elyonblackstar · 5 years
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Artwork I did for the Vega & Altair Ulquihime fazine... which sadly got canceled :/ so I'm posting my contributions now!
Ulquiorra & Orihime as Hades & Persephone ♥
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auroraarchangel · 5 years
quick lineart on this one <3 
this was originally supposed to be the first image for the ulquihime week <3 @ulquihimeweek
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noschoolformrpool · 5 years
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Oh my gosh. I can’t believe I was able to finish this before the day was out orz
A little contribution for Ulquihime Week Day 1: Birthday/Kiss There are a couple things I would like to change, but overall, I think it turned out pretty nice! (I was originally gonna go more risque and draw a smooch, but I just had this image in my head and had to drawn it.) Happy Birthday to my favorite character in the history of characters, Ulquiorra <3  Oh, and long live ULQUIHIME Link to my Ulquihime Week 2019 Playlist below-- 
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sara-scribbles · 5 years
Fae (Part 1)
Pairing: Ulquiorra/Orihime (UlquiHime) Theme: Happy Birthday or Kiss Word Count: 1,105 Note: This is a short multi-chapter fic dedicated to UlquiHime week. Each chapter will have the theme(s) of the day but will all be related to one story.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
When he was young, he lived with his grandmother in a remote village. The townsfolk held strong superstitious beliefs that Ulquiorra could hardly wrap his head around. The most prominent warnings were of the fair folk, who were believed to live in the dense woods that surrounded the village. Even his grandmother, headstrong and intelligent, believed in the fae. At night by the crackling fireplace, she would tell him of the people who went missing. Kidnapped by the fae; or so it was said. She would wax words of caution and advice on what to do if he ever encountered them.
Ulquiorra never understood the people’s unfounded belief in the supernatural. At ten years old, he had already shed the idea of such things being real. Still he kept his thoughts to himself like always. He preferred to stay indoors to read or draw, so there was no need to worry about him being whisked away by some non existent creature.
It was on his twelfth birthday that he made his first friend.
His grandmother had planned a small celebration for him. Neighbors were invited to eat cake and play games behind the house. Of course the children were told not to wander into the forest. Despite his lackluster protests, he was forced to play with the children. He was thankful for the new books, but not so much with the idea of being forced to socialize with the other kids.
Hands stuffed into his black shorts, he kicks at the grass as the children roll around a ball. Suddenly the red ball whips by his head, barely missing him, and into the thicket.
“...” He glares at the other children who look at him expectantly. With a loud sigh, he turns to retrieve the ball. 
Pushing past the foliage, he doesn’t see the ball in sight. The forest is quiet except for the calling of the birds. Grass crunches underfoot as he wanders around. After a bit he pauses and looks back. He can barely make out where he came from, but he’s confident he can find his way out.
The sudden rustle of leaves catches his attention. For a moment his mind wanders back to his grandmother’s warnings. Clenching his fists, he calls out, “Who’s there?”
The rustling continues before a head of copper hair pokes out from behind a tree. Cinnamon brown eyes study him with curiosity and wonder. He relaxes when he realizes it’s just a girl. He catches a flash of red as she shuffles out of her hiding place.
“That’s my ball,” he says.
The girl looks down at the ball in her hands. “Oh...here you go.” She holds the ball out.
He hesitates before walking closer to her. Her feet are bare and she has a floral dress on. Her hair is cut chin length with blunt bangs. On either side of her head are turquoise flowers with six petals.
“...thank you.” He holds the ball under one arm. “What are you doing out here?”
She smiles as she rocks back on her heels. “I like it here. There are a lot of pretty flowers and plants. What are you doing here?”
He points to the ball. “It’s my birthday.” He doesn’t know why he decides to tell her. “What’s your name?”
She pauses as her eyes widen a bit. “Um...you may call me Hime. What about you?”
Something in the way she answers his question sends faint alarm bells off in his mind. His grandmother’s warnings come back unbidden to his mind. 
Never give them your name. Names have power for the fae and they’ll use it to bind you to their will. Words have power as well, so be careful what you say to them.
“...you can call me...Ulqui.” He bits his tongue the moment his words come out. He doesn’t believe in the supernatural.
“Ulqui...that’s a nice name!” She smiles widely. “Do you want to play?”
He wants to say no but the hopeful look in her eyes makes him change his mind. “Sure.” He shrugs before tossing the ball to her.
She catches it with a squeal of delight. For a while they simply toss the ball back and forth. Despite the repetitive nature of the game, she never stops laughing. Her eyes glitter with joy and her laughter rings clearly in the forest.
Soon the sun starts to set. The shadows stretch along the ground. Ulquiorra is so busy looking up at the sky that he misses the ball. It smacks him in the chin. He stumbles back and falls on his butt. 
“Ulqui!” She runs over to him and kneels down. “Are you okay?”
His chin hurts but that’s forgotten as his face warms. “I’m fine.” He jerks back as her face comes a little too close.
Still frowning she helps him stand. “If you’re sure…”
He brushes off the dirt as best as he can. “I should get back home. Grandmother is probably worried.”
