ofmanycrowns · 4 years
@u-nlmited said: Well, it's your lucky day. You've become an outdated meme. You are now Doge. It reads "wow, much annoyed, such angery, very soft, wow". All courtesy of Kambe. You're welcome, Haru-chan.
A familiar ping from his cell phone signals Haru to reach forward on his desk, an eyebrow twitching the moment he realizes from whom the text is sent from. 
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❝ Much funny, very wow, ❞  He texts back sarcastically with minor annoyance, shooting tired daggers back at Kambe from across his work area. ❝ You must be really bored right now to be looking up memes, ❞ Haru murmured to himself, lips quirking into a half amused smile once he returns the favor with a side by side comparison.
❝ You both look pretty identical to me~❞
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oflockhearted · 4 years
i saw the anon earlier and i just want to tell you that you're loved. i'll fight the assholes for you. chin up, queen.
//Oh psh. Don’t worry about it. I found it funny! I’m totally fine, but I’m so appreciative that you’re willing to be here to give me the big protecc!! It means a lot ^o^
Same with all those who came to my rescue. They are all my heroes ;o;♥
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detectivekambe · 4 years
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❛ Another gentlemen with class, I think we shall work very well together. ❜
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bondedtrauma · 4 years
           ELLI DIDN’T DO WELL UNDER PRESSURE.      her      closer      friends       knew       and       understood       this     ;     she       was       an      anxious        little       thing     .     she     always     had     been     since     she        was     a     kid     .     she     though     she     had     gotten     better     with     her       anxiety     .     but     with     every     step     closer     to     the     attacker     ,     she     feels     her     heart     beating     louder     and     louder     .     she     feels     like     she     may     vomit     ━━━━     this     interaction     between       herself     and     the     criminal     could     make     or     break     her     career     .     she     doesn’t     think     she     would     be     able     to     be     hired     by        any     police     task     force     if     she     got      the      inspector kambe     killed     by     her     miscalculations     .     so     ,     she     couldn’t      fuck     this     up     .     no     matter     how     afraid     she     was     ,     she     couldn’t     turn     around     .
           she     counts     each     shot     fired     into     the     air      ;       the     attacker     had     a     revolver     .     at     most     ,     he     had     two     ,     maybe     three      shots     left     .     if     she     was     lucky     ,      she     could        probably     survive     three     gunshot     wounds     .     but     . .     worst case     ?    she     doesn’t     want     to     even     think     about     it     .     the       closest     thing     to     self defense training     elli     had     was     some    cheesy     cop      shows      ━━━━      she     wasn’t     even     allowed     to     carry     a     gun     on     her     .     all     she     can     think     of     is     jumping     the     criminal     from     behind     ,     so that’s exactly what she does     .
           as    soon     as     she’s     in     range     ,     she     leaps     forward    ;    she’s     almost     lucky     enough     to     knock     the     man     off     balance     ,     but     not     quite     .     her     legs     wrap     around     his     waist     tightly     ,     whilst     her     arms     move     to     grip     around     his     neck      .     she’s     much     smaller     than     the     man    ;    she     doesn’t     even     think     her     strength     could     compare     to     his     own     .     but     ,     all        she     needs     is     a     moment     .     she’s     relying     on     investigator     kambe     to     hit     this     shot     .    
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           ❝    kambe  !!    ❞     she     shouts     out     .    she     can’t     hold     the     attacker     for     long    ━━━━      but     ,     she’s     confident     she     can     do     it     for     long     enough     to     give     kambe     ,     or      the     backup       ,     a     clean     shot     to     the     chest     .    as     the     man     fights     back     ,     for     a     split     second     ,     she’s     able     to     see     the     glint     of     his     weapon     directed     back     her     way     .    elli     ducks     her     head     forward     ,     pressing     her     face     against     the     man’s    disgustingly      warm     shoulder     before       crying     out    ;      ❝    daisuke  !    take the shot  !   ❞     she     knows     he     hasn’t     given     her      permission     to     refer     to     him     by     the     first     name     yet   ,     but       she     can     apologize     for     her     rudeness    if     she      survives     in     these     next     five     minutes    .
@u-nlmited​     /     cont.
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oncesoldier · 4 years
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i’m taking a hiatus. not sure when i’ll be back. if you need to reach me, do so through discord or through @u-nlmited​.
