#tyler joseph fan fic
rainbowhoodlumart · 12 days
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𝑻𝒐𝒓𝒄𝒉𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒓 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒚 𝑭𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒂
Navigating + Forest + Hometown = 🤧😫
This is based on the painting by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot 'Orpheus leading Eurydice from the Underworld' (1861)
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trashthedragon · 21 days
Welcome back! It's so good to see you posting again, and I hope life is treating you well!
Since you're so kindly taking Joshler prompts, may I please maybe request a cute little moment where Tyler helps take Josh's necklaces off for him after a show, and brushes the confetti off of him? I'd be incredibly grateful!
EEEEEEEEK I LOVE THIS THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS HOPING FOR!!! What an amazing first Joshler mini prompt <3
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Josh stood in the mirror of the dressing room, reaching his hands back clumsily. He was covered in sweat, breathing hard, adrenaline still pumping through him from the show, but top on his priority list was taking off the necklace that had been pinching him on and off the entire night.
It wasn't often that Josh felt the panicked, trapped, visceral pang that happened to him before a panic attack. But there had been something about the nerves of tonight being the first show, the adrenaline that had pumped through him as he sang on stage, and the biting of the necklace as he performed that had set him up perfectly. Now he stood, trying to fight off the feeling and knowing that if he didn't get out of this necklace as soon as possible, he was going to lose the battle and the panic would swallow him hole. It wasn't how he wanted to spend the first night of tour.
His sweaty fingers slipped along the stupid chain and he tried to pull back the hook from the hook and eye without success. He took a frustrated breath but before he could Tyler's steady hands grasp Josh's shoulders from behind.
"Hey, breathe. I got it," Tyler's voice is soft and reassuring, knowing exactly what Josh needs after just a moment in the room.
Josh nods, taking another deep breath, and feels Tyler's fingers, calm and steady, as they start to work. Tyler doesn't ask why Josh is panicking. He doesn't ask what triggered him. He doesn't ask if it was because of the show or his nerves. He just stays behind Josh, a steady, firm presence, as the hook opens and Tyler slides the clasp out of it, taking the necklace off of Josh.
Josh's hand instinctively raises to touch his throat, a deeper calm settling over him. He looked sheepishly over at Tyler who was looking carefully at the necklace.
"Dude, this thing has like..spikes on it," Tyler scrunched his nose up.
"Nah, it's usually fine. Just. Felt tight tonight," Josh rubbed his neck a little bit, turning around so he was facing Tyler again. It was only then that Josh saw the flash of concern on Tyler's face. He may not have been asking Josh the questions of why and what happened because he knew better, but that didn't mean he wasn't still worried about Josh.
Josh found a spot on the floor past Tyler's right shoulder to look at instead of Tyler, his heart was still pounding and he still felt a little shaky but that was mixed with the exhaustion from the show and the relief of having one under their belt. He reached out his hand to grab Tyler's shoulder, and the next moment Tyler had his arms wrapped tightly around Josh.
Josh's arms found their way around Tyler and he pressed his head into a sweaty, firm, comforting, familiar shoulder.
"I was really nervous tonight...I think," Josh breathed into Tyler's neck through the embrace. Tyler nodded and Josh felt his hand move slowly up Josh's sweaty back.
"Josh, you were incredible." Tyler had turned his head down, so that he was speaking almost directly into Josh's ear. Josh hadn't been aware how badly that was something he had needed to hear from Tyler until he felt the release in his shoulders, his back, his legs. He sank deeper into the embrace, into Tyler, and pressed his nose into the crook of Tyler's neck. "Really." Tyler said again, the extra reassurance that Josh always wanted but felt too silly to ask for.
As Tyler's fingers drifted over Josh's back, Tyler checkled. "You have so much confetti stuck to you," He observed, his voice was soft in Josh's ear but it broke the tension and made Josh laugh. He broke away from Tyler then, standing up and looking down at his stomach, at the confetti that littered his chest and his arms.
Tyler's black hands moved to Josh's chest and swept down, collecting the damp confetti and setting Josh's skin on fire as he did it. He did the same over Josh's shoulders and down his back and sides, leaving Josh streaked in the black paint, clear marks of Tyler all over him, which was exactly what he wanted in that moment.
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Send me a Mini Joshler Prompt for a little drabble here.
