#uhhhh i have a new obsession goodbye
ryukatters · 2 years
don't mind me i'm brainstorming for a spy x family fic and i'm currently 1.5k words in
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sun-daisies · 4 years
2020 thoughts
its not that deep but I genuinely want to thank the aos community for being so amazing - I know im still very new to the fandom and I dont really know anyone but you’ve all been so kind and welcoming and accepting and I really appreciate that.
not to be dark and dramatic or whatever but exploring the mcu, rediscovering fanfic, and writing angsty daisy fics genuinely kept me alive over quarantine (it really do be the little things huh), and I hella appreciate everyone on ao3 for making this fandom so much fun to be in. you’re all so incredibly enthusiastic and encouraging and h o l y s h i t you’re all so talented, and I genuinely mean it when I say im so grateful for all the feedback ive received on my fics AS WELL AS all of the amazing content you’ve all created. shit this fandom is a GOLDMINE for great content and even greater people. 
I entered 2020 the happiest I'd ever been, and, like everyone else, had a really tough time seeing any sort of light in march/april/may when shit hit the fan. there was one specific night I remember lying in bed at like 4 am, writing and rewriting a text to one of my closest friends, alternating between saying goodbye and asking for help (ahem, sorry, I didn’t mean for it to get that dark). it quite literally took that friend facetiming me every night and introducing me to the mcu to get me excited to live again, even if it was just a form of escapism. sometimes thats all you need, and im so incredibly grateful to that friend for keeping me here - trust me, they got a message three times as long as this post. anyway, I fell in love with tony stark, then natasha romanoff, and then my friend said “hey, we should probably watch aos while we watch the movies,” and I became fully and unapologetically OBSESSED (fitzsimmons were ICONIC and I fucking LOVED skye she was such a little shit oh my GOD). 
(and yea maybe for that stretch of time the literal only thing that got me out of bed in the morning was the promise that if I didn’t give up on my assignments or my freelance work then id be able to consume marvel content later, but again, it’s the little things)
by season 4 of aos I was writing again (lost connection in about june on ffn, then eventually made it over to ao3) and ever since - even as life started back up again - ive been writing consistently, and it’s helped me sort through my emotions and find a community who’s just so passionate that its inspiring. seriously. im by no means a “good writer” and I never really expected anyone to actually read my stuff, I was just doing it to vent out my own angst so I could keep myself afloat. but knowing that there's people who are engaged and maybe even sometimes moved by my work? damn. that shit hit different.
(im bad with emotions and touchy feely okay-)
so uh, thank you. for keeping me here. for giving me something to look forward to. for being such an amazing community, for letting me hang out in my little corner of the party and encouraging me to join. 
on a lighter note, ill probably be spending the night finishing up the draft for control’s update on monday. if there’s interest, maybe ill post a teaser on saturday (my birthday, holy shit I thought by now id be able to be with my friends again or have consistent income again uhhhh). if you read all this, holy shit. w h y would you do that. but also aw. hi. 
I love you, pls take care of yourself in 2021. you’re important. 
see you next year (lol)
- holly <3
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
Teen Titans AU Part 6
Hi! I’m so excited I was able to update at the end of the day today (phew barely made it). Hopefully you like this chapter, it’s mostly setting up for the plot (and climax soon) but I also added some Daminette fluff. Here you go!
