#source: doobus goobus
devilsrecreation · 5 months
TLG Human AU shenanigans
Tamka: Kiburi!
Nduli: Kiburi!
Both: KiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKiburiKibu-
Kiburi: What?!
Nduli: Sorry Kiburi, we just wanna let you know something!
Kiburi: Yeah? And what’s that?
Nduli: We love you, Kiburi :)
Kiburi: ….And?
Tamka: And we want a Nokia N-Gage
Kiburi: No you don’t! It went defunct it 2006!
Nduli: Actually, it was in 2007
Kiburi: You know the year it went defunct! Why do you want it?!
Tamka: Cuz it looks cool!
Kiburi: You said that about the OUYA Ya bought last week
Tamka: The OUYA doesn’t have any games
Kiburi: I told you that before we bought it, neither will this!
Nduli: But Kiburi, it’s so cooooooool!
Kiburi: I don’t even think you can play games on that thing! It was a phone service!
Tamka: But Ucheshi said this stuff was awesome!
Kiburi: ……….Boys, stay here
Nduli: Okay, Kiburi.
*Lake Matope or whatever the human equivalent is*
Kiburi: Have you been telling them to buy outdated electronics?
Ucheshi: Yes.
Kiburi: WHY?!
Ucheshi: Because you hurt my boyfriend, fuck you, dude.
Kiburi: Ucheshi, I swear to God-
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disgracefulthings · 5 months
Huan Hua Palace Master: Well, I've been musing the abortion question. For example, I think that killing babies is great! But I also think giving women rights is a no-go
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waterfire1848 · 10 months
[ Zuko locks Azula in her room. ]
Azula: Zuzu. Let me out.
Zuko: No.
Azula: Why not?
Zuko: Because every time you take more than three steps, you get accused of murder and I am not-I’m getting an aneurism.
Azula: Oh, come on. It’s only been like four times.
Zuko: The fact you think that’s normal is actually scary. Four is a concerning amount of cats to own. I don’t even have an analogy for four murder charges.
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weirdkev27 · 8 months
Lucifer: Charlie, it's a proud day in a father's life to bestow a family heirloom onto you.
Charlie: I didn't know we had a heirloom. What is it, Dad?
Lucifer: The most prized thing in the Morningstar name, My Reddit Account.
Lucifer: Yes, it's been passed down to generation. Only one, cause I showed it to your grandfather and He called me cringe. But anyway, this account has been one of the strongest in the history of r/duck. An account with the proud distinction of having the top post of all time, for making the epic meme Big Duckus!
Charlie: Oh God...
Lucifer: This very account has more Reddit gold than Mammon's own net worth! It's the most important reddit account in history, according to my fellow Duckits. A term us duck redditors have bestowed upon our strong community. And with that I leave you my reddit password and the pride of my heart! Um bye! *leaves his daughter alone with the phone*
Charlie: *looks at reddit and sees a post with the caption "At least he owns up to it" a picture of a car with the license plate reading SMOL PP* Hehe gasp oh shit.
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Ebenezer Scrooge: Hey Tim, you didn't hear me say a swear word earlier, did you?
Tiny Tim: Oh, you were making a promise?
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incorrect-hgs · 9 months
Moss Phlox: Well, it's like a wise man once said, "You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out..."
Caraway: Phlox, that's not wisdom, that's the hokey pokey.
Source: doobus goobus
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Incorrect Manga Quote 22
Kirishima: (during lunch) Hey, what's going on, Shoji? Things going good with your girlfriend?
Shoji: Kirishima, I've told you before, I'm not in a relationship.
Kirishima: ... well, uh, catch the game last night...? Boy, that Kanye guy sure is crazy, am I right-?
Shoji: (annoyed) Kirishima, are you just being nice to me so I'll show you what's under my mask?
Kirishima: We've known each other for like ten years, man! I'm sorry, I'm really curious!
Shoji: I'll say it again; no, it is my privacy, and I have a right to keep it. I'm not going to show you, and you need to learn to deal with it-
Tetsutetsu: (sneaks up from behind and pulls the mask off) YOINK! HA HA! GOT YOU-oh...
Kirishima: ... you wear braces?
Shoji: (sigh) I'm self-conscious about how they look and this was the best I could do, okay?
Tetsutetsu: ... y'know, I was kinda expecting something more fantastical.
Shoji: (angry) Well, not every secret is fantastic! Some of them are embarrassing! Thanks, jackass!
Kirishima: (guilty) Yeah, honestly, that wasn't cool, Tetsutetsu.
Tetsutetsu: ... well, if it makes you feel better, here's what's on my chest. (takes off his shirt to reveal a second face breathing heavily)
Kirishima & Shoji: (horrified)
Shoji: Do... do you need medical help or-?
Tetsutetsu: (crying) It's too late for us.
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Hahahahah he is old.
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murasakiyugata · 1 year
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Wanted to show some appreciation for a few of the depictions of Edgeworth in different animated YouTube videos. Sources:
Building a Bridge by Paula Peroff Starcrossed Attorneys by David Oneacre Kiss Kiss Fall in Edgeworth by Yin and Jen A Typical Ace Attorney Trial by Doobus Goobus
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gaillol-13 · 1 year
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Source: Goobus Doobus.
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mlgneverdies · 2 years
DJ Subatomic Supernova: You're adopted.
SAYU: *sad* Why would you say that?
DJ Subatomic Supernova: Because if I don't yell, the only jokes left are tragedy.
SAYU: *crying fish noises*
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bloodypeachblog · 3 years
Bakugou advertising his merch
Bakugo: YOU CAN DIE IN THE COLD OR BUY MY SHIT! IT’S UP TO YOU, MOTHERFU--!! *gets cut off by tv channel*
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Discussing Manga (18+)
Impulse: You have got to read Berserk, Jenni! It's my favorite manga ever! It is so gory! Like, way gorier than you'd expect! There's this guy named Guts who carries a giant sword that's basically just a huge slab of metal with a handle! And he just absolutely destroys his enemies with it! And then there are these demons that are attracted to a mark on his neck that got put there by his best friend who betrayed him and raped his girlfriend! And it is so messed up! Because now Guts has to kill all the demons so he can get back at the guy who betrayed him! It's so good, Jenni! It's so good! What's your favorite manga?!
XS: Um... I like Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie, Bart...
Impulse: ... I agree! That's such a good manga! Izumi and Shikimori are so cute together! It's so fun to see them interact and love each other!
XS: Oh. Wow. I... didn't think you'd like this one as much since your favorite manga is so... R-rated.
Impulse: No, no, no. You shouldn't judge stuff like that based on your personal preferences, you should judge them based on what they're trying to do. One's trying to be violent and scary, and the other's trying to be romantic and funny! And they both do a great job! They're both very good!
XS: Yeah! Yeah, that's a good way of looking at it!
Jessie Quick: Well, my favorite manga is Naruto!
Impulse: (angry) Oh, of course you'd pick a mainstream manga you fucking casual!
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mlgneverdies · 3 years
Repliku: Stop this, you don't even have proof that you're my dad!
Vexen: I got the papers and the blood sample and...wh...gross other things, uh, duh, you're my son. Now, drink your milky!!
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