#there were 6 but I messed with em and now I can only have 2 😔
gummiix · 2 years
Intro :] (updated around every month ^^)
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I am largely fixated on Sonic the Hedgehog, so that’s what you’ll see most on this main blog.
My other interests here include: Splatoon, Spider-Man and Spider-Verse, Kirby, My Little Pony (Gen 4), Super Mario, the Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Dungeon Meshi, Pokémon (mostly just team rocket), The Last of Us, and various other random console games.
All of these fandoms can be found in my featured tags. I have all sorts of other tags as well, but they may not make sense on the outside. I just like being able to find stuff
Side blogs (in order of oldest to newest):
✩ stim blog gifs, sounds/music, stim boards, web resources, etc -> @stimmii
✩ rottmnt -> @iheartrise
✩ nimona (the movie) -> @iheartnimona
✩ the amazing digital circus -> @iheartdigitalcircuses
✩ smiling friends -> @iheartsmilinggays
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Stuff to note (BYF section):
~ I curse. Some nsfw jokes as well, but never something truly sexual at heart. (For example, smthin kinda like deez nuts jokes but more detailed. Like uhhh. She scott on my pilgrim till I take off.) I’ve tagged these as “#suggestive joke” in the past, but I started tagging them as “#suggestive” a while ago.
~ Mass likes/reblogs don’t bother me, don’t worry :]
~ I may spam-like/reblog other blogs though, if I happen to really enjoy your posts. I don’t mean to bother anyone, but randomly I go through a spiral of stuff I really like and feel the need to catalogue it somehow (or else I might forget lol.)
~ On my main, I reblog things relating to politics/light discourse; usually just some civil rights stuff. I don’t tag these categorically.
~ I am genderqueer and use they/she/he, in order of preference. (When I say “alternation preferred”, I mean I would greatly appreciate if you alternate between multiple of these pronouns for me rather than just choose one set forever.)
~ I have adhd & sensory processing disorder, and reblog about struggles sometimes with “#nd things”. Also,
~ I use tone indicators for anything that I think might be confusing, but always spelt out. For example, “/sarcastic” or “/light-hearted.”
~ Unimportant to blog, but I wanna add as a little hello to the queer community that I am also pan & demisexual. I reblog a lot of gay & queer stuff here and tend to talk abt lesbianisms a lot too 
. so yeah 👍.
~ There’s a lot of sonadow here, so just to organize the duo in my blog I may tag sonic and shadow’s general interactions as the ship also, even if the post wasn’t necessarily meant to be. However, if the post says not to, I won’t. Please send a message if my tags make you uncomfortable.
~ My memory is faulty, meaning I may reblog the same thing multiple times without meaning to, or forget to respond to a message/ask. (more on that below)
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Moot-to-Moot Communication:
~ If we’re mutuals, feel free to strike up a conversation for any random reason!!
~ I might take a while to respond, but I promise no matter what I will see your message and be thinking about it. The Dysfunction does do the hit (and also the anxiety and memory . lots of that too)
Drawn demonstration by user cuptoast on twitter:
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~ Please, please just message me a lil reminder if I don’t get back to you after a day!! I prolly forgor 💀. Just a little “yo” or whatever you want is great, it helps a lot.
~ However, I usually start conversations with an ask. (It’s a little silly, but it’s easier for me to keep track of and less intimidating that way.) If you’d prefer, you can just respond to it in messages.
~ I

 may or may not be following over 4000 blogs (I very much am.) This means I never really see moots on the dashboard, which means I don’t really interact except for once in a while (when I might FLOOD your posts with likes + reblogs ,:])
~ In any potentially unclear messages, I would very much appreciate tone indicators (or any other form of clarification 👍. I may casually ask for the tone if I’m confused.)
~ Just let me know if you want me to tag something for filtering out, like spoilers but also literally anything else.
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In general, I block freely who I don’t want to interact with; but with the current situations, I want to clarify my stances if it makes anyone more comfortable to know (or uncomfortable, so they can block me in advance.)
- I stand completely with Palestine and Palestinians for a ceasefire, and against genocide, displacement, Hamas, and the Israeli military or government. I reblog about Palestine news and history frequently, as well as approved Gofundme pages for Palestinian families seeking to evacuate.
- I am against proshipping, meaning that I am heavily against the fictional fetishization of children, (including minor/adult ships,) rape, or incest.
- I also did not realize that TERFs were so common here!! Unfortunate! I am also obviously against terfs. Fuck transmisogyny.
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THE END!!!! YOU MADE IT THRU!!! Thanks for reading. pow bam bang you get hearts <33💞💘💕
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23 notes · View notes
dollettodraws · 1 month
was rewatching the box earlier, and I couldn’t help but think about how AvA 6/AvA s3 is going to mess up second so bad,,, like MORE than it already has
everyone’s already talked about vic and cho regarding it so I won’t reiterate it here, and idk if anyone else has talked about this so apologies in advance if they have but bruh just imagine this
in probably less than a day, your entire world changes- one second it’s just another regular day with you and your friends and all of a sudden you’re kidnapped alongside this other stick that as far as you’re aware is the most powerful dude ever, and ends up asking for your help and basically dragged you into a fight that wasn’t even yours. then you realise the one responsible is someone like you, a fellow hollowhead who has no special abilities compared to the immense power from dark and chosen. but then oh wait nvm you DO have powers, powers so intense that they had the potential to kill someone, and you can’t even properly process or talk about it with anyone since the moment you found out about this forgotten memory, they lock you up more intensely,,
and it’s only been 2 episodes so far, and there’s supposed to be 5 more, and I can only imagine how WILD it’s gonna get from here on out jdhjshdhcjd
eventually, second finds out his friends were after him, which probably wouldn’t surprise him given everything they’ve been through, but considering everything rocket corp has done so far, second would be extra fearful for them, and what would happen if they got their hands on em. and then he realises that yellow’s been kidnapped too, and suddenly he’s in even more distress.
second’s powers were activated through immense physical and mental trauma, so what’s going to happen to him next if he ends up activating them again in this season??? I can only speculate it’s going to be so much more fucked up, considering how dark season 3 has already been.
and then of course, there’s his relationship with alan, and how that’s going to be impacted (the character, not him irl)
despite the rough patch that was the beginning of their relationship, (yk, that rough patch being deleting his friends and threatening to delete him- wonder who that reminds me of haha :’D) they’ve been having it good and leaving at peace with each other +the colour gang for almost a decade at this point. alan is his creator, and he and the cg know that alan’s a good person. at least, now he is. but I have a feeling in season 3, alan’s past with his previous creations will come to light and suddenly second is questioning everything he thought he knew about the man that he sees as basically a father.
aside from second, literally all of alan’s creations have a vendetta against him (chosen is a bit iffy on this one, despite everything he’s still trying to protect alan from victim, but i still think there’d be a tinge of bitterness given everything he went through because of him).
when dark was the antagonist, his code led him to being extremely destructive, and (in my personal head canon lmao) he was doing everything he could to just fight against the fact that the one person he was SUPPOSED to destroy was his only true friend, and who better to destroy than the very person who gave him that code in the first place?
then there’s victim, who was created solely to be a discardable toy, something to play around with and beat up, and when he got bored, essentially tossed him into the void without a second thought. and now he’s back 17 years later, having taken everything he could from that less than 2 minutes he was alive and tortured, and created all this (rocket corp) to get back at alan and destroy him too.
and of course there’s chosen, who amongst the hollowheads seems to be the only one second can get along with- and he finds out that cho has been through literal hell and back, and that he was alan’s pop up slave and was left isolated and alone and met with nothing but neglect and disregard for the better part of 5 years, and his one confident was programmed to literally kill him, all thanks to, who else- but alan.
and second is in even more dismay and questioning everything. alan couldn’t have really done all that, right? he was a good person, he treats him and the cg so well,, and then he remembers.
wasn’t second going to be deleted by alan at the last second too?
he only let him live at the prospect he could offer something to him.
but that was years ago, he’s not like that anymore right? before, he could answer that question with confidence. I mean, he and the gang have messed up the pc multiple times at this point (ahem, AvM and the actual shorts lmfao) and he hasn’t punished them that gravely! but now that he knows the truth? would he get rid of them now?
aside from what might happen to him physically (given how we’ve seen how rocket corps handles things) the amount of damage this season is just going to do to second’s psyche is INSANE, and I’ve been thinking about it a lot now.
vic and cho, who are basically his brothers- they hate their creator for playing god with them and giving them the worst treatment possible. and then years later, he creates second, who was the only one to see alan’s good nature- and even though it’s not his fault, he would probably feel some sort of guilt and go over and over in his head as to why he didn’t end up like them. if he wasn’t a good animator, would his entire story be completely different?
not to mention that second is just so,,,different from the colour gang. he doesn’t look like them, he wasn’t created to be on a site like them, he was created to be, well- ‘the chosen one’s return’. he knew he was different before, but it didn’t bother him as much. and now, well I feel like this new season is just going to give second a massive identity and/or existential crisis
anyways I think about the hollowheads way too much I’m very normal about this ANYWAYS SNSNDNJDJDJD
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70 notes · View notes
hesbuckcompton-baby · 3 months
Better Off - Bernard DeMarco x OFC - Chapter 1
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Masterlist |-| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Summary: When Bernard DeMarco is forced to find ATS Commander Susie Lamb, his expectations are tainted by her less-than-savoury reputation. However, the more time he spends with her, the more he begins to suspect she's been misjudged by the people of Thorpe Abbotts.
Warnings: Language, drinking, smoking
Word Count: 4.5k
Tags: @xxluckystrike @latibvles @footprintsinthesxnd
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Bernard DeMarco stared down at the steadily cooling coffee in his hand, the warmth of the mug heating his palms, which had been chilled to the bone even through his gloves on the long-haul flight over from Greenland. Almost ten hours in the sky, staring out at nothing but rolling clouds and the faint grey line of the horizon. Even with Cleven chatting at his side and Meatball nudging the back of his seat, it had been difficult to stay alert for so long, and now he found himself in dear want of a rest.
Instead, he was here, sitting around a long table in the mess hall when he could've been in bed, listening to his friends' chatter, his dog resting its snout against his knee. Benny knew how to pretend he wasn't feeling the wear - to put on a grin and laugh along to everyone's jokes as if he were still awake and raring to go, when the thing he wanted more than anything was a chance to shed the uniform he'd been wearing all day and just sit down somewhere quiet.
The door to the mess hall swung open and the Colonel wandered in, peering with a frown at the piece of paper in his hand, a typed list he couldn't make out stamped upon it. "Colonel," Egan nodded, tilting an imaginary cap in greeting. Hugh stopped at the end of the table, surveying the faces of the group that had assembled.
"Afternoon fellas. I got a supply list I need running up to the ATS - just some stuff we're gonna need brought in for the next run. Uh... DeMarco? D'you mind?"
DeMarco's brow furrowed in confusion, glancing around at the others to check if anyone else had noticed how unorthodox this order was. "Sir? All due respect, but ain't that a job for a runner or somethin'?"
"Usually, but... I'd like someone a little more experienced."
At the opposite end of the table, a playful grin had begun making its way across his face. "Oh-ho, he's gotta talk to Commander Lamb, don't he?"
Bucky had begun to smirk to himself, lifting a hand over his mouth to make it less obvious. Benny figured he must've looked somewhere between dumbstruck and panicked by the way Hugh had begun to speak in a soothing, gentle tone. "Look, the Commander's just a little difficult. We send the runners up there, she gets 'em all turned around, and they don't get the information we need. I'm lookin' for a firm hand, is all. Besides, you can give the dog a walk."
He was thoroughly unsatisfied with this justification for making him walk halfway across the airfield, but it was becoming clearer by the minute that it wasn't something he could get out of. With a disgruntled sigh, he rose to his feet, chair scraping loudly against the floor as he grabbed Meatball's leash, the dog already at his heels, tail wagging and ready to go, far more chipper than his owner. DeMarco grabbed the list from the Colonel without so much as glancing at its contents, heading towards the mess hall doors to the sound of Biddick's chuckling.
The sun hung high in the sky, a beacon in a sea of blue, the weather so blissfully perfect that it actually seemed to worsen his mood more than anything. He was usually a fun guy, everyone thought so, but today he was just too goddamn tired. Meatball was having the time of his life, drinking from every puddle and pissing against every tree they passed, the constant stopping only succeeding in doubling the time their journey took. By the time he reached the ATS garages, DeMarco was confident he never wanted to see Hugh's stupid list - or whoever this Commander Lamb was - ever again.
The garages were a bustle of activity, trucks and motorbikes pulling in and out all over the place, Air Force and ATS alike hauling crates of all kinds of ammunition, food supplies, and whatever else the air base could possibly require. Standing in the doorway of the nearest building was a woman - easy on the eyes, orange-haired, staring down at a clipboard in her hand as she ticked off whatever the men nearby were carrying inside.
"Uh- ma'am?" He called, tugging on Meatball's lead as they approached. The woman seemed to see the dog before she did DeMarco, a pleasant smile creasing her cheeks as she looked up at him.
"Yes... Captain?" She asked, peering at the insignia on his jacket for confirmation.
"I gotta supply list from Colonel Hugh to pass onto a Commander Lamb?"
The woman raised a brow as if to say 'You sure about that?', but she turned nevertheless, yelling over her shoulder into the huge supply hangar behind her. "Susie!"
Peering past the woman, DeMarco watched as a figure approached from inside, initially obscured by the shadow of a huge supply truck, but when she stepped into the light it gave him pause. Her hair fell unpinned halfway down her back, brown waves shining red in the sunlight. She wore olive slacks instead of the standard-issue uniform skirt, and a leather bomber jacket with 'S. Lamb' printed on the breast like the ones he'd seen some of the pilots wear. She hardly looked like she was supposed to be on duty at all, but she marched up to them all the same, taking the clipboard from the other woman and looking it over.
"Charlotte, go help Fisher - she's got some stuff to go to Sergeant Bevan on the hardstand," She ordered, and the woman scurried away inside. Once the two of them were alone, Susie stared back at him for a long moment, brow raised as she waited for him to speak. "...So?"
Suddenly DeMarco was beginning to understand what the others had meant. Her accent was harsh, less refined than the other English workers he'd met since his arrival, and she didn't exactly look pleased to see him. Frankly, she had a face that suggested she was never glad to see anyone.
"Got a list from Colonel Hugh - requests for ammo supplies," He stated, holding it up to her. "We need-"
"Ah-" Lamb raised a hand to stop him. "If you're gonna talk, you've gotta walk with me."
