#ty for sending this it was interesting to think about! i havent really thought about them as yandere before tbh!
fyodorkitkat · 6 months
yandere sigma hcs?? im listening im learning and i didn't think of a new nsfw ask to dm you anyways
Sigma I think would be an overbearing yandere, but maybe it wouldn't seem like it at first. I think they would constantly try to help out the person they were interested in under the guise of assisting them out of kindess, and maybe originally their intentions *were* good.
For instance, doing errands for them or maybe if they worked together they would check up on them more often. Did they eat? Did they sleep well last night? They will bring a drink without asking here and there, encourage them to take it easy while they take over a few of their tasks for them. Then they would start taking care of things before the person they care about has a chance to.
Until it gets to a point that they really aren't having to do much at all for their own life, but the target of his affection might feel obligated to accept the doting behavior.
Maybe some things seem creepy but because Sigma themselves doesn't come off as creepy they let things go more easily.
Like groceries appearing in their fridge and pantry that they didn't buy, and Sigma gives a shrug when asked about it .
"You said you didn't have time to shop with your schedule, this wasn't difficult to take care of don't worry about it,"
Sigma is smart and extremely observant, so they would know when to pull away as to not set off warning bells in their loved ones head too frequently, and when they can push for more control.
They would get jealous of others when it comes to their loved one's time, and this would just increase as things progressed. I think they would come across passive aggressive about it, and because of their personality I think their loved one would willingly try to fix the situation to appease them, potentially not realizing that Sigma knows what they are doing (Sigma absolutely does, but the ends justify the means...) Eventually the focus of their affection would probably self isolate themselves to a degree.
Now all of this is assuming the person they are obsessed with goes along with things enough. But Sigma is dangerous and willing to do anything for themselves (and their home, which in this case I think a yan!Sigma would have a view that assigns their loved one the role of "home").
If someone intervenes to try to get them away from Sigma, or if they start to push back more instead of ignoring the red flags? Sigma will escalate without any hesitation, even if that means committing violence against the people around their loved one or even violence against the focus of their obsession themselves.
I think they would use physical force to confine them if push came to shove, and have no qualms about using any levels of extreme methods necessary to keep them in place (like physical restraints or drugging).
Once their loved one is completely separated from anything Sigma views as a threat, their overbearing treatment would still continue. In that sense, it might be an easy life. They wouldn't have to do much to take care of themselves at all. Sigma would take great care of their "home".
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sxaras · 3 months
hey luma its ya fav older sister kinna type (im messing fr) been in a selfship mood so im gonna come up with some questions and you can answer with whoever you like
- you and your s/o take a bath together, what's that like? (special ritual or anything, sky lore because i had a rubber duckie ritual as a kid)
- your s/o finds you sad and tries to revive you & ur mood, how do they do it?
- give me a chaotic idea in your head that would be silly with one (or more of them if it makes you happy) of your s/os
- i know you mentioned on the server like aus... what's a parallel au for your s/o that you'd like to live out with them? (for example like a shoujo anime when ur s/o is in a mafia game/anime)
- favorite thing about them
- who tucks you in at night and kisses you goodnight before you sleep (very romantic)
hope you like these<3
xoxo, sky
ok so baths
xiao - omggg they’re the most sweet and intimate thing ever in our relationship. whenever im stressed, he runs a bath for me. he lets me lay against his chest as i vent to him about what’s bothering me or we chat about something uplifting. he likes to massage my shoulders and thinks im very pretty with my hair in a messy bun <3
scara - mans was not okay with taking a bath together at first, which i understood and gave him time. when he was finally opened to the idea, i tried to make it as comforting to him as possible. i even set up candles and his fav movie to try to ease some anxiety <3
ok so
xiao - bro wants to go all out, but didn’t know how to at first. so, he asked my friends for advice, which, they didn’t really know much since i don’t vent to them often. but they said to do his best and honestly anything from him is perfect enough. he likes to, as previously answered, run a bath for me, we watch our favorite anime together (we sometimes rent perfect blue if i have the right headspace). usually i like to heal at home but sometimes he’ll take me out to see the city/town i live in <3
scara - says “take ur damn meds”💀ok but fr if it’s someone or multiple ppl affecting me negatively, he’s very much dead set on wanting to kick their asses. i have to tell him to be civil and to not let them bother us. “but if they’re bothering you, then that’s a problem to me!” he says. most of the time, we watch our fav anime and chill <3
dazai - another one who wants to go all out. (well all my f/o’s do but these two do it in a way im really into, not like im not into other f/o’s giving me affection tho) he buys me my favorite foods (but in no way pressures me to eat them bc of my low appetite), we rent perfect blue and any other obscure anime we can get our hands on without a virus together, takes me to the bookstore and lets me go ham, and will read to me when we fall asleep at night <3
silly scenarios
zhongli walking in on xiao and i making out
zhongli sending me an “are you ok” text at 3AM and me and xiao are like “??”
my mom scolding me after i cracked a joke how both my mom and ei can’t cook😭
me thinking dan heng was texting other hoes then i realized he was looking at a saved album of photos he has of me <3
hmm this is an interesting one
for me and xiao i have a shojo au based off my fav manga ‘cheeky brat’ (luma shut up about this manga we know😭) (i also have a shojo au for all my selfships) (also minus the non consensual pervasive actions)
dazai i lowkey have an idea for an au based off ‘grease’, but idk if dazai would fit the role (i kinda think he would)
xiao - his eyes <3
scara - we’re two sides of the same coin
dan heng - his voice <3
dazai - he’s just as crazy as me ♡︎
for who tucks me in.. all of them do. they’re very caring in bed (not like that)
also also have u put any more thought into making a selfship account? or will u keep everything on ur main?
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macabrecravings · 10 months
Hello!! im new here and I just saw ur post about Cain when scrolling through some dol tags so i thought why the hell not he looks super interesting! 💙 - Does he have any special powers/gone through any transformations yet? I saw that he was close to being an angel! Can I also know more about if he has any set personality?
AAHHHHH OMG <3 ty for the ask, i’m glad he’s interesting to other people too HEHE
I am hmm… very new to the game in general :’) Havent made it very far past halloween in any of my saves. :’)) (I Get too distracted </3 There’s sm to do) Cain’s angel transformation will be make him the first non-human I’ve achieved :D
He currently has 1 special power, “Radiant”. In 10 DOL days, he will become a full angel and get more but I haven’t gotten there yet. *Im kind of going into this thing blind :’) Haven’t scoured the wiki much about the effect it’ll have on him LMFAOO.
Since I’m somewhat early in the game, Cain is a stellar student. A+ in all his classes, Swimming level S tier, won a distinction feat, got the social butterfly feat, his beauty is “ravishing 5/6”??? ,, Basically he’s living the life in this wicked town TwT
He’s really defiant, he likes to be in control of himself and others (due to his purity). If he can’t do this psychically, he’ll do it mentally. He focuses more on temple duties than working, but still makes enough money to pay Bailey. Which. he doesn’t. Because he’s too stubborn. He only took on Robin’s debt after he went missing for an entire week and Cain didn’t like not having him around. He’s strong enough to send Bailey & other attackers recoiling in pain, so he does. The only time he submits, really, is when there’s no other option. (Hitchhiking at night) Or if there’s something that he, himself, could gain from it. (Monies £ :3)
He flirts with students in school, comes onto initiates at the temple, the— The monks and nuns at the temple while he’s cleaning the quarters… ‘:) But mainly the receiver of his lust is Sydney 🙏 Or yk the people he practices on for him LMFAO
Whitney started bullying him while he was weaker & more defenseless, but hasn’t let up. He can easily beat her ass, but her and her goons lit the flames of exhibitionism inside of him. So much so that he’s gone to the brothel and tried it out, practicing more for her 💀 He’s known for it, now. Which is certainly an interesting contrast to the way he’s perceived in every other aspect (socially, academically, religiously…)
Kylar is fixated on him, but Cain doesn’t give him the light of day. Has resorted to bullying him in the hallway when he sees the shrine, ignores him in class, and his jealousy racks up every day :’)) Especially when he’s in the canteen/library, watching Cain and Sydney flirt nonstop.
That’s all I can think of right now,,, But there’s more, oh, definitely. Thank you so much for asking, it was really fun to write this all down hehehe.
If anyone has any other questions plleaaase send em in <3333
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
thank you @chiptrillino for tagging me in a wip game!
not quite sure what the rules are but based off of your AMAZING POST OF ART WIPS (check it out here yall chip is so talented) ive decided to just share some parts of my writing wips that i rlly like because i cannot draw whatsoever lmao
enjoy some lil snippets hehe
from heart don't stand a chance:
"Zuko couldn’t get over her eyes. She was looking past the camera towards the man who took it. Zuko could see clear as day the love she held for Sokka in her gaze.
It was a perfect moment that Sokka had captured. No wonder held it with him at all times. If someone had looked at Zuko like that, he’d never want to see anything again.
As he took in the photograph, Sokka sat next to him in silence. His hand was clutching the ring around his neck again in his fist, pressing it close to his mouth as he peered over Zuko’s shoulder to look. Zuko turned to him to compliment the picture and saw a sad fondness lingering in his eyes."
this is a scene i wrote a while ago thats gonna appear in a much later chapter. but yeah. more yue angst for you guys im so sorry.
from i love you (and that's all i really know):
"Mister Sokka," a little voice wishpered in his ear as he felt tiny pokes on his cheek, "Wake up Mister Sokka."
"Good morning to you too Izumi," Sokka responded wearily as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked towards the little girl who was standing on her tippy toes to see over the edge of the bed and poke his face until he rose.