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crowtongued · 4 years
what tarot card are you?
Stolen from: @caeloservare
Tagging: @u-nlmited​, @shttrdstars​, @flightofaqrow​, or just steal it if u want
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Alekt  ||  Justice
What would you do to ensure justice? You know full well I don’t speak of lofty ideals and courts and magistrates, dearest. What would you do to those that hurt you? If I dropped them in your lap, what would you do? What kind of pain could you possibly inflict upon them? You are right to do so. You are right to want to do so. Ignore the screaming, dearest, you are the hand of justice now, and they hurt you. Do not look too closely at their faces, dearest. You are within your rights. You spell out your own rights, now. Are you happy about it? Are you certain that this is the right person you hold by the hair? Does your anger hurt less now?
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Protem  ||  The World
Power is a heady thing. Do you have what it takes to control it? You thought you did, for a long time as you gained more and more. Power only begets more power, after all. Mind your breaking point, mind your load, mind how high you’ve climbed up the ladder; it’s against regulation to stand on the top rung. You could get hurt up there. You could fall. I’m not sure that I could catch you, so high above the rest of us. Don’t look down. Mind the ceiling fan.
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Spy  ||  Justice
What would you do to ensure justice? You know full well I don’t speak of lofty ideals and courts and magistrates, dearest. What would you do to those that hurt you? If I dropped them in your lap, what would you do? What kind of pain could you possibly inflict upon them? You are right to do so. You are right to want to do so. Ignore the screaming, dearest, you are the hand of justice now, and they hurt you. Do not look too closely at their faces, dearest. You are within your rights. You spell out your own rights, now. Are you happy about it? Are you certain that this is the right person you hold by the hair? Does your anger hurt less now?
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Gyr  ||  The Empress
You are only independent insofar as you have others to care for. This makes you dependent in your independence. They want your knowledge, your skills, your talents, your affection. What can they give in return? “Teeth” is not an acceptable answer, nor is “keeping the shadows to the corners”, nor is “glory”, nor is “love”. There is no acceptable answer, no gift of a magnitude which can match the thing you know, which is that they are taking from you. They are stealing from you. You should stop them from doing that, darling. You only have so much to give. You are not infinite, and when they have taken their last they will remind you of that. My advice is this: give enough to keep them at bay, but be careful. Their teeth can turn on you too. There is no easier way to make an animal dangerous than by feeding it.
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ofmanycrowns · 4 years
@u-nlmited said:  [ laugh ] for Haru
When it came to many of Kambe’s fancy weaponry and devices, Haru found himself becoming increasingly curious and open to to the idea, though he was a long way from grasping such advanced technology himself. As someone who strongly believed in tradition and the art of being a true detective, Haru found himself slowly growing accustomed to his partner’s bizarre crime solving antics and he wanted learn just as much. Swallowing back his pride, the inspector approaches his partner at his desk, his hands slamming down against the desk as golden hues stare intently into curious blue hues.
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❝ Oi Kambe... show me how to use one of your fancy .. whatever you use, ❞ Haru declared, his voice trailing off as he speaks, though he remains serious in his composure. A few moments pass before the sound of unsuspecting laughter erupts from the millionaire, causing Haru to double back in his attempt to turn this into a serious conversation. 
✉️ Nonverbal Memes | Accepted!
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bondedtrauma · 3 years
            HAPPINESS POURS FROM HER CHEST.  she    watches    him    quietly    .    it's    not    like    she'd    admit    that    she's    excited    to    see    him    ,    after    all    .    seki    approaches    the    detective    ;    (    she's    still    bitter    about    his    sudden    business    trip.    )    lips    purse    together    while    she    stares    him    down    .    he's    unharmed    ,    but    that    doesn't    make    up    for    the    lack    of    texts    from    him    !    then    again,    a    part    of    her    doesn't    even    think    he    knows    how    to    text    .    ❝    ...    you're    back    .    ❞    she    finally    speaks    .    she's    expecting    a    gift    from    his    travels    !    or    a    hug    .    that    works,    too    .
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@u-nlmited​    /    welcome back ferret !  ❤
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ofmanycrowns · 4 years
What tarot card are you? 