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I was wondering if maybe you could write some sort of fluffy story with torchbearer Josh. Maybe something angsty/fluffy, like reader being worried about him before the Banditos go to do the big fight at Dema in Paladin Strait? If not, that’s okay too. No pressure. I’m just happy I found someone writing TØP on this site.
We're Going Back - Torchbearer!Josh Dun x GN!Reader
Pairing: TorchbearerJosh x Gender Neutral Bandito Reader
Warnings: Some swearing, anxiety/panic attacks, fight between Josh and Reader (reader actually is mean guys) There's fluff at the end tho!!
Word Count: 1523 (a nice long one for you anon)
Summary: When Reader finds out that Clancy and Torchbearer are going back into Dema she does everything she can to prevent it.
A/N: I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it anon. Please feel free to request more because I honestly love writing for twenty one pilots. And requests are what help keep me writing I-/
Note - some of this is headcannon for the purposes of making the story work
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The day Clancy and I left Dema, I knew there was no going back. It just wasn’t happening. We’d managed to escape together. He’d been outside the walls alone before but during the annual assemblage he’d convinced me to ‘tag along’ as he’d put it. We’d been close friends growing up in Dema, that was just the way it was. Things changed once we left. I remember the day I met the Torchbearer, Josh. It took a lot longer than I thought it would to learn his name. For reasons unknown; he'd kept it a secret known only by his closest friends (or in my case, girlfriend). Clancy and I had only spent a few weeks at the Bandito camp before he was recaptured. He was gone for years. While I knew Josh was looking out for him, I knew exactly what kind of pain Clancy was going through. It was Dema. Josh hadn’t grown up within the walls like Clancy and I, things were different for him, he didn’t know what he was getting himself into. Which was why when he reunited with Clancy and brought him back to the camp, my panic attacks started.
“Oh god you look so different,” I cried into Clancy’s shoulder, “are you okay? I mean, of course you’re not. You’re back.” He nodded quietly, I could feel the tightness of his body in my arms. “What’s wrong?” I asked. 
“We’re going back in,” he voiced bluntly, looking at Josh who nodded knowingly. This wasn’t happening. Clancy wasn’t going back, he’d just gotten out. He’d just been forced against his own will to create propaganda for the very institution that nearly killed us. Not to mention Josh hadn’t been physically in the city for longer than a few hours before. Of course they weren't going in there. Right? 
“You should go get some rest before we start preparations,” Josh said, clearly noticing the shocked look on my face. “It’s good to have you back, Clancy.” Clancy’s eyes darted to mine before he walked toward the tent that had been empty for years. Josh and I were left alone, standing in the middle of the camp. 
“You said we,” I muttered. 
“I did,” he replied, looking at me carefully. He’d grown used to the constant nightmares I’d had about my time in Dema and worries about Clancy. “You know why we're doing this,” He said. His tone made it clear he was  stating the obvious.
“You’re going with him,” I could feel my head throbbing as I grabbed his hand tightly. Josh looked at me, a quiet sigh escaping him while he led me to our private tent. 
“Of course I am.” He said matter of factly; like he never would have even considered another option. We sat down, his arms wrapping around my torso, the brightly coloured tattoo sleeve peeking out under his shirt. 
“It’s not safe and you goddamn know it Josh,” my voice trembled as I remembered my time in the city. All I could think about was how isolating and cold it was. Josh almost chuckled, despite the fact that the situation really wasn’t funny.
“I’m aware it’s dangerous,” He retorted, his hand resting on his forehead before he looked at me again,“I’m not gonna let him go in there alone.” 
“The bishops will kill you the second they see you, and then what? The rebellion is over. Both of our leaders will be dead, the banditos will be killed and everyone will have lost.” Josh was getting frustrated now, his grip on me loosening with every exchange. He didn’t want to be having this conversation, I could tell, but he knew if he tried to walk away I’d just follow him.
“That’s not going to happen. We have a plan, we’ll be fine,” He said, his voice full of empty hope. I knew what I was about to say when I said it, I knew I was firing a shot. One I’d been keeping in till I needed to use it. 
“Oh and how did your last ‘plan’ turn out Josh? What with Clancy being recaptured and forced to write SAI?” He dropped his arms from me and moved away so he was sitting directly in front of me. 
