aspic31 · 1 year
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Today's the last day of @uhuramonth ! Let's end it with gay ladies <3
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uhuramonth · 2 years
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Day 1 of Uhuramonth:
Captain Uhura
Artwork by young rascal
Original post here
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Am... AM I the only one that thinks SNWs Uhurua is absolutely gorgeous? Like everyone calling her homey and plain or ugly are really telling on themselves imo because the actress is breathtaking. Their looks just do not fit eurocentric beauty ideals. No less beautiful because of it.
You're definitely not the only one who thinks they're beautiful. Like I'm watching snw and there's a clear difference between Ortegas who's got a butch haircut but no makeup or jewelry and uhura who's got both. I just rbed some meta that goes into it further this morning. But in it they mentioned that Celia!Uhura sashays when she walks. And it's true Celia!uhura has an hourglass figure and there's a definite sway to the hips.
I'm v attracted to Celia!uhura and would like die, if I ever met them, of happiness.
It's just that there's a v vocal portion of fandom that loves to shit on celia!uhura because of misogynoir.
mod ali
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maleficusbonum · 2 years
The MAIN reason Uhura and Spock weren't romantically together in TOS was because of the racism and literal anti-miscegenation of that time. So when people use "SpUhuRa cAn't hApPen iN SNW beCauSe iT waSn't cAnoN iN TOS." They're either unaware, or choosing to ignore that fact. We SHOULD be in a different time than TOS. Nothing should be stopping them from putting them together now. Except, I guess we, pathetically, haven't come too far since the 60s.
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prue84 · 3 years
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Embracing the Vulcan culture
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot) Timeline: AOS (2.0)
After the events of Altamid, Spock and Uhura decide to take a sabbatical year on New Vulcan while waiting for the Enterprise-A to be ready to sail again. And Uhura embraces the Vulcan culture - and couture.
Something thrown together in three hours for @uhuramonth because I discovered it was up, seen that in two days there was AOS!Uhura/Ships theme, and I really wanted to participate despite my "no manips to be rushed" policy. Cheers to me! Double cheers because I gave up to make this manip in 2020 when I discovered the two Zoe Saldana fansite I used to get her pics were either gone or started from scratch and their big galleries gone.
Yes, I know, that's Yorktown in the background. Don't care. Spock and Uhura taking a sabbatical year is adressed in IDW's series Star Trek: Boldy Go.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) I do hate Zach, he's got big brows so transfom him into Spock is a nightmare, and he has too few Spock promo pics, and the ones he got (99% coming from Star Trek (2009)) are so photoshop-brushed that they're ugly. And yes, I had to use one of those. Meh. So I can see he's not the right Spock for the time setting I decided for the manip, as you can see he's a 7-years-early Zachary. Sigh. I know, might be just me, and a Spuhura fan might not care, and just enjoy the piece (thank you!), but I'm anal. Forgive me. Anyway, it's been trickier than you might think, to fix Zoe's face: she was over-light in her pic, and I had to remove those light points, and then fix the Vulcan-woman's hairpiece on her, and that damn lock! All the while, Zachary has no light points, I did what I could but light/shadows aren't my strong manips points. All in all, it doesn't look as bad as initially looked to me. Although Zoe looks like she's playing a Japanese in traditional costumes. *lol*
Credits The Vulcan couple of the pic are two background characters who appeared in the Yorktown set. Zoe Saldana from CNET magazine, summer 2016. (cnet.com/news/features/zoe-saldana-boldly-going-where-no-one-has-gone-before) Zachary Quinto Spock as Spock from Star Trek (2009) promo shoot.
Crossposted Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/85481.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/77920.html Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/Embracing-the-Vulcan-culture-909374259
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spuhuraart · 4 years
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She gives me sailor scout vibes
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rssspockuhura · 4 years
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Starry-Eyed https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/s/smile.gif https://www.deviantart.com/rosie-love98/art/Starry-Eyed-861016848 (I own nothing.) The idea came from Nichelle Nichols' song, "Starry-Eyed". It can be found here:   www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPZCrn… Hope you like it .
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Want positive Uhura and Spock/Uhura tags to follow on tumblr? Follow uhuralove, spuhuralove and spyotalove. Made for the fans, by the fans.
