#ty for sticking this one out yall it was fun even if it May have been predictable gfjfdhf
dailykillermoth · 1 year
the Official winner of the Ultimate D-List Villain Tournament™ is...
KILLER MOTH !!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
so I’ve already sent a recommendation before but idk if it came in beecause my wifi was rly bad that day so yk jus.. resending. Hopefully this time with no complications
May you pretty please make a Jax x (cat)reader with a (dog)puppet?
I took a lot of inspo from catdog on Nickelodeon, the only major difference is that the dog puppets small and connected to the readers hand so as chaotic and wild the puppet might be the readers got most of the control and the puppets shenanigans don’t effect their day to day lives…untill the puppet starts talking and embarrasses the life outta them purely on accident lmao
The readers more introverted and shy and the puppets more extroverted and talkative. So the reader sometimes has to depend on their puppet to do the talking when their social battery runs out or when they’re talking to someone new
I feel like Jax would would be closer to the puppet but would still be intrigued by the reader. Maybe because of a slip-up their puppet made about them or purely because of their..entire concept as a person?? Idk
Hed definitely attempt a few pranks on the reader (like he does to gangle) before the puppet starts yelling at him for it
Jax x Cat!reader w/ dog hand puppet!
So sorry for taking so long to get to this, I guess it just got buried in and I missed it :(! I'm so sorry anon <|3
This reminds me a lot of that funtime freddy reader I made a while back, still like how that one turned out tbh
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Honestly he probably says stuff that goes over the puppets head... on purpose... assuming the dog sticks true to stereotypical lighthearted happy go lucky dog character tropes
Or maybe it isnt a trope and I just ran into a lot of dumb dog characters in my life (shrugs)
Honestly I think jax would make light/poke fun at your guys' current situation with the whole, having to share the same body deal
Like damn it's not even like a fusion or rutile twins from steven universe scenario, dog is literally just a hand
Though that's assuming the dog was their own person before the digital world
"Pipe down little man" is thrown out whenever you and jax are trying to have a private discussion or do something cute n romantic
Actually makes me wonder.. like of course assuming this is romantic, or maybe the reader is with someone else, how exactly would something like that work?
I mean obv no steamy time is happening since the clothes are physically part of your bodies
So like. Does the dog puppet just. Stick out awkwardly to the side when you guys cuddle??? Do they eagerly latch on to one of yall?
Are you guys poly, or is it just you and jax?
Loads of questions
Honestly Jax has probably become annoyed by the dog at least once and probably put a paper bag over them/j
They fell asleep, like a bird/j
Mentioned this in the Cheshire cat reader x jax post but he would love messing and playing with your tail, get that man a fidget toy
Probably also pokes and probs your ears
Maybe even pets you if you allow it and he feels inclined to
Probably blurts out that you look dumb when he accidentally folds your ears back after petting
Playfully brandishes a spray bottle shen you guys are having a disagreement... may or may not make the tension worse
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missmorosis · 4 years
Toph, Ty Lee, and Katara S/O Headcanons!
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I combined all three of this gals, since there weren’t many headcanons for them <3 enjoy babes! these are from my matchups!!
zuko version
sokka version
aang version
suki version
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although she can’t see, I feel like going to museums would still be fun!!
“toph i don’t think you’re allowED TO-”
andddd she’s already sticking her feet on the statues in order to feel them.
same thing with pictures
“wow, you’re really good at taking pictures. looks really nice.”
“get your dirty foot off of my camera.”
listening to music together!!
you guys share a playlist!!
she listens to it during her spare time
all the songs remind her of you, that’s why she loves it <3
toph needs a mom friend like you!!
MAYBE yall would argue sometimes, but it quickly resolves :D
yall have a toph-katara dynamic but what’s wrong with that??
sassing each other all the time, but all in good fun for the most part
she would criticize you all the time, and at first, it’s the worst
you’re already hard on yourself, and you don’t need someone else to do what you already do.