She began to walk before he had a chance to respond. "Well alright then," He muttered under his breath, beginning to trail after her, tugging at Meatball's lead so that he would follow along. "Five hundred AN-M30s, four hundred AN-M64s, six hundred USAAF five hundred pound-ers..." DeMarco rattled off Hugh's list, squinting to read the paper as it shook in his hand against the breeze. Ahead of him, Susie was peering into the backs of the row of trucks that had just arrived, scribbling away on her clipboard. He wasn't entirely sure she was listening.
He stopped talking just before they reached the end of the row, having to tug Meatball along as he got distracted by the crates of food being brought in. Lamb ticked something off in her notes before turning on her heel to look at him. "That everything?"
"Yeah, that's it," Benny confirmed, sliding the list back into his pocket. She raised her brow again in that inquisitive way she did. It was already getting annoying.
"I'm not gonna remember all that, am I? Gimme the list," She huffed, holding out her hand.
"Then why did you have me read it all out?" He grumbled, fishing out the wad of paper and handing it over.
"I didn't ask you to do that. I just said if you were gonna, you'd have to follow me," Thinking it over, he realised she was right. He hated that. "But, yunno. Most of the runners Hugh sends up here would've already shat themselves and run off by now, so good job."
DeMarco bristled, squaring his shoulders. "I'm not a runner, I'm a Captain."
Susie was looking down at the list, but she peered back up at him with a wonky grin. "Jesus, what'd you do to get stuck with the 'Susie Lamb punishment', eh? Did your dog take a shit on the Colonel's desk or summat?"
He frowned, her self-awareness almost alarming. She clearly knew what the others said about her, but she simply didn't care - in all honesty, there was something he admired in that.
"I think the Colonel just wanted someone who wouldn't get scared off," He confessed.
She snorted. "Maybe he should try hiring runners who don't piss themselves whenever a woman frowns at 'em." For a moment the shell almost seemed cracked, a not-so-scary Susie peeking out. But then a loud clatter sounded across the yard, and DeMarco turned to see one of the deliverymen scrounging to pick up the machine gun rounds that had scattered across the tarmac when he accidentally dropped a crate. "Oi!" Susie yelled, beginning to storm off, raising a hand in what could've either been a wave goodbye or a dismission
Meatball tried to nip at her heels as she marched towards the deliveryman, tugging on his leash with such force that DeMarco was almost forced to follow, but he managed to stand his ground. He couldn't make out what Susie was saying at such a distance, but by the way the colour drained from the poor man's face, it was nothing good. Letting out a chuckle, he counted himself lucky that he had yet to meet Commander Lamb at her most formidable.
After all, she did have access to all the bombs.
The sun had barely risen by the time the pilots stepped onto the runway, the airfield bursting into a bustle of activity as the last planes were prepped, and the flight crews readied themselves to board. DeMarco had managed a decent half night's sleep, and was at least in a better mood than he had been the previous afternoon. Although, the powdered eggs they'd served up for breakfast hadn't helped.
There were a dozen things to worry about concerning the flight ahead, but in all honesty he was mainly concerned about what he was going to do with Meatball. It seemed not to have occurred to him when he first adopted the stray that he couldn't bring him on missions, and the prospect of leaving him all alone damn near broke his heart.
His train of thought was severed by the roar of engines as a supply truck rolled up to 'Our Baby' just along the runway to deliver the last of the spare machine gun rounds. A familiar flicker of red caught the light as Susie Lamb craned her head out of the driver's seat window, barking to one of the ground crewmen as he scurried to unload the cargo. An idea sparked in DeMarco's mind, and he could already see Curt shooting him a confounded look as he bounded up to the vehicle.
Susie was just reaching for a lighter, an unlit cigarette poised between her lips, as he reached her window, plastering on the best friendly smile that he could muster. She hadn't heard him approach over the hum of the engine, and the shock of the face suddenly at her side made the cigarette tumble from her mouth, falling into the footwell. "Jesus fucking Christ," She hissed, voice thick with irritation. "Can I help you?"
"I don't have anyone to watch Meatball while I'm up," Benny explained, and she peered out of the window at the dog, who was staring slack-jawed up at her, wagging its tail. "I was wondering if I could trouble you for the favour?"
There was that eyebrow again. She had a way of drawing out those painful silences that just made him want to squirm, immediately regretting whatever he'd asked. Perhaps Hugh's runners had had a point.
"You want me to babysit your dog?"
Suddenly the suggestion felt ridiculous. "Well, I just-"
"Eh, fuck it," Sticking her foot out, Susie kicked open the passenger side door. "Chuck him in."
The moment DeMarco moved to unclip Meatball's leash, it was as if he knew exactly where he was going, claws skittering against the tarmac as he bounded around to the other side of the truck, leaping unprompted up into the seat, tail wagging wildly. It was almost offensive, how pleased the mutt was to be rid of him. "Alright, alright," Benny muttered, closing the door behind him. "Thanks for this. Seriously."
"It's nothing - he already seems to prefer me, anyway."
Shaking his head, he cleared his throat- loudly. "Name's DeMarco, by the way. Bernard DeMarco."
Susie was already tugging at the handbrake, the engine roaring to life once more. "Yeah, I know," She nodded, an almost-smile tugging at her lips, pulling away before he could respond as Meatball's head lolled happily out of the window.
The supply depot was almost empty by the time the pilots returned, the rumble of DeMarco's freshly commandeered jeep splitting the silence as he rolled to a stop, looking around for some sign of his dog. "Susie?" He called as he clambered out, peering into each hangar as he passed, unable to locate any signs of life. The ATS women seemed to have all taken the afternoon - that or they were all busy delivering supplies to the mechanics.
A familiar bark pierced the air, and he followed it around to the back of one of the buildings. A bench ran along the back wall of the hangar, basking in the afternoon sunlight, and there she sat, a book open in her lap, halfway through eating a sandwich. Her hair was pulled back messily into a bun, stray auburn curls sticking out at random angles, and Meatball lay stretched out at her feet, occasionally jumping up to chase after a tiny yellow butterfly.
"Ah. You're alive then," Susie stated plainly, squinting in the sun as she looked up at him.
DeMarco shrugged. "Just about."
"That's good. Didn't know what I was gonna do with him otherwise," She gestured to Meatball using her sandwich, chuckling as the dog snapped his jaws at a passing insect. "... You ok?"
"Do I not look it?" He took at seat at the opposite end of the bench, a deliberate gap left between them. Benny didn't exactly want to hang around; he was just tired, and he appreciated the opportunity to sit on something that wasn't moving.
"There's a cut on your cheek," She pointed out, raising a hand to cover her mouth as she talked around her food. Raising a hand to his face, DeMarco's fingertips came away red. He hadn't even noticed the pain.
"Occupational hazard... did you feed him?"
"Gave him a sandwich."
"You can't feed a dog a sandwich!" DeMarco exclaimed, and Susie shrugged, nonchalant in a way that annoyed him.
"Well, you're the one who made it my problem! Didn't even ask if I knew what to feed the damn thing!"
"Well, I just assumed you were a human being and had some inclination that dogs might eat dog food. Forgive me."
Susie shot him a glare. "Having a dog isn't a prerequisite to being alive, mate. D'you think I've got dog food sitting around? I have an actual job that I have to do, it gets in the way a bit."
He turned sideways on the bench to look at her properly. "Y'know, I thought people didn't like you because you're mean. But it's really because you don't give a shit about anything except yourself, isn't it?"
The moment the words left his mouth, he regretted them. He wasn't that kind of person - he didn't say those kinds of things to people. He didn't want Susie to think that he did. But she seemed entirely unphased, taking another bite of her sandwich with so little a reaction he almost doubted ever having spoken at all. She chewed and swallowed painfully slowly, and he began to realise she was prolonging the silence on purpose, giving him time to stew on his own words. DeMarco felt his face begin to heat up.
"You can take the dog back now," She said after a while, turning to the next page of her book.
"Susie, I'm sorry," He blurted. She looked at him then, and for a moment he swore he saw surprise in her expression. "I shouldn't've said that."
"Heard worse. Though, most people actually mean it," Susie shrugged. "And I do give a shit about other people. It just... takes a minute."
Nodding slowly, he let out a whistle, and Meatball bounded over, tail wagging as he dutifully allowed him to reattach his leash. DeMarco wasn't quite sure what to say. He didn't know this woman, not yet, but he was getting the distinct impression that the others had been wrong about her. As he stood up, running a hand across his chin, he took a deep breath. "Hey. Me and the fellas are gonna get drinks tonight, to celebrate the mission. You should come."
The corners of her lips turned up in a smirk. "Yeah. I mean, I was going anyway - but I'll be there."
"Alright," Benny nodded, smiling involuntarily. "I'll buy you a beer. Call it payment - for the babysitting."
"Well if I'm getting paid I definitely won't feed him sandwiches next time," Susie joked. He let out a laugh, suddenly realising that, yes. There would be a next time.
If there was one thing Thorpe Abbotts would have benefitted from, it was an additional pub. The village had not been prepared for the sudden influx of pilots and crew and the hundreds of other workers that came with them, so a night in the pub had become a sure recipe for claustrophobia and havoc. Meatball was curled up at DeMarco's feet, half sitting on him for lack of space beneath the table. A pile of empty pint glasses was growing in the centre of the table, laughter growing louder with each passing drink as they grew steadily more intoxicated - drunk on victory more than they were alcohol.
Susie stood at the bar with a small group of ATS girls, beer in hand, listening and chuckling along to their stories of workplace mishaps and awkward encounters with the men they had to work with. Even if every single other person at Thorpe Abbotts thought poorly of her, the women under Susie's command never would. She was a protector - a personification of a rougher class of women, utterly unafraid to throw a punch where the others shied away. In Norfolk, it was uncommon to find an English girl working in a job like this who hadn't been raised in privilege - middle-class families in country cottages, who had never had reason to find an occupation until war broke out. None of them quite understood why Susie Lamb had come all this way, her Manchester accent sticking out like a sore thumb - but they were glad she had.
"-And then I told him, 'Mate, if you're not gone in five minutes, I'll kick your balls so far up your throat you won't need breakfast'," Susie explained, the women around her erupting into laughter as she wiped a thin line of beer foam away from her top lip.
Charlotte chuckled, the red-haired Subaltern finishing off a half-pint of cider as she reached into her pocket for a cigarette. "The pool table's freed up - we should get in there before the Yanks get a chance."
Susie nodded in firm agreement, and was about to follow the other women towards the far corner of the pub when a sudden mass at her feet almost tripped her, beer sloshing over the rim of her glass and landing on Meatball's head as he let out a bewildered yelp. Letting out a tsk as she sucked her teeth, she crouched down beside the dog, grabbing for a napkin as she dabbed at his fur. "You've gotta watch yourself, lad," She scolded gently, soft voice barely audible in the pub's din. "Can't go wonderin', your dad'll worry."
Tilting his damp head up at her, Meatball let out a whine, his tail beginning to wag as he seemed to recognise her face. "Hey, Meatball, quit runnin' off," A familiar voice called across the crowd. Giving the dog an affectionate scratch below its chin, Susie rose to her feet, lifting a hand to beckon DeMarco over. "Oh, hey. Well, at least he found a familiar face in this damn place," He huffed.
"Well, he did get covered in beer for his trouble, not sure he'll bother again," She shrugged, batting Meatball away as he tried to stick his nose up under the hem of her skirt.
With a sudden, sinking feeling, DeMarco realised he'd forgotten to buy her the drink he'd promised. Rummaging in his pockets, he handed over a few coins to cover the cost. It wasn't the same. "Sorry, I, uh... I forgot you were coming," He admitted, red tinting his cheeks in shame.
"No worries - I noticed you were far too busy losing at darts," Susie teased, shoving the money into her pocket.
"Hey, now, I wouldn't call it losing," Shaking his head, he moved closer to where she stood at the bar, stepping out of the way of the crowds.
"Really? Failing, then?"
DeMarco batted a hand in dismissal, a smile curling his lips. "Oh, well, if you're so good at darts-"
"I am actually," Susie shrugged.
"Of course you are. You're gonna say you Brits are all good at playing darts - just like you're all good at making tea and... I dunno, sheep herding?"
She let out a laugh, teeth peeking through her grin. He liked her smile. There was a rosy pink in her cheeks, and he couldn't tell if it was the warmth of the pub or the alcohol or something else, but it suited her.
Susie nodded as she took another sip of her drink. "Aw, you got me. You've found my secret hobby - I do love to herd sheep. Yes."
Benny smiled warmly, leaning one elbow up against the bar as he watched her. A curl had slipped loose from behind her ear, and in the warm light of the room, it shone a flaming red. From across the room, a few of the ATS women let out a cheer, the orange-haired woman he'd met at the supply depot grinning as she passed her pool cue to the next woman. He cleared his throat. "Oh, by the way, could I talk to, uh - Charlotte? Is it?"
Her smile vanished. A wave of panic filled him. Susie began to nod bitterly, gnawing at the inside of her lip. There was a look in her eye, like she'd been waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it finally had.
"Are you kidding me? ...Yeah. Yunno what? Fuck you, DeMarco."
“What? I don’t-”
“No, no. I get it. You thought being nice to me would get you an in with the pretty ATS girls - you’re not the first one who’s tried it,” Tilting her head, she upturned the rest of her beer, swallowing it in a single gulp. “Charlotte’s engaged, by the way. I’m sure you can try your luck somewhere else.”
"Susie, I didn't-"
"Hey Benny!" Egan's voice rang out from over by the dartboard. "C'mon, it's your turn!"
"Yeah, Benny, it's your turn," Susie repeated, her words laced with venom, practically spitting his own name back at him. "Although, two losses in one night might be a bit rough, eh?"
His mouth gaped open and shut for a moment like a dying fish, and before he could find a word to say she had scoffed, rolling her eyes as she pushed away from the bar, diving into the crowd as she fought to put distance between them. Meatball had almost tried to follow her before the wall of people separated them, and he let out a defeated whimper, returning to his owner, tail between his legs.
Charlotte was about to bend over to take her next shot when she felt a hand pressed against her shoulder. Turning her head, she saw Susie, cheeks flushed, a frown furrowing her brow. "Can I bum a cig? I'm heading off," She whispered.
"Yeah, sure," The subaltern nodded, holding out the crumpled box she carried with her. "You ok?"
"All good. Thanks," She nodded, propping a cigarette between her lips as she made for the door. The night air hit her face with such chilling force that it almost hurt, a cloud forming as she sighed, plucking a lighter from her pocket, the cigarette embers releasing a comforting heat.
The walk back to barracks was a long one, a seemingly endless row of identical Nissen huts stretching out before her by the time Susie reached the airfield, exhaling one puff of smoke after another. There was always too much stewing in her mind - a solid wall of white noise, her thoughts stirring together like ingredients to the most repugnant soup ever concocted. It was difficult to even pluck out a single emotion amongst all that hubbub.
