#ty for asking sara !! had a blast making this for you as you can probably tell !!!
laylakeating · 1 year
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WILDCATS FOREVER! 💙 for @userbettycooper ↳ HSMTMTS: A (Meme) Summary
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lilyemrys · 7 years
1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
Tagged by: @kasumi-chou, @miraculous-katsukii, @iceprinceofbelair, and @where-his-towel-is​ 
(woah I have to do a lot but I absolutely love getting tagged in stuff omg ily guys)
——— kas’ questions
First letter of your real name  F
Age/birthday 28th November! I’m turning 18 :))))
Favourite season THATS REALLY TOUGH. I’m gonna say autumn because its cold but not too cold y’know? And the fall colors are gorgeous. 
Favourite fruit Oranges! and mangos! And strawberries! Uhhhhhhhhhh I have too many ooops
Do you have short, medium or long hair? I had long until a week ago, but now they’re medium
Hanahaki or soulmate? *googles hanahaki for this* I’m gonna say soulmates, because I like everyone getting at least one person they could spend their life with. (Tbh soulmates irl would be kinda problematic because what if they died? What if you fell in love with someone else? who knows!)
Angst or Fluff? Depends on the mood, but most likely angst. I love love love angst with happy endings. (But then I’ve also read several MCDs when I’m that kinda mood). But I also absolutely loVE fluff because CUTE.
Soundboard (help the writer with ideas) or beta (help the writer with wording/grammar)? Personally I think I’m much better as a beta (because grammar ayeee), but I can be a soundboard too! Idea bouncing is always fun (although tbh I don’t know how good I am at it)
Do you still have an active ff.net? If yes, link I never had one haha!
Would you trade one of Phichit’s hamsters to bring Vicchan back to life? ......how dare you ask me that. ACTUALLY WAIT. Yes, yes I would. Because you said trade, aka I could trade the hamster to a friend or something and still get to see him everyday. (#lawyered)
Should Victor and Yuuri both wear white at their wedding? Should they? Nah, man, let them wear whatever they want to. (I mean......they’re gonna be naked by the end of it anyways, so does it really matter is the real question)
————- andi’s questions
Spring or autumn? *sweats* I love them both oh gosh. I love autumn weather, but spring clothes and spring also means summer break is coming soon. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Classical music or EDM? *googles EDM to answer this* I like them both! Although tbh I don’t listen to either as much
Morning person or night owl? NIGHT OWL FTW. My average bedtime is 3am
Pastel or punk? I’m a pastel princess
Painting or singing? *sweats some more* HOW ABOUT BOTH. I love singing while painting, how about that. 
Piano or violin? Piano! Although I really love love love the sound of a violin. But like, nothing can beat a piano for me.
Jeans or skirts? I want to say skirts because I always feel so flowery and pretty in them (but low-key I always get hella annoyed with them)
Extrovert or introvert? I thought I was an extrovert for a second. And then I laughed at myself for thinking of such a weird thing. I’m like an Introvert™
Fantasy book or non-fictional book? fantasy yes please. need me some action. some DRAMA (also dragons)
Discovery channel or disney channel? *uses fairy wand to draw disney logo*
Hair up or hair down person? hair down ftw. My hair looks extremely poofy and frizzy when its down and I just get really annoyed with it.
————- adrian aka light of my life’s questions
What’s your favourite planet? Oh man I have so many good answers to this. okay a) Uranus, because I’m a teenager and cannot help it b) Pluto, because VIVA LA PLUTO its such a smol planet that just wants some love (also side note: I was tying smol and my laptop corrected it to smoldering and I can’t stop laughing) c) Neptune, because I love Percy Jackson’s dad Poseidon and d) Earth, because it has all of you lovely folks
Do you speak any other languages? I do! I speak English and Hindi fluently. I can understand and can speak sometimes Punjabi, and I can speak/understand Spanish to a limit.
