#ugh gosh I have so much planned for this au I’ve barely even touched
skyward-floored · 4 months
Volga gets some spotlight for a change (hdw au)
Comes after Volga confronting Cia (and Link on Skyloft, but it’s slightly less necessary to understand this)
Volga seeks out and fights the strongest. That is his objective.
He goes where the sorceress tells him, leads monsters into battles as she deems fit. He sees others only as adversaries, evaluating them solely on the threat they pose, the strength they wield.
Nothing else matters.
Only his orders, and strength.
The Hylian army is at their gates, working steadily through the valley, and despite the sorceress increasing Volga’s power, they’re still advancing, calling upon the Great Fairy to aid them. Volga himself is forced to retreat back to Cia’s side, and he stands silently beside her, waiting for her orders.
She’s watching the battle with a look in her eye that grows steadily more enraged, her knuckles whitening on her staff. It isn’t long before she orders him back out, commanding him to find the princess and crush her.
Volga nods, preparing to obey, when the sorceress stops him, a manic look in her eyes.
“This time you will destroy them,” she snarls, and thrusts her hand against his chest.
Power rushes through him, greater than what he had received before, and Volga roars as it fills his veins, turning into a dragon and leaping into the air.
This time he will be the strongest.
Volga glides across the valley, making a beeline towards the army’s leader, the princess’s sword flashing across the battlefield. He lands with a roar, and she quickly turns her attention to him, eyes widening as she leaps out of the way of his first attack.
Volga is merciless, using his weapons of both spear and claws, shooting fire and dive bombing with his dragon form. The princess is annoyingly stubborn though, avoiding nearly all of his attacks, parrying blows and dodging flames.
Some distant part of Volga is impressed.
He snarls as she avoids yet another thrust of his spear, and the princess looks at him, something odd flashing in her gaze.
“Volga! Come to your senses!” she suddenly shouts, parrying an attack. “I know you to fight with honor! What glory is there to be found in using dark magic to win all of your battles?”
“Don’t mock me!” Volga snarls, slamming a clawed hand towards her. How dare she?
“Open your eyes!” Zelda shouts as she dodges, still not giving up. “I believed you to be a proud dragon warrior, not a mercenary for darkness!“
Their weapons clash, and Zelda looks up at Volga without fear, her blue eyes bright.
“Think of your family, Volga. Look past the darkness clouding your vision.”
Volga falters just a hair, a snarl dying in his throat. There is certainly no darkness clouding him, merely the extra power the sorceress provided, but Zelda’s words of family carry a spark of something different. Something... important?
Volga shakes his head, frowning.
...What had she said again?
The spark fades, and Volga roars, hitting her backwards with a clawed hand. The princess is thrown to the ground with a cry, but before Volga can press his attack, there’s a flash of blue and green, and the Hero stands in his way, sword raised.
He has a stricken expression on his face, but Volga barely registers it, roaring again as he goes to face the both of them. The princess regains her footing as the hero slams his shield up to block Volga’s spear, and the three of them resume the fight.
Other monsters join the attack, and the hero’s attention is drawn to keeping them away from his princess, mostly leaving her and Volga to fight alone. Volga draws constantly on the sorceress’s power, and it’s soon obvious the princess begins to flag against his brutal attacks.
She fights on though, tenacious as ever. Soon enough Volga finds their weapons locked again, her eyes fixed on his face.
“Knight Volga, I thought you a protector, a dragon of honor,” she says, voice breathless but earnest. Blood drips across her eye but she doesn’t loosen her grip to wipe it away. “This isn’t who you are, drawing on dark power, fighting in wars for a cause you don’t believe in!”
That persistent spark of something comes back in Volga’s mind, flickering in his thoughts, buzzing in his memory. It makes him falter, just a little.
“Please,” Zelda repeats, still straining against his spear. “For Link’s sake.”
The name rings familiar, and Volga stumbles as a face flickers in his mind, blue eyes shining through the murk. Looking at him in trepidation as information spills from hylian lips, scales glittering in places they have no right to be.