I hate you DeMarco, but I like your dog, but you're just like everyone else, except if you're not, except if I was wrong.
The lights in her hut turned on with a click, the room filling itself with a yellow glow, the faint hum of lightbulbs audible in the silence. Everyone else was out - dress uniforms taken off their hangers, the smell of freshly applied perfume still lingering in the air. Susie had stomped her cigarette out on the damp grass outside, the smell of smoke permeating her clothes. She raised her hands to cover her face, agonised groan muffled by the sweaty skin of her palms as she collapsed backwards onto her bed, the springs creaking noisily.
Staring at the ceiling didn't solve anything - not the anger in her chest, nor the lingering feeling in her gut that she'd gotten something badly wrong. Letting her head loll to the side, Susie stared at the picture frame propped up on her nightstand, the photo's corners battered and bent beneath the layer of glass that encased it. Her mother, rounded and warm, a tiny, swaddled baby in her arms. Her father, sturdy and dependable, holding a spindly, blond-headed toddler against his hip. And a row of six little children, flashing the same gap-toothed smiles, all dressed in their nicest clothes, which never quite seemed to fit properly.
She could see her own face - a tiny, chubby, three-year-old face that wasn't really her own anymore, curls erupting like a lion's mane around her head. They were all squinting in the sun, lined up outside the only house she'd ever called her own. She could feel their eyes on her - her own most of all. Reaching out, Susie caught the top of the frame with her finger, flipping it over, out of sight, as if covering their faces would somehow make her feel less judged.
"Oh, piss off, you lot."
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boatem-probler · 22 days
I'm Watching Tokyo Soul So You Don't Have To!
You Are Here! / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
So there's this 2015 Minecraft roleplay series that Grian was in. It's very bad and very, ah, dated, but it's also very full of Grian Angst, so people like to use it in their fanfiction.
A couple years ago, @paranoidpug watched every episode of the first season of this series, called Yandere High School, and wrote summaries of it, so people could learn what all those fanfics were referencing without having to actually watch the thing. They're very good summaries!
@sketchygainedyoursoul took over to do the second season, Tokyo Soul, but it seems like they never got past episode 8, so I've decided to take up the mantle of Tokyo Soul Chronicler. I know how it ends, and unfortunately it's like catnip to me, so this was inevitable really.
Also I'm starting from the beginning, because I'm using a different format and I wanted consistency I guess.
Content warnings for briefly mentioned violence, stalking, and uh... idk how to describe what's going on with Geode. Generally creepy behavior from an adult to a minor is broad enough I think. But in like, a mad scientist way? Yeah.
And Now... The Episodes Without Grian In Them
(I'm really selling this, huh...)
Episode 1 – New Beginning!
You are now sitting.
Sam, Taurtis, and Dom are in a train. They've just arrived in Tokyo. Sam told Taurtis they were going to Disneyland, because Taurtis doesn’t like big cities. Grian is not there.
Okami, their former teacher, has tasked them with navigating from the train station to a restaurant called “SushiWushi”. Let’s see how The Boys mess this one up!
They encounter a skeevy old man named Old Kurokuma outside the train station.
They get someone else named Igbar von Squid to show them the way to SushiWushi, but Sam wants to “mingle” by the dumpsters instead.
I’m now running the video back, because I want to see exactly how long it takes them to get to this restaurant.
Also Dom has the best outfit of the three.
“I’m starting to get spooked. Why’d you even come back here, Taurtis?” says Sam.
They encounter someone literally named “Suspicious Person” burning money in a fire, who offers them “sugar”. They jump over the fire to get away, with varying degrees of success.
They do their “look both ways even though there are no moving cars in existence” bit. If I was Igbar I woulda just left them by this point. Igbar is visibly slumping.
The creepy old man is still following them, also.
They arrive at SushiWushi! It took them 10 minutes and 16 seconds (if my math is right). Honestly? I thought they wouldn’t be there before the episode was over, so good on them.
I’m obsessed with how their Minecraft avatars’ arms move when they’re sitting, by the way, it makes them look like a kid pretending to drive their parents’ car.
Sam and Taurtis both mention feeling uncomfortable around girls with knives.
Taurtis is arguing about pufferfish, Sam is trying to steal sushi from the next table over, Dom is
 getting into a fistfight in the background?
Luckily, the person they were supposed to meet, Kiyu, arrives, and WHOA THEY HAVE A VOICE.
Kiyu begins showing them around.
Kiyu is bad with directions.
Old Kurokuma is STILL following them.
Kiyu shows them their house, they’re very excited about how fancy it is. Kiyu assures them that most of their stuff is there.
Dom is going to live in the dumpster outside apparently.
Kurokuma is outside their house now.
“We’re in the witness protection program, but I feel SO much more unsafe than we were before” – Taurtis. And from what I know it only gets worse!
The next morning, the boys attempt to make their way to school, but they don’t know where it is. They ask a student passing by, then decide to “jump ‘em” when they’re too shy to answer the question.
Taurtis, running over to a group of other students: “Can I hang out with you guys? Can you be my new friends?”
Sam asks Dom for a high five. Dom punches Sam. Sam dies. They continue walking to school.
Taurtis: “I miss our old school, I bet this one’s not even haunted.” Sam: “We could make it haunted!”
At school, they meet back up with Kiyu, who also goes there apparently, and she takes them to get their schedules from Señor Loro, who is wearing a luchador mask and what appears to be a Christmas sweater.
Señor Loro drops them through a trapdoor into a secret wrestling ring. They must wrestle him for their schedules, obviously.
Oh dang they actually have Four Whole Classes this time.
Episode 3 – TEACHER TORI!
On the way to their lockers, one of the other students, Greentama, who is wearing a One Punch Man outfit, one-punches them for jaywalking.
“There’s some weird stuff in these lockers.” – Kiyu
Their first class is with Teacher Tori, who is supposed to be Toriel from Undertale I think? She teaches Agriculture, apparently.
Creepy Man Update: He Is Still There
They go out to the courtyard to collect flowers. We learn that Kiyu avoids the sun.
We also learn that Señor Loro is the guidance counselor.
“Fish are just flowers that swim in the ocean.” – Taurtis
Their next class is Dr. Nurse MD’s Class of Not Dying!
Taurtis does not understand what witness protection is.
Dr. Nurse MD is teaching CPR. He asks for a volunteer from the audience. Taurtis gets volunteered. Dr. Nurse MD does not understand what CPR is. Somehow Taurtis survives.
By this, I mean that Dr. Nurse MD’s conception of CPR is: Choke the other person, and then throw stuff at them. Now pair up and try it on each other!
[Choked Out by The Mountain Goats playing in the background]
Episode 4 – DON’T DROWN!
Time for lunch!
One of the kids who was in Nurse MD’s class is stumbling around coughing up blood, it seems. Lovely.
Sam and Taurtis decide to eat lunch on the high diving board, where they witness someone almost drown.
Time for gym class! The PacerGram Fitness Test is a–
They do laps around the gym. Gym Teacher Helena loves pain, it seems. Also she has quite a bit of favoritism towards Kiyu.
The kid who was coughing up blood earlier is NOT looking good.
Their last class is in classroom 12, which has a number 4 outside of the door, and also a gold key and a bottle of Mountain Dew. The floor inside is covered in mushrooms, and the teacher, Professor Geode Rocks, is sitting on a throne. He addresses his students as “subjects” and “my children”. There are chains hanging from the ceiling. The boys are very uncomfortable.
Geode calls the new kids to the front of the class and asks for their medical records. Also, every time he says someone’s name, he says it in all caps.
Taurtis starts listing out all of the physical trauma he’s suffered. Geode decides the three of them are “not good candidates”.
Geode gives them homework: Collect as much trash as possible. Extra points for blood, hair, and nails.
“Wait an Earth Second,” says Professor Geode, much like an Earthling would.
He starts sniffing Taurtis. Taurtis is “the one”. Now his plan can finally be a success. He pulls a hair out from Taurtis’s head. Taurtis does NOT like any of this. Even Sam is vocally weirded out. Geode starts yelling about world domination as the bell rings.
Sam: “We can’t go back, we’re in witness protection.” Taurtis: “I don’t feel protected here!”
Taurtis: “I’ve never felt so unsafe in my life.”
This school’s Yelp review is going to be real bad.
Sam: “This is for a class, Mr. Geode told us we had to get blood.” Señor Loro: “CLASSIC GEODE. He is eccentric.”
Creepy Man Update: Still.
I'm probably gonna do 1 school day per post from this point, it's a good way of breaking things up.
Next Time... Grian!
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kaynothanks · 2 years
Other 2.0
Send Requests!
Examples of who I write for and more prompts! (still feel free to request someone else and perhaps I like ‘em too)
Send an ask with a number and from which list or scenario you like
1. “Well, what can I say? I’m a badass.”
2. “Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?”
3. “Were you dropped on your head?”
4. “Excuse me, I have to go make a scene.”
5. “If we weren’t in public right now, I’d have my head between your legs.”  
6. “I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point, it’s really go big or go home.”
7. “I’ll just go ahead and go fuck myself.”
8. “How the fuck did you survive that?”
9. “Keep your morals away from me.”
10. “Don’t talk to me, someone might think we are friends.”
11. “I can’t stand you.”
12. “Are you blushing? Gross.”
13. “Don’t you know who I am?”
14. “I like you.” “Don’t do that to yourself.”
15. “Are you sober?” “I’m moderately functional.” “I’ll take that as a no.”
16. “Come here.” “Why?” “Just come here.” “No, you’re gonna hit me.”
17. “What are you in for?” “Let’s just call it collateral damage.”
18. “This is why we can’t have nice things.”
19. “I’m only here to establish an alibi.”
20. “Want help with that?”
21. “You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.”
22. “What? Does that feel good?”
23. “You have no idea how much I want you.”
24. “I’m gonna need therapy after this.”
25. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you forget that guy’s name.”
26. “Did I stutter?”
27. “I’m going to remember this moment when I’m jerking off later.”
28. “If I have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for a week.”
29. “It’s not what it looks like!” “Yes, it is.”
30. “Do I look like I’m messing around? Do I look like I won’t punish you?”
31. “You’re so in for it when we get home.”
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Well -- OKAY THEN. In THIS edition of “everyone is a bitch-ass hypocrite” -- Double Savage, episode 8 thoughts:
1) Win intimately reconciles with (a clearly messed-up, clearly vengeful, do not go near her) Rung, even though Rung categorizes herself as a criminal, as Win says he’ll love her no matter what,
2) At the same time, Win CONTINUES to condemn Korn for HIS being a “criminal,” weak ass, 
3) Win CONTINUES to think that he’ll be able to “put the bad people away” without using his HEAD (until the very end of the episode, thank gawd) as to who exactly the bad people are (which we can surmise at this point that Rung knows, too),
4) The PO-POs continue to be hypocrites for turning a blind eye to Ah’s operation because of RANKS (?!) and moolah (more on this in a sec)*,
5) Let me argue for a sec that Korn himself is also being a touch hypocritical, in that he’s being portrayed as someone who knows the way of the world, and still wants his tight circle to not get involved in his business, which like, homey, impossible at this point, because you kept/keep showing up to places and seeing all your old people, and
6) Rung herself is a hypocrite for blaming Korn’s family for her fate, because, GURL, DID YOU FORGET THAT YOU WERE THE ONE TO HOP IN THE OG DRUG VAN? ACCOUNTABILITY!!! And now you’re selling drugs to Pea/Satang! Good lord!
PHEW. In other words, very many people are being bitch-asses in this show at this point. Sounds very New Siwaj-y, if you’ll let me project. 
All that being said. I found out an answer to a question that I’ve long had, which is that Li doesn’t work, and was always expected to live at home, which I think is still a fascinating slice of Thai/Thai-Chinese culture that I need to know more about. And the way in which the patriarchal expectations of Win fall on his shoulders as he wonders if he can support the family without the store, and the dad having saved money to make it happen. 
Win doesn’t have a gray area. I think he’s the only character that doesn’t have it. And he didn’t need it -- because when he was growing up, he didn’t need survival techniques.
For all the time that Rung spent with BOTH brothers in their childhood -- Rung knew/knows this, and now knows how to take advantage of Win and his hypocrisy, because she knows that he was never a critical, survivalist thinker. Which likely explains, to an extent, her continued attraction to Korn, as she’s now figuring out a way to survive.
(Let me pause to say that I CONTINUE TO LOVE FILM, I love her leather-and-eyeliner-and-pouts-and-gold-chain-era, and by my count, she’s now kissed Nanon, Ohm, AND Perth in shows, and JUST GET ‘EM GURL, GET ‘EM, KEEP IT UP, HONEY.)
So with Win’s lack of a gray area -- man, he gets played all around him. The police are messy. Ah’s operation is messy. Korn’s loyalties are messy. Rung’s HEADSTATE is messy. Li now knows about Ah and the roles he’s played in the community, and recognizes that just condemning Ah is not so easy and is messy.
The only one still looking for black-and-white is Win. His whole life had been black and white, because he was the golden child. @shortpplfedup noted so succinctly in my last Double Savage post that that golden child mindset has messed Win up SO MUCH, because HIS frame was that Korn was ultimately a LOSER (because he indirectly absorbed that from his dad -- and never fought his dad on that point), and should NOT be the focus of Rung’s attention.
And Rung has learned so much from her time away to know that she can take advantage of Win’s dualistic perspective, which she’s doing, because she’s (wrongly, imo) revengeful towards Korn’s family. 
@miscellar is reading my thoughts exactly on this show -- that it’s becoming more and more of a soapy mess. But I think what I appreciated about the last two episodes -- because I’m me, a sucker for family trauma -- is that the show has been brought BACK to the center of the family trauma, and is reminding us that all of this is because the dad fucked things up so hard. We’ll see in the last week of the series next week that Korn will consider ponying up to help his dad. The dad created all of these fucking nasty dualities that just SNARED EVERYONE in. The person operating outside of all of this family drama/trauma was Ah, who knew how the world worked from the start. 
And at least Li is the one (maybe besides Korn, but again, Korn is being a hypocrite here too, for not reading everything as deeply as I think he can) who’s recognizing on the family side that shit’s complicated enough to think about it and to ask how it all ended up this way. How could people think of Ah as a good person? Her wheels are turning, and I wonder if that’ll have an impact next week. I hope so -- although next week looks seriously messy, and I wonder how the show’s going to get itself out of it.
*I forgot to add that some folks on Twitter seem to think the Captain is one of the guys who ran Ah off on the road -- I’m open to the idea.