BUUT eventually you can build a wall and start to block out criticism
it may take a while, but it ends up benefitting you and maybe that was her intention in the first place?? 👀
she tries her best to make it known that she loves you!
even though it may not seem like it
whether it’s treating you to ice cream out of nowhere
or one of her affectionate punches on the arm
she loves you, even though it may be hard to express
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she’ll make you feel SO SO loved!
she’s a bubbly bean :D
she’ll def spend a lot of quality time with you
you can do art together!!
“LOOK!! i made this for you!!” 🥺
“thanks ty~ i made this for you!”
ty lee will do ANYTHING to avoid conflict with you <3
she loves you and hates to argue with her loved ones!!
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prepared to get mothered
mom friend??
be the mom for each other and also get mothered for a change 😌
when you write/do hw in your room, katara would check up on you now and then
prob bringing you a snack or two!
totally would proofread your fics for you! 💖
compliment the things she liked and help you make any corrections
"i really liked that piece of dialogue! you should keep it; it made me feel more connected to the character."
"ooh, that's really cute, but maybe try changing this word to this instead?"
before covid, she would take you on girls' nights out!!
take you to the spa to get pampered!!
dancing together at parties, like how she did with aang?? YESS
she'll watch whatever you pick!!
she will def prepare a lot of snacks!
yall would be snuggled up in a hunch of blankets, watching the movie together
she'll hold your hand the entire time, lovingly stroking your palm
she would also get a lot of self care items for you two
another covid date night!
face masks and manicures in the comfort of your own home 😎✌
she will always try her HARDEST to make you laugh
"Look!! I found this meme online and thought of you!"
*makes a silly face*
loves seeing you laugh! it brings her joy
even though her jokes may not be the best, the thought and effort makes you smile
you can't resist laughing at her silly antics, though *cue the goofy photo katara just sent you via text*
katara will make you feel loved, no doubt
whenever you feel insecure, she loves to pull back your hair and just list all the things she loves about you
while braiding your hair, she would say everything she sees in you
she thinks you're perfect, and she wants you to see that too
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What is it About You?
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part 02/10 “stronger connections”
previous part
word count 3.9k
an: here’s the second part everyone! hope you enjoy this one! also have yall seen that bts look at sebastian stan training for that one scene in ca:tws with the knife? that’s the feel i was going for in one part. you’ll see i guess!
It was sunny and warm. The heat danced across your skin as you made your way through some trees with a few other women. They towered over you, protecting you in a way. Everything around you was hazy, nothing that you could really make out. The trees fell around you, and the only thing you could see was smoke. Dark and thick as it entered your lungs you cried out for your mother, but no one came. You cried until the heat in your lungs didn’t allow you to anymore. 
Gasping you shot awake in your bed. Sweat was trickling down your body and the blanket that had once covered you was thrown onto the floor You blinked as you tried to focus your eyes on the darkness around you. The familiar metal walls of the Starkiller Base surrounded you and you breathed out a sigh of relief, of what you didn’t know. You swung your legs over the edge of your bed and ran a hand through your hair. You hadn’t had those dreams since you were a child. You thought you had all but pushed those memories of your past behind you. Obviously not. You stood carefully and the lights in your room kicked on automatically, you went to the pad in the wall and it awakened with your touch.
0300 hours.
You sighed, glancing back at your messy bed and knowing you wouldn’t be falling asleep any time soon. You looked to your door that led to the hallway and didn’t even think twice about your plan. You’d go and have a quick workout and come back, shower, and maybe get some more rest before your shift call at 0800 hours. You slid some socks on and casual shoes that helped alleviate the arch in your foot, and you made sure to change out of the sweaty shirt you had on and into a fitted tank top. The material helped cool your body down and out the door you went.
