#nyota x janice
aspic31 · 1 year
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Today's the last day of @uhuramonth ! Let's end it with gay ladies <3
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aerospas · 6 months
𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐍 ; their pet name for you ── tos characters !
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𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐃𝐄𝐒 ; ᶜʰᵃᵖᵉˡ, ᶜʰᵉᵏᵒᵛ, ᵏᶦʳᵏ, ᵐᶜᶜᵒʸ, ʳᵃⁿᵈ, ˢᶜᵒᵗᵗʸ, ˢᵖᵒᶜᵏ, ˢᵘˡᵘ, ᵘʰᵘʳᵃ
( SWEETHEART ) sweetheart ; they'll tenderly cup your face in their hands, their thumb gently tracing the curve of your cheekbone. each glance at you feels like a stolen moment of bliss, as if the universe conspired to bring you two together. in their eyes, you are the embodiment of all things sweet and pure, a cherished gem in a world of rough stones. they'll shower you with affectionate words and gestures, their love for you pouring out in every touch and smile.
kirk, sulu
( DARLING ) darling ; it is a term that dances on their lips with an effortless grace, carrying with it a promise of warmth and tenderness. their gaze holds a depth of adoration that knows no bounds, as though you are the centre of their universe, a guiding star in their sky.
chapel, mccoy, scotty
( LOVE ) my love ; they possess an innate tenderness that envelops you like a warm embrace, their arms a sanctuary where you find solace and comfort. they lavish you with affection, expressing their devotion through every word uttered and gesture made. in their eyes, you are not just a person, but a soulmate a companion in the journey of life.
chekov, rand, spock, uhura
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skybson · 2 years
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1x02 - Charlie X
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potionflavored · 1 year
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before anyone comes at me I am NOT a Janice rand hater!!!! however I do think the bravest kind of character there is is a woman who sucks. and by the metric she is very brave.
part 16
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boldlyexplorational · 2 months
Episode 2 "Charlie X"
I wasn't expecting such a tragic ending: this kid really couldn't be saved? I would actually love to see him come back as a major villain, he has the power for it for sure.
I find it very fascinating how the themes that are predominant so far are Manhood (and womanhood), stepping up to Humanity. There's a lot of talk about what it takes to be a man, and the right kind of man. And then what it takes to be a human. It's interesting to see what are the requirements the narrative suggests contextualized in the era the series was made. Maybe they were a little hard on this teenager, adolescence can be tricky and their answer was: "yeah no bud you're doomed". Harsh.
Anyway... That scene with Spock and Uhura jamming GAVE ME LIFE. It was so good. I'm obsessed with the fact that Spock plays an instrument and she loves to sing (I love how that translated in SNW too). I've said it before, that's such a best friends sort of behavior to me and you can tell Spock is really enjoying it too. I do hope these two continue to have this kind of relationship.
I also need to mention poor Janice, what a nightmare. She's so professional and she's doing great, she's very good at standing her ground. I love how femme she is, and it feels more (affectionate) than (derogatory).
Rating 8/10 but mostly because of the insight it provides for the members of the crew.
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S1E2 Charlie X: "To The Victor"
As her grandfather was often fond of observing, Janice was a go-getter. She had very little trouble deciding what she wanted, how she wanted it, and what she needed to do in order to make it hers. It made her a formidable adversary in most strategy games and team sports, to say nothing of the rare occasions when someone or something tried to interfere with her career goals.
It didn’t do much for her love life, though.
See, Janice was pretty. She didn’t mind that – in fact she worked very hard each morning to apply her makeup and to press and arrange her hair just so to match the latest fashion. She enjoyed looking good, and any extra effort it took was simply worth it.
But looking good meant being chased, being sought, being fawned and fought over. It meant leers and lewd gestures and lewder comments made just within earshot. It made her into a prize to be won.
Well, Janice was no one’s fucking prize, and if anyone was going to be winning anything, it was her.
Enter Lieutenant Nyota Uhura.
When Janice had been assigned to the Enterprise as Captain Kirk’s person yeoman, she was less than thrilled. She’d had her fair share of unwanted suitors of every class and gender, but in her experience, high-ranking men tended to be the worst.