“Are you kidding me Kori?!” Asked Damian, “We’re not going back to the tower! We have to find Deathstroke!” Starfire shook her head at Damian, internally she was freaking out, she even wished Dick was here to help her lead this. “Damian, if we go now we’ll be underprepared and Slade is aware of your rashness, he’ll be expecting us. We’ll be pummeled and Marinette will go back with that psycho.” Kori responded. Jamie nodded at Starfire’s statement and sat down on the couch with Garfield. Team meetings normally weren’t so tense and they probably wouldn’t have been if Marinette was there to keep the peace, but Kori sent her to her room. The poor girl had gone through enough and she needed sleep. Damian and Jon were understandably furious but Jon saw Kori’s point, “She’s right you know.” He turned to his friend, who had his normal annoyed expression. Jon continued, “If we try to find them now we’ll be going in blind. I don’t want to send Mari away, but they know she’s here. What should we do Starfire?” Kori thought about it, “I-“ she was interrupted by a scream, Marinette’s scream. “I’ve got it.” Damian said running as fast as he could to her room after checking the camera they put in her room just in case. Nobody was in her room, she was just having a nightmare. Damian understood, sometimes he’d have nightmares about his grandfather. But Ra’s wasn’t coming back unlike Marinette’s tormentor. He quickly opened her door and tapped her until she woke up. “Did-did I do it again Damian?” She said with tears in her eyes. “Don’t worry Marinette, he’s not coming back. And if he does I’ll kick his ass, I’d die before I let anything happen to you.” He whispered into her ear. He felt relieved that the other Titans were in a meeting and couldn’t hear him talk to Marinette. He squeezed her tightly as she sobbed into his arms. “Dam-Damian?” She said looking up at him staring at him with her wide blue eyes. He couldn’t do anything when he looked into her eyes, he was intoxicated. Bluebell eyes continued to stare at him and he looked back at her with his piercing emerald ones. “Yes malak*?” She breathed deeply before asking, “Could-could you stay with me tonight? I feel safer with you.” Damian couldn’t say no to her, he already knew that, “Yes, I will.” He remembered he was a gentleman though and added, “Where would you like me to sleep?” Marinette paused and gathered up some courage, “could you stay here?” She said motioning to the bed she was on. “Are you s-sure?” Damian asked. He didn’t know what to make of it, he knew he would never take advantage of her, but he was surprised that after the Agreste kid she wasn’t afraid of sleeping in the same bed as a boy. Marinette nodded, “I-I am. I trust you Damian.” Damian nodded back to her and laid down. He didn’t mention that she had also trusted that idiot cat partner of hers, but he knew he would never hurt her and if he did, even just emotionally, he would never forgive himself. Damian held marinette as she slowly drifted off to sleep, he ruffled her hair soothingly, “I swear nothing will ever happen to you as long as I’m alive.” He whispered and he too, fell asleep.
The morning sun peeked through the windows of Titans tower. The team, aside from Damian and Marinette were awake for most of the night. Garfield turned on the TV to see if there was any news about the whereabouts of their blonde model. If this kid was really as famous as Kori had mentioned he knew there’d be news about him, and sure enough an anchor with dark hair and chocolate skin was talking about it, with a picture of the smiling blonde model on the TV.
“If you have any tips about where Mr. Agreste might be, call this hotline right now. Now to Mindy with an interview with one of Adrien Agreste’s classmates.” Lila and the interviewer panned onto the screen as Jon walked in. Lila spoke in perfect but choppy English,
“Oh I just hope he’s found soon! I don’t know what Id do without him, we’re such great friends, unlike some people…” The interviewer took Lila’s bait, “Who would be ‘some people’?” Lila put a hand to her head dramatically, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She’s been obsessed with Adrien since day one, she probably kidnapped him, or worse. She was always so jealous that he’d rather spend time with me instead of-“ Jon growled at the liar on TV, “Turn it off.” He told Gar. “But-“ “Turn it OFF!” Jon yelled. Garfield obliged and the other Titans trickled into the room, except for Marinette and Damian, they were still fast asleep. “Should we wake them?” Tara asked, motioning towards the camera that was taping Marinette’s room. It showed the bluenette and Damian sleeping side by side, with Marinette’s arms placed on Damian’s chest. “No.” Kori said, if the stakes weren’t so high she would even call the display cute, “They deserve a little rest.” Tara nodded and sat next to Gar on the couch. The two had gotten much closer since Marinette arrived, Gar had even told Jamie that Tara and he had kissed. Jamie wasn’t sure what to make of it, but he was happy for his friend. The team sat on the furniture as Starfire got up to make breakfast.