What is this memory?
He can’t recall the events that led to it, or what came after, or even where he was when it occurred. In fact... all he can really recall is the sharp urge to fight the strongest, destroy the enemy, do as the sorceress commands.
Who is the boy with scales on his arms, and hair nearly the same color as his own?
“Volga,” the princess speaks again, less strained now, and Volga belatedly realizes he’s stopped fighting. “Fight past this darkness. I know you are more than what Cia is letting you be.”
The name is like a clap of thunder in his head, and suddenly the darkness he’d denied was choking him is all too evident, coursing through him alongside his fire, constricting his thoughts and twisting his actions. Its influence is overwhelming, and Volga clutches a hand over his chest, thoughts whirling as memories rush back.
Cia invading his home and forcing him under her service, ignoring his wishes to be left alone. Using her magic to make him fight, starting a war over lust for his son, putting him on the opposite side of his own kin.
Purposely obscuring the fact that he had a son.
Volga snarls, anger rising as flames drip from his lips. Cia used dark power, foisted upon him without his say, using him as nothing but another pawn in her game and his son—
“No... no!” Volga shouts, gripping at his head with both hands. “I won’t be ruled by darkness!”
He won’t remain Cia’s puppet for another second.
Volga lashes out at the darkness coating him, tearing at Cia’s influence in his chest. He can feel her power fight back the moment he pushes against it, darkness reaching up to claw at his mind, but Volga tears back with claws of his own, refusing to succumb to it again.
He pushes back with his own power, not that of the sorceress, fire clashing with darkness.
A roar builds in his throat as he gains a solid foothold, and he pushes it out, Cia’s dark power leaving him all in a rush.
And he is free.
Weakness follows the loss of power, but even as Volga drops to a knee, he feels more clearheaded, more alive, then he has in weeks.
And it’s overwhelmingly refreshing.
Volga curls his fingers into the dirt as he regains his bearings, clutching his spear as he raises himself up off the ground again. The princess stands a few feet away, watching him with a hopeful look on her face, and Volga huffs, looking away.
...right into the eyes of the hero.
His son.
Volga stares, the boy staring back with an uncertain look on his face. The hero’s gaze is interrupted by a monster slashing at him, and Volga shakes himself, then looks around the battlefield, taking in what he’s missed.
His gaze falls on the princess again, and something burns in his chest, a need to finish what he started. Volga raises his spear in challenge, pointing it at her and the hero.
“This time I will duel you properly. I will win this fight under my own power,” he declares.
He has other business, important business even (Cia will pay, he swears it), but his pride insists he finishes this fight. He wants to show the two of them how he really fights, no dark powers, no false strength.
To finish the fight he began in an honorable manner.
The princess hesitates at his request, exchanging a loaded look with her hero. But he nods, and she nods as well, pointing her sword back.
And they start the fight anew, dragon, princess, and hero.
The fight is invigorating, to say the least. Volga’s very scales seem to buzz with excitement as he battles the two, the old fire coming back to his blood. They’re an incredible team, truly powerful, and fighting them helps immensely with continuing to wake him up, forcing any remnant of Cia’s power from his bones.
They weave in and out in tandem, one of them striking, and then darting out as the other attacks. Despite the remaining weakness from the loss of darkness, Volga matches them blow for blow, his blood singing as he duels the two.
He hasn’t had a fight this challenging in years, and it reminds him of older days, of other duels.
A smile on a tanned face, ruby-red eyes, hair the color of new-fallen snow...
Volga promptly pushes that image aside. He needs to focus on the here and now, and his strength is fading, the hero and princess still pressing their attack.
As much as he hates to admit it, Cia’s actions have left him low on strength, and as enjoyable as this fight is... he’s fading. Rather fast.
And suddenly, he finds himself on his knees, a sword pointing at his neck.