It came as a pleasant surprise, therefore, when Kirk turned out to be friendly, charismatic, and unfailingly professional both on and off the bridge. His gaze and touch were never anything but completely appropriate and respectful. Beyond that, he had a presence about him that could instantly set everyone at ease. Honestly, if he hadn’t been extremely off-limits due to their respective ranks and positions aboard the ship, Janice may have been tempted to test some decidedly less-than-platonic waters with him.
Ah, well. Maybe in another life.
Kirk’s command crew was fairly easy to work with as well. Granted, First Officer Spock could often be blunt to the point of rudeness, and Chief Medical Officer McCoy was something of a serial flirt, but on the whole they were harmless. Janice even found herself becoming fast friends with Lieutenant Sulu, who shared her sardonic sense of humor and took a genuine interest in her painting hobby after catching her hard at work in an empty rec room during her second week. (She did her best to reciprocate by showing interest in his botany projects, though in truth some of the more mobile specimens were…unnerving to her.)
Then, there was Nyota.
If Janice was pretty, Nyota was gorgeous. There was a softness to her features, an almost ethereal kind of beauty that was only enhanced by the gentle grace with which she moved. Her smiles were wide and bright, her voice smooth and musical whenever she spoke. And when she sang…
Well. Janice normally wasn’t one to wax poetic, and maybe that was for the best because Nyota Uhura was certainly not in need of any poetry. She supplied all of it quite skillfully herself.
Perhaps that was what Janice found so intimidating. Nyota was a woman self-possessed; by no means just a beauty, she was also sharp as a tack, fleet of foot and wit, and surprisingly – dangerously – mischievous when the mood struck her.
She was the first person Janice had ever encountered who truly gave her pause. Not because she wasn’t sure what she wanted when it came to Nyota, but because she wasn’t sure what she could have.
Enter Charlie Evans.
What struck Janice the most about Charlie was his sincerity. He was awkward, sure, and clearly a little out of his depth when it came to understanding and adjusting to the culture of the Enterprise, but who could blame him? His life up to that point had been a blank slate – totally unburdened by social rules and customs – and as such his actions and words bore an honesty that was as refreshing as it was unnerving.
He was sweet. Genuine. A good kid. All he really needed was some guidance.
Just not from Janice.
The very moment they met, she could tell she was going to have trouble with him. His eyes – wide and bright and ever so confused – landed on her like the glowing light of a meteorite on a collision course. She knew those eyes. She knew very well what they meant.
She also knew that she was unequivocally the worst possible person for him to hitch his poor naïve adolescent wagon to. Sure, Janice was nice – she was polite and professional and friendly, but she wasn’t…gentle. She wasn’t sweet or tender or patient. Not like Kirk could be.
Not like Nyota was.
She tried, of course. She tried to be soft for Charlie. She tried to ignore the weight of his eyes on her. It didn’t work. The meteorite still came. It still careened right into them with the sharp sound of a palm hitting flesh.
And then, Janice simply wasn’t.
Reenter Yeoman Janice Rand.
She didn’t talk about Charlie after everything was over with. She wrote her report, because that was her job, and she submitted to a brief psych eval, because that was Dr. McCoy’s job, and that was that.
From what she could tell, Kirk and the others who had been present for Charlie’s departure were of a similar mind. Better not to dwell.
And yet…
And yet Janice could not keep the image of Charlie’s wide, earnest eyes out of her head. The simple, terrible truth he spoke so plainly to her.
(“You can understand, can’t you? You know about being with somebody? Wanting to be?”)
Yes, Janice did. She did, and yet for the first time in her life, fear and doubt had kept her frozen in place.
Well, no more of that.
She found Nyota alone on the observation deck, watching the stars and humming softly to herself. Despite her new resolve, Janice hesitated in the doorway.
Charlie had been alone for too long. He didn’t know how to work around the needs of others, how to cope with rejection when it came. Janice – well, she didn’t like rejection, but far better that than this hopeless pining she was doing now. Life was just too damn short to waste time like that.
And so, Janice went to go get her.
