#twst fake event maybe? would yall want that?
miss-atena · 3 months
Another day, another time of my bullshitery of the octatrio. Because the octatrio lives in my head rent free (they are blackmailing me for it)
ANYWAYS! What I wanted to say is...
Imagine how cool would it be for we to have an event in the Coral Sea and actually see stuff like different merfolk species having different cultures and societal norms?
Morays mate for life, and can mate between 2 males and 1 female, so it could happen that Mer-eels have a common occurrence of polyamory and a low divorce rate compared to some other species of merfolk.
There is also something about mershark. Imagine how other merfolk react to them? Maybe different from what happened to Azul, where he was bullied, mershark are isolated from being "intimidating" (this is lore of a test oc of mine)
This is mostly a great excuse for us to get cards of Jade and Floyd in their mer-eel form, and if we are lucky, maybe we could get some other characters getting transformation potions and they would end up looking like merfolk of the nicknames Floyd gives them?
Or even, imagine we get the contrast of a a happy Octo-mer Lilia (flapjack octopus) compared to Azul, who doesn't like his merform?
If I didn't have so many projects already like requests, my Hc arts and posts, etc etc, I would actually make fake cards for this... Maybe I'll do them in my free time, who knows. I'll give y'all updates.
Tagging friends who could be interested in this under the cut
@consumeroflemoans @beelloonn @erimelodii @coldabest
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