duunswitch · 1 year
@typhoonvash replied to your post “She's managed to find silk scarves in time and...”:
"Did you uh... Make someone mad? I can keep watch for you if you want."
​"No, no. It's–" Right, this wasn't home. "Habit? Uh–back home it's midsummer. Today's the day when the fae wander and the dead walk, so we kinda. Do this. Yeah. It's fine. Don't worry about it. I'll just. You know. Stay inside today."
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wolfwoocl · 7 months
[ FAKE ]: the sender (who has just been crying in private) hastily wipes away their tears and tries to greet the receiver casually (to varying degrees of success).
If he’s being honest (and he’s rarely honest these days, whether to himself or to anyone stupid enough to get close to him) a not so insignificant and so very primal part of him is simply terrified in a way he can’t even put into words as he steps carefully over the roots spiraling out from the center of the room like ink running off a piece of paper. He can ignore all that, because this is Vash. Any sense of visceral horror he has is completely eclipsed by his concern for the figure huddled in the tangled mess of roots and ethereal flowers in front of him.
“Needle-noggin…” As he gets closer, he realizes there are eyes on the roots too. A couple of them may have blinked at him in the dim light spilling in through the crack in the door, pupils dilated and jiggling into focus. Right, going to ignore that.
Dislodging any further hesitation with a rough shake of his head, he crouches down next to the mass of writhing roots. 
“Hey,” he echoes, while Vash looks at him as though they’re doing nothing more than greeting each other from opposite sides of the town promenade. He’ll keep acting like it too, if that’s what helps. “Missed you at lunch.”
The burning filter of his cigarette glows in a thin ring of light as he draws in a breath against it, then exhales to the side as he reaches out, tentative, before resting his hand gently on Vash’s shoulder. 
“’s a nice day out.”
He is so good at this.
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millionsnife · 1 year
@typhoonvash || stupid little brothers
"That's because you're incapable of hating anyone even when they're bad for you." That's why I had to hate us them for you, went implied but unsaid as Knives crossed his arms and looked away.
"Stop crying, you big baby. You're not five anymore, you know." He leaned towards him slightly, though he'd deny it to his dying breath, a silent offer of his shoulder. "...I have a place. If you want to see it."
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misplacedreporter · 1 year
❛  you look so precious when you're needy.  ❜
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"Shut up," Meryl complained, flushing heavily. "You don't have to say it like that." She hid her face in his neck, nails digging into his shoulders as she arched up into his hands.
"Just touch me already–"
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ninevoltcolt · 1 year
@typhoonvash @needlenxggin
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"...Yanno, you ain't like most of the other fake Humanoid Typhoons."
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humanitysong · 7 months
he freezes when spoken to, eyes widening and claws leaving deep marks in the ground beneath him. vash seems to shy away from the voice, feathers bristling until h recognizes a familiar feeling: a plant.
his body language changes to one of hesitation, sharp teal eyes gazing towards where the other's voice came from. over his life he had learned to distinguish between his sisters... but the shape before him? he felt closer to how it would be for vash to stand next to his twin and yet he knows this cannot be knives. at least not his.
slowly the massive ball of feathers turn smaller until all that is left is the silhouette of a man - though some of the feathers remain, the pattern of them refusing to leave his cheeks.
"...you can tell me where we are" his voice feels hoarse from all the screaming but he ignores it as he presses on. "and year."
@typhoonvash .
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crucifixi · 1 year
► "Keep me occupied." (command meme)
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Listen up Wolfie! | Obey the command
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ With a sigh, Wolfwood thinks how to occupy a humanoid version of a dog. He knew he couldn't just suggest a game of cards or engage in idle banter. No, Vash needed something more, something that would captivate his ever-wandering attention.
After his thinking session, a mischievous grin spread across his face. He knew just the trick. Wolfwood produced a box of freshly baked, mouthwatering donuts. The tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, catching Vash's attention instantly.
❛ I've got a challenge for you, Needles. ❜
Wolfwood declared, holding up a particularly massive, cream-filled donut.
❛ I dare you not to eat a single one of these donuts for a whole hour. You can’t touch them or smell them, can’t even go near them. ❜
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nothinglikegod · 5 months
“I’m a reckless mistake.”
"You got that right."
It's the wrong thing to say. He knows as soon as he's let the confirmation free. Because to spite Vash's survivability, he's the soft sort. And when he opens up his mind, he's looking for comfort - not honestly. Wolfwood opens his eyes and glares at the sky because he can't glare at himself for being so cold and doesn't possess the ability to apologize. The most he can offer, after a long pause, is:
"Aren't we all."