Yet Ulquiorra is uncertain of how to get back. As if sensing his concern, she takes his hand. He almost pulls away but the warmth of his hand is a stark contrast to his cool palm. He looks down at her, his heart beating a little faster.
“Can I show you some of my favorite plants?”
“...okay.” He allows her to pull him along. She points to plants telling him about their names. He forgets for a bit about where he needs to be as he listens to her. Her knowledge on plants fascinates him.
She comes to a sudden stop. He nearly walks into her and looks around. They’re at the clearing to the back of his grandmother’s house. He can make out her back porch. It seems that the party ended long ago as everything is quiet.
She releases his hand. “I’ll see you again, Ulqui?”
He stares down at her. “Sure.”
The smile the splits across her face is more radiant than any other smile she’s given him. He feels his heart beat faster.
“Bye! Happy birthday, Ulqui!” She gives him a quick hug before dashing off into the thicket. 
Standing there for a few seconds, he finally makes his way to the porch. The backdoor swings open and his grandmother rushes out.
“Thank god you’re safe!” she cries. She pulls him into a fierce hug. “I thought they had gotten you!” She releases him and eyes his dirtied clothes. “Never go into the forest again.”
He only nods as she ushers him into the house. He takes one last glance at the forest before the door closes.
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ulquihimeweek · 5 years
Well, Shipmates, UlquiHime Week 2019 is coming to a close.
That doesn’t mean our ship sails away, though!  And it doesn’t mean anyone who had been thinking of, or meaning to, or tried but couldn’t finish in time for this year’s event should give up!  If you’ve got late entries or want this blog to reblog something to our community throughout the year, just @ me at @jkrobertson and @ulquihimeweek to make sure I see the post.  (I found a lot of entries this year late because the algorithm(tm) didn’t send it across my dash when things were only tagged.
Anyway, I just want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart, and I do mean ALL of you, the writers, artists, playlist compilers, other content creators, rebloggers, likers and the silent followers of this blog for your participation in this fandom.  It warms my heart to see it.
Also, if you are intersted, consider joining the UlquiHime Discord Server for more UH discussion.
Love, JKRobertson
PS:  SEE YOU IN 2020!
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noschoolformrpool · 5 years
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ULQUIHIME WEEK 2019 DAY 2 - First Glance/Desire
What says “desire” like the forbidden love between an angel and demon? Too cheesy? Well, get over it.They’re perfect and you’re just jealous! lol jkjk 
Link to my Ulquihime Week 2019 Playlist below--
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elyonblackstar · 5 years
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Click here for naughty bits ♥
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noschoolformrpool · 5 years
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ULQUIHIME WEEK 2019 DAY 4 - Haunting/Touch Starved
I decided to take the “Haunting” prompt very...literally. Plus, I really enjoy drawing Orihime with ridiculous faces. The poor girl just wanted to go shopping! Roughly, Orihime is saying, “Ulquiorra-kun makes kind of a cute ghost doesn’t he...No way! That’s totally wrong! He’s got a WAY creepy aura! What should I do? I like him but...(trails off)” and Ulquiorra’s line is the forever iconic “Are you afraid, woman?” Please don’t judge my Japanese too harshly lol It’s been a while...
Also, the adidas logo is a shout out to whoever out there on Tumblr is posting pics of Orihime in adidas jumpsuits. Those are the funniest--I can’t even. I can’t remember your name, so if you see this, feel free to tag yourself!
Link to my Ulquihime Week 2019 Playlist below - 
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auroraarchangel · 5 years
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i see that plate flying towards his face xD 
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sara-scribbles · 5 years
Fae (Part 4)
Pairing: Ulquiorra/Orihime (UlquiHime) Theme: Haunting or Touch Starved Word Count: 945 Note: NSFW content
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Laying with his back pressed against the tree trunk, Ulquiorra keeps his eyes closed. A warm breeze ruffles his hair. If he concentrates hard enough, he can almost hear the leaves rustle in the trees. He feels a warm hand brush against his own. Orihime interlaces their fingers together; he does not stop her. She has her head resting on his lap staring up at the cloudless sky. The silence between them speaks volumes as they remain side by side.
He’s found that she likes to touch him. Often times she’ll brush her hand against his. She’ll interlace their fingers together whenever they’re resting. Other times she’ll trace patterns on the palm of his hand while he reads aloud. Her touch is always light and warm. Her touch is a welcome feeling for him. He drinks up her physical affection like a man dying of thirst. Because of her, he realizes just how much he craved touch.
There are times where he runs his fingers down her arm. Sometimes he’ll trace the curves of her face. His fingers itch to learn every dip and curve of her body. Yet he refrains from doing so. He does not want to overwhelm her. He draws her from memory sometimes. Most times he’ll sketch her while she’s occupied. She’s his muse, and he never gets tired of drawing her.
Orihime sighs before sitting up to cuddle in his lap. He wraps an arm around her waist as she rest a hand on his chest. Her head lays just above his heart. His free hand gently strokes her hair. Turning to her, he meets her sleepy gaze. She smiles before pressing a quick kiss on his cheek.