Damian was awoken by the ringing of a cell phone in his pocket. “Just five more minutes.” He heard Marinette mumble. Adorable, he thought. He slowly got up from the bed and answered the phone. “Yes Alfred?” He said in a hushed whisper, as to not wake up Marinette. She sat up anyway watching Damian speak. “No? Is anyone hurt? That’s good. Yes, I think that would be a good idea… today? In TWO HOURS?! Yes, yes sorry Alfred. I’ll be there, do you mind if I bring a friend? Good. We’ll be there.” After hanging up Damian sat on the bed stroking Marinette’s soft, beautiful hair, “My family has offered us their house in Gotham for the time being until we have a good plan to find Deathstroke and Agreste. They could use a little help with Gotham villains, and I think a change of scenery might be good for you anyway...We’d leave in two hours, on a plane. Is that ok?” Marinette nodded, she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t a little happy about going with Damian to another place, far away from Adrien. She thought it would be a good distraction to meet his family. “Ok, malak. Unfortunately you’ll have to get changed and we’ll have to leave almost right away.” Marinette looked puzzled, “Damian? What does ma-malak mean? I heard you say it last night too but…” Damian chuckled a little, “It means angel in Arabic. (*courtesy of google translate) You don’t mind me calling you that do you?” He asked, suddenly self conicous. He only called her that because he thought it described her perfectly. Marinette blushed, “I don’t mind, not at all! I-I-I ummm. CHANGE! I should change!” Damian held in a smile as the bluenette sprung out of bed and ran to her bathroom.
When Marinette was safely in her bathroom, she pulled out clothes from her closet (don’t question it) and woke Tikki up from her makeshift bed in the closet (Tikki wanted to let Mari have some space). “Oh my gosh Tikki, I’m hopeless.” Tikki giggled, “Is this about Damian?” “What how’d you know?!” “It’s obvious, you look at him lovingly, he actually smiles around you…” Marinette turned fifty shades of red, “I- uhhhh. I’m going to change now!” She shut the closet again and changed quickly into some warm clothes, she didn’t know a lot about Gotham except that the weather was generally colder there. She opened her closet once more and pulled out some luggage and packed as fast as she could. She took her purse and motioned Tikki inside. She grabbed her luggage and walked out of the bathroom. She didn’t see Damian, so she assumed he went back to the main room. She headed there too. The Titans had congregated in the main room when they got wind that Damian and Marinette would be in Gotham for a while. Jon didn’t want her to leave but he knew it was safer since only the team and the batfamily knew about them leaving. He wanted Marinette to be safe above all else.
Damian had packed and gathered in the room at record speed, Marinette was close behind. “So I guess you heard…” she said. The team nodded. Marinette was never any good at goodbyes, even temporary ones. Damian looked at his watch, they would have to leave soon if they wanted to get to the airport on time. “I wish you all the best in Gotham, you two.” Kori said. “You’re going to love Gotham,” Garfield jumped in, “Very inspirational.” Marinette nodded, it was awkward, these people had seen her at her worst and seen her laugh so hard she cried. She took a deep breath, “I know it’s only temporary but I’m going to miss all of you so much.” Jon sighed, it was going to be even harder to let her leave. “Don’t worry Mari, we’ll chat all the time. Maybe video calls?” Jon looked at Damian for his approval and he nodded. “I’m sorry Marinette, I know it’s not ideal but it’s the best temporary fix we have while we come up with a plan to beat Slade and Agreste. Plus, I’m sure my family could benefit from the help of a certain spotted heroine.” That made Marinette smile slightly just like Damian thought it would, nothing cheered her up like helping others. Jon pulled Mari in for a tight hug, Garfield, Jamie, Kori, and surprisingly Raven followed suit. Tara stood by Damian and when Marinette was released from the group hug she walked up to her and gave her a small farewell and good luck hug, nothing long but Marinette could tell she cared. Damian said a quick goodbye to his team and walked out of the tower, luggage in hand, with Marinette.
