tuffduff · 12 days
Friday the 13th
Pairing: fluffy 80’s Dave Mustaine x female!Reader
Words: 1,800+ ish
Warnings: mentions of scary movie, otherwise none!
A/N: I’m so excited to share this with you guys I MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH! Inspiration strikes, eh? This isn’t Guns N’ Roses, but it really hit me being Dave’s birthday and Friday the 13th. It ain’t the best but I thought I would because y’all just imagine? Anyways, I hope I can write more GNR related things too for y’all soon. If you’re still around and reading and liking my posts, thanks. I love you ❤️
Taglist (sorry if y’all don’t like Dave 💀): @ubernoxa @heavymetalgirl420 @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker @rumoured-whispers @born-to-lose @lost-in-the-80s @petals-and-bullets @ginny-rose-sixx @julessworldd @greeneyezblackheart @blackberryblossom @clowncaits @the--blackdahlia
(pic not mine)
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“What, are you too scared?” Dave sneered, waving two movie tickets in front of your face. The teasing was apparently warranted by the too-long-of-a-pause you had taken. “C’mon, Y/N, when are we ever gonna have the chance to see Friday the 13th on Friday the 13th?”
“Probably never.” You conceded, trying to hide any apprehension you felt. Horror movies weren’t really your thing; they weren’t not your thing, but really, you never quite got the hype. “Isn’t this like…the millionth one, though?”
“Read the ticket.” Dave replied. You rolled your eyes; his bluntness wasn’t anything new to you.
“Well, I’ve never seen the first five.” You replied, crossing your arms.
“Y/N, c’mon. There’s not much to it. You don’t really need to keep up with the storyline. It’s a masked psycho going around killing people at a campground. Besides, they use Alice Cooper’s music in this one—that’s what you really need to know.”
“But why—” he was already rolling his eyes.
“Are you gonna go with me or not?” He snapped, cutting you off impatiently. Your eyes narrowed.
“Why?” You repeated, now growing suspicious.
“Are you kidding me?” He asked, his own eyes narrowing. “I don’t know, he drowned as a kid because he was neglected by camp counselors and now he kills other counselors—”
“No.” You cut him off, albeit with a frown. “Why do you want to go with me? I’ve never even seen these movies. Do none of your other friends want to go? Assuming you have those.” He glared at you now.
That’s how it always was between the two of you. You were probably the only one allowed to joke with Dave like that without getting dropped to your ass.
“You should take it as a compliment that I’m coming to you first.” He replied.
“Should I?” You bantered back, starting to smirk. He continued to glare and roll his eyes before snatching up his keys.
You both knew there wasn’t anyone else he would want to go see a movie with. Outside his band, he wasn’t exactly dying to hang out with anyone, and he didn’t want to see a movie with his bandmates either. Usually, he claimed hanging with you was his break from them. You were his go-to for everything; checking out new recording studios at the drop of a hat, scouring through pawn shops and record shops, late night fast food runs. Your number was the only one he had memorized, judging from the countless phone calls you had received from random phone booths all over LA at all hours of the day.
“Hurry up.” He merely threw the words over his shoulder at you.
“Are you going to buy me popcorn?” You continued on as you hopped into the front seat of his car. You knew you were the last one in it; the seat was still moved to fit your body and your jacket was still in the seat where you left it last night.
“No.” He grunted as he started the car. You glared at him silently as music immediately blared through his speakers, which finally made him smirk at you.
“How many times have I told you about your ears?” You scolded, turning the metal on the radio down to a more sensible volume. Again, you were probably the only one allowed to do so without him biting your arm off.
“Yeah, yeah.” He muttered dismissively, putting the car in drive. Quickly, you clicked your seatbelt on. It wasn’t wise to go without it with Dave driving.
“How about a big soda?” You jumped back to teasing him again, giggling as he rolled his eyes. “It’s funny though because you and I both know I’m gonna have a gigantic popcorn and a huge coke and gummy bears.”
“Oh yeah? I know that, huh?”
“Yes.” You nodded confidently.
“And why is that?”
“Well, you invited me to see this movie—which I don’t particularly want to see—when I could be taking a bath and reading a magazine and relaxing.”
“So what? I owe you or something?”
“Yes.” You replied brightly, again with a nod and smile.
“Yeah, alright. In your dreams.” Dave muttered.
“How about because you love me?” You proposed innocently. His eyes narrowed a little, but you could see the corners of his mouth curving upright.
“We’ll see about that.”
Sure enough, not too long after that conversation, you were sitting in theater 9 with your popcorn, soda, and popping a gummy bear in your mouth while Dave was grumbling to himself about movie theaters being a rip off.
“So, if he drowned as a kid how is he alive and killing…?” You whispered as the lights dimmed. Dave leaned in really close to your ear, making you freeze as he moved your hair aside. His lips were so close you swear you felt them ghost against your skin.
“Shut up.”
He leaned back with a smirk and you laughed, immediately getting shushed from a couple behind you. Dave rolled his eyes and you giggled again, this time a little more quietly.
As far as horror movies went…well, you wouldn’t really know. You didn’t quite have much to compare it too. At times, it felt a bit silly, but you soon found yourself really drawn into the plot. Which also meant you found yourself getting progressively more scared when Jason Voorhees popped out of nowhere. Dave laughed at you unabashedly when you jumped so hard you sent popcorn scattering.
“Are you sure you can handle this?” Dave leaned over to tease you as you plucked popcorn from your hair. You glared at him.
“Shut up.” You replied.
“Here.” Dave pushed up the arm rest between the two of you and beckoned you closer to him. You wrinkled your nose. “Alright, fine.” He replied, pushing the arm rest back down. You caught it with your hand quickly and pushed it back up and moved in next to him. “That’s what I thought.” He whispered as you sidled up next to him. He put his arm around you. “I knew this was going to happen.”
“What?” You hissed. There was another shush behind you and Dave turned his head to glare before turning back to you, leaning in close again, this time to ensure his words were only heard by you.
“I knew you were going to get scared. And I knew you were going to come crawling right into my arms.” His lips were so close, his warm breath tickling your skin.
“Oh, you just knew I would get scared?” You demanded. He raised an eyebrow. “Whatever, fine. But how did you know I would crawl into your arms?”
“Just a feeling.” He replied.
“Oh, I see. But Friday the 13th is normally bad luck, you know. What if your big plan didn’t work?” He chuckled.
“Yeah, right. You think some silly superstition scares me?” He said. “And besides, I bet you say my name in your sleep.” Your mouth fell open at the audacity.
“Are you kidding—“ an aggressive shush came once again from behind you. Dave immediately twisted in his seat.
“Fuck off.” He snapped before putting his arm back around your shoulders and tugging you close to him, giving your back a pat.
You had to admit, it was a perk being close with Dave due to his protective nature. Or was it possessiveness? The lines always seemed to blur with him. Not that you cared. You remembered the time at some guy’s house party when someone spilled a bright red drink on your shirt. Before you knew it, the guy was knocked out on the floor and Dave was guiding you to the bathroom with an arm around you, giving anyone too close to you a glare as if he dared them to even breath on you. He had given you the shirt off his back without hesitation and made you laugh when he asked if you wanted him to “break that guy’s neck.”
“I’ll do it.�� He had threatened, and you weren’t sure if he was really joking or not, but the party foul was instantly forgotten.
It was always you and Dave. Not only was the line blurred between possessive and protective, there was also no boundaries it seemed in regard to personal space. His arm around your shoulder wasn’t anything new, but what did that mean exactly? You definitely looked like every other couple in this theater. When his bandmates called you his girlfriend he would usually call them some derogatory name in return, but he didn’t bother correcting them. But this wasn’t something that had ever come up between the two of you. He was always teasing you, and you could tease him back free of the vitriol and venom that he gave everyone else. Did that mean anything? You spent the rest of the movie consumed by the swirling thoughts in your head rather than what was occupying the screen.
“So what’d you think?” Dave asked as you both drifted out of the theater. His arm at this point seemed to be perpetually draped over your shoulders, adding more fuel to the thoughts in your head.
“Hm?” You asked, blinking a few times when you realized he was staring at you.
“Wow. Was it so scary that you repressed the memory of it all?” No one else could make condescension sound so close to fondness.
“No,” you laughed and shoved him lightly, breaking the physical connection between the two of you. But he came right back. “…Did you really ask me to see this movie with you so you could scare me into cuddling with you?”
“Scare you? Hold on,” he said indignantly. “Who says I need to scare you to get you to touch me?” You scoffed and he smirked. “No. A) I wanted to see this movie. B) I wanted to see it with you.” He laid out each piece very deliberately as if you needed help understanding. You rolled your eyes.
“That’s it, huh.”
“…And I wanted you to touch me.” He added. Maybe because it was only the two of you and the late night brisk fall air that allowed him to be vulnerable enough to tell the truth without trying to deny it whatsoever.
“Well, did it ever occur to you that you could just ask anytime?” You asked him, placing your arm around his lower back and squeezing him close.
“No. It’s better tricking you into seeing some scary movie.”
“Why?” You lamented.
“It’s a bonus. I get to see you scared.” You scoffed, shaking your head and trying to pull away from him but he only pulled you closer and kissed the side of your head.
All you wanted to scream was what are we?! But instead, you just went with it. Maybe some things didn’t need to be explained, at least not yet. Besides, if you lived in your head wondering what it meant that he laced his hand in yours and asked if you were hungry, you wouldn’t get to enjoy how nice it all felt.
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Dare: A Guns N’ Roses Fanficiton
Chapter 36: An Important Minor Detail
Pairing: Duff Mckagan/OC
Story Summary: A stupid harmless dare, that’s all it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be something they would do, and never revisit. For Delilah, little did she know that visiting the strip wasn’t going to be a one time thing when she made the choice to accept the dare. Life is full of choices. Some choices can mean absolutely nothing, while others can change your entire world. Delilah had heard many rumors about the Sunset Strip or Devil’s Strip. Teenagers would whisper stories about how the Devil walks the streets of the strips without a care in the world. It was known as a place untouched by God. After years of hearing rumors about the Devil’s Strip, Delilah wants to see it for herself. Thus a Dare was born.
Chapter Summary: One of the many downsides of going to a large people is that you might know the ones there. Even if you wished you didn’t know them
Taglist: @gingerspicetalks @str4nge-haze @dustnbones @queen-crue
The moment that Duff had finished his show, and he had his arm wrapped around Del’s waist. It might sound corny, but he could take his eyes off of her the entire show. Granted she looked amazing in skin tight pants paired with a shirt that he assumed she borrowed from one of her roommates, but it was her dancing or more of teasing she was doing while he performed.
“Nice headscarf,” Duff whispered in Del’s ear as they followed the rest of the band to the bar.
“Thanks, this Duff guy had it on the floor of his room, so I decided to do the poor thing justice and wear it,” Del giggled at her own comment, and Duff smiled at the giggling girl.She wore it just like he had countless times around her.