She smiled at him once she realized he was awake.
"Can we have pancakes?" She asked shyly, hiding her mouth just below the edge of the bed as she looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
That look was going to be dangerous for him later on, he could aready tell.
"Sure thing, Izumi, just let me sleep for five more minutes, mkay?" He asked as he shut his eyes again. He was exhausted from last nights events, and the sun had barely risen. How did Zuko do this?"
this is a scene from the next chapter of this fic. so much sokka and izumi bonding you guys are gonna explode hehehe.
from cherry (the mailee fic i wont shut up about that is now a whopping 19 pages):
"Mai never had to guess with Ty Lee. She always knew when Ty Lee was happy about something because she would use an obnoxious amount of exclamation points. She would send gifs of people or cartoons making outlandish expressions whenever she wanted to react to Mai’s text with a specific facial expression. Sometimes Ty Lee would even send voice memos whenever her thoughts became too long, or she got too excited about a story that her fingers couldn’t type as fast as she could speak."
hehe i love mailee.
from yours (the mailee sorority fic that i promise i did not forget about):
"Mai lifted her head off the pillow again and met Zuko’s eyes. She studied his impassive expression, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. He did seem like he missed Mai and Azula, so maybe he did really just want to catch up with them.
But Mai wasn’t going to give up a golden opportunity like this.
“Tell us everything about the boy toy as well and you’ve got yourself a deal,” Mai said.
Zuko rolled his eyes and sighed, “Ugh, fine. And his name is Sokka by the way.”
“Nuance. You also have to wake up Azula.”
“No chance in hell,” Zuko scoffed, “You’re the roommate and her fellow ‘pong princess,’ wake-up duty is all yours.”
“If she murders me, it’s your fault. She’s a bitch when she’s hungover.”
“Whatever you say, Mai,” Zuko grinned before returning back to his phone."
i have decided that zuko is a little shit for this fic and no one can stop me.
from Where'd All the Time Go? (the yuekka fic that i have severe writers block with that i also promis i have not forgotten about):
"“Sokka I really think you need to take a moment and-”
“I am fine Aang, I don’t have time for a feelings talk right now. Right now I need to find the fucking chief of this damn place.” His words came out harsher than he meant, but he didn’t have the time to dwell on that.
Before Sokka could run off again to continue his search, a hand grabbed his arm. One of Arnook’s advisors, Malina, had started dragging him towards the podium.
“Do you not realize how late you are for this Sokka? The ceremony was supposed to begin with your speech nearly an hour ago-” she hissed at him as she pulled him along through the crowd.
“Malina I’m sorry but I really need to speak with Arnook it is urgent-”
“This damn speech of yours is what’s urgent right now Sokka, you can speak with Arnook later but the guests are getting antsy so you need to give your speech right. Now.”
Maline shoved Sokka towards the podium and suddenly all eyes were on him. Every guest in attendance had their focus solely on Sokka."
homeboy is stressed in this scene. things are slowly going to shit in this chapter. i promise i will update this before the end of the year. i swear. im so sorry.
from a currently untitled jetko/sukka boiling rock fic:
"“Oh good, you survived after all,” She said in a mocking tone.
Jet didn’t answer. He knew anything he said would be used against him. He didn’t know where he was. He didn’t know what was happening. But he would be damned if he showed that weakness in front of the fire nation.
“I was told you were more talkative than this,” the girl mused. There was something familiar about her, “my informants were very detailed when discussing your little teashop romance.”
I knew it. Jet snarled in his mind, That bastard betrayed me."
i want this fic to be a little darker but idk how good i am at writing darker fics because i love fluff and humor too much. this could be good angst practice for me.
from a toph and sokka fic that i wrote a while back to help me cope w some shit that i dont know if ill ever post:
"“Sokka? Are you still there?” Toph asked, the slightest hint of concern began to slip into their voice
“Tell me a story,” he was trembling. Despite all of his efforts to sound calm, he knew his voice came out trembling and scratchy and pathetic-
“Is everything okay? You don’t sound too hot,” Toph said through the phone.
Breathe, Sokka, breathe. You don’t want them to be worried, you just need to calm down.
“Please, Toph, I just,” he said through shaky breaths that weren’t nearly deep enough for him to be getting enough oxygen, “I just need a distraction. I just need to hear your voice okay?”"
nonbinary toph anyone?
from a 10 things i hate about you kataang and zukka au:
"“What? Something on my face?” the guy asked deadpanned. He rubbed at his scar as if he were wiping off a smudge of mustard, and Aang’s face went pale.
“Stop scaring the sophomores Zuko, this one’s new. He won’t get your… humor… just yet,” Ms. Wu said as she waved Aang off again.
“I’m hurt that you’d imply I’m not funny, Wu. I’m hilarious,” the senior, Zuko, said as he walked past Aang.
Aang let out a sigh of relief knowing that this Zuko guy didn’t seem all that offended by his awkwardness, and darted out of the room."
zuko is a little shit part 2. the amount of sarcasm i have dripping off of heath ledger zuko is glorious. let zuko be a little shit. i havent added to this in months but when i finish some of my other wips i cant wait to get back to this.
i have more wips and drafts saved but none of them have anything juicy or funny or interesting yet because all of them are like less than three pages so far
but yeah, heres a good chunk of sneaky peakys from my wips!
I hope you liked them!
anyone who wants to do this can totally go for it. imma tag @ambykinns @lumities and @flowers-inthepieshop (only if you all want too!!) because this was fun :)
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diosmenu · 2 years
> me again hello!
(not a group? but bibi if u have time)
red velvet
jsbdhsbs ty ur so real
favorite member / bias line: ryujin + chaeryeong + yeji
which member I’d fight (& why): ryujin i think if we were friends we’d just fight for fun. aries tingz or whatever
favorite song(s): oooo i need to sit down and figure this out soon but atm i’d say mafia in the morning i think
favorite thing about the group: theyre really good dancers and it shows in how good their choreography always is. plus theyre monster performers their show stages are crazy
something i’d like to see from them: hm nothing in particular honestly. i think it might be interesting to see them do a darker concept or something with a story? think their mama 2021 performance lol
favorite member / bias line: my line is so funny i just keep adding to it everyday. anyway momo + jihyo + nayeon + sana + dahyun
which member i’d fight (& why): momo but like homoerotically. intricate rituals and whatnot
favorite song(s): i dont think ive even heard half their discog yet so idr have this figured out but. the feels, f.i.l.a., hell in heaven, i can’t stop me, fancy, ho! & prolly more idk theyve never made a bad song
favorite thing about the group: like i said the inability to make a bad song
something i’d like to see from them: radio silence. like literally please give these women a break
red velvet
favorite member if i have one: irene
favorite song(s): psycho & really bad boy changed my life im so serious
why i don’t stan (yet) / if i want to: i dont think i need to be a Stan of every group i listen to buuuut i also havent heard that many songs by them even tho i want to and the reason is im lazy LMAO ill do them justice at some point
question for veteran fans: im probably gonna ignore this question in general like i got nothing to ask lmfao
i’ll listen to their top song on spotify & tell you my thoughts: in all honesty i already listened to wa da da and i didn’t like it </3
i’ll look up photos & tell you who stands out to me: i don’t need to cos xiaoting is my gf actually. but also that pink haired girl is so pretty too
i’ll tell you if i’d look into them more: i mean. they just debuted so i can’t really say either way. maybe if their next release is different from wa da da sjbsjsnsj
favorite member / bias line: yeonjun + taehyun + i think im adding beomgyu too
which member i’d fight (& why): yeonjun. i just think he deserves it and im sure the members would help me. but also beomgyu bc hes also a menace in a different way
favorite song(s): loser lover, puma, can’t you see me?, 0x1=lovesong, blue hour, etc. also i think cat & dog might be unironically making the cut
favorite thing about the group: i think they do really interesting concepts and pull them off very well no matter how different they are
something i’d like to see from them: i need them to actually pull thru w the loser lover sound. honestly first time i listened to the album i didnt like it bc i was expecting some pop rock-ish vibes and i was disappointed when i saw only one song was like that LMAO but its still my fave i think they wld kill a full album. but ALSO straight up rock bc the only reason i gave them another chance after that disappointment was bc i saw the yj blue hour teaser and i thought it was gonna be a rock song 💀 theyre lucky theres crack in it or we wouldnt be here <3
i’ll listen to their top song on spotify & tell you my thoughts: (listened to the weekend) this is GOODDDDD whoa
i’ll tell you if i’d look into them more: yea! ive heard a lot ab her and thought id check her out eventually
send me a kpop group
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alittleemo · 3 years
I wanted to leave valentine asks in all of your inboxes but it’s late and im tired so im making an appreciation type post instead!!!! long post under the cut bc i dont want to subject yall to that lol
@shades-of-blue- faith you add so much positivity to my day and you show so much love for me and all of your other mutuals and i hope you know how lovely you are <3 i love your art series and how positively u interact w your mutuals and followers, and seeing u in my notifications reminds me that other people are interested in what im saying and it really means a lot to me so thank u, sending u all of my love <3
@lunawedlers- audrey you bring so many new movies and shows to my dash and i adore it. you are so kind and supportive of others and your talent is out of this world and it brightens my day to interact w you or even see u on my dash and u deserve the world and all of its beauty. I may have no idea still what the plot of succession is but i thought i saw Tom when i was watching Star Wars the other day and thought of u and i think thats what love is yk? (it wasnt actually him but its the thought that counts <3). i love u sm bestie, im rlly glad we’re friends <3
@12monthoctober- grace you have always been one of my fav mutuals, you show so much consideration for others and your enthusiasm for the AO3 remakes brings me so much joy and u are such a friendly, supportive, and caring force on my dash and i love u and miss u. you were one of my first mutuals and quite honestly in the early months i was on tumblr and we were mutuals were able to ground me and bring me so much joy and ive stolen so much of my music taste from skam nt and the fact we already had similar tastes rlly enhances the vibe. I love seeing u on my dash and on my Spotify bar and i hope u are doing well, i love u sm <3 
@lesbeanfatou- clara you provide such a chaotic and kind whirlwind force on my dash everyday, and your boundless love for all of your friends and followers is so wonderful to behold. literally the joy i had in u immediately following me back and interacting w me in the beginning meant the world to me and i hope u know im here for u always. your love for 1d passed on to me and now i actually follow the convo when ppl talk abt them and my sister and bestie love me for it and ive saved too many of ur reaction images to use myself so ty for that too <3 love u queen u deserve the sun and all of her stars
@coffee-and-moo- grace i literally cannot describe how much joy i get from seeing your Star Wars and marvel posts on my dash, u share and encapsulate so many of my fav interests that i feel like we were destined to be mutuals. your enthusiasm inspires me and i love seeing u on my dash and in my notes—i feel like at this point we are equally spam liking each other’s posts and i love u sm for it bc i see posts to rn specifically for u now lol. you are so lovely and sweet and i hope the world is treating u well and i love u <3
@pianoandcookiedoughlover- you’re such a lovely presence on my dash, and it means so much to me that u took time to check on me after some of my rant posts, j the feeling of knowing other people care enough to check in and your calm, rational way of looking at situations was so important to me. im so excited for skam colorado s2 and i hope you’re doing well and ily <3 (also ive taken to calling u honey in my head bc of ur profile pic color/bc u have no name displayed lol but if u would prefer smth else lmk!!)
