#uhhh i was going to say something else in the tags but i forgor. mutuals feel free to chime in!
iphisesque · 9 months
can i ask why you ship gojo and megumi? not as wank or as a callout or anything like that, I promise (especially since I'm sure we both ship far more morally reprehensible couples than that lol), I'm just curious as to what you see in them as a ship!
hi anon! love your disclaimer lmao, it's so funny to see people get all up in arms about me "shipping" gofushi when i literally ship like. johndean.
i wouldn't say that i Ship gojo and megumi, or at least not the way people ship like kawoshin or harumichi or whatever other lovely romantic daydream-material ship: i feel like people in contemporary fandom use the word shipping in two ways, to indicate a couple they find healthy and semi-aspirational and cute together (like how people in this fandom ship itafushi or kirakari) or to indicate two characters whose existing dynamic they want to dig into and dissect (like how people "ship" waltjesse or gendo and rei).
me and my friends definitely belong to this second category wrt how we engage with gofushi: their dynamic is foundational not just to the story, but most importantly to understanding gojo and megumi as individual characters at all. gojo canonically kidnapped and groomed megumi after killing his father, bought and indoctrinated him into the jujutsu world as well as his own cult of personality, and demanded he become as strong as him (like geto once was) while deliberately hiding information about megumi's own technique; megumi, on the other hand, has practically never known another "paternal" authority figure besides gojo, they grew together, and as such he sees him as not only the strongest and his teacher the way the other students do, but also as someone he knows personally and whom he consistently relies on to help him (this moreso re: the status quo at the beginning of the story), and as a benefactor who saved his life and to whom he owes a large debt.
granted, none of this is necessarily indicative of a sexual dynamic, just a deeply exploitative and unhealthy mentorship; however, when you couple that with all the countless references to gojo being a creep or sketchy or too-touchy (and the multiple akutami-written jujusanpo where he preys on students, if you consider those to be canon-compliant), as well as akutami's taste in media that inspired jjk (leon the professional, satanic sweet, etc), an implication starts shaping itself pretty clearly and starkly if you have the eye for it, and me and my friends definitely have that eye.
as yall know i don't care for anti/proshipper discourse, i think it's stupid and reductive, but i would say that my little gang approaches gofushi in a way that's antithetical to the proshipper ethos: i have seen how proshippers ship gofushi, and it's mostly "omg aren't they soulmates so cute!! same age au where they kiss and hold hands <3 student teacher romances are adorable!!", while what we say is essentially "gojo abused his power to groom and molest megumi his entire life and nobody in jujutsu society batted an eye". i ship gofushi the way i would ship humbert and dolores, or akio and anthy, or fucking leland and laura, which is to say not at all: all of these are horrible abusive dynamics i like to rotate in my head, and whose "victim" characters i empathize with and dearly love.
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gummiix · 2 years
Intro :] (updated around every month ^^)
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I am largely fixated on Sonic the Hedgehog, so that’s what you’ll see most on my main blog (this one).
My other interests here include: Splatoon, everything Spider-Man and Spider-Verse, Kirby, My Little Pony (Gen 4), Super Mario, the Legend of Zelda, Pokémon (mostly just team rocket), various other random console games, and Pikmin.
All of these fandoms can be found in my featured tags, as well as other types of tags. (<- these are primarily for me, so some don’t make a lotta sense on the outside lol.)
I’ve also got separate side blogs for random interests that breached containment, like (in order of oldest to newest):
✩ stimming gifs, sounds/music, stim boards, web resources, etc -> @stimmii
✩ rottmnt -> @iheartrise
✩ nimona (the movie) -> @nimonablogheckyeah
✩ the amazing digital circus -> @iheartdigitalcircuses
✩ helluva boss -> @ihearthelluva
✩ smiling friends -> @iheartsmilinggays
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Stuff to note (BYF section):
~I curse. I also reblog some nsfw jokes on my main, but never something actually sexual at heart. (For example, smthin kinda like deez nuts jokes but more detailed. Like uhhh. She scott on my pilgrim till I take off.) I’ve tagged these as “#suggestive text” in the past, but I started tagging them as “#suggestive joke” a while ago.
~Mass likes/reblogs don’t bother me, don’t worry :]
~Uh. I may unintentionally spam-like/reblog other blogs though, if I happen to really enjoy your posts. I don’t mean to bother anyone, randomly I just go through a spiral of stuff I really like and feel the need to catalogue it somehow (or else I might forget lol)
~On my main I reblog things relating to politics/light discourse, usually just some civil rights stuff. I don’t tag these categorically.
~I have adhd and autism, and reblog about struggles sometimes tagged with “#nd things”. Also,
~I use tone indicators for anything that I think might be confusing, but always spelt out. For example, “/sarcastic” or “/light-hearted.”
~I am genderqueer and use they/she/he, in order of preference. (When I say “alternation preferred”, I mean I would greatly appreciate if you alternate between multiple of these pronouns for me rather than just choose one set forever.)
~Unimportant to blog, but I wanna add as a little hiya to the queer community that I am also demi-pansexual. (demi as in demiromantic + demisexual.)
~I blog a lot of sonadow here, so just to organize the duo in my blog I may tag sonic and shadow’s general interactions as the ship as well, even if the post wasn’t necessarily meant to be. Please send an ask / message me if this makes you uncomfortable.
~My memory is faulty, meaning I may reblog the same thing multiple times without meaning to, or forget to respond to a message/ask. (more on that below)
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Moot-to-Moot Communication:
~If we’re mutuals, feel free to message me for any random reason!!
~I might take a while to respond, but I promise no matter what I will see your message and be thinking about it. The Dysfunction does do the hit (and also the anxiety and memory . lots of that too)
Drawn demonstration by user cuptoast on twitter dot com:
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~Please, please just message me a lil reminder if I don’t get back to you after a day!! I prolly forgor 💀. Just a little “yo” or whatever you want is great, it helps a lot.
~However, I usually start conversations with an ask. (It’s a little silly, but it’s easier for me to keep track of and less intimidating that way.) If you’d prefer, you can just respond to it in messages.
~I…… may or may not be following over 4000 blogs (I very much am.) This means I never really see moots on the dashboard, which means I don’t really interact except for once in a while when I might FLOOD your posts with likes + reblogs ,:]
~In any messages whatsoever, if subtext is used then I would very much appreciate spelt-out tone indicators (or any other form of clarification 👍. I may casually ask for the tone if I’m confused)
~Just let me know if you want me to tag something for filtering out, like spoilers but also literally anything else.
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Do not interact section:
In general, I block who I don’t want to interact with; but with the current situations, I want to clarify my stances if it makes anyone more comfortable to know… or uncomfortable, so they can know and do what they will.
~I stand completely with Palestine and Palestinians, against genocide, displacement, the Israeli military or government, and for a ceasefire. I reblog about Palestine news and history frequently. I also believe that Jews, as well as all average civilians everywhere, deserve to live and be happy- all including with places of worship. These are not contradictory statements.
~I am against proshipping, meaning that I am heavily against the fictional fetishization of children, (including minor/adult ships,) rape, or incest.
~I also did not realize that TERFs were so common here!! Unfortunate! I am also obviously against terfs.
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WHEW!! THE END!!!! YOU MADE IT THRU!!! Thanks for reading :]. pow bam bang you get hearts <33💞💘💕
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