#ucheshi would though
devilsrecreation · 5 months
TLG Human AU shenanigans
Tamka: Kiburi!
Nduli: Kiburi!
Both: KiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKibu-
Kiburi: What?!
Nduli: Sorry Kiburi, we just wanna let you know something!
Kiburi: Yeah? And what’s that?
Nduli: We love you, Kiburi :)
Kiburi: ….And?
Tamka: And we want a Nokia N-Gage
Kiburi: No you don’t! It went defunct it 2006!
Nduli: Actually, it was in 2007
Kiburi: You know the year it went defunct! Why do you want it?!
Tamka: Cuz it looks cool!
Kiburi: You said that about the OUYA Ya bought last week
Tamka: The OUYA doesn’t have any games
Kiburi: I told you that before we bought it, neither will this!
Nduli: But Kiburi, it’s so cooooooool!
Kiburi: I don’t even think you can play games on that thing! It was a phone service!
Tamka: But Ucheshi said this stuff was awesome!
Kiburi: ……….Boys, stay here
Nduli: Okay, Kiburi.
*Lake Matope or whatever the human equivalent is*
Kiburi: Have you been telling them to buy outdated electronics?
Ucheshi: Yes.
Kiburi: WHY?!
Ucheshi: Because you hurt my boyfriend, fuck you, dude.
Kiburi: Ucheshi, I swear to God-
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devilsrecreation · 4 months
Thinking about my Outlands spinoff idea again and the black monsters (or “two-leggers” as everyone likes to call them) are EASILY the biggest threat to the Outlanders since they represent poaching and other illegal activities involving wildlife. So I thought I’d make a list of times the Outlanders (feat Makuu) had run-ins with them
Disaimer: TW for mentioned animal death and implied darker themes
- Chungu, Cheezi, Goioi, Tamka, and Nduli being kidnapped one by one to be sold to zoos. I’m not gonna go into TOO much detail about their time as prisoners since I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, but let’s just say it’s not fun
- I will say that Cheezi goes absolutely APESHIT the minute one of their captors messes with Nduli. The rest are mad enough but Cheezi goes feral
- Jasiri, Janja, Reirei, Kiburi, and Sumu battling the same poachers who took their friends (and winning, courtesy of Sumu stinging them so everyone could get away)
- I know I said Sumu’s mom, Nge, was dead by that time, but I wanna give Sumu more of a happy ending. Instead, she’s miraculously alive as a wild caught pet used for scare. The most they did is clip her stinger off so she won’t kill anyone. It’s okay though cuz not only does Sumu help her escape, but he promises to hunt some food for her like a good son :)
- Njano and Hodari getting kidnapped to be a part of The Reptile Pet Trade
- As stated before, Makuu, Kiburi, Kenge, Shupavu, and Kinyonga distract/attack the poachers while Hodari and Njano make a run for it
- Hodari also helps other animals escape in the process :)
- While being trapped, Njano begins to suffer from zoonosis (it fortunately wears off the minute the cage is open but it still freaks Hodari out)
- Remember how I said that Kenge and Hodari teamed up to save Makuu and Kiburi once? I like to think the poachers are to blame for that. They don’t fight the monsters this time (as helping their croc friends is more important), but I like to think one of them makes eye contact with Kenge and Kenge manages to scare them off
- Kujivunia dies at the hands of the poachers. She knew they were bad news so she told Makuu (who was probably a teen at the time) to get Pua, but when they came back, it was too late
- Kiburi and Ucheshi end up fighting back to back to fend them off as part of their Trail to Udugu
- I have a feeling they would be the antagonists in “Kifamilia Means Family”. They’d see Chungu all alone and try to capture him in order to be given to a shitty zoo.
- I like to think Chungu would be oblivious at first, but throughout the story, he learns the dangers of the two-leggers and actively tries to avoid them while on his quest
- Bonus if, like Kion with the Season 3 villains, Chungu is the reason the poachers became a threat in the first place since he inadvertently leads them to the Outlands
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devilsrecreation · 8 days
Random Outlander scenarios cuz I got bored
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I guess it wouldn’t be that bad cuz they’re besties/lovers, but it would probably still be funny in a human au
Shupavu: Njano, gimme the key
Njano: I left it at home….
