datsrightbby · 3 years
L o s t b o y s s m u t i d e a (poly Ofc)
Predator/prey, edging leading to overstim and ✨humiliation and degrading✨
Edging AND overstimulation are you insane ??!! cause’ same. I LOVE THIS SHIT.
Poly is the best ofc 😌
I’m excited to write this 🥰✌️
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dreamties · 3 years
Could.. Could we get a really easily flustered male s/o for Billy n Stu, I love the whole OMG AAAA STOP type of ship where it’s just nonstop flirtation-
hella late response to this thing....whoops. i am seriously sorry this took so long....
I'm still planning on doing other things you've sent in, in the past- but I'm gonna have to say no to this one. I personally find dynamics like that kind of uncomfy...but to each their own :3
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Here’s a challenge, a lot of prompts!
26, 73, 76, 123 and 146
I don’t remember if you do the lost boys, but if not just Poly!ghostface
So glad to see your asks open!!
AYYYY LUKE! Okay so I am so fucking sorry it took this long to get to this one! I loved the prompts you gave and really wanted to do it justice cuz I love ya man. So I do not actually write for the Lost Boys (A tragedy I know, the poly potential is massive but I don’t know em well enough yet I feel-) So we went the Poly!Ghostface route! This is the first thing I am writing with them post TBABTO (I know, I said that OTHER thing would be the first after Two Boys but my asks take precedence to me because they were submitted first.)
This is a real fun one, thanks for asking for this! The wonderful @polyghostfacehours told me about a fantastic AU that @bloodybrahms did! Post that inspired this One-shot found HERE btw, check it out if you haven’t cuz it is God-tier shit which leads to this Poly!Ghostface Camguy AU! I am a big fan of you BB and hope you dig me continuing this fun AU that you came up with. I did this Smutty Snippets style, a bunch of bits of multiple scenes make up the whole thing. Hope you like it too Luke and everyone else get’s a big kick out of it! Let’s get into it!
Also we respect sex workers of all kinds in this house, obvi, and if you don't get out.
Rating. Explicit. Length. 4.9K. Poly!Ghostface X AFAB! Reader. Warnings: Use Of ‘Princess’ And ‘Baby’, No Other Explicitly Gendered Terms. They/Them Pronouns. Sex Work. Camshows. Sexting. Masturbation. Exhibitionism. Voyurism. Fingering. Threesomes. Cunnilingus. Blow Jobs. Rough Oral Sex. Anal Sex. Vaginal Sex. Toy Use. Remote Control Vibe. Paddles. Spanking. Dirty Talk. Praise. Semi-Public. Don’t Get Caught. Hold The Moan. Orgasm Denial. Edging. Multiple Orgasms. Mocking. Teasing.
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You were staring down at your phone in your hand. You read and re-read the text Stu sent, over and over. Still in disbelief over your luck. Let’s back up just a tiny bit and really go over this. You had been partaking and enjoying cam shows for a while, you enjoyed a lot about them, the interactive aspect, the fact they seemed more like real people, almost attainable, approachable, almost. You stumbled across them by sheer happenstance but man are you ever glad that you had. The two of them had amazing chemistry, were so hot and you couldn’t help watching them more and more often, and all of that was great.
Or it was until you entered your film studies class that new semester to find them both there. The reaction was very obvious and piqued their interest so they wanted to get to know you. They loved you, naturally, and a friendship was started. Thing was with you becoming friends with them you felt kinda weird about still watching their streams and videos so you stopped. Problem with that is you missed all those saucy hints they were throwing out in their streams about wanting a third. Like it got to the point they had to send you a link to part of one of their streams that was so thoroughly explicit there was no room for mistaking or mis-interpretation, they wanted you to be that lucky, lucky third.
Billy had jerked Stu off while dirty talking to him, having him describe their ideal third, and it was you, it was also the hottest thing you had ever fucking seen and you simply HAD to touch yourself. The orgasm was truly something unforgettable, they talked about how they needed someone who could handle them and for them? You would do just about anything, you could handle it, as if you would ever dream of turning them down.
You read that text again. Stu asking if you liked what you saw with those suggestive emojis and uh hell fucking yes you loved what you saw. But how should you respond? The video they sent to tell you how they wanted you was so damn good, you had to try and match that energy. What to do, what to do-
And like a bolt of lightning the idea hit you. It was perfect. You were in bed and you moved your laptop, getting ready to put this little plan of yours into action.
Stu was still in bed, didn’t have class for a while, just lazily messing around on his phone, thinking he should get up soon, start facing the day but then he got a notification, you had replied to his message. He had this goofy smile on his face, figured you would be a flustered mess if how you reacted the first time you saw and recognized them back in that film class was anything to go on. He was excited to see your freak out in response.