Damian took the Titans smaller car that was used for personal reasons, not Titans business and drove off as the two heroes waved goodbye to their friends. Marinette looked at him as he drove, she was content to let drive in silence, it felt like she didn’t need words at all with him but then she suddenly remembered, “Damian, what villain does your family need help with?” Damian sucked in a bit of air, “The Riddler and his son, normally they’re not much of a threat, but they’ve escalated and are appearantly planning something big. My ‘sisters’ are on a girls trip so my father asked for me to come back and help.” Marinette nodded, “it’ll certainly be a desired pace from Adrien.” She seemed to wince at his name, “and I can’t wait to meet your family, if they’re as g-g-great as you I’m sure I’ll love them.” She blushed. Damian blushed too, she thought he was great! He pulled himself out of his thoughts with a coughing fit, “We’re here.” Damian said pulling up at a small airport. Damian stepped out of the car and opened the door for Marinette, causing a whole new wave of blushes. They walked into the airport together and when they were cleared through security, traveled to the gate just in time for boarding. The Wayne’s had bought them tickets in first class that were next to each other. A TV and a small set of earphones were attached to the back of the seat in front of them. Marinette took the window seat and looked out the window as the plane started to take off, she looked slightly nervous. “Is this your first time flying malak?” Damian asked. “Y-yeah, at least for the first time when I was awake.” Marinette responded. Damian placed a hand over hers, “Is this ok?” He asked. Marinette smiled, “Thank you.” They sat in a comfortable silence for a while until they experienced turbulence. Marinette shut her eyes tightly and Damian came up with an idea. “How about we watch a Movie? It’ll get your mind off the flight.” Marinette nodded and reached for an earbud as Damian reached for the other, their hands touching briefly sending sparks and blushes through the teens’ bodies. They placed their respective earbud in and Damian searched for a movie. Marinette saw her favorite on the dashboard, “How about Enchanted?” Damian looked puzzled, “Sure. I’ve never seen it but-“ Marinette looked at him with wide eyes, “You’ve never seen Enchanted?! That’s it we’re watching it.” Marinette pressed a thumb to the movie and it started to play. Marinette seemed pretty engrossed as the movie went on and Damian found himself looking more at her than the movie. Soon it was over though, and they landed. “You were right Damian, that helped a lot.” She said looking gratefully at the dark haired boy. Damian gave her a slight smile, it was nearly impossible not to smile when she was around. Damian took her hand gently and led her off the airplane, she was awed by the sight of the city and thought of new sketch ideas right away. Gar was right, the city was inspirational. Damian looked at her and her dumbfounded expression and smiled a bit more, “Welcome to Gotham Marinette.”
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@zebrabaker (sorry I don’t understand why it’s not working).
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dcrbyalbright · 4 years
(COURTNEY EATON, CISFEMALE) - Have you seen MARLENA AUCOIN? LENA is in HER JUNIOR year. The ART HISTORY MAJOR is 21 years old & is a CAPRICORN People say SHE is DISCIPLINED, INTUITIVE, UNFORGIVING and SELF-RIGHTEOUS. Rumors say they’re a member of HASTINGS. I heard from the gossip blog that SHE WAS PART OF A HAZING INCIDENT GONE WRONG THAT RESULTED IN A DEATH.  (Olive. ur dictator.)
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Marlena Aucoin! But she goes by Lena
She’s a new muse so bear with me. Inspired by Dear Zachary and My Year of Rest and Relaxation just a bit
Character inspirations: Peyton Sawyer, Carmen Rosón Caleruega, Theo Crain, Shiv Roy.