One thing you had really enjoyed while training with the First Order was when you got to spend some alone time throwing punches at a punching bag. It was old school, but it was something you enjoyed taking your frustrations out on. The training room wasn’t very far from your quarters and when you put in your access number (universally used, like an ID number) it opened for you. The cool air hit you and you relaxed your shoulders, if only you had the time for reconditioning to get this knot out of your back. Maybe then you’d be a little chipper. You walked inside and turned to the panel by the door, making sure to request the doors to remain locked for the next hour. That’s all you would need.
You walked over to the set up in the corner of the room, and a panel in the wall opened up, bags were hung neatly and you had to pick it up and hang it on the stand close by. You exhaled heavily in preparation, and grabbed at the chain and pulled it off of the hook it was on, and made your way over to the stand. The bags were heavy and your arms shook under the pressure, but you were quick to get it over and onto the hook of the stand, and it bounced with the momentum. You sighed and rubbed your hands together, while another panel opened next to you. Inside were white bandages to use on your hands and you began rolling them around your fists tightly.
It may sound sadistic but that’s all you did was wrap and tie your knuckles for safety, but didn’t reach for the thicker gloves. Instead you let the panel close as you finished tying your right hand. Right now you just wanted to feel something other than that pain in your chest.
Of course, powers beyond you had other plans. You heard the doors to the room open and close, but the presence that came inside you knew without having to look. You stared at the bag, feeling them moving closer.
“The doors were locked for a reason,” you said to them. Not that they would care. You had made it known they didn’t care about others' feelings. You corrected your stance and balled your hands into fists, and started to punch the bag.
“Your persistent thoughts have kept me up for several hours,” the voice said. You threw a hard punch at the bag, feeling it ripple through your hand.
“You keep saying that and I still have no clue what you mean,” you replied. You knew he was coming closer, watching you, but you kept punching. Right, left, right, right, left.
“Your dreams though have been the most vivid.”
That made you stop, taking heavy breaths as you steadied the bag. He wanted a reaction from you, and he got it. You still hadn’t met his gaze, instead you stared at the wall. Kylo walked closer to you until he was in the view of your peripheral, right by your side.
“The warmth, the trees, but that fire.. what happened in that fire I wonder,” he egged you on. You started to unwrap your hands.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you warned him, “that is none of your concern.”
“Oh but it is,” he tried to push you. You scoffed and took your worn bandages and threw them in the trash nearby. He followed your movements as you moved to another area with a mat.
“If you think I would ever let you see that willingly, you’re out of your mind. Or that I would tell you.”
“Is that why you’re blocking me from your thoughts,” he asked while you grabbed a practice staff. Your movements were stopped when he got right in front of you.
“How are you doing it,” he wondered. You didn’t know if he was asking you or was talking more to himself, but he continued, “you’re quiet now.”
You felt both of your heat mixing together as his larger body loomed over yours. You swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat, and instinctively shoved the staff  into his chest.
“Do you want to keep talking or do you want to be useful and train with me?”
You let it go and watched as he kept the staff in his grasp. You backed away, studying him nonetheless and smiled to yourself when he removed the black cloak that covered his shoulders always. What you didn’t expect was to see him reach for his helmet, the front vocoder sliding open, and the helmet coming off.
You had never seen Kylo Ren without his helmet. He had beautiful porcelain skin and long hair that framed his face well, but what you were stuck on were his eyes. His eyes looked to peer into your soul, and you caught yourself faltering.
“It’s time someone taught you to watch your mouth,” he commented, twirling the staff in his hand. It snapped you out of your trance, and you both began to circle one another.
“My friends happen to love my wittiness,” you threw back at him.
“You mean friend.”
You stopped, placing a hand on your heart, mimicking how you did with Reina just hours earlier, “That hurt me deeply, Commander Ren.”
You both took a step closer to one another, and you twirled the staff in your hand too. You thought you had mastered this back in training, honestly sparring was one of the more fun things you had gotten to do. But standing here now, face to face with Kylo Ren of all people, you felt you needed to prove yourself.