But he opened the message and what he saw made his smile fall and his breath catch. Billy had just come out of the bathroom, post shower and came into the bedroom to see Stu sitting up straight in the tangled mess of sheets on the bed, staring intensely at his phone, that made him stop drying his hair and ask, “You alright there, man?” And he jumped, Stu’s head snapped up, like he was so consumed in whatever was on the screen he legitimately did not know Billy had come into the room.
“Billy you gotta see this.” His eyes were wide and he gestured with his hand that wasn’t holding his phone, urging Billy to come see. He seemed really wound up about whatever it was and so Billy threw the towel he had been drying his hair with over his shoulder strode the few steps to the bed, one knee coming down on the bed, throwing an arm around Stu. He seemed to be almost vibrating in excitement as he held the phone up, it looked like a video.
He began to ask “What is th-” and Stu shh’d him. “Just watch.”
He hit play and there you were. Holding the phone up, your face and shoulders in the shot, looked like you were still in bed yourself, “So you wanted to know what I thought of that video you shared...”
You had one hand resting up on the pillow, beside your head and after you had finished speaking that hand moved down, out of frame and the video stayed trained on your face. They watched the shift in your expression, the harsher inhale, the change in your eyes and then they heard it, oh my God-
Were you? Both of them couldn’t take their eyes off you, after a few more seconds of hearing that distinct wet sound there was this sigh of pleasure that you let out and your hand was pulled back up into frame, your fingers were drenched, the evidence of what you had just done was unmistakable. Then those same two wet fingers entered your mouth, you let out this little moan and your tongue rolled between your digits, you sucked blatantly and when your fingers were cleaned you pulled them out, the thick white on your tongue was obvious and then your mouth closed and you swallowed audibly. You had this small self satisfied smirk on your face and you asked in this very playful tone of voice, “Does that answer your question?” and the video ended.
It was less than a minute long. Less than a minute and all they saw was your face and your hand technically, you had only said two sentences and it was one of the hottest things either of them had seen. Billy spoke first, quiet, still staring at the now black phone screen, “Holy fucking shit-” and Stu immedatly spoke up, “That’s what I’m saying!”
Billy wasn’t the easiest to impress but even he was giving it up as he said, “This is good. Stu this is so, so good, they’re-” Stu had dropped his phone and had pulled back a bit, looking at Billy as he said enthusiastically, “A total natural! And they sent it without prompting-like, my fucking God!”
Billy had slipped his arm from around Stu and was sitting on the bed, Stu was still going off, rambling excitedly and Billy looked deep in thought. “-I mean I know this isn’t a guarantee and we have to ask and they might not even say yes but-”
And that is when Billy cut him off, interjecting, “But fucking nothin’ Stu. It’s us. If anyone can convince anyone to do anything, it’s you and me.”
Their excitement was so understandable. I mean you sent your own video to them unprompted and it was unfairly hot and you hadn’t even taken any of your clothes off, hadn’t shown anything, one of the most important things in camming was knowing how to work the camera and you seemed to do it effortlessly, seemed like the camera loved you just as much as they did. The opportunity was golden, no way could they not at the very least try. With their guidance adding you to the mix could elevate what they do from just great to something truly special.
This was going to be so fun for them. So friendship quickly shifted, you went on an actual date and of course it was amazing, the switch to being in a relationship was natural, easy, felt right. They told you how much they loved the video that you sent and that made you feel good, you were happy your confidence paid off, you felt it was the very least you could do after they were so bold and sent their video first.
So it got physical between the three of you quickly. How could it not after everything you had seen them do? They knew how much you were into them and you quickly became just how aware they were into you, I mean you think the video would have been enough but getting a read on how intense their attraction to you was a hell of a lot easier when they both had their hands on you.
It was good. I mean you knew they were good from the streams of course, at least good at making sex on camera look good but no they were just good at it. That first time happened back at your place and fucking heaven above by the end of it you were all three on your too small bed, slick with sweat and out of breath and they felt the same way about having sex with you. The enthusiasm you showed, the sounds you made, how you just went along with it and fit between them, it was so good. And it kept getting better the more you did it, naturally.
The first time you were invited back to their place was exciting and a little nerve wracking. You got the tour, it was a nice two bedroom place, they showed you the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, they had a balcony and the first bedroom you learned was theirs, the one they slept and actually lived in, seeing it felt very intimate. It looked lived in, showed off pieces of their personalities, it looked much less pristine then the room they cammed in but not in a bad way, it wasn’t overly messy or anything, just like an average bedroom, was very human.
Then they showed you the main event, what you had been dying to see, they showed you the bedroom they had set up as their streaming space and seeing it live and in color was so thrilling. You took in the room, it was well set up,had a color changing light set up with strips of LED’s, minimal decoration, tasteful, which is a little funny when you think about the sole purpose of this room. The bed was absurdly inviting and comfortable looking, Stu was talking about something but you weren’t listening, you were busy thinking about how you had seen them do some of the filthiest things on this bed, in this very room and now you were standing here. Billy was right behind you and slid his arms around you, leaning in he asked, “Want to try it out?”