Volga looks at Zelda, then over at his son, both of them breathing hard. An odd feeling of pride runs through him as he looks at the boy, and he almost smiles. Only one other person has ever been able to truly best him in battle, and it’s clear both of them learned from her.
Impa taught them well.
...It was no wonder Cia wanted one dead and the other her captive.
Anger courses through him at the reminder of the sorceress’s treachery, but his energy is spent. Too spent for him to reasonably mount a successful attack on her.
His vengeance will have to wait.
The princess opens her mouth to speak, but Volga beats her to it, closing his eyes as blood runs from a cut over one of them. “I accept my defeat with honor. I lose, but I do so without regrets.”
He exhaled and looks up at the two of them, and his son meets his eyes again, blood and dirt smeared on his face.
Volga gives him a singular nod, then despite his weariness, turns into his dragon form and takes off into the skies. He needs to rest, and recover from his wounds before figuring out what to do next.
And... process the ramifications of having a son.
Link and Zelda watch him go in silence, Volga’s wings bright as a comet as he glides away. They’re both breathing heavily from the battle, small injuries bleeding, burns stinging. Zelda is smiling though, and there’s a hesitant sort of hope in Link’s eyes as they watch the dragon grow smaller in the distance.
Zelda squeezes Link’s shoulder as Volga finally disappears from their sight, but they don’t have time to dwell on what just occurred.
Cia still needs to be taken care of. But then...
Link supposes they’ll figure it out.
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petri808 · 4 years
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Hauntober prompt Ghost (sort of lol)
Bakudeku requested by @nona-inc Angst w/happy ending, AU modern times. Longer than I’d planned to write but stories go where they wanna lol.
Got the idea here
A Second Chance
In his adulthood, Izuku Midoriya did quite well for himself career-wise. He had a nice home and lived comfortably even though it was alone. Relationships had never really crossed his mind, which he chalked up to the turmoil of his childhood. It wasn’t a terribly horrible one but coming from divorced parents is never easy on young child minds. Why get close to anyone if they’ll probably leave eventually? That was a lesson bolstered by the end of primary school when his best friend ditched him for the popular kids.
It was Halloween night, and Izuku’s simply followed his normal routine after work consisting of dinner while watching a bit of television. Trick or treaters were a rarity in his neighborhood, so there was no sense in celebrating the holiday. As he waits for the news, he lets the current show drone on in the background while he scrolled mindlessly through his social media. He didn’t pay a lot of attention to what acquaintances posted and mostly looked for interesting or funny posts instead.
Izuku’s brow furrows slightly at that ancient nickname. He looks at the television characters on the screen, had one of them said it? But instead of the tv show, he finds a fuzzy, staticky screen. He grabs his remote assuming something had gone wrong with the channel or service when...
“Deku, I’m sorry...”
“What the?” Izuku starts clicking the buttons and getting no response. The screen stays stuck, yet that voice... it was a familiar voice from long ago...
“...I’ve watched you from afar for all these years, because I could never admit how much I loved you and now it’s too late. I’m so sorry Deku. You’ll always be my only true love.”
Silence. Dead silence for a flash of a second when the television loudly blares back to life and startles Izuku out of his seat into a standing position. “What the fuck is going on?!”
The show had ended, and the news is now on in its regular-timed slot.
‘Breaking news, a major four car accident on the I10 highway has left 3 people dead and one in a critical condition. The victim identified as 37-year old K. Bakugou had been transported to the hospital for treatment. Police have closed off the highway in both directions, so anyone traveling in that area should use alternative routes...’
As he watches the footage of the accident story, Izuku’s hand unconscious covers his mouth and tears gather in his eyes. “Oh my gosh....” That was the voice he’d just heard! Of course, Katsuki was the only one who ever called him Deku.
He quickly calls one of the nurses at his hospital and they confirm that the man had in fact been transported there 15 minutes ago.