Shupavu: …..
Njano: Nah, I’m just messing with ya. I got in my pocke-oh shit
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OMGGGGG KENGE TAKING CARE OF SUMU!!!! Usually it’s the other way around since I hc Sumu as a healer when he reforms, but Kenge doing his best to nurse Sumu is absolutely adorable! Kinda brings out his softer side
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I dunno if ALL of his dreams would be about Janja, but I’m just imagining Janja being in literally every dream/nightmare Kiburi has no matter what and it starts to annoy him dndhdhd
“Get tf outta my dreams.”
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WHOLESOME CONTENT!!!! They’re just giggling and splashing around with not a care in the world
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I don’t think Cheezi would force Chungu per se cuz he would happily wear it, but it’d be both cute and funny. Cute cuz Chungu’s wearing something his bestie made and funny cuz nobody has the heart to tell Cheezi that the sweater is ugly 😭
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Ooooh the thought of Kiburi being cursed is really interesting. I don’t know much about curses in African folklore but apparently a lot of them result in death. I don’t want Kiburi to die anytime soon so maybe I’d go with “The Death Bones of Shangaan” where anyone who comes into contact with said bones gets plagued by bad luck and illness.
Maybe someone puts a curse on him after losing a fight that makes him weaker than usual…like MUCH weaker. Like hatchling weak, yk? And we know crocs can’t have that so it’s gonna f him up
Or maybe it’s a really funny curse where Kiburi is forced to burst into a musical number
But Ucheshi knowing how to cure it and helping her brother makes for some good croc sibling content. Though she would definitely play around with him first hdhdhhd
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Jasiri: I told you, Janja. You’re not getting my rump
Janja: Why not?
Jasiri: l got mine fair and square. You can’t have the rump whenever you want
Janja: The rump’s the juiciest part! Everybody wants the rump!
Janja wants Jasiri’s rump…..of the animal she killed. What were you thinking?
The innuendos are strong with this one
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I like to think that’s how they became friends in the first place! Nne was being teased by some of the older hyena cubs and Tano jumped in like “Hey, leave him alone!”. They’ve been inseparable ever since
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AWWWWWW THAT’S SO CUUUUUUUTE!!!! She gets infinite licks afterwards
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I’m just imagining that secret being he likes everything sunshine and rainbows and Mzingo being like “dear god it’s worse than I imagined”
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
List of AU’S I came up with
Crack Hodari x Njano (They need a ship name: Hodano? Njari? Lizards in Love? idk)
Makuu-Kiburi role swap
Hyenas-Crocodile role swap
Pirate AU
High School AU
Actor AU
Piga is alive
Danganya is alive (nothing would really change much but I like to think he, Shupavu, and Njano are a trio)
Didn’t create this one per se, but Zootopia-esque AU (specifically Kenge in that universe)
These could technically count as au’s:
A world without Jasiri
A world without Kiburi
Ushari’s still alive
Ucheshi is the leader of the crocs instead of Makuu
Okay so I was listening to “Give a Little Guy a Chance” again (as you do) and I kept thinking about Ucheshi’s reaction and then I said “If Ucheshi were the leader, she’d immediately say yes”…which led to this au
Soooooo I have thoughts….
-She’d definitely be a little more cocky in this au. Not as cocky as Makuu or Kiburi, but she wouldn’t be above rubbing stuff in animals’ faces
-Her challenging Pua to a mashindano would be so funny tho. It starts off so civilized and then it’s Ucheshi pulling a Looney Tunes and tricking Pua into agreeing to fight her
-Ucheshi would have waaaay too much fun battling Pua. She treats it as if it were a game
-Like my in-universe hc for her, she’s not a villain by any means. I like to imagine her as a neutral character if anything; an unbiased participant if you will. She respects the circle of life most of the time but she’ll let her crocs take over all the watering holes
-Like in the Savannah Summit, a lot of the animals would assume she’s here to cause trouble when in actuality, she’s pretty chill
-No but her in that episode would be so funny cuz Kion and Simba are talking about her and she just casually butts in like
Kion: I think Ucheshi has more enemies than friends
Ucheshi: *pops her head in* In my defense, so does Bunga
Kion: What the-?!
