twitchyglitchy · 1 year
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Thank you everyone who has commissioned me while I've been unemployed! It's seriously helped me out when I needed the money most. I'm happy to see my art improving while drawing all of these too so thank you again. There's still more being worked on and I'll be sure to share these when they're complete.
Bonus art on the side under the cut:
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leviatic · 2 years
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A mischievous sableye gif i think turned out pretty well
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krizste · 1 year
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ghost-dusk · 7 months
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Some cartoony style characters bc i wanted to destress, I don't really get to draw for myself too much lately bc of a project, but I really want to pick it back up.
Some are requests from my brother...
(Also the Gengar's hair it's to poke fun at him, it's a running joke that he looks like Gengar)
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anywhore · 2 years
Why is everyone in Paldea so pretty????
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bulbasaurbutch · 2 years
Unstoppable force ( me absolutely wanting to play pokemon scarlet and violet so I can meet/catch all the new 'mons for this gen like fidough, smoliv, lechonk and greavard bcs their designs slap) meet immovable object ( my underlying worry that gamefreak haven't had enough time between releases to make a really solid game and are rushing out this one at a speed that might impact gameplay and graphic quality)
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crystalelemental · 7 months
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See, I'm curious about why, but I'm also about to go on a massive tangent about my issue with it.
Kalos is fairly unique in that its legends don't really tie into anything. There's no lore to begin with.
Like, in Hoenn? You have the ancient battle between Kyogre and Groudon, with Rayquaza being the one that intervenes, the development of Rayquaza living in the sky and destroying meteors, etc. The legends are organic, and they have particular roles in the region's history.
Sinnoh isn't quite that specific as far as role, but is more...metaphysical, focusing on Time and Space as concepts, and the lake guardians representing human spirit and sensation as what ties them. Cogita's really direct about it, but the idea is that these forces of nature may as well not exist without the lens of spirit to view from.
Unova gets conceptual as well with the representation of Truth and Ideals, and how these concepts were part of the original dragon splitting apart due to differences and disagreements. They're big players in the concept of the region, and in particular are hugely important to BW1's overall story, given you and N are their chosen.
What do Xerneas and Yveltal actually...do? What do they mean? How do they tie in to anything that happened in the region? They kinda don't. They just exist, forces aligned to life and death, but with no real significance either to you as a player or the world at large. And that's without the issues of Zygarde, who is the alleged force of balance between these two, but never got any real development. The lore of Kalos centers on the ancient weapon rather than its Pokemon, and that itself is tied solely to AZ and his story. Which isn't interesting at all to me, and more critically, has nothing to do with the Pokemon. I don't care about the people lore of some ancient king who should be a corpse, I care about the weird creature things that are often symbolic or thematic, and this set just isn't. Even the mythics are pointless. Diancie just kinda exists for no reason. Volcanion never actually got the lore that they give it in Masters, where it was the "Nation Creation" Pokemon that could level mountains with its steam eruption. Hoopa's rings are the only reason you get the other legends in ORAS, but it is never so much as alluded to in any game. It's insane.
Which is why I'm so twitchy about Legends Z-A. Because if they do well, these legends actually have an established place and a reason to be. Otherwise, we're doing nothing new, and these Pokemon continue to be really interesting potential that amounts to squat.
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pokemoncaretips · 1 year
I'm considering catching a Houdour, any tips?
General notes:
The houndour is a decent pokemon for those who can control it, but its evolved form requires a LOT of care and attention.
General care:
This line is a fairly simple canine type pokemon, and as such its care reflects that, with a good quality kibble providing perfectly fine nourishment. Treats such as organ meat and bones are also excellent, and though houndoom is much more carnivorous, houndour have been known to enjoy small amounts of foods such as squash, pumpkin and watmel berries. Take care not to provide too many treats, especially not human foods which are often full of fat and salt, and this can cause pancreatitis.
As a fire type, some kind of fire proofing is essential, especially when its young. Young houndour often struggle to control their fire, especially around the 2-5 month range. A fire extinguisher is very useful to have, ideally one in each room.
This entire line is very intelligent, and requires a lot of enrichment and play. Toys and puzzle boxes are excellent choices. A bored houndour is dangerous.
Houndoom horns can sometimes catch on things, especially inside, and many trainers use horn caps. The ridges on their body are made of exposed solid bone, and as such houndoom require more calcium. Their horns grow continuously over their lifetime, and an elderly houndoom may require surgical shortening as they start to weigh them down. In the wild, they don't live long enough for this to become an issue.