When Del first started drinking, he wondered what kind of drunk she would be. Would she be the type to become mute? Would she become a mean drunk? A sad drunk? Quickly to his relief, Del was a giggly drunk who was a heavy flirt. Granted the flirting she did wasn’t the stereotypical flirting seen on the strip because at the end of the day Del is still Del, but Duff liked her weird sense of flirting.
Del quickly positioned herself on Duff’s lap once they were in the overcrowded truck that she had grown rather familiar with. She smiled even wider at the familiar scent of beer mixed with cigarette smoke, it smiled like home.
After a quick stop at the hell house to unload their equipment they were once again on the road.
“Where to?” Izzy asked, causing a small bicker fest between axl and Steven. Del passed a small piece of paper and leaned forward to talk to Izzy who was in the driver’s seat.
“Mags said there would be a party at this address, something about a good way to meet new people and network. Good way to meet new fans,” Del sent Izzy and Axl a warm smile as she talked, trying to mimic what Mags had done countless times to get her way.
“I don’t know Del,” Izzy slowly spoke, eyeing up Axl. Truth be told, Izzy didn't care if they went to the party or not. He recognized the address, and knew it was on the nicer side of town. Nicer side of town meant nicer booze. As Izzy looked at Axl, he expected to see some sort of annoyance in his scowl. It was no secret that Axl hated Mags, it was even less of a secret that Axl had requested for Mags to be kept as far away from the band as possible. Confusion filled Izzy, as he stared at the smile that was planted on Axl’s lips. If any other girl had asked to go to the party, Axl would have immediately said no, but this was Del who was batting her eyelashes and wearing the sweetest little smile. This was Del who had Axl wrapped around her little finger without even knowing.
“You want to go there? Do you want to get drunk Delly?” The brunette nodded earning a small laugh from Axl. Izzy couldn't help but roll his eyes at Axl using the nickname Duff called Del.
“Well, that side of town has the best booze,” Axl shrugged before handing the address back to Izzy.
“How do you guys feel about going on the North side? Apparently, there will be live music and free booze,”’ The cheers that erupted in the car quickly answered Axl’s question, and Izzy headed for the party.
Once Izzy got the truck back on the road, Duff pulled Del back, so she was no longer leaning forward and talking to axl.
“What was that about?” Del giggled as Duff began to pepper kisses into the crook of her neck.
“Hmm, nothing much. I just missed you,” Del giggled at his comment, unknowing of the glare the Duff was sending Axl. For a couple of seconds, Axl stopped smirking at the bassist and turned his attention elsewhere before talking with Izzy about their next gig.
Immaculate. That was the only word that came to mind when they pulled up the address.
“Holy shit, who is this guy?” Steven asked, trying to take in the mansion.
Their rusted truck was horribly out of place as they pulled up to the gate which automatically opened. He couldn't take his eyes off of the large fountain that was in the center of the front lawn. A naken women who was carved out of some sort of stone was holding a water jug. The fountain water was pouring out of the jug and cascaded around the woman’s body. The fountain must have cost more money than he has ever made, or stolen, in his entire life.
“Hey, Steven, there are probably nonrock naked women at the party, but you’re welcome to creepily stare at the rock woman all night. Personally, I would prefer to look at your girlfriend nake than that statue, but to each’s own,” Slash joked, earning a small chuckle from the drummer.
Earlier that evening, Stef had skipped the gig and gone to the party. Of course she was helping by keeping Mags away from the band like they had asked her too, but Stef also wanted some time away from Steven. She wanted some time to think things out.
“Well I am going to go find my girl,”Steven said as he bolted to the backyard like a lost puppy looking for its mom. Del couldn't help, but giggle at the notion. It was sweet of him, and she hoped that Duff would do the same if they were ever seperated.
Del felt Duff heartbeat quicken as they walked into the mansion where the party was in full swing. The place was huge and packed to the brim. She felt like a sardine in one of the tins you would buy at the store.
“Del, have you ever had fireball?” Slash asked, as they all stayed together and headed towards what they only assumed to be the kitchen. Del held onto Duff’s vest the entire way there, too afraid that she would lose him. She would have grabbed his shirt; however, he hadn't worn one which she had absolutely to problem with.
“No, why is it called fireball? Is that the shot you light on fire before taking?” By now they had made their way to the kitchen where they could all once again hear each other.
“No, it's cinnamon flavored,” Axl replied looking through the bottles that were on display. Holy shit, he couldn't remember the last time he had seen this many bottles at a party. He hated to admit it, but Mags always had good connections. To say he was more than curious to see Del’s reaction to the cinnamon liquor was an understatement, no doubt it would be adorable. Before the gig began, him and Slash were talking about which liquors Del had had before. Upon spotting Duff’s favorite brand of vodka, he pulled it from the selection and handed it to the blonde who gratefully accepted it. Axl smiled as he finally found the cinnamon liquor and grabbed some plastic cups that were on the table.
He couldn’t help, but laugh at Del who was currently giving Duff shit for drinking straight from the bottle. Apparently it wasn’t ‘classy’. Axl just shook his head and passed the girl a cup filled with about a shot worth of fireball.
“To getting trashed the classy way,” Axl clinked his plastic cup with Del’s earning a small giggle from the girl because there was clearly nothing classier than doing shots out of a red solo cup.
Del was able to drink about a fourth of the shot before the burn was too much making her cough. Axl once again rolled his eyes as Duff leaped to her side and rubbed her back making sure to not forget to send him a quick glare. As if he was the one who burned her throat. Del began to push Duff off of her, feeling the embarrassment of everyone looking at her.
“I'm fine Duffles,” Del sent the blonde a quick peck on the lips, instantly calming him down.
“Enough of this, I am going to grab a beer. Duff, can you help me find Mags and Stef?” Del added placing the cup down and grabbing one of the cans of beer that were under the table. She wasn’t picky. She was looking for anything that wouldn’t burn her throat.
Axl then swung his arm around Slash’s shoulder and the pair went off to socialize.
It didn't take long for Duff and Del to find Stef who was currently sitting on Steven’s lap. Del smiled at the pair as she walked closer to them.
“Hey! I was wondering if I was going to see you!” Stef cheered, running up and practically tackling Del to the ground. Duff managed to keep Del steady, keeping her from falling on her ass.
“Popcorn, why the hell are you wet?,” Steven only laughed at Duff’s question and pointed at Stef who was grinning from ear to ear.
“Hey..have you seen Mags?” Del asked, trying to get back on topic. To say that Del was a little concerned with Mags being at this party alone while pregnant was an understatement.
“Last I saw her, she went to go upstairs and powder her nose or some shit like that. Probably just needed to breathe. Come join us! You two have perfect timing because we were just talking about the band. Steven was telling me that you watched from the audience. How crazy was it?” Stef asked motioning towards Del to join them. The partygoers they were talking to turned towards Del, curiosity spread across their faces.
“It was insane!” Del smiled and looked up at Duff remembering how amazing the show was, how amazing Duff was.
Duff had begun to walk forward, taking Del’s comment as a cue that they would not be joining them; however, she began to take a few steps back.
“ I want to make sure that Mags is doing ok. Plus she was the one who invited me, and I don't wanna be rude,” Duff guided Del through the crowd of people. Duff made sure his arm was tightly wrapped around her waist. He had no intention of losing her, not now not ever.
Del let breath escape her once they walked up the marble steps. When they reached the top, Del was able to take in the scenery for the first time. A large chandeleur hung high above them, giving the illusion that it was floating in the air. The glass shimmered and reflections of the coral marble could be seen if you looked close enough.
“It looks like it is floating,” Duff pointed out to Del as they stood at the top of the stairs.
She just nodded at his response.
“Would you like me to buy you one?”
Del sent him a confused look before speaking, “No, we can barely afford food.”
“I meant when Guns N’ Roses makes it big,” Del melted as he spoke. She felt his arms lightly wrap around her, pulling her close.
“I would love one when you make it big,” Duff smiled at his words. He was glad that she knew they were going to make it big too. Del stood on her tiptoes and Duff bent over in realization that she wanted to kiss his forehead.
She lightly tugged his hand and wandered around the second floor. It was in the fourth room that Del heard a quiet sob from behind the door. She shot a quick look at Duff who nodded in understanding, knowing that if that was Mags she most likely wouldn't want him seeing her in her current state.
It was a soft knock on the door that pulled Mags from her sobbing.
Fuck, someone found her.
She took a couple deep breaths before talking, “Sorry occupied.”
Mags was almost impressed on how quickly she could put a mask on and pretend everything is okay.
“Can I occupy it with you?”
Mags couldn't have gotten off of the ground faster to open the door to the familiar face.
“Thank god you’re here,” Mags pulled Del into a tight hug. To say this party had been complete shit was an understatement. Del just smiled and hugged her even tighter back.
“This bathroom is too big, like what do you do with all this space?” Del asked, trying to bring up anything beside the fact that Mags had been crying in the bathroom for the past hour.
Mags could put on her mask all she wanted, but Del could see through it. Del could see her pain.
“The marble is a little gaudy for my taste,” Del nodded in agreeance with Mags before joining her on the floor.
They sat in silence, Del waiting for Mags to bring up the real reason that she was alone crying in the bathroom.
“He used to sing to me every night. He said he wrote the song about me, I had fallen in love with falling asleep to his angelic voice,” Mags whispered, fighting back the tears that were fighting to escape.
Del remained silent as the pair sat on the bathroom floor far away from the world that was on the other side of the locked bathroom door. She didn’t truly know Drew. All she knew him as the bastard who broke Mags heart, and she hated every ounce of him for that.
“But now, now he sings to someone else.” Once the first tear escaped, there was no hope holding back the rest. The tears flowed down her face like a river escaping a dam. The moment Mags saw Drew with his girlfriend or wife or whoever the hell the woman he brought to the party was, she was done. She was tired of the cruel world and how it kept kicking her repeatedly even though she was never able to get up. Mags was tired of putting on a tough face. She was tired of pretending everything was fine when the world around her was shattering. She was tired of being Mags.
Del wrapped her arms around Mags, who quickly cried into her shoulder. Del thought she knew what pain was. When her fiance hit her, she thought she knew pain. While that hurt, this was a different type of pain. This was the pain of a young soon to be mother who was thrown to the curb by an adulterous man who could care less what happened to not only the woman he impregnated, but his child as well. He didn’t give a damn about his own flesh and blood.
“Do you wanna go home?” Del asked, earning a small head nod from Mags.
“Can you get me something to drink? He is down there flaunting some chick and I do not think I will be able to handle it sober,” Del nodded her head and placed a small kiss upon her cheek. From the corner of her eye, Mags saw Del talking to Duff probably instructing him to get her her drink. She was relieved to know that Del wasn't walking around alone. Mags didn't get a good look at them, but she swore that she saw Mark and Matt, her ex-fiance, downstairs.
It was only for a second, but Duff and Mags shared a quick moment of eye contact across the room. Mags sent him a small smile which she knew that Duff, just like Del, saw through. Luckily he seemed to not press further and followed Del out of the bathroom.
Time was always a funny thing. For some people a minute could flash before their face while for others that minute could feel like years. For Mags there was one month, one single night a little over a month ago that she kept playing in her head over and over again.