@maade-of-stardust- val you were my first mutual and literally the rush i got from a person following me for the first time fueled me for weeks. we don’t talk a lot but i love seeing u on my dash and your fics are incredible and deserve so much love and attention considering all of the love you’re put into them. I hope you are doing well, there are so many people who love and care for u and i love u <3
@paint-dreamscapes-on-the-wall- iris you are such a sweet person, and i still havent forgotten how u took time to give me phoebe bridgers recommendations when i didnt expect to get any—your thoughtfulness and excellent music choices really brightened my life a lot. i happened to find skam boston in the middle of quarantine (may or June i think??), and waiting for your updates everyday grounded me and added a sense of stability to my life as i watched graciela navigate her season. u are such a lovely being and i love u a lot <3
@fakieu- aj u are so creative and your sense of humor is immaculate and you have been such a positive influence on me (that sounds weird lmao but fr your calmness and creativity have inspired me and helped me so much). skam dc was the first remake i actually listened to with music, and i j have to say literally my music taste this summer was almost entirely stolen from u, so i appreciate that a lot. I hope you’re doing well and that school isnt beating u down to much, love u <3
@womenstan and @nori-in-pink- we haven’t interacted a lot but both of u are so sweet and the support u have for your friends and the enthusiasm u have for others is so affirming and rlly helped me feel like people cared about what i had to say here. em- it meant the world to me that u actually made something out of my gif suggestions, i have lots of ideas bouncing around but actually seeing them was mind blowing and i loved them. courtney- i love the cheerfulness u bring to my dash and u are such a lovely soul and i hope u are both doing well
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iamtheempress · 3 years
Lets Talk
Tumblr media
She nursed a nice bruise on her face in the bathroom, one that bloomed from her cheek to the top of her brow, extending a green fingertip to her cheek to heal it slowly, hopefully bringing back some natural skin tone to her cheek again.
 A normal practice for treating her wounds all her life, all while keeping herself awake and conscious with an energy drink that was half empty and the ever present feeling of anticipation. The source of anticipation lingering on that phone beside her, a burner phone she bought at the beginning of the day.
Chiaki's eyes flickered to her burner phone right next to her, waiting for a reply from a face shed only met during a fight earlier that morning with her father. 
Heroes against Villains, that old fight that will seemingly never ever cease, she cant remember why the incident happened but she just knew that she and her father were first responders along with a handful of other heroes.
 She inspects the faded mark on her face and closes the door to the bathroom, quietly as to not wake her mother who had tried to quell her worried eldest daughter, Aoi had retired to bed about an hour ago… the media had picked up on the travesty of a fight that happened earlier that day. Causing a nasty uproar from civilians and the media alike.
It was everywhere, newspapers, radio stations, the internet and she can hear the newscaster announce it clearly. "Pro Hero Witch is in the Literal Hot Seat today, is she someone we need to keep an eye on? Her power was in full effect keeping a fifteen-story building from crushing her and her battered teammate, FullCharge. Who had beaten the negligent heroin enough to make her heal him, after she did this the building she was supporting fell upon her and 5 other civilian lives, after letting the villain come to know as Dabi escape-'' she turned off the tv sick and tired of hearing of how useless she’s been, the ensuing argument she had with her family left scars on her psyche she wouldn't bat an eyelash at, she couldn't care about her reputation when she let people die on her watch. 
Useless. Lazy. A joke. 
She let those 5 civilians die so callously, she didn't know them and yet she doesn't feel as bad, atleast not right now. Casualties are a norm for heros, right?
The icing on the cake was to hear the media call her that word negatively again. 
A name she used to take her power back from a horrible nickname in her childhood. Now once again weighing on her like chains to the floor.
 She walked to bed holding the phone and lamenting, falling to her bed with a resounding flop.. It's her fault.. she let Dabi go, and everyone saw it.
 She let everyone down and even had her phone blown up by her friends. She turned her attention to the group chat and took a peek from behind the iron curtain of guilt. Bakugou's name was the first to catch her eye.
Bakugou: Chili. Hey dumbass answer us! We have been trying to call you all day and you leave us on read. Answer us goddammit! We don't want to confront you ourselves and see what your deal is but we will if you don't answer us for the rest of the night.
Midoriya: We will give you another 30 and we're coming over, we promise we're not going to gang up on you, Chili…That wouldn't be right. 
Chiaki: How can i trust that, you all saw my situation, no one did a damn thing to help me, i get im also the healer but that includes people defending me in order to heal at a distance or else I HAVE THE TARGET on me. I cant face any of you. 
Bakugou, Izuku, Shouto and more are typing…
She wept rubbing her eyes with her sleeve and making her tear up. Out of everyone… she assumed someone would understand but they all seemed to give her the same look, it made her heart stop. Once again she's the bad guy in a situation she lost control over. With guilt in her heart, she recalled the last moments before he got away. 
Dabi got her father off of her. No hesitation, blasted him clean off of her with enough force it could have singed her head to toe, but he didn’t. She went to get up and saw her father immolated in blue flames as she turned to see the same man she was sent to apprehend was standing fixed about 10 feet from her, his eyes trained solid on her. She looks up at the buildinh started to grown from the integrity being lost from the fight, it began to collapse down on them until she suspended it above the both of them, mere feet from his head; they stared at one another like deer in headlights. A sinister smirk spread across his features before disappearing from her view, in the kick up of dirt and rubble, 
Chiaki couldn’t bring herself to apprehend him. 
Why..? Did he see the desperation in her eyes or the fact that she barely had a leg to stand on when her own father took her down a size, when he saw insubordination over saving herself and not her father who was completely fine? Or was there another ulterior motive to keeping her alive?
Upon trying to close her eyes, and hopefully forget about this whole day.  
The burner phone buzzed to life. 
The screen could have been the brightest thing in the room, a beacon in the night beckoning her. Distant thunder rumbled to indicate the dire decision she's made, as well as a storm that was approaching.
 Her heart stopped, she lifted the phone slightly and slid her thumb over the screen. To see the text message from an unavailable number. 
“How is that eye feeling, Witch?” 
The text read, her fingers flew across the keyboard. 
“It’s been better, I fixed it up. Is this really Dabi?” upon sending the message the text came up as read. Is she really thinking of doing this… he messaged her back quickly. “Maybe I am, I have seen the news today and that shot of you and I standing before the building collapsed on us was cinematic so I have to give you props for that. I’m guessing the reason you wanted to speak to me was not make pleasantries and talk about our days.” 
“You want to join the League.” 
There it is. The question that lain heavily upon her mind. Shed never considered it as much as she has recently. The ridicule of her graduating class, her power seen as something not all heroes should use for good. She proved time and time again how she is not something to worry about.. But here she was.. Being abused and taken advantage of by the people she cared for. 
“Yes. I do.” She sent it with no hesitation and sat up in her bed looking down upon the phone, he made quick work of messaging her back, again. 
“We havent recruited anyone worth our time in a while. From what I saw recently as well as today. We were considering reaching out to you..but this works much better. Meet tonight?” Her golden eyes widened and her mouth popped open out of sheer shock. “Around what time? Ill be there” She stands up, with a loud crack of lightning the rain poured outside, she cursed and saw a location pop up on her phone.
An old and run down apartment complex outside of city limits. “Now. Get going. Text me when you're close.” Chiaki sprung out of bed without a second thought. Redressing herself in simple attire, something to not be seen on the streets so easily especially at night. Black leggings, worn in combat boots her mother gave her, a large black hoodie and that burner phone.
 While tying her hair up in a bun she saw her phone, the one with her best friends messaging her… and Midoriya’s name front and center..
Izuku: “Hey, cmon, Chili. We know you’re there.. We saw what happened and we want to know if your alright…We can see you reading our messages”
Izuku: What happened with your dad wasn't right but something doesn't add up from that fight, Chili.”