Dark green eyes study her. She has flecks of gold in her eyes. The light makes them look like warm honey. A small dusting of freckles cover her nose and cheeks. They’re so light, he almost misses them. She licks her lips and he has the urge to kiss her.
Tipping her chin up, he captures her lips in a slow kiss. He nips at her lower lip before delving his tongue into her mouth. She runs her hands over his chest. She undoes the buttons and presses her hands on his skin. He rests his hand against her back. This time she wears a skirt and top styled like broad leaves of a palm tree. The top is secured with a tie around her neck. He fiddles with the tie but does nothing else. Pulling away, she peers up at him. Her lips are slightly swollen and her cheeks are pink.
She straddles his lap and takes his hands to place them on her hips. She reaches up and pulls the tie out of it’s knot. The top falls away but she only watches him. Her gaze is determined despite the rising pink to her ears. He brushes his forehead against hers and closes his eyes.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispers. 
Her breath hitches as he drops a kiss on one her shoulder and then the other. He kisses her collarbone and down to the center of her chest. His hands run up her sides and brush the underside of her breasts. He brushes a thumb over a nipple, and she gasps. He tweaks the other before taking her right nipple into his mouth. Gently scraping his teeth over it, he listens to her soft sighs and gasps. She rocks against him, and he feels himself grow hard. He brings both nipples to hard peaks before pulling away.
Sighing, Orihime pushes the white shirt off his shoulders. Her nails scrape down his chest; one catches his nipple. He lets out a breathy moan. She bites her lip before pressing them against his neck. He feels the sting of her bite but she soothes it with a quick swirl of her tongue. Her hands are fumbling with the button of his shorts.
His hands find their way to her thighs before slipping under her skirt. He lets out a growl when he realizes she has nothing underneath. Her core is already wet and hot. When he brushes a single finger against her lips, she lets out a loud moan. Her hands stall in their attempt to pull down his zipper. Pushing past her lips, he thrusts his finger into her. He sinks knuckle deep into her before pulling out. Zipper forgotten she uses his shoulders for leverage. He adds a second finger and curls them.
“U-Ulqui…ra.!” She gasps as he twists and curls his fingers. “O...ohhh!” He rubs his thumb against her clit. He watches as she loses herself in the pleasure. Her hips dilate, trying to get as much as she can from his finger. Her eyes flutter close and her mouth opens in pants. He wants to draw her just like this.
He adds a third finger and pushes the heel of his palm against her wetness. Her breathing becomes labored and erratic. “I-I….ahhh…!!” He feels her walls clench around his fingers as she shatters. Her mouth is open in a wordless scream as her body shakes. Her nails dig into his shoulders hard enough to draw blood.
She slumps against his chest once she comes down from her high. He pulls his fingers out and licks her essence off. Her eyes are blown wide and she watches him between heavy breathing. Her hand rests against the bulge straining against his shorts. A slow, almost predatory smile creeps up her face as she rubs her hand against him. He closes his eyes and rests his head against the tree when he feels her bare hand on him.
“My turn…”
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sara-scribbles · 5 years
Fae (Part 7)
Pairing: Ulquiorra/Orihime (UlquiHime) Theme: Rain or Love bites Word Count: 664 Note: And it all comes to an end. I really enjoyed doing this for UH Week. It’s a lot different from what I did last year, and I’m proud I was able to get this out. It might not be the best work I’ve written, but it was a lot of fun.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
The gray clouds hung in the sky as a light rain fell. It is a warm rain shower that almost feels like each drop is a kiss. All is quiet except for the sound of the rain. Thunder rumbles in the distance but fades before its fully formed. The forest has changed, Ulquiorra notes. More foliage has grown since the last time he was there. The forest has spread beyond its confines and has made a home in the abandoned houses. Vines grow all over the walls, and trees shoots sprout here and there.
Walking through what once was his village, he wonders what had happened to make people abandon it. Houses are crumbling and falling apart while wild animals roam unbothered. Nature is reclaiming what was once its own. His leather, batlike wings spread out before he takes flight. From above he can see that there is not a living human soul around. He flies around until he settles down at where once his grandmother’s home was.
No house remains. An empty lot filled with weeds is all that’s left. Lightning flashes and illuminates his figure. To an outsider he looks like something from a nightmare. Large black wings sprout from his back. Bone white horns protrude from his head, and black fur covers his lower torso with sharp talons on his feet. Wicked looking claws glint in the brief light. His eyes, yellow now, seem to glow in the darkness.
The energy of the fae world is a mysterious force. Those who do not originally belong in that world are changed. The changes are all different and are unpredictable. Some have changed to have the bottom half of a goat. Others have clear crystal like wings. His transformation had been a slow process. One that continued to surprise everyone. Even now Unohana had told him he still might be changing.
Ulquiorra does not care what others think of him. After all Orihime accepts his new appearance. “Ulquiorra?”
Turning away from the empty lot, he walks over to her. “I am ready to leave.” Even soaked from the rain, she’s still beautiful.
Taking his hand without hesitation, she smiles. “Things have changed a lot in a century.”
They weave around the trees with ease. “Everyone is gone. It’s for the best.”