“Oh! Dr. Midoriya! We were just about to call you! Yes, patient Bakugou was brought in unconscious, lacerations to his arms and chest, broken leg, possible punctured lung, internal bleeding, concussion, and brain swelling which is why I was just about to call you in.”
“I’ll be right there.”
The entire way there, Izuku struggles to rationalize the message. If Katsuki was unconscious, how could that have been his voice? Then again that’s if you believed his television had somehow sent the message in the first place! Oh, this was entirely crazy! Izuku didn’t even know why his logical mind was allowing him to believe it had happened if not for the coincidence of the news coverage.
But as a neurosurgeon, he had to put all those questions aside and focus on the task at hand. The description the nurse had given him already indicated major problems, but it wasn’t until his own physical examination that determined the true extent of the damage. Primary surgical nurse Uraraka already had set up the operating room by the time Izuku arrived.
“The patient was revived once by EMTs in the ambulance and a second time in the ER after his heart stopped. Right now, the patient is intubated and prepped for emergency surgery.”
“Thank you, nurse Uraraka.”
Along with a fellow doctor, Izuku switched into a hyper focused mode. He works to repair the damage to the patient’s brain while the other doctor simultaneously focuses on internal chest injuries. Time was of the essence to stem the blood loss and mitigate further damage if they had any hope of saving the man, because even if he made it through the surgery, only a miracle would bring him back at this point.
It was now a waiting game. They keep Katsuki in a medically induced coma for the first three weeks as his body worked hard to repair itself. Once he was brought out of the induced coma, he still didn’t wake up, was breathing with the assistance of a machine, but at least the man’s heart was functioning normally. Surprisingly, Katsuki’s parents remembered Izuku and were grateful their son was in familiar hands. They’d initially flew in after the accident, but the cost to stay for such a long length of time would be too steep. So, after they returned home, he kept them up to date.
Each day that passed by, Izuku would check in on Katsuki’s progress like a normal doctor would, but at night he’d go home and ponder the ghostly message that had come through the television. He’d told no one about it because who would believe something so crazy? It just didn’t sound like the man, or rather child he remembered. Never once was there any indication Katsuki had romantic feelings for him, especially considering it was him not Izuku that ended their friendship. They saw each other in passing though middle, then high school and still nothing. So why is he now being told this?
Some say that when you die, any regrets you have must be released or your soul cannot ascend to the next plane. Izuku wasn’t religious or spiritual and before that Halloween trick he would have said he didn’t believe in anything beyond what he couldn’t see, touch, feel, and analyze. Ugh! Maybe that’s why this was all driving him so crazy. He wanted answers but the one person who could give it to him was stuck in a coma.
“Everything okay doctor?” One of the LPN’s asks Izuku. “I just need to check on the patients vitals.”
“Do what you need to nurse, I’m just visiting before I go home for the night.”
“Yes, doctor.” The woman makes her chart notations and leaves them alone again.
Because of Izuku’s standing at the hospital, he’d gotten Katsuki a private room. The man was taken off the breathing machine a week earlier and this way he could monitor the man without being pestered. There were times he would spend a few hours just watching the man sleep, trying to study what had become of his childhood friend. Through research, Izuku learned Katsuki had moved here around the same time that he’d started his internship at the hospital. Before that the man lived in the same town as the medical school he attended. It appeared Katsuki really was keeping track of Izuku, never married, and just worked in the marketing field.
Izuku squeezes the man’s hand with his eyes closed in a silent conversation. The only sounds being the beeps and noises of the machines to break the stillness. Lost in his own thoughts, he didn’t know what to think, what to feel, just that this man was dredging up long buried emotions that part of him was afraid to open up. Hadn’t he built up a good life, albeit a lonely one, it was still by his own wit and merits whereas Katsuki always had it so easy. The man was a smart, handsome jock, popular, and had been on track to do great things. While he was the geeky kid with freckles and wild green hair who the popular kids teased.