Her parents were never married. Her father was the wealthy heir to a Kennedy-like political fortune. She never actually met Jonathan Alcoin but he has been described to her as a cold, snake-like man. The kind who would steal his own father’s coat to keep himself warm
The Alcoins are widely known across the US for their fortune, as well as for having a powerful hand in politics. But an interesting thing about them is that they’re also known for their untimely deaths. Plane crashes, car accidents, heart attacks have taken out Alcoions in nearly every branch of the family tree
Um the Alcoin’s haven’t worked in years. Jonathan, and Lena, like those before them, don’t have to :make a living”. Their financial planners do that for them.
Her mother was Jonathan’s latest fling, another pretty thing for Jonathan to keep on his arm for event that he never actually cared about. Until she revealed that Jonathan had gotten her pregnant.
Lena’s mother, Theresa, had assumed the pregnancy would mean a wedding. She could see dollar signs in her eyes the second that little stick came up with two lines. However, Jonathan and his family had other plans for the girl and the pregnancy
Given Jonathan’s young age and his status, they had planned to lie and say that Lane was actually her grandparent’s child. They paid Theresa a hefty sum to keep quiet about the pregnancy as they cheerfully announced to the press that the Aucoins were expecting a miracle child at their later stage in life
But when lane was ripped out of Theresa’s arms seconds after her birth, the young girl began stewing. Being treated like a shameful secret left her ravenous and.... feral sfgfdfg
SUICIDE, DEATH TW: On Lena’s one month birthday she headed over to the Aucoin mansion and shot Jonathan three times, then herself. They both bled out quickly as Lena’s grandparents could do nothing but scream in horror
The whole true story of Lena’s origins came out quickly in the press after that. It was a media sensation, the wealthy family ripped apart by yet another tragedy
Okay so she was raised mainly by her grandparents and was hounded by the media all through her childhood bc of how her parents died
Her grandparents.... both died within a year of each other last year. So now she’s truly alone in the world. Except for a half-sister she’s never met.
PERSONALITY: UHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh she doesn’t really have one besides sarcasm. she’s very closed off for obvious reasons. she thinks every person that talks to her is just angling for info about her and her family
She really does feel a lot... I swear.... but she’s like the Ice Queen. It’s all clamped down inside. Occasionally she explodes like a pot boiling over.
uhhhh very self-obsessed. thinks she’s the most beautiful woman to ever walk planet earth
Is constantly on drugs. Pops two Ambien at night to fall asleep and then Adderall in the morning to keep herself awake. Washes down Ritalin with red wine. Leaves class frequently to snort a line of coke
Yeah it’s how she keeps herself from feeling too much <3
Okay but she’s actually very generous? Her money feels almost dirty to her. Being an orphan, she inherited the entirety of the Aucoin wealth. she picks up the tab, always, at restaurants and if you’re friends with her she’ll often leave the designer clothes she just purchased on your doorstep with a note that say “getting rid of old stuff! enjoy!” bc the guilt is too much for her to keep them.
Self righteous for a girl who’s constantly high
The only thing that makes her laugh is videos of men falling down im not kidding
She has a smoker’s voice, raspy and low. talks in monotone.