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max--phillips · 2 years
Some things about Indiana that I, someone who grew up in Lafayette/West Lafayette & now lives in Indianapolis, think you should know about this state:
1. Everyone who lives here dreams about getting the FUCK out at some point. Y’all, it is painfully boring here. The most exciting thing you can do is leave

until you’re in a place in your life where you can enjoy things like state and national parks. Turkey Run, the Indiana Dunes, Shades, Lake Monroe, the entirety of Brown County. Southern Indiana particularly is more interesting because it isn’t as fucking flat as the rest of the state. From Indianapolis north it’s just
. Flat.
3. That Town Name Is Not Pronounced Like You Think. For instance, 99.9% of the rest of the world would spell it La Fayette or LaFayette and pronounce it like
 y’know. The right way. NOPE. It’s La-fee-et. La Fontaine? Pronounce “l’fountain.” Russiaville? Pronounced Rooshaville (although that’s
 a bit contentious.) Versailles? Better say that phonetically as “ver-sails.” Merrillville = meraville. Schererville = Sheraville. Hobart = hobert. There is a Houston, Indiana, but it’s pronounced “HOWston” for some god forsaken reason. Terre Haute is “tear-a-hote.” (Can you tell there were a shitload of French fur trappers here?) Monticello is pronounced “monnisello.” Delphi? “Delf-eye.”
4. We have the following interstates: 465, 65, 70, 74, 69 (nice), 469, a little bit of 64 to the south, and WAAAAYYYYY up north you get bits of 90 & 80/94 (yes that’s the same interstate in Indiana no I don’t know why). All of them are FUCKING NIGHTMARES because when it’s construction season (read: approximately April-November) every single road construction company needs to get their grubby little hands all over every inch of interstate. A good chunk of 70 between Indianapolis and Terre Haute is down to one lane, 465 is a fucking mess, 65 from Lafayette to Indy has been under construction for Several Years and it is not going to stop anytime soon, 69 isn’t even DONE yet because they fired the first contractors working on it. How do I know this you ask??? I drive in this god forsaken state every day to make a living . It is hell lads
5. Alright, so, you don’t want to go out of state but you do want to do something. Cool. Go to Indianapolis I guess? Walk the canal, go shopping at the Keystone mall, or in Carmel. You could go to Santa Claus, a real town in southern Indiana, which is home to Holiday World! It’s
 actually a pretty dope amusement park lmao. If it’s Memorial Day weekend and you want to be outside in the throes of a crowd and probably absolutely TRASHED you could go to the Indy 500! It’s the ✹biggest event in racing✹ and we make a HUGE deal about it because nothing else happens in this state other than like. Crime. (Note: if you are intending to visit this city irl, like. Why? But also please do not walk around the canal or downtown Indianapolis after dark. No I am not kidding. In the place I lived before I heard gunshots all the time, and if you live in Indianapolis you Know. Just. Be careful lmao)
6. The weather is wholly unpredictable. The weather man may seem to know what he’s talking about, but take any forecast with a huge grain of salt. The forecast for the day could say 75 and sunny for a week, but when the day comes it could well be fucking -3 and snowing. Layers are your friend, and expect it to rain always.
7. Speaking of which, you like tornados? We get ‘em! Not only that, but it is a Hoosier pastime to get a beer and sit out on the porch and watch storms roll in, even as the tornado sirens are blaring in the background telling us to go inside. Until I see that funnel cloud barreling directly at me, I will be outside watching the weather come in. This is best done if you live in a somewhat rural area surrounded with a lot of corn fields, which
 is not hard to find. There (is? Was? The operation status of this place is unclear) an amusement park called Indiana Beach and their tagline was literally “there’s more than corn in Indiana” (which is a fucjing lie)
8. This place is deeply Republican. Unless you are in a specific small liberal area (Indianapolis, West Lafayette, Bloomington, etc) you will be surrounded by trump flags and evangelicals. That’s unfortunately just how it is. My mom has called this state the “middle finger of the south.”
9. Our major universities include Purdue (West Lafayette), Indiana University (Bloomington), Notre Dame (technically its own town, but really South Bend), Indiana State University (Terre Haute), Ball State (Muncie), Butler (Indianapolis), Rose Hulman (Terre Haute), and University of Indianapolis (bet you can’t guess), among others. We have a lot of universities??? We also have MANY campuses of Ivy Tech, a community college.
10. So much limestone. SO much limestone
11. Bloomington has a Tibetan monastery
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favoriteanimal · 1 year
guided tour of your piercings please? where are they and what order did you get them in?
(thank you Derek!)
This may or may not work, but I'm trying to use a readmore because SOME of these are naughty
1&2: 1st lobes, left and right. I was probably 12?
3&4: 2nd lobes, left and right. Age 18, done the day I arrived at college.
5: triangle, the summer I turned 21. Bit of an abrupt ramp up in terms of intensity, I guess, but I knew what I wanted and didn't see a point in fucking around. This is, hands down, the most exquisitely painful thing I can remember having experienced.
6: septum! Later that same summer. Okay got the important one out of the way now we can just fuck around a bit
7: navel, I was 22 or barely 23? Zero pain, did not feel it, but it didn't fully heal until almost a year later (while I was recovering from top surgery - I had been messing with it too much and when I was in surgery-recovery mode I had enough going on that I left it the hell alone for a couple weeks). Also had my tongue done the same day but took it out less than 24 hours later, as it was swelling too much to heal properly (likely because I was still trying to walk a line where I wouldn't have to acknowledge my piercings around my family and pushed to have it pierced in a less obvious, suboptimal placement)
8&9: horizontal clitoral hoods, about four years ago I think. Got them done one after the other and I expected the second one to be easier since I had endorphins running - I was wrong. Now there's a lovely little stack of jewelry along the shaft of my dick and I'm genuinely extremely proud of it - tbh I'd get more if I wasn't pretty sure it'd be too crowded.
10&11: 6g cartilage punch in tops of ears, left and right, this last spring. A couple of months apart so I'd have a side of my head to sleep on while the other one healed, these were a pain in the ass for quite a while but finally fully healed when I was visiting Moss's family this October (again, just left the damn things alone for a bit). I love em, they're the only jewelry I change frequently because they're easy and don't poke me in the fingertips.
Would dearly love to have my nipples done, but am constantly concerned that their post-surgical shape won't be able to support a piercing... We'll see. I've genuinely thought about getting my nipples revised for that explicit purpose but that seems like a ten pound solution to a two ounce problem, you know?
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benene-the-banana · 2 years
Eddie As An Uncle Headcanons
My hcs about if Eddie was an Uncle bcuz yes
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Totally wont be basing these off of what I think could work and mostly based off his uncle-niece dynamic with my oc Bean Idk what ur talking about. Before I get into this Yes I understand he is NOT canonically an uncle, Yes I understand some of my hcs could be a stretch you don't have to like them and its okay if you don't I don't expect everyone to have the same hcs or even like the Uncle Eddie idea But that doesnt mean I cant have fun with a silly idea that brings me comfort/happiness or that I cant use this to help me cope with my own issues. So if you dont like these you can keep it to yourself. Block me if you have to but dont try to invalidate MY hcs especially when they're NOT problematic and made just for fun. So without further adu lets get into the hcs now shall we since I've gotten that lil explanation out of the way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. He’d be a pretty fun and goofy uncle. Though he wont be afraid to be strict with the kid when he has to. He may be fun/goofy/etc but he still is responsible and considers it his responsibility to be able to put his foot down
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. I feel like Eddie would have a fatherly side to him + soft spot for kids. So he would probably treat the niece and/or nephew as if they were his own kid He probably also lovingly refers to the kid as “my kid/kiddo” He doesn't care if that's “just his niece/nephew” If he says that's his kid then that's his kid End of story You can’t change his mind ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Due to his fatherly side and very likely close bond he’d have the kid he’d probably be the Godfather if not some other relative. I can definitely see Eddie willing to take that sort of responsibility I think his only concern tho would be that he doesn't live on his own He lives with his friends so that may be a bit harder to arrange and have the kid adjust to. Other than that he would be great at that role bcuz he was probably already like a 3rd parent type of uncle anyways
4. He’d show off embarrassing baby/toddler pictures bcuz he’d be the proud and wanting to show off his kid type but also he does find it kinda funny to embarrass his kiddo in that sorta way ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. If the kid really wanted to ESPECIALLY when they were little They could've find a way to get him to spoil them and it wouldn't have been hard for them to be a suck up and he would've spoiled that little kid ROTTEN. He’d stop spoiling them as much when they become a teen and stuff but he would occasionally spoil them still Just ya know not at the same extent Which is pretty fair its not like as a teen theyre gonna want as much stuff as they did when they were little anyways ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. He’d give embarrassing nicknames just to mess with the kid ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. He can have a tendency to be overprotective While his heart would be in the right place and would mean well Doesnt mean he cant get unnecessary with it like god forbid the kid starts dating someone or some shit He’d try to have it under control but if he senses the kid’s partner could cause trouble, break their heart or some bad shit towards his kid He is NOT having it like nuh-uh none of that shit he’s getting ready to bury a body That one Family Guy scene is literally going to be him
// blood + knife in the next upcoming image so get ready to scroll past it if you dont want to see it
And also involving his more protective side He’d also probably look something like this If really sent into some protective uncle version of a Papa Bear or Papa Wolf mode Whatever tf its called with protective dads/dad figures
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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Gets the kid stuff their parent says theyre not allowed to have to annoy tf out of his sibling/friend (whoever is the parent of his niece/nephew) Like the kid cant have loud toys? Looks like its time to get them 20 of em ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Says the dumbest/weirdest shit to make his kid laugh In typical goofy weird uncle manner ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. He’s the self proclaimed “Favorite Uncle” And he takes pride in the Favorite Uncle title Whats funny is that while it is just him claiming to be the favorite even without confirmation from the kid(s) he might actually be the favorite Or could definitely be up there in terms of favorite uncles for the kid ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. He SO WOULD BE THE EMBARRASSINGLY SUPPORTIVE UNCLE Lemme give an example with my AB Oc Bean So I have it written in canon that when she is 17 and is currently playing in her highschool’s volleyball team and whenever she was little she played Little League Softball And I could so see Eddie embarrassing the absolute HELL out of her during her games/tournaments Hes just yelling at her from the stands “WHOOO HELL YEAH BEANIE YOURE DOING GREAT!!” “THATS MY GIRL!!” Or some shit like that and not only does he do that but nearby ppl in the stands have to deal with Eddie pointing Bean out and going “You see her? THATS MY NIECE!” In his embarrassingly proud way And poor Bean is beyond embarrassed hiding her face with her hand or any other way to hide and her teammates could look at her and go “So thats your uncle?” And Beans just like “Him? No I dont even know him” And Eddie still continues his embarrassing antics bcuz why wouldn’t he XDD Eddie isnt normally the embarrassing type of uncle but this is definitely a time where he does become that ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- And that is all I have for now! If I do come up with more later I can try to add them! If you guys also have ideas I would love to hear them especially for the other members of Alpha Team bcuz I dont have nearly as many or as in thought and I really want more for them! I really would love to hear them especially bcuz in my opinion this is a fun and interesting hc topic idea for em
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emofloofchild · 2 years
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I posted 380 times in 2022
That's 189 more posts than 2021!
7 posts created (2%)
373 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 244 of my posts in 2022
Only 36% of my posts had no tags
#chocolate man my beloved - 17 posts
#writember2022 - 16 posts
#nanowrimo - 12 posts
#nanowrimo 2022 - 12 posts
#my new favorite chocolate man video - 4 posts
#help - 4 posts
#plus 026! - 4 posts
#plus 021 and 026 - 3 posts
#:) - 3 posts
#!!! - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#some of the pictures were so low quality that i second guessed my knowledge of them but i technically knew them lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
Writember 2022!
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I have decided to do this again, mostly because I like creating the prompt list, lmao. Feel free to jump around if that's more your thing! :)
If you don't know a word, look it up yourself. No freebies here (el-em-ay-oh)
I'm posting this on August 1st, so be prepared for September 1st!
Lastly, this will be posted on my writing blog @emo-floof-child-writes so follow there to get the actual finished prompts! (They are gonna be Stranger Things themed for me because S4 has me by my throat rn). You can also see last year's there, if you wanna see more for whatever reason.
1 note - Posted August 1, 2022
Lmaoooo. It's only August 6th and already I have written 16/30 of my Writember prompts...
The power of the Stranger Things brainrot is incredible. Also of the ones I queued today, (five total) most have some mention of Lumax and two focus on them. They are the only good [canon] couple.
[Except Jopper, I guess, but it's hard to write characters that are that age as a young adult].
But yeah! More than halfway done with my prompts! :D We out here, vibing!
2 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
18 of the 30 prompts done, and the first two weeks are done!
And this is with three day breaks between prompts lmao. My brainrot is strong I guess.
Hopefully next update will be that week 3 is done, but I'm struggling on some of the prompts in week 3, so we'll see!
4 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
Prompt 001 drops today! And I just finished prompt 020, meaning, I have the first 3 weeks done finally. My brain did not want to work on 020 specifically for some reason, and I was fighting it a lot.
It's not a great finished product, admittedly, but darn it all I beat the brain mush! Now it's only 22-25 and 27-30 left. Making it only 8 more prompts to do before I'm free of this mess that I put myself in lmao.
9 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
NaNoWriMo Update 1: 5,000!
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I've written chapter 1 and started chapter 2! Ten percent of the way! :D See you in 3 days, for 10k words!
11 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week in BL
April 2021 Part 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Love Poison 2 Ep 3 - incomprehensible plot, confusing characters, terrible audio, I’m dropping this one. 
Second Chance Ep 2 - they are my adorable babies and I LOVE THEM. Must protect Jeno at all cost. Chris, come on, boy needs you. (They’re the jock/nerd pair.) Then there’s the friend-to-lovers (Paper & Fah) and cafe cute boys (M & Near). We got artful injury tending (finger & lip) and some jealousy or something. Is the script good? Hell no. Is anything happening? Nope. But I’m INVESTED in the nothingness. 
Lovely Writer Ep 7 - mostly set in the past, but the child actors they got were decent. I actually liked how they explained Sib’s behavior (I mean losing your BFF + figuring out you’re gay at the same time gotta mess with your head). We got touch my lip, carry baby to bed, let’s sleep facing, face touch, hair touch, and a hand kiss as well as The Kiss. With so many intimacy and caring tropes, I’m well pleased.  BONUS: NO SOUND EFFECTS. Please make then have fired the sound tech. OHPLEAESEOHPLEASEOHPLEASE. 
Fish Upon The Sky Ep 1 - I like it. Might as well break the 4th wall if you’re gonna do a voice over. Some super cringy moments but I think that’ll improve post makeover. Yet again we have a BL poking fun at its own tropes. 2021 is definitely the year of meta. Oh and Phuwin’s English is really good. 
