#uhv edition
gin4kerosene · 8 months
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Stigmata be upon yee
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Has this been done yet?
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desolationlovrs · 7 days
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"Look at their eyes. See how big they are? It's because they're looking at God.”
📸 by me, Fall Out Boy, Seattle 2024, 2ourdust
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nagitoedit · 1 year
thinking abt those super iconic like fandom things makes me so scared like imagine like just making something and then having it become like The Number One Thing For That Fandom. or like something infamous or iconic. scary.
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annarubys · 2 years
my dash is so perfectly balanced between spn actor hate and intense mcr parasocialism that all it does is cancel out enough to remind me that celebrities are real people. thank god
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unsleepingtales · 3 months
Vulture Dimension Time I’ve got my ice cream let’s do this it’s our time it’s our year
Everyone’s outfit is Fantastic today
Some good ol fashioned summer fun
The vulture dimension is great right
They’re actually doing this. I keep thinking oh they’ll just do a normal episode but no they’re fully gonna do this but for however long it takes
That’s such a fair assumption gorgug. I would also think I had died.
Why did you do this to yourselves
‘It’s not gonna work any other way than the way I want it to’ this is so Brennan’s revenge
All that buildup <3
Trans joke trans joke
From the vibe they all had. Absolutely.
Love gorgug trying to do plot things in the vulture dimension
Oh Zac is GONE
Are these real
HOMEBREW ALERT: Feather of the Vulture King: Breaking this oily feather summons 1d4 vultures. They are not under your command.
I want these items so badly.
Cassandra glowed from that??
Oooh new battle board camera angle!!
It’s not yesterday! What a good motivational statement.
God he hit her for 20 dmg off a cantrip and she did 22 from a 5th level spell that really is devastating
Woooo hit himmm
Get off my lawn!
Gorgug has So much to be mad about here
(Brennan rolling too many dice)
One of my favorite things about dropout are the captions <3
Riz giving his silvery barbs advantage to Fabian after the bardic/least favorite friend exchange is. I’m thinking and feeling things.
Nat 20 luck check is incredible
So… what happens at school now?
Go homeeeee get out of my house
What are you doing baby girl
Why are you doing this
Emily you HAVE a nose piercing. It’s not a septum but cmon.
Gorgug is so done I love him so fucking much
I am the exact same way when it’s been too long a day with too many things.
Oh the identify spell has a radio filter on now that’s fun
What’s threatening the existence of the school at the folk festival?
Riz art hiiiiiii
Siobhan’s outfit is so great
Red light??
Copperlilly caterpillar <3
Three cheers for stage tech arcana.
Like the 24 point stars from the book?????
Enchantment effect?
Rage effect. Fucking hell.
I so wish I could hear about spells being cast through concerts without thinking of uhv. Unfortunately I cannot.
Guys. Guys.
No! Eat it now! Don’t give him hot sauce mom!
Just fun videos to look back on
Nobody noticed Zac saying Kristen the rats can’t vote and that’s criminal bc it was SO funny
He frenched the vulture king
How good can a rat’s history check possibly beeeee
Ooooh Lucy was doing necromancy?
There’s definitely not a rat world under the school 💀
Spot needs to be the next d20 plushie
Oh god
Oh nooooo
RIP Spot 💔
She died so recently ok
Add it to the fucking pile
Fig’s dad is an archdevil I think she can afford wizard class
An unholy last rites. That’s so fucked.
Oh SHIT okay
Did Lucy’s party turn on her?
Holy shit that’s intense
Here there be giants?
Work a miracle Kristen
Who’s the fuckin turncoat man
God they’re so good at being teenagers
Kristen just literally saved someone’s soul. Good lord.
Saint Kristen Applebees.
Oh my god.
Holy shit! Nice job Kristen!
I hope they can reach Cassandra somehow. I honestly can’t tell if the resolution of this arc is letting them go or finding them through work and either one is beautiful but I love Cassandra and I want them to be okay.
Where do you live 😭
Oh godddd
They’re being really inconsistent with the days of the week and I can’t tell if it’s on purpose time quangle/exhaustion stuff or if it’s just a mistake. Like, the party was on a Friday night and then the next day was Sunday. The festival was on a weekend day and then the next day was also a Saturday. It’s bugging me.