-not her breaking the fourth wall at one point or another/j
“By Pua! Have a nice life! Hope you get more screentime!”
-Don’t be fooled, Makuu still has a role in the au. He’s mostly the one by her side supporting her
-I think Kiburi would be a little more respectful than he is with Makuu. Though their disagreements are still amusing to watch, especially with her using her title as an advantage
“Sorry, who’s the leader here?”
“Answer the question: who’s the leader?”
“What was that?”
“Oh really? Didn’t realize! 😁”
-That being said, he still challenges her to a mashindano and loses, which is admittedly still very hard on her
-Instead of Kiburi trying to hurt her like he does with Makuu, he repeatedly tries to get her to become evil
-Hodari would immediately become a part of the float after singing his song. If he goes to Kiburi’s float, it’s probably to try and get the siblings to reunite and make her proud of him
“Hey guys, this little gecko is now a crocodile. You can fight me on that! No, seriously, I dare you to challenge me to a mashindano!”
-Her and Kiburi’s dynamic would definitely stay the same lmao. Imagine her reaction when Kiburi finally challenges her
Kiburi: Or…I could call for a mashindano
Crocodiles: *gasp*
Ucheshi: :0
Ucheshi: Nuh uh
Kiburi: ….Tf you mean “nuh uh”?!
Yeah my…my brain is weird djdbbdgrgrv
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devilsrecreation · 1 month
Croc siblings headcanons
(inspired by this post @pizacat72 made)
Kiburi and Ucheshi have never fought outside of sparring. Granted, they do bicker as I’ve mentioned before, but nothing physical
Much like the Royal Siblings hc, Ucheshi’s a morning croc. She’s the first one to wake up and always used to wake up Kiburi in the process. She’ll be in the middle of a musical number while Kiburi’s like “Ucheshi, it’s sunrise. Go back to sleep…”
When they were kids, Ucheshi was usually ALWAYS next to Kiburi, whether swimming in the lake or going on their little “adventures” (which she often tag along for despite Kiburi’s concern, he’s always been concerned for her safety)
As teenagers, one of them would hide under the water and splash the other with their tail when they’re not looking. You know how Kiburi attacked a young impala in “Let Sleeping Crocs Lie”? Yeah, that’s what they do. To other animals, it’s a warning. Between those two, it’s just for shits and giggles
Ucheshi’s one of the only animals Kiburi would let ride on his back. They used to do it all the time as kids. Kiburi would tease Ucheshi about her weight as they grew up, much to his sister’s unamusement
Kiburi tries his best to stay strong in front of his sister, as he promised his dad not to show any vulnerability since he’s the eldest. She isn’t stupid though and always knows when something is up. She just wishes he would talk to her
Kiburi and Ucheshi originally had more siblings, but such as the circle of life goes for young crocodiles (aka nature being a bitch), they didn’t live long for various reasons. The two were the only survivors. This is a big reason why Kiburi is so protective of Ucheshi. He’s lost his both his parents and his many siblings, he’s not losing another family member
Don’t think the feeling isn’t mutual, Ucheshi would jump in to defend her brother in a heartbeat (not counting the events during the Dry Season). Kiburi once told her how Scar insulted him (the “and here I thought crocs were the best fighters” line) and she swore she would have stood up for him if she were there. She absolutely tried protecting Kiburi from Hatari at some point
Kiburi’s promised Ucheshi she’d get “special privileges” when he rules the Pridelands. That’s what big brothers are for, after all. Ucheshi just thinks the Dry Season drove him crazy and calls him out on it
For as much as she annoys him, Ucheshi can always make Kiburi laugh. This especially happens when they rekindle their relationship. Makuu, Hodari, and Pua witnessed them talking and laughing together, to which Makuu said something along the lines of “Is Kiburi laughing or am I crazy?”
