.
CANARY || artistic. getting excited easily. dancing and singing while you are alone. looking at your friends having fun. no phone. being afraid of judgment. spring. a meaningful gift. the first ray of sunlight.
Tagged: Tagged by @mahomuses​​
Tagging: @hibanakabu​ @thedesignatedheroes​ @miraiconnection​ @twinklesofhope​ @monterraverde​ @rebelquilled​ @charmerquilled​ @wildrift​​ @virtuallghosts​​ and anyone who wants to do this!!
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pegasus-parfait · 2 years
Rules: make a new post and spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url !
Stole this from: @voltagedoubler
Tagging: @rosecoloredmuses @thedesignatedheroes @miraiconnection @amidstcalamity @aplushemporium @roseicicles @twinklesofhope @hibanakabu @monsterpokemoon @trainerstm @monterraverde @estendart @rvchbah @wildrift @virtuallghosts and anyone else that wants to do it!!
P - Palladium - Greyson Chance
E - Echo - Alexander Stewart
G - Greek God - Conan Gray
A - Astronomy - Conan Gray
S - Santo - Jão 🇧🇷
U - UrbanAngel1999 - Thomas Headon
S - Strawberry Cake - Xdinary Heroes
P - Pull Up - Omar Rudberg
A - Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift
R - Religion’s Epitome - Munn
F - Falling Hearts - David Hugo
A - All Stars - ASTRO
I - Infinitely Ordinary - The Wrecks
T - The Loneliest -  Måneskin
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