#ulbrig x kc
molochka-koshka · 1 year
For Aldis and Ulbrig: ♢: Forehead or cheek kisses
Combining this with @cassynite's ask!
Words: 536 Pairing: Knight Commander Aldis x Ulbrig Olesk CW: None!
“You’re dozing off little witch,” Ulbrig hums, rough fingers slipping through Aldis’s hair with a charming delicacy that the casual observer would find out of place coming from a man of his size and strength.
“Mm?” Aldis responds drowsily, blinking up at him.  
They’re on the thick, plush rug on the floor of their home in Gundrun, a fire crackling in the hearth, the smell of the stew Ulbrig had made permeating the air along with the smell of the bread that Aldis had tried to bake.  The slightly older human grins down at her, smile warm and inviting, almost like he wants Aldis to fall asleep again.  She shifts, pushing a pillow out from beneath her shoulder, raising her head up off of Ulbrig’s lap.
“You fell asleep,” he repeats, releasing his light hold on her hair.  He lowers his hand, caressing her cheek then coming to rest on her chin, tilting her head up so that their eyes meet.  “You were talking.”
“Oh Desna, no,” Aldis breathes out quickly, sitting bolt upright.  “You’re kidding, what did I say?”
“You were complaining, mostly,” the bear of a man laughs (or would he be a griffon of a man, Aldis wonders).  “You’re cold.  I wanted to get you a blanket, but I couldn’t stand the thought of waking you.  Until now, I mean,” he adds almost apologetically–almost.
“Oh? Had a change of heart then?”
“I can’t let you get too much beauty sleep darling, you’re bewitching enough without it.”
Aldis smiles, leans in and tilts her head up, presses her lips to Ulbrig’s lightly, briefly.  A soft laugh rises in his chest as he pulls her into his arms, moving her so that her smaller body rests neatly on his lap.  He leans in as well, kissing her forehead–the closest part of her face to him.  Aldis breathes a soft ‘mm’ before leaning in again and resting her head on his chest.  The steady thump of his heart beneath his chest (soft and warm and firm all at once) comforts her, draws her in closer to his warmth, his comfort.
Ulbrig squeezes her lightly in his arms.  It’s such a small action, but it’s one that Aldis has grown to love.  Not quite a hug, mostly just a tension in his body when he holds her like this, but not so dissimilar either.  Aldis relaxes, her own body losing any tension she’d been inadvertently holding, as Ulbrig lifts her into his arms and stands, carrying her to their bed.  He tucks a feather into her hair (and where had he gotten that, she wonders, she’s usually on top of keeping feathers out of the house for him), and rests a hand on her shoulder for a moment.
“Rest.  You could stand to be less of a pesky little oglin about it though,” he murmurs slyly, pulling their blanket up over her–which she proceeds to greedily tuck around her, cocooning herself in the burgundy wool.
“But I enjoy being a pesky little oglin about everything,” she pouts back playfully.
“Well complain less then,” he laughs back.  “I’m going to clean up, I’ll join you soon,” he promises.  
Aldis is asleep again before he can fulfill that promise.
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molochka-koshka · 1 year
For Aldis and Ulbrig: playing with their hair while they sleep on your chest :)
This is such a cute prompt heheh <333
Fandom: Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Ships: Aldis (KC) x Ulbrig Olesk CW: None! Just fluff Words: 397
Summers in Drezen aren’t more than just ‘warm’ usually.  This far north, things are never more than just warm.  It’s more temperate than Aldis’s old home, and the fortress at Drezen is at least more comfortable than Frey Darkwine’s castle far to the west in the Land of the Linnorm Kings.  Aldis doesn’t miss her old home.  She had, for a long time, but days like today make her all but forget it.  The window in her bedroom is open, warm summer breeze blowing in sweet, floral air.  Clematis and honeysuckle and wisteria climb up the walls and their petals blow in past the gauzy curtains, drifting until they come to rest on her bed.
Ulbrig is with her.  They have to travel back and forth–her to attend to matters in Drezen, and him to attend to matters in Gundrun–but today’s one of the calm, slow days where they’re able to relax together.
They’d taken a nap.
It had been a simple thing, an easy thing to do, Aldis lulled to sleep by the warmth of his large body, his arms wrapped around her, her body resting on his.  She had been worried so often when their relationship had first begun that she’d accidentally gore him with her horns, but they’d thankfully never even come close to that.  More than that, she’d worried that he wouldn’t have liked them, that they’d be a deterrent for the superstitious man.
It hadn’t been an issue.  She’d been surprised by his tolerance, not just for her being a tiefling but for her being a witch.  Maybe he’d been suspicious before, but those days were long behind them.