DID THE DIRT MAKE HIM MAD (am I overthinking this)
Consigliere of the geeks
I’m unbelievably wealthy and me and my friends just discovered the site of a double homicide #justgirlythings
Fabian is taking care of them and I love him so much for it
Please please please
Oh I just read such a nice fic about Adaine studying barbarian stuff with Gorgug <3
Teddy bear of helpfulness holds concentration, would he be able to use that whole raging?
Gorgug Thistlespring my BELOVED
I felt weird about being mad 😭😭
But he doesn’t burn and pillage and murder! That’s not how the bad kids adventure
God porter annoys me
The Last Stand exam
oh god if Kristen gets moved to pass/fail what happens to the others
Oh fuck Gorgug
Henry encouraging gorgug to build a time machine?
Oh thank god he’s still on the owlbears
I think I have to lie down. He’s me.
The fact that their relationships with their parents are suffering because of this is fucking heartbreaking
Bitch fuck all the way off ok
It’s fine it’s all fine everything’s peachy I love my life 🥲
Awwww is Aelwyn gonna visit Adaine at work
ALSO Cait May said Aelwyn’s art was based on her mini. Which means we’re gonna see an Aelwyn mini. Which I’m so excited for.
Glad to see Aelwyn is still Aelwyn
Oh nooo
What in the worldddddd
Adaine Abernant and Siobhan Thompson I love you so so much
Yeah what does happen if Gorgug is affected by the rage magic.
It’s our time! It’s our year!
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steve-and-the-father · 5 months
Hey fuckers
I made a side blog to post "weird" bandom shit because I fucking felt like it
Main things I will post about:
Mcr, fob
Uhv (outside of that not much frerard.)
Petekey, Peterick, Kellic, maybe the occasional Gerbert.
And jst bandom in general lol
My name is Mika and I use they/them pronouns only
Anyways, that's all. I will probably edit this or re do it later but that's all for now!
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iero · 6 months
saying uhv is bad is quite the opinion to have lol
I had to go back and edit the original text post because of this ask and I'll just repeat what I said in the edit...
I don't think Unholyverse is bad. Like, it's still good to me, but that's all it is to me. It's just... good. Not great and it's definitely not a "be-all, end-all" fic for me. Like, I don't read it and I'm like, "THIS is The One! This is one I definitely would want to make an actual book out because it's so good!"
On a positive note, I will say that I'm glad that this fic has meant so much to people though. Like, I've seen posts/photos of people who have gotten an actual tattoo inspired from this fic and I love that. I love that a body of work that a stranger has written could mean that much to people! I've also seen some pretty cool book bindings for this as well! I think this is my controversial take of the day LMAO.
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coldbug · 1 year
if its ok to ask, besides the hairdresser part, what in UHV is inaccurate abt working in a tattoo shop?
totally!! but ough honestly i blocked a lot of it out bc of the psychic damage hold on gimme a sec… i live-blogged my biggest complaints when reading it but i don’t tag my posts anymore lol lemme find them
okay okay my red flags/sus shit
1) luke?? i think? is smoking inside his shop. i’m sure there’s shops in the world that still do this but that’s a no from me 🙅🏼‍♀️
2) i know this is technically solved by the plot, so not a Real red flag, but genital piercings heal super fucking fast, so i was 👀👀 at first about the infected scrotum piercing (edit: not to mention, infection is generally a Lot less common for healing piercings than most people think. 8-9/10 times it’s not actually infected at all. go to your piercer before your doctor if you’re worried about infection please for the love of god!!!!)
3) a shop that gets mad about you getting tatted at a different shop is a bad shop. do not continue to go to/work at that shop
4) frank wanting to both pierce and tattoo isn’t like. Technically a red flag, but it’s questionable. i’d only trust someone who does both if they were one of those things for a Long time before learning the second (you do see that sometimes irl). which. frank does not seem to be. it’s about focusing on one profession so that you can master it
5) of course hair cutting in the same shop as tattooing and piercing is just inherently super unsanitary. ❌
6) only kind of a Red Flag but frank is a real dumbass for getting a hand tattoo and immediately going back to work as a piercer. a good piercer is washing their hands Constantly throughout the day (before/during/after clients), not to mention putting on/taking off gloves all day as well. both of which are really unhelpful for healing a hand tattoo well. it just shows a lack of knowledge about these things (on bexless’s part, on the meta level. but i don’t think i’d trust a piercer who got a huge hand tattoo and was piercing the next day. what do they know about proper healing??? also. you’re gonna pierce me with an open wound on your hand?? even if it’s covered by a glove. that’s sus. to me.)