You wanted nothing more. “Yes.” And that is how you found yourself being turned around and Billy was kissing you, pushing you back until you hit the bed and were pushed back onto it. Billy was on top of you and Stu got onto the bed beside you and started to put his hands on you and fucking hell it was good. You had cum countless times to the sight of them doing things in this room and on this bed and now you got to experience it, be a part of it, literally living out your fantasy.
You had been seeing each other for a few weeks and they had been building up to this, it was the perfect time to ask. You were stripped naked and Stu was kissing your neck, playing with nipples and Billy had two fingers buried inside of you, slowly working in and out of you. Head was swimming already as you were palming Billy’s cock, so ready for him to lose his jeans already and then he spoke up, “Stu and I have been talking about somethin’-”
You let out a small questioning hum, mind a bit too busy with the sensations they were providing to give a proper response, “We think you’d really be into it.” Stu was speaking against your throat and his breath tickled the wet skin of your throat and you suppressed a shiver before saying, “Yeah?”
Billy curled his fingers and it made your head fall back against the pillows with a moan, and he asked, “You like being in this room yeah? Having fun being in this bed?” A nod from you and then almost like a reward for the right answer he was looking for his fingers picked up the pace, Stu was dipping lower, and his tongue rolled over one of your nipples and your breathing picked up.
“God you must have thought of this over a hundred times.” And Stu let out this breathless kind of laugh before chiming in, “Definitely more than that.”
Stu was right, it was, and Billy kept going, “Right, forgive me-” A hard thrust of his fingers that made you want to arch closer into both of them, a louder moan spilling out, “-but there is something else we just keep thinking about.”
He was waiting for a response and so he stopped fingering you, holding knuckle deep inside you and you huffed out a breath. Stu had his mouth closed around one of your nipples and was tugging on your other with one of his hands and you asked, “What do you keep thinking ab-” and he started to finger you again, at the same pace he was before, your sentence broke off with a strangled moan and he said, “We keep thinking about that video you sent.”
Oh my fucking God was this happening? Were they really about to ask this?
You had a feeling this might go this way. Well more than a feeling, you had been furiously masturbating to the thought since you had started actually dating them and they admitted being into your video. Thinking about joining them in their cam shows, about joining in on the utter depravity they got up to, so many people seeing you, how good it would feel and get paid for doing it all with them, my God it sounded too hot to you. They told you as much, told you how hot they thought you were, a total natural and more praise. So when he did ask you didn’t even think, just agreed, moaning your affirmation and they couldn’t have been happier. That night was an amazing one. It was only after you were coming down post fuck that what you had agreed to really hit you.
Post nut clarity was a hell of a thing wasn’t it?
You tried to think of the good and the positives, it helped when you thought of the reality of it actually. That regular old people like you would be seeing you, getting off to you, thinking you were hot and fantasizing about you, wishing they could be in your place between Billy and Stu. It was over breakfast out at a diner that all of you liked the next morning when it was brought up. They told you that of course you should start slow and if you didn’t want to there was no pressure to do anything if you really didn’t want to, it was a massive deal that wasn’t for the faint of heart, they understood if you weren’t up for the challenge.
They chose their words very carefully, and it had just the effect they hoped. You scoffed and told them that you were in fact very up for it. They shared this little look, not super obvious to you but was extremely easy to read to the two of them, and they were quite pleased with themselves, it was almost too easy.
So you had a pretty big exhibitionist kink to go along with your all too apparent voyeurism kink which certainly helped the transition. They knew that you had some lingering nerves, it was one thing to masturbate to an idea, it was a whole other ball game to engage in it. The encouraging praise and dirty talk in your hookups leading up to your first show certainly helped.
They even were nice enough to make sure you saw the reality of what they did before ever bringing you on camera. You got the distinct pleasure of sitting in on one of their shows, in the same room, off camera, and actually being in the room? Hotter than hell. It was hard to have any lingering nerves or doubts when you watched the way Stu choked himself on Billy’s cock while he talked you up to their viewers, talking about how excited they both were to show you off. You sat behind where their camera was set up, hearing what they thought so explicitly was amazing and naturally was such a turn on.
Talked about how hot you were, how good you sounded and that you were sure they were all going to love you, they of course teased all of the filthy things they have planned to do with you. And oh what they planned to do with you, from the way Billy said it, the way that he looked past that webcam right to you, meeting your eyes, his hand on the back of Stu’s head, pushing deeper into his willing mouth, it sounded like they had quite a lot in mind for you. It was almost equal parts frightening as it was arousing. You hadn’t been on camera once and there were plans, plural.
You decided that it was just a touch more hot than it was scary and started to touch yourself as you watched them. It really hit you then. How good this was, how fucking lucky you were and just how into it you were, seeing them live, doing what they have done countless times behind a laptop screen now so close you could reach out and touch them.