You didn’t want to attack first, but you needed to see how he reacts, his movements. So you moved closer, and moved to strike his side. You weren’t expecting him to react so quickly and harsh, he had nearly taken you by surprise.
Key word there as nearly.
One strike had turned into fighting him off, dodging blow after blow until suddenly, you felt your legs fly from under you. You hit the mat and the air escaped your body by the impact. You were shocked, not knowing what the fuck had just happened. You lifted yourself up on your elbows, and thought you could see the look of smugness on his face as he twirled the stick again in his hand.
“That was fucking dirty,” you said, pulling yourself up and grabbing your staff along the way.
“It was fair.”
“There’s nothing fair in life, Commander, just those who have an advantage over the other,” you replied. He paused for a moment and you grinned, and took that as your chance.
He wanted to play dirty then fine. You would play dirty too. 
He didn’t expect you to charge him, but he easily blocked each hit you made, starting to remember how you pushed him. He wasn’t even breaking a sweat. 
But what you did next did take him by surprise. 
You adjusted your grip on the hilt of the staff, each step forward came with a jab in the air, which he easily avoided stepping back. Up, down, and up again, your quick feet managed to push him into the wall, grabbing a hold of his wrist that held the staff and twisting it down. He grimaced, the wind being knocked out of his body now. 
With his back pressed against the wall, your elbow held him there as you grinned almost ear to ear. He wanted to roll his eyes but he was still trying to figure out how you did that. The pair breathed heavily, their hot breathing mixing together and you had to look up at him.
“My point,” you said and released him, taking a number of steps backwards from his body. Kylo rolled his shoulders backwards, taking powerful steps forward. 
“Best two out of three,” he said, before raising his staff and going for the offensive. You looked like you were actually having fun. He would squash that feeling quickly. This time he held nothing back, visibly knocking you backwards and further off the mat. He could see that happiness fade from your eyes. And he dealt another sick blow, knocking the staff from your hands. You fell to the floor ass first, skidding to stop as he pressed his staff to your body this time. 
He breathed heavily, “I win.”
A smile formed on your lips, “Are you sure Commander?”
His eyes ran down your arm, to see you still had your staff laced in your fingers, and pressed firmly against his side. He shot his eyes back to yours, that happiness back like a twinkle in your eyes. 
“How did you-“
“I have my own tricks,” you offered and he stood from his spot gazing down at you. He didn’t offer any help to you to help you up, so you stood on your own. Was the Commander upset that you played him at his own game?
“A tie then,” he said, throwing a glance your way. You nodded, and offered your hand to him. Your chest still heaved as you caught your breath. The Commander looked from your face down to your hand, and after a moment he shook your hand firmly. His black gloved hand seemed to almost completely cover yours, but it didn’t last long. Silently, the two of you walked over to put the staff back where you had found them, and you tried your best not to watch him throw his cloak back on, and cover his face with that helmet.
Honestly, you didn’t know why he covered his face. Even if you hated him, he was very good looking.
You swallowed the lump in your throat, feeling his gaze on you once more, “What now?”
“You aren’t blocking me anymore,” he said and you grumbled. Fucking great.
“Goodbye, Commander.”
You returned to your quarters and took another hot shower, quicker this time so you could drag your ass back to bed. The soreness in your body felt better then the heartache that was there earlier. You managed to get a whole whopping 3 hours of rest before you woke up again for another day of work.
You dressed in a similar grey dress, clean of course, black turtleneck, and stockings. You laced your boots up and were out the door in enough time to nearly slam into your friend. 
“Perfect timing,” she said, handing you a data pad, “they need electrical work done on the shuttle being used tomorrow for Phasma’s squadron. It’s you and me assigned.”
“Shouldn’t be too hard,” you commented, taking the pad from her hands and scrolling through the details quickly, “shouldn’t take more than two, three hours top.”
“Hm, don’t know too much about that,” she said as you both walked side by side down the hall, it was busier than usual this morning, “Turner and Andrews worked on it the last time it needed work.”
