#ty for the ask i am sending you braincells as a gift
I’m about to be horny on main for a sec and say for magic world au the boys doing some magicky stuff during sex to make it that much better is so hot to me
FILTH ANON 🍆 WAS BROWSING TODAY. I noticed there’s no filth for the Magic au. Allow me to fix this mistake. Our favorite wizards going at it with Ona and they decide to throw some magic in the mix. As in, using magic for bondage, making her more sensitive to touch, etc. all up to you B)
jsdfalskfskl THANK YOU HAHAHAH
But true! It’s true we didn’t have any smut for the Magic World!AU 👀 So I really had to remedy this situation…
I may confess that between the whole confinement in Spain and the uncertainty of employment (I was changing jobs and then we were all hit by this :_D) I’m a bit in a rut, and well, Animal Crossing came out, sooo… (If you wanna play, send me a DM!!)
But have some mischievous wizard boys having fun with our darling girl B)
As always, a million thanks to @tinmiss1939 for being an amazing friend and fixing the mistakes!! :DDDDDD Go follow her, she deserves all the love
Connor and Richard concluded the conservatory had a special magic in it. It couldn’t be another way, some ancestral magic or unknown spell, but they always found themselves drawn inside, lured by the calmness, the beauty of it. The fact that they enchanted it themselves to appear bigger on the inside than on the outside had nothing to do with it.
Well, maybe because of who was taking good care of it.
Since being under her care, the conservatory regained its lost majesticness: the plants grew under her touch, flowers bloomed, life found itself in what once was a gloomy and decadent place… They couldn’t thank Merlin enough for the day they bumped into each other.
But the conservatory certainly had its magic. 
It was a sunny day, and Richard enjoyed reading a book inside the conservatory with the sun rays warming his skin. The cushions were Ona’s making, rummaging through old closets and discarded pieces of fabric that were repurposed to be beautiful and plush pillows and cushions. It made the bench comfortable, so much that it made him fall asleep more than once, gaining himself a snicker and a nickname from Ona, something along the lines of ‘sleeping beauty’. But Richard didn’t know if it was because of the sun, warming him and his veins, or the sweet and fresh scent of the wisterias and sweet peas in full bloom, or the soft and gentle humming of her voice as she worked, that made him stand up and walk over the talented gardener.
Ona didn’t notice his presence, too absorbed into her work (and Richard was too silent, which scared her more than once), so Richard took that opportunity to admire the most beautiful flower in the entire conservatory. Her snow-white curls were everywhere, and Richard noticed she used her adorable hairpins to take some strands out of her face. Ona had her gloves full of rich and healthy soil, and judging by the smudges in her arms and face, she didn’t remember to take the gloves off anytime she had to scratch and itch. She finished tying a little rope to a stick to help a plant heal and grow after being accidentally stepped on by Connor. Once done, Ona stood up, wiping off the sweat of her forehead with the reverse of her gloved hand. She shouted all kind of colourful curses when she saw Richard next to the massive grown rose bushes, book in hand. As usual, Richard startled her by his silent presence.
Richard apologised, walking over her with a small smile on his lips.
“Aren’t you in a good mood today, you sneaky ninja-wizard?” ah, that was another nickname.
“Maybe I am.”
“Huh.” Ona rested her hands on her hips, brow raised and curious as to why. He could be moody sometimes, so this happier mood was hard to see.
Richard’s eyes rested on a smudge over her nose, following down her cheek. He smiled fondly this time, walking over where she stood with his book secured in his hand. Ona narrowed her eyes, but curiosity made her stand her ground. 
“You got something here.” Richard lifted his hand, thumb gently cleaning the soil on her face. Ona held her breath, completely taken aback by his actions. Did he smell the enchanted roses? “I should enchant your gloves so you don’t smear dirt all over yourself.” Ona heard the teasing note in his voice.
He did not take his hand away.
“Where would the fun be at, then?” Ona’s own voice felt a tad breathless.
His thumb was caressing her cheek.
Ona never knew what compelled her to stand still, to get lost in his blue eyes as his fingers moved over her jaw, gently brushing them against her skin until he lifted her chin. Ona could not deny the magnetic pull she felt towards the two wizards, how she would notice the longing looks, the excuses to touch her hands, to be close to her as the time that Connor said she had a bug in her hair and–
And Richard was inching closer.
