coffeecrusadeclub · 6 years
Prompt: "Why don't you make me?"
Cyrus POV:
Me and TJ have been friends since middle school, we basically never fought. When we did it was over in less than 24 hours. But this fight now in our sophmore year of college, this fight was different, TJ was really mad this time. We had been at a party the night before and I got pretty messed up. And what happened wasnt really my fault I didnt know, I was basically blacking out. And even though nothing happened TJ was mad. He had brought me home from the party and when I woke up he refused to speak with me. I didnt know that I was glad when he finally did.
"TJ what happened last night I cant remember a thing and the fact that youre ignoring me hurts. Im sorry if I said something wrong I probably didnt even mean it it probably just came out wrong" I sat on the sofa beside him nudging his shoulder.
He sighed and paused his videogame to face me. "Do you want to know what happened last night Cyrus? Really?" He snapped at me causing me to flinch but still I nodded, I did want to know. He put his control down and put his face in his hands. "I had to come to your f-ing rescue because you cant handle yourself. I told you to slow down. I told you to stop and you dont know how to listen!" TJ's tone scared me and I leaned away from him.
"Why did you have to come to my rescue? Did I get sick or something" TJ sighed. "Cyrus you can be pretty annoying sometimes" I looked up at TJ, my eyes beginning to water. That hurt but I pretended that I was uneffected, my preformance was probably poor. "What did you have to save me from TJ"
He got up and walked across the room closing the door. "I had to save you from yourself Cyrus. Because you push to far and get yourself in bad situations. You were almost assaulted Cyrus. I had to fight that guy to save you." I looked up at TJ, I had wondered why he had a bruise on his chin but he didnt answer when I asked.
"I- TJ thank you for helping me and Im sorry you got into a fight but how is that my fault I was black out drunk!" I started to raise my voice at him. I didnt have control over that guy and I didnt make anything happen. I started to remember parts of last night. I had been flirting with this guy all night and i remember him saying he was gona take me upstairs. That was when TJ came in
"Its your fault because you push Cyrus! I told you to stop drinking. I told you to stop flirting back. I told you to go home and you dont listen!"
"If I was flirting why did you have to come save me"
"Because I couldnt watch you with that guy Cyrus I couldnt watch him taking advantage of you"
"TJ one I was hitting on him all night! Second you dont know that he was going to do anything. I was about to pass out he was probably trying to help"
"Well knowing that you wanted something to happen- I couldnt let it!"
TJ had been intervening my conversations with this guy all night even before any of us had started drinking.
"And you know TJ i remember you trying to keep him away from me before anyone was drinking. So what was that about"
"Why do you get so overprotective when I talk to other guys TJ? Whats youre deal? Youre not my dad! Youre not my boyfriend!"
"I dont want to talk about this anymore"
"No! You dont get to end this conversation yet. You cant just go on yelling at me for something I didnt do! For something that I might've wanted to-"
"Stop Talking!"
"Why dont you make me!" As soon as I finished my sentence I felt TJs lips crashing against mine. I felt my world melt away as I felt him push me against the backboard of his bed. He pulled away and we both sat up. I stared at him in shock.
"Anything to say now?"
"W-wh-what the hell was that!?"
"Me telling you two things. One: to stop talking. Two: The reason I get so jealous"
"I think youre gona have to show me again"
TJ smirked at me and laughed "why don't you make me?" I bit my lip and laughed softly leaning into kiss him. For the second time that night I felt the world around me disappear, I didn't even hear the door open. But I did hear Buffy yelling, "You guys all have to pay up! I told you it'd happen before the first semester of sophomore year was over!"
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coffeecrusadeclub · 6 years
Prompt: Confession
Tyrus Oneshot
It was the final day of summer and me and Cyrus decided to go to aquarium. We had a long debate about how we were buying tickets and food. I insisted that I would pay for both of us but Cyrus refused. He insisted that we each pay for ourselves because paying for each other would be too much like a date. I know that he didnt mean much by it, he was just trying to avoid being teased by our friends, but it hurt just a little. I mean Ive been trying so hard to make him notice how I felt since 6th grade. I mean we were going to start senior yead in two months and he still hasn't noticed. I know I should tell him but I didn't think I had it in me.
We were walking through and I put my arm around his shoulder, it felt natural he never seemed to mind. We continued to walk and he wrapped his arm around my waist, resting his head on my as we looked at the animals. We approached the otters and Cyrus lit up
"How Cute!!!! TJ look! Look that one is sleeping" He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to the glass. I smiled at him, my face was a light shade of pink. He started rambling about the otters I think but I had gotten distracted by how cute he was especially when he was so excited about things.