“Don’t.” He snapped, a hand raising and pointing at me. “Don’t bring that up.” He clenched his teeth, his jaw tightening as anger and frustration was starting to overtake his mind. I had to fight the urge to continue throwing emotional bullets his way. I was going to make it clear to him that it was dangerous in Dema, that he couldn’t go, regardless of whether or not it hurt our relationship. Because I loved him and I couldn’t lose any more than I already had. 
“Why not?” I challenged him, “It was your plan.”
“You think I don’t know that?!” he exhaled, his whole body tense now as he yelled. “You don’t think I lay awake at night thinking it’s all my fault Clancy was captured?” His fists were clenched, he was fighting the urge to punch something. Maybe himself, maybe a wall. He closed his eyes and took a couple deep breaths, trying to calm himself like he’d taught me when I’d had nightmares. He looked like he was about to check out for the rest of the day, what I’d said really had an impact on him. “Stop,” He managed to mutter, still fighting to stay in control of his emotions.
“Okay,” I nodded. I knew exactly how he’d felt about Clancy and SAI. I knew he thought it was his fault so he spent every waking hour with Clancy, making sure he could get back safely. I knew he blamed himself, not only for Clancy’s time back in Dema but also for hurting me. He hated himself so much already and hearing me remind him of what he thought about himself all the time was making him feel terrible. He swallowed hard, his eyes darting for a moment before he finally spoke again, his voice shaky. “Just stop… please..”
I reached out to hold him, “I’m sorry, I went too far Josh.” He rested his head into the crook of my neck, quiet sobs filling the air. He melted at my touch, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me closer as he held back sobs.
“Please,” He eventually muttered, “Please don’t hate me.”
“I could never hate you, I’m just scared. I don’t want you or Clancy leaving me again, I can't take any more losses,” I pressed my lips to his temple. 
“I know, I know,” He mumbled, his eyes squeezed shut as he was trying to compose himself. I continued to hold him tightly, not wanting to ever let go. “I’m scared too,” he added, his voice quiet. Eventually he pulled back and looked at me, his eyes slightly bloodshot from crying. He took a deep breath, still trying to keep hold of whatever composure he could. “We’ll be fine, I promise,” he mumbled, but even I could tell he had doubts. 
“You can’t promise that,” I sighed. 
“Watch me,” he replied sternly, though the shakiness in his voice didn’t help. He reached a hand out now, a cold palm cupping my chin as his eyes met mine. “I promise, we’ll come back. You have my word.” He leaned in, resting his forehead against mine for a few moments. 
“If I lose you, I need you to know that you're the best thing to ever happen to me, Torchbearer.” I tried desperately to come to terms with the fact that I was going to have to let him go.
“Don’t talk like that,” He whispered, “Not like you’re already saying good-bye to me.” I cupped his face gently, pressing my lips to his in an attempt to wade off tears. He melted into the kiss, gripping his hands at my sides as he held onto me. He deepened the kiss, his head tilting so the angle was better as he pulled me closer. I would’ve been happy to stay here if it meant him not having to leave. We pulled back as the fabric of the tent rustled, Clancy entering. We pulled back as the fabric of the tent rustled, Clancy entering. 
“It's time to start packing supplies and getting the others ready if we want to make it on time.” With a slight exhale Josh pulled away, turning to look at Clancy and nodded.
“Yeah, yeah we need to get moving,” he mumbled, his hands letting me go.
“Josh?” I called, catching him just before he followed Clancy outside.
He turned to look at me again, a hint of concerned look plastered onto his face. 
“Yeah?” He replied, his voice quiet.
“You better keep that promise.” I desperately attempted to hold back my sobs, knowing full well that as soon as one slipped I was a goner. 
“I will,” he whispered, taking a step closer to me again. “I’ll come back.” With careful hands he reached out and wiped away a stray tear that was rolling down my cheek. “I’ll always come back to you.”
Please submit any requests y'all have! I love to write so let me know if you've got any!
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frozenfeathers-00 · 4 months
because everyone was freaking out that Navigating made the Forest Fic canon.
i read it.
and i don’t know how to react.
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optionalblue · 2 months
@sunmovesbehindyou can I draw this?? or like. something idk its so good
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allys-fairlylocal · 4 months
tyler read Surrounded, Hounded by @bbluejoseph and then wrote Clancy, you cannot convince me otherwise. Midwest Indigo, RITN, Navigating, SNAPBACK, VIGNETTE????? he’s a fangirl go read it NOW
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velvetcake96 · 4 months
The Forest Fic that changed my preteen brain chemistry being kinda cannon in Tøp/Dema lore was not something I was expecting in 2024.
