#twt stans arent real to me btw
supernovaa-remnant · 1 year
everything is enjoyed much more when you stay incredibly far away from twt btw <3
if you stay away then you never have to see twt stan takes and you can live in peace
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urheartsamess · 2 years
this might be a little out of character for me but im so fucking tired of this perpetual slandering of vegaspete stans on twt.
believe it or not but ppl who ship vegas and pete do possess some media literacy and thinking skills. jesus, we know vegaspete is toxic and unhealthy but heres the thing….. we simply dont care bc nothings real its fiction. who said we shouldnt be allowed to enjoy two messy FICTIONAL characters destroying/loving each other IN A MAFIA TV SHOW? its hard to understand for some but not everyone wants to see lovely and wholesome relationships portrayed on screen and we rather have overly fucked up ugly type of love instead. and u shoulnt make us feel embarrassed for it or policing the content every chance u get. have u even listened to what the actors had to say about their characters? what bible had to say about vegas? did u even care? storytelling and relationships arent always black and white. i think the narrative is quite aware that vegaspete is dysfunctional and that vegas needs a lifetime of therapy (and so does pete btw). tbh i chuckle every time i see tweets abt how vegas doesnt deserve pete bc hes evil, but.. what does 'deserve' even mean or matter in the face of what the characters want? their romance is also quite the catalyst to create the personality shift in both vegas and pete. its moving the story forward. not everything has to be vibe checked or approved to be good and compelling. if fiction isnt the place to tell a fucked love story, then where else? in fact vegaspete carried from their first shy interactions to their explosive ones towards the end and is2g there isnt anything wrong with that either. be mad abt it without being too condescending.
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