Her hands brush against the plants they pass. “I wonder what happened to them. To Barragan and that other man.”
“We shouldn’t dwell on it.” His thoughts turn dark when he remembers Barragan. He will never forgive the older man for what he almost did.
She swings their linked hands. “Guess you’re right. Oh, Ichigo and Rukia would like to have lunch with us.”
“If we must…” He does not dislike the half-fae man. However he does get on his nerves from time to time. Ichigo is at least more tolerable than a certain shape shifting panther. “Do not forget Unohana wishes to see you later.”
Orihime sighs. “Of course I won’t forget. I have an excellent memory.” She sticks her tongue out and knocks on her head. “And a very thick skull.” He merely looks at her and shakes his head.
They eventually come to the mushroom circle in the clearing they once used. “This place brings back memories,” she murmurs, her hand drops from his as she looks around.
He steps into the circle. “Let’s go home.”
She steps in close to him, and presses her hand over his heart. Resting her head against his chest, she smiles. “I like when you say that.”
“Say what?” His clawed hands brush through her long hair.
“Home. I’m glad you consider it home.” She tilts her head up to catch his eyes.
A ghost of a smile forms on his lips as he wraps both arms around her waist. “Home is wherever you are.”
A flash of lighting brightens the sky again. The mushroom circle is empty once more. Once again the forest is silent except for the sound of the rain.
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noschoolformrpool · 5 years
Ulquihime Week Day 3 - Reunion/Caught
Okay, so I really couldn’t come up with any art for Day 3, but! I can give you a short synopsis of an Ulquihime fanfic I’m working on (which includes an emotional reunion).
Working Title - Death is (NOT) the End
(Work will be as canon-compliant as possible and will take place days after the ten year jump. Rated M!)
“Orihime was finding married life was not living up to her teenage dreams. Ichigo and Kazui spend more time in Soul Society than at home, leaving Orihime in the dust. And not only that, Ichigo is...inattentive. When she begins having dreams about a happy life with another man, she starts to question her relationship with Ichigo. Orihime will find herself even more conflicted when Nel and Grimmjow show up at her doorstep asking for help in doing the impossible—reviving Ulquiorra Cifer.”
Basically, Orihime has to revive Ulquiorra, Hueco Mundo is in trouble (because Hollows are dumbasses, what can I say), Orihime and friends have to help, Orihime and Ulquiorra have to make up for lost time, and shit gets real. Oh, and Kazui is a big Ulquiorra fan but don’t tell Ichigo! Ssshhh!
I’m hoping to have the first chapter or two up on AO3 by the week’s end, so cross your fingers!
Link to my Ulquihime Week 2019 Playlist below - 
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sara-scribbles · 5 years
Fae (Part 2)
Pairing: Ulquiorra/Orihime (UlquiHime) Theme: First Glance or Desire Word Count: 1,468  
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
From then on Ulquiorra sneaks into the woods to meet her. She’s always there when he comes. She talks about plants and how beautiful they are. She describes their medical properties and symbolism. She discusses her brother, who is busy with other things, so she’s often alone. She talks for the both of them as he often keeps quiet.
Sometimes he does talk about himself. He tells her how he moved to the remote village because of his parents. He doesn’t tell her about them or why they made him move. He mentions how his grandmother knits for everyone. He talks about his favorite books and promises to bring one to read with her. He explains color theory to her as best as an eleven year old can.
Other times he brings his sketchpad and charcoal with him. He draws the various plants she points out. Sometimes when she’s not looking he’ll sketch small drawings of her. Of course he keeps those drawings a secret and won’t let her look past certain pages. She’s fascinated by his drawings. Even more so, she’s intrigued when he shows her his watercolor work. Her compliments bring a warm flush to his face. She’s sincere in her praise; it’s easy to tell.
As seasons come and go, Ulquiorra spends his time with this strange girl. His grandmother continues to keep an eye on him. However her scrutiny relaxes when she notices that he’s happier. Winter passes and he’s unable to visit her as often. However the few times he does see her, he teaches her the joys of building snowmen. Things he decided were too childish for him, he does with her.
Soon the twelve year old boy is sixteen. And things change once more.
Summer brings the humid and suffocating heat. Ulquiorra spends as much time as he can in the shade. His fair skin burns easily in the sun. The grass is cool under his bare feet as he walks through the silent forest. His satchel bumps against his side. His black hair has grown a bit too long for his liking. He’s gathered it, as best as he could, into a small ponytail. A lot of hair still hangs around his face. Pant legs rolled up, he wades through a shallow river.
Finally he comes to his destination. A small clearing in an otherwise tree populated forest. A large tree provides shade as he sets his bag down. 
He ignores the the ring of mushrooms in the center of the clearing. Logically they could be poisonous and who knows what kind of animals were there before. However, a small part of his mind, which sounds much like his grandmother, warns of another reason to stay away. Ever since Hime showed him this area, they made it into their usual meeting place.