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himbo-thor · 8 years
my kink is lieutenant uhura being loved and respected by her coworkers and friends
especially spock 👀
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Is there a listing of artists who are willing, and want to do, Spyota art?
hi,ahh I wish I could draw nonny!  I don’t have a list but I’ll tag this post so that artists can find it and make it known if they are available for requests ;)
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uhurafashiondiva · 9 years
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Experimenting with duplicating an underpainting technique in digital form.. Credits: V3 with original morph and texture Alicia Hair by Traveler V3 Catsuit Outfit with original texture Steamroom set by coflek-gnorg Rendered in Poser 10 Postwork in Photoshop CS2 Star Trek is a creation of Gene Roddenberry Paramount holds the trademark
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uhuramonth · 2 years
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to see what we have so far for suggestions please take a look at the notes of the save the date post here:
We also have anon on if you'd rather not be commenting or rbing!
thanks so much for the enthusiasm on the last post too!
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maleficusbonum · 2 years
"Notice how much more accepted spapel is than Spuhura. That's because Chapel's played by a white woman. Just gonna come out and say it. U can try to argue all u want but your words toward Spuhura fans and the women that have played Uhura says it all."
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prue84 · 3 years
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Memories from the betrothal
Fandom: Star Trek (reboot) Timeline: AOS (2.0) Series: Reboot fancasting (Kristin Kreuk as AOS!T'Pring) More: Uhura, T'Pring, Uhura ships (Chauhura, Sphura)
Two captured moments of T'Pring and Nyota Uhura's betrothal ceremony.
In a future post Beyond, where Spock accepts the ineluctable truth of being subject to James Kirk's gravitational pull and stops resisting, Uhura discovers that she really is meant to marry into Vulcan, just on the opposite site of the biological spectrum she planned.
Jim, Scotty, Chekov and cadet ensign Jaylah are somewhere trying to drink each other under the table. Spock is very embarrassed by his mate and is probably closed in some bathroom asking to his own reflection why again he decided to get himself lured by the captain's tempting mind after he and Nyota parted ways - and yes, perhaps why he let Nyota go in the first place.
Something thrown together for @uhuramonth.
The girl smiling at the arrival of the couple in the first manip is Cisley Saldana, Zoe's sister: I wanted to manip Zoe's mother as Uhura's mother on that woman raising the glass, but Asalia Nazaro has a very different body structure, and it felt disrespectful to place her head on a "fitting" body, when she's plus size. So I decided to include Zoe's sister and turn her into Uhura's sister.
In this house, Gaila is alive and eventually returns to the Enterprise (as hinted in the comic series), and Darwin and Carol (and 0178) weren't cancelled in the rush to erase all Into Darkness existence for Beyond (in this house we love Into Darkness, but it's has become a very controversial statement to make). I'm ready to fight on this. (ง'̀-'́)ง
Killjoys is basically a go-to for Star Trek manips. Seriously, take a look at the gallery at Far Far Away. When I've seen pics from this specific scene my mind went to T'Pring and/or Vulcans, but I didn't know how to use them. Actually, the purple/blue dress would be perfect for Amanda (she has a hairstyle that I'm sure Amanda, either TOS or Discovery, had) but, alas.
Tec stuffs (aka Behind The Manip) Foreword, at first it was just one manip, the second. It was a challenge but nothing was particularly harder. It did take me a good hour to hunt down Zoe and Kristin pics (and eventually I found that I had a better Zoe saved on and old Stock folder, duh!), especially Kristin was hard to find from that specific view/side: actresses tend to take pics either front, turning back, or side-view with head slightly turned to the camera. The idea to turn the other characters into Star Trek characters came a day later, when I was actually starting with the manip (day before I researched pics and did a unrefined attempt to see if they fit). I'm actually pleased for how Cho looks - the perfect pic happened in the search first rows! - and Aisha Hinds/Darwin looks so hot. The idea to make another piece - the first posted - came right one day before the date to post. I love how Uhura turned, very regal - it took me a while, and only a stock photo with all the logo plastered on it, but I found the perfect Zoe both for angle and facial look. I also love how T'Pring turned out, and I even managed to replicate TOS!T'Pring's eye shadow.