Overall, the houndour line isn't too difficult to care for.
Care rating: Green
HOUNDOOM ARE AGGRESSIVE. This cannot be stated loudly enough. They are an aggressive pokemon with a HIGH prey drive. If you intend to keep it as a house pet, you will have to rehome any smaller prey pokemon. The most you can do is train them to not attack immediately but one sudden or twitchy move and there will be tragedy.
Battling partners have an easier time as it spends longer with them, and has slightly stronger instincts for "this is my clan mate we fight together" but even so I wouldn't put a houdoom next to a prey pokemon in a doubles tournament. Even raising a houdour with a prey pokemon is potentially dangerous. It's all fun and games until your pachirisu is startled by a loud noise and triggers an instinctive lunge.
Houndour are less aggressive but may try and push their luck against you. Make sure you don't let them push you around.
Moving on from that serious warning, when it comes to young houndour, it is essential to make sure you know the difference between deliberately lighting a fire, and a fire started by an accidental sneeze. These are very smart pokemon, and punishing it for "nothing" will cause grudges. In the case of accidental fires, the houndour is likely as startled and frightened as you. Take care of the fire then provide comfort. If it was deliberately lit, pokeball it. If done well, a houndour pup will feel comfortable running to fetch you if it accidently starts a fire, which is a VERY good thing for it to learn.
This pokemon line requires a lot of care and effort to train. You cannot ever allow it to slip into bad habits. No matter how much you love and trust your houndoom, you must always be mentally present when dealing with it. Failure to maintain control can lead to tragedy. A particularly dangerous pokemon might wind up euthanized
Training rating: Red
The houndoom is technically venomous. Though not classed as a poison type, glands in its jaws produces a nasty, highly flammable toxin. This substance, when applied through flames or through a bite, causes severe, long lasting pain. Though the claim it "lasts forever" is perhaps an exaggeration, people have reported it taking years for the issues caused by the venom to fully subside. There are a number of support groups for people who've wound up on the wrong side of a houndoom, as well as groups swapping care tips for their injured pokemon.
As well, fire types require a lot of care and alertness.
Safety rating: Red
Overall ranking.
Though they have their moments and can be as cuddly and loving as any pokemon, their aggressive tendencies and high prey drive means houndour and houndoom aren't exactly beginner pokemon. When well trained and controlled, they are excellent pokemon, whether battling, securing buildings or playing, but when allowed to run rampant, they're an accident waiting to happen.
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rising-volteccers · 1 year
Hello there! I've been going through your blog and reading your posts. I've seen in a bunch of them how you mention that you see Friede having undiagnosed ADHD. Do you have headcanons about it? Thank you and have a nice day!
Heya! Thank you so much for going through my blog! You have no idea how excited I was to get this ask! I've been pretty open about my personal interpretation of him so to see an interest about it makes me happy! I will preface this by saying that once again, this is based entirely on my personal interpretation and my own experience being a (highly likely) undiagnosed ADHD-haver myself cause what better way to cope than inject it into your favs yeah?
That being said, here are my headcanons about it!
Friede's working memory is poor. Unless it's tied to something he's interested in, it's very easy for him to forget things. It's a genuine cause of frustration among his crew seeing that he keeps forgetting to share with them important information. Still, they don't truly hold that against him unless it truly affects the safety of the crew.
Mollie has listed down in Friede's medical file about it, and has subtly brought up the possibility of him getting it tested. Thus far he just doesn't have the time nor opportunity to do so since they keep traveling all around the world. That, and he simply forgot the discussion not too long after.
Friede's mind is often occupied by many thoughts, ranging from his surroundings to Pokemon related matter. It's hard to quiet them down at night, so he typically takes night shift and stays up until he dozes off at the captain's chair.
He stims by drumming his fingers atop the nearest surface, fiddling with the patches on his jacket or rock on his heels when he's deep in thought.
Speaking of patches, he loves collecting them alongside stickers. He has a small box filled with patches he never got around to add onto his jacket. He also has a sticker book filled with stickers he collected throughout his time traveling on the Brave Asagi.
Friede's special interest is Pokemon! He wanted to learn everything about them, and has vast amounts of knowledge about them theoretically. It means that early on in his career as a Professor, he struggled with understanding Pokemon beyond what he read up on them. It took meeting Cap for him to work on expanding his viewpoint.
Always feels like he needs to be doing something at any given point if he's not steering the ship. Has the tendency to simply walk around the Brave Asagi to get the energy out if he has nothing to do at the moment. At times he'll fly out on Charizard until he feels calmer.