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lenievi · 1 year
some people are annoyed at SNW (idk if it's a thing on tumblr tho) because everyone just keeps using first names with each other, therefore the ship is loosing the professional feeling, but like it was that way at the beginning of TOS as well
Kirk: Gary, Lee (Kelso) (helmsman), Mark (doctor), Sam (a random gym guy in Charlie X who was never seen again), Ben (Finney)
Sulu: Johnny (Mudd's Women), Joey (Naked Time), Janice, Kevin (Riley; Naked Time) [Sulu was extremely friendly and just got along well with everyone]
McCoy: Joe (Naked Time)
there was more of a communal, friendly atmosphere, Kirk and Spock, together or separately, hanging out with the crew in the rec room at the beginning of s1, the crew hanging out, which slowly stopped being the case when Spock became popular with the viewers, and Sulu and Uhura were never given first names
Pike using Erika and La'an and Nyota isn't making him unprofessional. Kirk was using first names, initially, then... there were just not recurring characters he could use first names with around (plus, he had a special nickname for McCoy, and used Scotty with Scott, even though most people did)
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serenitydiviness · 1 year
Line Without Hook- Spock x OC
This chapter was a nightmare to finish, but it is done! The regular uploading schedule for this is usually Wed/Sat. However next chapter might either be early or late! Thank you to anyone who liked the previous chapters :)
Summary: Six years ago, Yeoman Serena Zuriñe embarrassed herself by giving a drunken confession to her mentor, none other than one Commander Spock. Now she finds herself face to face with the Vulcan man she had planned on avoiding the rest of her life. What could possibly go wrong? slow burn. Fake marriage. Spock/OC
Chapter 3:
Serena felt more at ease once they entered the vessel. She looked around before finding the check-in line. 
Janice was running it, Serena noted. That gave her a sense of ease. Janice seemed nice. Nyota as well. Christine Chapel, however, made her feel incredibly uncomfortable. She shook her head before she got to the front of the line.
“Serena, right?” Janice asked. “I’m sorry. I know we spoke earlier, but I've—”
“There is no need to apologize,” Serena assured. “It is kind of you to remember my name.”
“I’m glad I got it right on the first try.” Janice laughed. “Alright, you… it looks like we have a last-minute change, so you’ll share a room with… oh, your friend.” 
Serena nodded. “She and the good doctor bonded.” 
“You’re telling me,” Janice said. “So I’m guessing the room sharing is a formality.”
“Her flirtations are rarely serious,” Serena said.
“Right. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to imply—”
“She and the doctor have shown a fairly short interest in each other. It is logical to jump to the thought.” Serena said. “I hope I did not come off as rude.”
“Not at all,” Janice assured. “Vulcans are very to the point, correct?”
“Then you weren’t being rude. You were stating facts.” Janice gave an assuring smile. “Let's get some drinks once we’re settled.”
“Of course.” Serena smiled back. 
“Well. Let me go ahead and interrupt the happy couple.” Janice said with a giggle.
“I want to watch,” Serena said. 
To say, Annaleigh found Dr. McCoy—ahem, Leonard, as he insisted upon— to be charming was an understatement. She giggled a bit as he recounted a story about a Vulcan blood transfusion he had completed.
“I got the last word on both of them.” He said with a bit of a laugh. 
Annaleigh batted her eyes, smiling all the same. “Handsome and quick-witted. Leonard, I might just fall in love with you.” 
“Well, if you keep batting those pretty hazel eyes at me, I might make an honest woman out of you before this mission is over.” He teased. 
“Well, I’ll have to make you an honest man first. You  are an incorrigible flirt.” 
“I could take you to dinner as a start?” 
“Doctors!” Janice called, walking over with Serena. Annaleigh could see the small smirk on Serena’s face. She returned the look. 
“Oh Janice, everything ok?” Leonard asked, switching into his professional mode. Annaleigh could have swooned right then. 
“Yes, just needed to get Dr. Scott checked in and settled.” Janice nodded.
“We’ll talk more about dinner later, Leonard,” Annaleigh said as she and the two other women walked off. 
“Oh, we must.” He called before heading off.
“Dinner?” Janice grinned.
“Leonard?” Serena raised a brow.
“Well, ladies, he wants to make an honest woman out of me?” Annaleigh brought a hand to her chest dramatically. “Who am I to deny him my presence.” 
“You’re a flirt.”
“Prude.” Annaleigh teased. “At least I’m getting somewhere with my man.”
“Your man?” Both Janice and Serena looked at her incredulously. 
“He will be before the mission is up.” Annaleigh nodded confidently. Yes, she’d make Leonard McCoy make an honest woman out of her, and she’d be more than happy to make an honest man out of him.