He leans against the tree and closes his eyes. His white shirt clings to him as the humidity is still strong. Even the forest with its thick trees and foliage can only do so much. He can hear the river in the distance. School has been keeping him busy, so he hasn’t seen her in a while. Somehow she seems to know when he’s coming to see her. Perhaps he should be more wary about her. Yet his logical mind tells him not to worry. She’s just another girl.
Standing up again, he stretches. Dark green eyes wander back to the mushroom circle. His grandmother warned him to stay away from those. She always said never to step into one or risk being taken to the fae realm never to return. Ulquiorra scoffs at the memory. His grandmother is just another superstitious fool. 
His vision is blocked out as two hands covering his eyes. “Guess who!” Her voice is filled with mirth
His mouth pulls down into a frown. “Release me.” The hands are gone in an instant. He turns to her, ready to scold her for her childish games, but his words are caught in his throat.
Her copper hair is much longer than he remembers. It sweeps down almost to her waist. Turquoise colored flowers adorn either side of her head as usual. Her eyes still hold that familiar spark of curiosity. There’s fondness in there as well. She wears a sleeveless dress of yellow-green. Flowers are dotted here and there, and her feet are bare. Yet there’s something he can’t describe that makes her more radiant than usual.
“You’re no fun, Ulqui!” She pouts, which just draws more attention to her lips.
He turns away from her. “Saying “guess who” is ridiculous when we are the only ones out here.” He sits under the tree again and pulls out his sketchbook and charcoal. She follows and sits next to him.
“Hmm...I guess you’re right.” She wiggles her toes. “I missed you. Do you enjoy your classes?”
He flips through the sketchbook. “They’re okay. Nothing is really much of a challenge. Though the commute can be too long.” 
Having to travel to the closest town for school meant he had to get up early. The only transportation left at six. He would come back home by eight and just do his work while having dinner. Even on the days he didn’t have classes, he spent a lot of time studying. His grandmother encouraged him to study hard so he could get a good job. His parents hadn’t sent a word to him since he had arrived. However there was always money sent to them the first of the month. School left little time for him to visit her, so summer vacation is a welcome time.
“What’s that?” She points at one of his watercolor works. 
 “It’s the town center near my school. They usually change the flowers every month.” This month they have sunflowers. They add a brightness to the area. The fountain in the middle has been turned on from the start of spring. Many students spend their lunch times there, Ulquiorra being one. Most lunch times are spent drawing what is around him or studying for classes.
“How interesting. Though I prefer flowers in their natural habitat. I guess there is something beautiful about how fleeting picked flowers are…” She trails off in thought. Leaning closer to him, she inspects the drawing with deep concentration.
Her hair brushes against his face. She smells of something floral and earthy. Again, his heart beats a bit faster. He has the sudden urge to run his hands through her hair. Her locks look so silky, he wonders if they feel just as such.
These sudden and strange urges to be closer to her started a while ago. He denies his growing attraction to her because he just can’t comprehend his feelings. Ulquiorra has sworn off any feelings like this because all they have caused are problems since he was young. Yet he feels closer to her than anyone in his life.
She moves away causing him to break from his internal musings. “You have an amazing eye for color and detail, Ulqui.”
“Thank you…” She smiles at him with unabashed wonder.
Without thought he reaches out and gently runs his hands through the ends of her hair. They are as smooth as he imagined. He pauses as he looks at her. Her cheeks are stained a light pink.
“You’re...beautiful,” he mumbles. His complement makes her face tinge a bit darker. Brushing loose strands behind her ear, he leans closer. Sketchbook and charcoal forgotten, his gaze falls to her lips.
Everything is silent and still. She doesn’t move away as she watches him beneath her half-lidded eyes. Cupping the side of her face, he leans closer. Her eyes flutter shut as his lips barely brush against her own. He pulls away a bit before leaning down to kiss her fully. 
He kisses her gently, afraid to scare her away. Yet when she threads her fingers through his hair, pulling the small ponytail out, he presses for more. His lips glide against hers before he gently nips her lower lip. She opens her mouth eagerly to let his tongue slip in. 
Somehow she slides onto his lap. Both his hands cup her face as his tongue explores her mouth. She’s sweet like nothing he’s ever tasted. Finally he pulls away to catch his breath. She’s breathing just as heavily as he is. He presses his forehead against her own as he stares into her eyes. Her pupils are blown wide with desire and she looks ready to devour him. He wonders if he looks just the same. He wants to draw her like this.
“Hime, I-”
There’s a sharp cry and gasp of horror that makes them pull away. His grandmother and a few of the male villagers stare at them from the clearing.
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noschoolformrpool · 5 years
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And so the week comes to a close and while I’ve been posting the link to my Ulquihime Week 2019 Playlist, I figured I would send off the week with a post dedicated to the music that rattles around in my head and beats in my heart every time I think about Ulquiorra and Orihime.
Hope you all enjoy! Until next year!
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sara-scribbles · 5 years
Fae (Part 3)
Pairing: Ulquiorra/Orihime (UlquiHime) Theme: Reunion or Caught Word Count: 1,507
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
The next few seconds are a flurry of motion. Ulquiorra stands and places himself in front of her. Protective and wary of the others, his eyes dart between his grandmother and the men.