"And so they hold- TJ? TJ are you even listening to me?" He looked up at me and pouted and I realized I hadnt been listening and sighed.
"Sorry Cy-"
"Its fine I know youre not interested in the same stuff as me and Im being annoying"
"Wh- No Cy thats not it! Its hard not to focus on how cute you are" The words came out of my mouth faster than I could think them and I started to panic.
As I tried to find a way to make a fast recovery I looked at Cyrus who had begun to blush lightly
"You think Im cute?" He laughed softly, was he really teasing me right now?
"I - uh I didnt mean- its just that I-I enjoy seeing you so passionate about stuff its adorable" I stumbled through my words as I noticed people start to crowd around us to look at the otters. It felt like they were staring at us, and they probably were.
"So I'm adorable, not cute?" Cyrus looked up at me, I was bright red but he had a soft blush. He was definitely teasing me right now.
"Wha-no- I mean- of course your cute- I just Uhm I just"
"What is it TJ?"
"I love you" the words fell out of my mouth and I felt as though a weight was lifted off my shoulders.
"Y-you do? R-really?" Cyrus's time of teasing me had come to an end, he was now as jumbled up as I was. His face bright red, although still lighter than mine.
"Of course I do... I have for just about 6 years... Ive been waiting for you to notice" I put my head down to hide the fact that I was, by now, a whole new shade of red. I looked around at the crowd of people looking at the 'otters' yep they were definitely staring at us now. A few faces with disgust all over them, but most seemed to be touched or excited.
"TJ-" Cyrus looked at me, at a loss for words. I laughed softly
"Wow, Ive rendered Cyrus Goodman speechless... its okay if you dont feel the same you know. You can tell me, I'll live-"
"TJ of course I love you"
"Yes! Of course TJ. I love you"
"I love you too" i hugged him and put my forehead against his.
"You know Cy... everyone is staring. What do we do?"
Cyrus bit his lip and smirked at me. "We give them something to stare at of course"
"Wh-" I didnt get to complete a word of my question before I felt Cyrus's lips crash against mine. A roar of cheers coming from the crowd around us as I closed my eyes and let my world melt away at his touch.
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coffeecrusadeclub · 6 years
Too late? Pt 2/2
"Im not Jealous"
"Well then whats youre problem TJ!"
"It doesn't matter anymore"
"Why not?"
"Because I was too late"
"For what?"
"To talk to you"
"I wanted to talk to you last night and I was too late" my tone had softened quite a bit and I felt Cyrus staring at me. I went to take a drink and Cyrus took the bottle out of my hand.
"What the hell dude? Give that back"
"Youve had enough. What were you going to tell me last night"
"It doesnt matter because I already know what response I would've gotten"
"And how do you know what I would've said"
"Because of what you were doing. If I hadn't walked in you wouldve-"
I sighed and put my head in my hands.
"I would've come to my senses and stopped him before it went too far"
"I have a hard time believing that. You were both really into it" i rubbed my face as if I could erase the memories of last night from my head.
"TJ I wouldnt have done anything. I want my first time to be with someone a lot more special than some guy I knew for half an hour"
"Youre first time- youve never-"
"You sound shocked. As awkward as I am you really think Ive ever done that?"
I felt my face turn red and reached for my drink that Cyrus had placed on my side table
"Leave it"
"Youre not my mom"
"I never claimed to be. I claim to be your friend who cares about you and wants you to stop before it becomes a real problem"
He sat on the bed in front of me he felt so close I could feel his breath on my face.
"TJ what did you want to happen last night? What were you going to tell me?"
I felt my heart beating so fast it felt like it was going to burst out of my chest. "What did I want to happen last night?"
"Thats what I asked, yes"
I was more tipsy than I thought I was and without even the slightest hesitation, I had closed the gap between us and put my hand on his face, holding him gently. Apart of me expected him to pull away but instead, he put his hand on my wrist and kissed back. It was more intoxicating than any kind of liquor out there. I pulled away slowly, stopping myself before I went to far.
"TJ..." Cyrus sounded out of breath and i felt panic coursing through my veins did I really just do that
"Im sorry I acted on impulse I-" Cyrus cut me off, this time it was him closing the gap. I leaned backwards against the backboard of my bed neither of us breaking the kiss. Cyrus was ontop of me and i stopped remembering what he said about not having his first time yet.
"Whats wrong"
"We can't- you said your first time is meant to be special."