And when they commented on that, you being in the room, just outta sight of everyone else in that chat room watching well the tips fucking poured in as they relayed what you were doing. “Two fingers buried in that sweet little cunt-” Billy started and Stu pulled off his cock for a moment to breathlessly add, “-going to fuckin’ town too.” You really were, one hand rubbing your clit and two fingers on your other hand fucking into yourself. "Wish you could all see how good they look."
How hard you came that night is what sold you and them that yes you were ready.
So when a week later you found yourself standing just off screen again in your very carefully chosen outfit, Billy and Stu already on the bed, greeting those loyal fans of theirs and waiting for your cue you didn’t feel that ready. You were too caught up in your thoughts because you heard Stu saying your name and you realized they were both looking at you and fuck you missed your in. You hesitated and that led to Billy saying “Awe, is my little princess getting shy?”
And fucking hell he hadn’t called you that before but it really did something for you. Stu held his hand out and Billy was patting the space on the bed between them and you took a deep breath and finally took that step as you tried to say confidently, “As if.”
So they loved you. Of course they did. You were kind of distracted while it was going on, weren’t looking at the chat but they took care of that while you were preoccupied riding Stu, Billy pressed right behind you, hands on you, helping you move and touching you, roaming everywhere. You were breathing so hard, a strained moan leaving your throat as you ground down and Billy leant in closer, “Do you know how many people are seeing you like this right now?”
His hands trailed up your sides and Stu’s hands were on your hips as he pulled you down hard again, fucking up into you from below. You glanced at the screen and caught the number of people in the room and it made you gasp and clench down so hard on Stu it made him let out this groan and it all kind of became a blur for you after that.
But afterwards, when the sweat had dried and you had come back down to Earth they showed you just what people had been saying and my God if it wasn’t a great confidence boost. Also again the money that came in from your appearance, it was impressive to say the least. They didn’t even have to ask, you were the one who brought it up asking, “So when are we doing this again?”
You knew how hard you got off on being watched now, the orgasms you had made that fact irrefutably clear to you but loving the attention so much was a little newer to you. It was a very welcome surprise. So you became a very regular edition to their shows. You got some fans of your very own, got to know some of the regulars and they got to know you too, some would ask questions and it felt good. You were fully included in this, had developed a bit of a rapport with some of them, small in jokes and you even had some people who had told you that they wished you did some solo shows on your own and you couldn’t deny being a little tempted.
Doing this with three of you was the best, if not a little frustrating sometimes.
“Fuc- would you hurry up already?” You whined and that pulled a laugh from Stu, Billy had been taking his sweet time, taking directions from people tipping in the chat and they were having quite a good time denying your satisfaction. Those two boys of yours were enjoying it immensely too. “C’mon don’t rush the man, he’s enjoying himself.”
Your head was in Stu’s lap while Billy was between your spread thighs and he laid a bite down on your inner thigh and you let out a groan, “I’m dying up here-” And then his tongue was much higher, still not high enough, just shy of where you were craving it and he was looking up at you as he said, “If you don’t like my teasing then why are you moaning?”
You were about to attempt a biting retort but you heard the tip jingle again and what happened next made that response die on your tongue and was replaced with an ample moan.
So far in these shows they had been focusing on you a lot, it was new, hot, exciting and those fans of theirs just kept giving them ideas on what to do with you. But you wanted to try and flip the script once and tried to derail a little, and that did not go well for you. Arms bound behind your back, face down on the bed, underwear ripped down and ass in the air when you heard, “If you act like a little brat, I’m gonna treat you like a little brat.” and before you could say boo to that the paddle came down hard on your ass.
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t feel good, even if the people in the cam room didn’t take it easy on you at all, they just egged your boys on too well. It was agony to sit the next day but the tips were ridiculous.
If you had to pick a favorite night it was probably the one where you did what Billy had teased about in that video they sent you. He was on his back, hands on Stu’s hips as he was balls deep in him and there you were, your lips wrapped around the head of Stu’s cock, messy and sloppy blow job, hand and mouth moving in tandem as you sucked while he got fucked at the same time.
Stu sounded every bit the picture perfect image of a debauched and cock drunk mess. Yours and Billy’s name just constantly spilling out of his mouth along with curses and gasping breaths. “Fuck! Shi-right, right there!” Was the most coherent thing he had said in nearly ten minutes.
He could barely hold on let alone string a sentence together and it made you feel good being part of the teasing, made you feel powerful, listening to the strangled moans Stu would let out when you took him as deep as possible as Billy thrusted in all the way.
“Take’s it so well, doesn’t he?” Billy asked and you hummed around Stu’s shaft before pulling him out, spit soaked hand stroking over him as you confirmed, “Almost too well. Makes you wonder why he ever does anything else.”
He opened his mouth to reply but you engulfed his cock once more and the only thing that left Stu’s mouth was another loud moan, head thrown back from the sensation of your hot wet mouth.
