khaoticvex · 2 years
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Ty and Shazza!
I always loved these two and their adorable relationship!! Definitely expect to see more Ty fanart in the future 👀 I’ve got plans!
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espeon9891 · 7 years
Getting To Know You Meme
Tagged by @katasaurusvex
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Relationship status: Single pringle, no I do not wanna mingle.
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick (I’m not as girly as I used to be and chapstick is just so much better for dry lips. And some of ‘em have tastes!)
Last song I listened to: New Burramudgee from Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3 and Forget by Pogo
Last movie I watched: Zootopia (I watch it pretty much every single day because it’s one of the few movies my little sister likes as of right now. But hey, it’s still a really good movie!)
Top 3 shows:
-Animaniacs -Ducktales -Super Mario Brothers Super Show (I love it for the 90′s cheesyness)
Top 3 characters:
-Luigi: Holy heck words can’t describe how much I love this man. He just has so much character and so much personality. GAH It’s so hard do describe why I love him so much!!! -Oswald: Look, this bun went through a lot. But even after everything he went through he is still a really great guy. And he’s also a father of 420 children. -Sly: No, not Sly Cooper. I mean Ty the Tasmanian Tiger’s older brother. He was guided down the wrong path, but then noticed the error of his ways and switched sides. Now he’s a proud member of Bush Rescue and helps his little bro save Southern Rivers! Not to mention he’s a pretty chill Thylacine.
Top 3 ships:
-OswaldxOrtensia -MarioxPeach -TyxShazza i have no idea who to tag and i dont wanna pester anyone sooooo... do it if you want to.
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