After Ucheshi declines Scar’s offer to join him and walks away, Scar orders the army to get rid of her: Trap her in a geyser, make her get lost in the Outlands, kill her, he doesn’t care. Kiburi insists on leading and being the one to do it….HOWEVER the minute he has her cornered, he turns to see if the other Outlanders are nearby before he leans close and lets her run away. He can’t do it. As mad as he is at her right now, he doesn’t have the heart to actually hurt his own flesh and blood. So he shows mercy and gives her the chance to leave the Outlands and never come back. They’ll kill her if she does and all he wants is for her to be safe. When Ucheshi asks why he’s doing this, he says “Scar told me to get rid of you, but he never said how”. She does so, but not before they smile at each other as a thank you
She decided to join the final battle against the Outlanders after a heart to heart with Pua. Kiburi was the last to back down and was about to go after Makuu again until Ucheshi jumped in between them. While she still didn’t want to hurt him, she was ready to if Kiburi didn’t back down. Kiburi then had to make a decision: surrender to Makuu for good or refuse to back down and fight his sister. Kiburi chose the former.
Dunno if I mentioned this in a previous post or not, but they do eventually reconcile in my “Trail to Udugu” idea. Kiburi apologized for everything, especially for all the things he did to hurt her. Ucheshi gladly (yet tearfully) accepted, saying “I forgive you, you big fish-for-brain!” and they hugged it out :)
Kiburi showed Ucheshi how to contact their father. She didn’t believe him at first but once she saw his spirit, she almost began crying. It was a very sweet moment
Kiburi enjoys seeing Ucheshi outsmart anybody who isn’t him hdhdhdh
Kiburi will never approve of Ucheshi and Makuu being together, but he’s learned to accept it cuz he wants her to be happy (although personally he’d prefer literally anyone else). Ucheshi, however, loves Hukumu and thinks she’s perfect for her brother
The two are unstoppable when they work together. Give them any task, they’ll always manage to get it done efficiently (despite their bickering lol)
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devilsrecreation · 7 months
Headcanons for Ucheshi during canon events in TLG
Let Sleeping Crocs Lie-She was definitely trying to make the best of her time during the Dry Season, trying to be optimistic about the whole ordeal. She honestly didn’t mind Kiburi’s little mutiny at first since they were all desperate for some water, but what she didn’t approve was Kiburi calling for a mashindano. She actually followed Kiburi afterwards and was like “Kiburi, I’m only gonna say this cuz I care about you…but what the hell are you doing?!” and begged Kiburi to call it off. Before the mashindano, one of the other females was all “So who do you think is gonna win?” and everyone else was all “Makuu.”, Ucheshi included. She loves her big brother, but even she knows he doesn’t stand a chance. Like everyone else, she had no clue about Kiburi’s little scheme and was genuinely planning to visit him daily when he lost the mashindano. The fight itself was hard to watch, but when Kiburi revealed his plan out of the blue, it hurt her even more.
The Little Guy-I’ve already mentioned her reaction to Hodari wanting to be in the float, but as for the rest of the episode, she and the other female crocodiles were doing their own thing. And thank the spirits because Kiburi would have gotten off worse than being roared at
The Savannah Summit-After Makuu walks away from the Summit after Kion pounces on him. Ucheshi happened to be eating her lunch when he walked by. She let him confide in her and convinced him to give the other leaders another chance, which is where he was going before running into the Guard and almost falling into the trap
Battle for the Pride Lands-This would be where she finally fights against Kiburi to protect Makuu. Kiburi wasn’t initially going to surrender unlike the other Outlanders, but the moment his sister was in front of him, he had no choice but to back down for good. It was either that or fight his sister. As mad as he was at her, he could/would never dream of it. He made a promise and he intends to keep it
Her voice claim would be Mandy Moore (Rapunzel from Tangled)
I like to think if Ucheshi had a canon episode, it would be her teaching the guard how to outsmart the Outlanders rather than just fight them all the time, though she is a bit hesitant at first. When Scar hears about how the guard has outsmarted Janja, Reirei, and even Mzingo, he sends Kiburi and his float to try to stop them. It’s then when the guard realize why Ucheshi wanted to avoid fighting so much. She knew that crocodiles were the best fighters, and if she kept fighting the crocodile way, she would have to fight Kiburi, which is the last thing she wants. In her mind, if she didn’t fight, then she wouldn’t have to see Kiburi. In the end, she both outsmarts and defeats him using her fighting skills without him fighting back.