Cyrus got off of me and sighed
"Im sorry I got carried away"
"No -no dont be sorry. But I dont want to ruin that moment for you"
"TJ what were you going to tell me last night?"
I looked at him, trying to figure out what to say. It wasnt as easy as I thought it was going to be.
"That-That Im in love with you.. That Ive been in love with you for longer than I could remember"
Cyrus smiled at me, turning a light shade of pink. I was probably firetruck red at this point
"I love you too"
"TJ you are so oblivious sometimes. Im in love with you but we both know I'd never have the guts to say it first. Ive spent years wishing you'd say it, believing that you never would"
I smiled at him "So Mr. Goodman..... I have a question for you"
"And that is?"
"Are you free Saturday night?"
"For you? Most definitely"
Cyrus smirked and leaned back in kissing me again.
"Id say this is a pretty special moment Kippen"
I laughed softly as I kissed him
"Not yet. We havent even gone on our first date yet" We both continued to kiss and suddenly my door swung open followed by the crash of Amber hitting the floor.
We looked over at Amber who was face down on the floor. She sat up bright red.
"You guys were yelling and then it got quiet. I wanted to know what was happening. I couldnt hear from downstairs when you were being quiet"
I laughed and threw a pillow at her
"Ya ruined the moment" I kept laughing as Amber continued to turn redder.
"Hey I have to get going. See you Saturday?"
"I'll pick you up at 7." I winked at him and he kissed me before heading out the door. I smiled at him as he walked out.
"The twinkle in youre eyes is back" Amber smiled and sat at the foot of my bed.
I laughed "you killed the momet!" I hit her playfully with a pillow.
"So? Tell me everything! What were you guys doing whyd it go completely silent for so long? Like there were three periods of silence-"
"Well the first silence happened when he asked me what I wanted to happen last night. I kissed him. Then i stopped and started panicking and then he started kissing me and we almost...." i trailed off
"No we didnt! Did it look like we had? I wanted his first time to be special"
"What a romantic." She mocked "What about the last one?"
"Thats the one you ruined" i laughed and she turned red again
"Oh yeah.."
"I need water for my hangover and food to prevent the worse one thats on its way."
"I'll go get ready. We'll go to Dennys. Fix yourself up"
I smiled at her grateful that she made me talk to Cyrus
"Hey Amber?"
"Thank you"
"For what?"
"For making me talk to him"
"What are big sisters for?"
"Youre older by 10 minutes!!!!"
She laughed "Most boring 10 minutes of my life" she smiled and walked across the hall to her room. I was glad to have a sister that cared about me as much as she did
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coffeecrusadeclub · 6 years
Prompt: Meet-Cute in the produce aisle
Thank you to @theobligatedklutz for the story Idea i hope you like it♡♡
It was a normal night for me, my mom sent me to the grocery store to grab some stuff for dinner tonight. I never thought I'd meet someone who would make my stomach turn to knots, and yet here he was, in the produce section fustrated with a screaming child who was probably no older than 2.
"What! Tell me what you want!!" He raised his voice as the child started kicking him. I walked up to them and put my hand on the cute strangers back.
"Having trouble?" I smiled at him softly and he sighed in response. "I dont know what she wants she just keeps screaming" i looked at the little girl who was still screaming.
"How old is she? Is she teething?" I questioned and the boy looked like he had an epiphany. "Oh my gosh! I love you! Youre brilliant!" I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck as he rummaged through his bag and pulled out a teething ring handing it to the toddler. I glanced down at his hand and noticed he didnt have a ring, so he probably wasnt married.
"Not used to your girlfriend leaving you with the baby?" He looked at me confused and then his eyes went wide. "Huh? Oh! No! Nonono! Im not- Shes not mine. Lydia is my cousin, Im babysitting while my aunt and uncle are out."
"Oh I see an act of thoughtfulness" I smiled at him, fully knowing I was bright red. He was really cute, apart of me wanted to ask for his number but I wasnt even sure he liked guys.
"Oh Im TJ by the way, nice to meet you" I put my hand out and smiled. He took my hand and shook it and I felt my heart jump "Cyrus, nice to meet you" i pulled my hand away and started to look at the tomatoes at the same time as Cyrus. We reached for the same tomatoes and ended up holding hands again. I laughed softly.