What I also wasn’t expecting was Tyler Fucking Man with Three Children and a Wife Joseph to repost a meme on his instagram about it.
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warmglowofsurvival · 5 months
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if only solochaos (@armpit-of-orion) were here to see it
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Finally, I guess.
🦇 Name: Sid
🦇 Location: Rome, Italy
🦇 Age: 18 y/o
🦇 Pronouns: he/him
🦇 Languages: Italian (first language), English (second language)
🦇 Fav colours: green, purple
🐜I play drums and a little bit of bass and guitar
🐜Reading. I love books but I am also a huge fan of fanfictions
🐜I casually write sometimes, either poetry or stories
🐜I love photography and cinema. I'd like to start a career related to this.
Fandom, Bandom and Ships
DISCLAIMER!! Except for fictional characters, the Ships with real people are NOT related to the current version of them. I know that they are married and I totally respect them and their families.
📿 IT, Stephen King - Reddie (Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak)
📿 My Chemical Romance - Frerard (Frank Iero/Gerard Way)
📿 Fall Out Boy - Petekey (Pete Wentz by FOB / Mikey Way by MCR)
📿 Panic! At the Disco (before Ryan Ross left, except for vices and virtues and some other songs released later) - Ryden (Ryan Ross/Brendon Urie)
📿 Twenty One Pilots - Joshler (Josh Dun/Tyler Joseph)
📿 Still not over The Summer Of Like, 2005 (Petekey, Pete Wentz/Mikey Way)
📿 The Umbrella Academy (comic and series)
📿 Fleabag
📿 Stranger Things
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sunshinetrinket · 23 hours
Anyways. Since im getting into TØP officially now. Is there anything i should know about. Any interesting tidbits or important info. (I am asking you to tell me about twenty one pilots. Smiles. ^_^)
hi smilesso widely. hm good things 2 know..
i mentioned no phun intended earlier thats tylers solo album from high school which isnt a real album. butnot in the way regional at best (rab) isnt a real album SHE IS A REAL ALBUM IF U HEAR TRYLER JOSEPH SAYING OTHERWISE DONT LISTEN TO HIM HE'S SPREADING LIES AND HATE AND SLANDER AGAINST HER. but npi is actually just 8 songs that tyler released under that name and everything else is just unreleased stuff that fans decided belonged on that tracklsit for some reason.
other good things 2 know abt are the forest fic which is a smut fic and also that isnt the name of the fic. very very famous in the fandom. also josh dun is married to american actoress debby ryan and they have a dog named jim and a cat whose name i forget 💔. and the boys are from columbus ohio OHIO WIN. also friend please was the first song tyler evr wrote and im normal about it too. AND MARK I ALMOST FORGOT. mark realbearmedia is their camera guy he's been with the band since idek like at least vessel. he's basically the third member but behind the scenes
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vialism · 2 months
Oh wow carte blanche on dab questions!
For the scene where Tyler calls Josh asking if he wants to be in the band, please tell me you based it on the 2012 Columbus Monthly interview and it was not a complete coincidence because I would die if it is!
I did not find that interview until after I read dab and was like.. no fucking way!!
Are there any other things lifted from interviews or stories? (Other than the RAB series, love how you intertwine that so well).
I fucking love and laugh everytime at the "what do I feed Tyler Joseph do not read into it" lol
Love the way you handle Nick and Chris leaving feels very realistic and particularly Tyler's reaction and what we know about his fear of people leaving him (Navigating looking at you, even 10 years later).
And finallyyy, I am a bottom Tyler truther but I am always interested on other people's reasons why, particularly since you make Mark even so aware of it enough to ask Josh if he is a top lol
ack holy moly i love these questions! i will do my best to answer!
of course, of COURSE it was not a coincidence... hehehe I knew what I was doing! I love love love taking dialogue from actual things they've said and weaving it into fics as realistically as possible. I've seen other people on twitter discover that interview and been like "WAIT LIKE IN DREAMERS AT BEST" and honestly... MIND BLOWING that people find out canon things from my fic before they realize they're like. real. humbling as fuck and also makes my research feel worth it!!! i started writing dab not too long after i went through my clikkie rite of passage in which i deep dived and watched every single pilots interview of all time (which i assume all fans go through, or at least all neurodivergent fans LOL). so a lot of these things were fresh in my mind.
