#tword fight
myreygn · 2 years
It’s cold, isn’t it?
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summary: Winter is eternal and Bran wants nothing more than to go back to how life used to be in Winterfell. But home is something different now and warmth can be found even beyond the wall.
an: my first game of thrones commission for @proscrix! i’m really sorry that it took me so long, but i’m really happy with how it turned out and i pray to the old gods you like it too. i’ve never written for bran and jojen before, but i had more fun with it than i thought i would, thanks again for commissioning! <3
wordcount: 2173
Even after traveling behind the wall for over a week, it was still a strange feeling to wake up surrounded by snow and ice. Bran knew that it was stupid, but a part of him still expected to wake up in a warm bed in Winterfell, to get dressed and run downstairs, only to be scolded by his mother for not wearing his clothes properly. To sit down at the breakfast table next to Robb and have his hair ruffled, to throw food across the table into Aryaʼs face and to quickly stuff his mouth with everything within reach when he was called to archery practice, all while a fire was dancing in the chimney and warming him from behind.
Bran shivered and sat up. That was all in the past. Winterfell was not his home anymore. Robb and his mother had left him behind. He had not seen Arya in months. And the rest of his family was the Gods know where. Or dead. Another shiver ran down his spine, not because of the cold this time, and Bran took a sip from his flask, trying to keep himself calm. The past was in the past and to break himself apart over something he could not change was no solution for anything.
“Close the flask and put it away before it turns into a block of ice.”
Bran flinched at the sudden interruption of his spiraling thoughts and looked up. Jojen sat across from him, his hands rubbing against each other and the tiniest hint of a smirk pulling at his lips. There was a fire between them which Meera must have put up while Bran had been asleep. She was not in the small cave they had chosen as their camp and her weapons were missing, so she was probably out hunting. Summer was lying next to him, cuddled up in a bunch of furs and snoring. Bran closed the flask and put it away. “Where's Hodor?”
“Outside, on watch.”
Bran nodded and began to imitate Jojenʼs hand movements, making the older boy chuckle softly. “Itʼs cold, isnʼt it?”
“You donʼt say.”
Jojen chuckled again, then he wrapped himself in one of the furs and stood up, struggling to keep his balance on the soft underground for a moment, before walking over and sitting down next to Bran. “I hope you donʼt mind?”
Bran smiled and lifted his blanket so Jojen could crawl under. “Of course not.”
Despite them cuddling up to each other, it was still freezing. Bran put his hands up to his face in the desperate attempt to bring some feeling back into it. The cold burned slightly and he swore he could see his breath turn to ice mid-air, although deep down he knew that this was nonsense. Maybe he was finally going insane. Out here, where everything was either white, gray, or a little bit of both, it really was more a question of when than if. Had it not been crazy enough when he had tasted the warm blood of deer on his lips without ever having been out for a hunt? When he had left his home and all he knew behind, just to get away from a man he had thought of as a brother? When he had woken up one day, unable to feel his legs and knowing that something terrible had happened? Another shiver shook his body, and then another, and then-
“Bran?! Are you alright?!”
Bran turned his head to where the voice was coming from and his gaze slowly focused on the worried expression on Jojenʼs face. He was still shivering. It was still cold. This was still not home. “I want to go home,” a voice whispered over the howling of the wind outside and it took him just a tad too long to realize that the voice was his own.
“I know.” Jojen put a hand on his shoulder, carefully, as if he was afraid to cross a boundary which he very well knew did not exist. Then, when Bran showed no sign of further discomfort (because there was none, obviously), Jojen wrapped his arms around his torso and pulled him in for the first hug in ages. The first hug ever since they split up with Rickon and Osha. Had it been ages? Surely not, but time lost all meaning in eternal winter. Bran swallowed back tears, despite the fact that it made his throat feel sore. Never before had he missed his brother with such an intensity.
“Don’t think I didn’t catch that.”
A sharp breath escaped Bran when he felt Jojen’s fingers curl into his side and he could almost hear the smirk in his friend’s voice; “There is no crying on my watch, Lord Stark.”
“What are you-”
“Oh, come on, don’t tell me that you’ve never been tickled before. You and I both know that would be impossible with older siblings around. I picked up a thing or two from mine.”
He was right, of course. Bran had spent plenty of time buried under Robb, Jon, or both, laughing his head off and pleading for mercy. But to say that the touches to his side, the urge to break out into giggles, and the smugness in Jojen’s voice felt familiar would have been a lie. It felt vaguely familiar at best, like the echo of an echo, like something too long gone to be remembered clearly.