“Great,” you grimaced, offering her a fake smile, “that definitely changes things. I’m gonna have to check the command shuttles repairs at the end of the day then.”
Reina clapped a happy hand onto your shoulder, “And while you do that, I have a hot date tonight.”
“No,” you teased and she laughed beside you, you held the data pad to your chest, “Matteo finally had the guts to ask you?” Reina nodded with a smile on her face, clapping her hands together.
“He sure did, and I can’t wait to get him alone and--”
“Okay there, sunshine,” you stopped her as you both came to the large bay doors for one of the maintenance bays, you both inputted your codes and waited for the door to open, “I already know how much you’ve been dying to fuck the guy, I don’t necessarily need a play by play.”
She laughed and grabbed the pad from you, “What’s the point of friends if I don’t tell you all about the constant thought of him and his--”
“Reina,” you warned and she only giggled. You rolled your eyes playfully as you entered the bay. Since this one was only used for repairs, it was relatively warmer than the one you often found yourself in. You were met with a larger transport shuttle, dark grey just like all the others. It looked in perfect condition, just the way you liked it. 
Reina took the liberty to walk the perimeter and look over the notes for anything having to do with the outer layer, and you had to grab a secondary tablet from the nearby terminal before heading into the shuttle itself. You scrolled through as the dim lights around you didn’t do much for your sight. You felt around the top of the shuttle to try and find the auxiliary switch to turn on the lights inside. Your fingers finally felt the tiny switch and you flipped it, the shuttle lighting up just a bit more. Odd, something you’d need to look at.
You set the tablet down nearby, and put your hair up quickly. There was a panel on the wall nearby you needed to open, and with the right wiring you could get the lights back to normal. You easily pried the panel off and it fell into your arms, and you looked over the shitty wiring job Turner and Andrews had done before. A lot of it didn’t even make any sense, but you didn’t want to waste time thinking about it when you could just fucking fix it.
You always had to fix things.
The pain in your back seemed to get stronger, and that lightheaded feeling started to return. You hesitated putting the panel back against the wall as the lights around you went back to their true hue, and you turned around to grab your pad. There one the other side of the shuttle, was Commander Ren again.
“What the fuck-” you mumbled to yourself.
“So you can see me,” his voice rang, but it almost felt like the noise had rang in your ears. Not that you actually heard it.
“Yes of course I can, how did you sneak in-”
“I didn’t,” he cut you off. You blinked at him, and shook your head.
“I don’t have time for this right now, Commander, I’m working,” you pleaded with him. You grabbed the tablet you had set down and started to scroll through it once more. You just wanted to ignore him.
What was up with this guy?
“I need you to meet with me when your shift has ended, is that understood?” he ordered you. Your eyes shot up from the tablet.
“Sir, if I don’t follow up with the repairs for your shuttle then your departure will most likely be delayed--”
“I’m ordering you to meet with me, promptly after your shift ends. Is that understood?” he pressed more firmly. Your irritance grew stronger. You closed your eyes just for a moment to collect yourself, and when you opened them to tell him where to shove it, he was gone.
Honestly? The day couldn’t get any weirder or worse.
You spent a few more hours working alongside Reina, and burnt yourself twice trying to rework some of the fucked up wiring that had been placed before you two were assigned to this job. Lunch had rolled around, but you opted to work through it so you could spare enough time to check in on the command shuttle. The Commander could wait a few minutes.
It was nearing 1800 hours, but you were sat on top of the shuttle, going over the final touches of Reina and your masterpiece. You were just wielding the outer panel back on when a head popped up from the ladder you used to come up on. It was not your friend, so you continued your work. Behind the helmet you had to protect you against the sparks, being able to ignore people definitely came easier under this. You began to see the appeal Commander Ren must have had when he wore his, since he liked to treat people like they didn’t exist.