The amount of cum when he did finish was too much for you, it was almost too much to hold in your mouth, you of course showed the mess on your tongue to the camera and lost a little in the process but the mess made the visual all the better. That was just the first one because you didn’t let up until Stu was a total wreck with Billy’s cum leaking out of him.
While Stu was sprawled out, trying to regain some composure, you and Billy were talking with the chat, about how fun that was, how hot it was too and you were teasing Stu, laughing a little as you were saying, “And when I got my mouth back on him after that first orgasm? The moan he let out-” and Billy joined you in on your laughing and teasing as you both parroted it back.
It was all in good fun, or so you thought until Stu was sitting up and hauling you over until he was pulling you down to him, “Just for that I’m gonna suck your clit til you go blind.” and just like that you were brought back down a peg and on the receiving end of their teasing. Still hard for you to be mad about that when you were three orgasms deep less than a half hour later. The viewers like it too, clearly which is the main goal anyway. You didn’t even protest when they were the ones mocking what a mess you were even if that was only because you didn’t have the ability to.
Your boys wanted to up the ante. Every stream has been in that little room they have set up but they wanted to do something extra special. You were a bit hesitant on this one but somehow they managed to talk you into it yet again. So that is how we find you. In the college campus library.
At a table set with four chairs on the upper level, very late, no one else around, laptop set up with the camera facing out. You and Stu in frame and Billy watching the chat, you were struggling very hard at the moment. Trying to be as quiet as possible, thankfully with no one around you didn't at least have to attempt to school your expression as well. Just when you think you are getting a handle on it you hear that tell tale jingle and Billy is holding up the remote and you meet his gaze and try to shake your head, eyes pleading. He gives a non-committal and casual shrug, an expression that suggests, "What you gonna do?"
As if he doesn't have any control in the situation. You watched him turn the remote higher and felt that toy in your underwear increasing in intensity. You bit your bottom lip and tried to hold it in, Stu had one arm thrown around your shoulder, he was leaning so close to you, providing support while having the added benefit of making your predicament even worse and enjoying the view at the same time. You had one leg propped up on this chair, knee bent, giving all too clear a view to the remote vibe nestled against your aching clit, you were leaking obscenely onto the chair below. Breathing erratic, holding onto Stu’s forearm, hips squirming, not sure whether to lean into the sensation or get away from it because it felt fantastic but it was getting harder and harder to not cry out.
Stu could see what a predicament you were in as he said to you, “You make a sound and it’s game over, baby.”
The idea of that was too terrible to bear, you knew the only chance you had of cumming tonight was if you did it here in public and on camera. You heard that pinging yet again and Billy had this smile on his face, “Ooo not a bad idea.”
Stu looked to Billy, eyebrows raised, silently asking what he had in mind and Billy told you both, “If they are having such a hard time staying quiet maybe they need something in their mouth.”
“Oh love that idea.” Stu said with a smile and Billy asked, “Wanna do the honors, Stu?”
And then two fingers were being pushed into your mouth as he said, “It’d be my pleasure.” Honestly it was a good call on their part, because without Stu’s fingers in your mouth providing a makeshift gag you definitely would have ended up moaning too loud and got caught. They didn’t help when they said such amazingly filthy things like-"Looks like your brain is leaking out of that pretty cunt of yours.”
“Chair is soaked. You’re cleaning that up yourself, you know that right?”
They just loved to pile on didn’t they?
When you finally did cum, spectacularly, after several edges and so much drool it was spilling down Stu’s wrist and sliding down his arm you were struck with one fact as you were gasping for air.
That thought being it was a funny coincidence that everything that they had suggested and done with you also ended up being your pleasure.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Johnny x a S/o who’s really shy/embarrassed in bed
Like doesn’t want to admit any kinks at first so he has to go through their mind and they’re like REALLY KINKY SUBBY but embarrassed about it
HEY LUKE! Oh my fucking God I am so sorry this took so long to get out, Jesus. I was gonna get it out much sooner but we hit 700 and the drabbles ended up all pouring outta me. But now here this is! Hope it is worth the wait, I really put some time in on this one! And with this done my old requests are all outta my box and we can focus on that new shit! How exciting! Hope you all enjoy this! Let’s go!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 1.3K. Johnny/The Driller Killer X GN! Reader. They/Them Pronouns. Warnings. Shy, Bottom, Sub Reader. Chase. Predator/Prey. Priase. Dirty Talk. Making Out. Some Soft. Groping. Manhandling. Mind Invasion. Slight Begging.
Can’t Hide Nothin’ From Me.
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You were dreaming, that much was crystal clear. You were on the run, he was after you and you were trying so hard to get away from him. It was your house and yet something about it was different, off, felt like you didn’t know it, was he changing it? Or were you just too preoccupied to be thinking clearly? Hard to say. He called out again, “Can’t get away from me hun! Try and try but you won’t escape-”
You huffed out another hard breath and tried to speed it up, hand meeting the wall, using it to help push off and round a corner and you nearly crashed right into him, right there in front of you, how the fuck did he manage that? He grabbed you, hands on you and pulled you to him, arms around you in a tight hug, “Gotcha!” He was smiling so wide and finally your own smile broke out.