Bran felt the corners of his mouth twitch upwards when Jojen gave his sides a squeeze. Another squeeze, and another, and another. A giggle slipped from Bran’s lips. Vaguely familiar was still familiar.
“I heard that!” Jojen grinned triumphantly at the soft squeaks his squeezes drew out of his friend. “But I’m actually looking for the laughs… where do I find the laughs, Bran?”
“D-don’t tehease me!”
“I am not teasing, I am just asking some honest questions. But you already answered them, so there’s no need to get worked up over this.”
Jojen’s fond smile alongside his soft tone somehow managed to make the tickling worse. Bran had never been the one with the greatest stamina when it came to tickle fights with his siblings, but Jojen had cracked him unusually fast. It was probably at least partly due to his fingers clawing into Bran’s stomach, which had always been a particularly sensitive spot, but maybe, he thought, he had just unlearned keeping himself together. It made him sad to think that it was possible to unlearn something as silly and fun as tickling, but Jojen did not grant him a lot of time to dwell on this sadness.
“What did I tell you? I told you there’s no crying on my watch!”
Bran squeaked when Jojen pushed his hands under his shirt; he did not touch bare skin, simply due to the amount of layers they were both wearing, but there was still significantly less protection and Bran curled in on himself, desperate to escape the sensation, but at the same time made no effort to push Jojen off. He could not even tell why. Maybe because of the contact, the closeness to his friend. Maybe because of the much needed relaxation coming along with the fun. Maybe because of the warmth spreading in his chest.
“Noho, not the- ack! Johojen!”
“What is it?” The older boy smiled, innocently prodding Bran’s navel and holding onto his side with the other hand so that he could not bend away. Not that it was necessary; Bran was hanging in his arms more than he was sitting, red-faced from something else than the cold for a change (and if that was not a wonderful turn of events) and his mouth stretched into a wider smile than Jojen had ever seen from him.
“Plehehease! Jojen, nahat- plehease-”
Jojen slowed down a little and moved his hands to his friend’s sides. “Alright, alright. I suppose I could stop, now that you’ve given me the laughter I was looking for.”
For a few seconds, nothing but Bran’s breathy giggles cut through the sound of the wind howling outside, then the younger boy softly cleared his throat. “You… you can continue, if you want. I don’t mind.”
“Do you really mean that?” Even though Jojen had not expected Bran to dislike the tickling in the first place, judging by how little resistance he put up, somehow hearing this from him brought an excited smile to his face. It had been too long since he and Meera had shared a moment like this.
“Yes.” Bran sat up and looked at him. His cheeks were still flushed pink, but there was a mischievous spark in his eyes - not unwelcome, but unexpected. “But only if you let me do this.”
“Let you do whaAHT!” It was more reflex than intention that made Jojen wrap his arms around his torso and he stared at Bran in shock, his lips twitching. “How did you-”
“You told me.” Bran smirked up at him, putting his hands out to smugly rest on Jojen’s hips. “If you picked up a thing or two from your big sister, there must be spots on you for Meera to torment you with.”
“N-now hohold on-” Jojen could not help but feel giddy; Bran’s hands resting on his sides were enough to make him nervous and his stomach made a flip at the thought of them moving to tickle him, but it was an excited flip rather than a nervous one. He had not expected Bran to adapt to the situation so quickly, but he should probably not be surprised - Bran was an older sibling too, after all.
Which did not mean that his heart was not pounding in his chest right now. He had never been much of an active threat during the Stark tickle fights, or not on his own, at least, and to have Jojen squirm under him without doing anything yet was a feeling of power he was simply not used to. How far could he go? How would he know when it was enough? Would Jojen tell him, or was he supposed to recognize the line on his own?
Bran looked up at Jojen. His friend was biting his lip to prevent a smile from spreading across his face and he was gripping tightly onto his shirt. He did not seem to be nervous, he seemed to brace himself for what was to come, something which he had accepted, something which he was maybe even looking forward to. Only one way to find out.
“Ah, Brahan! Ihit tihickles!”
“That’s the point, Jojen.” Bran kept kneading his friend’s sides, getting a little more courageous as he went on. “And you started it, so you deserve this.”
Jojen threw his head back, full on cackling when the tickling moved down to his hips, and it was probably the loudest and most unhinged Bran had ever seen him. He never would have even brought the imagery of cackling in connection with Jojen if he was not here right now, watching and hearing him actually do it, because there was really no other way to describe it.
A jab to his stomach pulled Bran back into the here and now and he flinched away for a moment, but he immediately got back to prodding and squeezing at Jojen’s hips. “I won’t go down that easily!”