Call It What You Want Ep 1-2 - it’s slow and more arty than I expected. The actor playing the main character looks eerily like Up (Gene in Lovely Writer) + an ex of mine - it’s disconcerting. 
Brothers Ep 10 - my two got together and ARE ADORABLE. I actually really like how they dealt with Khun’s seme ownership freak out. That’s some sexy communicating, boys! So many couples (and triads) I’m well confused, but I only love KhunKaow so no one else matters.  
Y-Destiny Ep 2 - cute, bit raunchy, kinda fun, about a million tropes in one tiny ep. I’m getting So Much in Love meets something from Strongberry. No bad thing... no real good thing either. But I was expecting a lot worse. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai 
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 4 (AKA Ep 7-8) - I don’t wanna blog about it. I can’t even think about it. I’m still gonna keep watching it. Conclusion? I’m trash. 
Word of Honor (China) Ep 22-24 - Wen is as much as a drama queen as Gene (in his own special way). Most of his past is now revealed plus obligatory bathing scene. (Is Gong Jun contractually obliged to be topless in all his dramas or is it just for the good of the planet? Asking for a friend.) A good 60% of the time I have no idea what is going on (so many names! who is this Lovelace putz allasudden?) but I don’t care cause they so pretty. 
Most Peaceful Place (Vietnam) Ep 3 - didn’t drop this week, or was it only 2 episodes? I’m so confused. 
We Best Love 2 (Taiwan) Ep 6 fin - It’s GREAT, they’re great, everyone’s great, the world is great. So pleased to get Shu Yi and his dad talking Japanese. I love it when Taiwan makes use of bilingual actors (see Because of You) almost as much as them flexing their marriage equality muscles. The full circle pool kiss was adorable and this series is officially a favorite. (@heretherebedork your boys don’t end unhappily but they don’t get an HEA either, everyone else does. I think you’d be okay with this one.) 
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Stand Alones 
Tell the World I Love You (Thai BL movie) released into theaters? Or not? Haven’t heard anything about it. 
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Breaking News 
Bite Me got a full trailer and it looks GOOD. Mark Siwat seems to be carrying this one, which is fine, we all know he can (especially if you’ve seen his non-LBC stuff). Quality controls seem relatively high, although this may only be a fund-raising trailer. No eng subs at last check but I’m disposed to be hopeful. It feels like we are in Oxygen territory and that was one of my favorites last year. 
You’re My Sky dropped what they’re calling an “official pilot.” No eng subs. I think this is a tester trailer to raise funds. MDL listing makes this sound like a standard college BL, but trailer portrays a sports romance. Stars almost-familiar new faces from Y-Destiny. It’s like we have a new crop of BL actors chomping at the bit to take over from MaxTul or MewGulf, and with the 91 line aging out*, maybe they aren’t wrong? 
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* Don’t crawl into my craw, they’ve most of ‘em said they don’t wanna keep doing BL after turning 30 and frankly, why should they? 
Nitiman dropped BTS from their publicity shoot. No eng subs. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons. 
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
Spring Line Up:
Close Friend the series (Thai trailer) April 22.
2gether the movie (Thai trailer) April 22 to Thai theaters.
Nitiman (Thai) May 7 on One31.
I Told Sunset About You 2 (Thai) May 27 on LineTV
Ossan’s Love (Hong Kong) June to Viu
I joined MDL under this handle AbsoluteBL. Find me there if you like, currently it’s just ratings, tracking, & three lists: 
Japanese BL & Live Action Yaoi Manga
Korean BL
Taiwanese BL
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mercy-burning · 3 years
The 13th Hour
Part of Mercy’s 1k Celebration: A collection of Spencer Reid x Reader requests to celebrate 1,000 followers.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Reader and Spencer conduct a 12-hour sexual experiment Category: SMUT (this isn’t as hardcore as it could have been, but it’s still explicit, so 18+ only) Warnings: Some language, Sex (edging, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, female receiving oral sex, fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, aftercare) Word Count: 3.8k
Full Request: “...Okay... Spencer running a little experiment on you, seeing how many times he can edge you... and then how many times he can make you cum, being all clinical and scientific about it, I just can’t get the idea out of my head! Congrats on 1kđŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°â€ — @bluesunrise02
NOTE: I know I’ve read something similar to this before, but I can’t for the life of me remember whose post it was, so if any of you remember, or know of another concept like this, please let me know! I hope this isn’t too similar, I did try to make it a little different than what I remember from the other fic. I hope you enjoy it! Also, DISCLAIMER! I’m... not really sure if it’s realistic for this to happen in 12 hours, so excuse me if that’s a little out there. I hope it’s okay!
It was something the two of you had talked about before, but with both your crazy schedules, it was hard to find the time. But once there was a weekend where you and Spencer realized you both had off, there was no question about it. This was your time.
There was a notebook in his hands as he examined your body, laid out perfectly for him to do whatever he wanted. Though, seeing him writing things down now seemed strange considering he wasn't actually doing anything.
"What could you possibly be taking note of right now?" you questioned, verbalizing your minor concern.
He just looked up from his work and smirked at you, only for a few seconds before he went back, jotting something else down.
To experiment on your own, you closed your legs and rubbed your thighs together, hoping he'd get the signal.
The second he put his hands on your knees to spread your legs open again, you almost broke down right there. Because you finally realized why he was talking forever to get started.
He was making you wait for it. Getting you excited and antsy.
"Keep 'em open for me, sweet girl," he said softly as he ran the tip of his pencil over your bare thighs. The sensation admittedly made you clench around nothing, and he smiled, returning to write something down.
But then he was done teasing. He set the notebook and pencil down and sat beside you, making sure you looked him in the eyes before he spoke. "Are you sure you still want to go through with this? You know whenever you feel like it, you just say the safeword and we'll stop."
You smiled up at him with a slight nod and reached out to grab his hand. "I'm ready when you are, Doc."
He squeezed your hand and leaned down to kiss you sweetly. Though, the sweetness didn't last. After you started to get squirmy, his hands gently roaming your bare body as he kissed you for about a half hour—Yes, a half hour—he relented, trailing his kisses down to the insides of your thighs. By the time he actually truly touched you, you were already a whimpering mess.
If that was any indication as to how the rest of the day would go, you were in trouble. Good trouble, sure, but trouble nonetheless.
He took it easy, gently swiping his tongue out to tease your clit as his middle finger slowly—and torturously so—entered in and out of you. Whenever he could tell that you were getting closer to orgasm, he pulled back, pressing gentle kisses to the insides of your thighs again and then returning to his work sometime later.
This was a cycle that kept repeating until about another half hour had passed, and Spencer retreated to take more notes.
"You feeling okay?" he asked, brushing the hair from your face.
You smiled up at him, a little frustrated at not being able to get off, but blissed out nonetheless at all the build-up. "Mhm...
By now he'd brought out the weakest vibrator you had, keeping it on a low setting as he alternated between pressing it to your clit and pumping it in and out of you. In between hours, you'd been drinking water and eaten a few decent snacks to keep yourself hydrated and fed.
You were nearing the end of the first half of the day, and after this next hour you'd be able to stop for an hour to eat lunch and take a break.
But you couldn't focus on that right now.
No, right now you were too busy gasping and moaning out every time Spencer's tongue flicked and swirled over your clit as his fingers worked the vibrator in and out of your body.
The pressure was building and building, and like it had become second nature at this point, you tapped his head to let him know you were on the brink. So he pulled away completely, leaving you whimpering and sweating.
He turned the vibrator off and came to sit next to you rather than in front of you. His hand grazed your cheek as he looked down at you, his gentle and caring nature instantly calming you down.
"Keep going?" he asked softly, rubbing his thumb along your bottom lip.
You kissed it and nodded, knowing you could hold out for another forty minutes or so. "I can do it."
"I know you can, sweet girl. Just a little longer, and then we can take a break."
He kissed you sweetly again before returning to his spot in front of you, and the sound of the vibrator turning on immediately set your insides aflame.
This time, he pressed it to your clit, and you jumped at the sensation. And as if that wasn't enough, he leaned forward and added his tongue to the mix, both of them completely overtaking your senses and sending you into a tailspin.
It didn't take very long for you to need to tap his head again, and he chuckled as he pulled away, leaning into your thigh. "So soon already, baby?" he mused.
"I can take it, I just... I need... more frequent breaks," you breathed, trying to look up at him and failing to keep your head up.
"Oh, that's gonna make the second half of this little experiment so much fun," he mused again, and then dove head-first back into said experiment.
You were sitting at the kitchen table, and your legs felt like they might fall off. When you told Spencer this, he laughed and reassured you that you'd be fine, but let you know kindly that if you didn't want to go through with the rest of this and stop for the day, that was more than okay, too.
He made you toast and cereal for lunch, despite his protests to get you to eat something a bit more sustainable. But you insisted that you had to have Lucky Charms and toast, and really, who was he to say no to you?
It didn't take long for you to eat, so the both of you spent the rest of your hour-long break cuddled on the couch. You were wrapped in a soft new robe he'd just bought you for an anniversary present, snuggled into his side as he rubbed your head, his fingers brushing through your hair and almost making you fall asleep. And you probably would have, too, if not for the fact that you knew what was coming next.
Despite the slight exhaustion that was starting to wash over you, it kept you awake and alive with electricity just thinking about what the next few hours would entail.
You'd ended up dozing off a little longer than expected, no doubt throwing off your experiment a little bit, but once you woke up on the couch to find Spencer taking more notes in his book, the feeling you had (relaxed and refreshed and ready to go again) let you know it was worth it.
"Can I see what you're writing?" you mumbled, reaching out to pull him closer to you.
"You can tomorrow. I want you to be as unbiased as possible, so you're gonna have to wait."
You kissed his neck and nuzzled into it, already feeling replenished and ready for phase 2. "Whatever you say, Doctor," you hummed into his skin.
About 20 minutes of making out on the couch, some water, and a bathroom break later, you found yourself perched on the bed again, this time leaning against the headboard and toying the hem of your robe, which you'd left on and open, per your boyfriend's request.
He watched you intently as your hands started to roam, slightly pushing the silk aside to expose your breasts and then gently kneading them. Under his intense staring you felt yourself grow wet again already, and it was... well, intense, for lack of a better word.
After being edged for five hours straight, even with a decent break in between, everything that was happening seemed to be amplified, every sense heightened so that with every touch and even every look, it likely wouldn't take long for you to start falling apart again.
And you couldn't wait.
Rather than tell Spencer this, you showed him, spreading your legs wide and pouting, running your hands down your front and then resting your fingers promptly at the crease of your thighs.
"Eager already?" he laughed, writing something down.
"Mhm," you whined in earnest, though you'd have been lying if you said you didn't do it to catch his attention, too.
Whether that's what did it or not, you were excited to see that he set the notebook down and was making his way to nestle between your legs once more. As he kissed the insides of your right thigh you reached out to run your fingers through his hair.
"You remember your safeword if anything gets to be too much?" he asked, pausing his trail of kisses to look you in the eye.
You nodded, repeating the word, "Raven." The day you walked into the BAU for the first time, the first time you met, he was reading The Raven, and the two of you had a decent discussion about it for hours once you'd had some free time.
And even that was before the both of you had realized just how compatible you two were. You shared a lot of the same interests, and where you didn't know about something, he'd teach you, and vice versa.
That philosophy also happened to extend into your sex lives.
You didn't even really know you were into edging and overstimulation until one night Spencer would not stop teasing you, bringing you to the edge just to pull back until you were begging for him to finish the job.
Now look at where you were.
His finger teasing your pussy and gathering the slickness that had unsurprisingly already started to form there brought you out of your fond daydream. You looked down at him, sighing out at the way he looked in that moment and the way he made you feel. And when his middle and ring fingers slowly pushed into you, his mouth dropping open and forming a small 'o' as he worked so curiously, you start to realize just how lucky you'd gotten.
"Fuck, baby, please!"
Spencer came to a halt then, keeping himself buried deep inside of you as you gasped out for air.
"You wanna cum again, sweet girl?" he cooed, reaching down to cup your cheek.
You looked up at him and nodded, small whines escaping that closely resembled Mhm.
You'd already cum twice per hour since you'd started phase 2 of this experiment, but with only a few left to go, you pushed through the fatigue and focused on everything else. At first you tried to delay yourself again, thinking that maybe the payoff would be better and the overstimulation wouldn't be as bad, but you were sorely mistaken. After the third time you came, it was clear that there wouldn't be anything you could do unless you stopped it altogether, and you didn't want to. You knew your limits, and if there ever did come a time where you knew it was too much, you knew exactly how to stop it.
It also helped that Spencer was n absolute angel about everything. He always asked if you needed any water, if you were okay to keep going, if you wanted him to slow down or let you take a little break.
You had nothing to worry about.
He started drilling into you again, close to his first orgasm of the day, and you were more than willing to embrace it after having nothing but his hands, mouth, and a vibrator the whole time. Which, of course, was still a damn-near magical experience, but nothing ever compared to the way it felt when he straight-up fucked you. Especially now considering you were practically higher than you'd ever been.
When he did cum inside you for the first time that day, you yelled out, moaning obscenely at how... well, just good it felt. You couldn't think of any other words to describe it, especially while you were on the brink of coming undone yourself. Everything was just so high and sharp and good that you couldn't form proper words.
But you didn't need them.
You came shortly after he did, and Spencer still continued to slowly thrust into you. As his movements slowed, he tilted your head up to look at him, and spoke. "I think you can give me one more before our hour is up, yeah? Just one more, baby?"
"Uh... Uh huh," you breathed, giving him the best smile you could.
When he leaned forward to kiss you, his angle deepened, and you gasped out against his lips. He stayed there, taking sharp, staccato thrusts forward that kept his cum planted deep inside you and quickly started to give you another orgasm.
"You got it, baby, you got it. Let go for me, it's okay..."
His words sent you over the edge, your body finally shuddering with the effects of your sixth orgasm of the day. You clung to his neck, squeezing him until you were sure he couldn't breathe, but nonetheless, he kept at it, encouraging you with sweet words and running his hands gently through your hair.
When you were practically writhing around him in uncomfortable pleasure, he pulled out of you.
You breathed out a shaky sigh of relief against his shoulder, taking in all the sweet whispers he sent in your ear. Eventually your breathing slowed, and together you were both harmonious in slow, gentle breathing. You could have fallen asleep right there.
"I'm gonna pull back to look at you, sweet girl, is that okay?" he asked.
"Uh huh," you offered quietly, loosening your grip on him and allowing him to finally meet your eye again.
His gaze was soft, loving, everything that kept you going.
"Let's take a little break before we finish the rest of this, okay?"
This was it. This was the homestretch.