They were so close as little kids, all through preschool and the first years of primary. Katsuki was the extroverted one pulling him along on make believe adventures to emulate a shared love of a comic book character. In fact, it was with Katsuki’s help that he’d weathered his parent’s divorce. He idolized the stronger boy and wished he was Katsuki, not a weak like little nerd... perhaps having his child’s heart broken, really was the reason he swore off ever caring about anyone else again.
Did he just?! Izuku’s eyes pop open when his hand squeeze is returned by a weak one. Katsuki’s eyes are still closed and nothing else seemed unchanged. Perhaps it was just a nervous tremor, they happen sometimes. But no there it is again! Izuku stares down as the weak squeeze slowly turns into a grasp of his hand.
A third squeeze. That meant the man was alert enough to hear and understand! Friend or not, it was the kind of thing to get a neurologist excited! Izuku quickly moved into doctor mode again and starts checking all the stats as well as alerting the nurse on shift.
“Welcome back Mister Bakugou.”
The man squeezes his hand.
“I’m your doctor, Midoriya. You might remember me...”
The man squeezes again and tries to talk, but after being intubated for a long time the throat tends to be dry, sore, and the muscles weakened. All that comes through is so faint it’s barely audible.
“Mister Bakugou, you’ve been unconscious for almost two months now, please try not to talk just yet, everything will be fine.”
But that only makes the man angrier. Furious red eyes flashing, Katsuki grips harder to Izuku’s hand using what little strength he has to try and pull him closer. So, Izuku leans in. “Calm down, it’s gonna...”
“Ma—y...” angry growling noises. “Mar...”
Obviously, the man wasn’t going to stop until he gave in, so Izuku leans in even more until his ear is practically next to Katsuki’s mouth. “I’m sorry?”
“Marry me damnit!!”
Izuku shoots straight up. “What?!” Is the guy serious?! The first words out of his mouth is that?! Wow... Katsuki really hasn’t changed, feisty as ever even after almost dying.
“Pa-pa—per pen!”
“H-hold on, just try to calm down please! I don’t want you to strain your heart!”
Midoriya grabs the chart, flips the paper over to the blank backside, and puts a pen in Katsuki’s hand. He holds it steady as the man scribbled shakily. ‘No waste 2nd chance marry me Deku.’
“Mister Bakugou, this is...”
The man pounds his fist on the bed then scribbles more. ‘Stop call me that! nickname!’
Izuku sighs and squeezes his eyes closed for a second. He hadn’t used that name since primary just like he’d hadn’t heard Deku all these years. “Kacchan. Happy now? I-I can’t just say okay. You—y-you ditched me remember and now you suddenly pop up and expect me to marry you?! Kacchan you almost died, I get it, that’s a scary thing to deal with, but you just need time to process...”
Katsuki writes, ‘Nothin 2 think bout. No more regrets,’ Then he mouths out the rest in a whisper, “I love you Deku.”
Izuku sighs, “I’m not saying yes or no Kacchan. Just get well first okay, then we’ll talk about everything.”
“Fine.” The man closes his eyes again seemingly satisfied with the answer.
He squeezes Katsuki’s hand. “I’ll see you in the morning Kacchan.”
When Izuku leaves that evening, he couldn’t help but walk out with a flutter in his chest and a pang in his heart. There really was a lot he still needed to get off his chest, but... he felt the honesty from Katsuki. If his dying regrets had been strong enough to reach him via spiritual mail, and the first thing he wanted to talk about was love, then... ‘take the second chance Izuku.’ Not everyone gets one.
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fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Can You Hear Me?- Part 8
Johnny x Reader
Author: MoRo
Prompt: Oooh okayy, I’d like to request some Johnny fluff please? Like maybe a soulmate au 
Summary: You were unconcerned about soulmate things because getting it was the end of your final year in collage and time was counting down until graduation. But what happens when your soulmate suddenly appears right before your finals exams and it turns out he’s been there for much longer than you knew? Having your soulmate in your head was not something you needed but the more you get to know him, the more you appreciate him being there. College!Johnny x reader
Note: Writing this fic has made me become Johnny trash like oof, (I also got carried away on this one... sorry not sorry)
Warnings: Y’all we’re still HELLA fluffy but getting a little bit spicer ;) Word Count: 2.5kish
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 
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You wake up the next morning to light streaming in from Johnny's bedroom windows. You crinkle your nose and rub your eyes, trying to adjust to the light.