i'm trying to think of other major things off the top of my head that came from real interviews or stories that we know are true. we know they met at the newport (sadly the exit sign detail came later!), we know the timeline and details of how mark stumbled into tyler's life, ditto the timeline of josh filling in for colin in hoh - i REALLY tried to get the timeline leading up to josh joining the band right. we only learned later that he had been about to move to nashville when tyler asked him to be in the band. sitting on the rooftop of the grocery store is something they've talked about from their early friendship... obviously so much else was filled in around what we know, but the goal was to make everything believable with the details we had, and it seems like that's part of what really resonated with people about the fic!
i went through a phase where i could not stand rereading the first 4 chapters of dab. so hearing that you love that random text josh sends in chapter 3 is actually so validating. i feel like i grew as a writer SO much over the course of writing the fic, and sometimes it's weird to read the early chapters in contrast with the later chapters where... idk, the language is more sophisticated? but i try to remind myself that they were growing up over the course of the fic too. and, people love and cherish those chapters for what they are. and i finally do too.
ohhh i'm glad you mentioned the whole "kinda feels like everybody leaves" stuff in regard to nick and chris, because that is absolutely where my mind goes. part of the story that dab tells is that josh isn't just a great drummer and friend with sex appeal who would help the band get famous - josh did not want to do anything else with his life except play music with tyler. he would do anything for tyler. he would break his back hauling that fucking piano case for as long as it took. he was never leaving. and somehow we are still living that narrative in the lore in 2024. tyler. that boy is not going to leave you.
hello, bottom tyler truther... we are the same. i love the idea of either of them bottoming and truly either works, but... josh is generous. josh wants to give. he wants to take care of people, and he shows his love through quiet protectiveness. tyler has a personality where he clings to control - we know this. so a true mark of trust for him, his truest form of intimacy, is ceding control to someone else. it really doesn't matter whose dick goes where... tyler just needs to be cared for. and everyone, including mark, can see how well josh takes care of him.
OH!!!!! this got extremely long. i guess i also just want to always say that even 8 years after starting it i am IN AWE of how many people still care about that fic. it is humbling for real. thank you thank you for caring enough about it to ask these questions :')
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trashthedragon · 18 days
joshler prompt - when you're getting gay married every night during lavish, you're also getting gay honeymoon nights afterwards.
Guys I have to tell you - I witnessed the Proctologist line from Denver N2 with my own two eyes and it nearly took me right out. I am obsessed with lavish live. I am obsessed with them getting married on stage every night. I am HONORED to write this drabble, and it is no surprise it turned into an AO3 worthy length fic. Check it out here and send me some love <3
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Send me a Joshler mini prompt!
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Hello. It’s me, anonymous (yes. I am the person who submitted the torchbearer request. That was amazing by the way! You’re an amazing writer!).
I feel bad asking for another TØP one shot (another Josh one on top of that), but I was wondering if you could do a fluffy one where Josh teaches the reader to play the drums a little bit everyday after soundcheck for the Clancy tour, but they don’t tell Tyler (no reason. They just want to mess with him). You can end it however you want, but I think it would be cute Tyler accidentally interrupts a cute moment Josh and the reader are having.
You don’t have to follow this exactly (or at all), I just think it’s cute. Only if you want to of course.
Drum lessons - Josh Dun x Reader
Pairing: Josh Dun x Reader
Warnings: None! Super fluffy <3
A/N: Dude I love tøp and have been waiting for someone to just throw requests my way so NEVER feel bad for requesting tøp. They’re my main fandom anyways and no one has been requesting them so ily 🤟 I'd love to assign you an anon emoji so I know who my anons are so let me know which one you want next time you request. And keep requesting! I write for both Josh and Tyler (and I love Josh a lot so keep them coming!)
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I couldn’t tell you how many times I’d watched Josh play drums and wondered how on earth he managed to get each of his limbs to move at different speeds. I’d played guitar before, and I understood how piano worked, but drums just left me clueless. The boys had been practising for the Clancy tour for a few days, and it was the last day before we travelled to Denver. Tyler had gone to get changed and shower before driving home, but Josh and I stayed behind to talk to Mark and film some stuff. The red drum kit sat alone on the stage. I stared at it before sitting behind it and holding the sticks.