It was the night before Mags had met Del. The night Mags woke up naked in Duff’s room with no condom wrapper around. They were both trashed and it meant nothing. She not only hoped, but prayed that Duff wasn’t the father of her unborn child. She knew it was selfish because Duff would probably make an amazing father, but he was going to make an amazing father to Del’s children whenever they chose to have them. Mags sleeping with Duff was anything, but an important minor detail.
Duff didn’t like the idea of separating from Del, but she assured him that it would only be for a couple of minutes. Once again time was being a funny thing. When Duff returned back to the bathroom where Mags was, his heart stopped. Alone in the room was Mags who was freaking out that Del was alone downstairs. Duff tried reassuring Mags that Del would be okay, but when she told him who was also at the party he ran to go find Del.
Del had found her way to a back room downstairs where there was a closet filled with several pillows and blankets. Del smiled at her find, hoping that a beer and a quick nap would give Mags enough to recover and leave the party with her head held high.
“Long time no see,” Del’s heart stopped at the familiar voice. What was Matt doing in a place like this, and where there was Matt there was also Mark not too far behind.
“Yes, what a month or two? I am sorry, but I have to deliver these to someone so I cannot stay and chat,” Del said trying to stand her ground.
“I think it can wait, this is about Beth. You remember her don’t you? Or do I have to remind you who your best friend was,” Mark’s voice was spitting poison as he handed Del a letter. He couldn't forgive her for the pain she caused.
Del opened the letter, and it was a small invitation to celebrate Beth and Mark’s engagement.
“Congratulations, but I am busy that evening,” Del spat without even looking at the date.
“Oh, will you be posing for another magazine?” Del froze as her ex-fiance stood blocking her only exit out of the room.
“No! If you are referring to the magazine article, most of it wasn’t true. I do not know how they got the scandalous photo of Duff and I, but that wasn’t what the photo was supposed to be used for. It was supposed to be a private photo,” Del shot back.
“Ohh a private photo for Duff”
“Don’t say his name Matt,” Del barked back. She hoped that her shouting would make Matt back down, but her ex-fiance’s smirk only grew.
“Whoah whoah whoah, lets all just calm down. Matt go and stand outside, so I can finish talking to Del,” Matt was about to protest at his words, but one look from Mark and he left the room.
“Touch me and I will scream. I know people here who wouldn’t think twice about beating you up,” Del said once Matt left the room.
“Ohh let me guess you scream, and Duff will come running in here like a knight in shining armour?” Mark laughed at his own words.
“Yes, he loves me.”
“Delilah, stop being such a child. He doesn’t love you. He only wants you for your body, and once he gets bored with you, which he will, he will toss you aside and move onto the next girl” The way Mark said the words made her flinch.
No, she told herself. No, Mark was wrong.
“Beth and I are getting married and I want you to be at the celebration party. I do not care if you come or not for my sake, but I know Beth wants you there.”
“She called me dead,” Del shot back.
“Well Delilah, her best friend left without saying goodbye. If someone who I grew up with and imagined growing old together with just got up and left for some guy, I would be pretty mad too,” Mark shrugged off Delilah’s comment, not really caring if Beth hurt Delilah’s feelings.
“I left her a letter,” Delilah’s voice was barely louder than a mouse. Regret filled her bones as she thought about how badly she hurt Beth, but that wasn’t enough to make her want to go.
“It would be a shame if Duff found out you were cheating on him with that other guy in that article. Ohh what was his name Axl?” Mark didn’t want to take it this far by threatening her, but Delilah needed to come home.
“That is not true. I am faithful and you know that,” Delilah shot back.
“Well here is the thing Del, it is my word against yours. Who is Duff going to believe, you or me? Honestly..even the media thinks you are sleeping around. Plus, even if he does believe you, there will always be that seed of doubt that will eat him alive. He will spend nights getting so drunk that he lies awake trying to figure out if he was ever good enough for a whore like you,” Del interrupted him before he could continue.
“Shut the fuck up, you fucking piece of shit. I am finally happy. I wake up in the morning smiling. I love him. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I want to have a family with him, and you aren’t going to fuck that up.”
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Moodboard “The Dare”: Favourit major character (female) -> Delilah Sanderson
Still a naive and protected girl at the beginning of this charming story, Delilah’s world is turned upside down due to a little, careless dare. Stumbling into the intoxicating world of 80s’ sunset strip, a world of rampant escapades and parties, Delilah is suddenly thrown into a life she never imagined herself living. Among the circle of acquaintances surrounding the Hard Rock group Guns n’ Roses, she experiences the group’s rise to fame while slowly developing feelings for the band’s bassist Duff McKagan.
Delilah Sanderson is the major character in the Guns n Roses fanfic “The Dare” by the talented @ubernoxa
Check it out here
All credit to the wonderful author. All credit for the pictures to the original owners.
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dannystattoo · 4 years
7, 19, 25, 30, 43
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?
I don’t remember exactly what I said, but my roommate and I are watching Eclipse and I’m pretty sure it was something about how the fact Jacob imprinted on Edward and Bella’s kid is so fucking weird and I hate it 😂
19. Do you have a tan?
I have the slightest tan on my arms from being outside a fair amount in the last couple of days, but it’ll be gone my next week
25. Look to your left, what do you see?
The lamp on my end table
30. What is your favorite number?
4 was always my favorite number growing up (for some reason) and I’ve never really had another one since, so we’ll go with 4 !
43. Describe your kitchen plates?
We have exactly 0 theme to our plates haha. Most of them are Disney themed in some way since most of them were either A) purchased at Disney World with my employee discount, or B) purchased at Target because part of Orlando culture is cheap Disney merchandise in every store you go to lmao 
Thanks for asking, Bailey! 🖤Send me some asks if you want! 
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What is your favorite GVF song to listen to and which one is your favorite to sing along to?
My favorite to listen to is Anthem, my two favorite songs to sing are Safari Song and Mountain Of The Sun, thanks for the ask darling 💕🔆🌞🌻🌷💐
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70sgrunge · 5 years
If you could wear any grunge outfit of your choice tomorrow, what would you wear and why?
i absolutely love this ask! (:
i would definitely go for that feminine 1920s/1930s look but was still messy cause i love fashion history but i don’t think i could stand dressing so proper so it’s happy medium haha.
thank you so much starshine! <3
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the--blackdahlia · 4 years
8 for song asks!
A song that you liked when you where 10 that still slaps 
Hmmm I don’t remember a lot about being 10, but I guess Perfect by Simple Plan! (This was when I was falling in love with Classic rock, but still trying to fit in so I put posters of musicians I had no idea who they were on my walls)
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rockerfemme · 5 years
1, 17, 25 💙
1: name 11 bands you listen to regularly
ghost, thin lizzy, paramore, tøp, metallica, black sabbath, the clash, green day, dead kennedys, the cramps, mayday parade
17: favourite booklet design?
FUCK i dont own that much physical music so i dont have a lot to go off of but american beauty/american psycho i think
25: somebody you absolutely adore as both a musician and a person
scott weiland my og unproblematic fave
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Pushing You To The Limit(Tommy Lee x Reader)[Smut]
@benders-diamond-earring thank you for this request, and I’m so sorry for the wait! I hope you like it!
Description: No descriptions needed. This is pure smut!! This could take place anywhere from 1981-1984, it’s up to you.
Warnings: Smut, overstimulation, cursing
Mötley Crüe Taggers: @curly-hudson @ubernoxa
Permanent Taggers: @smokeandmirrorz @holyjunkie @overlyobsessedfangirl @slashevilsister @comawhxte666 @agroupiewhore @julessworldd
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After ten months of touring, Tommy was finally coming home. You couldn’t have been more excited. No more eating meals alone, no more watching TV alone, no more grocery shopping alone, and, most importantly, no more sleeping alone every night. You came to the airport in the best outfit you could find, wanting to look nice for Tommy’s return; a tight, short red dress with red heels, red lipstick, and freshly washed hair. You’d gone all out, even painting your nails red.
After only a few minutes of waiting for Tommy at the terminal, along with Vince and Nikki’s girlfriends, you spotted the four boys walking towards you. Tommy towered over the rest of them, making it easy for you to spot him, and you ran towards him with joy, throwing yourself into his arms as he spun you around. “Baby! I missed you so much, Jesus Christ. Come here!” You kissed him all over, and he held you tightly. “I missed you more, babe. You look amazing!”
You smiled brightly and kissed his cheek as he gently sat you back down on the ground, still with his arms wrapped tightly around you. “So do you! Come on, come on, let’s go home now before that manager comes out and steals you away for another ten months!” Tommy laughed and took your hand as you led him away from the rest of the band, the two of you waving a quick goodbye to everyone before you left and quickly headed for home, eager to be alone.
As soon as the front door was open, Tommy threw his bags down on the floor and scooped you up in his arms, quickly carrying you to the bedroom. You laughed in surprise, arms around his neck just tightly enough to keep you from falling. “Tommy, slow down, the bed isn’t gonna run away, I promise!” He just smirked and ran even faster up the stairs. “I just can’t take any chances, baby, I’ve missed you so goddamn much! It’s been ten whole months without you.”
Tommy shifted you into one of his arms to free his other hand, and he threw open the bedroom door and draped you across the silk sheets of the bed you’d been sleeping alone in almost a year. He leaned down and kissed you roughly, his hands cradling your face as your arms wrapped around his neck. He pulled away and looked over you, a grin spreading over his face. “Fuck, baby, you’re so sexy. All this red. Wonder what else you’re wearing that’s red, too...”
You smirked, knowing exactly what he was talking about, and pulled your dress up to show him the red lingerie set you were wearing just for him. His eyes flashed with playful lust, and he leaned down and kissed you once more before turning his full attention to your lacy red bra; he pressed kisses down the valley between your breasts, and then sucked a hickey onto the soft skin. He slid his hands around to your back to unhook the bra, and tossed it aside as he grabbed and squeezed at your tender breasts.
Your breath hitched, and he smiled. “I’ve missed this.” You nodded. “Me too.” Tommy made his way down your stomach, kissing a line down your chest and tummy until he reached the band of your underwear, and he licked a stripe across your exposed hips. Your hips bucked up slightly, and you gasped. “Fuck, Tommy, come on, do something already.” He chuckled. “Whatever you say, baby.” Tommy obliged and gently rubbed his finger over your clit through the thin material of your panties.
You moved your hips against his touch, and he pressed down harder on your sensitive pussy. “Are you already wet? Jesus, baby, I’ve barely even touched you.” You flushed. “Stop teasing me and take these damn panties off.” Tommy leaned down and pulled your panties aside, immediately pushing his fingertip inside of your wet heat. You tightened around him, and he smirked. “You’re just as tight as I remember.” He then pushed the finger farther inside you, stretching you out as he went knuckle-deep.