"So Cyrus, do you have a girlfriend? I find it hard to believe that you're single" Cyrus turned red and laughed. "Um no actually I'm pretty single. Im not- uh Yeah Im not seeing anyone" He became flustered and I felt bad for pushing. "Oh yeah me neither, my parents keep trying to set me up with girls but...." I trailed off and continued to look at the tomatoes. "But..? But what?" He was a curious person, I chuckled. "Well... Lets just say Ive never been that into girls" He looked up at me wide eyed, "Yeah me either" I smiled, I guess he was into guys. We fell into silence and continued to gather our groceries
"Um hey, Cyrus?"
"So I dont- I dont know if youd be interested.. and you- you don't have to bu-but maybe youd like want to meet up again this friday and get like coffee.. maybe dinner or something" I was flustered and my face was bright red as I looked over at Cyrus waiting a response.
"Are you asking me on a date?" Cyrus replied flirtatiously with a smile on his face.
"I uh- yeah.. But only if you want to!" Cyrus laughed at me and handed me his phone. "I think I'd like that. Pick me up at 7 I'll text you my address"
I smiled and typed my number into his phone handing it back to him. He smiled and waved goodbye, I watched as he walked away. I never thought I'd meet someone so adorable and at the grocery store nonetheless..
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coffeecrusadeclub · 6 years
Prompt: platonic hangout+confession by accident
Tyrus one shot
Cyrus's POV:
It was a normal summer night me and TJ had decided to hang out most of the day. At the end of the day we decided to hang out at my place and invite some friends over. And so an hour and a half later we were sitting in my basement with Buffy Andi Marty and Jonah trying to figure out how to spend our time
My parents weren't home so we decided to have the dinner of champions: icecream. We all sat there, spoons in hand, eating straight from the gallon icecream container.
Andi: "So what should we do?"
Buffy: "How about we play paranoia. We've never had a good game because we never ask interesting questions. So lets ask interesting questions"
Despite my efforts to object, I still landed in the circle with my friends, tossing a coin in the middle of our circle. Our order of sitting going to the left was me, Buffy, Andi, TJ, Jonah, and Marty. Since we were playing going to the left Marty was asking me questions. After about 20 minutes Buffy determined we had to start asking better questions so we did it was going okay until Marty asked me a question that I wasnt willing to admit.
Marty leaned toward me and whispered in my ear
"Do you have a crush on anybody?" I felt myself swallow hard as my throat suddenly went dry.
"Y-Yes" I responded hesitantly as I grabbed the coin. Praying that it landed on tails so I didn't have to tell the group the question. I closed my eyes and tossed the coin up in the air, I heard it clink onto the hard wood floors and opened to look. I sighed, heads, I felt like the coin was mocking me.
Buffy: "Soo what was the question??"
I looked up at TJ for a moment before looking towards Buffy and responding
"Do I have a crush on anybody"
My friends let out a group of curios "ooo"s and i blushed slightly.
Buffy: "whoo? Cy u have to tell us"
Cyrus: "Uh- I- hey im supposed to ask you a question"
Buffy: "Fine"
Once we got half way through the circle we decided to take a short break and eat some more icecream. We sat back down in the same order and Jonah suggested we start asking going around the circle to the right. Everyone agreed especially Buffy who had a mischievous grin on her face. I felt my heart racing because I knew that at some point tonight she was going to ask me about the question I got earlier. After we made our way around the circle a few times i started to believe that Buffy had let it go, that maybe she was just going to interrogate me later. I should have known better... maybe if she knew my crush was sitting in the room she would've waited but she didnt know and didn't wait. I almost didnt process the words she whispered into my ears
"Who do you have a crush on?"
I looked at Buffy, I really shouldn't have let my gaurd down
I took a deep breath before I looked her in the eye and responded, "TJ" she looked back at me shocked.
Buffy: "Really?!"
I looked down and sighed, rubbing the back of my neck.
Cyrus: "y-yeah"
The rest of the group stared at us in confusion.
TJ: "Hey dont forget to flip the coing Cy"
Andi: "Dont rush him you only want to know the question"
TJ: "You wouldnt want to??"
Andi: "Ok fine maybe I would"
I grabbed the coin and took a deep breath, glancing at Buffy before casting it into the air. I was almost afraid to look when I heard it hit the floor.
Jonah: "Heads!!" He exclaimed excitedly, everyone was curious to know why Buffy and I had a total change in expression
Buffy: "Cyrus im so sorry"
Marty: "Wait why are you sorry?"
Buffy: "I shouldnt have made him answer that question"
Andi: "But I thought thats what the game was about?"
Buffy: "its supposed to be fun but this might end badly"
TJ: "Why? How?"
Jonah: "Cyrus you dont have to say it if it was really bad"
I looked up and sighed, all eyes were on me
Cyrus: "Its part of the rules"
Buffy: "We arent going to disqualift-"
Cyrus: "Who do you have a crush on" I said aloud cutting Buffy off
Buffy: "Im sorry.."