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The World
Power is a heady thing. Do you have what it takes to control it? You thought you did, for a long time as you gained more and more. Power only begets more power, after all. Mind your breaking point, mind your load, mind how high you’ve climbed up the ladder; it’s against regulation to stand on the top rung. You could get hurt up there. You could fall. I’m not sure that I could catch you, so high above the rest of us. Don’t look down. Mind the ceiling fan.
Tagged by;  @u-nlmited​, thank you!! :D
Tagging;  Feel free to steal!
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ofmanycrowns · 4 years
Continued from ✗ | @u-nlmited
There was no time to think the moment he saw the glimpse of an onyx plated firearm, unsteady legs had already propelled themselves forward as the inspector tackled the would be assailant to the ground with all his might.
He didn’t realize the bullet that pierced his side until he found himself gripped by the agonizing fire that threatened to consume him like once before. He lets out a shaky breath as he lays helplessly on cold concrete, though he tries his best to keep his focus on Kambe’s safety and the current danger they faced, thoughts that continued to run marathons in the back of his mind.
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❝ Idiot, why were you just standing there?!, ❞ Haru heaves in response to Kambe questioning him, the pain overtaking his senses as he attempts to roll himself onto his side into a less vulnerable position. The adrenaline coursing through his veins was more than enough to dull the searing ache left behind from the bullet that tore though his flesh, though he acknowledges the millionaire’s attempt in aiding him. Haru’s expression soon softens as he listens to the rise in worry in Kambe’s tone, a crack in his tone as he weakly laughs to himself.
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❝ I survived dropping from a bridge twice and took a bullet in the leg once .. another bullet is nothing, ❞ Haru mumbled as he closed his eyes, a sigh of relief escaping his lips once he heard the sound of an ambulance closing in from a distance. Granted, it was also a pleasant surprise seeing Kambe worrying about him this much. If only the inspector could revel in such achievement, but right now wasn't the time. Perhaps he could bring it up on another day when he wasn’t bleeding out on a dusty, old sidewalk.
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oflockhearted · 4 years
unwillingly evil
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you were forced. your resolve was broken slowly but surely, and now you're unsure of whether you'll ever get it back. for some reason, you believe that your current position is your fault. it isn't. it's the fault of those who did it to you. and yet you soldier on, facing forwards even as you slowly lose your will to continue. when you die, you're calm. unafraid for the first time in a while. this is the one thing they can't take from you.
tagged  by: @u-nlmited​ //TY FERRET♥
tagging: All you filthy villains out there. Which is ALL OF YOU. DO IT. DO IT NOW!
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bondedtrauma · 4 years
            @u-nlmited​  replied    :    “ why ? “
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            her     eye     twitches     ,     ❝    . . .  say it  .    ❞     disrespect     her     king     like     that     again     and     you     won’t     live     another     day     .
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bondedtrauma · 4 years
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RANDOM FIRST ENCOUNTERS     /    accepting.
     @u-nlmited​ asked   :    ‘    🖐🏽 - for elli    ‘     ☆     rolled a SEVEN !
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            ON GOOD DAYS, ELLI LAIOU WAS LABELED AS A DETECTIVE.    she     much     preferred     to     do     the     ground     work     of     investigations    ;    she     was     good     at     finding      things     online     ,     and     that’s     why     she     was     hired     .    most     of     the     time     ,     she     just     did     scut      work     around     the     office     when     she     wasn’t     busy     .     of     course     ,     it’s     the     one      time     that     she’s      allowed     to     do     a     ride along      with     an     investigator     to     talk     to     the     witnesses     of     a     past     crime     at     the     local     bank     ,     that     something     goes     wrong.
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            she’s     a     people     pleaser      ━━━━     just     getting     the     chance      to     speak     with     a     superior     akin     to     the     likes     of     kambe daisuke      was     a     chance     to     move     her     career     up     .     a     chance     for     her     to     get     recognition     from     her     peers      for     being     the     backbone     of     investigations     .     she     was     usually     praised     for     her     works     by     the     other     officer’s    ;   it     was      pretty     difficult     to     find     locations     of     the     perpetrators     within     three     minutes     of     being     directed     ,     but     it     always     seemed     like     kambe     was     one     step     ahead     of     her     .     she     didn’t     know     what     kind     of     program      he     had     ,     or     who     was     giving     him     so     much     intel     before     she     could     even     get     a     word     out     ,     but     she     was     determined     to     impress     him     .