“Look at you!” Josh laughed. I smiled brightly at him. “Well if you’re gonna be behind the kit at least play me something.” I hit the snare, kick, and cymbals making a loud (and awful) sound. I burst out laughing, knowing it sounded terrible yet I was thoroughly enjoying myself. 
“I should replace you as the drummer shouldn’t I?” I grinned. He walked up behind me, holding me in a backwards hug. Pressing his lips to my cheek, he whispered “Not quite.” I looked around to see the crew were all gone. “I could teach you though.” He had to be joking. Yeah, I could play guitar and was interested in what Josh did, but he was crazy to think I had the coordination even to play something basic. 
“Haha funny,” I smirked, putting the sticks down and getting up. 
“No, seriously,” he followed quickly behind me as I grabbed my stuff and headed to our car. “It would be something cool for us to do together on tour. Tyler normally leaves after soundcheck to hang with Jenna and the kids. We’d have time.” He was right. I really did want to learn to play drums; they’d always fascinated me. “Come on… it would be fun,” Josh enticed, getting into the car. 
“Yeah, okay,” I nodded, “let’s do it.” 
The first ‘session’ was a disaster. He’d attempted to get me to do a ‘basic’ drum beat he called some complicated name I’d forgotten the name of by the time I sat down. 
“No, no, like this.” He hit one of the drums before stopping to let me try. I’d just stayed to get it before we were told to get off stage. “You’ll get it next time y/n, trust me,” Josh reached for my hand and led me down the halls of the venue. 
“Why don’t we just choose a pilots’ song and you teach me that? Surely there’s an easy one?” I asked. He perked up in excitement. 
“Yeah, that’s a great idea. Routines isn’t too hard, we could even get out up on stage once you get it down,” he smiled. There was no way on earth that would ever happen. 
“Sure Josh, sure,” I rolled my eyes. 
A few sessions later I was starting to get the handle of it. Josh would play the track on his phone and tell me which drums to hit and when until I remembered what to do. 
“Kick, snare, kick, kick, kick, snare. Oh, and remember to keep hitting the high hat the whole time.” I continued to play the song while Josh air drummed and Tyler’s voice played in the background. “Yes! There you go!” I flashed him a smile as I hit the last drumbeat in the song. Josh snuck up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his lips to mine. I kissed him back, cupping his jaw and smiling into the kiss. Josh’s baseball cap brushed against my forehead as we pulled away. I pull it off him and put it on backwards, just like him. 
“Drums are actually kinda fun.”
“Of course they are. I told you, you could do it,” he still held me close in his arms, “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” I brushed one of his loose curls out of his face, wondering how lucky I was to have him. He turned his head into my hand, pressing his lips to my palm. “You’re my favourite person.” The curtains backstage ruffled as Tyler stepped out onto the stage. 
“Josh you’re still practicing? I thought we finished soundcheck,” he shouted, running across the venue to the B-stage drum island. “We already did Routines.” Tyler was dressed in his first tour outfit, holding the Clancy mask in his hand. Josh rested his head in the crook of my neck as he looked at Tyler. “Oh shoot, sorry,” Tyler smiled awkwardly, realizing the position we were in, “I didn’t realise you were uh… what was it you were doing?” I waited for Josh to say something, but he stayed quiet. Tyler waited patiently for either of us to answer the question. “Wait, was y/n playing?” A more confident smile spread across his face. Josh sat up and nodded eagerly at Tyler.
“Yep, I taught her the song, she’s amazing isn’t she?” 
“Yeah, I genuinely thought you were Josh with that hat and the drumming over the speakers,” Tyler said, sitting down on the b-stage just next to the drum kit. “You know, it would be cool to have you on stage together playing.” I knew this was coming. I could practically feel the smirk grow on Josh’s face. “And I’m guessing he’s already tried to convince you. I’m sure we can set that up, the fans would go crazy,” he rested his head on his hands, staring up at the roof of the venue. I placed the drumsticks back into their storage cup before getting up from the kit and sitting in front of Josh on the floor. He nudged me, trying to bring my attention to the idea of playing on stage. 
“I-uh… I don’t think it’s for me, you know. You guys perform in front of massive crowds and given that it took me 3 weeks to talk to Josh after we properly met, my anxiety could never,” I pulled at the sleeves of my sweater nervously. 
Tyler smiled at me, knowingly, “I get it, it takes a lot to perform in front of people every night.” I nodded, glad he understood my situation. 