After a half-hour break during which Spencer cleaned you up a bit, made sure you were rested and hydrated, and set up for this last hour and a half, he had you on your stomach. Your ass was up in the air, your cheek resting on one pillow while another laid under you for support. It was comfortable, and you knew that it was the best way to end off the experiment.
"You ready for me, pretty girl?" You heard Spencer's voice from behind you, and it made you smile.
"Ready whenever you are, baby," you offered back clearly. You were more than ready for this.
You could practically hear his smile when he said, "That's my girl." His hands ran over your bare ass, and to show that you were in good spirits, you wiggled a little, causing him to laugh as he brought his hands down to your pussy.
The contact made you clench, and a small moan left your lips as he ran his fingers through your wetness.
"I love how eager you are, sweet girl," he mused, continuing his slow back and forth motions from your clit to your opening. And you couldn't help it. You begged. You didn't even really know what in particular you were begging for, just that it was setting your soul on fire not being touched to the fullest extent.
"Please," you cried out, relishing in the way his fingers did touch you, and begging for more.
Thankfully he seemed to be merciful, not wasting any time asking questions and simply getting to work. Two of his fingers slid easily into you, and you moaned out at the sensation. Between that and the small praises you could hear falling from his lips, truthfully you could have fallen asleep. Everything was so high-inducing that it felt like you were floating.
But you didn't fall asleep. You made sure to stay fully aware of what was happening, even if it did feel like time and space were coming in and out of focus sometimes. Besides, that fuzzy feeling was how you'd come to know you were close to orgasm.
It rocked through you like water crashing onto the shore, each new wave of pleasure stronger than the next until it subsided altogether, leaving you with a clean slate in the sand. You were moaning out incoherently into the pillow as you tried to catch your breath, but then smaller, yet still prominent waves met your shore and left you humming as his hips stayed pressed into your ass.
You were coherent enough then to realize that he was coming inside you, and the fuzziness of your surroundings cleared enough for you to hear him calling out your name in sweet, blissed-out whispers. Each syllable was like a prayer, desperate and unwavering as your body relished in the feeling of his warmth flooding inside of you.
But you almost didn't even hear the last part.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
Surprisingly to you, you found yourself unable to respond—the words were forming in your head, but your body and your mouth simply refused to do anything to communicate how you were feeling.
What did come out was, "How... much... time?"
By now Spencer had pulled out and away from you, and was now perched on the bed, beside you while his hand stroked the hair from your face. "Time's up now, sweet girl. You did so well."
Time, as it turns out, had not been up.
In actuality, the last hour only ended up being fifteen minutes, and upon seeing how exhausted and almost incoherent you were, Spencer decided to call it quits. Not to mention he had been tiring, himself. It gave him ample time to clean you up and get you into a nice, warm bath, though. As you waited for the water to run, he jotted some quick things down in the notebook and then tended to you the rest of the evening.
He washed you up, gave your shoulders and head a nice massage while doing so, and after about a half hour, dressed you in your favorite, comfiest pajamas. Your legs were so weak that he half-carried you to the bed, where you almost passed out on the spot. He'd crawled into bed with you immediately after throwing on a pair of boxers and a tee shirt, and took the time to rub your head, your arms, anywhere that comforted you.
You barely registered them because of how weak you felt, but he whispered praises against your temple, alternating between gentle words and even gentler kisses.
And now, you were well into the thirteenth hour of your experiment, sleeping soundly beside Spencer as he wrote a few more things down in the notebook.
He wasn't there when you opened your eyes. It worried you at first, but you saw a note on his pillow that read: Left to grab breakfast. Be back soon. I love you. —S
You smiled lazily, stretching out and instantly feeling how sore your muscles were. Through a wince, you stretched out some more before spotting Spencer's notebook on his bedside table.
And... Well, he did say that you could look at it after the experiment was over, didn't he?
So you climbed over, grabbed the notebook, and flipped it open, your stomach fluttering with butterflies at the thought of what he might have written.
Sure enough, the more you read, the stronger the butterflies got. Your eyes skirted over page after page, detailing in bullet points the filthy things he did to you and how you reacted, every hour a highlight reel of all that he tried and even some of the things you'd said. Some of it you didn't really remember at first, but it slowly started to come back to you as you woke up more, the blush on your cheeks deepening immensely as you read on.
You got near the end of the experiment, and that's when you noticed an added 13th hour.
More than curious as to what that could entail, you read a few paragraphs in Spencer's messy handwriting that sent a shot of warmth straight to your heart.
Y/N has finally fallen asleep. This is the 13th hour we've spent together today since the experiment started, and truthfully I think it's my favorite one. I find that even the intense fire I felt burning through me all day could never compare to the warmth I'm feeling right now, as she sleeps beside me, blissfully unaware of what I'm writing while her breathing softly threatens to lull me to sleep. I can't think of a better feeling, to be surrounded by her presence. It's comforting and warm and beautiful, and that's not even the half of it.
No matter what remarkably devious things I do to her body in the name of sexual experiments, what matters most to me is that at the end of the day, Y/N feels just as comforted and warm and beautiful as she makes me feel. Which is why I think I'll bring her blueberry pancakes tomorrow morning— they're her favorite. And while I'm out, I want to pick up some of her favorite snacks, some flowers, and maybe a stuffed animal or two. And... maybe that's a little much...
But as long as she knows how much I adore her, nothing is ever too much.
Your throat was suddenly tight, and tears threatened to escape, every muscle in your body tense as they tried their hardest to prevent you from actually crying. Maybe the physical intensity of yesterday was to blame, but deep down you knew that Spencer's heartfelt words would always be more powerful than any physical toll on your body, heart, and soul.
You hadn't even registered that he'd come home, his voice snapping you out of your little trance.
"You weren't supposed to see that yet," he said softly with an amused laugh. When you looked up, his hands were holding a bouquet of pink carnations, your favorite.
And with the soft, loving look in his eye, a tear managed to fall down your cheek. "I love you," you whispered through a smile, feeling your body start to break down after holding in all the tears.
"I love you too, sweet girl," he replied, striding over to you in a few steps.
When he reached the edge of the bed, you sat up on your knees and grabbed his face with your hands, bringing his lips to meet yours as the flowers tickled your chest over the thin material of your shirt.
"You're going to smush the flowers," he mumbled against your lips, and you laughed, pulling away to take them from him.
"Thank you, they're beautiful," you said, tilting your head down to instinctively smell them.
Spencer smiled back at you, and the sight made your heart beat a little faster as he said, "Just like you."
@elldell1204 @muffin-cup @calm-and-doctor @slutforthegubes @s1utformgg @rainsong01 @yourmisosoup
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shorkbrian · 4 years
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I wasn’t sure where to go with this, I’ve never dabbled in microphilia but I have been THINKING
(Warnings - obvs microphilia, very NSFW, unsafe sex, noncon. pls do not read if any of the squicks you out)
so like tinker bell quirk? You is small, maybe like the size of a hand (6-7 inches mebbe?). You can turn small for 2-3 hours at the most, but depending on your energy level you’ll stay small no matter what (even if you want to be big) for like an hour. It’s inconvenient in fights, and you wish you were able to turn small AND big at will, but it is what it is.
So I can really only see Bakugou being this depraved (You’re right about Kiri having big thicc balls, but he wouldn’t be this mean). Bakugou would catch you during moments where you were stuck waiting to turn big again, tucked into a corner, hiding away in your room after training - it’s not like you can hangout with everyone or study when you’re this small.
He’s attentive, and since his focus is almost always on you, so it’s impossible to sneak away without him noticing. He’ll go looking for you, searching in corners and small places you might’ve scurried off to. When he finds you, you’re getting snatched up immediately.
The first time it had happened, you’d screamed loud enough to make Bakugou flinch. It was useless, the man only had to threaten to squish you under his shoes if you didn’t behave to make you go quiet as a mouse. You had to do whatever he said.
And Bakugou made it clear; If you refused him, there’d be hell to pay. Would you like to get tossed into a washing machine, with no way out, just waiting to get big again? It’d hurt when you did, all scrunched up in the now too-small machine, waiting for someone to come along and help you out. Or maybe you’d wanna get locked in a freezer, turned into a popsicle for him to suck on?
At least he hadn’t threatened to flush you down a toilet yet.
He whisks you away to his room, stuffing you in his pants pocket if he passes anyone in the halls.
Once in his room, Bakugou isn’t afraid to get creative in how he uses you. Because, well, he doesn’t give you a choice in anything, and you’re only there to serve one purpose to him. You’re there to get him off.
Maybe he’ll sit down at his desk, get all his things out so he can study, then cruelly shove you down into his sweaty boxers. It’s dark, musky, and it smells gross, plus you’re pressed up against his half-hard dick. You cry the first couple of times. Bakugou just pats his crotch (you’re buried in there somewhere, he knows) and tells you to shut up and get to work.
It’s impossible to get him off like that.
Sometimes, he’ll strip completely, lay down on his bed, and drop you onto his chest. As you stand and try to get your bearings, he's pushing you with his middle finger down towards where his dick lies hot and heavy against his belly button. You’re instructed to suck him off - well, essentially just lick and drool and fondle his giant dick with your tiny body. If he’s feeling especially mean, he’ll bark at you to take off your clothes, then pick you up and place you on the flat underside of his dick, holding the tip down with his hand - tells you to rub yourself off on him. It’s humiliating.
Worse is when he deposits you onto his desk, strips out of only his pants, and stays standing. The desk is at the prefect height for him to use his cock to mess around with your small size. He uses his dick to push you around, makes you wrap your hands around him and vigorously jerk him off. Makes you play with his balls too, sits them down onto the desk top and instructs you to give ‘em some love.
You didn’t know what he wanted you to do the first time, so you got a vicious pinch to your ass that you swore left permanent damage. Bakugou wanted you to slobber all over them, push and pull with your hands, slide over them, even get up and try to walk around over them, whatever. Just something. The man wanted stimulation.
Because honestly? He’s not super interested in getting off when you’re this size. Even when you’re regular sized, he isn’t desperate to cum. No, for Bakugou, it’s more about the feeling of power he gets. You’re so small and helpless, he feels like a god when you scurry around, trying to achieve whatever he commands. It’s how obviously humiliated you get whenever he makes you do something - that’s what gets him going.
A couple of times he’s even told you to lay down near the edge of the desk, just so he could gently drop his ballsack on you, watch you almost disappear underneath it. He’d laughed at that.
Bakugou plays with you until you turn big again. 
Once you’re big, that's when he finally gets his rocks off, tired of being edged for however long you’ve been small. He wants to cum, and you’re gonna get him there.
He always ends up fucking you, because even when you're “big”, compared to Bakugou, you’re still tiny. His cock makes your tummy bulge out on each thrust, and he presses his thumbs over it while he holds you by the waist. It’s his favorite.
The man has only blown his load when you were itty-bitty once. You had been suckling on the head of his cock, laving over the tip, sinking your tongue deep into his urethra. You had pulled back, decided to be mean for once, and boldly lined up your entire arm with his slit. You had seen porn - men had plus that they shoved in here all the time, right?
Bakugou’s rough, hoarse shout when you shoved your arm inside him was satisfying. It was less satisfying when he pulled back, and your arm fell out of slit covered in precum. Apparently, the shout had been one of pained pleasure, not pure pain like you had hoped.
It was disgusting when his hand flew to his cock, stroking at it furiously as it began spurting out thick cum. The liquid splashed all over you, and at your current size, you almost drowned. It was horrifying. You choked on the amount that shot into your mouth, crying at the taste and viscosity. it settled low in your stomach.
After Bakugou finished cumming his brains out, he smirked down at you, slipping and falling and crying in a puddle of his cum. He was always nice enough to only cum when you were big, were you trying to change that?
You begged him to keep it that way.
So Bakugou only came when you were your regular size. Unfortunately, he never pulled out, too caught up in seeing the way your body stretched and bulged when he filled you up with his thick seed.
He never offered to clean you up, or even help you cum. This was all for his pleasure, and you couldn’t do a thing about it. It was awful.
You could only throw on some clothes, waddle to your room, and cry as you cleaned his cum out of you in the shower.
And if you got yourself off after that, frustrated by Bakugou’s refusal to make you cum while he violated you? That was between you and your showerhead.
You knew it would happen all over again tomorrow, might as well relieve some tension now.
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kuromochimi · 3 years
Kageyama x Reader x Atsumu
A Minute Too Late
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
wc: 3,234
Content & Warnings: college setting, fluff, angst, cursing, suggestive parts in the following chapters, please do not read if you’re not comfortable with talking about skinship and sexual topics!! smut, hand jobs, fingering, masturbation, kissing, unprotected sex. Please let me know if I missed anything! (Sorry for any grammatical / typographical errors. I’ll fix ‘em soon!)
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You haven’t contacted atsumu that much after what happened but you badly wanted to because you were confused as to how you felt about everything. You figured he wasn’t initiating anything because he was waiting until you were comfortable enough. Ever since that day, kageyama has been extra attentive with you. Safe to say, your emotions and feelings were a mess.
Now in times of need, despite tsukishima being a very passive person, he does come through when you least expect so here you were at a cafe, trying to ask for advice.
“What is it yn? Spit it out we don’t have all day”
“Would you just give me a minute jesus you’re so impatient”
“Okay then take your time.” Sarcasm lacing his words
“Here it goes. So uh.. do you remember when I uhm
 came home late last week? I actually, I- I-“
“Oh for crying out loud. You did something with atsumu-san? Did you sleep with him? Make out?”
“SHHH!! You ass hole we’re in public”
“So? Was I right?”
“Yes” if there was a world record for the softest whisper ever, then the way you responded would have broken the recorded. But you appreciated how Tsukishima didn’t pry any further about the details.
“But kei, how did you know?”
“yn I’m not stupid. It’s fairly easy to connect the dots you know. Even someone as dense as kageyama managed to figure that out”
Your stomach felt like it fell at least 10 feet below the ground at his statement. Kageyama? How did he know?
“Tobio knows?”
“Yes but I’m not spilling any more details. You and King tobio better sort out whatever you have going on”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, before you start messing around with someone else, at least sort out your feelings for kageyama first”
“There’s not much to think about. Atsumu probably only sees what happened as a one time thing. I don’t see how it’s a problem. Neither is my one sided crush on tobio..”
“Yeah probably not a problem for atsumu-san. But it is for you. I know you well enough to know that you’re bothered with not knowing what you and atsumu are after what happened.”
“Maybe a little but I’ll get over it”
“You dragged me here to ask for my advice but you just never listen. You’re a handful”
He huffed in annoyance before continuing.