Cyrus: "I couldnt hide it forever"
TJ: "Really?"
I looked up at TJ and sighed
Cyrus: "Sorry you found out that way... Actually Im sorry you found out at all" i sighed and got up walking up the stairs and heading into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup of water and leaned on the counter with my back toward the door. A few minutes later I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and sighed, looks like someone was sent to check on me. I took a drink of my water as I heard the footsteps stop outside the kitchen. I put the cup down and sighed.
"I dont need anyone to take care of me. Its not a big deal"
"I think it is. Getting put on the spot like that in front of your crush"
I inhaled sharply, shocked at the sound of TJs voice. I kept my back to him and laughed
"They sent you to check on me. No offense but what is this? Their way of trying to set us up? Theres no way"
I heard TJs footsteps approach me stopping next to me. I looked at him through the corner of my eye.
"I came up here entirely on my own. Typically after someone confesses their feelings for you the correct response is to talk about it with them"
"Whats there to talk about. You dont even like boys."
He reached out and softly put his hand on my chin moving my face so that I was looking in his eyes.
"And how would you know what I like Cyrus? Do you keep tabs on me?"
My face turned red and I pulled away from him. Drinking more water to avoid responding. Although I wasnt facing him I knew he was staring at me.
"Don't toy with my emotions. I have no intention of being some kind of-"
TJ cut me off and pulled me to face him. I pulled back and lost my balance falling backwards, taking TJ with me since he still had a tight grip on my shoulder. I hit the floor landing on my back and TJ landed ontop of me. He held himself in a raised push up with both hands on either side of me. I felt my face turn bright red and looked away
"Get off of me" I tried to push TJ away, but he was a lot stronger than me and stayed in place.
"Cyrus you must know I like you too I only thought it was obvious"
I looked up at him in shock did he really?
"I thought you - I thought you were straight"
"Cyrus Ive never dated a girl."
"But you talk about your ex sometimes. I thought-"
"Dont assume Cyrus. Youll make an ass out of u and me."
"B-but" I was practically incoherent there was no way TJ expected me to form sentences while he was on top of me.
"Reed Cyrus. Reed is my ex. You know I still hang out with my ex, the only girls I hang out with are Andi and Buffy. And sometimes Libby when Jonah brings her around. Who did you think it was?"
"I dont- I - Get off of me!"
"Do you want me to?"
"Thats what I said TJ stop messing with me" i pushed on his chest and he smirked as i crossed my arms in defeat.
"Youre really cute when youre fustrated"
"TJ please... stop doing this to me.. my-my friends are-"
"Youre friends arent going to bug us theyre downstairs"
TJ shushed me and leaned in, I felt his breath on my face and I got that much more nervous. "T-TJ what are you-" he cut me off with a kiss, catching me off gaurd. After a second to realize what was happening I started kissing back, wrapping my arms around his neck. After what felt like eternity TJ pulled away. My heart was racing so fast i was out of breath, it felt as though I had just run a marathon. TJ stood up leaving me on the floor alone.
"Hey Guys how long have you been standing there?" TJ said so casually. He laughed and I assumed he was joking "Thats not funn-" I look up and see all of our friends standing in the doorway staring at us. I swear I felt my soul leave my body.
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coffeecrusadeclub · 6 years
Superman-Tyrus fic
*TW mentions of abuse*
After practice all of my bball friends decided that they had to go home and study for the upcoming finals week. I really wasnt in the mood to study and decided to head to the park and just relax. I definitely didnt expect to see Cyrus when I got there. He was sitting with his boyfriend, Erin, on a park bench. Man I hated Erin with a passion.. Not because he was dating someone I was in love with, but because of how shitty he treated him. I sighed and sat on the swingset, the only reason I decided to come, trying to ignore them. Unfortunately the bench they sat at was only like 2 feet away. I looked over at Cyrus who looked pretty upset and wondered what they were fighting about today. I couldnt help but tune into their conversation as it slowly turned to yelling.
"I said I dont want to Erin, Im not in the mood. How many times do I have to tell you!"
"Come on dont be a lame Cyrus. You can't just jump back when you were giving all kinds of signals"
"I wasnt doing anything! I was kissing my boyfriend who I thought loved me no matter what but Im not so sure right now"
"And what the hell is that supposed to mean"
"Nevermind forget it I'm going home"
I watched as Cyrus got up to leave, Erin grabbing his wrist and pulling him back onto the bench. Cyrus winced as he hit the bench
"Youre not going anywhere until you tell me what the f* that means"
"That hurt Erin" Cyrus's voice cracked and it looked like he was about to start crying.
