#ughhh im just yelling into the void now
hirazuki · 3 months
Hira's year in medical review:
Me, August 2023: *experiencing extreme fatigue, fainting spells, mood swings, sudden and drastic increase of suicidal thoughts, and intense hair loss*
P.A: let's do blood work
Me: ok!
Bloodwork: *normal except for prolactin*
Doctor: sometimes that's a fluke so let's retest
Me: ok
Bloodwork: *exactly the same*
Doctor: your values are higher than normal range, but not high enough to be in range for a pituitary gland tumor.
(P.A: go see an endocrinologist and get an MRI, that might be indicative of a pituitary gland tumor.) <- bless this person and only this person in particular
Endocrinologist, seen earliest available which was January 2024: *wants to retest blood work instead of ordering an MRI*
Me: ... ok
Bloodwork: *the same*
Me: can we please do an MRI now?
Endocrinologist: Well. Your values are above the normal limit, but it's highly unlikely that's it's a pituitary gland tumor because they are not high enough for that. Let's retest blood work in four months.
Me: ...................... ok
Bloodwork, May 2024: *THE SAME*
Endocrinologist: hmm, I recommend an MRI
Me: *gesturing angrily*
MRI, June 2024: 🎉 pituitary gland tumor 🎉
Doctor, when I went in for something else: I doubt your endocrinologist will want to treat that, we typically don't treat adenomas that small
Endocrinologist, who took 3 weeks to review my results: I recommend just monitoring. It's highly unlikely that this is causing your symptoms, it's too small for that.
Me, July 2024:
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#like im sorry but 'highly unlikely' =/= 'impossible'#sure it might be rare but like thats not a reason not to check it out???#idk wtf is with this resistance to treat it#like SO WHAT if in the majority of people a microadenoma of that size doesnt cause symptoms?? all individuals are different#like y'all didnt even think i had one because it was atypical presentation so maybe that's the case with my symptoms too#what would it hurt to do meds for it?#if i do meds to shrink it and my symptoms resolve; great!#if i do meds and my symptoms dont resolve? thats also great! it means we've ruled one thing out#and can continue exploring why THE FUCK my body is acting the way it is#why wouldn't you want to rule things out if you can?????#the healthcare in this country is so fucking broken#its been almost a year since i went in for my symptoms and still no resolution#ive lost about 2/3 of my hair at this point. ill probably have to chop it off if it keeps going like this#not even gonna talk about the fatigue#nor gonna talk about my sis's current experience where an untreated infection (not for lack of her trying to get it treated!)#is potentially now developing into something more serious. like kidney stuff. 🙃#(and they apparently have no record of the labs she submitted 🙃🙃 so she's gotta go do it all over again otherwise they wont give her meds)#it's okay. its just nausea to the point she hasn't really eaten in days and constant pain and dizziness. difficulty standing#but its fine right lmao#ughhh#dont mind me im just frustrated beyond everything and need to yell into my little corner of the void#withoutwords
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tari-aldarion · 4 years
I was flirting with a guy for hookup related reasons and then he started with some “I had such a crush on you years ago and you’re just as sweet as I remember” bullshit
and I’m like .......I didn’t ask for this
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mariaiscrafting · 4 years
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lexiy-dreyar · 4 years
Mehcanics birthday
charaters: lucy heartfelia, natsu dragneel, xarana,lexiy,star and amaniz drayer, nkita monos and ???, void, chara, gem, frosghen,
Monos walking through the halls of the house when he walked by a calendar he noticed the words may on the top"hmmm.." He looked down at the marker "oh it may second ehehe my birthday is tomorrow!!" He cheers looking back at the calendar to see may 3 marked in stars handwriting he smiles "she remembered" he smiles looking down to see amaniz and nkita marked in may "oh amanizs birthday is 2 days after…." He looks down remembering his cousin "hmm uncle Monos are you ok?" Amaniz asked "huh yeah just remembering somethings...how about you" he chuckles petting the young girls head "your gonna be 6 in a few days…..well technically 16 you excited?" He smiles as her "yeah I guess so…..do you think moms ok?" She fiddled with her hands "yeah her and void woke up and are safe in the hospital your mom will be discharged tomorrow and void will be discharged 3 days be your birthday" he crouched down to match her hight "...and aunty star" she mumbled " well….. Were not sure yet she hasn't woken up yet but im sure shell be awake in time for nkitas birthday" he smiles standing up "now come on its getting late you have some training to do" he picks up the slightly dozing of girl "hmm"
-the next day-
Amaniz and nkita made their way to the hospital"hmmm.." Amaniz fiddled with her hands "hmm is something wrong?" Nkita asked looking down at his side, she shook her head no before slowly holding his hand "hey un-no big brother do you think uncle void will remember me" she asked softly "yeah im sure he wouldn't stop asking about you" he softly squeezed her hand "ama...i know you were scared...you dint have to act tough anymore... you're not like that dont be like your mother be you..ok?" He asked, hearing sniffling coming from her, he sighed softly picking her up "i-im not a kid" she sniffles. The bluentte shook his head no "but your still a child...you were aged up 10 years so you couldn't naturally change...thus your emotions were increased drastically to where you couldn't even control a small bit so dont worry about it ok?" He softly kisses her temple "hmm thank you big brother" she smiled softly "your welcome" he mumbled as they entered the hospital doors and headed up to the 4 floor
-one elevator ride later- 
"Here room 409" amaniz pointed as she was let down "hmm let's see if they're awake" nkita whispered gently knocking in the door "hello?" The two peaked in seeing lex staring out the window with a blank face void rambling to himself and star still under intensive care " mama!" Amaniz cried running over to lex tightly hugging her, crying into her chest "you're ok..' sniff' and your awake" she cried feeling a pair of arms wrap around her "hey there kiddo" lexiy whispered softly pulling her child into the bed leaning back slightly so they were both comfortable "aww that's so cute" void chuckled as he sat up "so babe what's up with you" void winked at nkita making the blue boy blush "iv told you to stop calling me that" nkita grumbled embarrassed "what oh come on you've gotta be kidding your my catch and im yours end of the discussion" void pouts acting like the little kid he is. Nkita shook his head in disappointment before hearing the room door open again "yo!" He heard the voice of his brother "oh hey Monos ho-" "There's the birthday boy!!" Void interrupted nkita "eh eh thanks dude" "no problem bro" the two laughed. 
