#two amazing singers together what a power couple pls stan
kie-kois · 5 years
congrats on tatsu and lisa getting married!!
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i-d0nt-even-kn0w · 5 years
oh yes pls talk about the it musical parody. im in love with that! so what is you fav song or part in the musical? and who did you like best (the musical uh singers whatever they are called in english). what is your fav version like what day (with the best reddie maybe?)? also I couldnt stop smiling even when richie and eddie were just smiling and 'dancing' with each other in ie boys of summer. that was so cute. gosh I wish there would have been more. id gladly watch another two hours or more xD
I’d love to talk more about the IT Musical Parody!! It was so fantastic, went above and beyond my already high expectations!
My favorite song in the musical would have to be Bad, the Brittney Spears melody, OR Bohemian Rhapsody, but honestly it’s so hard to pick, all the songs were phenomenal!
My favorite PART was probably the your mom joke I mentioned in a previous post, but again I have so many other parts I love it’d be hard to list them all here.
Asking who is my favorite singer is so hard to answer tbh. Literally all of the cast sings better than some people I’ve seen on Broadway. Its 10000x better live because the iPhone audio doesn’t do it justice but,, my lord. But my favorite is probably Stan/Henery Bowers’ actress who literally KILLED it. Like she completely scalped me, I am bald from her talent. Runner ups are Mike and Pennywise, but again the whole cast was just so talented at singing I cannot stress this enough.
My fave day/version would be the one I saw live (11/10) because I really think their singing sounds surreally amazing live, even more than it does in video! And the reddie was also the best that day too, as Richie dipping Eddie during that one part in Toxic was *chef’s kiss* perfect.
And yess The Boys of Summer is so cute in general,,, they’re all such BFFs I love them. Eddie and Richie dancing during Anyway You Want It is so great too because they’re all trying to dance suggestively in pairs, but when Eddie and Richie are paired they just end up arguing because they can’t dance in sync 😂 
Some additionally comments you didn’t ask but I think are worth mentioning:
-Richie and Eddie being a power couple after Richie confessed up until Eddie died was SO cute. They were so caring for each other but still bickered like the used to. I think the writers and actors did a great job of portraying how they’d be the same bickering couple they were as friends but also more more loving when in a relationship together. The musical is canon, change my mind.
-I watched it live with the actor who was Bill’s replacement, and he was SO GOOD and so funny, I loved him so much!
-Stan reprising The Boys Of Summer before his death BROKE ME!!!!!!!
-I would never stan Pennywise in the movies or miniseries or book, but musical Pennywise slayed me and must be stanned. Him dipping Eddie before killing him,,, The style. The cartwheel in Bohemian Rhapsody. The black laced high heeled boots. Him wearing a robe and acting like a wronged ex-girlfriend in Act 2. Doing the drop splits. Just everything.
-Mike was so great!!! I love him so much and I’m so glad they gave him back his role as the research kid that was assigned to Ben in the recent movies. He’s really just a King.
-Really hope someone just films a whole thing of the show because the videos on Youtube don’t have some scenes in them, mostly just the songs, and tbh the scenes are the funniest.
Okay I’m going to stop before I ramble on for too long lol. But thanks so so much for the ask!
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