She’d awoken to the feeling of his fingers twining lazily in her silver hair, rough fingertips tracing small strokes down her horns as well.  She draws in a long, slow breath as she awakens, stretching her legs and slowly shifting to gaze up at him.
His smile–warm and loving and familiar and good–is the best sight to wake up to.  Aldis glances over to the open window.  It’s not too late in the day yet.  She turns, rolling onto her side, cheek pressed up against his muscular chest.
“Five more minutes,” she mumbles drowsily, his ensuing laugh a low rumble beneath her.
“Five more minutes,” he agrees, fingers fining through her long hair as she drifts back off to sleep in his arms.
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molochka-koshka · 1 year
All right, how about 25. The smell of ozone during a storm for Aldis?
This one is pretty short! I had an idea but didn't know how much I wanted to expound on it, so~
Words: 333 Ship: Aldis (KC) x Ulbrig CW: "Romance", sex is implied but it stops before anything happens
The humid air and gentle fall of rain gave way to full-blown thunderstorm by the time Aldis reached Drezen with Ulbrig.  The smell of blood from the acrid, abyssal rain is overpowered entirely by the strong smell of ozone as lightning cracks through the sky.  She flinches at the crack of thunder.
The thick, powerful arms that wrap around her turn her around as well, and she buries her face comfortably in Ulbrig’s warm, bare chest.  A chuckle rumbles lowly through his chest, in time with the rumble of thunder outside, the soft red hairs shifting against Aldis’s cheek.
“Not a fan of storms?”
“They only bother me when the rain is blood.  Call me superstitious but it puts me a little on edge,” she replies, voice muffled for a moment until she moves to look up at him.
His thick, graying red hair hangs in dense waves around his face, looking more like a fiery halo than anything the count can conjure up.  She raises a slender hand to cup his cheek, her fingers caressing the skin gently.  She can feel a slight shudder move through his body at her touch and oh she’s glad she can give him the same chills he gives her.
He takes her hand gently, kissing the back of it.  “If I weren’t a wise man I’d think you were using fey magic on me, little witch,” he muses with a grin.
“But since you are a wise man…”
“Since I am a wise man, I know you’ve found some other way to bewitch me,” he replies with a warm laugh, scooping her into his arms.
Aldis lets out a small, excited cry from the swift motion, laughing melodically as he tosses her onto the bed.
“Since I’ve found some other way to bewitch you, what are you going to do about it,” she says breathlessly, a wide smile on her lips.
“I have some ideas,” he breathes out, before sliding into bed with surprising grace.
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molochka-koshka · 1 year
7. Raindrops on eyelashes - for anyone!
This is a mess but I just <333 Any excuse to talk about Ulbrig and Aldis ok
Editing to add that Aldis almost definitely loves size difference
Word count: 425 Ship: Aldis (KC) x Ulbrig CW: None really!
Aldis hasn’t felt real rain in months, longer maybe, she can’t even remember the last time now that she really thinks about it.  Back home it was more common for them to get snow most of the year, with rain only buffeting the landscape a few months out of the year.  They didn’t have blood rain back home.  Now, up in the clouds on the Azata island, her floating Frostmourn Court, the moisture in the air is normal–not red, not toxic, but clean and clear and right.
The drops pelt her pale gray-blue face as she peers up at the sky, clinging to her eyelashes and dripping off slowly but steadily down to her cheeks as she gazes up at the heavy gray clouds that cover the sky above her, and the moisture sticking to her skin in the cool but humid air reminds her of home more still.  The saunas, the hot springs, the nights spent out under the stars, the lips of some visiting noble pressed to hers.
“Question,” a familiar, comforting voice says from behind her.  
Aldis turns her head in time for Ulbrig to rest one of his big, rough hands on her shoulder.  He gives it a firm, loving squeeze, leaning in to kiss the top of her head. 
“Your horns.  Do they get cold?”
Aldis lets out a melodic laugh, leaning back into Ulbrig’s chest as they look out from the ridge overlooking the rest of the floating island.  
“No, they’re kind of like hair or nails, they’re just sort of there.  I have to file them the same way I cut my nails or trim my hair, there’s no feeling in them at all really.”
His hands stray down to her waist, clasping in front of her and pulling her in closer to him.  “I imagine the rest of you can get a bit of a chilly though,” he adds, wrapping his cloak around her shoulders.  It’s big on her, and warm, and it smells so distinctly of him (skullberry and pine and something masculine and comforting).
“Let’s go back to Drezen and warm up.  I promise not to crush you this time,” he says, breath hot in her ear as he whispers to her.  Her tail smacks against his leg playfully, though the action is an automatic one mostly out of her control.
They both laugh together now, as she nods.  “That’s half the fun, dear,” she murmurs, letting Ulbrig’s hand encompass her own pale, slender one as they start heading back down from the ridge.
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