"Oh man up Cyrus I barely even touched you" Cyrus wiped his face, he had started crying. Apart of me wanted to intervene but I didnt think it was my place.
"Oh great now youre crying. Whats your damage Cyrus? Youre acting like a baby"
"Youre acting like a real jerk right now you know that Erin!?"
"Oh whatever Cyrus don't be so sensitive. Come on we're going to my place, my parents are going to be out till 9" Erin grabbed Cyrus's wrist and a look of anger crossed his face when Cyrus pulled away. I looked down at my feet to pretend I wasnt listening.
"I told you that I didnt want to!"
"Cut it out Cyrus come on you have to"
"Im your boyfriend not your escort. I dont have to do anything"
"Cyrus Im serious lets go"
"I said No!" Cyrus yelled at his boyfriend angerily.
My head shot up instantly at the sound. I look over at Cyrus who was now holding his cheek, crying so hard it looked like he couldnt breathe, and being dragged by Erin. Did he seriously just hit him?
"Alright thats it" I said loud enough for them to hear. Causing Erin to stop. "Why do you let him treat you like that Cyrus?"
Cyrus looked up at me he already had a bruise forming along his cheek bone.
"Dont talk to him" Erin growled and I couldnt tell if it was directed towards me or Cyrus.
"Cy you have the brightest smile in this entire city and I havent seen it in so long since you got with this jerk."
"Mind your own buisness TJ" Erin continued to walk pulling Cyrus behind him. I grabbed Erins shoulder stopping him.
"Get lost jerk" Erin shoved me and in an automatic response I shoved him back.
"I'll get lost when I know Cyrus is safe and you know how to treat him" i was really getting in Erins face, he had let go of Cyrus who had retreated a couple feet back. I had a couple inches on Erin.
"Hes perfectly fine with me"
"Really? He doesnt exactly look it."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"It means that you just hit him probably really hard because he already has a bruise. You obviously dont love him"
"Yeah I do love him why else would I be with him"
"Because hes smaller than you? He listens to you? You dont love him you love what you can take from him, how he makes you feel. You dont hurt the people you love"
"I didnt hurt him hes fine. Hes just being a crybaby"
"See? Thats what I mean. You don't deserve him"
"And what, you do? You think your some knight in shining armour? You try being with this brat for awhile and see how you start to act"
"Don't disrespect him like that."
"Why? Do you want to spend all your time with him because be my guest"
I looked over at Cyrus who was calmed down but still crying. He was biting his nails looking up at me with pleading eyes, as if asking for help.
"I think spending time with him would be amazing. How do you not love someone as caring and loyal as Cyrus."
"Well if youre so madly in love with him you can keep him. Im done with him, over there acting like a big baby"
"Watch it" I warned him. Eric pushed me away and started walking away. I stood there and watched him leave. I sighed "Im sorry Cyrus I just hated seeing him hurt you and once he hit you I just couldn't bite my tongue anymore" I turned to face him and he wrapped his arms around me and started crying. I hugged him back and rested my chin on his head.
"Thank you" he mumbled into my tshirt, choking between sobs. Once he had calm down I took him to sit on the swings with me.
"Yeah underdog?"
"Did you mean it?"
"Mean what?" I looked up at him slowing my swing.
"What you said about spending time with me.. and about- about loving me"
I felt my face turn a light shade of pink and i looked down at my feet with a soft smile on my face. "Ye-yeah I did" Cyrus didn't respond.
"I dont- I dont expect anything from you though, I know you need time to heal and like move on and all that... right now I just want to be your friend I want to help you feel better even if you never end up liking me back. I think thats what loving someone is.. helping them without expecting anything in return."
"Thank you..." Cyrus paused, hesitant on his words. "I love you too you know.. I never thought you'd like me back.. and then I met Erin. In the beginning he made me feel like I was at the top of the world, but after time he started- he started expecting me to do things. And at first it started off small like innocent stuff and I felt like I had too and then it turned to something different.. I started to feel like he was holding me at the edge of a cliff and by then it was too late.. I was terrified to try and tell him no if I did it-it didnt end well"
Cyrus wiped a tear a way from his eye and took a deep breath.
"Im sorry Cyrus. I saw it and I knew he was terrible to you and I didnt say anything until it was too late"
"You cant blame yourself for that. It wasnt your responsibility, I was the one who cut you off for him" he sighed looking away from me.