You noticed his bulge forming in his tight pants, and reached out to touch him, but he grabbed your wrist with his free hand and shook his head. “Ah ah ah. Not today.” You stared at him in confusion, and he laughed and kissed your cheek. “I haven’t seen you in months. This is gonna be all about you, baby. We can focus on me tomorrow. Now put your hand down and let me take care of you.” You blushed, but nodded and bit your lip as he added a second digit and soon began to search around for your g-spot.
He curled his fingers up, and you tightened around him and moaned loudly. Tommy grinned and looked up at you. “There it is.” He repeated the movement, taking pride in the reactions he was getting out of you. Tommy continued to roughly abuse your g-spot for a minute or two, stretching you out as he held down your hip. “Tommy,” you whined, “Fuck me already.” He grinned and pulled his fingers away. “You don’t have to tell me twice!” He started to line up his hard-on with your entrance, but then stopped.
He looked up at you. “Are you still on the pill?” You nodded, and he sighed in relief. “Good. I hate condoms.” You laughed, and Tommy went right back to lining up his tip with your hole, his fingers wrapped firmly around his base. You let out a moan of anticipation, and, without further warning, Tommy pushed in the tip of his cock. You threw your head back, throwing your arms around his neck as he pushed himself all the way inside of you, stretching out your walls as if it was your first time. “Holy fuck, I’ve missed your pussy, baby.” Tommy kissed up your neck.
You wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer to your body, fingernails scratching at Tommy’s back as his cock brushed against your g-spot. You fisted your fingers in his hair, tugging his head closer to your neck. He bit down, and you moaned loudly. His lips were warm against your ears as he spoke. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to walk for weeks. Who knows, maybe I’ll keep going even after you’ve come. Just keep fucking you, make you cum twice in a row without a break? How does that sound, baby?” Fuck, that’s sexy.
You nodded quickly, and he nipped your ear. “Words, baby, use your words.” You gasped as he sucked a hickey into your neck. “Fuck yes, Tommy, make me cum until I can’t fucking feel my legs!” Tommy grinned eagerly. “Anything you say, baby.” He pulled his cock all the way out of you and flipped you on your stomach, admiring your ass for a moment before tapping the back of your thigh, motioning for you to get on all fours. You instantly obeyed, getting onto all fours and slightly arching your back to give him better access as he lined up his hard cock with your tight dripping pussy from behind.
He grabbed your hip to steady himself as he pushed his long, thick cock inside of you once again, and pushed down on the small of your back so your upper half was flat against the bed and your ass was up in the air. The angle made Tommy’s cock instantly press against your g-spot, and you gasped as you pushed your hips back against him. “Fuck, right there, baby.” Tommy repeated the motion and smirked. “Hm, right there?” You bit your lip and nodded, trying to stay quiet as he leaned over you and kissed a line down your neck. “Yeah, baby, right there.” Within a few minutes, you were already close.
Tommy seemed to pick up on it, and he pulled out of you. “Here, ride my dick until you cum, baby.” You eagerly helped him lay down on his back and then climbed on top of him, mounting his cock with a pleasure-filled sigh. Tommy’s long fingers immediately grabbed at your hips to steady you, and he slowly pulled you all the way down on his cock, stretching you out more than you’d ever been before. You tightened around him as you leaned back on your elbows, giving him a better view of the way his cock slid in and out of your dripping pussy. Tommy’s eyes went wide; you’d never done that before.
“Fuck, that’s so fucking hot. You close, baby? Your pussy feels so tight.” You nodded, pulling yourself all the way off and then slamming your hips back down. “So, so close, Tommy.” He tightened his grip on your hips and quickened his pace as he bounced you up and down on his dick, helping to bring you to the brink of your orgasm. You leaned down to kiss him roughly as your fingers tangled in his hair, and he removed his hands from your hips long enough to grab at your boobs and ass. The added stimulation only fueled your lust, and you tightened your grip on his hair as you slammed yourself down on his cock, trying to push yourself over the edge.
Tommy caught on and took one of his hands off of your breasts, moving it down to rub at your clit mercilessly, the final push you needed as you threw your head back and moaned loudly, cumming onto his fingers as your orgasm washed over you. Tommy pulled his hand away and sucked your juices off his fingers, smiling at the taste. “God you taste so sweet, baby.” You moved to grab at his still-hard cock, ready to return the favor, but Tommy pushed your hand away. You looked at him in confusion. “I said I was gonna make you cum twice, remember?” Tommy barely gave you time to react before he had flipped you over so he was on top of you.
He moved down until his face was mere inches away from your still-sensitive pussy, and he immediately grabbed your thighs, pulling your legs over his shoulders and burying his face between them as he swirled his tongue over your clit. Your eyes almost rolled back in your head at the sensation, over-stimulated from the previous encounter. Tommy wasted no time in getting right to the main event, skipping over any of the teasing he would have normally done beforehand. He pressed his tongue against your clit, and you squeezed your thighs around his head, bucking your hips up against his face.
Tommy pulled back slightly to run his tongue over your wet folds, his hands grabbing at your thighs to hold you steady. Your legs were close to trembling at this point, and the pleasure was so good that it was almost painful. You threw your head back and moaned loudly as Tommy’s tongue traced circles on your clit, your pussy practically dripping wet and your toes curling as you grinded your sensitive heat against his lips. “Fuck, Tommy, that’s so good, fuck.” The praise encouraged him, and he increased the pace of his tongue as he brushed it against your vulva.
You tightened your fingers through his hair and lightly pulled at it as his tongue swirled around your pussy, which prompted Tommy to push his tongue against your clit and moan softly. The vibrations were enough to make you cum right then and there, and that’s exactly what you did; you threw your head back and gasped at the pleasure that was so intense that your legs really were shaking, and you almost saw white. Tommy eagerly cleaned up for you, licking up your juices as your thighs trembled from the pure overstimulated state you were in. Tommy then pulled away and kissed your inner thigh.
“That was incredible, baby. You’re so beautiful. I’m so happy to be home.” You smiled at him through half-lidded eyes, stroking his hair and yawning. “I missed you, baby. I’m glad you’re home.” Tommy smiled. “Tired?” You nodded. Tired was an understatement. You were pretty much exhausted, body completely drained from the night’s events. Tommy pulled himself up so he was laying beside you, pulling you up to his chest to spoon you as he pulled the warm blankets over the two of you. “Wait, Tommy, you didn’t get to cum yet.” Tommy laughed and shrugged. “Don’t worry, baby, this was about you. You can return the favor to me tomorrow.”
You frowned. “But-” Tommy cut you off with a quick kiss. “No but’s, baby. You’re tired, I’m tired, these blankets are warm as hell, and I haven’t got to sleep in the same bed as my beautiful girlfriend in ten months. Let’s go to sleep, baby.” You sighed, but soon relented and snuggled up closer to your boyfriend, eyelids drooping as your tiredness took over. “Night, baby. I love you.” Tommy kissed your forehead and closed his eyes. “I love you too, Tommy.” You leaned over and turned off the lamp.
“Yes, baby?”
“Your boner’s still poking against my leg.”
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tuffduff · 2 years
Fake It ‘Til You Make It (Izzy Stradlin x fem!Reader
Pairing: fluffy Izzy x fem Reader
Words: 3,554
Request: yes! But I think the blog deactivated 😭 basically just some flirty Izzy ❤️ the idea is imagine: being in the Sweet Child O’ Mine music video
Taglist: @ubernoxa @the--blackdahlia @heavymetalgirl420 @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker @rumoured-whispers @born-to-lose @lost-in-the-80s @teasid @petals-and-bullets @ginny-rose-sixx @julessworldd
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Your eyes scanned the area for an exit, even though you knew it would do you no good. For the millionth time, you wondered what your friend had gotten you into.
“It’s an open casting call for a music video! If you get picked, great! If you don’t, oh well! Nothing changes!”
That logic had sounded, well, logical at the time. You figured you had nothing to lose and you probably wouldn’t be picked anyways.
Except you were.
Now, you were in some big open room in a warehouse staring at the bustling busy figures moving quickly about and just trying to stay out of the way. There was bulky equipment everywhere—cameras, lights, and machines with unknown purposes. In the center of the open space were various instruments waiting to be used and a microphone stand, along with a rug to accentuate everything. On a clapper board set to the side, you read Guns N’ Roses. No way.
“Hi, are you the extra?” Someone asked behind you, making you jump instantly as though you had been caught. The extra. You found it odd that they only needed one extra for a whole music video. It was almost as if this person, some sort of assistant, read your mind. “You are? Great; hi. So, we’re filming a rock band today and they have their girlfriends featured in it. One of the guys doesn’t have a partner, but we still wanted to get a few shots of him interacting with someone, so.”
“So that’s me?” You asked in surprise. This was much different than the wallflower background role you had been imagining. You figured you would only be seen for a few seconds, and your friends would miss your cameo when you showed them because of how slight it was. Being a rockstar’s love interest, his girlfriend, was the last thing you had in mind.
“Yep! But don’t worry, he doesn’t seem to talk as much as the rest of them so it should be fine. We’re gonna get started soon! This outfit is great, but we’ll probably have hair and makeup look you over just to make sure things show up well on camera. Thanks again!”
With that, the assistant hurried off to some other task demanding his attention and you were left with a large influx of information. This time last week you never would’ve thought in just a week's time you would be preparing to be in a music video. It was almost exciting, you were really out here taking a jump. You would’ve felt prouder if not for the nerves in your stomach.
Soon, you saw a small group of women appear, beautiful and exactly what you pictured for rocker girlfriends. And then, a small group of guys. You guessed this to be Guns N’ Roses from all the leather and long hair. They were still fairly new to the scene, and you had only seen an actual photo of them once in passing.
One by one, each guy approached one of the awaiting girls, giving loving kisses and wrapping their arms around them. Except for one who broke away from the pack like a lone wolf.
He had jet black hair and hid behind sunglasses. His entire outfit, in fact, was black except for the white shoes he wore. Beyond that, he was adorned in various necklaces.
The entire band looked cool and menacing, intimidating and larger than life, but this guy in particular seemed the most mysterious. You found yourself wondering what he was hiding behind those sunglasses.
“Hey, extra! What’s your name?” A yell from the director made you jump and the entire volume of the room lowered as everyone looked in your direction curiously.
“Uh, Y/N.” You replied, wishing everyone would stop staring. The redhead in leather pants snickered.
“Hey, Izzy! It’s your girlfriend!” He called towards the loner who merely acted like he hadn’t heard a thing. Izzy. The band and their girlfriends continued to gawk at you and you wanted to disappear on the spot.
“Alright, I want to get shots of all of you for B-roll, so all the couples go to different corners of the room and just mingle together. Pretend we’re not even here.” The director yelled. You panicked, watching as every couple picked different nooks of the wide room. Izzy, however, was leaving the space entirely. Panicking more and not sure of your place, you hurried after where he disappeared to.
He was almost hard to spot at the end of the corridor and you had to run a bit to catch up to him. Around the corner he had vanished behind was a large staircase, and there he sat on one of the steps, staring right at you.
“Oh, uh…hi.” You greeted him breathlessly. “I…didn’t know if I should follow you, so…”
“S’ok.” He replied shortly.
“I’m Y/N.” You replied, feeling the need to say something else.