7) frank is also a huge dumbass for just using that mystery goo. anyone who Actually has many tattoos has Their Healing Regimen and they don’t stray from it unless they’re unhappy with it. if frank is working in a tat shop/around the culture&industry, he’d already have his established healing routine and would throw that mystery goo in the fucking trash. no wonder he gets stigmata he’s dumb as shit
8) the way bexless constantly calls it a “needle” instead of a tattoo machine kills me. okay yeah there’s needles but it’s more than that. at least she never calls it a gun i guess
9) the mention of a pigeon getting into their shop. sure, i’m sure that happens. but uh. 👀 that’s deeply unsanitary
10) here’s a screenshot bc i say it best here:
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11) the last thing i noted was that. if frank wants to be a tattoo artist so bad, why is there literally zero mention of him doing art?? bro you gotta be able to draw before you become a tattoo artist… unless you want to only trace flash as a career i guess… 🤷🏼‍♀️
there you go anon, i have a lot to say. i’ve only read the first work in the series, but if someone tells me truthfully that there’s tattooing/piercing that happens in the following works, i’ll read and criticize those too just lmk
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aawyiss · 2 years
hey! i know you made the uhv thing a While back (i think. i dont know, time is false!) but i wanted to know where the images came from, theyre really interesting to eyeball :)
i simply found them on Pinterest! i was searching for things like “priests”, “stigmata”, “lady of sorrows”, tried to find something that would fit (in my opinion) and there they were. and since mcr had just reunited back then, i couldn’t resist but used the one from their post as well. plus a little bit of editing.. and voila :)
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- and through it all, we'll find some other way to carry on through cartilage and fluid.
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bbodysnatchers · 3 years
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sp1n · 2 years
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I Have Been All Things Unholy
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bringmoreknives · 3 years
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He could hear the Cardinal saying God's name, he could hear himself snarling in response. Images flashed rapidly in front of his eyes; the guys, his Mom, his own face, bleeding and turned up to the Heavens.
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the-angels-say · 4 years
Accidentally stayed up until 3 am formatting pdfs/old illustrator files to make hard copies of the ft willz pdf and unholyverse
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im incredibly late to the trend but here's my mcr 2021 bingo because i wanted to make one
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[image id: a 5x5 square table with the title "mcr bingo 2021". the rows go as follows;
the first row of boxes left to right says: "they release a video for tohfmiy because they actually did make one"; "they play wdnasac at every single cali show"; "they actually nail the vampire money intro live"; "that or frank chokes on his mic"; and "mikey does That Stance at a show but his legs are spread too wide so he goes into the splitz".
the second row of boxes left to right says: "destroya: ray and mikey moaning edition"; "mikey gets a full on mohawk"; "one of them has another kid"; "gerard discovers uhv and is very public about his love for it"; and "tua s3 soundtrack consists of only songs from mcr side projects".
the third row of boxes left to right says: "ray dyes his hair blond too"; "they get a permanent drummer"; "they all go radio silent on march 22"; "frank gets a rat tattoo but it looks like a bat so he's almost cancelled for being insensitive to covid"; and "gerard says 'poggers'".
the fourth row of boxes left to right says: "frank announces another side project"; "ray drops a jazz album, everyone loves it"; "either just gerard gets tik tok or they get a tik tok for the whole band"; "the used + mcr show or tour"; and "we find out who bexless is".
the fifth and final row of boxes left to right says: "frank gets a bird, spiting the fans who thought he'd get another dog"; "they release paper kingdom demos"; "one single interaction between mikey and pete on twitter sparks peteky rumors again"; "one of them either catches covid or gets the vaccine"; and "frank is revealed to have read multiple frerard fics". end id]
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