“Then at least please let kageyama know. Your 4 year one sided love streak has been dragging on long enough”
“I’ll confess eventually”
“You said that 2 years ago”
“You won’t listen to me anyway so come on let’s go back. I have a test tomorrow, I gotta start reading”
After that talk, you couldn’t help but ponder on what tsukishima said. He was right. You wanted to straighten things out and what little courage you had somehow kicked in.
Text Conversation
<< yn: Hi atsumu! Are you free to talk?>>
<< atsumu: always free for you! :) >>
<< yn: Can I call? >>
<< atsumu: no, let me come over, maybe at that fountain where I found you before? I can be there in 15 minutes >>
<< yn: sure okay, see you! :) >>
End conversation
To say you were nervous was an understatement. Atsumu was you first kiss. First whatever it was that you two did. He was a nice person but you weren’t oblivious to his reputation. Not that you fully believed them. But he admitted that he has had a couple of flings before and despite already expecting yourself to just be one of them, you couldn’t help but feel a little upset because you never really wanted to be just a fling to anyone.
While on the way to meet atsumu, you bumped into kageyama in front of the convenience store. He was carrying bags of snacks and drinks, immediately offering a packet of jellies to you once he saw you.
“Thanks tobio, what in hell are all those snacks for though? You were never the snack type of person”
“Oh these are for you. Aren’t you on your period? This is a bribe so you won’t go berserk on me again”
There he goes again. You don’t understand him. Sometimes he’s basically a walking volleyball robot, only going to class for the sake of it, training, eating, going to bed, doesn’t show himself for days but sometimes he’s also the sweetest friend. Though you wish it could have been more than that. You weren’t so dense and you knew at some point, the feeling became mutual but shy cowards like you two weren’t exactly the easiest starters. Now you don’t know how to navigate between those feelings anymore.
“Hey yn, are you okay?”
“Oh, yes! I’m fine fine. Just going to meet a classmate”
WHY DID YOU LIE? You mentally cursed at yourself
“ ‘kay, want me to walk you?”
“No no it’s fine! I’ll be back soon, get me dinner if you guys get delivery”
This day was messing with your feelings more and more. Though you were certain you didn’t like atsumu in that way, or at least whatever you felt for atsumu doesn’t come the slightest bit close to what you felt for kageyama. With deep thoughts, you didn’t notice you were already at the fountain.
“Yo manager! What did you want to talk about?”
“Oh h- hi atsumu!”
“Don’t get shy on me now. Come on let’s sit here” he signaled for you to take the spot beside him on one of the benches.
“So princess, what did you want to talk about?”
“You know what I want to talk about atsumu”
“Hmm well, what do you want this to be?” He had an attractive smirk plastered on his attractive face and you couldn’t help but remember what you two did a few nights ago. You involuntarily rubbed your thighs together. Something that didn’t get past him.
Atsumu wrapped his arm around your shoulders and leaned in close to your ear to whisper “do you want a repeat of last time?” His lips barely grazing your ear, sending shivers all over your body. It was fairly dark already as the day approaches night but there were still people around.
“Atsumu we’re in public”
“My car is parked over there, what do you say? Want to continue our talk in the car?”
You gave him a slight nod before letting him guide you towards where he had his car parked.
When you said yes, you didn’t think you’d end up with your head being held down by atsumu’s hand as you sucked his dick.
“Ohh- you sure this is your first blow job? Baby that mouth does wonders- ah!”
All you could do was give a stifled moan as a response.
“Come on stroke the rest of it. Stroke it while sucking the tip. That’s it”
You felt him twitch but before you could go any harder, he pulled you away.
“Princess, back seat. Now.”
It surprised you how quickly he managed to throw himself into the back seat despite his big built. Right as he sat down, he immediately removed his shirt.
“Come here”
You couldn’t help but follow his lead. You leaned in and kissed him. In no time, his tongue made its way into your mouth, kissing you deeply. Your heated make out session seemed like it lasted forever. Especially when he started fondling your breasts, caressing your nipples alternatively through your sun dress. The moment was getting more and lore intense and you now longed for friction down there. You once again rubbed your thighs together but atsumu stopped you.
“ oops, don’t go doing that by yourself now. Let me take care of you too” atsumu said before pushing you down to lay on your back.
It wasn’t the most comfortable position. Although his car wasn’t really small but still. Your legs were spread wide, underwear already discarded, atsumu right in between, dragging his finger up and down your slit.
“Fuck baby you’re making me so horny”
He momentarily pulled his fingers away to unbutton his pants. He then spat on his palm before stroking his shaft, head tilted back while he was moaning and groaning deeply. His toned body parading itself right in front of you. It was the hottest view you had ever seen and you couldn’t believe you ever got the chance to see it. Sweat on his neck glistening from the dim light making its way inside the now fogged up windows. He looked at you from where he was and noticed how needy you looked, eyes pleading for some sort of relief.
“Don’t ‘cha worry princess. I got ya. Just tell me if what I’m doing isn’t okay. I’ll stop”
You had no clue what he was about to do until he started rubbing his hard cock on your pussy. A new sensation that made your eyes roll back so much. He intentionally rubbed his tip a little harder and longer on your clit, eliciting a loud moan from you, one which he muffled by leaning down and giving you a kiss.
“Baby, do I always have to kiss you to cover those pretty moans?”
“I-I’m sorry atsumu you just feel so- so good!”
He only smiled in return as he continued to rub his shaft on your lips, the feeling getting more and more wet and heated with every second that passes until you can no longer take it, atsumu seeming to have felt the same
“baby can I put it in?”
“Do you have a condom?”
“No, but I promise I’m going to pull out”
“Okay. Atsumu
 please go easy for now”
“ anything for you baby. Okay here it goes”
You being extremely wet from the previous stimulation made it less painful when atsumu started pushing in.
“I’m half way in, you feeling okay?”
“mhm it’s just very.. new to me”
No words were said as he started to push the rest of himself in ‘til he was buried down to the hilt.
“I- it hurts tsumu!”
“Shh, it’s going to get better, hm?”
While waiting for you to adjust to his size, he leaned down to give you a deep kiss, going down to your jaw, all the way to your neck, then to your chest. He pulled the straps of your sun dress and bra down to expose your hardened nipples which he started sucking and rubbing in no time.
The extra stimulation loosened you up a bit and gave more room for atsumu’s cock inside you. When he felt the shift, he asked you if he could start moving and you agreed. He started moving at a slow pace as to not hurt you.
“Does this feel okay, princess?”
“Yes tsum keep moving” he couldn’t help but smile at the nickname
After a few minutes of going slow, he gradually sped up, never failing to check whether you were comfortable with it or not but your moans growing louder and your hands scratching his back made it very clear to him that you were enjoying this just as much as he was.
As his pace kept getting faster and deeper, your moans got louder and louder to the point that he had to cover your mouth with his hand.
“Baby you can’t be too loud”
Despite being at a secluded parking area, the fact was that you were still in school campus and you definitely didn’t want to be knows as the girl who got caught having car sex in campus.
“Atsumu I’m close”
He simply nodded and continued with his pace. A louder moan from you signaling that he had hit your spot pushed him to keep hitting there ‘til he felt you tighten significantly as he rushed to cover your mouth with his own, kissing you deeply while he pumped himself a couple more times to help you ride off your orgasm.
“Tsum don’t forget to pull out” you say in between whimpers caused by overstimulation
When you calmed your breathing, he pulled out and stroked himself, grunts filling the small space of the car.
Realizing you couldn’t get your dress dirty, you sat up and you moved to replace his hand with your mouth, sucking him off until he came, cock throbbing in your mouth as you swallowed his cum.
You pulled away and sat down, out of breath. He did the same.
“So” he spoke in between hard pants “what did you want to talk about, princess?”
“Nothing” all the courage you had to ask what you originally intended to simply slipping away
And with one word, you found yourself in a predicament you never would have thought you’d be in. These “meetings” with atsumu only happened more frequently. After class when you both had free time. Mostly in his car or his dorm but never in yours. You didn’t want anyone finding out, most especially kageyama.
Despite none of you and atsumu saying it directly, it was obvious what your relationship with him was. Or at least that’s what you saw from how things were. You were certain that this wasn’t romantic but rather lustful. The one thing that bothered you however was that it wasn’t weird for you to be going with this because you were inexperienced and having someone like atsumu to pleasure you in ways that blew you away was of benefit to you. But atsumu? He had no reason to stick with you. Certainly there were other women who were better in bed who were willing to sleep with him. Despite tsukishima’s advice, it seems like you were back to square one again. Only this time, atsumu was a fuck buddy.
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Kageyama had his arms around you as you sobbed uncontrollably against his chest.
“There, there, we can figure this out, ‘kay?” He spoke gently while caressing your hair.
Some might think that being this devastated over not getting into your dream university was a little overboard but in your family where being successful and continuing on the legacy of going to that university was a big deal, you definitely had good reason to be acting the way you were. Your cousins all got in, if you weren’t mistaken. The burden of having to tell the news to your parents made your stomach sink to your feet.
You weren’t usually this close to kageyama. Being in the same circle didn’t exactly mean that you were comfortable enough to confide in him this way. It was kei and yachi most of the time but it just to happened that you bumped into kageyama while you were crying at the cafe. He approached you and invited you over to get you out of the public’s eye, letting you rant and cry in the confines of his room.
After crying your eyes out, kageyama was also the one who helped you get things together. He immediately offered to help you apply to more universities. He had an extra copy of the forms needed to apply for the college where he was going to go to. The one where the rest of your friend group was going to as well. He was even the one who typed in the details and relayed what you needed to provide, he also drove you there for your interview and exam. He made you feel that it was okay to look for other options and not beat yourself up when things don’t go your way.
From then on, he became your safe space and you, his. When he felt like his skills and efforts weren’t enough, you were always there to assure him that if there was one thing he never lacked, it was passion and effort to pursue what he had always dreamed of. To be quite frank, you have always had a little crush on him but only now did that deepen this much.
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“You done yet? I’m hungry”
You were currently finishing your papers while kageyama waited for you to finish them so you could eat dinner together.
“Not yet, just ten more minutes, I promise”
Realizing that your work was going to take more than a few more minutes, he knew that you would skip meals again just for it and him being there, he would not let that happen.
“You know what? I’m going to get some food. You stay here, let’s just eat here today so you can finish your work faster”
“Is it okay with you?”
“of course it is. Should I get anything for yachi? In case she comes back earlier”
“no need, she’s out with friends tonight”
“alright, I’ll be back in a few minutes”
He didn’t even need to ask what you wanted to eat. You two hung out often enough for him to know you and all the little details about you. What your usual orders were, that you didn’t like sleeping without your favorite pillow, that you were strong enough to carry all of your groceries home but when he’s around, he never fails to ask if you needed help. Needless to say, any onlooker would see that there was something more than friendship between you two. Everyone knew. Except you and kageyama that is. 
When kageyama left, you pondered about whether you should tell him about what’s happening with you and atsumu. As scared as you were, you didn’t want to lie to him anymore. Not when he was the one you usually told everything to. You also wanted to tell him the truth about your feelings for him to get it over with but it didn’t really go well together. It would be so messed up to tell him you were sleeping with atsumu and then admitting right after that you had feelings for him. You couldn’t imagine how that would make you look. Confessing your feelings but also telling him that you were messing around with someone else. Ultimately, you decided to let your thoughts rest today and just go with what the day had in store. It was one of your lazy days after all, staying in to do work and watch movies and eat with kageyama. It was one of your weekly things.
The door opened which took you back to reality
“Hey I’m back, got you this. I remember you saying that you’ve been craving it for days. You still better be craving it because that was a along ass line I had to go through just for this”
“Seriously?! I’ve been wanting to go there, thank you!” you ran up to him to take the bags of food from him before giving him a quick hug and bringing the food to the table.
After eating dinner, you two proceeded to watch random movies. You were bunched up in a blanket, leaning against kageyama’s side. When you poked your head out of your blanket burrito, you leaned your head on his shoulder. Nothing he wasn’t used to at this point.
As the end credits played, without the movie to keep you two entertained, he turned his head to the side to look at you. When you felt him do so, you did the same, waiting for him to say something as you assumed he would. You wished you never looked directly at him when the words slipped out of his mouth.
“yn, are you seeing atsmu-san?”
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Tag list: @ntimacy @candybabey @underratedmage
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Made with love | Helmut Zemo
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Chef Zemo AU! 👹‍🍳
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 6
You are hereby invited to the grand opening of The Iron Grill. Doors will open at 7PM. Tables are reserved for guests.
See you there.
You look at the intricate invitation in Zemo's hand. Glancing up at him, you bite the inside of your cheek in concern. Helmut was disheveled. He was glaring down at the gold lettering on the card.
You reach out brush his hair back into place the best you could. Your touch causes him to look up at you in silence. His big broken eyes are soft, his lips slightly parted.
"He came to see you, it's only fair you go see him," you say softly. You rest your hand on his cheek, thumb brushing along his cheekbone in gentle motions.
"Will you come with me?" He asks, voice quiet and soft. There was a slight pleading look in his eyes.
"Do you want me to?"
You nod subtly. He tilts his head into your palm ever so slightly. You smile.
Sam excuses himself from the kitchen. When he's gone, Helmut raises his hand to place over yours, taking it in his and lowering it from his face. He takes a step closer to you.
"I need you."
Your gaze flickers between his eyes as he stands in front of you.
He brings your hand to his lips and kisses it, before slowly turning around to look at the mess he had made.
You let go of him and step over the mess, kneeling down to start clearing up. He kneels down to, but only to take your hand in his once more, stopping you from picking up anything.
"Don't. I'll deal with this."
You shake your head.
"I want to help. Let me help, Helmut."
He looks at you. He's not going to force you out, and he doesn't want you to leave, not really. He nods and let's go of your hand, gathering things from the floor.
He can't resist teasing you a little, however.
"I thought I told you I have only one name in the kitchen."
You glance up at him.
"Right. Chef."
His lips curl up into a grin. He is looking more like the Helmut Zemo you had come to know.
Both of you tidy the kitchen, Zemo teasing you here and there, while you spent a little bit of time becoming acquainted with hi kitchen.
When you were both done, you head out into the front. A few customers had come in. Zemo and Sam nod at one another. The table that Stark had used was now clear.
Zemo looked at you.
"I shall let you get on with your day. See you tonight?"
"Yes. See you tonight. I'll meet you here?"
He nods.
Helmut stands by the door of his beloved restaurant as you leave, waving at you with a smile as you turn to look at him once more.
This man was head over heels for you.
When you return to the hotel, Wanda is there. She smiles at you as you enter. You can tell by the look on her face that she wants to know everything.
You stand beside her bed, of which she was sitting on, and smile at her.
"Go on, ask."
"How was it?"
You sat down on your bed and looked at her. There was a happy smile on your face, one that lit up your entire expression.