Jojen’s face was flushed bright red and a tear pricked at the corner of his eye, but he was smiling, laughing, he looked happy, and Bran found himself unable to mind the clumsy, yet persistent tickling of his navel. “Mehe neitheher!”
Bran felt himself get lost in the tickle fight only after a few more seconds. It had been too long since he had done something this silly and it almost felt like traveling back in time. Jojen’s hips were just as sensitive as Jon’s. His laugh sounded just like Robb’s. He tended to kick his legs when Bran hit a particularly ticklish spot, just like Arya. And when their hands finally slowed to a stop, both with huge smiles on her face, the cave had become a home, just the way Winterfell used to be with all of his siblings around.
“Thank you.” Jojen laid down, pulling the furs over both of them. “For doing this, I mean. I think I really needed this.”
Bran smiled. “Me too. So… thank you for initiating this.”
Whatever Jojen wanted to say to that, maybe thank Bran for the trust or the friendship, was cut off by Meera and Hodor barging into the cave, both covered in snow and Meera carrying a dead hare over her shoulder. “How are you guys? Hey, Hodor, take the hare for a second, will ya?” Meera brushed the snow off her clothes and dropped herself on the opposite side of the fire, looking at the boys. “Damn, I’m freezing… it’s cold, isn’t it?”
Bran felt his lips curl into a smile and without looking, he knew that Jojen’s were too.
“No. Not at all.”
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Bathtub Tickly Shenanigans
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How to stop a bratty gambler from disturbing your bathtub reading session?
Tickle him, of course!
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trrickytickle · 4 months
ATTACK ON @tickle-fight-club
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coffeedrinkeryeg · 9 months
The Chase
Yeah yeah yeah the actual tickling is good but what about everything that comes BEFORE it?
So many times, your lee is acting out and eventually... There comes a moment where you're allowed to say "Okay- that's it, c'mere (their name)!" And so begins 'The Chase's
The Chase is fun because either your adorable lee just gets weak in the knees and falls over or they actually get scared and start running.
The first one I LOVE because you just get to see your lee squirm on the floor as you close in on them. They'll kick and wiggle and try to escape but often they aren't capable of actually accomplishing that. They just delay the inevitable. Soon enough they run out of strength, you manage to pin their arms, you slip a hand under their shirt and listen as their begging turns into laughing~
The second one I ALSO LOVE because you can hear your lee screech and giggle as they scramble over furniture and other obstacles. It's fun to jump at them like you're some big monster hunting it's prey. Oftentimes I lunge at my lee and miss on purpose because I wanna extend the period of the chase. Eventually they'll run out of energy though, and they'll just be sitting in a corner, eyes wide and absolutely BEGGING for you not to tickle them. But... You shouldn't care. They're not strong enough to fight back. You can just sit over them, lock your lips over their tummy, and start raspberrying them~ nibbling them, kissing them, squishing their sides, thighs. Maybe you scribble your nails over their neck- who cares. You've hunted your prey, now you've earned your feast, so do whatever.
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xgarrier93 · 6 months
short tickle audio: (purposefully) losing a tickle fight to your boyf
this one is dedicated to all the lees who love tickle fights and love losing them on purpose because youre just such an adorable little lee and love to be tickled because tickles and tickles and tickles tickles tickles i love tickling i love tickling ticjkkdlwkisidiwmsjfjskdnxjsusjsbkdkaskdiwfjd
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bigdumbtickler03 · 1 month
Just wanted to share a new tickle art commission piece that I’m proud of. Here is a cute and playful tickle fight between my tickle monster OC, Jackler and my good friend @bothendsofthequill ‘s OC, Bristle!
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Tickle art commissions are open! DM me if you are interested in getting one from me. (I will be putting up a detailed post about commissions in a minute!)