What’s your dream job? oh mAN. *side eyes all the future career quizzes I’ve taken* Honestly, at this point I have no clue. Something with design preferably. Or a film director! That’d be fun. Yeah idk, just something I would have fun doing :)
If you were choosing a new name for yourself, what would it be? .....that is a good question. I’m gonna say Lily because thats my internet nickname and its really cute
Do you like flowers? I love flowers. Give me all the flowers
Is there a nickname you’d like people to call you but have never asked? Not particularly. I just like when people give me nicknames in general because its like a special thing y’know
What colour would you dye your hair? I just dyed my hair yesterday actually! It’s a really pretty reddish brown. I think in a couple years I might go for some non-natural hair colors like blue or something. (I also love how pretty silver/grey hair looks but alas, I could never pull it off)
What’s the best birthday you ever had? I was going to be cliché and say my sweet 16, but I’m gonna go with my 10th birthday. I had absolutely no idea we were doing anything until I came out of my room and my best friend at the time just pounced on my back. Soon a couple others came and we had a blast. (This was the night before my birthday) And then the next day my mom took us all to go watch a movie. The best part though was when used the wrapping paper from the gifts to hide away umm some provocative movie posters.
Do you play any instruments? I play the piano! But I haven’t practiced in such a long time oops
Can you swim? I used to be convinced I was a mermaid when I was a little kid. I LOVE swimming.
What are you afraid of? Our inevitable doom and destruction and the realization that one day, none of what we do will ever matter because we will be dust. No, I’m kidding. I’m gonna have to say just being completely alone and nobody liking me. Also, lizards.
————- ellen’s questions
Where is wally/waldo if you’re one of those weirdos from Across The Pond *sweats*
favourite tv show theme tune? DOO WEEE DOOOOOOOOOO. Actually I’m pretty sure that isn’t my favorite, but its fun to say.
If you could live in an AU what AU would you write for yourself? One where I am successful and happy and someone loves me as much as Victor and Yuuri love each other. (probably not the answer you were expecting oops)
Which powerpuff girl are you? Blossom!
Which ship in YOI do you think needs some more lovin by the fandom? Sara/Mila haha. (ngl I don’t really have that many ships in YOI other than Victuuri)
How long would you last in a horror movie? .0000002 seconds. Self preservation? What self preservation. I would totally just trip into the murderer’s knife or whatever
leopard print or tiger stripes? and which half of victuuri would you put in which clothes? Hmmm I’m gonna say tiger stripes. I feel like they could both rock either, but in the end it wouldn’t even matter because somehow those clothes would end up in Yurio’s closet.
how much would you pay kubo-sensei for the down low on the YOI movie? one corn chip (sorry oops I was just thinking about memes) Probably nothing because I don’t like spoilers. (but then again, I do like knowing more than other people so who knows)
favourite type of sky? (e.g. sunset, cloudy sky, overcast etc) A clear night sky when you can see all of the constellations glittering down on you
why did the chicken cross the road? It wanted to get hit by a car after those ap exams. (actually did you know “To get to the other side” was supposed to be a joke about after life because I never got that until recently)
if you could send a message to all creators with your newly acquired psychic powers, what would that message be? “GIVE ME STUFF. ALSO YOU ARE AWESOME AND MAKE GR8 STUFF (but you need to totally give me all the stuff)” because I’m a selfish butt
OKAY, now for my questions. Let’s see.
What is your favorite part of the day? (This can be a time, like the morning, or an action, like seeing your pet)
What is something you’ve always wanted someone to do for you, but never told them?
If you could do something for the rest of your life without fear of going broke/getting hurt, what would it be?
Can you describe the color blue without using the word? (I’m so ready to hear these responses aye)
Best compliment you ever received? 
What is your favorite au trope?
What is your favorite memory?
What is something you’ve always secretly wanted people to compliment you on?
Hogwarts house?
What is your favorite song at the moment? (Or your #1 played song on your phone if you don’t have one)
Do you cry during movies/tv shows/while reading books/fanfics?
FFFFFF I don’t even know if I know 11 people and most of them either a) already tagged me, or b) have already done this. But anyways
Tag: @sea-goddess-amphitrite, @cary-onmywaywardson, @islandsofjohnmontagu, @iceprinceofbelair, @kasumi-chou, @nikifirov, @where-his-towel-is, @rayrayswimusic, @miraculous-katsukii, @flowercrownyuri, @accioharo, and @overcome-chihoko (I’m tagging 12 people because fight me)
(I’M SORRY FOR TAGGING YOU BACK IF I DID and I hope its okay that I tagged all of you guys. I just really want to know what you guys would say :) also if you don’t want to answer these its totally fine. <3 you)
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