"Hey, I'll tell you what. From this point on I, TJ Kippen, will protect you, Cyrus Goodman, from all evil in the universe. I will not let anything like this happen again...."
"My very own Superman" he looked up at me with a smile, a light blush covering his face.
"Its getting dark. Do you want to go to my place" Cyrus winced at my phrasing i put my hand gently on his shoulder.
"Hey Im your personal superman I dont have the same intentions. My plan is to sit on my basement floor with 2 containers of icecream while we do whatever you want with a movie playing in the background" he smiled at me
"That actually sounds great"
"Lets go then?" He nodded and we both got up. My hand brushed against his. My fingers intertwining with his involuntarily I felt him tense up and i started to let go. With a small hesitation he let his fingers lace with mine.
"Sorry Im not used to anyone touching me so gently"
"You dont have to apologize. I'll work on making sure your okay with something before doing it."
He smiled up at me, I smiled at the twinkle in his eyes.
"TJ Kippen, my very own, personal superman... Superman Kippen. My Superman" I smiled at Cyrus as he rambled aimlessly. Its probably been awhile since he got to really talk like this.
"Hey Superman? What movie are we going to watch?"
"Whichever one you want from the redbox Muffin"
He smiled at me. "Superman and his Muffin.. i love it" Cyrus whispered, barely audible.
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coffeecrusadeclub · 6 years
Too late? -a tyrus fic pt 1/2
*this is super loosely inspired by that scene from Love, Simon* *note its like time jumped so there no underage stuff going on* *TW tho theres a lot of drinking*
It took about 2 hours of debate but I decided to go to Cyrus's party. I've also decided that I was finally going to tell him how Ive felt, Ive waited just about 5 years to tell him and I think its time. I picked out my nicest tshirt and matched it with black jeans and made my way over.
I got there and was greeted at the door by a bubbly and excited Cyrus
"Hey TJ glad u could make it. Come on"
He ushered me in and I smiled at him, i contemplated telling him in that moment but decided I needed to work up the nerve since there was way more people here than i expectdd. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed myself a beer from the cooler.
About 2 hours and 6 beers later i finally decided to tell Cyrus. I looked around and couldn't find him so I decided to ask buffy
"Hey have you seen Cyrus?"
"Uh yeah I think he went upstairs Why?"
"I need to talk to him"
"Finally telling him about your crush?"
"I-i dont know what youre talking about"
"Its okay TJ its cute, go talk to ya mans"
I shoved her playfully laughing. And turned to go upstairs I made my way to Cyrus's room rather quickly i wasn't looking up and opened the door slowly stepping in
"Hey Cyrus I really need to talk to-"
I looked up and see Cyrus sitting in the lap of some guy without a shirt making out, I felt my heart sink
"I-Im so sorry I d-didnt know"
I ran out the room not stopping even though i heard Cyrus call out for me I ran past Buffy who stopped me by grabbing hold of my arm
"What happened?"
"He was up there with some half naked guy"
"He what!? Why would he do that hes like in love with you
"Obviously not." I turned back to see a messy haired Cyrus running toward me
"I got to go" i grumbled to Buffy before quickly making an exit. As unathletic as he says he is, Cyrus can run fast when he wants he caught me outside as I was getting off the porch
"TJ please wait its not what you think"
"It looked pretty clear"
"Its not like that I swear"
"What am I supposed to think, if I didnt walk in you werent going to get in bed with that guy" I felt jealousy run through me my tone a lot more harsh than I meant.
"TJ whats this about why are you so mad?"
"It doesnt matter anymore its too late I know the truth"
"TJ please I swear-"
"Whatever Cyrus I have to go"
I ignored his call and kept walking home. When I went home I realized nobody was home and just screamed into the darkness of the house I punched the wall
"IM SO STUPID" I yelled into the darkness as I slid down the wall crying. I pulled my phone out and stared at pictures of me and Cyrus. My phone was blowing up. Cyrus wanted to explain himself, Buffy wanted to know if Im okay, and Amber wanted to know where I was. I texted back Amber to let her know I walked home, and told Buffy I was fine but ignored Cyrus. I drank a few more beers that I had in the fridge before I went to bed and cried myself to sleep. I was woke up by Amber who sat at the edge of my bed with water and an asprin.
"I dont know how much you drank last night but I thought youd want this" she handed it to me and I groaned in response to sitting up and smiled at her thankfully as i took the aspirin.
