#ugh I love my boys so muuuuuuch
the boys where lovely tonight 🥺
Niko hugged Aleksi tightly, Joel cuddled Olli so closely I thought for a moment they'd kissed, Joonas put his head on Niko's shoulder from the back, Joel put his arms around Joonas and Niko got on his tiptoes and gently kissed Joel on the cheek 😭
Aleksi and Olli and Joel all looked at and smiled at me 🥰 Joel loved how much I was dancing and headbanging and pointed at me 🖤 and also Niko saw me singing along (and maybe doing some raphands) and gave me a smug smile and I'm like asdfghjkl. dead. done. gone from the earth. stupid rap hobbit. 💕💕💕
I got as many pics and video clips as possible but I'm still not sure if anything came out of those, and I don't know when I'm gonna have time to go through them because I'm leaving for the airport like at 6.30 tomorrow morning so 🙃
Also the gig somehow turned into a random BC tumblr meeting because I went there with @drippinlou @paleangels13 @thisisntaparty and @yourlocalharbourmaster and I then ran into @ladysorbus and @theflyingfeeling 🖤🥰🥺
so anyways tomorrow I'm gonna be fucking off to tour Kraków -> Prague -> Berlin -> Zürich -> Lucern -> Liechtenstein for two weeks
and I never been to any of those countries and I've never been away from home this long and I'm so excited and hyped but also very very nervous 😶
I already got some great tips for Poland & Switzerland but please if anyone has any more hmu 🙏
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johannesviii · 4 years
Top 10 Personal Favorite Hit Songs from 1999
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A list with quite possibly the most embarrassing #1 yet, and considering some of the previous ones, that’s really saying something.
Also, a very, very long list of honorable mentions.
Keep in mind I’m using both the year-end top 100 lists from the US and from France while making these top 10 things. There’s songs in English that charted in my country way higher than they did in their home countries, or even earlier or later, so that might get surprising at times.
Of course there will be stuff in French. We suck. I know. It’s my list. Deal with it.
My musical tastes have always been terrible and I’m not a critic, just a listener and an idiot.
I have sound to color synesthesia which justifies nothing but might explain why I have trouble describing some songs in other terms than visual ones.
This could have almost been a top fifteen, because holy f█cking shit look at this list of honorable mentions. I might eventually make a top 15 for some years (gosh I just finished my 2013 top and it’s a massacre of good songs, an absolute disaster, and I’m seriously considering making it a top 15 or 20 I swear), but for now, it’s still manageable.
Summer Son (Texas) - Why is this so hot. The lyrics aren’t even hot in the first place. What the hell.
That Don’t Impress Me Much (Shania Twain) - Not my favorite song from her but still very good. Fun fact, one of my English teachers was using songs as dictation exercises and that was the hardest one he ever used for that. I don’t think any of us got the Elvis line right. Also he’s solely responsible for me loving The Cure because the second song he used for this kind of exercise was Boys Don’t Cry. This has nothing to do with Shania Twain but I thought it was a fun little story to tell.
Jusqu’au Bout de la Nuit (Emile et Images) - Two French bands from the eighties team up and release a song which is composed of every single one of their hit songs from the eighties, with each chorus sung one after the other, and... it sounds great? And it charted?? My brother absolutely loved them, too. The only reason it’s not on the list is that it feels like cheating, in a way. I mean, half these songs could top some of my lists on their own. Putting them together is a dirty trick, guys! Oh well, I love you all anyway.
Baby One More Time (Britney Spears) - I really love this song and it was on the list at first, but overplay played a big role in its removal from it.
L’Ame Stram Gram (Mylène Farmer) - Has the privilege of being the first Mylène Farmer music video I ever saw in my life. Was incredibly confused but also fascinated. The song isn’t her best though, and she’s on so many of these lists that I claim self care on its removal from this one, especially because, uh... she’s still gonna appear on it anyway. Damn it.
Move Your Body (Eiffel 65) - I told you I loved stupid dance music didn’t I. Unfortunately things aren’t gonna get better as years pass. I just made a list (which is gonna be posted muuuuuuch later) where I put David Guetta six places higher than Adele. This isn’t a joke.