Thinking about my Makuu-Kiburi role swap au and I feel like Ucheshi would be one of Makuu’s followers since Tamka, Nduli, and Neema still stay with Kiburi. Although not stupid, she’d take Tamka’s role and lead a couple of Makuu’s other henchmen. I think it’d be interesting to see Kiburi’s reaction to his own sister being involved with Makuu’s scheme. The look of betrayal on his face would say it all
Gotta love croc angst
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devilsrecreation · 25 days
i'd love to hear some headcannons for the crocs in makuu's float! :3
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-I named him Usumbufu (annoyance/inconvenience)
-He’s just a bit younger than Pua, but the eldest since Makuu took over
-Was and still is a good friend of Pua’s. He definitely visits him the most out of everyone in the float next to Hodari. Pua appreciates the snacks he brings (like a wildebeest leg)
-He wasn’t the best with the hatchlings, but he of course tried to help raise them in any way he could. Pua is very grateful for that
-Like Hasira/the orange skink in Shupavu’s group, he’s seen some shit. But while Hasira’s experiences were more comical, his were more traumatic. He’s basically a war veteran for what he’s been through, tho he doesn’t like to talk about it
-Being the eldest, he always has a story to tell. All you have to do is ask him. Kinda nice to talk to someone once in a while, though don’t expect a heart to heart
-You know how Skips always says “yeah I’ve seen this before” before telling Mordecai and Rigby how to solve the problem? That’s him. He’s the Skips of the float
-He essentially opens up a bit to Hodari after the gecko asks him how he’s doing. One simple question, that’s all it took. And Hodari didn’t just listen, he was supportive too. While Bufu appreciates it, he just goes “ah you’re too good for this world”
-He will not lie, he got a little attached to Nduli. He wasn’t expecting to cuz they aren’t related, but Nduli reminds him of himself when he was younger: innocent and naive. He knows he shouldn’t care about Kiburi’s float bc of the trouble they caused, but he secretly hopes Nduli never changes
-So I’m kiiiiinda toying with a possible hc that he’s Makuu’s father? If I decide that, I won’t say he was a bad one but he…wasn’t the best. Ig he was too hard on Makuu in the past, which would probably explain his teaching methods. But then again, I still really like the idea that Pua was essentially the father figure in everyone’s lives
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- Name: Kutegemea (dependable)
- Makuu’s new BFF since the rift with Kiburi. The two were always close, he just got an upgrade lol
-Very smart for a crocodile, as a parallel to Tamka’s stupidity
-The muscle of the group (also a parallel to Tamka’s weakness lol)
-Being bothered by smaller animals happens to him a lot. He doesn’t know why he has to be the unlucky one, but he is. He just wishes no one would bother him while he’s resting, is that too much to ask?