"TJ what happened last night"
My heart sunk as I remembered the sequence of events last night. I looked down at my hand which was bruised and cut up from hitting the wall. I never cleaned it so there was still some dried blood on my knuckles.
"Is this what happened to the wall?"
I looked down at the glass of water I held in my lap a tear rolling down my eyes
"TJ come on talk to me what happened?"
"I was too late I missed my chance"
"What do you mean"
"I finally decided to tell Cyrus the truth. Buffy told me he was up in his room so I went to find him.."
"Oh no what was he doing?"
"He was sitting in the lap of some half naked guy who was probably more attractive that me"
"Did you see who it was?"
"No Cyrus's head was blocking the guys face."
"TJ im so sorry. Did Cyrus say anything?"
"He followed me outside and tried to say it wasn't what it looked like. I snapped at him I just- I couldnt even look at him. Hes been texting me all night I think i have a load of missed calls and texts from him"
"Whatd he say?"
"He wants to talk about what happened"
"TJ you should really talk to him tell him the truth"
"Theres no point I was too late if he was ever into me, hes not now"
"You dont know that. Come on tell me you havent hooked up with at least one guy because you were drunk off your high horse"
I looked down at my hands to avoid her gaze.
"Thats what I thought. Text him back"
She walked out of my room and closed the door softly. I looked down at my phone and read Cyrus's texts.
TJ im so sorry you saw that
TJ I swear its not what you think
TJ! Answer my texts what are you doing stop ignoring me!
I stared at my phone and contemplated just erasing his number entirely. But I couldnt bring myself to hit erase. I stared at the picture Id chosen as his icon and smiled. I felt tears rolling down my cheek. And texted him back
It sure looked like what I thought Cyrus. Whats there to talk about
He replied almost immediately, as if he was staring at his phone waiting for me to respond
Tj please I swear its not like that. I didn't even know that guys last name
Oh because that makes it so much better. I think Im better off just not texting you. See you around
TJ stop please text me back
TJ call me
Dammit TJ if you dont respond Im going to just show up at your house
I read his last text and sighed
Theres nothing to talk about
Fine then Whatever I'll see you in about half an hour then
Don't come over Cyrus I dont want to see you.
He didn't respond and I wondered if he was really coming over. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I didnt pay any attention to Amber who was sitting at the counter, who I knew was staring at me. I reached toward the back of the fridge and grabbed a beer. Before i could even pick it up I heard Amber's voice behind me
"You dont need that"
"Mind your own damn buisness"
"TJ idk how much you drank at the party but you drank an entire six pack here."
I sighed did I really drink that much last night? I looked at Amber, who mustve sensed my disbelief,as she motioned towards the counter. 6 empty beer bottles sat there
"Those were all you TJ. Youre worrying me, youve never drink this much. You never day drink either"
I didnt respond and put the beer on the counter. I walked over to the empty bottles and grabbed them shoving them into the recycling box before grabbing my full one and walking away.
"Im fine Amber" I snapped at her and instantly felt kind of bad, I sighed.
"Its just one beer"
"Yeah right now but how do I know its not going to turn to 3 then 5 and so on."
"I just need to not remember Amber I need to forget" I replied harshly
"Thats not the right way" Amber sounded like she was going to cry and I sighed, opening the beer anyway. Defeated, Amber sighed and went upstairs to her room. I opened the fridge and grabbed a full six pack and took it up to my room. About 25 minutes later I heard Amber open the door. I assumed she was going out. I heard it click shut and heard her talking to someone. I sighed and looked around I already finished off the one beer and then three more from the six pack. The empty bottles sprawled across my bed, I was half way through my 5th beer two more in the six pack. I wiped tears away from my face, I didnt realize I was crying. I heard a knock on my door and sighed
"Im not in the mood Amber"
My door creaked open and I looked up to see Cyrus poking his head in the room. He looked at my surroundings and sighed. I guess Amber told him her worries. He stepped inside and shut the door behind him.
"You showed up" I said taking a drink
"TJ youre drinking too much you need to slow down"
Cyrus motioned towards the beer bottles on my bed and I scoffed.
"Look I dont know what Amber told you but shes delusional"
"Show me your hand"
"Just show me"
I put my hand out, I still havent cleaned it so it looked a lot worse than it felt. Cyrus sighed and walked into the bathroom, he came out with a washcloth and some bandages.
"Youre going to get an infection if you leave it like this"
I watched as he cleaned and bandaged my hand "I dont know why you care so much dont you have Mr. No-Name to catch up with?"
"TJ why are you acting like this? I told you Im not into him. Either way you have no right to be all jealous"
"Im not jealous"
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