Save Tonight (Eagle Eye Cherry) - I genuinely love this song and it’s kinda sad I couldn’t fit it on any of the two lists where it was elligible.
La Manivelle (Wazoo) - This would NEVER have charted if La Tribu de Dana by Manau hadn’t been such an enormous hit the previous year. Not in a million years. And if it hadn’t, the world would have been a little less fun. So I’m glad. I love it and it was one of the last cuts from this list.
Kiss Me (Sixpence None the Richer) - Was also on the list at first. Was removed because it never ended on any compilation I made and that’s the only reason.
Well, that was long. Here’s the proper list.
10 - Crazy (Britney Spears)
US: Not on the list?? I was very surprised / FR: #14
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So I dug up the first cd compilations I ever made for the previous list, and look what’s the first song on the third compilation I ever made!
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Relistened to it, still love it to bits, put it on the list. Sorry Kiss Me.
9 - All Star (Smash Mouth)
US: #17 / FR: Not on the list
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I know it’s impossible to listen to it with fresh ears after something like 15 years of memes. But it’s still damn good and a ton of fun to sing along with it.
8 - Ma Baker 99 (Boney M)
US: Not on the list / FR: #66
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Where’s that photo of the cd compilation I mentioned in the previous list?
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There it is.
Yep, it’s a remix, but it charted here, and it sounds and looks absolutely fantastic. I had never heard the original at the time for some reason, and that song sounded so badass. I could only understand isolated bits of the lyrics (like “she was the meanest cat in all Chicago town”, “the cops appeared too soon they couldn’t get away”, “she never could cry”) but it was enough to get a general idea, and that was back when I was starting to realise than most of the dance songs I enjoyed as a kid didn’t tell stories and weren’t about wizards and magic. So, a song about a mean woman who’s also a gangster?? I was like, wow, nice, a song I like with an actual story, give me twenty.
7 - Boom Boom Boom Boom (Vengaboys)
US: Not on the list / FR: #20
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Told you I loved Vengaboys! It’s also on that third cd compilation I ever made!
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Fun fact, at the time, for a while I didn’t know what the lyrics were and since I only knew a couple of words of English I was convinced a “broom” was somehow involved in the lyrics instead of a “room”.
6 - Souviens-toi du jour (Mylène Farmer)
US: Not on the list / FR: #73
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again ; I used to be a huge fan of her as a teenager and my brain somehow links her and her songs in general to some dark times in my life - and so, every single time she appears on one of my lists, I feel like I’m texting an unstable ex and that things will end horribly and I probably shouldn’t do that but, ugh, can’t help it, love her too much.
Ok so the first seconds are actually painful to listen to but holy shit, that’s a beautiful, beautiful song. When the chorus swells near the end, so full of hope and light? Amazing. Chills on my arms every single time. That’s from one of her best albums, too. I have nothing more to say about it.
5 - Better Off Alone (Alice Deejay)
US: Not on the list / FR: #30
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I don’t have anything to say about this one apart from the fact one of my friends around 2005 thought the lyrics were “do you think you’re better? rofl lol” and I think that’s hilarious.
Moving on to- oh shit oh no not that song
4 - Je te rends ton amour (Mylène Farmer)
US: Not on the list / FR: #97
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What I said in #6 also applies here and this song is so dark it feels even worse. That song used to be very important in my life. Bad memories, bad times. Really, really bad times.
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So. Uh. This is a song about a woman in a painting, who’s despising her creator, and possibly (that’s very, very open to interpretation, here’s a translation) coming out of her frame to kill him. That’s quite possibly the weirdest story I’ve ever heard in a song, and I love it. And it sounds so sinister. God, the first notes. They are so ominous. And that brief moment of silence after the bridge, right before the guitar explodes again? Horrible chills. I’m not sure who killed who or what actually happened in the story but press F to pay respects.
Also the music video has nothing to do with the lyrics and it’s absolutely terrifying and I shouldn’t have watched this at 14 because it’s kinda burned into my mind now and it will never go away and you probably shouldn’t watch it either.
