seniorityoftactics · 2 days
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seniorityoftactics · 16 days
I think I like this guy but idk
I keep thinking about him, like all the time and it’s weird because he’s not what I usually find attractive and he is like annoying.
I don’t have him on snap or his number or anything
We just work together, sometimes, and go to the same school, that’s it
I don’t know what to do because I don’t think he likes me like that, and I don’t even know if I like him like that
Any advice anyone 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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seniorityoftactics · 1 month
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Day 7
At some points I think my mom does know, but I haven’t told her and I don’t think she know just how much I wanna lose.
I don’t think she really cares if I lose a little, she might worry some if I lose at lot though
Sometimes she will offer help in nondiscreet ways, like offering my sister a higher calorie food and me a lower calorie food
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seniorityoftactics · 1 month
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Day 6
I do
Mostly at night or when I’m really stressed or depressed, usually right before my period starts
I can go like three days eating well and then binge one night
It’s usually when I’m not distracted or doing anything but laying in my bed that day.
So I try to keep busy
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seniorityoftactics · 1 month
Missed day 5
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Day 5
I want to be pretty
I always like street fashion and other forms like that, but the only people I see doing it are skinny.
I live wearing baggy clothes, but I’m fat so it just looks like I’m insecure.
I wanna be skinny so k can be sick, and look cute in certain clothes.
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seniorityoftactics · 1 month
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Day 4
I fear my family noticing
I don’t want them to know I have an Ed because I’ve already caused problems in relation to my mental health and I don’t want to put them through somthing like that again
Also loose skin, or getting skinny and realizing I have bad bone structure so I won’t look skinny no matter how much I lose
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seniorityoftactics · 1 month
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Day 3
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Bella Hadid
She is tall, like me, and I’ve been told I look like her.
She also has hip dips like me 😱😱 plus she’s a famous model
She has a thigh gap like I want and small arms and I’m trying to be like her
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seniorityoftactics · 1 month
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Day 2
Im 5’9.5
I do like my height sometimes, but other times not so much
I do wish sometime I could be that short cute girl, but I’m not and I try to accept that
Especially with models being tall, it’s nice, but I feel only if you’re skinny too, and I’m not so I’m just giant overall
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seniorityoftactics · 1 month
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Doing this as honestly as possible
Day 1
Hw: 173
Cw: 167.4
Gw1: 160
Ugw: 150
My Ugw will probably change
More stars are on my page but this is the main gist of it
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seniorityoftactics · 1 month
Sw: 171
Cw: 167.4
Gw1: 160.4
Gw2: 154.5
Ugw: 150
H: 5’9.5
Waist: 27.5
Up hip: 36.5
Low hip: 38
Bust: 39.5
BMI: 24.4 (overweight)
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seniorityoftactics · 1 month
Bella hadid is my new favorite inspo 🫶🫶
Not only have people I work with and family said I look alike to her
But she also has hip dips 🤭🤭🤭
I’ve always been so insecure about them and to have someone, who is skinny and pretty, be related to me in those ways is such inspiration to get slimmer.
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seniorityoftactics · 1 month
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Is this outfit cute or am I delusional
Or am I too fat for it to be cute?
I really wanna look cute for the fall but I don’t want to embarrass myself by being fat
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seniorityoftactics · 2 months
Can someone please fat shame me
I’m so fat yet I make excuses to eat more and more and tell myself it’s ok
I’m literally so done and just wanna look cute the fall
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seniorityoftactics · 2 months
How do I lose it and keep it gone?
Every time I lose weight I gained it all back
How do you guys keep it gone and stop binging it back????
Please I am so tired of this cycle
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seniorityoftactics · 3 months
Tips to distract yourself while fasting
🎀 Selfcare (body)
• Shower
• Body lotion
• Trimming your nails
• Doing a face mask
• Hair care
• Vitamins
• Plucking your eyebrows
• Painting your nails
• Shaving
• Exfoliate your body
• Do your lashes with clusters (they’re on amazon)
• Doing your skincare
🦢 Routine
• Make your bed
• Brush your teeth
• Floss!!
• Drink a lot of water
• Stretching
🎀 To do (important)
• Clean the home
• Do your dishes
• Do the laundry
• Read your emails
• Clean your phones (photos, etc…)
• Take out the trashes
• Wash your bed sheets
🦢 Activities
• Color/draw
• Shopping online
• Journaling
• Take a walk (bonus if u have a dog hehe)
• Organize ALL your house
• Make new playlist about your aesthetic
• Make new Pinterest board
• Organize your Pinterest
• Watch a movie
• Watch a new series
• Try new makeup styles
• Pilates workout
• Yoga workout
• Take a good nap
• Play your favourite video game
• Call your friends and go out with them!!
• Listen to a podcast
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seniorityoftactics · 3 months
I’ve been binging the past thrre days
Im so scared I don’t wanna keep binging but I can help myself
And I don’t wanna gain the wait back and keep doing this huge restrict cycle
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seniorityoftactics · 3 months
Day 5
The day I knew I was gonna ruin
I fasted for 24hrs and broke it at 6pm
With a healthy dinner
A salad and some fruits on the side
Then I had more fruits
Then fruits with Nutella, just a little
At night I a two bowls of granola with Nutella
I was under my limit until then when I binged around 1500cals :(
I still completed a 40min workout though
Lose 10Ibs this month challenge (DONT TRY AT 3am!!!!)
Walk at least 5k steps
Drink at least 2L of water
Workout on two days off one day, or just all days
Eat less sugar, if gonna eat a lot, no sugar (I have a terrible sugar addiction)
Sleep 6-8 hours
Get outside more and stay distracted
Fast at least one day a week
Any and all tips welcome 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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