Bakugou: “It makes just as little sense to me too dumbass! Why did he spare you and go for FullCharge.”
Bakugou: “You better not have done something youll regret dumbass we cant lose you!”
Kiri: “I already have Shouto were on our way to talk to you, Spooky, were not mad..”
Her heart stopped in her throat as she started typing to them. She could see them all stop typing in unison. 
“Theres nothing to talk about. You all have made up your mind about me..i can see it. I sound like im just a problem to all of you. Consider me gone.” Chiaki tossed her old phone to the bed and scrawled a note. 
“I loved you all.. I'm sorry I'm not who you wanted me to be.”
With one message her phone began to blow up. Without looking back, she was gone. Hopping from her window to the road below with a splash into a puddle and starting her jog, leaving the only home she's known her whole damn life, as well as leaving her hero life behind her.
About a solid 30 minutes later she noticed she saw the buildings become more and more dilapidated marked with graffiti as sirens shrieked down streets and seedy characters crept behind alleyways, the city limits were within a mile away, and so was the old apartment building. 
Impatient and eager to meet him face to face, she messaged him.. "About a block or two away." she pulled her hood up as she exited a mini markets awning that was closed, rain started to shower down upon her, her light hair hidden beneath the oversized hood, the old marquis sign coming into sight. 
The phone vibrated in her pocket, Chiaki pulled it out and the words shone bright across her face. “You better not be some spy.. I won’t be too happy. So in your best interest, i'd be 100% transparent with me.”  She texts back quickly. “I am an open book and got little to hide.”
The text was read and the old marquis was above her, “No turning back now… the guys will be looking for me in no time.” She said to herself and entered the lobby of the closed apartment building, through the heavy wooden doors. It looked like it used to be grand but now it was so in disrepair that the wallpaper was torn back from walls and holes were created from years of neglect. 
Chiaki pulled her hood back and looked around, listening to the silence of the apartment, she took a breath and emanated a glow from her hands, her fingers and thumb lit up like bright green glow sticks.
From behind a darkened figure glided his scarred palm across the tattered wall approaching her slowly, he speaks up, cutting the silence and startling her. "Ah..There you are, you certainly didn't waste your time, Witch" she gasped and whipped around to see him, Dabi. She let out a nervous laugh and took a step forward, if she were not in this situation she wouldn't hesitate to take him down but this instance she felt on equal ground to him so she felt no threat.
 "I don’t dodge opportunities, especially ones like this, I would have contacted someone sooner but I wanted a reason to do this.. And you seemed like someone I wanted to contact first hand." Dabi approaches her until he is within mere feet of Chiaki, his feet shuffling with each stride, he's easily taller than her by more than a couple inches, being 5”2’ is sometimes a hindrance.
He blows air out of his nose with a laugh. “You were in luck then.. I had my eye on you for a while and finding intel for you was far more complicated than we expected. Chiaki Nakamura is it?”  one hand stuffed into his pants pocket and the other out to gesture towards her, his scarred hand fanned out, talking with his hands was natural for him to do it seems. His cyan blue eyes raking down her front and back to her eyes. Unblinking and just as dark and spellbinding as before, all the while being intensely overwhelming in every aspect physical. Chiaki’s heart bounced in her chest to her throat. 
His head lulls to the side.
 "Thats my name..” The young pro speaks softly, Dabi noticed the apprehension in her voice,"Oh are you nervous little Witch..?"  he didn't need her scurrying off or anything so he took to sauntering slowly around her, sizing her up like a hungry shark. She didn’t speak but caught his eyes through his black hair that curtained his eyes. “Just a bit but if i were any more scared i wouldn’t be here..” He looked upon her glowing green hands, it made her mildly conscious of the fact that they were shaking.
“Then my reputation precedes me even to fresh faces like you.” He says with a hoarse chuckle, he backs up with his arms spread open, she catches a glimpse of his long scarred arms, they flopped back down to his sides, She laughs gently in turn, her eyes fixed on his face, being this close she could see the gold sheen to the staples on his mouth and under his eyes. 
“If that nervous behavior is because you’re scared and having second thoughts about this.. And want to go back to playing around as a hero, i won't hesitate to fry you where you stand, but i'm hoping you're using that common sense of yours so i don't have to.” She listens intently, unwavering and dimming her hands back down, as to not allow her quirk to radiate outside the building.. Dabi’s mouth doesn’t even move beyond a normal straight line but his eyes say everything: He doesn’t see her as a stranger.. Despite this being their first time meeting amicably.
 “rest assured i won’t hurt you, from what I have seen already we need someone with a quirk like yours around, but when it comes to me bringing you back to the bar.. They won’t allow you in unless I check you for a wire, lift your arms.” He instructs and she lifts her arms just enough for him.
 His hands starting to traverse her arms and waist make her face swell with heat, a much more embarrassing position to be in… He was thorough and rough with the patdown, his face remained the same unchanging and stoic, her eyes trained on his face and the rough scars that covered the bottom portion of his face to the part directly under his tear ducts. Besides that he doesn't look bad.. The scars only add that intense look to him, the reason why people were scared of his looks. 
“I wanted to know something..” She caught his attention with a low hum, his brow raising and his lips curling upward. “What was the deal with you getting my father off of me..why didnt you attack me.” His hands finished patting down her body and he tuts her pulling the burner phone from her pocket.
 “You see.. That moment was televised and the moments leading up were not, and if they were, they didn't televise your abuse period or the reason behind it. It was pretty tragic, I heard your father's harsh words.. even more brutal pounding id say, he blocked all of your defences, your little friends didn't come for your rescue, they stood around." She stood stock still listening to him,
"Our Pro Hero lil Witch being ‘saved’ by me when i had enough of seeing someone who is more useful then her partners let on, being beaten to a pulp, and then when things seemed to be working in your favor and the fabled heroes would have gotten me, you in turn...stopped an entire highrise building from squishing me to death.” He leans forward and drops his voice an octave, dipping into a form of seductive and joking. 
“Kinda humiliating isn’t it? Being saved by a well known villain isn't really what the public wants to see.." he shrugs and steps back looks down at his palm, his long fingers moving around trying to catch her attention like he could light a flame at any moment,  with the other hand in his pocket. "I saw someone who needed help in more ways than one.” Her eyes widened as he stuffed the phone into his pocket “I saw someone who I had my eye on for a while being beaten for not doing something as useful as aiding her teammate… and for her own safety right?” He questions as he leans back against the wall adjacent to her.
 “Yeah.. that's right.. How do you know all that? I mean like, not alot of people know that about my quirk, i cant heal at a distance and provide backup unless i have backup...” He snaps his fingers and points at her. “Exactly my point. Your dear old dad didn't take his much more volatile daughter into account and only used you as a support to him, fueling his ego and making you look bad to the rest of the world.” his demeanor was so foreign to her, he spoke so eloquently and with conviction, a sadistic and perverse form of understanding that drew her in like a super magnet.
 She stood blanched, thunderstruck by how he's describing the situation to her, It's like he's in her head reading every emotion as plain on her face. “Yes. He never took me seriously… as a hero.. No one really ever did.” Dabi's eyes softened as their eyes remained locked in a stare of...mutual understanding on his part… she knew little of his past or who he was, but the weight of not being good enough or a lost cause caused his fists to clench.. he not dare ask anything personal yet.. he has a job to do and earn her trust and read her and her situation like a book. Foreshadowing the type of person she was made to be over years of unfair treatment and situations outside of their control.
 “Getting closer.. Go on, Witch.” She swallowed air and kept spilling her guts..  “I use my quirk to even help anyone or… do something for the good of others and its never highlighted in the slightest, no job well done or whatever. No sort of fanfare or recognition, i come home and.. get judged and told I'm not as good as… as him, from him.” SHe clasps her hands together and opens them up again, Dabi’s eyes watching the little light show from her fingertips and then fade away again. The more his eyes looked to her hands the more he wanted to see the beautiful little auras again, it was then Dabi realized her quirk is easy to be triggered, or atleast constantly active. “But when… i do one thing thats out of character for a… normal pro hero… all eyes are on you..and I was treated like a...pariah” 
Dabi nods his head and his smooth voice lulled her ears “Understand now? They only want you when you're useful to them, you're treated as backup, but in the right hands you could be so much more..” Her head hung low, like she just discovered it, that despite her power and the fact shes equally as dangerous maybe even more so she's treated as lesser than everyone else. 
Dabi mentally kicked himself, making such a pretty face sulk and look dour, he couldn't just stand there and allow her to beat herself up over how others treat her. Dabi took a step forward to her and found himself raising his hand to her chin and made her look right up at him, her chin betwixt the pads of his forefinger and thumb. “Come on now… don't be so down on yourself, they might see you as only an asset and a tool to use and expand upon themselves, as nothing more then a battery that never quits, but with us, you can reach a version of yourself you have never seen before.. And we can help you with that. We will make sure you surpass your expectations'' She caught herself staring. 
Eyes glazed over in tears that threatened to fall, and with a blink they were gone. “Excuse my ignorance but… you're serious like you can do that?” She asked with trepidation and abit of excitement that she had to cage off to not seem too eager. 
“It's not a promise, Nakamura. Its a fact that is going to be a reality. Now..” He turned on his heel and gave them some distance in the lobby, he was almost shrouded in darkness. “Give me a demonstration on what you can do.” He instructs. 
Chiaki blinks and becomes blanched. A demonstration. In here? She clasps her hands together and pulls them apart that green glow emanating from her hands to her elbows, pretty gold and green eyes enveloped in pure green with irises, her hands splayed out fingers slowly dancing and expanding outward, like licks of fire.