“Just know that I can make it happen if you want it to,” Josh smiled. 
“Of course you can.”
Please submit any requests y'all have! I love to write so let me know if you've got any!
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toshler · 7 years
Stepdad! Tyler
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Sub! female reader x dom! tyler joseph daddy kink, light degradation, rough sex, almost caught ---------------------------- Your mom was getting ready to leave for work while Tyler was sitting at the kitchen table.
“Bye hun. Make sure y/n gets her chores done. She can’t just sleep all day and live with us for free.” she said.
“Of course babe” tyler answered, receiving a small peck on the lips. You weren’t sleeping though. Tyler had already texted you to be waiting in your bed completely naked for him by the time he got up the stairs.
“You better not touch yourself, you don’t want daddy to punish you.” it read. God, he’s so creepy you thought with a huge grin as you texted back “yes, daddy”. You were just as fucked up.
You heard the door shut downstairs and scrambled to the edge of your bed with your hands in your lap, anticipation building in your gut as you heard his steps coming up the stairs. The door swung open and tyler smirked at the sight of his little girl sitting all pretty for him. You bit your bottom lip, watching his every move as he slowly took his phone and wallet out of his pocket and set them on the dresser. You gasped when he took his shirt off, the sight of his toned body and olive skin with tattoos never failing to make you swoon. he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, but left them on and walked over to you. He wrapped one hand around your neck and tilted your face up with the other by your jaw. your eyes automatically rolled back at the feeling of being so suddenly possessed.
“Look at my eyes” tyler said calmly, voice dripping with dominance. His face was just mere inches from yours. You stared at him with wide eyes and uneven breath. He had you literally trembling in anticipation.
“Were you a good girl for me?” he simply asked.
“Yes! Yes i was, please daddy…” you whined impatiently, squirming in place. He chuckled softly, cutting you off with a tender kiss to your lips and a playful smack to your cheek.
“Ready for your first chore?” he asked suggestively, stroking your face with his soft, warm hand. You couldn’t help but lean into the affectionate touch.
“Yes, daddy. Anything you want” you hummed, willing to do anything to please him.
“Mmm now you’re speaking my language, baby” he said, thumb gently swiping over your bottom lip. When you parted your lips, he slid it inside your mouth and you sucked softly. “Your first chore is to use that pretty mouth of yours to get daddy hard.”
You licked your lips as you watched him shimmy his pants and briefs down his narrow hips to reveal black, trimmed pubes then that gorgeous cock. He was already half-hard, so you knew it wouldn’t take much to get him standing at attention. You took half a second to just admire him before wrapping your hand around his shaft and sucking the head. You swirled your tongue around it several times while jerking him slowly. He immediately began swelling in your hand and he let out a sigh, muttering praises under his breath. You moaned while taking him deeper, loving how he perfectly fit in your mouth. His fingers entangled in your hair, nails lightly scraping your scalp as you worked him over. You cradled his balls in one hand, the other working his shaft. You placed a kiss to his tip, tongue flicking along his slit before swooping down to mouth at his balls while jerking him. He let out a surprised moan and tugged on your hair, causing you to reluctantly pull away and look up at him with wide, questioning eyes.
“Okay now, you’re way too good at that. On your back.” he muttered, sucking his middle and ring finger into his mouth. You whimpered at the sight, arousal pooling in your stomach once again. He sure knew how to tease.
“You like that, baby girl?” he asked, smiling at the desperate look on your face. You nodded, laying on your back and spreading your legs wide for him invitingly. He kneeled between them, pulling his fingers out of his mouth with a slick pop.
“That’s a sight i can get used to seeing” he moaned. those fingers went straight to work, delving inside your pussy and curling. You threw your head back, rolling your hips and chasing the feeling as he fingered you a while longer. His thumb teased over your clit, making you bring your hand to your mouth to bite your fist.
“Fuck, you drive me crazy you know that slut?” he growled, smacking your inner thigh with his other hand and adding a third finger. Your eyes teared up a little and you closed your legs from overstimulation, but he quickly corrected you. You panted as he replaced his thumb on your clit with two fingers while simultaneously fucking you on three fingers.
“Oh god! I’m - i’m gonna cum!” you squealed. He kept it up, except went harder and faster which immediately sent you over the edge. Next thing, you were shaking and gushing all over his hand as his tongue was lapping it all up.