His thumb brushed her bottom lip, marvelling at how soft it was. His eyes were a calm and peaceful sea. Ona closed hers.
It was a chaste kiss at first, his lips pressing into hers as he enjoyed the feeling and sweetness of the act, but after months of pining after her, nights where he wanted her by his side, their side, to see her curls on their pillows and sheets tangled around them… The need for more clawed its way up, making Richard drop his book to the floor with a thud, not giving a single damn about it, because it was more important to wrap his arm around her waist, the other hand freeing her chin to curl it on her nape, pulling her in and deepening the kiss.
Her sweet moans and whimpers spurred him on. Her arms wrapping around his neck to have something to hold onto fed the flames inside of him.
It wasn’t until they both needed to breathe that they pulled away, but not with Ona chasing Richard’s lips which made the wizard chuckle softly. He rested his forehead on hers.
“You have bewitched us, body and soul.”
Ona let out a small and soft laugh, teasing him for being such a hopeless romantic. She didn’t complain, though. It was… nice. Richard’s gentle smile made her heart jump. Such a beautiful smile had been seen by a very select few.
That kiss opened the gates towards a new relationship between the wizards and the non-gifted. Everything changed. Ona didn’t feel alone at night anymore.
But she never suspected what an appetite both wizards would have. They had endured months of finding relief only with their dreams (and their own hands) while the object of their desire was unaware of their feelings.  Now that their love was returned, they never wanted to leave the house or even their rooms;  the wizards would summon up food and water, waving their hands for clean bedsheets and instantly ready baths.
Ona also didn’t know how absolutely creative they could be in bed.
And how devious they could be outside of bed.
That’s how she found herself one day inside the conservatory, re-soiling on her workbench a little plant that withered on the past few days. A tickling sensation started over her nape, sending a full-body shiver down her body. It went away. Ona turned around, frowning. It must have been the wind from an open window.
But the tickling returned, now brushing slowly down her spine. Her back arched, breath catching in her throat.  It went away again. Ona let out a shaky breath, having an idea of who may be behind this. But she let herself play into their game. The phantom touch returned once again, this time joined by another one. The invisible hands brushed up her thighs, going up her sides and slowly wrapping around her body like serpents. They squeezed her lightly, making her drop her tools on the table as she gasped loudly. It was a pleasant feeling, a secure sensation, so she let herself be engulfed by it. 
A pair of hands joined the ones already playing with her body. It made Ona’s breath stutter, feeling how it teased her on her inner thighs, brushing her hip bones and going up her torso, pointedly avoiding her breasts. The other pair continued to sneak around, to further wrap themselves around her body, now going after her thighs and squeezing. Ona gasped again, having an idea of who might be behind those particular phantom hands. The first touch was a teasing, playful touch, liking to drive her up the wall to then abruptly stop, leaving her on the edge. Much like Connor. She felt her lips tug into a smile; the game was probably his idea too.
The second pair of hands brushed her neck, going up in soft caresses until they reached her jaw, feeling how they gently cupped her face. It was sweet, tender, verging on intimate, and she knew Richard was behind those. The hands moved again, feeling a thumb on her bottom lip, caressing her slowly until it shyly made its way inside. Ona groaned, feeling a slight pressure on her tongue, and she eagerly opened up more to wrap her lips around the invisible fingers.
Connor’s invisible hands, because now it was obvious who was who, trailed up her inner thighs again, squeezing her flesh until they reached between her legs. Ona felt herself clench in anticipation, but she didn’t know Connor was in an even more mischievous mood  than usual. The fingertips almost brushed her lips, but chose to stay out of them. Ona tried to rock her hips, to get those fingers in her folds, but the invisible hold on her kept her from doing that. She growled in frustration, lightly biting the fingers in her mouth. Her rebelliousness was met with a light but sharp slap on her ass, making her jerk forward and moan around the fingers in her mouth. The invisible hands let her fall forward on the workbench, feeling them relax in her torso but tighten around her hips and legs, making her arch her back and brace herself for what was to come. 
A cold and slippery sensation found itself trailing up her inner thigh. Ona gasped, unconsciously trying to turn around to see, even though she knew nobody was there, but the hands on her mouth and jaw kept her where she was. It felt as if it was a tongue, the tip drawing random patterns on her skin, leaving a cold and wet sensation on its path, and Ona also had an idea of whose tongue it was. It went from leg to leg, going up, almost touching her soaked folds… only to disappear.