“Oh, Ulquiorra what have you gotten yourself into?!” His grandmother is pale and shaking as she tries to go to him. One of the men stops her.
“Stay away! He’s been enthralled by the fae.”
Hime grips the back of his shirt tighter. “What are you doing here?” he asks.
His grandmother wrings her hands. “One of the boys said he saw you go into the woods.” She shakes her head. “What have I told you about going into these woods? Even more so I’ve told you to be wary of any strangers you meet. The fae won’t hesitate to take you!”
His hands clench. “You’re being ridiculous! Those are just old superstitions.”
Barragan, the village mayor of sorts, steps forward. “Listen to your gran, boy. That is a fae, and she was about to take you away from us. Now move aside so we can deal with her.”
He finally notices that the men are carrying heavy looking chains. He recalls another one of his grandmother’s words.
The only way to keep the fair folk away is iron. It is their weakness.
“What are you going to do?” He inches back.
The old man gestures to the chains. “The only way to take care of them is to bind them with iron. This will teach them to steal our people.”
He feels Hime bristle behind him. “I’ve never stolen people!” she protests.
Eyebrows drawing together, he looks behind him. “What…” He can’t finish his question. Some part of him knew the truth. She is not just another girl. Yet, he denied it because then it would mean the villages’ superstitions were true.
The men start to descend upon them. Ulquiorra does the only thing he can. He pushes her away from him. “Run.”
For a brief second she meets his gaze. Her usually bright eyes are dark. She opens her mouth but he quickly pushes her further into the thicket. Stumbling back she finally runs off without another look.
His grandmother takes his hand in her bony ones. “Ulquiorra, please promise me never to come back to these woods.”
He looks down at her. He feels no anger towards his grandmother. Acceptance. Understanding. Resignation.
“Please promise me. I don’t want you to disappear on me,” she begs.
“Okay.” He allows himself to be taken out of the forest. The men have given chase, but he has a feeling they will not find her.
He keeps his promise to his grandmother. He doesn’t go near the forest. Even if he wants to, he knows he’s being watched by the elders.
Eventually he graduates from high school and moves away from the village to attend college. Living in the big city, he soon places those events in the back of his mind. He has more important things to worry about than the past events of a sixteen year old. He does not return to the village for years. He goes there briefly for his grandmother’s funeral, but returns the next day to the city.
He goes back once more when he gets a letter. His grandmother has left him everything she owns. He decides to return just to take a look at what he’s inherited before selling the house. He made up his mind to take a job in a different country soon. All he has to do is clean up some loose ends. 
He frowns at the state of the house. The paint is coming off and shingles are missing from the roof. At thirty-something, Ulquiorra has grown into a man. The village remains the same if not missing a few of the elderly people. Surprisingly Barragan is still alive though he looks ready to keel over any second.
The inside of the house isn’t any better. It seems after he left for university his grandmother had gotten into the habit of hoarding. Thankfully the house is clean and his bedroom is empty. He spends some time going through boxes. Most will go the charity as he has no desire to keep much.
Once the sun starts setting, he goes to the village center to grab a bite to eat. He doesn’t linger long and goes back to the house. For the meantime he sleeps in his old bedroom. He’s restless and wakes feeling more tired than before. 
Instead of going through more boxes, he steps outside in the back. The forest still looks the same as before. Under his bed at his flat is an old sketchbook filled with drawings of plants, scenery, and of a girl.
He takes a tentative step to the forest but pauses. Stuffing his hands in his black slacks, he takes a breath and shakes his head. After all it’s just a forest. 
He goes inside.
The forest is filled with the sounds of birds. The smell of dirt after a rainstorm is strong. His leather dress shoes sink into the wet ground. Perhaps he should have worn better clothes. He walks without purpose. 
Brief flashes of his younger years are brought to mind. His feet lead him to an all too familiar place. The clearing is just the same as before. The mushroom circle is still there, though now there’s a woman standing in the middle of it. 
Her back is to him. She wears a strange dress that seems to be made out of leaves and flowers. Her hair is a bright copper color and brushes the small of her back. Feet bare, she rocks on the back of heels. He can hear her humming a wordless tune.
A twig snaps under his foot and the woman stops humming. She slowly turns around and he’s suddenly sixteen again. Her bangs are swept to the side. The turquoise flowers are no longer in her hair. Her face has matured into a woman. Her eyes are wide and go through and array of emotions. 
How long he stands there staring at her, he doesn’t know. It’s she who breaks the silence. “Ulqui…!” She jumps out of the mushroom circle and runs toward him.
He has no time to say anything as she barrels into him. Her arms encircle his waist as she hugs him fiercely. “I...I thought I’d never see you again! After what happened…”
She looks up at him. Her eyes are filled with bushes tears. “...” He has no words. After all, he spent a lot of time trying to forget.
Slowly, as if in a trance, he touches her cheek before resting his hands on her shoulders. Her scent is the same floral earthy smell. She’s real.
“Ulqui?” Her brows draw together. 
His gaze softens. “Ulquiorra.”
She tilts her head to the side. Then she smiles as if he just gave her something precious. “Orihime.”