-Is always ready to attack. Potential food? Someone trying to pick a fight? Bring it on, asshole >:)
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-Name: Majadiliano (talkative) but everyone calls him Maja
-The parallel to Neema. Neema only makes sounds and doesn’t actually talk, Maja usually doesn’t shut up when you talk to him jfhfhg
-Seriously he and Ucheshi once had a 2 hour long conversation about literally anything on their minds
-He’s more social than the rest of his float. He’s not making new friends anytime soon like Beshte does but it’s nice having someone to talk to. He’d make an excellent public speaker
-While not childish or immature by any means, he is a bit of a jokester and would play small pranks on his float members here and there on a slow day
-He was the crocodile that got his tail stuck under a rock, causing Makuu to hurt his leg in “The Little Guy” (which is canon). He felt incredibly guilty afterwards and kept apologizing profusely to Makuu, even offering to get him some food so he wouldn’t have to move much. While Makuu appreciates this, he claims he’s fine and tells Maja not to worry about it
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Name: Wastani (average)
-He’s Wakali’s parallel: He’s the average joe, a role model, everything a croc should be. Don’t get him wrong, he’s fine with that, but he wants to be at least a LITTLE different. He wants to stand out, he wants to have a gimmick of his own. Just one thing, that’s all
-He’s currently trying to find said gimmick. Hasn’t had much luck, but he will….someday. Closest thing he has are his ideas that are actually pretty helpful
-He had the chance to talk with Wakali while she was training with Makuu. Wakali told him she wished she could be like him and he responded with how he wished the opposite. In a way, he played a small role in her journey to accept who she is by telling her to keep being different
-Guess he has a thing without realizing it: he helps animals. It’s not worldly advice but it’s the little things that count
And they all got Makuu’s back :)
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devilsrecreation · 9 months
Couple more things about my girl, Ucheshi
Being siblings, Ucheshi tends to bicker a lot with Kiburi, even as adults. Ucheshi 100% starts it since Kiburi’s a lot of fun to mess with lmaooooo
“I told you already, if you’re not gonna join my float, then get out of my territory.”
“I’m not in your territory *takes a step forward* I am now! *steps back* But now I’m not! Am! Not! Am! Not! *giggles*”
“Yeah, that’s real mature.”
“What, I can’t have a little fun?”
“This isn’t fun.”
“You don’t even know what fun is!”
“Course I know what fun is! It’s sparring.”
“Sparring isn’t fun.”
“Is to me.”
“Whatever you say, Mr. Boring.”
“Name-calling? Really?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you based on how boring you are.”
“What does Makuu even see in you?”
“Oh, someone’s jealous!~”
“Jealous of Makuu? Don’t make me laugh!”
“I dunno, you do get really obsessed with him. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you had a secret crush on him!”
“I don’t have a crush on him!”
“You never know!”
“If you weren’t my sister, I swear-“
Yeah, it’s like that
She can outsmart other animals by pulling a Looney Tunes. You know that Rabbit Season Duck Season joke? It’s like that. She mostly does it to Kiburi and his friends for laughs. Hell, she’s even done it to Makuu on occasion
A good example would be during the events of “The Savannah Summit”. Makuu would be ranting about how the other leaders don’t trust him and it’s like
Ucheshi: Look, I’m sure they’ll all warm up to you eventually. You just need to be patient. Give them another chance!
Makuu: Absolutely not. All they and the Lion Guard did was make things harder for us. I’m not giving them any more chances.
Ucheshi: Sure, you will
Makuu: *chuckles* No, I won’t
Ucheshi: Yes, you will~
Makuu: No, I won’t.
Ucheshi: Yes, you will
Makuu: No, I won’t
Ucheshi: You will
Makuu: I won’t
Ucheshi: You will
Makuu: I won’t!
Ucheshi: You won’t
Makuu: I will!
Ucheshi: No, you won’t!
Makuu: Yes, I will and that’s final! In fact, I’m going to go set things right. *starts walking away, but pauses*
Makuu: Clever girl.
She and Kiburi used to rap together all the time when they were kids. They could make a rap about anything and it always made them laugh. They were so in-sync, you could say there was some sort of psychic link between them. It always used to cheer them up whenever the mood was down. It wasn’t the same when they stopped talking. Ucheshi and Hodari had fun doing it (Hodari tried his best) for a while but she still felt that missing link she once had with Kiburi. Meanwhile, Kiburi stopped rapping altogether since he was more serious and Tamka and Nduli couldn’t rap to save their lives (Neema could, but his version is basically FNF with all the sounds he makes lmao)
Their rapping actually helped them find the trail to Udugu. It was very heartwarming when they realized none of them forgot about it
Even though she wasn’t there whenever Kiburi attacked Makuu’s float, the battles would be very different if she was. Kiburi would have a disadvantage, not because Ucheshi is stronger than him (they’re equally strong in terms of fighting), but because Kiburi refuses to lay a claw on his sister. She would do whatever she wanted to him, but he wouldn’t retaliate. He’d even go so far as to protect her from the rest of his float and anyone else who decides to go after her. They may be on the same side, but nobody touches his little sister
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