Ona was going to strangle Connor.
Now there was a hot and slippery sensation, going from her neck to her collarbones. It gently swept over her skin, raising goosebumps all over her body. The cold tongue returned, working in tandem with the hot one, making its way up her body, passing over her navel, working up until it reached her breasts. The tip wrapped itself around the right nipple, the coldness making it harden instantly, and eliciting a moan from her. The hands on her hips finally, finally, moved between her folds. Fingers ran up and down, teasing her slippery nub, and Ona felt herself clench once again. The cold tongue left her nipple, going to torment the left one. This time, though, the hot tongue decided to latch onto the right nipple, occupying the now vacant space. Ona thrashed in her bonds, arousal striking her like lightning. It was a maddening sensation, to be teased like this, and being unable to take matters into her own hands. Ona knew the wizards liked the power, liked to be the commanding ones, and as much as she liked to be in their hands and at mercy in situations as this, one day she was going to turn the tables and make them beg.
But that was for another day.  Today was absolutely not going to be that day.
For now, she was going to be teased into incoherency by wandering hands and devilish tongues.
The hand in her mouth disappeared, moving to join its sister on spreading her buttocks. The tongues disappeared too, and she felt the thrill of their unknown location go straight into her core. The fingers in her folds became bolder, teasing her hole before they delved in. In and out, in a scissoring motion, until they curled into a spot that made Ona moan unabashedly. The hands spreading her buttocks made her feel exposed, even though she was still fully clothed, and it send a wave of arousal through her. And then she felt it.
The hot and cold sensation came back, the hot swiping up, teasing her holes, and the cold swiping to her clit. Ona moaned with wild abandon, and she didn’t know which direction should she rock her hips. It was either into the motion of the hand or of the tongues. They decided for her, the invisible bonds holding her into place as they increased the intensity of their onslaught. Ona held onto the workbench edges for dear life, unconsciously arching her back further to make those fingers brush that particular spot again and again.
Ona knew her mewls echoed around the conservatory but she honestly didn’t give a single damn about it. It was only her and the wizards at home, and they were the horny little shits behind this, so they better heard her. She got her answer when the cold tongue stuttered into its ministrations, knowing Connor was losing his precious concentration. It seemed they were pretty close. Good.
Pure, unadulterated filth came out of her mouth. Begging, moaning, panting… everything she knew that made them both mount her like wild beasts on a rut. Ona grinned, knowing she accomplished her mission when Connor became more determined with his fingers and tongue. He pulled up his own tricks, and it was Ona’s turn to curse his clever tongue.
She was close. So close. Ona felt her orgasm creep up to her, the molten lava in her loins threatening to spill all over her body. 
It was Richard who propelled her into it, getting his hot tongue inside her soaked hole alongside Connor’s fingers. Her body became completely still as she let the waves after waves of pleasure engulf her entire body, a choked gasp coming out of her mouth.
If it wasn’t for their invisible bonds holding her in place, her knees might have given out.
A hand came up to her face, caressing her cheek and lowering to her chin, gently persuading her to turn her head in the direction it wanted. She saw the semi-materialised magic, as if it was an ethereal and swifty arrow pointing her to the direction she should go, to a path covered in beautifully grown monsteras, fiddle-leaf figs and hanging potuses. After taking a couple of breaths and discarding her gloves, she followed it, more caresses encouraging her. Her panties were sticky, she was sweaty and needed to take a nice and refreshing shower.
Ona recognised that path, knowing it led to a beautiful indoor pool next to the absolutely breathtaking bay windows with the sun coming through them.
Connor and Richard were inside, both having a drink in their hands. They were the perfect picture of power, of dominance and self-assuredness. Ona saw a magnificent wooden tray floating in the water with another untouched glass and an opened bottle of expensive wine. Connor took a sip, winking at her while doing so. Richard smiled softly at her, setting his own glass on the wooden tray.
“I’m sure we can tempt you to a nice and relaxing bath?” Richard’s purr made her sigh contentedly, nodding.
As she stepped closer to the pool’s edge, Ona could feel their magic unbutton her trousers and untie her boots, gently taking off her clothes, until she stood nude in front of them. She could feel the wizard’s hungry stares on her, beckoning to step into the warm pool’s water and join them.