 “Brace yourself.” She curled in her fingers to drain the energy from surrounding lights and power, making the environment for everyone else but her heavy and sluggish. Dabi had a bead of sweat roll down his face and a headache grow slowly. “And just as it was pulled away I can give it back on my own terms.” She points a manicured finger at Dabi. The headache vanishes without a trace and his energy restored , almost knocking him on his ass from the dizzying feeling of having the wind knocked into you.
 The lights and the power entirely shut down for a full block and the bulbs bust outside. She holds a ball of concentrated energy in her palm and absorbs it into her skin, a content smile spreading across her delicate features and bowing forward and standing back up straight.
 “Oh yeah, they're going to thank me for insisting you be our new recruit... Warn me before you use your quirk on me again, will you?” She snorts and cocks a brow up at him. “So.. do it again later and knock you on your ass?” Chiaki giggled, Dabi quizzically tilted his head and narrowed his eyes, as if he's breaking down her words in his head, he flipped his black hair from his face as chuckles amused.
 “I knew I liked you for a reason, sarcastic little thing. ” she blushes and covers her mouth embarrassed. “I think it would be smart if we left.. I don't know if my friends are out looking for me or not..and honestly i would rather not face them head on yet.. And i don't want you to be hurt.” Chiaki looks back at him and blushes not realizing how worried she was for his safety, "What already thinking of me? Don't get so soft on me now, Nakamura.." Dabi chuckles and his hands return to his pockets and with a half turn he nods his head in the opposite direction of her, signalling her to follow him towards the exit of the building, he stops before the door. 
"Wait..you mean those UA kids..? trust me, Nakamura.. they arent your friends.. i don't need to know what you went through today after our little scene, you know as well as i that they're already plotting against you from what you did.." his words rang true along with his velveteen voice, the tall and slender Villain seemed to know more than he let on.
Chiaki became quiet and more confident with her decision. She made this choice, and she really didn't regret a damn thing. "And that very thing you have done today, Chiaki.." he slammed his hand into the wall, anchored his hand beside her head, making her damn near jump out of her skin. Lightning cracked outside illuminating the scars that adorned his features.
  The trench coat splaying open and just a bit of his shirt collar dipping down to reveal the purple scar stretches to his chest, gold tint staples fixed secure into what skin he had left to him that remained unscarred.
 Her eyes wandered from his chest back to his brilliant blue eyes. "Made me realize that you were worth contacting. Trust me, Nakamura.. we will bring out the best in you, UA would have easily tainted your view on the world and how ‘justice’ is delivered; but it seems like you know the world for what it really is." he gave her cheek a pat and a pinch, his gaze remained on her and a sickly grin twisted on his features when he notices her eyes wandering to the purple skin and his pronounced collar dipping further down his chest.. His hand engulfed her chin, capturing it and making her look him in the eyes. 
"Yknow, staring at people in the League will getcha in trouble or hurt, Not me though.. just don't get too used to it, anyone who stares  that long at me i consider mice…but honestly i don't see you scurrying off anytime soon." He backs off when she blushes brighter and gives him a shove. 
"Ah quit! Its kinda hard to not stare if you haven't noticed, Dabi." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and started texting someone facing the heavy door, when he received a reply he put it back into his pocket, and sighed opening the heavy metal door with a creak, rain poured down into the street as he spoke up so she could hear him. "its what we ugly folk are used to i'm afraid." Chiaki merely scoffs and pulls back up the hood and opened her palm flat and above his and her head together she created a translucent green umbrella like barrier protecting them from the downpour,  "Ugly is abit of a stretch, Dabi..." she mutters and follows him into the alley where the rain continued ro shower down bouncing off the barrier, a singular street lamp illuminating the barren street leaving the only city she had ever known, Dabi replayed that phrase in his head and he momentarily closed his eyes.
 Its been years since he got compliments.. it was strange but not unwelcome. "Ohhhh little mouse, your gonna get along very well with me.. stick by my side and everyone will like you… eventually.. Your about to meet one of them anyway." As he said this casually as the street became a black and purple haze, a portal opened up and swirled as a literal exit from the city.. to wherever the hell she was going next. 
Chiaki gasped and took an apprehensive step forward.
 "Scared?" Dabi asked, with a little smirk on his lips. "Just a bit…" Dabi extended his hand for her, inviting her with him "Cmon. Trust me. Trust a burnt man with nothing to lose." He chides playfully. Chiaki accepts his invitation, his hand warm and textured with the staples.. Dabis heart skipped a beat at the contact.
 Soft and small hands engulfed by his own as he guided her through the portal, stunning blue eyes never deviating from her gold and green ones.. like they were captivated by one another.. before she knew it, she was in a completely different location. She blinked and looked around, thunderstruck almost by the environment.
A bar that reeked of booze and smoke of different varieties. "Welcome home, for now." He says in a flat tone, she pulled off her hood and looked around.
 Dabi still had his back to her and looked at his palm for a moment that felt like an eternity, the ghost of her hand remaining in his own, strange emotions bubbled up from nowhere, he shoved them back down and spoke up. 
"Everyone seems to be out by now, usually the bar is never empty. The person who summoned that portal is here...Kurogiri, which means our leader Shigaraki is here. He’ll meet you at some point..when he's not on his damn video games." he nudged her shoulder with his elbow and shook his wet hair out. Turning to look down at her, "Nice place...you guys bounce from place to place often?" She asks in what felt like a shy whisper, the resounding echo from the hall made her feel like she was shouting. 
"Haven't in a while.. hoping we won't have too again. Wont say where because it doesn't matter. Anyway, wanna come up to my room? There's an old couch up there you can crash on. Unless you want my bed, heh.. Wouldn't mind you in bed with me.” He breathily chuckles and pinches her chin starting to lead the way, “Don't get any ideas! I'm just tired.. I haven't had any sleep and its like.. Almost 2:30 in the morning.” She yawned and dragged her feet behind him.
Chiaki follows him up the stairs and down the long corridor to the last door on the left, he opened it to find a bedroom with a king sized mattress pushed to the wall and the windows covered in blackout curtains, an old couch directly under it and  a flat screen across the room as well as his own computer and cans of empty energy drinks by it, as well as an ashtray that looked like it was used normally. 
“This room is mine, go ‘head.” He invites her in, noting the tired look on her face, he found it almost innocent if it weren't for the remnants of blush still ghosted on the apples of her cheeks.
Dabi had booted the door closed behind him as she kicked off her boots, he spoke up again, watching her movements, as they seemed to have gotten lazier. “Not much of an interior decorator but it works for me, sprucing the room up would be too much effort.” 
Making himself comfortable he sheds the trench coat and shuffles through a cabinet in the desk where his computer is located,”I'm getting pretty tired and by the looks of it you are too, so im afraid im gonna have to restrain you. Cmere.” He says, pulling out a pair of handcuffs that catches Chiaki’s attention, her brow instantly rising in confusion and a hint of worry. Dabis eyes flicker up to her when she whips around at the chain jingling as he approaches her, twirling the cuffs around his finger 
 “W-wait why do you need to restrain me?” She asks a little wary, “Its so you dont pull anything while I'm sleeping… can't be too careful, little mouse.” He states clasping the cuffs around her wrists in the front, they clicked almost to the point where he could get two fingers under them. Chiaki looked at him with big innocent eyes and then down to the cuffs on her wrists. “Tsk..you do this to all the new recruits or am i just that special.” He chuckles and turns his back to her. “You’re a first, to both be cuffed and able to sleep in my bed. Consider yourself ‘special’”
She looks back up to find Dabi stripping his white shirt off and tossing it to the couch, a blush forming on her face and a pang in her heart as she looks at him closely, hes much better looking up close… fit and lean, along with the added look of his scars that dressed his torso into his pants only made him 2 times more appealing and more her type. “Holy shit..” She says out loud with her jaw slacked abit. “Checking me out, little mouse? Remember what I said about staring.” He chuckled and laid back in bed exhausted, pulling the sheets up her body comfortably. “Sorry was just admiring the view, Dabi.” She teased rolling her eyes and settling into bed, Dabi’s eyes widened briefly and felt that sweet warm feeling creeping up his chest again, this time he let it simmer there.
“im going to sleep.. Too tired to think, that energy drink i had acouple hours ago finally wore off." Chiaki yawned and stretched, facing away from him to ease the situation, that situation being she wanted to face him and find comfort from him. 
A sort of comfort she longed for for years, acceptance and safety.. Funny she found safety with a villain.. With villains alike. This caused her to giggle to herself, he raises a brow and looked over to her with his arms tucked behind his head 
Instead as Dabi turned off the light and the distant thunder rolled she spoke up “Dabi..” “Hm?” She turned back over and some light from the opened part of the black out curtains illuminated her eyes, Dabi once again caught himself peering into them wistfully finding himself looking her over. 
 A genuine glow in her eye, appreciation and a connection the two have never felt before, “Thank you, for bringing me in.. you wont regret it,” She brings her bound hands up to pull the pillow further up under her head, and licked her lips, swallowing her fear and letting a wall down, even just alittle bit to him. Dabi mused and observed her closely, finally seeing the opposite end of what its like to have someone in need go to him of all people. “i haven't felt anything beyond disappointment for a long long time, so to say i feel comfortable with someone i was fighting not even a day ago says anything, i hope you understand and i'm not stepping over any boundaries.” He grinned, and responded with an amused chuckle. “Getting soft on me again, better not make that a habit with anyone else here, I just might get jealous.” Dabi grazed his finger against her cheek, she leaned against his hand and smiled angelically.