“Yeah you did!” You pulled back, looking up at him as you asked, “Was it fun? Did I do good?”
A confident nod from him, “Oh very fun, course you did great babe.” He liked doing this on occasion, a fun reminder of when you first got together, you liked to indulge him, liked the reminder too. “So what else should we get up to tonight?”
Then there was that look in his eyes, one you recognized well and before you could say a thing he was pushing you back against the wall, one of his hands coming up, fingers under your chin, “I got a few ideas.” You were sure he did.
His hands gripped your wrists and he tugged you down and you let him lead you and instead of falling to the carpeted floor instead you and he were in your bed, again the dream manipulation he displayed was as impressive as ever. This wasn’t the first time he was in your bed and surely wouldn’t be the last, every time it had gotten pushed further and further. Make outs more intense, hands roaming further, he was getting more and more needy, more possessive and it continued to fluster you terribly, you were so shy, especially that first night he took you.
You loved it. How he took control. The way he stripped you bare and the sweet things he told you, the praise and affection he poured over you, arms around you, allowing you to bury your face in his neck, to hide and help how you were feeling and inhale the scent of him, cigarette smoke and sweat and musk. How his hips rolled forward as he plunged into you, over and over, pace agonizing and delicious, hands and mouth ensuring your own release as well as his. Say whatever you want about him but he had such a soft side, especially for you, something that made him want to treat you softly. What could he say? You brought out the caring romantic in him.
Even after being with him a few times you still felt just as shy, it was so hard to open up, he was understanding but his patience was waning. He would ask you questions in the heat of the moment and you could never respond beyond maybe a shaky nod when he asked with that sly smile if what he was doing “-felt good, baby.”
You couldn’t help it, you did have wants, have needs, things you craved but actually asking for them? Say them outloud? No way could you handle that.
Currently he had a hand up your shirt, mouth on your neck as he asked into your wet skin, “C’mon hon. Tell me what you want.”
His tongue darting out and licking over you made you inhale sharply and nearly whimper, you shook your head and it led him to let out groan, you could feel how hard he was against your thigh and he pulled back. His hand is still up your shirt, other by your head on the bed, holding himself up as he looks down at you. “Dontcha trust me?”
It wasn’t a matter of trust, it was a matter that you had no idea how to communicate what you wanted and the idea of anyone, not just him, knowing what you really wanted was mortifying. You took too long to formulate a response and his hand was out of your shirt, leaning back until he was sitting up, still staring you down, one hand came up and he rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “I’m not as clueless as you think. I can see it in your eyes. You got something on your mind. Maybe I should figure it out on my own since you keep claming up.”
How could he do that? Hands back on you, resting on either side of your head and it almost made you jump and he hummed out, “Relax hon.”
“What are you doin-” Fingers rubbing your temples and there was this sharp inhale from him. Your eyes locked with his and this grin broke out on his face, “Oh no fuckin’ way.”
“Wait…” You could almost feel your stomach drop, how did you never think about it, never realize, he invades your dreams, he is in your head, of course he can worm his way into your head and see every disgusting little thing you wanted.
You tried to struggle, your hands coming up to his, tried to pry his hands away and he tsk’d a laugh, holding harder, his hands refusing to budge, “Nuh-uh darling, no way, this is too fucking good.”
You squeezed your eyes shut and whined, not wanting to look at how much he was enjoying this. You couldn’t feel it but you were sure he was seeing everything you had to offer, sounded so amused as he talked down to you.
“You wanna do that? And-that and oh ho, even that, huh? I really underestimated you.” A hard bite of your bottom lip before you asked, barely above a whisper, “Johnny, pl-please? Please stop, I-”
He cut you off. “Awe I know you don’t mean that. I can see it right now, you’re into that shit, no means yes an’ all that.”
Okay yeah that confirms it, he can really see through you now. He wasn’t letting up, “No wonder you were all shy, some of this stuff is pretty fuckin’ depraved.”
You could feel the heat pooling low inside, you were more embarrassed than you ever had been, wished you could melt into this bed and disappear, but another part, a louder part, was loving this. You were gonna get everything you wanted without you having to actually say any of it, a dream come true for you. His hands moved, a soft smack on your cheek, “Look at me.”
You did. Eyes fluttering open, meeting his gaze, “I can see how hard this is for you. So I won’t make you say it-”
Thank God for that. “-but you gotta tell me somehow if you want it.”
How generous of him. Backs of his knuckles over your cheek as he started, “So how does me tying you up, forcing you down, turning that ass bright red and stuffing every hole you have full of cum until you are just a puddle under me sound?”
His thumb parted your lips, pushed down on your tongue as he didn’t stop “Maybe make you clean up anything that spills out with your tongue too. Not stop until you are crying, scream so much you can barely talk any more, and tell you all about what you filthy fucking whore I think you are while I’m doin’ it.”