“I heard.” He replied, searching his pockets for something that seemed more interesting than talking to you. “And you probably heard Axl shout my name across the room. He’s loud.” You nodded awkwardly, watching as he retrieved a pack of cigarettes.
“Izzy.” You confirmed. “Is that short for something?”
“Could be.” Izzy merely replied. You raised an eyebrow, but you weren’t quite sure how to counter his dry aloofness. Instead, he continued after a moment. “So, are ya a model or something? Actress hoping to strike it big in Hollywood?” His assumption, and attitude, was a bit off putting to you. No matter how intimidating he was or how famous he may have been, you didn’t exactly appreciate someone looking down on you.
“Are you another musician hoping to actually make it?” You asked as you crossed your arms. Izzy stopped trying to light his cigarette and looked up at you. Your stomach dropped a little and you wondered if he was about to have you thrown out before he just chuckled.
“Guess so.” He replied. Now, he extended the cigarette box towards you, as an olive branch it seemed. You gave a shake of your head, but approached a step a few beneath his to sit.
“No. I’m not an actress or a model.” You told him.
“Could’ve fooled me.” He replied.
“Why?” You challenged, almost growing annoyed again. “Because I’m here?”
“You’re beautiful.” He replied matter of factly. You felt your cheeks warming and suddenly you didn’t know what to say.
“Ha, uh…well..thank you.” You stuttered out, looking at your lap rather than him. “But uh…no, see…my friend told me about the casting call. I-I didn’t really think, I just kinda showed up. I definitely didn’t think I would get the one part.”
“I like that,” he chuckled. “I think I’m kinda the same. I just decided to jump on a bus one day, and now I’m here.” And just like that, the tiniest peek into his world immediately disappeared as he cleared his throat. “Anyway, I’m sorry. I just…” he sighed a little, as if he were debating continuing speaking. “I wasn’t really into this idea. Faking a girlfriend just for a video. It was kinda insulting, frankly. I asked them if I could just have my dog.” You laughed now, and he laughed a little too, as if you laughing made it okay.
“I get it. I don’t blame you, I would probably feel the same way.” Izzy raised an eyebrow as he appraised you, blowing a flume of smoke.
“Yeah, except I’m sure a girl like you is spoken for.” You swallowed.
A girl like you. Your head drifted in a daze. A girl like you. Your head was fuzzy. He meant beautiful, you knew from the way his words almost elevated you to a high standing. You bit your lip as you shook your head.
“No. I’m single.” The surprise that colored his face was another indirect compliment.
“There you are!” You both jumped at the sight of the director and a man struggling behind him with a large camera on his shoulder. “We’ve been looking for you; this is a great spot. Alright, we’re gonna start rolling, so just pretend we’re not here.”
Your heart started pounding and you glanced at Izzy almost apologetically.
“Now?” You asked breathlessly. “Um, but…sorry I’ve never done this before? What am I…” the director was starting to look impatient.
“Just keep talking to me.” Izzy was the one to speak. Maybe it was your imagination, but compared now to everyone else, his voice sounded kinder.
“Oh. Right, I guess you’ve done this before.” You realized, feeling your cheeks warm as you tried to ignore the film crew behind you. Izzy shrugged a little, a small smile forming on his lips. He looked down despite the fact that his sunglasses were still hiding his eyes.
“Sorta. We filmed one. MTV wouldn’t even play it at first.”
“Too wild?”
“I guess so.” His smile widened on one side suggestively. “It is a little crazy though, how everything led to this. We never expected it.”
You wanted to ask him more. Why? Guns N’ Roses were one of those up-and-coming bands that were clearly going to make it; they had headlined all the LA music clubs. If your friends knew you were filming for them, they would be losing their minds. They were on their way to stardom and it was obvious why; they were talented. What made him think otherwise? What made him want to pursue music anyways? You knew for a fact he was single, but…no. That didn’t mean you had a chance. At that moment, the director cut in before you could continue to think any further.
“Okay, more intimacy. Y/N, why don’t you sit on the step below Izzy, sorta nestled in between his legs. You can lean your back against him.” You stiffened.
“I thought we were supposed to pretend you guys weren’t here,” Izzy said, before lowering his voice a little to you. “You don’t have to do anything you do want to.”
“I don’t mind!” You replied quickly, which received looks from everyone. Trying not to sound as eager, you quickly added, “I-I mean, as long as it’s alright with you.”
“It’s cool. For the sake of the art.” Izzy replied dryly, the beginning of a smirk on his face. The closer you got to him, the more you could smell cigarette smoke. You scooted into your designated spot and felt him breathing.
“Great, that looks good. Okay, again, don’t look at the camera. Just nice conversation…”
“You smell good,” Izzy said, paying no mind at all to the director. Your breath caught in your throat; he was right next to your ear, leaning down to whisper his words.
“…Thanks,” you floundered, trying your best not to squirm.
“Do you mind if I put my hand here?” Izzy checked as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
“That’s fine,” you consented, feeling your face flush again. This wasn’t behavior you expected out of a member of a notorious rock band. Izzy’s other free hand was casually holding a smoking cigarette.
“Did they tell you what to wear, or did you dress this way yourself?” Izzy asked, still speaking low in your ear. It shielded the conversation from the rest of the world, enveloping the two of you into your own private conversation.
“This is all me.”
“Cool. I like it, especially this jacket. It fits you well.” His breath tickled your ear, but his compliment was what really gave you shivers.
“Thanks,” you breathed again.
“Y/N, look back at Izzy and smile.”
You did as you were told. His sunglasses stared at you, hiding any hint of an expression, except for the way one corner of his mouth pulled upwards.
“Izzy, put your cigarette up to her mouth.”
“Are you cool with that?” Izzy checked first. You thought it over quickly; it was just for a video and you could simply put your lips on it and not actually inhale. You could see the shot in your head; a cool guy with his partner, sharing a cigarette and not a care in the world. You nodded your head, and Izzy lifted his hand to your mouth. You grabbed his hand with yours and leaned forward, putting the cigarette in your mouth.
“Yeah, there we go.” The director approved.
You stared at Izzy, his cigarette tucked between your lips. All you could see was your own reflection in his sunglasses. Without a word, you extended your hands slowly towards them, waiting for him to pull back from your approaching advance.
“Can I see?” You asked for permission, and he gave a short nod. Different visions flashed through your head in quick succession—would his eyes be black and brooding? Piercing and blue? What unspoken words lie within them? Gingerly, you pulled the sunglasses away and felt your heart skip at the sight of soft round green eyes. They were nothing like you expected, more than you could have ever imagined. Round and unassuming and subdued, almost shy.
“Why would you ever hide these away?” You couldn’t help but ask. Your words seemed to catch him by surprise; his eyes widened further and then he let out a short chuckle before ducking his head.
“Same reason everyone else wears sunglasses.”
“Oh, and what’s that? UV rays?”
“You can stare where you want and not get caught.” Now you were taken by surprise. You laughed and lightly hit his arm, and he laughed with you. “I’m just joking, that’s not it.”
“Then what is it, really?” You asked as you slid the frames into place on your own face. You watched him smile at you.
“Those look better on you.”
“Don’t dodge the question.” He smiled at the ground, taking a long drag of his cigarette.
“Fear.” You frowned and lifted the frames up.
“I thought you guys weren’t afraid of anything.”
“Everyone’s afraid of something. Only foolish people pretend they’re not.”
“And what are you afraid of?” You asked curiously.
“People.” Izzy replied simply, before he chuckled. “Really, though. I came here today and it was the last thing I wanted to do. When I put these sunglasses on, it’s like a barrier, you know?” You nodded a little in understanding. “Had I known I was gonna meet you…”
“What would that have changed?” You couldn’t help it; the question came tumbling out before you could even think.
He shrugged coolly, almost making you feel embarrassed for your eagerness, until he looked up at you again with those timid eyes, flickering between the both of yours.
“Well, I guess I wouldn’t have been so afraid anymore. Gotten into a bad habit where I expect the worst. ‘Specially in people.”
“I’m glad I surprised you.” You said genuinely and he chuckled, his eyes sparkling with some kind of thought that you were dying to know about.
“You ever skateboard?”
“What?” You asked, surprised by the change of conversation.
“It’s kinda my thing lately. It’s harder than it looks.” You looked around; it was just the two of you now. Somewhere in the middle of your conversation, the film crew had all left without either of you noticing.
“Oh, but…” you mumbled in realization and then gestured to the empty area around the stairwell. “We don’t have to keep acting anymore, looks like you’re off the hook and single again.”
“I thought you weren’t an actress?” Izzy said, standing to his feet. You stood too, still a step beneath him, and looked up at him.
“I’m not.”
“I wasn’t acting.” He said. “This isn’t for the video, it’s just a way to have fun killing time. Come on, I brought my skateboard with me.”
You trailed Izzy nervously back towards the main filming location. He seemed to sense your trepidation and hung back to match your step with his own—even putting a hand to your waist to guide you through crowded areas. Your heart thudded and you could feel his band mates staring.
“So have you?” Izzy asked, rolling the skateboard in front of you. He was smiling like he already knew your answer, and you hated to prove him right.
“No.” You admitted.
“Do you wanna give it a go?”
“Oh, why not,” you sighed and gave him a rueful smile. “It’s not the craziest thing I’ve done today.”
“Do you want my help?”
“Uh, obviously. You can’t let me fall in front of these people.” He laughed, and when you stepped onto the board, Izzy’s hands were waiting for you to grab, which you did quickly and wildly.
“See, the trick is to not let it know you’re scared.” Izzy joked dryly and you laughed.
“This must be where the shades come in handy.”
“That’s the secret.” He smiled and freed one hand to pull the shades resting on top of your head over your eyes. “Alright, now, I’ll walk with ya. Use one foot to give yourself a boost.” Izzy held one hand in his and walked beside you as you began to creep forward.
“I don’t know about this, I think this is enough for one day.” You worried as you began picking up speed.
“Okay, pick up your foot and put it back on the board!” Izzy encouraged. You listened, and for a brief moment you were flying. Until you realized you couldn’t steer or turn and you went tumbling off the board.
Izzy had been running beside you and somehow managed to form a cage with his arms around you so that you never hit the floor and just rebounded against his arms. He laughed, his chest shaking against you as he pulled you tight to him.
“That was brilliant. That’s gonna look great.” The both of you turned to see the director and a camera guy. The director turned over his shoulder to Izzy’s watching band mates, who all had varying expressions on their faces. “You know, I think they’re the cutest ones here.”
Izzy was called to film parts of him playing with his band mates, and you found yourself being filmed with the other girlfriends, who welcomed you warmly with compliments, smiles, and gossip.
“How long have you been with Izzy?” A brown curly haired girlfriend asked you.
“Oh…uh. I’m actually just an extra. Since he doesn’t have a girlfriend.”
“My guess was 3 years. You really just met today?” A blonde asked incredulously. “Do you like him? Do you think he’s cute?”