“I'm starting to like that fire in your eye. ” He ghosts his knuckles down her cheek as her eyes closed slowly, blinking exausted as the cold air kicked on from the ac unit above them, she shivered and threw all caution to the wind, Dabi stiffened as she moved closer to his end of the bed, she ducked her head abit beneath the blanket to snuggle against his warm chest, his heart hammered with nerves he still couldnt place a name too, the same hand that stroked her cheek rested on her shoulder, his thumb rubbing slow circles into the sweatshirts fabric. 
Comforting and confusing thoughts swirled through the villains mind as he soon came to realize he remained awake for all but another 20 minutes, the soft rise and fall of her chest and side indicated she had long fallen asleep in his arms. 
Dabi rested his chin against her head and attempted to find the sleep he had long since forgotten in his past life. Acceptance and comfort from someone. 
He sighed and whispered in a husky tone of voice.
“Glad we had that talk, Little Mouse…”
Hey yall its my first MHA fic. You might see more of her and Dabi in the future cuz honestly this was fun!
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bonestrewncrest · 4 years
Also... you should totally Ramble about your altmer boy.... I’m interested in him!!
(LONG ASS RAMBLE AHEAD this might as well be his whole fucking story i just started typing and i didnt wanna stop)
oh my !!!!! oh me oh my !!!!!! im always down to ramble thank u !! i havent really introduced or written anything for him but i have a slightly unfinished idea of who he is
his names meredil and hes about 50 by the events of skyrim. he was born in the summerset isles. yes i know he has the same name of that horny elf in eso
hes a thalmor agent and hes been one ever since he was old enough to fight, and he shares that sort of "i was put into this incredibly stressful situation at a young age that no one should go through" with valen. except the only difference is that valen actually wanted to join the redoran guard, while meredil was heavily pressured by his parents.
the great war started in his early twenties. this is where he got his nasty scar. theres actually two scars- a big patch covering most of his chest and stomach, and a slightly smaller patch covering half his face
things get kinda blurry here and im still tying up many loose ends on how meredil got his scars. the general gist is that its electrical damage- gotten from either intentional or accidental friendly fire on the battlefield in cyrodiil. although you know now that im kinda thinking about it it definitely could have been intentional hmmmmm
theres definitely something juicy in there and especially since valen is still in cyrodiil by the time the great war rolls around. i just need to iron it out
anyways !!!!! the great war fucked him up. like not only did it fuck up his face and blind him in one eye but it like, reality hit him like a slap in the face after firsthand seeing all the atrocities commited by the dominion. his faith wavers and he begins to realize how fucked up all this is and he starts trying to look for a way out, planning on fleeing to skyrim
and then he gets promoted to justiciar BFBFNDJF
being an altmer and also being born under the sign of the atronach has made him naturally a very skilled mage. so now hes kinda fucked, right? hes secured this high position at a young age for a faction he wants nothing to do with and he fought in a war he didnt want to fight in so like fuck
anyways. for the next 25 years he plots and ponders plans on how to run away without getting a bounty over his head. but it feels like somethings keeping him in place, right? would you rather fight for a cause you dont believe in, in exchange for friends, food, a roof over your head, and a proud family- or would you throw it all away to fight for the right thing, the thing you really believe in?
anyways. thats his dilemma.
5 years before the events of TESV hes stationed in skyrim, for reasons that relate to the civil war.
this is where he meets valen!!!!
and this is where things start to tie together !!!! except its all still kinda blurry bfbfbfbfbfjdnd
meredil absolutely fucking hates valens guts at first. i imagine that maybe he was sent to spy on valen because the thalmor knew the dragonborn was a big threat after diplomatic immunity, and wanted to keep an eye on him. eventually, spying leads to "getting information" from valen, aka casual conversation and soon he realizes they have more in common then he thought. casual conversation turns to a friendship and meredil wonders if valen could be the key out of his predicament. found family ensues, enemies to frenimies to besties 34k words
thats about all ive got so far !!!!! as for things like his personality,,,, im still working things out bfdbfjdnfjdjsjd generally hes kinda like. the polar opposite of valen. soft spoken, magic user, stays far away from alcohol and rather social.
yeah thats all i got thank u for sending this ask !!!!!
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petrasplaining · 6 years
do all the positivity things
ONE: Positivity for the first person who comes up when you do @ and the first letter of your name/alias
@beguilcd amber is so so sweet and so so nice, and it’s such an honor to get to write with her and also to see her treat a character that is so close to my heart with such care is just incredible. the mulan of my heart! and of petra’s heart. i love her a lot :”)
UNO: Positivity for the first person who comes up when you do @ and the first letter of your muse’s name/alias
@pxtienceisavirtue skye is a fantastic writer. i honestly… literally.. have no clue who all her muses are but i would legit follow her to the end of the world anyway that’s how amazing skye is.
UN: Positivity for the first person you remember shipping with ( in general or on this muse )
well on this blog that would be the loml tiff, who isn’t on indie anymore. but ? let me ramble about her for a sec. because i can. she is the gina to my yael, my wife my sister, the joanne to my maureen, i cannot even begin to say how much i love her and how much her presence in my life has been such a positive influence and just. i love her. my life is a thousand times better because she’s in it. tiff has always always been the one person who has consistently made me feel so loved, and never ever makes me doubt it. she loves me and truly cares about me, beyond rp beyond.. u know.. she checks on me no matter how busy her life gets and all that stuff and that’s just evERYTHING to me. i’d fight the whole world for her. 
EINS: Positivity for the first person who messaged you in 2018
@hasmercy dis bish likes to bully me a lot, but i love her. so frudgin much. i mean find you a friend who is your personal social media alarm for whenever your fave (in my case yael) posts anything on instagram. it sounds so little but the sentiment behind it means so much tho? the fact that she takes the time, to link me to show me something she knows would make me happy? because she knows it’s something i love? that’s precious. that means she thought of me? remembered me? :”) that aside tho, dana is also a wonderful, steadfast friend and i appreciate that so much.
ETT: Positivity for the first person who comes up when you do @ and your favorite letter
@asperad so jess, is one of my favs ever? like. jess has always been such a sweetheart to me, who leaves me little, feel better messages during the …occasional negativity post i make and liKE. it might seem like such a small simple gesture but… i?? just when you’re having a really hard time, getting a message? knowing someone cares to send that tiny little positivity your way? it means so much esp when you’re at such a low point, u know? and i appreciate that u do so frequently more than i can say. loveloveyou
UNUS: Positivity for the first person to come up on your dash.
@firstofficerslog​ is my little brother and i love him always. he’s one of the nicest people i know, who has a huge heart and genuinely cares about the people around him. he’s also incredibly strong and brave, and i appreciate his presence more than i can ever express. he was there for me a lot last year and was very supportive through an incredibly rough time in my life ?? and i’ll never forget that. if i could love him enough to make him happy always i would. and i just always want good things, the best things for him and for him to be constantly surrounded by good people who make him happy, who support and love him because he deserves that.
ODIN: Positivity for the first person listed on your “top fans” thing.
@leadershiipskills accdg to my blog, i’m your biggest fan and you’re my biggest fan! how cute are we?? :) anyway. gosh. where do i even. you’re the kind of person i could talk to for hours on end, and i wouldn’t get tired of it. u know, i love talking to you. i always have. you always take such interest in me when we talk. you ask me how i’ve been. you follow up, legit for days when you know things have been difficult for me. you give me reasons to smile for no reason at all. it means so much to me that you try and get to know me. you make me feel like i’m more than a person you write with, that i’m not only as good as whatever ships we have. you make me feel like i’m more than that. you’re curious to know who i am, what i like. you take a genuine interest in the things i do, in the things that happen in my life and i mean? i told u this before and i’ll say this again, you dont just tell me i matter, you make me feel like i matter. and i think that’s priceless. i can only hope i’m able to make you feel just as special because you truly are. i’m so lucky to have you as my friend, my mom, my twin. ilyyyyyy bab.
JEDEN: Positivity for the first person you think of.
@burnedbrighter​ ANGELA my sweet babe. how do i even begin to express the amount of love i have for you?? you are a TREASURE. a friend for keeps. u know, people, i feel, come and go on indie and i feel a little bit like that’s just how it is and i’ve come to accept that but you have been there, you know. through how many years. i’ve never doubted my worth to you as a friend. indie or not, i know that we’re friends, and that means more to me than anything, honestly. i hope you know how much i love you, and how much i appreciate you because i really do. ty for always making me feel loved.
EÎS: Positivity for someone you remember from when you first started your blog.
@zensolano caiti?? my sweet darlingest caiti. i’d go wherever you go, always forever you know why? because you’re an actual sunshine and ray of positivity and just the sweetest thing in the entire world! your presence lights me up, and you just, make me feel special and loved and remembered and just. coughs we all know i’m not always the hugest jafael fan depending on what’s happening lmfao but i would volunteer to scream about them alongside you, that’s how much i love you, and your cute fangirling sweet pure self. ily okay?
YKSI: Positivity for someone who has been one of your first writing partners, either on this blog or in general
@shculdbeafraid​ izzie, you’ve been there legit since this blog was born, i’m pretty sure? hahaha. and you’ve always been such a good friend to me, anytime that you know i’m not feeling the best, you’re always there to offer to listen and i appreciate that more than i can say. you’re wonderful and i have lots of love for you always, yeah? :)
BAT: Positivity for the first person to come up when you do @ and the letter F
@filiamatris​ is there anything i look forward to more than all of avery’s ooc posts tho? i think not? hahah, you’re amazing and so kind and considerate and you’re just…s ucH a caring person? and i cannot say enough how much i appreciate that, how much i appreciate having that kind of positivity in my dash is. it really, really makes all the difference. you make all the difference! you’re wonderful and amazing ilu
EKAB: Positivity for for the first person to come up when you do @ and the letter O
@ofcoldguns​ iK we havent talked a whole lot but you’ve become such an important part of my dash, and it’s always so nice getting to see you there and !! i appreciate anyone who appreciates one day at a time so. :”) you’re a darling and i look forward to getting to know you more!!