Whenever he's bored and by himself without a task to focus on, he paints his nails. He uses clear nail polish typically and finds the act of applying them soothing.
Absolutely cannot stand screechy like sounds. It makes him tense and twitchy, wanting nothing more than to cover his ears and hope that the noise that persists in his ears would quickly fade.
If he's fixated on a task, Friede has the tendency to forgo eating and sleeping until it's completed. Thankfully Murdock's kind enough to leave him easy to eat meals or stores away a portion of something for him to eat later.
When it comes to food, Friede enjoys soft, somewhat chewy textures. Doughnuts hit that specific point of being lightly crispy when freshly fried but also having this nice chew between his teeth (at least the ones that Murdock makes). He hates slimy textures and ones where his brain thinks it'll be one texture but it ends up being another (for example, something that looks like it should be crunchy being soft instead).
While he's better at it, Friede has his moments of impulsivity. This can sometimes translate into recklessness, thus leading to moments where he might need to get patched up by Mollie.
Friede's stubborn in that at times, his long hair feels hypersensitive on the back of his neck or when his bangs cover his eyes but he refuses to get a haircut. Instead he wears his goggles and ties his hair almost the entire day until he goes to sleep in his bed.
Friede has multiple of the black shirts and pants that he wears often. He likes the feel and texture of it, not to mention it's easy to wash. He also have a bunch of t-shirts and casual jackets in his closet but he prefers wearing his current one most days.
On a bad day where he's mentally and emotionally exhausted, he tends to keep to himself. Stays within his room or in the captain's deck, keeping interactions to a minimum.
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therealmofamorus · 6 months
Crossover au original male stud au
Summary:Cynthia and Zero have a contest with each other to see who get the position as the first wife for ragna by see who can get knocked up first with his kid and to help both of them bring a green potion for Ragna to drink. What they where not expecting was to get fuck senseless untill they where a twitchy and blabbering mess with him not be no where satisfying as he want them both to put those child bear hip to work.
Meme:Nsfw potion(green potion),fuck stupid, need to breed
Theme:Rough sex, Muti position, face fuck, impregnated
"Oh god fucking damn~!"The Grim Reaper grunted out as he slammed his cock in and out of the semi-conscious Pokemon champion who was moaning like a bitch in heat. His chiseled physique was sokaed with body fluids as he felt his body oozing sweat and lust from his pores.
"Can't...stop...cumming...!" The Man of Azure growled in a heavy voice as he face fuck the white-haired intoner woman who was fingering her cream-filled twat, took in the abuse of her throat with heart in her sole pink eye.
The contest ended in a tie with both getting pregnant at the same time.
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applin-bottom-jeans · 6 months
q2 or something
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screaming into the void stuff
first off knitting because thats what i did the most of and i still, somehow, have more sweater appropriate yarn stashed. Knitting is nice because i can do it when im twitchy but i don't have enough headspace to do anything else. equivalent of jingling keys in front of a baby. I finished the Halibut sweater, halfway through the Seaway sweater, and i want to also start + finish Poetry and Spirally as well. i drew the blorbos in them. i'm also designing a sweater for myself and doing some tests. more on that soon
I put away the pokemon cross stitch for now because i have 5(!!!!) other cross stitch projects that i started and gave up on and they're both haunting me and also much smaller and easier to complete. I'll be working on those.
Art wise i technically somehow made 6 major finished pieces in the last 3 months??? just barely. i have plans for 4 large pieces but for the most part artwise i'm going to focus on...
small sketches. large projects are very stressful and just doing those is making me feel depressed whenever i draw. i want to do sketches based on bd2 things that wont leave my head, octopath 2 job vibes, and the winter stuff from stardew 1.6.
plus 3d and music stuff. this one is up in the air and if this gets kicked i do not care so
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twitchyglitchy · 1 year
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farthertothemoon · 2 months
A few questions about Rari because I love his fat fuckin thighs him a totally normal amount:
1. What are his buildups like? Long? Short? Vocal? Silent? Big guy probably needs some sorta warning that you’re about to be in the literal line of fire. (Granted, it would also be pretty funny if they just snuck up on him. Poor dude)
2. Can he hold back effectively if he needed to? If not I volunteer as tribute to help him out. (Though I’m not sure how much help I’d be with his sensitive snoot.)
3. How does he feel about his sneezes? Based off of that VERY sexy clipped image of him teasing his party mate, I would guess he’s not too sensitive about it; but, I figured having a slightly destructive sneeze would make for some embarrassing situations.