“Well…yeah.” You admitted sheepishly, watching Izzy strum the guitar. Somehow, he looked even cooler than when you first saw him. He was stylish in his playing, confidence and cool just seeping from the way he stood. “I think he’s really cool. But I don’t know if he’s really interested, you know?” It was easy to confide in these girls. After all, they were dating rock stars, they had to understand.
“Why not? If you guys hit it off.” The brunette said.
“Plus, from what Duff has told me, Izzy’s not really the type to flirt for fun. If he’s not interested, you would know.” The blonde said.
“He was just looking for excuses to touch you!” The brunette added. You thought about their words. Surely he wouldn’t have bothered trying to teach you to skateboard if he wasn’t interested? But maybe he was just bored. Maybe it was all in fun. Maybe he figured he might as well get entertainment out of watching you make a fool of yourself. But then, the embrace when you fell, how he held you safely to his chest. Was he interested? And more importantly, when did you become interested?
The director called for a wrap then, signaling the end of the shortest long day of your life. Every bit of time you had spent with Izzy felt somehow like both seconds and hours. Reluctantly, you approached Izzy, clutching his sunglasses.
“I think I should give these back.” You told him, preparing yourself for the separation.“You might need them more than me.”
This was it, the goodbye forever. It had only been a reality for a few hours of the day, and now you would forever be known as the mystery girl in some Guns N’ Roses music video, only loosely linked to Izzy. If he was ever asked about you—which you doubted—in a few years time, he’d likely only reply “who?”
“You’re probably right.” He admitted, accepting the sunglasses. “I’ll trade you.” Already in his free hand was his pack of cigarettes. You raised an eyebrow.
“But I don’t smoke.” He smiled, still extending the pack to you. You took it in confusion.
“Call me.” He said, his hand lingering on your hip before he began to leave. You felt hope fluttering your chest before you could stop it from coming on. Quickly, you returned your gaze to the cigarette pack. It felt light—had he given you just the empty container?
You flipped open the lid and felt your heart jump. There, right on the inside was his writing.
I think you’re smoking
You laughed at his written scrawl. Underneath it was a phone number, along with his name. As if you could ever forget. You looked up just in time to catch him staring at you over his shoulder, before he slid his sunglasses back into place.
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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All, here is a collective Masterlist of all my FanFics!
I mainly write Guns N’ Roses Fanfics, but my requests are currently open!
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The Dare Masterlist
Pairing: Duff/OC
Story Summary: A stupid harmless dare, that’s all it was supposed to be. It was supposed to be something they would do, and never revisit. For Delilah, little did she know that visiting the strip wasn’t going to be a one time thing when she made the choice to accept the dare. Life is full of choices. Some choices can mean absolutely nothing, while others can change your entire world. Delilah had heard many rumors about the Sunset Strip or Devil’s Strip. Teenagers would whisper stories about how the Devil walks the streets of the strips without a care in the world. It was known as a place untouched by God. After years of hearing rumors about the Devil’s Strip, Delilah wants to see it for herself. Thus a Dare was born.
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The Token Masterlist
Pairing: Not Yet Disclosed to Reader
Story Summary: Story inspired by the movie She’s the Man. A female Duff is tired of dealing with the bullshit of trying to make it on the strip as a female bassist. Did Michelle think it through as she chopped her hair? Nope. All she knew was that she wanted to make it on the strip. If she had to mascarade as a guy, so it shall be.
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The Sip Masterlist
Pairing: Duff/ OC
Story Summary: In a packed room she couldn’t have felt more alone. Everyone was adorned and jewels and would humbly brag about their accomplishments when asked. She couldn’t blame them though, that’s what she was told to do as well. So, she stood there next to her boyfriend she knew was cheating on her as she continued to quietly listen as a good guest does. In the basement of the dreadful never ending party, Alanah quickly realizes the night just might not be over. In this modern day AU Alanah learns just how much one sip can ripple into a waterfall.
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The Groupie Masterlist
Pairing: Izzy/OC
Story Summary: Even when I was younger, I knew I wanted to be in music. I had a hunger for it that could never be satisfied. I wanted to be where the music played. I was drawn to it, like a moth to a flame. At first it was a rush of pure adrenalin that would fill me as I tuned their guitars and partied with them after the gigs (sometimes even more), but just like all adrenalin rushes you eventually have to come down.
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The Slippery Slope Masterlist
Pairing: Izzy Stradlin/OC
Story Summary: After leaving Guns N’ Roses, Izzy find himself in a rut, and decideds to visit the local zoo. While visiting the penguin exhibit, he meets a red head named Poppy. Will they manage to keep standing while on their slippery slope?
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Broken Voodoo Masterlist
Pairing: Everyone?
Story Summary: The 70s and 80s had Iron Madden, Guns N’ Roses, Skid Row and Morley Crue. It’s 2025 and Rock N’ Roll is more alive than ever thanks to Broken Voodoo kickstarting the rock n roll heart.
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Moodboard “The Dare”: Favourit minor character (female) -> Mags Adler
Although not the main character, Mags never failed to capture me with her sparkly personality and quick wits. She rescued Delly, a girl she didn’t know, from a creep at a bar without asking any questions or expecting anything in return. She accompanied Delly on her way towards liberation and self-determination, provided her with food and shelter and supportes Delly as well as the Guns as a loyal friend whenever they need her.
Mags Adler is a minor character in the Guns n Roses fanfic “The Dare” by the talented @ubernoxa
Check it out here
All credit to the wonderful author All credit for the pictures to the original owners
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petals-and-bullets · 3 years
Spirits IV
Pairing: ? x Reader
Word count: 753 words
Info: Please read the previous parts before this fic! You can find it here, on the Spirits Masterpost, alongside all moodboards currently made! Maybe William and Jeff were bad influences on you. But maybe you wanted to let them be bad influences. Especially when you found yourself in LA.
A/N: This is another experimental piece; it’s an AU - everything is the same, albeit the fact that everyone has wings and can transform into birds. I will be answering questions in my ask box if anyone has any (please do send some in, it can help me clear up the lore a little better in my own mind while I’m writing!). I hope you enjoy it, and please do give me any feedback you have! (Also, hi! She's back!)
Tag List: @dustnbones @ubernoxa @star–wolf @slashscowboyboots @smokeandmirrorz @littlemisscare-all
You’d only been walking around the streets of LA for around a half hour, and you already regretted not bringing a coat with you. It was pretty much near freezing, and you didn’t know how long it would take before your teeth started chattering. After a moment, you wrapped your wings around you as tight as you could in a last desperate attempt to keep yourself warm, only to come to the conclusion that unless you found somewhere warm to recoup, you’d have to turn back around and return home.
Something you did not want to do.
You could only imagine the screaming argument you’d walk into; Axl yelling at Izzy for lying to you, Izzy stood calmly, as if nothing affected him, only to turn to face you with a pleading glance for help.
“Not this time, Isbell,” you muttered to yourself, before you perked up at the bright light shining through the window of a coffee shop. It was small, sure, but you could’ve given less than two damns at that point. Picking up the pace, you practically fell against the door, only to stop and straighten yourself as the small number of patrons turned to look at you with suspicious glares. The tall blonde behind the counter seemed to be the only friendly face, and you cleared your throat awkwardly as you made your way towards him.
“Seems like you got hit by the bad weather too, huh?” He chirped, and you nodded as you took in his appearance – his hair was dyed a bright, nearly neon blue, as if it were an attempt to attract a viewer’s attention from the mass of feathers at his back. Featherdown. Christ, this guy – this giant – had yet to lose his featherdown, and yet was stood in the middle of a coffee shop, seemingly having his shit together.
You envied him.
After a moment, you blinked again and realised that he was waiting patiently for your response to his question, as well as your order, and you cleared your throat again before you finally pulled your gaze from his hair and to the board hanging above his head. Despite scrutinising the words decorating the board, explaining the different types of coffees, you were unable to prevent your mind from wandering back to Izzy. He always took his coffee black, unless you could spare a little honey – or rather, half a bottle of it – and he always had to have the most specific type of coffee bean that you could only find in one shop in LA. Coffee, especially for Izzy, was a luxury you both could barely afford.
“… You look like you need something more than a coffee,” Featherdown Guy spoke up again, and your eyes moved back to him, his lips curled in a smile that showed his teeth, and yet seemed to succeed in being non-threatening.
“I guess you’re… Right. I didn’t actually plan on getting anything when I first came out,” you eventually admitted, and he hummed thoughtfully as he bent to rest his arms on the counter, one hand holding his chin up. You almost laughed at how innocent the man looked, as if he didn’t quite suit the aura of punk that he tried to emit. Eventually, you let out a soft laugh and shook your head, waving a hand.
“You know what? You make me what you think is best for the current situation I’m in.”
At the offer, his eyes lit up and he pushed off the counter, his wings flapping a little.
“… Yeah. Go wild.”
At the concept of being able to make his own drink with some form of freedom, Featherdown Guy immediately set to work, turning as he busied himself with the instruments required to make the coffee – you could’ve sworn you saw him pour three espressos into one tiny cup – but you merely stood and waited for the maestro to finish his masterpiece. Once he turned round with a flourish and presented the cup of steaming liquid, you glanced at him before sliding some notes across the counter before you took the cup. The scent of coffee was… strong, but you merely shrugged and took the first sip.
Featherdown Guy’s face lit up as you nodded your approval, licking some froth off your upper lip. The light vanilla notes worked well to dull the sharpness of the coffee, and you were unable to stop yourself from taking another sip before you pursed your lips.
“I’m Y/N.”
“Duff. Duff McKagan.”
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born-to-lose · 4 years
Just in It for Sex
Pairing: Izzy Stradlin x fem!reader
Summary: You and Izzy are fuck buddies, no romance involved, just sex. When your friends think you're more than that, you start questioning your feelings.
Tags: friends with benefits, smut, swearing, eventual fluff
Words: 5,065
A/N: I'm never promising you when exactly I'll post a new fic again. Sorry this took so long, but I hope it was worth the wait! Also it's literally been five months since the last time I wrote smut and I'm not really happy with that part ugh
Tag list: @slashscowboyboots @ubernoxa
Tip me if you want!
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After three years of being together, your boyfriend broke up with you because you "didn't share the same interests anymore", but you knew he was lying. You'd seen him being all lovey-dovey with another woman a week prior and you'd almost hoped for a breakup because there was nothing you hated more than being cheated on. "Screw that guy," you reminded yourself over and over, but it barely took the pain that was hidden deep inside you away.
The first person you called was Izzy and after listening to you as you rambled about what had happened, he invited you to get your mind off of your ex by getting drunk with him at your favorite bar. You couldn't decline that offer and soon you were waiting in the corner where you always sat whenever you came here. Over the years it had become your unofficially reserved table.
It was only two minutes later that he plopped down beside you, slinging an arm around your waist. "Hey. I'm really sorry about that asshole," he murmured, rubbing his hand up and down your side. "I never liked that guy."
"Yeah, well," you laughed humorlessly, "turns out you were right about that."