You were still a mess as he kissed his way up your body and made out with you with your taste still on his lips. You wrapped your leg around his lower back and lifted your hips to grind yourself on him, and he grabbed a handful of your ass.
“Oh, you’re gonna be bad now, huh?” he asked tauntingly, breaking away from the kiss and grinding his cock against your pussy to tease you. “Is this what you want?”
“Please, daddy? I’m so wet for you now. I need you inside me.” you pleaded with him, confused as to why he was holding back. Usually by this point, he’d be pounding you into the mattress.
“See, good girls don’t talk like that. I think it’s time for your second chore, little miss.” tyler said with a grin. When he laid back while stroking his flushed, hard cock you understood what he meant.
“Ride me.” he demanded. You wasted no time straddling his hips. You went to hold his cock so you could easily slide down on it, but he grabbed your hand.
“No hands”
“But daddy…” you protested.
“You heard me.”
You stared at him, confusion written on your face yet you listened. You placed both hands on his chest to balance yourself as you endlessly tried getting him inside you without assistance. He smirked at your whimpering and struggling, but that smirk turned to lust once he realized you were using his cock to get off. He watched you roll your hips and rub your pussy all over his cock until you were twitching and moaning, shamelessly cumming from your second orgasm. You glanced at him one last time, smiling before rolling off and collapsing next to him.
“Thanks, daddy” you teased, giggling. He was in disbelief, furious, yet more turned on than ever.
“Oh, you shouldn’t have done that baby girl” tyler said, but you were still giggling like crazy.
“Why not?” you asked, completely oblivious to how serious he was. Before you knew it, he had you flipped onto your stomach with your hands behind your back.
“Oh sh-shit” you gasped. He pushed your thighs apart with his knees and laid his front on your back, holding you down with his body weight. The head of his cock nudged at your wet entrance and you mumbled incoherently into the mattress. He entered you in one thrust and you cried out in both pleasure and pain. Although he was treating it like punishment, it was pure heaven for you finally being fucked the way you needed. He was harsh and unforgiving and kept your hands held behind your back, which was slightly uncomfortable with the way your cheek was mashed against the mattress. You didn’t hold back with your moans and cries of pleasure as he fucked you, hips slapping against your ass.
“You good?” he asked, turning your head by your hair.
“Yes, fuck! Just keep going, i’m almost there” you urged him. He wrapped his hand around your throat, licking at the sensitive spot just behind your ear and nibbling on your earlobe. His breath was becoming more uneven, as well as his thrusts. Just as you were both about to cum, you heard the door downstairs open. You both went dead still.
“I forgot my shopping list!” your mom yelled.
your eyes went wide when he didn’t pull out, instead clasping his hand around your mouth. You wiggled around underneath him, trying to get him off you but he was stronger.
“Shh, calm down she’ll leave” he reassured, but you weren’t as confident as him.
“Ok, honey! Love you!” tyler yelled while still buried balls deep in you. You could tell he flagged a little from the lack of friction.
“Love you too! I’ll be back!” she casually yelled again before the door slammed shut. He immediately picked up where he left off, but you were still slightly shaken from the possibility of being caught.
“Are you fucking crazy? Oh my god” you asked, your insides responding to his persistence and renewing the start of your orgasm.
“What, you think i’m going to be cock-blocked by your mom? I don’t think so.” he mumbled breathlessly. The interruption added some element of excitement and you both came undone not long after. your walls gripped his cock as you came, which caused him to fill you to the brim with his hot cum. You sighed his name and a stream of praises as he rode it out, pushing it in deeper.
When he pulled out, he playfully smacked your ass and you rolled over on your back. He collapsed next to you, accepting you in his warm, strong arms and being surprisingly cuddly for a creepy stepdad. He swept your hair off your face and kissed your forehead, then your lips when you tilted your face up requesting it.
“I wasn’t too rough, was i?” he asked between kisses.
“Not at all, it’s sexy. Maybe we should lock the bedroom door though, just in case.” you suggested, still not over the fact that your mom could’ve easily walked in on you.
“Right, that may be a good idea. I don’t think she’d like me fucking her daughter very much.” he agreed, laughing twistedly. You hit his arm playfully.
“You’re a sick fuck, tyler.”
“Yeah i am. But so are you, y/n” he retorted.
“Ok, i am too” you sighed, defeated.
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optionalblue · 2 months
Guess who got an ao3 😏
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