“I like you two,” Janice said with a laugh. 
“Because we’re entertaining,” Serena asked.
“Oh, very much so.” Janice laughed. 
“Well, Janice, I think we’re going to be fabulous friends.” Annaleigh nodded. 
Serena was glad they were settled. She pulled out her PADD to look through her rotations. She looked intently through them, wondering if, for a moment, Spock would be in any of those rotations. 
“Trying to find out if you’re gonna be stuck with your hunk?” Annaleigh asked as she plopped onto the bed.
Serena gave an uncharacteristic groan, covering her face.
“Trying to avoid him?” Annaleigh asked.
“Anna, how does love work when you’re both barely human, and you’re pretty sure the other person is only nice to you out of politeness,” Serena asked as she fell back on the mattress. She could feel conflicting emotions slowly taking over any Vulcan propriety. 
“A miracle, mostly,” Annaleigh responded honestly. “Though it looked like he was ready to get you alone as soon as he could.” 
“I suppose. I wound up apologizing for that night.”
“I still can’t believe you did that. Even less that it didn’t warrant a diplomatic issue.”
“Clan V’los and Clan S'chn T'gai are political allies. But he was married at the time.”
“Damn, you slut.” 
“They’re divorced now.”
“Get drunk and go confess again.”
“Anna, why are you like this?”
“I’m an illogical sentient mass run completely by electricity and unfathomably reckless.”
Serena laughed. “You are. If you do end up involved with the doctor, I may just start believing in miracles.” 
“I’ll take that as a compliment. Anyways, we promised Janice we would meet her and Nyota for drinks.” Annaleigh said as she stood. “Can I borrow a dress?”
“Of course.” Serena nodded as she forced herself to sit up.
“You should wear that cute prairie dress Doris got you for your 24th birthday. The brown one. It’ll look so cute with your necklace.” 
“That sounds acceptable.” Serena nodded, touching her necklace blankly. 
“You know,” Annaleigh said as she rummaged through Serena’s closet. “You could just get drunk again and make him wish he had answered you immediately.”
“Anna,” Serena said with a shake of her head. “I’ll be okay. It’ll take a few days, but I will be okay.” 
“You’re a terrible liar for a Vulcan.”
“I’m being sensible.” Serena huffed before going to grab her clothes to change. 
“You wanna jump his bones and commit a carnal marriage!” Anna sang.
“I could say the same about you and the doctor!”
“I’ve made it no secret that if Leonard McCoy asks me to share a bed, we’ll be sharing a bed for life.” 
Leonard walked into Jim’s office, all too pleased with himself. 
“You seem to be in a good mood, Bones,” Jim said.
“I’ve got a beautiful woman working med bay with me. And I might take her out to dinner.” Leonard replied as he took a seat. He gave a teasing glance to Spock. “Say, Spock, how are you planning on wooing your girl.” 
“I do not have a girl to plan to woo,” Spock said with a frown.
“Really?” Leonard looked like a small child at Christmas. “I heard, from Annaleigh, that you were quite sweet on our new toxicologist.”
“She is my friend, and I treated her accordingly,” Spock replied.
“Well, if that is the case, why don’t Jim and I have friendship necklaces?” Leonard asked, watching Spock. He could see the small moment of emotion that passed through Spock’s eyes.
“What’s this about friendship necklaces?” Jim asked with a laugh.
“Oh, can I tell him?” Leonard asked teasingly.
“I had a piece of jewelry I had no use for and gave it to Ensign Zurine. It is not being sweet as you so callously put it.” Spock replied. 
Jim laughed, seeming a bit out of it.  Leonard glanced at Spock, who returned a concerned look. 
“You alright, Jim?” Leonard asked. 
“Just in thought, Bones,” Jim replied. 
“You sure?”
“Yes, I’ll be going to the bridge soon. Go, catch up with your lady friends,” Jim shooed them off.
Spock and Leonard shared a glance before Leonard got up and left. Spock watched the captain before speaking.
“Does this deep thought have to do with the incident on Psi 2000?” Spock asked bluntly.
“I was worried you’d ask that,” Jim said with a laugh. “I suppose a bit of jealousy hit watching Bones flirt with our new doctor.”
“You have had numerous flirtations, Captain; I fail to comprehend the reason for your envy.” 
“A flirtation is rarely serious.”