Eventually they decide to rest under the tree. She rests her head in his lap as he runs his fingers through her hair. She interlaces his other hand with her own.In low tones he tells her about his life. She listens with rapt interest.
Finally he pauses. Staring up at the sky his mind returns to the fateful day. “Were you hurt?”
She knows what he’s referring to. “No. I got away before they could find me.” She quiet again but sighs. “...I’m sorry.”
He looks down at her. She’s looking up but her mind is far away. “You don’t have to apologize.”
“But I do. I should have told you the truth a long time ago. I was afraid of how you’d react though…” She bites her lip.
He brushes a strand of hair behind her ear pauses. Her ears curve upward and come to a point at the tips. Something he has never noticed because her hair kept it covered.
“I think I knew deep down what you were but admitting the truth was harder for me.” He traces her ear with his finger. “I wasn’t ready to acknowledge that those things are real.”
“Some humans have a hard to believing in us. It’s better if humans don’t believe. I liked that you treated me like a normal human girl.” Her admission makes him pause in his motions. “I’ve seen what happens when humans fear things that are different. They tend to...destroy it.”
His hand holding hers tightens a bit. “I would never let anything bad happen to you.”
She hums. “Will you be staying?”
“Yes.” The lie slips off his tongue before he can stop himself. He has no plans on staying long. After all he has a new job waiting for him overseas.
She sits up and wraps her arms around his neck. “I missed you a lot, Ulquiorra,” she whispers. Leaning in she presses a kiss on his lips.
He decides he’ll figure out what to do when the time comes. For now he just wants to enjoy the moment.
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sara-scribbles · 5 years
Fae (Part 5)
Pairing: Ulquiorra/Orihime (UlquiHime) Theme: Protect or Blood Word Count: 1,753
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Peace can only last so long. Ulquiorra should have realized this sooner as all the warnings were there. Barragan had been watching him closely ever since he had returned. Though Ulquiorra did not spend much time with the others in the village, the old man held onto his suspicions. Especially when his stay at his grandmother’s old house grew longer. Another set of eyes, sharper and keener than the old man’s, watches Ulquiorra as he comes in and out of town.
He halfheartedly cleared the junk in the house. The sooner he finished, the sooner he would have to leave Orihime. Ulquiorra still did not know what to tell her. His desire to leave her behind was non-existent. Yet how could he leave his other life behind? Perhaps he is being selfish in wanting both.
They do not discuss much about the fae. She mentions small things here and there, but never goes into detail. He often wonders if she does not trust him. But the way she smiles at him and touches him tells him otherwise. She trusts him with her whole heart. Something is stopping her from divulging the full truth. He does not push her to tell more than she is willing. He will wait for her to be ready. He will always wait.
It’s the end of the month and the house is mostly cleared of boxes. Unused furniture has already been sold off. The realtor has given him an estimate price for the house. Yet, he hesitates to put it up for sale. For now he tells the realtor to give him a few more days. He wants to talk to her before he does anything else.
Ulquiorra goes to their usual meeting space. The forest is no longer a maze to him. Even when the sun sets, his feet bring him back to where he needs to be. Orihime tells him it’s because the forest knows him. The forest trusts him. He doesn’t know what to say to that, so he keeps quiet. She may be fae, but Ulquiorra still has a hard time accepting the supernatural.
He watches as she twirls blades of grass between her fingers. Hands stuffed in his pockets, his mouth feels dry. “Orihime.” She looks up. “I need to talk to you about something.”
Crossing her legs together, she nods. “Okay. What’s wrong?”
“I have to go back.” He watches her face for any signs. She just blinks. “I have a job offer in a different part of the world. And since I’ve almost finished with my grandmother’s things, I will need to go back.”
“You said you were staying,” she says quietly. She drops her head down, and her hair becomes a curtain between them. “You said…”
He sighs. “I know. And I’m sorry for lying. But I want you to come with me.” He spent all night thinking about it. If she could come with him, then they would never have to be apart.
She doesn’t look up. “I can’t.”
He frowns, his brows drawing together. “Why?”
“I….I can’t. My friends wouldn’t understand.” She finally looks up at him. Eyes shining with unshed tears, his heart twists painfully. “Eventually you’ll die. What am I supposed to do then?”
“What do you mean?” He knows that there are many things he doesn’t know about the fae. It seems there is even more than he thought.
She bites her lower lip before explaining. “We do not age the same as humans. After a certain time we stop changing. Our kind can live for thousands of years without ever looking any different.”
The truth hits him hard. She’ll remain as she is even when he is old and gray. When he dies, she’ll have no one. He starts to pace back and forth. His mind is racing and his thoughts swirl together. He doesn’t want to leave her, but he cannot imagine leaving his own life behind. She watches him silently.
Finally she speaks, “Even if you were willing to come with me, my people may not accept you. We’ve been taught to be wary of humans. Especially ones that want to use us.”
He stops in his tracks. “Do your people know about” he gestures between them “us meeting all the time?”
“Yes. They’re not very happy about it, but they have to respect my decisions.” Her mouth presses into a thin line. “My position as a healer allows me some leeway.”
