#u can pinpoint the moment i jus gave up i was getting the hang of it too :’)
melelinoe · 7 months
i hav obtained a tablet™️ recently, and i realized i can play arcaea again yaHOO i do not miss arc notes however LMAOOOO THIS IS UPSETTING
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Micha and Catherine become Opera singers. . .
Micha and Catherine become Opera singers. . .
Third Person's Pov.
It has been one month since Catherine's first day at school. Her and Anna have grown a little closer, they're practically sisters now, and them and Cedar have become an amazing trio.
Another trio Cat was in, was with Micha and Louise(Louy), who quickly decided that CAtherine was cool enough to hang with them. They've spent lunch and free periods together, have gone on some trips around New York together, and even saw a broadway show together. In some of their presentations Catherine quickly (and thankfully) found out that they really could act, and they could do it well.
Yet no matter how close they grew through, Cedar and Anna were even closer to her. After the whole weird incident with the waitress at the dish, it only happened a few more times with some people in public, and each time Anna and Cedar gave Catherine another sad excuse and cold shoulder, which dampened her mood for a while.
Soon enough Annabeth became less worried on seeing Percy, and more worried about Catherine. She reminded her so much of Percy, that it was almost scary. Catherine's eyes were now turning a deep muddy emerald green, and with her dark brown hair, Annabeth was reminded of her boyfriend everyday. Cedar said her scent has almost grown stronger since moving here, and more and more monsters were popping up each day.
This school had become to open and too dangerous, they needed to get Cat to Camp, and soon. . .
Catherine's Pov.
"Catherine over here!"
I look up from my history of musicals book, by E. Hartman, and see Micha, Louise, Anna, and Cedar all sitting at our usual table under the oak tree.
Micha stood above them all, waving me over.
I laughed as Louy decided to tickle her as she waved and she squealed before falling off the table bench. Louise was laughing so hard, until Micha grabbed him and he fell off the bench and into the puddle next to the table.
Everyone was laughing by the time I walked across the courtyard and to the table.
"Isn't it a little too cold to be out here?" I asked as I shivered and took a seat next to Cedar.
He greeted me with a small smile as he chewed on the edge of his plastic cup. I always found him chewing on odd things like plates and paper over the past few weeks, and whenever I asked him about it he always told me it was just a way he deals with his anxiety.
"Nah, look there's like four other groups of kids out here," Micha gestured to the two other tables filled with a group of about three kids, which wasn't that much. "but they were all smart enough to wear their jackets, unlike some little miss, 'I look awful in jackets here'."
I smiled sheepishly as she gestured to my shivering form.
I always loved the uniforms here, but the jackets were just too itchy and ugly. I don't usually care for my appearance, but whenever I see that jacket on me, I get a different kind of shiver.
"Here you go doll." Louise chirped as he threw his heavy gray uniform jacket on me and I huffed at the added weight on my shoulders.
I then set my book on the table in front of me, and automatically Anna picked it up and began to flip through it.
"You'll read any book you can get your hands on, won't you?" I asked and she shrugged as she began to read the references.
"It's not my fault your always reading, I would get a headache if I read as much as you do." She shot back and smirked slightly when I pouted my lip playfully.
"Actually, I have been having some trouble reading, even in classes." I started and Anna looked up at me as her eyes widened slightly. "like the words get all jumbled up and my head starts to hurt trying to focus on them so hard." I sighed and looked down at my hands a little defeated.
"Maybe it has something to do with my eyes changing?" I asked and Anna shrugged her shoulders and looked away, but I could see some sort of thought forming in her head. .
"Maybe, or maybe you've actually been stressing yourself out too much," Micha leaned over the table and took the book from Anna. "And stop losing sleep over reading, you gotta live in the real world sometimes."
"But how, my life is so boring." I groaned and Louise chuckled.
"How is it boring when you have friends like us?" He poked my cheek and I huffed before slapping his hand away.
I then looked up at Cedar next to me and noticed that he had been uncharacteristically quiet this entire conversation.