Monos looked over to star his eyebrows burrowed seeing the wires and needless in her hurt him "hey there starshine how are you, sweetie?" He gently touched her cheek "I know you can here me and I'll be waiting for you ya know" he blushed slightly when her head tilted onto his hand. He smiled seeing a small smile on her face softly kissing her forehead "best present ever" he smiles "creep" nkita jabbed in "As if you have room to talk" Monos glared at his younger brother" are we getting me out of here or what" lex groaned "mom you still se-" "mom?!! No more mama?" Lexiy teared up "what did you do to my baby girl!" Lexiy cried hugging amaniz tighter crying crocodile tears "u-um I did nothing…" nkita void and Monos sweatdropped "nothing happened mom I just grew out of mama its kinda babyis-" the young wizard was interrupted by her wallowing mother "WHHHAAA" she cried making her daughter laugh at her antics "eh eh there we go..i missed your cute little giggles " lexiy smiled happily crushing her child "ack-..mom….cant….breaaathhh"  the brunette struggled her face slowly turning blue "ahh sorry!!" She let go "what no fair wanna go too" void pouted "sorry but your not quite healed yet for you to be up and drinking" nkita chuckled "fine baby you better bring me back cake" void snuggled into his blanket slowly passing out.
Xarna walked down the dark hallways "miss I'll be going now" she bowed "xarna...you remember your mission correct after all you do still want that happily ever after right" she could hear the voice smirk "y-yes I do" she stutters "good 433, gem frosghen go with her and send my happy birthday" the voiced ordered"yes ma'am" the cheery voice of the purple-head cheered "oh god gem stop doing that voice!" The pink frog groaned "oh shut it frosghen!" Gem pouted "we should get moving" 433 suggested as the 4 went on there way.
-scene skip-
"Ughhh can I open my eyes now?!" Monos groaned "nope keep them on bro!" Nkita chuckled as silence took over, only the wheels of the wheelchair could be heard "am I moving to slow mom?" Amaniz asked looking down at her mother as she pushed her around "im quite fine its ok amaniz" lexiy smiled "I hope to god there done by the time we get there" nkita grumbled "it's not to far see its right in front of us" amaniz pointed out "ok cool what is it?" Monos groaned "yoouuuullll see" nkita smirked evilly "creep" "oh shut it!!"
Nkita slowly opened the door and slowly left Monos' side "ehh kiki where are you...dont tell your planning on killing me now" he heard some heald in laughter before taking off his blindfold "SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONOS!" his friends cheered "aww you guys I thought I side no big party" he chuckled "as if we would go small" lucy smiled "now lets party!!!" Natsu cheered "yeah!!!" The guild said in unison,
They all laughed, and yelled and parted into the night
The party was slowly starting to die down. Monos went outside for a little fresh air "ahh man thises guys are the best" he chuckled taking a sip of his drink "are you having fun? Big cousin?" A voice asked him "huh whos there?!" He looked around "aww that's cold" the voice whined he continued to look around the frowned...but soon recognized the voice "no way...how your dead" he muttered softly "well I was...but I have been reborn... I will make you pay for what you and cousin nkita did to me! I thought you loved me!!" The voice cried "we do and we regret what we did but it was the only way to save you im sorry" he teared "if you want I'll make you a new body one so realistic no one's notice!!" He cried "we really miss you" he dried his tears "hmmmm no I already have a new body and they're oh so nice to have me in them I will get my revenge you've earned my mercy for now...but she hasn't she will pay for her sins" the voice grew demonic "but iv seem to overstayed my welcome ill see you both soon the game is on~" the voice faltered. Monis looks down at his drink "I hope to god im just tripping the 500-year war is not something that should happen again...ughhhh there goes my party mood...welp time to get dru-eh" he froze seeing a slightly levied chara " so she wishes to kill me as I did her huh...alright then" "chara please dont the last thing we need is all hell to break loose!" Monos warned her "just a few more people Monos-dear then we'll see the time if fate is nit something I can control….but I can ruin it now go enjoy your birthday" she smirked as she disappeared into snow like dust……."good god I need to get drunk" Monos sighed as he heads back in.
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