If it wasn’t so inextricably linked to bad memories, this song would be #2. I still love it and listen to it but I kinda jump like a scared rabbit whenever I hear it by surprise and it should come with its own trigger warning as far as I’m concerned.
3 - Narcotic (Liquido)
US: Not on the list / FR: #99
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This is barely elligible. But I’m so, so glad it is. These chords right there? Love them. Love. Them.
Also here’s a fun story about this song and me. At first, I was like “oh wow, I can only understand one word out of five, but this sounds badass.” Then a couple of years later I was like “oh. Oh no. It’s about drugs.” And THEN a few years later I was like “oh shit oh no. It’s about sex.” But no, now that I can understand everything, it’s just a breakup song. It’s okay.
2 - Where I’m headed (Lene Marlin)
US: Not on the list / FR: #24
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Ok so. Uh. I just realised this song was called Where I’m headed and not, as I believed for literally 18 years, “Pass By”. I had never checked. I have it on several tapes and several cd compilations, always labelled Pass By. It’s also called Pass By on the mp3 I still have in my playlist. I know I’m in the wrong here and probably never checked what the title was but I still feel like there’s been a glitch in the matrix. What happened.
Anyway. Fantastic song. Love it.
Now let’s embarrass myself beyond all hopes of redemption.
1 - Blue (Eiffel 65)
US: Not on the list (...yet. #49 in 2000) / FR: #2
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So. Uh. Yeah.
Blue by Eiffel 65 was, for a long, long, LONG time, my favorite song ever.
See? This is one of my oldest lists of favorite songs.
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Another one from several months later.
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A cd compilation of my favorite songs ever, which I made around 2003 or 2004 as well, with a booklet with lyrics entirely copied by hand and with every page painstakingly illustrated with panels and characters from my favorite comic at the time, Horologiom.
You open the booklet, and look at that, Blue is the second song right after Children.
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This silly song which lists blue things and has a nonsensical chorus and one of the dumbest music videos of the entire 90s was, indeed, for years, my favorite song ever. Why. How. Well, first, please remember I am, in fact, a sucker for dance music and electronic music ESPECIALLY when a piano is involved, but this isn’t at all why this song was special to me (and still is, actually).
As I already mentioned, music has colors to me and guess what’s the dominant color of this song? Yepppppp. This is one of the bluest songs ever made even if there’s a little black, yellow and green here and there - the only song I can think about right now which out-blues it is Derezzed by Daft Punk.
And I can’t even begin to explain how SATISFYING a blue song called “Blue” listing blue things and which has an extremely blue music video is.
I know. It’s an embarrassing #1 even for 1999. It took me a long time to post this list partly for this reason. But I wouldn’t be honest if it was placed at any other position. It’s stupid, it’s repetitive, it’s meaningless. I absolutely love it and I’ve loved it for twenty years.
Deal with it.
Next up: the year when I actually started to buy cds with my own money, with debatable results.
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zelandiangelo · 2 years
Hey, heard you want someone to ask you about kurobasuke so here I am! What's your favorite match and what do you think of Aomine?
you asked me about my WEAKNESS oh man Aomine is my BOY ok. it's about the depression it's about the character arc it's about how even though he fought his hardest against seirin he wanted them to win SO bad. ugh. love him fr he is my favorite of the generation of miracles ^_^
Favorite match is muuuuuuch harder for me to pick LMFAO bc honestly I am SUCH a multishipper (especially because there are so many fun dynamics in this show!) but if I HAD to pick one it would probably be Midorima and Takao! Takao is actually my favorite character in the whole series haha and I just think their dynamic is fun! I'm also a huge fan of glasses wearers lmao.
(however. I also think that Midorima/Kagami and Kuroko/Takao is fun. kagami LITERALLY wrote his name on Midorima's hand the first time they met like come ON)
aaaa thank you so much for talking to me about the basketball boys hehe <3 same questions to you if you wanna answer em!!! and feel free to message me off anon if you feel comfortable with that, I'm low key busy rn so I may not answer quickly lmfao (': but I would love to chat!
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