Um she keeps an old VHS player in her dorm room and when she’s feeling low will watch Sister Act starring Whoopi Goldberg over and over again. It’s a weird habit but she watched it with her grandpa while he was dying
She actually stress bakes as a hobby but then. She feels her grandmother’s voice chiding in her ear and doesn’t eat any of it
Her favorite music? Classical. Lost her virginity in a hotel room to Franz Lizst. But her second favorite music? ABBA. No it doesn’t make sense
Wears lots of ribbons in her hair and will wake up with them tangled into it
She’s mayhaps. Just a wee bit traumatized. From her parents. and being raised by her grandparents. They were awful. Cold and mean. Her grandfather was the only bright spot in her life and he was a odd little man who tutted about reading World War II novels and firing nannies left and right sdfgfddg
Uhhh she’s cheated on every significant other she’s ever had. Sex for her is like scratching at a bug bite, once you start you can’t stop. Thinks about sex constantly. Can’t actually stop thinking about it
Wears gloves a lot like Theo Crain but for the Aesthetic
Is she a victorian ghost? idk
She’s an art history major. Bc what else does a rich girl with no ambition study <3
Wears mostly black and prefers monochrome. Her aesthetic is sexy funeral director
She has an older, on again off again boyfriend named Trevor who’s actually like. A loser. He lives in Connecticut and is the manager at a bank. But he was her first time when she was eighteen and she can’t accept that he’s a loser sdfgfdsdfgfdfg. He treats her really horribly and cheats on all his girlfriend’s with Lena
the investigator: someone who see lena as like. a project. they wanna know everything about her. get past her walls. and she’s like. no thanks <3
ummmmm someone to eat all the baked goods she makes and then throws out
twin flames!!! enough said
um the person she lost her virginity to in new york in that hotel room <3
friends!!! someone to shower her guilt generosity on. she’s disgusted by her own wealth. also like. fellow rich kids who grew up together?
give me a friendship that’s like. “our families made us hang out in hs but you’re actually kinda cool?”
EXES!!! give me someone she cheated on. or. someone who broke her heart. ok goodbye
Ummmm someone she knows she shouldn’t hook up with and... does it anyways.
bad tinder date!!!
Someone she’s told about Trevor and is like girl wyd he’s the worst and Ugly
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blonde & bubbly : 12/13
in this episode: it’s all about relationships. whose in one? who might be in one soon? with a very special guest host today.
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sabine: hello and welcome back beautiful listeners to blonde and bubbly. i’m sabine and al-masri and with me is the always beautiful madison ware. and we also have our beautiful guest host sabrina castillo here.
madi: hiiii! it is so exciting to be back for a new episode with you guys! 
sabine: before we start, let’s open our bottle of the day which is a 2006 louis roederer cristal brut. so we had more than one request to talk about the relationships on the hills so that’s what we’ll do today. but first i want to just talk about relationships in general. madi, sabrina, what are your dating and relationship tips?
madi: oh i love this champagne so much! as for a dating and relatonship tips, i’d say is to stay true to yourself. don’t try to be someone you arent to please your partner. know yourself and your limits. i feel like, being in a relationship can be very exhausting? i dont know.. im not the best one to give advice so im gonna let sabrina go and take notes!
sabrina: be honest. if you aren’t happy, say it. if something’s bothering you, say it. for me, from personal experience, all of my relationships have ended because one of us wasn’t being honest about what we wanted. just be honest and let your significant other in. don’t hide things from them because you’ll never truly be with them if you can’t trust them enough to be honest with how you feel. 
sabine: and i would say that my top tip would be to say what you need to say when you need to see it. i have missed out on a relationship here because i didn’t say how i felt when i felt it and i have had breakups here because of that. wether it’s someone you are interested in or someone who you already seeing, you have to, have to speak up. 
madi: this is all so interesting, i’ve actually taken notes guys, and you should too! sabine wanna present the next subject?
sabine: yes, now onto relationships on the hills. so let’s talk about the oldest ones that are still going strong first. also shoutout to elijah for the amazing thread keeping track of relationships here, we appreciate it. now first we have kazi and mia who got together december of last year. we have q, sonny, and noemi who have been together since january too. belated congratulations to those three on the birth of beautiful baby winnie. we love her and you very much. ladies what are your favorite things about these pairs?
madi: i dont really know things about people’s relationships? i think they’re happy and that’s what i like. it’s weird for me to analyze my friend’s private things like that in details, i try to stay away from it. from what i can i see they’re all happy and complete each others so that would have to be my favorite things about all of them!