"Hey." I mumbled and bumped his shoulder. "Everything okay?"
His eyes shot up and made contact with mine before looking away quickly.
"Oh, u-u-h yeah, ju-just thinking." he stumbled out and I saw him make eye contact with Anna, and I decided to leave our conversation at that.
After a while I learned to just ignore his weird stuttering and their odd side glances they always gave each other. He was just super paranoid and in his head all the time and Anna was always there to help him, I just really hoped that it wouldn't get him hurt someday.
"Oh, Cat have you heard the news yet?" Micha jumped up excitedly in her seat and we all looked over at her expectantly.
"No, what?" I asked and she took my hand, practically vibrating in excitement.
"Mademoiselle Marin Césaire is actually coming to the school this thursday for a huge meeting. She'll be talking about her latest performances, what movies she'll be doing next, and she even will be meeting some of the students in the BTA arts division, a.k.a. US!!!"
Micha's excitement began to rub off on me as a wide smile slowly made its way onto my face.
"What!?!" I practically screeched and held her by her shoulders. "Are you serious? You're not joking are you? Cause if you are I will kill you!"
She shook her head and raised both her hands in defense.
"All seriousness!" She shouted and we both squealled together.
I haven't felt that excited since I first got accepted into the school, and now I'm actually going to meet my idol, the owner of the school! How much more exciting could my life get!?!
"Guys, guys!" Anna screamed over our squealing and we both stopped to look at her pointing at the empty courtyard around us. "I think your scaring everyone around us."
We both looked around to see that most the kids were in fact gone now, and the only ones left were staring at us oddly as they slowly walked out of the courtyard.
"Sorry!" Micha called out and I chuckled as she shrugged her shoulders and got back to eating her wrap.
"I swear you two will shatter all the windows in this school someday." Louise shook his head and Micha and I both looked at each other with evil smiles.
"That's a plan." Micha lifter her hand up and we shook on it.
Third person's Pov.
"Cedar, we can't stay here any longer." Annabeth groaned as she paced the dimly lit halls between the girls and boys dorm. She had grabbed Cedar just before everyone was heading in for the night and she had hidden him and her in a dark hallway which no one ever walks down.
So now Cedar stood across from her, leaning against the wall, chewing nervously on a napkin that he had stashed somewhere in his pockets as Annabeth tried to wrap her mind around the mess they were in.
"I promised Chiron I wouldn't call for a while, but it has been a whole month." Annabeth continued and Cedar sighed and looked down at the ground. "I think we should call him again and see if we can bring her in. She's come too close to figuring some things out, and she's already getting all the signs."
Anna stopped pacing and looked up at Cedar expectantly, who gulped a bit of his shirt down before looking both ways down the hall, then back down at her.
"I actually have been picking up some weird smells ever since I got here, but I haven't been able to pinpoint who it is exactly, but now I'm sure it's one of the staff." Cedar whispered shakily and Annabeth sighed.
That's exactly what I feared." She leaned back and put her hands on her hips as she thought.
"Okay." She finally said after a few moments if silence and Cedar looked up exspectantly. "I don't care if the defenses are still bad, I'm giving Chiron a call and we're bringing Cat over tomorrow."
"Um, Annabeth, isn't tomorrow the assembly?" Cedar asked nervously and Annabeth closed her eyes with a groan.
"Then we'll stay here one more day, just for Catherine, but Friday, we are out of here, deal?" Annabeth raised a brow and Cedar nodded his head quickly and Annabeth sighed again. "Good, now get back to bed before it's lights out."
They both parted ways with a small good luck and Annabeth walked back to her dorm to see Cat laying on the couch, cuddled up with her book and some spilled tea next to her on the coffee table.
"Oh Cat." The blonde mumbled as she cleaned up the tea mess and threw a soft comforter over the brunettes shoulders. "I'm so sorry."
With that she left the girl to sleep, not before smiling at the fact she noticed that she drooled in her sleep.
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