You were breathing so much harder, nothing sounded better, he asked, “Well? C’mon. Yes or no?”
You swallowed and summoned up all your courage to give a single nod. “Good answer.”
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Bex shawty
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What do I name him 😩
But seriously I have zero clue. Anyone wanna reply to this and give Luke a hand naming this guy?
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
sheeeesh well hows about oc interaction ey?
kill interrupted?
Fuck yeah you can have that Luke! I love Rowan! So I whipped up a little thing, hope you enjoy it even if it isn’t super long. Amber and Rowan here for your viewing pleasure! Let’s fucking GO!
Rating. NSFW. Length. 800-ish words. Amber Cottrell and Rowan O’Ryan Kelly. Warnings. Blood. Gore. Violence
Whims To Interruptions.
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They met on a whim.
She ended up somewhere he was having a show, she hadn’t been planning or expected it, a friend dragging her along, she is glad he did. She had an awesome time as did he, she nudged him with her shoulder as everyone was clapping and cheering, “Man where did you hear about this guy?”
He smiled and nudged her back, looking down at her, “Perks of being in the music scene, friends of friends tell you about everyone worth knowin’ about.”
“So you know him?” She asked as she tugged on his sleeve, starting towards the bar, “Personally? No, hopefully I will tho!”
“I’m sure you will, bet he will love you too.” She gave him a wink and she snapped her fingers, she managed to get the bartender's attention, she held up two fingers and got a nod in response, “Oh is one of those for me?” He asked and she gave a short nod, brow quirked up at him as she said, “Uh duh, I’m not double fisting here bud.”
“Shit, I didn’t tell you! I have to run, I gotta meet someone-” She shook her head, hands on her hips, “You are totally ditching me oh my God!”
He scoffed, “As if you don’t do the same literally every Friday night! I’m sorry but I’ll make it up to you?” He said hopefully, hands held up in a prayer pose and she sighed, “You owe me.”
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek, “You are an angel Amber! Catch you later!” And he was off with a wave, she laughed fondly, “Yeah, yeah. Bye man!"
Both drinks were placed in front of her and she sighed again looking down at them. “Well looks like it’s just us.” She said softly, reaching out to scoop up the bottles but before she could, a hand was closing around one. Made her head turn to look and low and behold it was the lead singer from the band she just saw. He looked her up and down and said simply, “Looks like it is just us.”
So that was how Rowan and Amber met.
She came to a few more shows, with friends but more and more often on her own. They hung out longer and longer after the fact, it got to the point that she even started coming by his apartment, got along surprisingly well.
He knew she was going to come by.
He forgot.
Simple as that. He forgot.
The door was unlocked, she was humming, one hand holding the tray of drinks and the other opening the door, she was already talking “Hey Ro, I know, I know, I’m so late but the line was insane-”
She looked up and her sentence stopped short. There he was, clawed hammer in one hand, blood over his face, some poor fucking under Rowan who was crouched over him, other hand fisted in his shirt collar. The guy's face was a fucking wreck, he looked barely alive. Rowan's head snapped to her and she sucked in a small breath.
He straightened up a little, flashing her a smile, “Hey Amber. Mind getting the door?” She gave a nod and closed the door without thinking, closing it and then leaning against it. “Thanks.”
The hammer came down again and an awfully sickening crack that rang out as the body under him finally slumpy on the floor. He let go and sighed, dropped the hammer and he got up. Started to come over, wiping the back of his hand over his forehead, smearing blood as he did. Soon he was standing right in front of her, looking down at her and he asked, “We gonna have a problem here, Am? Cuz I sure hope not. I like you."
She took a deep breath and shook her head. She smiled and said, “Nope.” She plucked his drink out of the tray and held it up. “So you gotta clean up obviously but are we still going out after that?”
The look of confusion on his face must have been so obvious because she said, “This isn’t the first time I have seen something like this. Won’t be the last. Just was kinda stunned. Seems like too many people close to me have this particular-” She glanced around Rowan to the dead body behind him on the floor, then finished her thought, “-hobby.”
“Who else? How many?” He asked and she smirked and let out a laugh, looking back up at him, “Fuck, how long you got?”
Seems like this worked out as well as it could have.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Hot damn and here I was thinking I might be slipping but glad to know my poly!Ghostface fuckery still had a hold on you Luke! Thanks for send this in, love you lots!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Aw Bex, I didn’t even realise a goddess could feel unconfident :(
It is true. I only give the APPEARNCE, the VIBE of a Goddess. I am sadly, tragically, only human. But hey we all have bad days, it'll pass.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Girl I gotta ask here after much consideration
What slashers could I pull 😩
Billy and Stu. Both of them, together, obviously! Like they would totally be into you! Seriously they would adore to fluster and tease the fuck out of you, would bully and degrade the fuck out of you to see the reactions they could get out of you and when you are a crying mess they would clean you up and ask what take out you want. Like they'd be helpless around you Luke, that is it. Also all masc Poly!Ghostface fucking hits different. Any poly ship where everyone is of the same presenation is great.