MOJA: Positivity for the top person in your activity bar
@likescauliflower​ ILSE MY LOVE. you’ve always been one of my most fav ever i mean your writing is stellar, i get to cry with you about all the things that i love aka jtv and odaat which! is always such fun! it doesn’t matter how busy you get irl, no matter how many times it takes you away from me because i will always always love you always!!!!! our love is forever just like seblair’s love is forever okay. 
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skiasurveys · 7 years
sex sex sex sex.
1. What’s your favorite position and why? i like doggy style a lot because i dont know it just feels really great and its pretty dominating..but i also like missionary but its boring but i like it when i want to feel “romantic”. lmao.
2. How did you lose your virginity? If you’re still a virgin, is there any specific reason?  I lost my virginity at 19. Basically I was preparing to bang my boyfriend ( my current one!) but I was super nervous ( I already had some trauma from the past). I was scared and stuff and so we tried and I was like Idk man im scared. Then later that night we just started to kiss and make out and he asked if I wanted to try again and I said sure so I got naked blah blah, I was sitting on him kissing hm and then bam he fucked me but it felt really awesome and nice, didn’t hurt because he was slow at it and then he fucked me from behind after i got used to it lol. Great times. That was like a year ago!
3. If you could have sex with any porn star or model, who would it be?  i dont know any porn stars and im not attracted to any models either.
4. What’s one thing in particular that makes you want to tear off your lover’s clothes? Sometimes if he looks at me a certain way or if were doing something . Or if he starts touching my thighs and/or kissing my neck 
5. Five turn ons. 1. Strong looking/masculine 2.Taller than me but no taller than 6′3 3. kissing my neck. 4. man handeling me (without being too aggressive).5. showing me off ( Not like “OH LOOK WHAT I HAVE” but being proud you have me. 6. Five turn offs. 1. Being an asshole. 2.Acting like you don’t care about me when youre around others. 3.Racist/sexist/etc 4.Creepy. 5.Hating my friends
7. Have you had any embarrassing sexual experiences?   its so embarrassing.. so I had just finished my period ( OR so i thought) and we started to fuck and it was going well.. after we finished he was like “Um i think you still have your period.” and Im like “what?” and yeah there was blood on his dick and I legit ran and cried in the bathroom like a little bitch LOL. He came after me and said it was fine and that hes done more awkward shit but DUDE...
8. Do you have a fetish? not really. I like calling my boyfriend daddy in the bedroom but i dont like the ddlg fetish at all. 
9. Have you experimented with anyone of the same sex?  no 10. What’s “out of bounds” for you during sex?  Choking, or tying me up, or like bondage stuff. I just have a severe panic attack if that happens and I dont like it and I had trauma so its actually triggering.
11. What’s the best sexual unsolicited advice you can give?  Just dont fuck them if youre not ready. 
12. Hickies - get ‘em or give ‘em? both
13. Do you like giving head? im that weird girl who actually enjoys sucking cock
14. Do you like getting head? yes 
15. What’s one thing you look for in a partner?  loyalty and companionship. 
16. How many partners have you had?  1 and im still with him :)
17. What’s your sexual orientation? Straight
18. If you’re bi/pansexual, what gender do you tend to prefer? n/a
19. Describe the best sex you’ve ever had.  Theres a few. It usually is when he goes hardcore with teasing me and kissing me. One time he was kissing me and teasing me. He ate me out for a bit which was amazing, and the he kissed me from my tummy to my lips, and he fucked me hard but slow and said I love you which was awesome. But i also had one where He was teasing me and doing lots of foreplay and he told me he owned me and that he wanted all of me and then he fucked me so good. especially when he cums inside me. MMMMM.
20. Describe the worst sex you’ve ever had. It wasnt bad but I just have depression and sometimes it hits me when were fucking and  i lost my sex drive and just didnt care and it didnt last that long but i lied i orgasmed so he could finish because i wasnt feeling it lol
21. Have you ever had a funny sexual experience? What was it? i dont know. Im sure. 22. Are you okay with rough sex?  Yess just not too rough ok!
23. How big was the biggest dick you’ve ever seen? Was it in a porn or in real life? well i mean guys in porn always have huge dicks but my boyfriend is the only one Ive had and he is pretty big.
24. Boobs or ass - which is better? ass. 25. Do you prefer sex or masturbation? sex i hate masturbating.
26. Describe how you usually masturbate. ill leave that for your imagination. 
27. Do you like tattoos on a partner or do you like them to have a clean slate, skin wise?  i dont care. either or.
28. How do you feel about daddy dom/little girl roleplaying? some people go a little too far with it. Like for example actually acting like they are 4 years old in public. You can leave it to the bedroom, please.
29. What’s your fantasy?  pay off my student loans.
30. Do you have any sexual regrets? no
31. When did you last have sex? april 1st before Connor moved! He will be back in the end of May or start of June so it will be a while before we have sex again :(
32. When did you last masturbate? last night
33. Have you had anal? yeah. Its ‘ight. 
34. Do you like to spank/be spanked?  i like to be spanked.
35. What do you want done to you right now?  well since  I havent seen my boyfriend in like a month i would love it for him to just push me against a wall. mmm.
36. Are you comfortable with getting tied up? no
37. Did you have sex in high school? nope. No one really liked me back then. I had like 2 boyfriends then and it was shitty then. I met Connor the fall after i graduated. Hilarious.
38. How old were you when you lost your virginity? How long has it been? 19 years old and its been a year now.
39. Do you like teasing or would you rather get straight to the point? teasing.
40. Sexting or phone sex?  ive done both. sexting is fun but phone sex can be pretty hot. I just dont like phone sex..i rather sext tbh
41. Have you had sex in any interesting places? One time we were hanging at our friends place and everyone had gone to bed and Connor was cuddling me on their couch and he said , “ I bet its just bothering you that you cant touch me” and im like whatever idc and then hes like “lets lowkey fuck” so we fucked on their couch while they were sleeping! It was pretty fun but nervous cus if someone walked out. oh god..and then we fucked behind a couch like 3 times while there was a party going on. cool.
42. Are you sexually active?  i guess so. since he moved its hard to say but its only for short time.
43. Have you had car sex? no our car is too small for that. but i want to.
44. Have you ever had sex with anyone else in the location you were at? (i.e., while your sister was in the other room) yes..see above
45. Why aren’t you fucking anyone right now? well the only person i would fuck is in a nother city obvs so thats why.
46. Are you able to have emotionless sex? not rly
47. Does penis size really matter? yes
48. What has been your most memorable experience sexually? theres a lot
49. If male, are you well endowed? n/a
50. If female, what’s your breast size?  34 B cup.
51. Have you ever been the other person? no
52. Have you ever cheated on anyone?  no!
53. Describe an orgasm.  i just felt really weird and shakey but it felt so good.
54. What’s the longest time you’ve had sex for? I dont really keep count.
55. What’s the shortest time you’ve had sex for?  like 5 minutes. -___-
56. If you could change the person you lost your virginity to, would you?  no
57. Have you had any pregnancy scares? Yeah kinda. my one period didnt come once and i was so scared. I bought like 3  sticks.
58. Are you comfortable naked?  kinda. Ive been with Connor for a year now and I still feel awkward naked. lol
59. Are you comfortable sending pictures of yourself to others? depends.
60. What’s your sexual comfort zone like?just dont do rape play.
61. What’s something sexual that you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up liking?  i cant think of anything
62. Do you have any piercings in fun places? (i.e., clit, nipples, dick) no
63. Would you say you’re good in bed?  i think so.
64. How do you get sex tips? internet or i ask him how he wants me to do something. like i ask him if he likes what im doing and he will tell me how he wants it.
65. Have you ever had sex with anyone while they were on their period? Have you ever had sex while on your period?  no except that one time when i thought i was fkn done but i wasnt. kill myself.
66. If you could be the other sex for a day, would you and what would you do first? idk.
67. What’s your favorite part about being the gender you are? I dont know really. I can buy cute drinks without looking dumb?
68. Slow but passionate, or fast, furious, and kinky? slow but passionate. But also depends on the mood or whatever because sometimes i want rough, sometimes i don’t.
69. Have you ever 69’d? Did you enjoy it?  yes but it feels too good to suck him while hes eating me out.
70. Have you ever done drugs and then had sex?  weed
71. Have you ever had sex with someone you’re in love with? yes
72. How are you with BDSM? Would you ever engage in it?  nope.
73. Do you like gagging on cock/having someone gag on your cock? Why?  i love gagging on his cock.
74. When it comes to oral, are you gentle? Do you use your hands too? gentle. i dont want to hurt him but if i do go hard kinda. and yeah i used my hands.
75. Okay, how do you feel about handjobs?  sometimes i do hand jobs but its only when im making him hard. Lol.
76. Have you had any unwanted pain during sex? yeah.
77. What is something that’s not sexual that can turn you on more than anything sexual?  arms? 78. Can your sexual partners be categorized by their zodiac signs? no
79. Have you had sex to music? What’s your favorite sex song? we fucked to Wish you were here by Pink Floyd.
80. What’s something you want to try in bed?  i dont know.
81. Has anyone drew blood from you during sex, whether it was by cutting, biting, or scratching? How did you feel about that? no. if there was blood from biting/scratching/etc i would feel awful.