“Because it does not guarantee a shore to walk on?” 
Spock watched as Jim flinched a bit. “Yes, Mr. Spock. You don’t have to call me out.”
Spock looked at the wall. “I will point out anything that will negatively affect the ship.”
Jim laughed a bit. “It could be that, or perhaps you have found yourself in a similar predicament?”
“I do not believe so.” 
“Really? I may not be so keen on the Vulcan ways, but you don’t tend to stare as much as you have been this day.”
Spock raised a brow. “I do not follow, Captain.”
“Let’s just say I know something you don’t want me to know.”
“Oh, Spock,” Jim grinned. “You’ll have to wait and see.” 
Spock frowned and shook his head. “I’ll see you on the brig.”
“Aren’t you going to the rec room?”
“Why would I go to the recreation room?”
“Oh, Janice mentioned she, Serena, and Annaleigh would be having drinks.”
Spock raised his brow at the casual use of the women’s names. He tilted his head and looked at Jim curiously.
“Something wrong, Mr. Spock?” Jim gave an all too innocent smile.
“Nothing, Captain. I shall see you on the brig.” 
Serena watched as Annaleigh entered the rec room. It was hard to ignore such a loud person, she thought. She smiled at Janice, who was waving them over.
“Hello, Janice.” Serena greeted with the Vulcan salute.
“Serena!” Janice smiled. “Annaleigh, get over here.” 
Annaleigh strutted over and sat down. “Hello, my dear!” She said with a laugh.
Serena shook her head and took her seat.
“Are the quarters okay?” Janice asked.
“They are acceptable and received with great gratitude.” Serena nodded. 
“Oh, absolutely fabulous,” Annaleigh nodded. “So, what’s the 411 on the fun around here.” 
“We’ll if we’re not on the verge of death, we have music nights, card nights. Lots of different things to boost morale between us all.” Janice said.
“Music nights must be nice,” Serena said, unable to help a soft smile.
“Are you fond of music?” Janice asked.
“Fond of music? If this girl weren’t so position-obsessed, she’d be the first Vulcan Pop star on earth.” Annaleigh teased.
“Music is a form of art that serves as a good basis of logic. It must be precise, full of intent, and pleasing.” Serena said. “It is the manipulation of sound in its most perfect form.”
“You sound very impassioned about music.” Janice smiled.
“My father was passionate about music. It was his passion after the stars.” Serena nodded.
“Doesn’t your name mean a song or something in Vulcan?” Annaleigh asked.
“She who sings for Glory… if you pronounce it correctly,” Serena confirmed.
“So your name isn’t Serena?” Janice asked. Serena could easily see her confusion. 
“Serena is how you would pronounce it in English and how it is translated into English documents. However, the correct pronunciation is a bit more difficult.” Serena explained. “My name comes from the expression She Who Sings For Glory.” 
“I see… Do we pronounce Mr. Spock’s name correctly?” Janice asked.
“Yes.” Serena lied, knowing full well Spock would have her head if she ever explained how to pronounce his name. She would never understand that man’s utter need to remain as vague as possible. She knew Vulcans were private. She was quite private in her dealings. But Spock, in her mind, lived for the dramatics of it all. She had heard the same of his father from her father and grandmother. 
Annaleigh gave her a strange look before shrugging. “Let’s drink?”
“We only have synthetic alcohol. Is that okay?” Janice asked.
“Probably for the best. We do not want a drunk Vulcan. They’re impossible.” Annaleigh teased.
“Drunken humans are worse,” Serena said with a roll of her eyes.
“Only if we’re trying to forget something.” 
Janice giggled as she stood to go grab them drinks. Serena sighed a bit, slouching forward. She felt exhausted the longer she stayed there. Still, she had promised, and she knew Annaleigh would probably be upset if she left. 
“Just two drinks, and we go to bed?” Annaleigh asked.
“I will have one, and then you can enjoy your night. Besides, I’m sure you’d like to enjoy Dr. McCoy’s presence.” Serena teased.
“You’re right.” Annaleigh nodded sagely.
“Here you ladies are!” Janice said as she brought them drinks.
“Thank you.” Serena nodded. 
“You’re an Angel, Janice,” Annaleigh said.
“Oh, I try.” Janice laughed.  