4. Is her sensitive to perfumes or other strong smells?
Thank you for your absolutely tasty art and patience with my long ass questions! Here’s a cookie! 🍪
Howdy Anon!! (is that you Rari Anon? Or are we adding another to the Rari cult?) No need to cross it out, I love his fat fuckin thighs too ;) ~ but woah look at all these questions! And this is a good woah, thank you so much for all of these!!
1. He's got a range of buildups when it comes to those literally hot sneezes of his. When his sneezes come about from random occurrence, he's got short, but vocal buildups that are loud enough to let people in the immediate vicinity know "uh oh, time to skedaddle!" before that series of fiery sneezes is released. When it's caused by his allergies, pollen to be exact, he has long, breathy buildups that start out silent, but get more and more vocal the closer his sneezes get to coming out. He hates Spring because it always takes him near a full minute of building up to sneeze (unless of course someone were to help him speed it up :3). When it comes to his dust allergy, he has a much shorter and more silent buildup, the only sound being two or three big breaths and his left foot repeatedly stamping the ground in anticipation. And finally, his feather allergy. Hoo boy. The big man doesn't even get so much as a second of buildup if a feather comes close to his poor sensitive nose, let alone touches it (god forbid get stuck in a nostril). One second he's fine, the next, a flurry of fiery sneezes so rapid you wouldn't think there'd be any real power behind them (you'd be wrong. So wrong.) are erupting out of him like a volcano. Oh and before I move on! His sick sneezes! Similar to his feather sneezes, he doesn't get much warning at all, but thankfully he doesn't produce much, if any fire when sick, meaning the only thing you need to avoid is a face full of spray and mess (unless you're into that, then don't avoid it :3)
2. Holdbacks. It really depends on what's bothering his sensitive snoot (cute choice of words anon >:3). Pollen allergies, he can hold back if need be. Dust allergies are much more difficult for him to hold back and he'll probably need your help there ;)~. Feathers? Nope. No chance. You'd probably have a better chance stopping a semi truck hurtling towards you at 70 mph (~113 kph) with your body. If you tried, prepare to look like Ash Ketchum after his fire type Pokemon set him on fire in the original anime lmao- As for his sick sneezes, they do sneak up on him because he's so out of it, but if you're watching him, you can help him hold back. When sick, his nose will often start violently twitching and flaring a second before he sneezes. If you're quick enough, you can pinch his nose, push a finger up to that adorable septum, or just completely cover and hold his nose (though you'll have to keep a good hold on it if you do that, it gets very twitchy when you hold him back :3).
3. Before discovering the kink, he didn't much mind his sneezes except for when something catches fire and causes quite a bit of embarassment. He's so used to sneezing that it's near unconscious to try and sneeze in a direction that will cause the least damage. However, upon discovering the kink, he began to see his sneezes in a much different light. Not at all embarrassed about them of course, but enjoying how they feel, how they make others with the kink feel, that kinda stuff. He turned into a real sneeze slut huh? As for the aforementioned destructive sneezes, well, he he gets very embarrassed with those, before and after discovering the kink. Going back to the feather pillow tavern incident from the last ask, he had forgotten to ask what kind of bedding is used. Upon reaching his room, his nose was already twitching, but he played it off as simple dust tickling his nose (oh how wrong he was). Upon lying down in the bed, he only had a couple seconds before his poor sensitive snoot (I love that term for him hehe) was erupting with huge fiery sneezes, leading to his party pulling him out of the tavern, still sneezing. As said before, everybody in the tavern made it out safely, but it was safe to say that Rari was thoroughly embarassed and guilty towards having burned down the tavern-hotel. He then had to do 3 months of community service to pay for the rebuilding of the tavern.
4. That's a great question actually! He is in fact sensitive to various perfumes, especially those with wood like scents. The woody scented ones are often so potent that it'll have his nose flushing purple-blue, nostrils flaring, and eyes watering really very quickly :3~ He's also slightly sensitive to various cleaning agents. Not enough to make him sneeze on its own, but if you happen to "accidentally" touch that already twitchy snoot? Well... Prepare for a brilliant light show :3
We did it!! That was honestly so fun answering those questions, thank you so much for asking the questions in the first place! (I hope there aren't any egregious typos, misspelled words, bad grammar, etc in there because I am NOT editing this /lh)
Oh and also: gasp what a coincidence! I have a cookie for you too! 🍪 Thank you very much for yours :3
Always feel free to ask as many long as questions as you want!