Sitting up, you stretch rolling out your neck then shoulders then arms before trying to touch your toes. You let out soft groans when everything stretches nicely.
"Sounds like you slept well." A voice teases from the door.
Johnny is there, arms crossed in his black sweatshirt, leaning against his door frame with a pair of black framed glasses on.
You squint at him and smile sleepily. 
"Yeah I did. I think the jet lag got me though." 
You groan again lightly before flopping back down, hair and arms sprawled out on the bed.
Johnny takes a running start and jumps onto the bed next to you. His weight makes you bounce slightly, causing you to laugh.
"Yeah it really did, it's already the afternoon. You slept through breakfast." He informs you while propping his head up on his hand.
You sharply look at him, eyes wide. "Oh my God really? I missed the breakfast your mom made me! Now I feel terrible!" You freak out, covering your eyes with your hands.
"It's alright babe. Eomma told me not to wake you. Her exact words were, 'Johnny let her sleep. She's had a long trip and we'll have plenty of more breakfasts later.' So," He takes a piece of your hair and curls it around his finger,  "I wouldn't worry your pretty self about that." You just look at him, not impressed and still feeling terrible.
"I still feel terrible though..."  You tell him.
He laughs softly and leans close to you. "There's no need to. She cares more about you sleeping enough." Then he gives you a soft kiss on your forehead. "Good morning baby."
You smile and cup his cheek with one of your hands. "Good morning Johnny."
He smiles back at you and runs a hand through that black hair.
"By the way you're like super cute in the morning. Like you're already the cutest thing in existence but in the morning you're so soft and sleepy and ugh." He confesses, cheeks lightly dusted pink.
You cover your face with your hands again and laugh. "Oh my God you're so cheesy, stop it."
He laughs with you. "But you love it."
"That I do." You say shaking your head at him.
Then he sits up and claps lightly. "So if you're not too tired I have plans for today."
You sit up too, intrigued. "Ooooh like what?"
"Well I wanted to take you to see some of the things everyone who comes to Chicago needs to see. Like the Bean, Navy Pier, the aquarium. Things like those." Johnny gives you a smile, crinkling his eyes again.
"Those sound like so much fun!" You smile back at him.
"Really? That's awesome! I've always wanted to show them to someone. It's nice to see things differently through someone else's eyes."
He spreads his arms open wide in excitement and you lean forward, ungracefully into his arms. Your chin hits his sternum hard and he lets out a soft oof before closing his arms around you. "I planned that better in my head." He chuckles lightly.
"I'm also not very graceful by the way."  You laugh, sound muffled by his chest.
You squirm up his body so your face is in front of his, then you plant a kiss on his nose. "I love you Johnny Seo."
"I love you too Y/N."
You give him one more big grin before sliding out of his arms and off the bed. "You said your mom made me breakfast?"
Johnny laughs and shakes his head. "You and your one track mind."
After the late breakfast, you and Johnny head into downtown Chicago.
He holds your hand the whole time in the car despite you worrying about him not having two hands on the wheel. He made driving look so smooth and effortless which made you feel a bit better even if he didn't have two hands on the wheel.
Eventually he found a parking spot that was relatively near everything.
He looked like he could barely hold in his excitement to show you the first stop. He bounced on his tiptoes with his face half buried in his scarf.
"You ready babe?" He grinned big at you and took your hand.
You walk up with Johnny to this giant sculpture. It literally looked like a Bean. A giant silver bean. You could even see your reflection in it. You saw a bundled up girl next to a giant less bundled up man. Said man was still smiling big at you with his phone in his hand, taking pictures.