            the     entire     group     of     hostages     ,     including     elli     and     daisuke     ,     are     commanded     to     get     low     to     the     ground     .        she     had     heard     he     had     rather     interesting      ways     of     stopping     a     criminal     before     he     could     commit     a     crime     ,     but     personally     ,     she     thinks     he’s     just     reckless     .     it’s     not     like     she     could     say     that     to     his     face     ,     though     .      ❝     can you distract him ?       ❞     she     questions     ,     shifting     her     gaze     from     the     robber     ,     back     to     investigator     kambe     .      ❝     if i can get behind him , we c  -  can subdue him .  but, i need you to cover me .      ❞     she’s     trying     to     sound     as     confident     as     possible     ,     but     she     has     never     once      subdued     a     suspect       in     her     life     .     but     ,     she     knows     that     innocent     people     are     in     danger     ,     so     she’s     going     to     try     her     best      .     she     has      to     .
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oncesoldier · 4 years
if anyone needs me or wants to write, i’ll be over at @u-nlmited for a few days. irl isn’t going so great and cloud’s muse really won’t help with that. gonna queue this post too in case anyone wants to interact while i’m not here on this blog.
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bondedtrauma · 3 years
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CAN’T REMEMBER THE MEME LOL / not accepting.
            @u-nlmited​ asked    :     ❝   you’re holding on to things that are holding you back.   ❞.
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            CHILDHOOD IS A HEAVY BURDEN.    especially    for    someone    like    sekiko    .    she    tries    not    to    think    about    it     ;    the    rot    that    takes    form    inside    of    her    heart    every    time    she    thought    about    her    past    .    she    lived    in    the    present   ,    and    for    her    future    .    or   ,    that’s    what    she’d    tell    herself   .    she    doesn’t    know    how    much    she    drank    ,    nor    does    she    remember    the    time    between    sitting    down    at    the    club    and    kambe    appearing    inside   .    she    does    know    ,    however    ,    that    it’s    a    lot    easier    to    survive    when    you    feel    safe    in    your    own    brain    .    alcohol    slows    everything    down      ╾╾╾╾      well    ,    the    drugs    do    ,    too    ,    but    she    had    a    scary    high    a    few    weeks    back    .    she    hasn’t    been    too    adamant    about    visiting    her    dealer    again    . 
            she    lays    her    head    back    against    the    leather    detailing    of    the    passenger    seat    she    resides    herself    in    .    sekiko    doesn’t    like    that    kambe    can    recognize    how    she    feels     ;     (     he’s a stupid man     ;     what could he possibly know about her ?     )     it’s    hard    for    her    to    put    a    pin    in     her    irrational    thinking    while    in    such    an    inebriated    state   ,    but    she    tries    .    it’s    all     she    can    do    .    ❝    i don’t know what i’d be without it  .    ❞   she    glances    out    the    window    ,    ❝     i don’t really recognize myself without the hate  .     ❞
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            ❝   .  .  .    how did you know where to find me  ?    ❞
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bondedtrauma · 4 years
Get To Know The Mun!
———  BASICS! ♡
(PEN)NAME:   elli!
PRONOUNS:   ��she / her
ZODIAC SIGN:    cancer
TAKEN OR SINGLE:    taken !!!!! im engaged to leo fckhacks hes kinda cool i guess
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
i’m writing a book!
my special interests are tangled, the last of us, and corpse party!!
i dont think im very interesting im so sorry ;; i love kaneki ken a lot idk
i’ve been roleplaying since probably like...2012 - 2013? i started on quotev and then moved over to tumblr in 2014ish! my first muse ever was kaneki ken! 
no preference! i love all muses so much teach me abt ur kids
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:    i love fluff!! i really enjoy cute moments between muses hrnrnng
ANGST:    YES i love angst........i get my kicks from making my girls cry
SMUT:   fuck smut all my homies hate smut
PLOT / MEMES:    im so bad at plotting but i swear i want to write with you so dont take it personal! i do a lot of my plotting thru answering ask memes LOL
tagged by:    @u-nlmited 
tagging:    anyone who reads this ( YEAH THAT MEANS YOU )
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