"It was fun."
"Tell me more. I want to know all about your future husband," she grins.
"Come on, tell me!"
You sigh softly and look at her.
"I had fun. I really did. We made a paella for Stark. Helmut showed me how to do it. Even let me have a go here and there, though I mostly just handed him the ingredients. It was nice spending so much time with him."
"I hear a but coming."
"Well, kind of. I think he really likes me. He really wants me to move out here. He wants to see me every day. He even offered me job."
"That's good though! He likes you."
"Yeah, it's just a huge ask. Also, we're going to dinner tonight."
"Look at you! Your first date! Or does today count as a date?" She looks deep in thought. You roll your eyes.
"It's not a date! Stark invited Helmut to his restaurant tonight. It's the grand opening. Helmut asked me to go with him."
"That sounds like a date to me," she grins at you.
"It's not a date."
"Still, you have to look nice. Not just for your handsome chef, but also for Stark. I looked him up while you were gone. He's a big deal in America, you know. He has several restaurants across the States. Many small businesses have closed up shop because they couldn't compete with his business," she tells you.
"Don't say that. I can't tell Helmut that! The restaurant is his pride and joy," you say, worried.
"I'm just telling you what I know. Go there tonight, see what the deal is. You never know, it might not take off over here. This is his first restaurant outside of the US."
"His first?"
"Yeah," she confirms.
"I wonder why he chose Sokovia of all places. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but you would think someone like him would pick a more popular country."
"Yes, you would, wouldn't you?" The look she gives you makes you wonder if she's suspicious about all of this.
"I'll see what happens tonight then."
She nods and stands up.
"We have to get you an outfit. Something that will blow him away," she looks you up and down.
"Stark, or Helmut?"
"Helmut, obviously. We need to make him fall in love with you more."
You just shake your head with a laugh. What would you do without Wanda Maximoff in your life? You would never know.
Wanda took you shopping right then and there.
When evening came around, you stood with Wanda in your hotel room. She smiled at the outfit you had chosen. Nothing too fancy, but something stylish that stood out just enough. It should be enough to catch Helmut's attention, and be enough for Stark's restaurant.
"You look amazing!"
"Thank you!"
You felt amazing. You look at yourself in the mirror once more and then let Wanda basically ban you from the hotel room. You weren't allowed back in until after dinner.
You made your way to Zemo's restaurant. He was stood outside the double doors waiting for you. He was dressed smart, neatly ironed shirt, slacks, loafers that looked brand new. A casual, yet smart, blazer hugging him nicely, just tight enough to define the muscles in his arms.
You forced yourself to look at his face before you got carried away.
He looks so taken back when his eyes land on you. His eyes scan you up and down, stunned by how good you looked.
You smiled, rather shyly because of the way he was looking at you, at him and came to a stop in front of him.
"Hello. You look... wonderful."
"Thank you," you could feel your face getting warm. The way this man can make you feel so shy felt bewildering to you. "You look really good too."
Helmut glances down at his outfit.
"I maybe a little under-dressed compared to you, but we certainly make a fine pair. Shall we?" He offers you his arm.
You nod and take it, both of you walking across the plaza.
"Any idea what might happen tonight?" You ask, taking in the quiet atmosphere around you. Most people had gone home by this point.
"No idea, but I won't stand by and let him insult me or my restaurant again," he says, firmly. You can see the rage flash in his eyes.
"Neither will I, Helmut."
He smiles at you. His smile is always the most dashing thing you've ever seen.
You both make the small walk to The Iron Grill with no trouble at all. It's quite busy outside and you can already tell that alone bothers Zemo. You give his arm a little squeeze and he smiles in return. You both make tour way to the door.
"Invitation?" The man at the door asks.
Helmut holds up the card Stark had left behind for him that morning. The man nods and let's you both in.
The entrance to the restaurant is buzzing just as much as outside. People, all dressed up smartly, were scattered about. You didn't really know where to look.
Stephen Strange spots you both and comes over with ease.
"Good of you to make it."
"Well, it would be rude not to come," Zemo said, biting back anything be actually wanted to say.
Strange led you both over to a table. Zemo stopped Strange from pulling out your chair by doing it himself. You smiled softly at Helmut for that. He sat himself down opposite you, ignoring Stephen.
Strange walked off with a sigh.
"I feel so out of place here," you say, looking around the room.
The restaurant was big. At least 2 dozen tables. The kitchen was visible right at the back, you could see chefs cooking away back there. Strange was acting ad host, guiding people to tables. The ceiling was high up, miniature chandeliers hung evenly around, right above every table. It was fancy, but not overly posh. Classy.
A bit much for a grill house, but Stark clearly had the money for it.
Speaking of, he was no where to be seen.
"Don't worry, I do too. EscorpiĂłn Morado is a family business. This is high end business. He's here to make a profit, not to make connections and provide people with comfort and love in the form of food."
You nod, agreeing.
These two were so different from each other.
Three loud claps sounded from the other end of the room. You both turned to look. Tont Stark, wearing an expensive suit, was seeking attention.
You could almost feel the way you wanted to glare at him.
"Welcome, welcome, welcome! This is the grand opening of The Iron Grill! I'm glad to see you all could make it. Many of you have flown far and wide to be here tonight."
You look around the room.
These weren't customers, these were business partners. Now you and Zemo felt even more out of place.
"It's with great pride and pleasure I present to you a taste of my menu."
He claps loudly again. Many carts come barreling out of the kitchen, each being pushed by a waiter or waitress. Each of them were dressed to the nines in carefully designed uniforms.
Whereas back at EscorpiĂłn Morado, Zemo's staff were dressed more casually, just wearing aprons with an EM stitched into them delicately.
One such cart comes to a stop next to your table. You glance at Zemo, who meets your gaze. The tall waiter pulls the sheet from over the cart and you a presented with a selection of dishes, all three shelves of the cart full with different colours and flavours.
This was... something.
Another waiter came up to the table and poured you each a glass of champagne. Tony was holding up a glass of his own.
"To The Iron Grill!"
Everyone else cheered, but you just slightly raised your glass with Zemo before taking a sip.
"Bon appetite!"
All the waiters simultaneously pick up the same plate from the cart and place it between you both.
You both take a bite each.
"So, we're here to taste test his menu?" You ask, having absolutely no opinion on what you just ate.
"It would appear so."
"We spent all that time making a paella, something from the heart, only to come here and have taste of his insanely large menu?"
Helmut sighs softly as he puts his fork down.
"It will never work. His menu is too big, no feeling is put into the cooking, everything is too basic. He isn't trying."
You reach put and place a hand on his, which is resting on the table.
"He won't last the year. Your restaurant is everything and more, he can't top that."
The way he smiles at you let's you know they he believes your words. He's thankful you came here with him tonight.
This goes on for hours. It's getting on for 10 PM when he thanks everyone for coming. Zemo pulls out your chair for you, taking your hand in his as you stand. You sigh.
You had tasted all the main courses on the menu, and then you got to choose a dessert to try at the end. Both of you chose something different so could try each others deserts.
Honestly, desert was the best thing on the menu, but that was it.
As you neared the door, Tony stopped you both from leaving.
"Will you wait just a bit longer, I want to talk to you."
Zemo reluctantly agreed.
You all waited for the restaurant to clear out before sitting down again. Stephen joined you all, offering more champagne, but neither you nor Zemo touched the flutes.
"Did you like my menu?"
You and Zemo shared a subtle look, both of you nodded, though you considered it very normal and bland compared to what Helmut serves under his roof.
"Good. We think we'll do quite nicely here. I'm going to cut to the chase, I want to buy your restaurant, use it to expand our empire."
Helmut had never stood up so fast. The bang from his fist hitting the table startled you. He was seething. If looks could kill, Stark would have taken his last breath just now. Zemo's eyes were glaring holes into the other man's skull.
Strange had the audacity to slip a cheque across the table. There were far too many zeros on it.
"Hear me out-" Stark began.
"No. The answer is no."
You stand up, taking Zemo's other hand in yours. He didn't turn his gaze away from Stark, but his hand did wrap around yours.
You glared at Stark.
"How dare you even say such a thing."
Tony didn't look at you, keeping his gaze locked on Helmut. However, he did hold up a finger at you.
"I'm not talking to you."
Helmut was going to say more, but Stark spoke first.
"I'm offering to buy your restaurant here and now before you go bankrupt due to lack of business. If I buy your restaurant, you can keep your job and your staff. However, the whole place will be remodeled in the image of The Iron Grill and I would own the building."
You scoff.
"How dare you!"
"Again, not talking to you," Stark glanced at you this time.
"No! I'm not just going to stand here and let you insult him further. You cannot have EscorpiĂłn Morado, it belongs to Helmut. It was his father's business, passed down to him, and you're just going to remodel it? Do you not care about it's history, it's importance? You have the audacity to invite us here and say this? I cannot believe you! You may be a big shot billionaire, but there are things more important than money."
You failed to notice the way Helmut had turned to look at you as you went off on your passionate speech. His eyes had softened, his lips curled up ever so slightly at the corners.
Gosh, he was so in love with you.
You were standing up for him, for all he had left. How did he get so lucky to meet you?
"Fine, but you'll see."
Stark picks up the cheque and pockets it, not once looking away from Zemo who was still looking at you.
You give a tug to Zemo's hand, he smiles as he follows you out, both of you done here.
Helmut didn't look back, unable to look away from you. Once you were back pit on the street, only then did you turn back to Helmut. You couldn't help smiling at the way he was looking at you.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You're amazing," he grins.
"Don't be silly."
"I'm not. I mean it. The way you defended me, my restaurant, my heart could burst with joy."
"I only said the truth. He can't have EscorpiĂłn Morado, don't give it to him!"
"Over my dead body."
"Don't say that!" You stand in front of him, frowning at him.
Helmut just chuckles softly and let's go of your hands to place his on your face. He holds you gently, just looking at you with a goofy smile.
"Stark will not have my restaurant. Not if I can help it. You'll see, his very own will fail within the year."
"I believe you," you say, softly.
"Stay, please."
"I can't."
His dark brown eyes flicker between yours with a pleading gaze. He was so desperate to keep you here beside him, to keep you in his life.
But you had to leave.
He needed to give you a reason to stay. A reason so big that, even when you go home, you'll never forget it.
He kisses you.
He's quick and swift in kissing you. Your mind blanks as all you can feel are his lips on yours, his hands on your face.
You're kissing him back.
You just melt. You give in. You want it.
You can't bring yourself to stop him.
You're utterly in love with him and now he knows it. He can feel it. Just like how you can feel his love for you.
He was a reason to stay.
He pulls away, but does not move his hands. He gives a goofy smile as he looks at you.
All you can do is smile at him.
@namethathasnotbeentaken @belle82devart @cathrin2405 @lieutenantn @wilder-fangirl @latenightartist-author @lucky-luck-lucky @hb8301 @charistory @thatoneartgalsstuff @thesuitkovian @malkaviangirl @zemosimp420 @realremyd @the-chaotic-cow @lostghostgirl94 @zafiro-draco @lazygurl05 @pinkcutiepiee @goddessofmischief03 @whovianayesha @myybebe @awesomesauce-abbie @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @zemo-is-my-muse @nonamec0s @apparrio @scuttle-buttle @alex-the-nb @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @greeneyedblondie44
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shyrose57 · 3 years
Starlit headcanons:
Because Tommy is basically living alone he can cook for himself.
This has the advantage that he won't starve but the disadvantage of Tommyinnit cooking.
He's actually pretty good at it, if he were to cook himself anything but sweets.
He won't
But once everybody starts learning about it they bring over a bunch of stuff!
Supernatural stuff he has no Idea how to cook.
"What kind of fucking apple(?) is this?" he asks himself as he googles frantically.
Ranboo and Tubbo know, but they've been banned from the kitchen for kitchen crimes.
They stick with cake and some of the easier to prepare vegetables. They are Thankful whenever Phil sends Wilbur and/or Techno over with food they can just reheat. (cake and cookies get old afterall)
The perks of having no adult supervison.
Tommy somtimes has inspirations during his dreams leading to him shooting up dead in the night and scurrying to his workbench where he wildly draws them down and starts sorting out his fabric.
3. Tommy has a social media platform aswell where he showcases his hobby pieces (all made with normal material, he rockons putting other people's experimental fabrics out there without the permission might get him in trouble)
4) Tubbo and Ranboo start buying the Supernatural fabrics for him. Tubbo because it makes it harder for other people to get suspicious ("what do you mean you don't have woven rainclouds?? just grab 'em from the sky and go!" "verry funny dick" is a conversation that can only happen so many times afterall) and because he likes the way Tommy beams up eveytime he gets to explore a new fabric, but don't tell Tommy that!
Ranboo does it because he feels guilty for living with Tommy when two whole realms are after him.
5) When Tommy finds out Ranboo is allergic to rain (wait- HOW DO YOU DRINK??) he makes him clothes that are hydrophobic ("Here don't want my employee to melt in a puddle" "I would burn actually" "Like a vampire" "ahh- I guess??"
6) Ranboo learns sewing from Tommy, but rather rhan making the big pieces he prefers to make smaller accessories because if he messes up he won't waste as much fabric. When he tries to overcome that fear and makes Tommy a hoodie for his birthday Tommy is overjoyed (he denies it) he wears that hoodie a lot ("Tubbo don't look at me like that! It's simply that everything else is in the laundry!)-đŸ€Ą
Good for him. Also, Tommy's next unknowing steps into the magical world, as he gets a taste of their dishes!!
Also some of Ranboo's, considering he hails from the End and all.
How sideways can this go?
Imagine being Ranboo and seeing your roommate launch up in the dead of the night like a man possessed and start sewing.
It's how he gets the majority of his human customers, with those from the town so wary of him.
Tubbo doesn't want the game to be up just yet, it's too funny. Though to be honest, how nobody's caught on yet he's not sure.
Tommy catches onto Ranboo's reasons, and more or less tells him he doesn't need to, but Ranboo continues.
Plus, anyone who says they don't like watching him work is an absolute liar.
Tommy's just like... casually the definition of jack of all trades. He can do all sorts of things with clothes and what he can't he practices until he can.
Also, lets be honest, Ranboo got an entire wardrobe when he moved in-Tommy refused to have a roommate who wore a single suit all the time.
Tommy, at Ranboo: I don't like you.
Also Tommy: *Takes him in, makes him special clothes for the rain, teaches him how to sew*
But that's sounds cool. Ranboo starts doing a bit more in the shop, which Tommy appreciates, because he can handle the bigger commissions now without having to stop mid-way to start on the details now that Ranboo doesn't that. It gets things done faster, and makes it a little easier.
Also, Dream and Tommy are now hoodie-buddies because of this. I don't make the rules.
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