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Killjoys pics from Far Far Away. ( farfarawaysite.com/section/killjoys/gallery5/gallery10/gallery.htm ) T'Pring's ring 3D designed and sold by Baltimore at shapeways ( shapeways.com/product/DMEPKWFJQ/tos-spock-s-wife-t-pring-wedding-ring ) Zoe side view pic comes from either former Zoe-Saldana.net or another site that has ceased to exist. Rest found through Duckgo Images.
Crossposted Livejournal: prue84.livejournal.com/85755.html Dreamwidth: prue84.dreamwidth.org/78305.html Deviantart: deviantart.com/prue84/art/Memories-from-the-betrothal-1-910028698 (part 1), deviantart.com/prue84/art/Memories-from-the-betrothal-2-910028715 (part 2)
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spuhuraart · 4 years
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Was reading a fanfic called “gradually falling” and in it Spock gives Uhura a plush sehlat for Christmas, I just love the idea of her cuddling it from time to time.
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rssspockuhura · 4 years
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A Love Of Two Worlds https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/9ec00ac7-2ed9-484d-b902-dbbb0a066a81/de3yo3t-7de3622a-6210-4d0a-8482-66e3b132d313.jpg/v1/fill/w_267,h_200,q_70,strp/a_love_of_two_worlds_by_rosie_love98_de3yo3t-200h.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD05NjEiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC85ZWMwMGFjNy0yZWQ5LTQ4NGQtYjkwMi1kYmJiMGEwNjZhODFcL2RlM3lvM3QtN2RlMzYyMmEtNjIxMC00ZDBhLTg0ODItNjZlM2IxMzJkMzEzLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMjgwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.Xq4X3lr87TIQGbF0URC9W6yOr7GRyRBsRAp6Va17bEo https://www.deviantart.com/rosie-love98/art/A-Love-Of-Two-Worlds-853182857 (I own nothing.) Lately, I've been trying to come up with a new fanfic revolving around "Star Trek". Particularly, Uhura and her daughter. For the girl's father, I'm unsure if he should be The Master from Classic "Doctor Who" with the story set between the 2nd and 3rd Doctors, or the titular "Adam Adamant". The ladder show would have outrageous episodes and does have a sci-fi trait with Adamant being an Edwardian thrust into the world of the Swinging 60's. "Adam Adamant" and "Star Trek:TOS" does seem like an odd idea for a crossover. But, if done right, it could work. Besides, it's not like Kirk and the crew never did any time traveling. Anyway, with the story I'm trying to come up with might go like this: The Five-Year Mission was almost over for the Enterprise when a villian (either The Master or some other entity) kidnapped half of the crew, including Uhura. Taking all of them into a hideout in 1967. While many were killed, Uhura had managed to escape into the streets of England. After much troubles, she comes across Mr.Adamant along with his butler, Sims and their friend, Georgina Jones. Explaining and arguments ensued and Uhura managed to convince the trio of her plight. It wasn't long until Adamant had gotten the idea to create an alarm that could travel through time to contact the Enterprise. With money from the British government Adamant works with and Uhura's knowledge, Yet, the many tries were proven to be failures; forcing Uhura to come up with something else or wait until the Enterprise locates her. It would've all been fine for her yet her heart was having different plans. She grew to like Adamant's bravery, intelligence and romanticism. As for Adam Adamant, he liked Uhura's sophistication, kindness and excellent singing voice. By 1968, they began seeing each other. In 1969, they decided to marry and by 1970, their child would be born. Yet, throughout their relationship, they both were conflicted. Will Kirk and her friends ever find her? Can a man from the past work with a woman from the future? What would this even do to the timeline?  *Edit* I had almost forgot; the lyrics in the picture are from "Adam Adamant"'s theme song. Here's the link if you want to listen to it.: www.youtube.com/watch?v=V96-kv…
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Want positive Uhura and Spock/Uhura tags to follow on tumblr? Follow uhuralove, spuhuralove and spyotalove. Made for the fans, by the fans.
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Awkward but darling teenage Nyota though
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