Ona could already feel the warmth of the water soothe her aches away. As she approached them, the wizards sat up, Connor waving his hand so the untouched glass was filled for the newcomer. He took her hand, kissing it before pulling her to him. Ona fell into his arms, giggling.
“I take it you liked it, didn’t you?” Connor muttered the words  into her skin, his lips brushing against her neck. Ona’s pleased sigh made him smile.
“I don’t think I need to say it, considering how loud I was, but I may be inclined to stroke your ego a little bit.” Ona took her own glass of wine, letting the rich and deep flavour of it coat her tongue. It had been Connor’s time to pick, it seemed.
Connor chuckled, lightly biting her collarbone. Ona felt Richard move behind her, his fingers brushing away her curls to place a sweet kiss on her nape, slowly making his way to her right shoulder.
“There are more things we can try, if you’re amenable to it. For example, an invisibility spell in the park at a sunset picnic.” Richard’s hands slowly descended her sides, resting them on her hips. Ona’s eyes widened at the proposal.
“Are you suggesting public sex?!”
“I wasn’t, I was thinking something more along the idea of us being invisible and enjoying you, but now that you mention it…”
“Oh my God, you absolute menace.”
Richard chuckled into her skin, his hands descending until his fingertips reached her mound, deliberately teasing her.
“Let me persuade you into thinking about it, my dear, if you let me”.
Ona set the glass back on the wooden tray, knowing she would need her hands free to brace herself for what was about to happen. Completely in sync with each other, Richard let his fingers find her clit, while Connor busied himself into sucking her left nipple into his mouth.
If they persuaded her like that, she might say yes.
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kazpurr · 3 years
3, 5, 8, 15, 20 + random of ur choice if u want
3. what’s a wip that you’ve procrastinated on the longest? why?
blazing sky . like. ive written it probably 3 times as a whole but i havent started writing the current version yet. does that make sense???????? like iive written it 3 different times in the past couple years but there have been a lot of chaanges made to the story and i havavent started rewriting it afteer i madeee thos changes. also sry for the wack typing my keyboard is doing shit rn SHDJBGNJGE
but yeah id say that blazing sky is the one ive procrastinated on the longest even though thats the one story i have almost fully fleshed out . i am just lazy <3
5.  do you listen to music while writing or no? if yes, what’s your favorite kind of music to listen to?
UHHHH sometimes i do yeag! usually music without words bc its easier for me to write like that, but also sometimes its easier for me to listen to a yt video or just have something on for background noise while im writing SJDBhje
8. describe your current wip in a sentence.
blind shithead apprentice (shellpaw) adnd his kind nurturing therapist/medicine cat (mothheart) have a bonding session that slowly turns into shellpaw traumadumping and mothheart being the kind old lady she is and comforting him (which all happens seconds before shellpaw's mother fucking dies but shhhhh we dont talk about that until the next chapter lol)
15. what’s your least favorite thing about writing?
describing things. lke describing scenery and stuff like thatt. and also just starting things in general, most things i write either start with "(insert name here) woke up to the sound of (insert sound here)" or "with a (insert thing here), (insert name here) looked around the (insert thing here) and (insert thing here)." or they just start with dialogue
20. how do you usually come up with story ideas?
genuinely i do not know SBHJNJKGBHJBJHE they kinda just come to me. sometimes ill be watching a show or a movie and ill hear a line of dialogue adnd ill be like "OOH i could write a whole fucking STORY about that dialogue alone" or ill be reading something n ill just be inspired by thos ideas. most of my ideas r just things that randomly come to me tho so like JKBJHBJKHE
and also im gonna answer 6 (write 3 sentences of any wip you’d like, post it in the answer.) becuase i want to <3
"Shellpaw could barely speak as he felt tears starting to form in his eyes again. With a quiet whimper he moved closer to her and buried his face into her pelt. Wordlessly she started to groom his forehead, and Shellpaw felt at ease again. He felt like a kit again, nuzzling up to his mother’s fur as she comforted him. There was no anger in her voice, no resentment or annoyance. Her voice was steady and calm, quiet and gentle. She wasn’t mad at him."
(its more than 3 sentences but ehhhhhhhhh who cares <3)
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