Man if he really could read your thoughts, he wasn’t going to like that one. But it made you smile.
The voice called your name, and you wondered what would possess someone to try and rip away someone’s attention who was holding a fucking laser welder. It was almost like everyone just ignored the safety classes they were all given. The asshole part of you wanted to continue to ignore him, but the irritated part won. You switched the welder off and raised the helmet from your head, your hair falling messy around you.
“There had better be a good fucking reason for interrupting me,” you said the younger male. You could see him resisting the urge to roll his eyes.
“The Commander has requested your presence in the command center.”
Of course he has.
“The Commander can wait a few minutes while I finish this last piece of work,” you threw back at him. He blinked at you, and you turned back to the welder in your hand. When you were about to flip the switch back on, a pain on your right temple made you stop.
“Fine,” you mumbled, and carefully sat down the welder. You carefully walked over to the ladder and waited for the man to climb down the ladder, and then you followed. You tried your hardest not to mention the fact that his eyes were staring up your dress as you climbed down.
Pants. The one thing you hoped the First Order would give you was pants for fucks sake.
You had started to walk out when you passed Reina who was heading back to the shuttle, “Panel 238 still needs to be welded down and it should be good to go!” you called to her, but you had to quickly make your way to the command center. While yes it was public knowledge of where it was, you had personally never been there. With each step you took you felt your breathing get heavier, from what you weren’t too sure. A stormtrooper stood at the entrance, and you nodded at him, but the opening was large and the command center was filled with people. Like you said, you didn’t know what weapon was being built here, but by the look of things it was a massive one. Or on a massive scale. Your eyes scanned the room for any sign of the Commander, before they landed on what you would assume was a meeting room. You made your way over, and input your code into the panel. The doors opened for you automatically and when you stepped inside you had to hide the shock on your face.
Not only was it Commander Ren, but General Hux and Captain Phasma were there as well. They had seemed to have been discussing something, but your presence made them stop and turn to you. General Hux was the one who motioned to the table, and a chair close to him for you to sit at.
“Officer (Y/L/N), please,” he said and you obliged. You walked to the chair and sat in it, and General Hux sat at the head of the table to your left. Or you sat to his right really.
“How long have you been on Starkiller Base?” he asked. You nodded.
“Almost two years sir,” you answered. The General nodded, you think he liked that answer, and he folded his hands together and placed them on the table.
“Your current assignment is with the engineering team, correct?”
“Yes, sir,” you answered again. If he knew the answer to these questions, why was he asking you? Again, he nodded.
“Your work has been exceptional, as stated by your peers and superiors on the team. I took it upon myself to look into your training records, and I must say I’m impressed,” he pressed his fingers on the table, and suddenly your whole file was in front of him. Your eyes glanced from the display to him, not too sure where this was headed.
“It says here that you had exceptionally well scoring when it came to computer sciences and programming, one of the best in your class,” the General stated and you nodded, “your focus in that field was data retrieval.”
“Yes sir, that’s correct. My superiors thought it best to stick with mechanical engineering overall.”
“Yes I see that,” he commented, and you finally glanced at Kylo behind him. He stood there with his arms crossed and you could only look at him for a moment.
“Officer, the reason you’re here is because of the impending mission the Captain’s squad and Commander Ren are about to embark on. There is an ancient artifact that we need to retrieve from the Resistance, that needs to be decoded immediately,” he paused to gauge your reaction, but you didn’t offer any type of emotion on your face, “we believe you would have the capability to do that.”
You didn’t answer for a moment, your thoughts running rampant through your mind. You hadn’t done programming in the two years you had been here, well not one a level like that. Your last real project was when you were unknowingly helping to design the command shuttle that Commander Ren used to this day. It wasn’t that you doubted your skills, but you were uneasy. But, no one could know that.
“I believe I could be of assistance.”
tag list - if i missed you please message me and let me know or if youd like to be added
@dark-night-sky-99​ @jons-angel​ @fresa-luna​
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