"So what do you think?"
"It really is a bean." You laugh, "But it's really cool looking. And it's so reflective."  
"And one of the other cool things is taking pictures in it." He holds up his phone and pulls you close. You both smile into the bean as Johnny snaps picture after picture, occasionally changing it up and making silly faces or planting kisses on each others cheeks.
Once done with pictures, you walk around the whole bean a few times just taking it in. Johnny trails behind you, watching you. You brush your gloved fingertips up against the cold hard surface, watching how the different angles of the Bean bend the reflection of you. You spend some more time looking until your shivering makes Johnny take you to the next stop he has planned.
"I haven't been to an aquarium in forever!"  You exclaim as you walk into the entrance. You bet you look like a kid in a candy shop. You just found aquariums to be so cool and whimsical at times.
Johnny laughs as he walks with you to the first exhibit. "You're so freakin cute."
You blush a little and hit his arm. He grabs your arm and brings your hand to his mouth, kissing your fingertips gently. Which makes you blush even more and you look away slightly.
He laughs at your reaction and interlocks your fingers before letting you take the lead.
You look just like a little kid sometimes the way you almost press your face against the glass at different exhibits. Johnny just chuckles softly and shakes his head at you all while taking pictures of you.
At one point you take off away from him and when he catches up to you, you're plopped down on the ground right in front of the glass of a huge tank that extends floor to ceiling.
You have this wide-eyed expression on your face. You're so enthralled by the fish and other sea creatures in the tank that you don't even notice when Johnny finally caught up with you.
"Oh my gosh she's so perfect." He says in his head to himself while looking at you.
"I can feel you..." You say softly still looking at the sea creatures. "I didn't know what you said, but I can feel what you're feeling."
"Oh?" That surprised him, "You can? What am I feeling?"
You look at him as if seeing him for the first time again.
"Love. Pure, undying love and adoration." The blue light from the tank tints your red blushed cheeks a light purple.
He walks closer to you and pulls you up to your feet. "Oh am I?" He nudges your neck with his nose.
You sigh lightly and lean into his touch. "Y-yeah, it's coming off of you in strong waves."  
Your breath hitches a little as he gently kisses your neck making his way up to your cheek then to your forehead. Your entire body flushes and feels warm.
"Y-you're such a tease." You breath out softly as he pulls away from you with an evil smirk.
He shrugs and hugs you close. "You're fun to tease baby. You give the cutest reactions."
Rolling your eyes, you hug him close too. "You're so annoying."
He throws his head back and laughs at you. "But you love me Y/N."
You snuggle into his chest a little more and laugh.
At the end of the aquarium, you go into the giftshop to look around. In there you see the cutest porpoise plushie you've ever seen.
You practically yell out while making a bee line for it.
The porpoise plushie has a soft pastel pink body and a white underbelly. It's cute little eyes were closed like it was sleeping. You hugged it to your chest.
"And it is so soft and huggable."  
You look up at Johnny who is looking at you with an amused look on his face.
"I'm getting him."  You tell him.
He just puts his hands up, "Alright alright." He surrenders, remembering how you almost beat him for buying you Starbucks.
Excitedly, you hand the cashier the money and hug your plushie once more. Then Johnny gets an idea.
"Hey babe can I see your plushie for a sec?" He has a ridiculous grin on his face. But you hand it over anyway.
"So why are you smiling like that?"  You quirk an eyebrow up.
"Because", he says looking proud as he boops you on the nose with the plushie's nose. "You give me porpoise." Then he cracks up and fakes wipes tears away from his eyes.
You just look at him and roll your eyes again before breaking into a smile. "I can't with you anymore."  
He looks back at you with that goofy grin of his that melts your heart every time.
"Onto the next place before it gets dark!" He yells out as he drags you excitedly from the aquarium gift shop.
You leave your new plushie in the car as you get out at the next destination. Navy Pier.