82. Have you ever fucked someone who was sad? Did it help them emotionally or make it worse? I have fucked him when he was sad and it helped and same for me sometimes it makes me feel way better.
83. Do you like sexual anons? no
84. What’s your ideal round of sex?  i dont know.
85. Do you like the use of whipped cream, handcuffs, chocolate, and cherries?  nope.
86. Have you ever been walked in on or caught?  almost got caught.
87. Have you ever had sex in public? Would you? yes and i would.
88. What’s a good sex joke?  i dont know. 89. Do you like to be called a dirty slut or would you rather be treated like royalty?  i love it when he calls me a slut but theres a time and place during sex when i want to be slutty and then loved LMAO.
90. Are you more submissive or dominant? sub 91. What’s your naughtiest secret? i almost fucked a 33 year old when i was 18.
92. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve encountered sexually?  i cant think of anyting
93. Have you ever “stuck your dick in crazy”? Was there a lesson learned?
94. Do you like playing with balls/having someone play with yours? i like playing with them because he loves it. 
95. What’s the best nonsexual feeling?  feeling safe and loved by them.
96. Do you like feet? ew 97. Do you look at rule 34/hentai? ew....
98. Pick a random question off this survey for yourself. N/A 99. Who’s your ideal sexual partner? MY BOYFRIEND.
100. Do you have a partner right now? Would you like one? have my boyfriend :) 101. Are you accepting “applications” for a partner?  um no
0 notes
survivorelsalvador · 7 years
EPISODE 1 - An Army Of Porn Pete (TM) - Josh (Camp)
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(If a confessional is just a gif or a picture then it was most likely Veronica, winner of Jeju Island, uwu <3)
One world? This is going to be an iconic mess and I can't wait to see how this turns out.
Will she decapitate me or will we work together: The Regan/Will love story begins all over again (for when these go public I have nothing against you Regan you're a queen in my eyes)
How quickly are you trying to kill me. First of all: I literally know 99% of these people and am playing in Athena with them right now, which makes my game in each more complicated. On my tribe: Me, Chris, Willow, Willa, and Austin The only person I don't know is Austin. I'm aligned with Willa in another game and was aligned with Chris in the same game. Willow and I were friendly in Solomon Islands. Hopefully this puts me in a good spot. Other than that, going through the rest of the cast on other tribes: Playing with in Athena right now: Adrian, Kai, Lily, Jaiden, and Nicholas. I'm in an alliance with all of them except Adrian (who might not like me after tonight). From Solomon: Zakriah, my literal child and snapchat streak buddy. He's also vv close with Willow, so this is good. Potential alliance? From Great Lakes: Kyle and Ashton. Idk Ashton AT all. We were never on a tribe together. Heard he's pretty good at orgs though. Kyle and I didn't super get along in GL. I voted him as first merge boot, he voted me, and I went home. I've also heard a lot about Regan and i'm excited to meet her. Basically I know/ have a relationship with half of the cast, so this should be INTERESTING. I'm excited.
So the game hasn't even officially started yet and I formed a tight bond with Kyle and Lexi. I feel that we all relate to each other pretty well, so I like where this is going.
Ok so i already have an alliance with ribsor and jake. I know jake from a mini we played together and we bonded right away. I also know regan,austin and jaiden from the other tribe. I have a good relationship with all 3 so that made me happy seeing them. I hope they can stay and fight until merge. Heck i hope i can stay and fight until merge. this is a small tribe so thats alittle scary. Also this one world crap aint working for me. I cant talk to that many people and keep up. I'm in another tumblr game and hosting a skype org...so its hard to keep up. But i try my hardest and im just glad i got in an alliance already.
I actually feel pretty good so far like I think I'm on the good side of mostly everyone on my tribe - two of them played with me before two of them don't know me - and I'm already sensing some tension between certain people so like... this will be a good one lol. Plus I have Nicholas on my side through one world and I've made some other lowkey connections so it's all going great for the first day
Been a pretty quiet day, no ones really spoken much so kinda worried but oh wwll
OKAY.  Hello.  I'm here to confess and such for the round since I haven't just yet.  I'm feeling pretty okay on my tribe so far?  I know Regan from previous experiences and we're friends and I think that Jaiden knows he isn't super popular so he'll rely on me to kind of keep him safe?  I"m talking with Will a lot and I enjoy him so I'm glad to have him here.  The only person I'm not feeling really great about is Zakariah so far?  I'm not sure how close he is with other people, so I have to wary about just throwing his name out.  But, if I had to choose someone to be at the bottom of the totem pole on our tribe.. It'd be him.  He's not super active.  I can also see Jaiden being a bit of a flop and being first to die, so I'm just going to kind of figure out where people STAND here right now and figure it out later.  Because I don't imagine us being on these tribes of five for too long, so I just need to make sure that I do my best to survive here while I still can. I'LL HAVE MORE THOUGHTS AFTER I TALK MORE STRATEGY BUT I NEED TO WORK ON IMPROVING MY SCORE
my new aesthetic in games is to just talk to the hosts in host chat instead of the players because i love them more. <3 Rob
I'm just gonna do a cast assessment rn bc why not Dana- Ahh we played in Solomon together and I love her, she's so sweet! Austin- We talked a lot last night and he's really nice, and has a good taste in survivor opinions Chips- Hasn't messaged me back yet and has only talked in the tribe chat twice Willa- Seems cool, but didn't talk to me for very long Also I'm confused about what happened during the "fight" in One World Also One World is too much at the beginning so I might just stick to talking to the people on my tribe first, and then once theres a swap I'll start talking to the other people idk.
Whew El Salvador! Que tal chicos y chicas? Me llamo Adrian y yo soy no esperando nada mas por el juego para comenzar! Like this tribe a lot and really, I see 2 people from other games that are running side by side on my tribe, and really its cool to see that people are willing to work with me. But there is the downside of having people being inactive on the Apopa tribe, and really I'm not ready for shit like that to happen so quickly. 
Of course it would be One World this season. I see alot of familiar names and faces and I'm already thrilled to start this game, until I see Regan. Is it possible to hate a bitch because of how negatively she rubs people upon meeting them? Wait, hold that thought. Yeah. Its very possible. 
Its not even the end of Day 2, and already this bitch is asking for me to rip her head off. Like I don't give a flying fuck. Don't slander my name when you don't know me either. Fuck. Seriously, don't go preaching shit you won't practice. Regan's asking for a verbal beatdown, in English and in Spanish. 
Keep it up Regan, and I will end you before you have a chance to be on a tribe with me. I am not someone to fuck around with and I don't care how many people would say that I should apologize to her. I guess I can't play more subtly now cause I just ended the living shit out of her. Oh btw, she can have her wig back. There's like pieces of scalp like attached to it. 
(Note: Each paragraph was its own confessional)
My tribe is killing me with this challenge. Why did none of them start until like 7hrs before it is due when none of them know any Spanish and this challenge is semi-all about putting in time. Me right now: trying to make up for literally everyone's scores on my tribe. Quick assessment of my tribe? (Even though I knew everyone except Austin before we got here) Austin: Putting in a lot of effort to be friendly, which is good. Probably will want to work with him honestly but betraying someone I am already friendly with to do this will be hard. Chips: Isn't speaking to anybody. Why? Idk ur guess is as good as mine honestly. Willa: Honestly a fav. He better want to work with me here. Willow: My queen. My thoughts on one world? IT IS HYSTERICAL. Pls bring Regan back so she and Adrian can fight more and I can intervene with lighthearted comedy. Honestly I love problems and drama, sign me up pls. 
Hi! So I don't know what I'm doing playing two games cause it ain't my style but I'm trying. So far I really like jake on my tribe because he is also a Michigander and that makes you awesome. I also like will a lot but he isn't on my tribe sooooo. Yeah. Also I suck at Spanish. So yeah.
I know nobody on my tribe. So far I want to work with Willow and Dana!! Honestly I'll probably be the first boot but my goal is to make the tribe swap I guess. I know Lexi ribbons and Jake I hope I play with them :)
Dana is a lesbian? oh cool
I have nothing to tell the world about my experience... yet.
Dana is a lesbian which is not a suprise i mean have you seen her profile pic anyway in the game i made no connections i know what a great way to start the game but tonight i plan on making them
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WOOO! WE WOOONNNN! That's pretty awesome!
RREGAN (That’s how she spelled it in the confessional hehe)
im perfect ill send one after bbhell ty
Well ugh life is good. This game on the other hand I have no idea what's going on. I've talked to richie cuz i knew him already but that's about it. Overall i'm happy im not gonna be first boot but pretty sure i'll be gone soon lol
who am i if i dont start off the game with my first confessional saying "i hate this fucking tribe!!!!!!!!" i've been out doing things for the last 3 days so i havent gotten a chance to do anything or really talk to anyone but i just played the duolingo immunity challenge before i went to sleep and when i was on the bus and train going to my friends lmao i didnt realize that i was the only one who was actually putting effort into it and thats sad because i really didnt play much but i guess the rest of my tribe is just full of flops!!! ashton i played with before we didnt talk much and we voted for eachother but i like them hope we can talk kai i talked to a little but like..... that needs to be worked on michael is the biggest flop ive ever met they are perfect first boot material if i leave before them i'm never playing another game and nicolas seems cool thats it! uneventful first week my social game is weak nothing happened not much to report but whew
this host sucks
hello i am excited for this game but my tribe is dry as fuck besides richie 
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