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stungunpudding · 1 year
@typhoonvash || im too pretty to be mad at
"It's because I'm cute. Right?" She tugged him closer, ruffling his hair. "That's why I'm so distracting! But not as cute as Meryl."
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i think i followed you originally because (to my new RPer brain) you were like... the most legit (?) stamp vash and you had a pretty blog and graphics and such. then i stayed for the cool plots you had with others but i was too anxious to start anything so i just kind of lurked until i didn't and now we're friends and ur stuck with me >:3
but look, I made you some content // why/stay meme
( The social link advances and together we beat social anxiety--
But aaaaaa yesssss 💜 the sentiment is shared, you are now stuck with me and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. We are A Force To Be Reckoned With )
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nicholas-wolfwood · 1 year
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“Heh, true, guess ya had to look at your brother’s ugly mug at some point. That’d scare anyone.”
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goldendivinewrath · 2 months
@typhoonvash liked for a thing!
"I don't know how much we ought to be sharing about ourselves, considering..." He trails off with a shrug. It's as quiet and calm a moment as they'd had together. It can't last, he's pretty sure, and it's probably just some calm before the storm--
Ha. That should be funnier, it really should. "Details, anyway. I don't know if it... matters." No amount of quantum theory was going to help them get a hold of what's happening. What happened. Or what... what might happen to one or both of them...
He longs to ask questions. He longs to warn. He wants to know the similarities, the differences. Sort of wants to hug Canary and tell him it'll all be okay, but there's lying and there's whatever sin that is. But not greater than giving in to the urge to ask the question, "Are you familiar with butterflies?"
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millionsnife · 1 year
@typhoonvash || save scumming
"Pathetic–" The disgust in his voice was nearly palpable as he dragged his brother further away into the alley. "You just stand there while they hurl things at you, like the animals they are. You stupid fool."
He could have been killed, the little idiot. As usual, it was up to Knives to protect Vash. He's fortunate that Knives hadn't yet left with his prize. Had chosen to come back to try one more time to make his brother see reason.
"This. This is why they need to die, Vash. They'll never change. There's no saving their kind."
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melpcmene-arch · 9 months
"i always found it hard getting close to anyone." @ vash
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the walking dead season 7. ( accepting. )
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Vash nursed his drink; swishing it around instead of gulping it in a rush. Not when Wolfwood was speaking. He felt something akin to Wolfwood's words, and yet Vash has proven to be the opposite. "..." The gunslinger knew how Wolfwood felt. But Vash didn't frown, no, Vash went for the opposite, which was typical of him to do so. He smiles.
"In this day and age, I can't really blame you. Not when people are dropping like flies. The survival rate is slipping. People turning on one another. But you've accomplished something. You got close to me. I think that's a big improvement. Especially since I'm the opposite of you. You befriended the one who gets close to anyone." He barks with laughter.
"But you know what they say? Opposites attract. But I get you, you don't know the half of it. But I can't help but understand that feeling so well." To constantly lose people. It hurts, but Vash keeps moving on. It's a rinse and repeat, a lesson learned and then a lesson forgotten.
"We're that close, that I do very much trust you, Wolfwood. I trust you because I truly see a good person underneath it all." He added with some seriousness, but to dilate it down, Vash simply added another thing: "And since we are friends, I now must include the friendship fee. You can pay me in doughnuts, and you can do that in installments at any given time. However, I will include a love and peace discount."
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misplacedreporter · 1 year
@typhoonvash replied to your post “Vash get out of the way.”:
"I'll move for $$80."
"You'll move or I won't give you the Wolfwood photos I'm taking."
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crucifixi · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀@typhoonvash | Continued from here
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The touch of Vash's fingers tracing the scars on his skin sent shivers down his spine, oddly soothing and comforting. A wave of warmth washed over him, melting away any tension he held.
Just as Wolfwood began to relax into the blissful sensation, he felt Vash's lips press against his upper back. It startled him for a moment, causing a brief tensing of his muscles, but he quickly surrendered to the sensation.
His hand reached back, finding Vash's hair, and he playfully threaded his fingers through it, relishing in the intimate connection.
With a mischievous grin forming on his lips, Wolfwood couldn't help but tease Vash.
❛ You know, Blondie, you're treating me like a fragile piece of glass. ❜
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