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krizste · 1 year
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the-fluffiest-trainer · 2 months
Don't worry, I'm okay, I just got zapped a little. Stood too close to Keseph after she took down the emolga, and I caught a stray arc from the magneton's opening thunderbolt. Still kind of stings even now that the battle is over, and you have no idea how tempting it is to crack open a potion and drink it myself. I know I shouldn't, they're meant for pokemon and not humans, but... I'm not a human either.
At least I've got a fifth gym badge out of it! That's worth both my right legs feeling sore and a bit twitchy, right? I can fly back to Sycamore's place and rest up a while.
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a-very-tired-raven · 1 year
Okay, since ive been getting a lot of love for my ary lately, id like to give you guys some top ary blogs ive followed for years, that i feel they dont get enough love.
Keep in mind that these are not in order from best to least, just in numbered order to make things easy.
(Another thing! While i may have found the majority of these blogs from undertale content, i need you to understand that a lot of these either dont do undertale art as frequently as they used to, or not at all. So please dont go in expecting that these are all undertale blogs based on MY intrests. Thank you.)
1. @springbon-t-art /@thecoolerspringbon-t has WONDERFUL roundhouse like style, and her fanart and characters range from all over(cuphead and bendy and the ink machine are just two examples, she has so much more unrecognized works and animatics on youtube that i think deserves much more love)
2. @twitchydoodle i havent visted this wonderful blog in a while, but i have followed for a good time(lets just say for a few years lol) so i cant say for sure what art is posted there at this moment, HOWEVER, i CAN say that twitchy has a Breathtaking art style, and has some of the most interesting and fleshed out ocs!!! Definitely check em out!
3. @calcium-cat i know cals been gettin a little bit more attention over the last year or so, but i still think she deserves much more recognition for her art. She has wonderful and thought out fanfics, not to mention the funny and well drawn fanart she posts for them!
4. @glitchysquidd I dont pop in as often as i used to, but glitchy's blog is one ive looked up to for a while. Here you can find very well written fnaf fics and fanart, chill energ(not to mention hilarious shenanigans),and a very unique and distinct artstyle.(seriously broski ive used your art for reference so many time 😭🤚🏽-). I suggest you guys head down to the basement and enjoy the tour.
5. @meatygutsy oh gee where do i even start- this blog has some of the most unique and well thought out ocs i think ive seen in a very long time. The artstyle here and style of coloring and shading is like nothing else. All of the colors pop and go together just right, not to mention the well fleshed out backstorys of each character.
6.@glaucus22 while this blog certainly isnt as active as it used to be, this is yet another artist that ive used as reference for countless times. They have a very distinct artstyle, and put much thought into their characters and their lore. I highly recommend going through the art tags here and taking a peek, along with a reblog or two!!!
7. @ijustwannahavefunn another blog with VERY well thought out and styled ocs, and a to die for artstyle. I also recommend checkjng out their youtube channel, which has VERY smooth animations and animatics. Definitely a hidden gem.
8. @vrnicky is a very good friend of mine that is WAY WAY WAY too unrecognized. They dont get NEARLY enough love for the anount of love and hard work they out into their characters and art. Please show em some love for me!!!
9. @loupy-mongoose is a favorite pokemon ary blog of mine. While you might find mostly mewtwo and mew stuff, please know that this is because of this creators mewtwo comic. You may know what im takling about if you know about similar more popular blogs (@/xxtc-96xx @/mewtwoandme and more ) but what separates this blog from many others is their very very different story, and an artstyle that'll put you at ease. Not to mention unique and well thought out mew and mewtwo designs.
And lastly, for now at least ,10. @whiteartblood an art blog that i havent visted in a couple months. This creator has some of the best undertale art i swear. One of my favorite styles!! A very lovely and instantly recognizable artstyle(that again, i have used for reference...i dont even know how many times), and even better ocs.
Now i know there are so many more blogs that are deserving of recognition, but its late and i cant look up 50 usernames at the moment.
However, while you are not obligated to, I sincerely hope you go show these guys some love(and reblogs!!!!!!!) For me. These guys have been a very big influence on my art, artists ive looked up to for YEARS now, and luckly for me some of them even being friends of mine, which im so very thankful for.
Ill definitely be making another post like this, with more writing inclusion and even more deeply hidden gems that require some digging.
I apologize for any typos that are unfortunately guaranteed as thats kind've what im known for lmao <- has made a fool of herself countless times) and i cant help but feel nervous that these talented people will see them, but know ive done the best ive can.
Thank you, and have a great time everyone!
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