Izzy gave you a sympathetic look before he raised two fingers at the bartender, ordering two beers as usual. He knew the both of you and it was always the same drink you ordered to start off the evening, which could get as long as to the bar's closing time when it was a special occasion or you were in a good mood. "You deserve better, (y/n)."
"It wasn't a surprise, but it still hurts, y'know?"
He nodded in response and handed you one of the bottles the barman had just put on the table. You took it from him and downed the half bottle.
There wasn't much to say about the breakup anymore as you'd already told him everything on the phone, so your sole purpose now was to get drunk and hopefully forget about that dick for a while.
Staring at the wall opposite you, which was full of posters of bands that had played here, you spoke up. "Honestly? Fuck men." A quick side glance at the slightly hurt expression on Izzy's face made you add, "Except you, of course. You're the only guy I really trust."
"Well, thank you. I guess that means a lot more now, considering you sound like you're about to wipe out the entire species of men," he replied, trying to make you smile. It worked, as most of the time. Whenever you felt like shit, he somehow managed to cheer you up a bit and if not, you still appreciated his effort.
After your third drink, you were full-on roasting your ex boyfriend and Izzy didn't hesitate to join in, telling you stories from when you had just started dating and how it was hate at first sight for him while you finally told him about some rude comments he had made about Izzy. He had regularly claimed you were cheating on him when you'd told him a million times that he was just your best friend.
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When you woke up in Izzy's bed the next morning, vague memories came back and while you couldn't remember all of it, you were sure it was pretty good. Of course, it was strange and you didn't exactly know how it had come to this, but it was a very welcome distraction. You expected to stay silent about this night not to ruin your friendship and reached down to collect your clothes from the floor, planning on how you would blame it on both of you having been drunk if he brought it up, but when you noticed the guitarist stirring next to you, you realized this wouldn't work.
"Um… morning," you mumbled awkwardly as he opened an eye to look at you. You pulled at the blanket you shared to cover your bare chest.
Izzy smiled sleepily, his sable hair sticking up into all directions. "Morning."
He must have mistaken this for one of the more frequent sleepovers because he was a bit too calm for your taste. Hell, you'd just fucked and he was still as relaxed as usual!
You cleared your throat. Apparently, you had to talk about it regardless. "Hey Iz? How did this happen?"
"I don't know…" He sighed, trying to smooth his hair down. "It was good, though," he reluctantly added and you nodded slightly in agreement.
Admittedly, you enjoyed last night. You weren't in love with Izzy, but he certainly was a good lay and as you were both single, there would be no complaints coming from either of your partners if you kept having sex on occasion. At least you wouldn't be opposed to it. "Maybe we could do that more often but without the-"
"Like fuck buddies?" Izzy turned his head to look back at you, but you couldn't read his face well enough to make out his answer.
"Yeah, exactly."
He bit his lip in thought and nodded after a minute. "Okay, let's do it then."
Being friends with benefits did have some perks.
You got to have sex with one regular person, which spared you trips to the club to find a one-night stand, while not being committed to someone and having to sacrifice most of your time for your partner.
There were no romantic feelings involved, which didn't require you to have moved on from your ex boyfriend and be ready for being with someone new. Romance was strictly forbidden anyway.
When you were about to hook up, you didn't have to make too much of an effort to look sexy. Sure, you'd try to look good, but Izzy had seen you at your worst multiple times and didn't care too much about how hot you looked. Neither did you.
The fact that there were no promises, emotions and plans for the future also made the whole thing easier to end without having that bitter or sad feeling following an actual breakup. Staying friends would be easier than after being in a serious relationship.
Knowing you won't be together for the long haul and it wouldn't go further than casual sex, protection would never be forgotten as neither of you would want to raise children, no matter how much you liked each other platonically.
The most important aspect was that you'd known each other for years and you'd built up enough trust to be comfortable with sleeping together. You weren't having sex with a stranger and you could talk about what you liked and didn't like without anything being awkward.
Like you, Izzy wasn't the type of guy to go brag about his girlfriends or flings, so you had nothing to worry about. You both agreed that you'd be discreet about it.
Although the concept was overall informal, there were a few personal rules.
You never shared kisses because you weren't a couple and both of you were scared that kind of intimacy could ruin your friendship.
Izzy insisted that no matter how horny either of you were, he would never give you hickeys because he won't mark territory that isn't actually his. In his eyes, love bites were a sign of a deep romantic connection and some kind of confirmation that things were meant to last for a long time.
Obviously, you were both allowed to get a partner without asking for permission first. It wasn't a real relationship and there were no obligations whatsoever.
Neither of you wanted to let broken rules get in the way of your friendship and possibly break you up. Your bond was very strong, but you weren't sure if it could endure a particularly bad mistake.
The first couple of times you had sex, both of you were a little nervous because it was completely new to you and Izzy tried to cheer you up by reminding you that he'd already seen you naked the night you'd gotten drunk after your breakup. He even offered to end it right then if you felt uncomfortable. It was almost sad how he cared more for you in that way than your ex had.
As regular hookups got a normal thing for you to do, the sex got more heated and you realized why all the groupies tried to get into his pants. Izzy would often take you to his gigs, where he would spontaneously squeeze in a quickie in his dressing room before or after the show.
More commonly, though, one of you would call the other up after a long day at work to rewind and let loose. That was when he was rather rough and most of the time that was just what you needed.
As long as you weren't in a rush, Izzy was good in terms of aftercare and you would usually just fall asleep or watch a movie if neither of you felt tired yet. From then on, you didn't regard it as anything more than a friendly sleepover. You were still best friends, after all and there was no reason to disappear in shame the moment you were done. He never got too physical, though, as he didn't want things to get out of hand and give you wrong impressions. The furthest the two of you ever went was sleeping on the sofa with your head in his lap. Of course, you never shared a bed and Izzy would volunteer to sleep on the couch. He was probably scared of one of you catching feelings if you cuddled too much and you couldn't blame him. That would literally be against the rules.
All this had been going on for about half a year before Steven asked you the question you'd feared the most when you'd agreed on that concept. "So, are you and Izzy together now?
His question made you freeze in shock. You and Izzy hadn't been acting any different around the guys - at least not intentionally - and you couldn't recall anyone walking in on you two. How did he get that impression?
"No," you replied as casually as you could. "What makes you think that?"
The blonde leaned back on the sofa and shrugged, tucking his hands in his pockets. "He's been talking a lot about you lately, that's all."
"What do you mean?" you asked, genuinely curious now.
"Yesterday he implied that you should go on tour with us and y'know, usually bands take their girlfriends with them…" he explained but trailed off towards the end, probably feeling like he'd already said too much. "Don't you have sex too?"
"Goddammit, Steven!" you yelled, not even wanting to think about how he knew that.
He raised his hands in defense. "Woah, it's not a bad thing! I just thought-"
"You're right," you revealed quietly, sitting on the armrest next to him. "It's just that, though. We're only friends with benefits, nothing more."
Perhaps the way you said that sounded like you were sad you weren't, in fact, together with Izzy.
Steven looked at you, a smirk on his face. "You sure? I don't think Iz sees it the same way."
You immediately shook your head. There was no way you meant more to him than a friend. You were perfectly fine with your relationship as it was and there was no reason to change that. Besides, he would break his own rules if what Steven was saying was actually true, which you doubted. "He once said sex without love is meaningless, so it surely doesn't mean anything to him. We agreed that no emotions would get in the way."
"Or he does love you, which makes it meaningful," the drummer interpreted the statement.
"Stevie, please stop fucking with my mind," you groaned, covering your face with your sweaty hands as you tried to understand what he was talking about.
Was he claiming Izzy was still hooking up with you because he loved you and that's what kept him going? That he considered you girlfriend material and planned on taking you with him on tour, even though it was usually only the members' partners that travelled with them? It didn't make sense to you as you'd established at the beginning that no feelings would ever be involved and it was not comparable to a real relationship. If he'd had any kind of romantic feelings for you, he would have been straightforward. He wasn't one to beat around the bush and he knew he could talk to you about anything.
"Well, I think you're secretly in love with him too."
Sighing, you turned to look at him. "Hypothetically… how would I even know he really loves me?"
"I don't know, but friends don't look at each other like that," Steven said, leaving you thinking about the way Izzy had been looking at you in the last months, but you couldn't make out a difference.
"And he's been having an arm around you a lot lately," he added. Okay, that one you'd realized earlier, but he sometimes did that when he was tipsy and you hadn't made a big deal out of it until now. "He's not usually one to show affection in public. You seem to really got him, huh?"
"He was drunk the last time he did that." You rolled your eyes in annoyance at everything he was trying to read as a flirting sign. "You guys had been sitting at the bar for like a half hour before I came along."
"No." The drummer shook his head. "He'd only had a soda. He's just looking for physical contact, (y/n)! Even the others have noticed! I'm basically the one to tell you what the rest of us already know."
A part of you thought that maybe the reason Izzy never really got affectionate after sex was because he was trying to hold back his feelings, but the more rational part shrugged it off as a way to signal you there wasn't more than platonic feelings.
After this discussion, you weren't sure of your feelings for Izzy anymore. He'd been your best friend for years and you wouldn't give him up for anything in the world. You never wanted to lose him, but that was exactly what would happen if you did try to initiate a relationship between the two of you. Maybe Steven was lying or overthinking, but maybe he was right? After all, boys were often more willing to talk to fellow guys about certain topics than to girls.
As sex was never slow and gentle, you couldn't be sure of your feelings. It always made the impression of an occasional fuck - which it was - and doing this, there was no way to find out if you liked him more than you'd presumed. The only way to confirm you really felt like Steven had said Izzy did was to take things slower for once. Even if your feelings didn't turn out to be romantic, you'd still experience another side of him too. You didn't believe he would make fun of something small like that, so what did you have to lose?
You reached for the phone to call Izzy before realizing he wanted to come over tonight anyway. Well, what a timing…
Tonight was probably the first time you actually tried to look your best but in a semi-casual kind of way. You didn't exactly know why, you just felt like it, but all of a sudden you wanted to look good for him. You even put on that cheap black lingerie set you'd bought at some point for your ex boyfriend, but you didn't even care anymore. Either Izzy liked it or he didn't. After Guns N' Roses had signed with Geffen Records, Izzy had gotten you a perfume that you only wore on special occasions as it was more expensive than you could have ever had afforded before the record contract. You sprayed some of that on your neck and collarbones too. Go big or go home.
Fuck Steven for telling you about his "Izzy is in love with you" theory and not letting you indulge in suppressed feelings for the rest of your life. How dare he?
"Hey (y/n)," you heard Izzy's raspy voice coming from the hallway. You'd given him the spare keys to your apartment a long time ago just because.
"Hey Iz," you replied, stumbling out of the bathroom and adjusting your shorts, which wouldn't stay in place for long anyway. "How's your day been?"
"Uh… better than yours, apparently. Are you okay?" He frowned.
It looked like you let your frustration show in your facial expression and voice. "Yeah, I'm alright, don't worry," you lied.
Izzy followed you into the bedroom and as you sat on the edge of the bed, you sighed. "Can we… take it slower tonight? Like, not as rough as we sometimes do it but a bit softer for once? I just want to try something different…"
God, you were so bad at proposing this idea. "Not lovemaking or anything," you added as if the situation hadn't already been awkward enough.