Serena smiled as the idle chat began. She listened as Janice and Annaleigh shared stories of their experiences in the academy. She was happy to be partially aware of the conversation, too tired even for her thoughts. 
“Serena,” Annaleigh’s voice snapped her out of her trance. “What was the name of that one group you liked?”
“ABBA?” Serena replied.
“Yes.” Annaleigh nodded. 
“We were talking about music, remember?”
“My apologies; I was lost in thought.” 
“Do you want to call it a night?” Janice asked.
“I will retire. Please enjoy your evening.” Serena said. “We should do this again soon. Thank you for the drinks, Janice.”
“Of course! See you tomorrow!” Janice nodded.
“I’ll see you in a bit.” Annaleigh waved. 
Serena nodded before heading off. She let out a tired sigh as soon as she was alone. She knew it would likely be a bit before Annaleigh would return to the room, so it would be fine if she went to a different rec room. 
If her memory of the map she had was correct, there was a rec room nearby that she could also go to. She thought for a moment longer and decided it would be better to go t her room. She was exhausted. Any more excitement could wait. 
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startrekladies · 1 year
Star Trek Ladies best sapphic ship poll: results!
17 - Kira Nerys x Kimara Cretak, Mirror!Ezri x Mirror!Kira (6 votes)
18 - Ro Laren x Tasha Yar, Guinan x Ro Laren, Erica Ortegas x Nyota Uhura (5 votes)
19 - Deanna Troi x Ro Laren, Erica Ortegas x Jenna Mitchell, Janice Rand x Nyota Uhura (4 votes)
20 - Christine Chapel x Janice Rand (3 votes)
21- Beverly Crusher x Ro Laren, Christine Chapel x La’an Noonien-Singh, La’an Noonien-Singh x Nyota Uhura, Erica Ortegas x Una Chin-Riley, Beverly Crusher x Kathryn Janeway (2 votes) 
22 - Christine Chapel x T’Pring x Nyota Uhura, Winn Adami x Opaka, D’Vana Tendi x T’Lyn, L’Rell x Katrina Cornwell, Nyota Uhura x T’Pring, Deanna Troi x K’Ehleyr (1 vote)
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quailfence · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Janice Rand/Nyota Uhura Characters: Janice Rand, Nyota Uhura Additional Tags: Femslash February 2021, Drabble, the redshirt curse, Femslash February Celebrates Black Women, Flirting, i think, Constructive Criticism Welcome Series: Part 1 of Femslash February 2021 Summary:
Nyota and Janice have a talk about uniform colors.
Day 1: Red
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pencilscratchins · 3 years
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tos has some prime dynamics, such as: doctors with mutual respect, three person braincell holding relay team, and lesbians [ID in alt]
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jimkirktos · 2 years
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uhurand nation how does it feel to not have any content (btw the ship name is now "girls in space" because i say so <3)
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fandomshatewomen · 2 years
Part of Janice Rand’s original storyline was that she was supposed to be one of Uhura’s best friends. It’s a pity canon missed out on such a great opportunity for a friendship between women/potential femslash pairing.
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honestly I am gonna ship them so hard now.
mod laina
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rosie-love98 · 2 years
Just Had A Thought:
Considering that Uhura was friends with Rand and Chapel, there’s probably a possiblity that Rand and Uhura knew of Chapel’s crush on Spock prior to “Charlie X”. In spite knowing how Spock was (especially after Uhura’s own failed flirting in “Man Trap”), the two red-skirts were rooting for their friend and wanted to help her out. 
Uhura’s song, “Oh On The Starship Enterprise”, could’ve been her way to drop some hints to Mr. Spock that someone has a crush on him...either that or she’s embracing her inner troll and teasing both Spock and Chapel without everyone else not knowing about the latter.
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faithoftheart · 3 years
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Mirror Mirror
Mirror Universe AU where Uhura is the captain, and Janice Rand is the Captain’s Woman.
Done for this challenge.
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marlinspirkhall · 3 years
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Kiss On The Bridge- for The Uhura Bang 2021
[Image ID:] The characters Janice Rand and Nyota Uhura from star Trek are standing on the Original Series' bridge. Uhura is leaning over the railing to kiss Rand on the cheek, and a yellow collar pokes out of the top of her shirt. The image is covered by a soft pink filter and a vignette. A signature in the corner reads marlinspirkhall. [End Image ID]
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