Johnny/Driller Killer. Talk about flustering, would loooove to spoil you, also would wreck you in a second, you are gonna get whiplash with him for fucking real but in the best way. He is so touchy, I feel like he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off you and would just call you so many sweet pet names and want to hang off of you constantly. Bet that he'd write songs about you too.
Hope that clears it up, I am fully confident that you could pull all three easily. Also Billy and Stu during the day and going to sleep at night to see Johnny? My God. A literal dream. Lucky you Luke!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Bex- challenge from my friend Juno (who’s a fan of your stuff btw he’s a great bastard but he likes to watch me suffer :’) )
Try to fluster me to the point of death
Like gay a n g e r
Welllll I have been challenged. Let's see if we can't fluster you really good, yeah? I mean it's YOU we are talking about Luke, one of my fave peeps, course I gotta do this! Let's give it everything we got! Hope you like it and also thanks to your friend Juno, love the encouragment and glad he likes my stuff too! (Also yes send me that pic too, please!)
Rating. SFW. Length. 500 Words. Billy Loomis X Luke. (Mentioned Poly!Ghostface.) Warnings. Anger. Jealousy. Manhandleing. Threat Of Punishment.
I'm Not An Idiot.
You were home alone, humming to yourself, consumed with one of your hobbies, enjoying the time you had by yourself.
The door slammed and that sound made your head snap up but the shout that came after it made your eyes go wide. “LUKE!”
“Shit-” you whispered and started to pack up your task, you heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, Billy calling out, “Where the FUCK are you?” You finished packing up what you were doing the second the door was opened, the door knob hitting the wall with a loud crack. You turned quickly to see him standing in the doorway. “Uh hi there Billy.” You gave a weak smile and asked, “Everything okay?”
He laughed but did not sound amused, it was short and one of his hands wiped over his face, a heavy sigh before he asked, “I dunno. You tell me.” He crossed his arms, eyes narrowing as he stared you down. You swallowed hard and gave a small shrug before saying, “I dunno.”
“Oh so you want to play dumb hmm?” He asked it so harshly and you legitimately didn’t know what he meant, what he wanted you to say and you said, “I-I really don’t know what you are talking about-”
“I know about that fucking friend of yours. The one with the crush on you.”
What? You knew your friend had a crush on you but you didn’t do anything about it, didn’t invite it or encourage them but you didn’t tell him either. Knew he wouldn’t like it. You hadn’t done anything though! You shook your head and tried to press on, refute him, “No, no, no you don’t understand-”
He started towards you as he kept talking, advancing on you like a predator does prey and you started to back up, listening to him go on, “No you don’t fucking understand!”
God he sounded pissed. You should have known better than to hide this, knew how jealous he could be. He shared you with Stu and no one else. Your back hit the edge of the bed, fingers in the carpet below and he didn’t stop coming towards you until he was right in front of you, falling to his knees, hands meeting your shoulders, pinning you where you sat. “I’m not a fucking idiot. Do not treat me like one! You wanna play the part of the dumb little slut, yeah? Then I’ll fucking treat you just how you want to be treated.”
And you were being hauled up and thrown onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling as you heard the sound of his belt coming undone and while you should be terrified in this moment, you weren’t.
You were excited and fighting back a smile.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
im so grateful for that writing btw omg- YOU WROTE MY BOOOOOOYYY AAAAAAAA
Oh good! Glad you enjoyed it!
Nothing quite like someone writing your OC, huh? Deff so fucking thankful for @s1mping4slashers writing Amber! My other lovely friend @lucifers-horror-harem is planning on writing a thing with her and her boy Alan and I am fucking DYING for it!
I love how much we are all loving and supporting each other's OCs. The fact so many people love Amber fills my fucking heart right up.
And I love Rowan so damn much, hope that makes you happy too!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
I’m okay at the moment, but my mental health has been tanking and my friends are heavily recommending I go to a ward
Whatever you think is best for you and if you think it will help then more power to you! I hope it gives you what you need and you come back better than ever.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Fuck zodiac signs
Awe shit. 
Somehow I always knew this day would come.
George Harrison easily.
Dude just seems really fucking funny and chill.
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Like damn dude I love that energy. Get it. Thanks for the ask Luke!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
THANK YOU LUKE! It was a fucking good day!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Oh to be a final or survivor person. What bliss.
Amazing and thank you so much for sharing! I am so happy for you! Big ups to you!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
I just watched slumber party massacre two last night and o m l
Mate he is so-
Ugh I’d kill to do predator prey w that man
Oh and you KNOW he would be so into that, right?
Like he would love to really get into the bit, put in a good bit of effort to the set up and realism of it. He wants you actually fucking afraid. It makes it so much better for him, you know?
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