She never mentioned being a healer. But perhaps he should have known. Her vast knowledge of plants makes more sense. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he closes his eyes. A deep sigh comes from him before he takes her hand and helps her to her feet.
“I’m sorry. I should have discussed this sooner.” He runs his thumb over her knuckles. “We’ll figure this out.”
She brushes his hair from his face. “Okay.” Her eyes glint with something he can’t describe. Her smile is soft and filled with warmth “I love you.”
“How touching.” They both turn to the clearing entrance. Ulquiorra can see Barragan behind the tall stranger. The old man is leaning on his cane watching them with his milky blue eyes. The unknown man is dressed in an impeccable white suit. His pink hair is styled carefully. Ulquiorra stands in front of her. “Who are you?”
He watches as the man approaches them. “My name is Szayel. I’ve been researching about these creatures.” He steps over the mushroom circle. “You see, I’ve always had a fascination with the otherworldly. In my line I’ve work I’ve seen all forms of strange creatures. I wish to study them fully.”
They’re slowly pushed back. Ulquiorra keeps an eye on the man, but also notes that Barragan has yet to get any closer. “You can’t have her.” He has an idea on how someone like him would “study” supernatural beings.
Szayel chuckles. “You see the thing about fae are that they’re quite tricky. They’re able to elude even my best men. That and they play dangerous games. So to hear that someone was able to gain the trust of such a creature piqued my interest.” He stops a few feet away from them. “I’ll offer you a deal, Ulquiorra.”
His eyes narrow. “I have no interest in you.”
“You say it now, but hear me out.” His eyes slide to Orihime. “Give her to me, and I’ll make you richer than you can imagine. You’ll never have to worry about anything.”
“I don’t need money,” he scoffs. His job offers a good wage already. He’s also never been the materialistic type. He only buys what he needs, never anything more.
He sighs and shakes his head. “You disappoint me, Ulquiorra. I thought such an intelligent would make a smart choice. No matter I’ll get what I want either way.”
There’s a click and Ulquiorra only has a second to realize that Barragan now holds a shotgun. The sound of it going off is deafening. He looks down but there’s no blood. Orihime pained cry makes the blood in his veins turn into ice. Turning around he sees red. Blood pools from her stomach and through her fingers. She clutches her wound as her legs give out. He manages to catch her. She leans heavily against him; her complexion becomes waxy. The blood stains his shirt and seeps into the grass, but he doesn’t care. Ripping a clean part of his shirt, he tries to staunch the flow.
“Come a little shot shouldn’t kill you,” Szayel muses. He’s watching them without concern.
Orihime grits through her teeth, “Iron…!”
“That’s right. I coated those bullets in iron,” Barragan states as he steps closer. “This is for your own good, boy.”
Ulquiorra only glares at the old man for a moment before returning his attention back to her. Szayel is frowning as he turns to the old man. “I want her alive. Being dead will be useless to my research.”
Barragan levels the shotgun. “I don’t care about your research.”
However Szayel pushes the muzzle of the shotgun away. “We had a deal old man,” he hisses.
“I’ve changed my mind. Getting rid of the fae is better than any money,” Barragan growls.
Neither men take notice of the sudden change in atmosphere as they argue. Storm clouds suddenly move in, and the sun is completely blocked out. A cold wind whips through the trees causing the branches to sway violently. It’s only when thunder rumbles loudly do they take note of their surroundings.
Adjusting his glasses, Szayel glances around. “How interesting. The sudden change in weather….could it be the work of fae or something else?”
“Ulquiorra!” The old man looks around frantically. Both had disappeared while the two men argued. However Barragan spots a trail of blood leading deeper into the forest. The men run after them.
Holding Orihime close to him, Ulquiorra runs through the forest blindly. The forest is no longer a warm and welcoming place. Branches seem to whip at them as if trying to stop him. The wind howls ominously as he pushes through the thicket. Her blood soaked through the fabric he had used, and she had become unconscious.
He doesn’t know where to go, but he wants to get her somewhere safe. Stumbling through the dark forest, he crosses a rushing river. Fat raindrops start falling, and soon it comes down in sheets. Lighting flashes and thunder claps.
Pushing past thorny bushes Ulquiorra comes to another clearing. Trees surround him every which way. The only thing there is a mushroom circle.
Ulquiorra recalls his grandmother’s warnings as clear as day. Glancing down at the woman in his arms, he makes a decision. Clenching his teeth, he steps into it. 
Nothing happens.
“Come on. Come on.” He curses under his breath. He paces the circle but still nothing happens.
“Ulquiorra!” Barragan pushes through the bushes. “Just let her go. She’s not one of us.”
The dark haired man snarls, “Don’t come any closer!” His grip on Orihime tightens. The rain has soaked through them both. His hair is plastered to his face. He does not care; he needs to save her.
The old man shakes his head. “Foolish boy. You have brought this upon yourself.” Barragan aims the shotgun at him.
Lightning flashes again. Thunder muffles out the sound of a gunshot being fired. Rain pours down on the old man. Barragan lowers his weapon. His good eyes stares at the mushroom circle.
It’s empty.
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