sabrina: i love mia and kazi. kazi and mia. mazi. kia. i know they’ve had their issues but they always seem to come out stronger after them if that makes sense. i feel like whenever i start dating someone new, i always hope to be like them. not just like them, but to have a bond and love like theirs, i guess. like i want to be as in love with someone as they are and have someone make me smile and laugh like they make each other do so. 
sabine: we also have atlas & jinyoung, asher & jae, ace & larkin, thorne, elsa & kana, and xavier & karlie that have been going strong since the summer. in all of these relationships you can see how much love is present and you’re like “well this is a forever couple here.” 
madi: aren’t we a little obligated to say ‘’this is a forever couple’’ tho? because if we dont then we look like a jerk? and what even is a forever couple, we all die at one point or another so.. nothing really last forever.. i think i consider them more like old couples. grandparents couples. does that make sense?
sabine: now potential couples, one i want to get off my chest right away is cori and calvin. i think that’s going to happen soon. also mika and danny? are they dating or not, i have no clue. if they are, it’s not official yet because it’s not in the thread. damien and reina or damien and chanel? 
sabrina: i really like danny and mika together. mika is such a cool person and i think danny complements her really well because he’s equally as awesome. they both have such great senses of humor and they fit together really well. plus, they seem super happy with their relationship which is always an amazing thing to watch! and i haven’t really noticed any couples possibly forming except for flint and atlee. i KNOW they say they’re just best friends, but come on. that chemistry? hate to break it to you, but that’s not just friendship. luca and chanel seem like something might be happening there too. they’d be cute, they’re both super funny
madi: oh i thought mika and danny were dating already? im so behind in all this. potential couples.. hmm.. luca and chanel would be cute i guess.. i really think damien and reina would be good together, flint and atlee i’m not sure.. i dont see it. i see how people say they have feelings for each others but to me it just seems like flint is obsessed with her but in a friendly way? friend crush. they’ll probably date tho, everyone on this show who had a friendcrush dated them. 
sabine: now sabrina, couples we never got to see?
sabrina: there are so many couples i thought were going to happen and then didn’t. xavier and rowan, xavier and me, adrian and toni, antigone and jd, sawyer and thomas... i mean, so many! i know that, like, two of them happened for maybe two days, so i don’t really count those as actually happening. that probably sounds so mean, but. oh well. 
sabine: well sabrina we have a few questions for you but first, jesse says hi. 
sabrina: hi jesse whats up are you excited for vendettas?
 madi: Next one is for sabine and i and says ‘’ annoying and cliquey ‘’ ooh...
sabine: i can't apologize if you find us or the podcast annoying, that's your issue. no one is forcing you to listen to this. when we ask for feedback we mean stuff we can actually build off of. as for the cliquey part, we are going to try our very best to be inclusive of everyone on the cast. and if we're still navigating our way through this so please be patient with us.
madi: i’d like to add that if any of you guys would like to be part of this show all you have to do is dm sabine or me and we’d love to schedule an interview or something with you! next question: ‘’Sabrina! what has been your favorite moment on the show?
sabrina: i loved the press tour & kazi and mia’s wedding!
madi: two amazing moments! last but not least, can you talk to us about the time thomas thought you were sabine?
sabrina:  oh my god. ok so he tweeted something like “i like someone”, right? so i dmed him and was like omg who!! and we dmed for a bit like me convincing him to tell me, and so he was like ok fine... and he said he liked ME and i was like uhhhh okay. why? CUZ I WAS CONFUSED LIKE WE BARELY TALKED?? and he was like what do you mean why ?? and i said we barely talk and he was like “omg. wait. is this not sabine.” and i keysmashed and was screaming
madi: thank you so much sabrina for accepting to come on this episode of Blonde and Bubbly! i’d like to remind you guys that our bottle of the day  is a 2006 louis roederer cristal brut, it is amazing and a rec from me! we are madison & sabine from the hills, as well as sabrina, we’re all blonde and had too much bubbly so it’s time to say goodbye and we’ll see you next time!
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