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oraclesss · 10 months
Kinda rude that we're not having a tickle fight right now 🤔
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willowsayshi · 3 months
human ouija board tk scenario
for all the people who like spooky stuff :3
so basically two or more people paint out the ouija board set up starting from your ribs to your lower tummy, needing to fix it at every squirm. then once it’s finally finished they put a feather right over your belly button and use it as the moving piece. they start using the board trying to communicate with ghosts as you would with a normal ouija board, telling you to stay very still since the paint will continue to have to be redone if there’s even a slight squirm and to not disturb the ghost. at every giggle they say “take this seriously we’re talking with the ghosts!” and “what’s so funny? your supposed to be scared” acting clueless as they tickle you. once it’s finally over they place the feather in your belly button as they wash all the paint off. once that’s finished they look at you and say “oh no, they’re possessed by the ghost now!” and completely wreck you as the way to get the ghost out :3
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dozingzzz · 4 months
if im not able to have a tickle fight with someone soon i think i will explode 🥲
can you tell im in the biggest switch mood ever
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tklees · 1 year
group tkl fights seem like so much fun,, everyone together going around n tkling each other with no way to escape cause even if you try there’s always gonna be someone in the group to bring you back
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tkmicha · 7 months
Tw for a lil swearing
Okok so I had pinkie over right??? We had so many tickle experiences last weekend rrrr🦋🦋 AND OHHH MY GOD DUDE IMA ADD SOME TEXTS WE HAD RECENTLY BELOW HE IS BRUTAL /pos
Scene 1: "punishment" or reward?
Me and pinkie were laying together and snuggling while watching hannibal ok? He's like, layed on his side with his hands around me and his head on my stomach ok? I'm on my back. I say "bro how do you like hannibal bros ugly" and he rolls his eyes at me and kisses me before returning to snuggling with me and I say "damn didn't know I got rewards for offending you" and he looks up at me and says "reward huh?" Then proceeds to rub his face against my stomach and sides while squeezing my sides, this mfer kills me I swear. Also throughout watching hannibal he'd randomly rub his face against my stomach/side or squeeze my legs and sides- so mean am I right guys?
Scene 2: tickle fight
Ok so we were just chilling right and I got up and sat on his legs and tickled his feet since ISTG ITS THE ONLY PLACE HES TICKLISH DUDE and he flings me off him and proceeded to get me back b4 pinning me and it's the first time he's ever gotten on me like that and I like, died- and he just got close to my face and said "hii" and I shakily said hi back b4 he kissed me and kissed my neck a bit, I like neck kisses, they tickle a lil on certain spots but it's very relaxing and romantic!
Scene 3: I'm not trying to tickle you
So we were snuggling and he randomly says he wants to hold me ok? And for the first time he does something really comforting, he said he'd do it more often- he like, reached under my shirt and was like, massaging random places on my stomach, sides, and ribs. I squirmed a little but it wasn't enough to make me laugh and he said "awe stop squirming, I'm not trying to tickle you... but you'd like that, wouldn't you?" I went so fucking still and quiet dude for a hot minute before shakily telling him to shaddup-
Scene 4: pinned
We were having a playfight and he randomly smothered my torso to where one arm was stuck up and the other was trapped under him, this was the first time he's held me down and tickled me- it was torturous I want it again and afterward I rolled over and said "you, mister, are so mean" AND THIS MAN SAYS "you like it though" LIKE WHOOOO WHERE DID U LEARN THIS WAAAA
Anyways here's some screenshots of this boy whahskwnwoana
(I'm green he's purple)
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A Payback
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A continuation? I bet you didn't expect it!
I couldn't just leave the little story I made end on just one comic-
So, here's a second part to this!
Looks like Aven got a higher ground this time~
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And what a suprise! The gambler's eyes sparked bright once more!
>>PART 1<<
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trrickytickle · 4 months
ATAAAAACK on @yadchi-i-guess !!!!!!!!!!!!
MOTHER IS MOTHERING... with lil Uzi (not vert). What a wonderful mother daughter pair I hope the mother is not plagued with nightmares SORRY THIS FLOPPED ITS MEANT TO BE LIKE CHILDHOOD FLASHBACK FUN TIME VIBE @tickleartfight
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tinylittlelee · 2 months
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so this is not something I talk about on here and I apologize for the more serious post. In 2021 I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis after suffering most of my life with awful periods and an incredible amount of pain that no one seemed to take seriously. After years of suffering I made an appointment with a new obgyn. He did an ultrasound and could tell right away something was wrong. He scheduled me for diagnostic surgery the same day. I am scheduled for my third surgery on August 7. This will be most serious surgery to date, the endometriosis has spread to multiple organs and they are having to bring in a urologist. I am losing my right ovary because it is 4x times the size it should be and is as big as my uterus. Anyone with a uterus I urge you to take your reproductive health seriously. If you think something isnt right PLEASE search for answers sooner than later. 💖 any prayers and good thoughts and vibes would be so appreciated, I am very nervous. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. 💖
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thetickleswitch · 1 year
The lack of f/m tickling content is so sad you guys
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littlemissleeee · 1 month
Would you rather have your feet tickled with a hairbrush or your belly and belly button tickled with a toothbrush?
Por que no los dos? 😋
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