"Wow... It's so pretty! I've heard so much about Navy Pier! It's like one of the most famous things in Chicago!" You gush, holding onto Johnny's hand and bouncing on your toes.
"Can we go on the Ferris Wheel!?" You point to the brightly colored Ferris Wheel that is beginning to light up as the sky gets darker.
Johnny laughs and smiles at your giddiness.
"Of course we can! You don't think I already thought of that?" He flashes two fast pass tickets.
"Oh my God you're so amazing." You throw yourself at him and wrap your arms around his neck, hands clasped at his nape.
Looking up at him, you nuzzle your nose to his. "I love you Johnny Seo."
His face breaks into another smile and he nuzzles you back. "I love you too Y/N."
With a smile, you unclasp your hands from his neck and grab his hand, dragging him towards the Ferris Wheel.
On the Ferris Wheel, you sit in the spot with the best view. As the pod you're in rises into the air, the view of Chicago lays itself out in front and beneath you.
You can see all of Navy Pier down below you. To your side, the horizon takes you all the way out to Lake Michigan. Then to your other side is all of Chicago. All the criss-crossing roads and bustling people. The city has begun to light up with the impending night time.
"Oh my God it's even better than when I arrived..." You whisper to yourself.
You turn to Johnny with shining eyes and grab his hand. "Thank you so much. It's so gorgeous..."
Johnny gives you a soft smile. "Of course. Anything for the love of my life." He says quietly as if to not break the moment you two have made.
He gently places a stray strand of hair back behind your ear and cups your cheek with one hand. He then softly brushes a thumb against your bottom lip.
You glance up at him and he's biting his lip while his eyes are looking at your lips.
You lean into his touch, heart beginning to beat faster.
"Omg it's finally happening!!" You squeal inside as your heart beats a million miles a minute.
He leans in and you follow.
Closing your eyes, you feel his lips finally meet yours. It's a soft gentle ghost of a feeling before he deepens it.
His plush lips move against yours, hungry. Johnny takes one hand off your cheek and puts it on your waist to pull you closer to him.
You let out a little squeak when he pulls you closer but then melt back into the kiss. Your lips move against his, equally hungry for more.
Getting bold, your hands snake up to his nape and you tangle your fingers in his hair. This makes him let out a small groan before he kisses you harder, exploding your world.
His teeth drag slightly on your bottom lip, tugging on it a little. Now you let out a small groan before he swallows it and grips you harder as though his life depended on it. "Ungh baby..." He groans softly.
Soon the need for air becomes too overpowering and you're forced to part.
You look up at him, flushed and a bit dizzy from what just happened.
He looks down at you with a drunken smile and equally flushed cheeks. "So was it worth the wait?"
You touch your swollen lips. "Definitely... I would wait all over again."
He laughs and hugs you close, stupid in love.
After the Ferris Wheel, you two walk to the edge of the pier to watch the sunset.
Johnny stands behind you with his arms around your waist, hands tucked in your pockets, and with his chin resting on top of your head.
You both stay still in complete silence as the water engulfs the sun in a display of glowing colors splashed across the sky.
He kisses the top of your head softly and squeezes you tight.
"Time to go home?" He asks.
You sigh happily, "Yeah."
Back home, you snuggle into Johnny's side with your new plushie as he goes through all the pictures and videos he took of you and him today.
"Thank you for today. It was a lot of fun." You thank him.
He leans down to give you a soft kiss. "You're very welcome baby. I had a lot of fun today too."
"Any plans for tomorrow?" You ask sleepily, watching him continue to scroll through and edit pictures.
"Hmmm..." he hums, "We can do our Christmas tomorrow."
"That sounds good to me. A nice relaxing day." You crawl onto his chest some, "Besides, I have more kissing that needs to be made up." You laugh out before planting a one on him.
He laughs into the kiss and sets his phone down to grab your face.
Feeling satisfied, you lay your head down on his chest before closing your eyes and falling asleep with a smile on your face.
You were so so in love with Johnny. 
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