aesterblaster · 2 years
There Must Be Something In The Air
WC! Kunigami x reader
tropes: angst. just angst, what's thought to be unrequited love
summary: After being let out of blue lock Kunigami finds it hard to stop surpressing his feelings // this is based on a horror prompt for spooky month that was just "lung" enjoy!
songs: It's All A Game / Quadeca , Like Real People Do / Hozier , Pity Party / Melanie Martinez
Rensuke's heart was pounding, his legs pumping hard as he glanced down at his watch trying to best his previous run's time. Recently, he'd decided to amp his milage to 9 instead of just 8. It was the only way he could get his mind off of Blue Lock and that stupid training was engrained in him at this point. Even though he had gotten back to himself for the most part, he'd never stop craving that high that scoring a goal gave him or a long run.
His body was used to the various aches and pains that came with being an athlete.. But what was really hurting recently were his lungs. He wasn't sure why, but each breath felt as if it pushed thorns deeper into his rip cage. Kunigami didn't have asthma and his doctor didn't see anything wrong with him during his physical exam. In fact, he was in peak condition. So why the hell was he bent over right now, letting that group of kids in "body improvement club" t-shirts that was behind him the whole way overtake him?
He checked his watch once more to see that it had been 4.2 miles. That was good enough right? Not for him. Kunigami was a very, very motivated person and he'd be damned if he didn't reach 4.5 and then 9. So he began running again, ignoring the increasing amount of pain and the way his legs began to feel weak. Eventually the orange haired runner hit his goal, then he turned around and boom, his vision went blurry.
"Fuck, not again." He took out his phone and began to call you. Of course he called you, even though his finger hesitated over the call button. You were the only person who didn't completely abandon him when he came out of Blue Lock. He was a wreck. Brash, egotistical, an animal beaten out of their race looking to bite anyone who came near him. But somehow you still would always text him those weird fucking memes that broke him out of his spirals.
He hoped you picked up.
You groggily woke up to the sound of your ringtone. It was 7 am on a Sunday, who the fuck was up this early? You picked up your phone and blinked away sleep. If you were reading this right, it was Kunigami Rensuke, your long time crush. Reading his name made your breath catch in your chest, and not in a cute way. You coughed a few times before answering. "Yes?"
"Uh, can you come pick me up? I'm like a few minutes away from your house."
"Jeez, why don't you just run over here if you're so gung ho about waking up at 6?" There was a long pause and you could tell you upset him. Something must be seriously wrong for Mr. I Can Do It Alone to ask to be picked up. "Alright, I'm getting dressed."
"...Thanks. Oh and (Y/N) do you think I've been overdoing it? Seriously." You ruminated on the sentence for a while. You were overcome with joy at the fact that he felt vulnurable enough to ask you something like that, but at the same time you couldn't say he had been. Kunigami'd even been taking extra care of his shoulder lately and not doing any reps for around a week now.
"N-No? But we all have bad days I'll come and get you just hang on." you hummed before hanging up. You hoped he didn't do something crazy today and shuddered remembering how he looked during those Blue Lock Live! games. Sure he was more buff back then but something about him back then was so wild, so different from the sweet, hero-loving, goofball you knew. At least when he got back he responded better to your advice and concern than anyone else's. Even if he was still bitter about some of his other teammates reciving way more fame and publicity...It made you wonder if he felt something for you other than friendship.
No, of course he didn't. He was Rensuke, you'd never heard him express those types of feelings towards anyone. Growing up he'd bash his friends who were always worried about girls or dating and turned down countless advances. That type of stuff just wasn't for him, wouldn't fit in his brain next to all his ideals. Your chest hurt again at this harsh reminder, this time worse, like someone squeezed the air out of you with a compressor.
Just grab your car keys and go pick him up, you thought to yourself, fighting through the intense pain.
Kunigami was leaning against a tree now, trying to look busy on his phone. But honestly, he was just reading texts from you, looking at photos of you two together. He felt like he needed to tell you so fucking desperately just how much he loved you. But at the same time the thought of scaring away the only friend he had made his skin crawl.
Kunigami quickly hid his device in his pocket as he saw your car pull up to the sidewalk. "Get in!" He was partially shocked you even came. As soon as he sat down next to you in the passengers seat the spots in his vision got worse. He was beginning to think you were somehow the cause. That you'd given him some sort of supernaturally persistant anxiety not even his therapist could get rid of. He wheezed, hard. Bits of blood appeared on the sleeve he leaned into and he could do was quickly wipe it off.
"You've been coughing and junk too, huh? I think something might be going around.." you said, but he only nodded. Rolling down the window to try and get some fresh air. He couldn't look at you, even tired and freshly woken up you glowed in the early morning light, you were breathtaking. His lungs burned almost as hotly as his cheeks. At this point Kunigami was sure he'd die or his lungs would explode or something, all because of his best friend.
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