"Yeah, of course we can," he replied, a small smile forming on his face as he took off his jacket and stepped closer to the bed.
You smiled in relief and laid back on the mattress, followed by Izzy crawling up to you, his hands on either side of you. He looked into your eyes for a moment before he leaned down to trail light kisses along your neck, his hands slowly wandering up your stomach underneath your shirt. "Is that… the perfume I got you last year?" he murmured, nuzzling your neck.
"Y-yeah," you only managed to say as he pressed a kiss to your jaw.
You lifted your arms to help him pull the shirt over your head. Once it was on the floor, he bit his lip, staring at the black lacy bra before reaching up to trace his fingers along the hemline. You arched your back, allowing him to unclasp it. He pushed the straps down your shoulders and attached his lips to your collarbone while completely removing the bra and beginning to massage your breasts. He looked up at you for permission and drew the answer from the gasp that escaped your lips when he ran his thumbs over your nipples. He continued leaving kisses all over your upper body, obviously enjoying every sound you made.
You closed your eyes as his hands roamed your body, thoughts racing, as much as you wanted to concentrate on what was happening at the moment.
Feeling Izzy fumbling with your shorts, you opened your eyes to find him looking up at you again. You nodded and he pulled them down along with your panties. He brushed his fingertips against your inner thighs, making your legs shake. Your breath hitched when he started leaving a trail of kisses towards your core and you clenched your legs together. "You don't want me to do that, do you?" he chuckled.
"No, please continue," you whined, trying and failing to hide the embarrassment in your voice.
A moan escaped your mouth as Izzy's tongue darted out and licked a stripe along your folds, his nose nudging your clit. You could only see his eyes, but you were sure he had that devilish grin on his face, knowing you weren't prepared for that. His eyes were shut as he continued his movements, leaving you gasping and squirming.
This had nothing to do with casual sex anymore, to be honest, but neither of you cared. After all, it was him who did the most work to begin with and if he hadn't liked it, he wouldn't have chosen to be so focused on touching and kissing you. You hadn't asked him to go this far. Still, you had to admit it felt even better than the times before and if you had been in a relationship, you would have almost called it romantic. Tonight he was really sweet and spent much more time on foreplay than usual. You'd previously had rushed and ecstatic shags that hadn't included much physical affection. Why would there have been any in the first place? You weren't even together and had promised not to let anything get in the way of your friendship. Yet here you were, asking him to have slow sex because you might as well be in love with him.
You wondered if there was a reason why sleeping with him was so different tonight… Was this going to be your last time? Did he have a new girlfriend and wanted to make a graceful exit? Or did he just take your suggestion very seriously? Could it be Steven was right about Izzy's feelings for you?
The guitarist lifted his head between your trembling legs and circled your clit with his finger for a short moment before completely sitting up. "Hey, this isn't one of those quickies!" he reminded you as you whined at the loss of contact.
"It's gonna take a bit longer tonight," Izzy added raspily, hovering over you and looking into your eyes again. You still didn't know the exact color, if they were hazel or brown, but you could get lost in them forever, even more so after this night. They were beautiful and no photo could do them justice.
You reached up to unbutton his shirt, still keeping eye contact. Once you were done, he sat back and shrugged it off, tossing it on the ground. One of his hands reached out to caress your cheek, fingers running along your jaw, making your heart race faster at the thought of what would happen now.
Eventually, he leaned down, connecting his lips with yours. You were startled at first but soon kissed him back, your hands flying up into his black hair. It wasn't even a hungry kiss, but it wasn't exactly a chaste one either. Something in between. Something that felt wrong and right at the same time. Something you had never thought about but enjoyed every moment of. Something that gave you the same feeling you'd had in the lovey-dovey initial phase of your previous relationships but better. Something you had tried to avoid at all costs but didn't want to end as soon as it started.
To your disappointment, he broke away after only a few seconds, but those were enough to give you a tingle in your stomach.
His eyes widened and his lips parted slightly as if to say something, probably wanting to apologize for breaking his own rules. You hadn't seen that coming either and were shocked too, but you gave him a reassuring smile that told him not to worry about it. In retrospect, you didn't mind that at all, but you tried not to let that show too much. You didn't even know if he actually enjoyed it too or if he was picturing someone else lying underneath him. It would get bad enough when you would have to drop the bomb later…
Izzy smiled back at you and started taking off his jeans as if nothing had happened. After throwing them on the pile of clothes next to the bed, he reached for the drawer and pulled out a condom. Nothing unusual so far. What was noticeably distinctive from all the other times you'd done the do was that he chose missionary, which you very rarely did. Normally, you'd try whatever position was suitable in the given situations and aside from the first time, it just so happened to never be this one.
"Ready?" he asked, raising his eyebrows as he lined himself up.
"Yes." You appreciated his constant asking for consent tonight, but it also made even more questions pop up in your head as being overly careful wasn't really his thing. He wasn't aggressive, but he normally didn't ask for permission before doing everything - at least not to this extent.
He paused after sliding into you, giving you enough time to adjust. Meanwhile, his hands found their way to yours, intertwining your fingers as he leaned down to press a kiss to your jaw.
"You alright?" Izzy murmured against your skin and you hummed in response. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, slowly rocking his hips against yours. You tightened your grip and he lightly squeezed your hand in return.
His head turned to look up at you for a moment and you pecked his nose, making him scrunch it up with a smile. You wanted to kiss him again so bad, with his lips parted as he moaned and his eyes shut in pleasure, but you didn't know if the previous one had been one too much for him already.
Every kiss, every thrust, every moan made your heart beat faster with excitement and released you from the worries you'd had earlier this evening. By now you could tell Izzy enjoyed it as well, which made you feel a lot better, knowing he didn't feel pressured into something he actually didn't like. He'd never force you to do anything you were uncomfortable with either.
After you'd both reached your climax, he laid on top of you for a couple of more minutes, hands still linked. Apart from the sound of your steadying breathing, there was complete silence. Eventually, Izzy sat up, letting go of your hands and carefully pulling out of you. "I'll get a towel," he said with a hoarse voice before he put on socks and padded into the bathroom.
At the beginning, his phobia of being barefoot made you wonder if he kept them on during sex, but apparently he just didn't like touching the ground without wearing shoes or socks. Thankfully.
When you were done cleaning yourselves up, he climbed into the bed next to you, probably too exhausted to move to the couch this time. "Good night, baby," he muttered before drifting off to sleep.
Did he just really call you "baby"? He wasn't one to use this kind of pet names lightly… Okay, he had to be thinking of another girl. Why should he call you by an affectionate nickname when you were literally just friends - or friends with benefits at most? And why did your heart drop a little at the mere thought of him being with somebody else? You knew it was his right to get a partner as well as it was yours, but you felt somewhat… disappointed. At this point, you realized Steven was right about you being in love with him. But was he right about Izzy feeling the same?
"Good night," you replied after a pause.
You wondered if he'd broken the kiss because you hadn't seemed too invested in it? You'd let him take the lead and just melted into it, going with the flow. But perhaps that was what made him think you didn't enjoy it? Had he realized it was a big mistake? Was he mad at you for not stopping him? You were pretty certain he wasn't drunk tonight, so maybe he did do that on purpose…
As hard as confessing your feelings was going to be, you hoped he would still be there in the morning.
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You were the first to wake up and you didn't need to open your eyes to notice Izzy's body pressed against your back, his arm slung around your waist and his warm breath fanning over your skin. Any thoughts of getting up to at least get dressed were immediately wiped away. A week ago you had never expected to feel comfortable with your best friend literally spooning you after you'd hooked up.
You subconsciously moved your left hand to place it over his and he faintly grabbed it before putting both your hands back on your stomach. You closed your eyes again, suddenly not feeling awkward at all, despite your situation actually being awkward. As far as you knew, he didn't have to show up to any interviews or rehearsals today and if he did, it was his problem; he chose to stay in bed with you longer. A sleepy hum escaped his mouth, followed by a kiss on your shoulder that brought you back to reality. You wanted to start a conversation but didn't know what to say. "Good morning, I know you're just in it for sex, but I'm in love with you!" Nope. He surely had something to say himself. That is, you wanted an explanation for his actions last night and this morning.
"So… did you like it this way?" he mumbled.
"Yeah, you?" You bit your lip, holding your breath as you hoped for a similar answer from his side.
"Me too."
Was that it? "Me too" was all he could say? Honestly, you'd expected a more elaborate answer. Yes, it was early morning and you'd just woken up a couple of minutes ago, but there had to be something more to say about last night.
You turned around to face him and his hand fell from your body. "What am I to you, Izzy?"
He furrowed his brows and looked down at the mattress before meeting your eyes again. You were usually good at reading his thoughts by looking into his eyes, but this time you had no clue. "Well… what am I to you?"
"I asked first."
Izzy's tongue ran over his bottom lip and he took a deep breath, propping himself up on his elbow. "I… I like you. More than as a friend." He talked slowly and his expression was more insecure than you'd ever seen him. He glanced over to you, a mixture of shock, surprise, skepticism and happiness on your face. "Sorry for breaking the rules, I really didn't mean for this to happen!"
Relief washed over you and you grabbed his face, pulling him in for a kiss. You could feel him smiling against your lips as you rolled on top of him, his hands resting on your hips.
"How many rules have we broken now?" you asked with a laugh when you ended the kiss.
He raised a brow in thought. No kissing? Check. No romantic feelings? Check. "Two out of three?"
You tilted your head. "What was the third?"
"The hickey rule."
"You know… all good things come in threes," you grinned, receiving a knowing smirk from Izzy.
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dannystattoo · 4 years
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@90smallaesthetic sent me this really fucking cute Picrew and I figured I’d share it and tag some people! As usual, I made myself ready to go to Horror Nights lmao
I’m tagging @ubernoxa, @imacrowcawcaw, @karrotkate, @satingrass-maidensfair, @whateveryousay-dude, @edgeofgreta, @satans-helper, @juvinadelgreko, @dramaticjupiter, and anyone else who wants to! Also, please feel free to ignore me it you want! 🖤
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imacrowcawcaw · 4 years
10 Songs I've Been Listening To!!! Thank you @beautifulcinephile 💚💚💚 I am to list 10 Songs I've listened to a lot recently, then tag 10 people : )
Voodoo Child // Stevie Ray Vaughan
Up All Night // Slaughter
Down On The Corner // Creedence Clearwater Revival
Piece of My Heart // Big Brother and the Holding Company
The Awakening // Les Claypool and the Holy Mackerel
Cum On Feel the Noize // Quiet Riot
Layla // Derek and the Dominoes
Stuck In The Middle With You // Stealers Wheel
To Be With You // Mr. Big
Nothing But A Good Time // Poison
@love-philautia @therealswanqueen @ubernoxa @safari-karrot @satans-helper @tymeconsuming @pi-kai-sso @4-star-dragon-ball @karmacharmeleon18 @master0fthewicket
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