#ulquihime week
geek-fashionista · 7 months
Ulquihime Week 2023 Day 1: Spice
"Ulquiorra-kun, on a scale from one to ten, how spicy do you want your curry?" Orihime yelled from the kitchen.
Ulquiorra had been forced to go on enough group outings at curry restaurants to know that he was in no danger. He had eaten the highest spice level multiple times and had suffered no more than a slightly sore throat. Therefore, he did not even look up from the book he was reading as he replied, "Ten."
"Oi." Tatsuki, who sat across the table with her chin in her hand, blinked at him slowly. "Do you have a death wish?"
Ulquiorra flipped to the next page. "I do not understand your meaning."
"Have you eaten Orihime's curry before?" She held up her other hand to cut herself off. "You know what, never mind. I'm going to let you discover it for yourself."
"The woman has access to the same ingredients as her beloved restaurant chains. How different can it be?"
Orihime swept into the room carrying two large plates. She set the first before Tatsuki: a normal, thick brown curry with potatoes, carrots, and small pieces of beef. "Mild curry for Tatsuki-chan, and for Ulquiorra-kun..."
Ulquiorra set his book aside in anticipation of the meal. The plate that landed before him looked nothing like Tatsuki's, however. The fumes coming off the bright red sludge drenched over his modest helping of rice made his eyes water. He leaned away from it. "Woman. What is this?"
Orihime came back to the table with her own plate. Her curry was equally red. "It's spice level ten, like you asked!" She clapped her hands together. "Itadakimasu!"
Ulquiorra watched her swallow a heaping spoonful of food. She let out a hum of delight and took another bite. When several seconds passed and she neither reached for her water glass nor died, he picked up his own spoon. Tatsuki arched an eyebrow at him. He glared back at her. Even so, there was a slight tremor in his hand as he dipped his spoon into the rice, scooping up only a small amount of the curry, and lifted it to his lips.
A week later, when Grimmjow asked him why his tongue was so swollen, his only response was a bitter, "Thut up."
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noschoolformrpool · 2 years
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Ulquihime Week 2022 Day 2 - Soulmates @ulquihimeweek
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ulquihimeweek · 2 years
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niscuit-gravy · 7 months
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Day 6 of Ulquihime Week 2023, "Cruise"
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its-ashehausen · 7 months
Well my first chapter for my Reed900 fic is nearly finished, just have to finish a few more paragraphs and I'm all set. (Which is the first thing I've written in months due to losing interest and struggling with depression)
Then I can finish another chapter for my Ulquihime fanfic when I have the time
With Hookhausen back I might try to start that One-Shot I wanted to do, fingers crossed. If not I'll make a short fluffy piece in my spare time.
Things are gradually looking up for me and my excitement to write again. I've missed writing for the last two pairings, and I'm excited to write for my recent ship; Reed900 who literally had no interaction whatsoever but I'm on board with them, I see the potential😁 plus I'll be writing some background Simarkus and Northara🖤🖤
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shi-daisy · 2 years
A Blissful Vacation
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Day 3! Today we have a Crossover with Bleach and my other OTP Ulquihime. Last Ulquihime Week I had written a one shot eith these two ships in a Crossover and since you all liked it so much here's more. I'm also reasuing the picture I made for it since it's cute and also the banner for the Wavewave Week account so here it is in full. Hope you like!
Wavewave Week- Day 3 Crossover(Bleach AU/ IDW AU Crossover) Set 10 years after the events of 'A Different Reality'
He would never get used to an organic body. While Shockwave jumped at the chance to test his universe hopper and to see his organic friends, he was starting to question his decision.
"Lighten up, it's not so bad and we'll be finally seeing them again." Soundwave smiled in his organic form.
The blue mech was now a tall tanned skinned human male with blue long hair and red eyes.
Shockwave on the other hand was slightly shorter than him with short purple hair, pale skin and a single golden eye, the one which was missing was now covered by an eyepatch.
"I am looking forward to seeing our friends again, and it is fair we come see them instead of expecting them to always travel to our universe. Still, I don't like this form, it's uncomfortable."
The words died in his mouth as a bouncy redhead girl glomped both him and Soundwave. "You're here!"
"Orihime! It's so good to see you!" Soundwave beamed as he returned the hug.
Shockwave was pleased by his friend's affection but quickly noticed something.
"You shouldn't be glomping us when you're..."
Her weight had decreased, which likely meant she was no longer carrying a child. To confirm this he got back up and Ulquiorra was walking towards them carrying two chubby bunddles, one with black hair and pretty silver eyes and another with orange hair and green eyes.
"We really need to visit more often." Shockwave concluded.
Holding an organic newborn was like trying to deal with all of his cassettes at the same time. Baby Sora had taken to pulling on Soundwave's hair. It didn't hurt much, especially when the adorable redhead giggled as she pulled.
"Are you sure you're okay? I can take the baby back."
"No way! I wanna hold her more. We Cybertronians don't have babies."
Ulquiorra rolled his eyes but allowed him to keep his daughter for a while longer. "How's everything back there? The war is still ongoing?"
"Yeah, I think we might win soon. We've certainly made a lot of progress but some Autobots are still stubbornly refusing to back down."
The green eyed man nodded. "Even if our battle is already won there are still shinigami stubbornly denying our victory. It's mostly the noble families, they're difficult to deal with."
"Ah, it's always the rich ones, isn't it?" He said as he gently cradled Sora. The baby was no longer pulling his hair, instead she was looking at him with curious eyes.
"If she knew you were actually a robot her eyes might get even bigger." Ulquiorra teased as he took a photo of the occasion.
"That would be concerning. She has big eyes like you already. Isn't that right Sora Schiffer?"
The baby giggled as she allowed Soundwave to gently rock her to sleep. Soundwave saw hope on those big green eyes. If their friends had won a war and had been able to live peacefully for ten years now then perhaps they too would be able to do so. Victory was getting closer everyday and he intended to reach it, for those who couldn't.
"Who else was lost?" Ulquiorra asked, knowing exactly what Soundwave was feeling.
"Starscream defected. Which I feel like good riddance but he has been making difficult on us as always. Tarn got himself killed after leading a hunt we told him not to chase. Killoton is in a coma and Lovelace is still M.I.A... And as before, Shockwave's remain unrecoverable."
"You should just tell him. I can see it in your eyes. You want to be with him even if he does not remember your past."
"You're right but...." Soundwave sighed. "I don't want to burden him. Right after the Shadowplay I was told those memories were lost forever, that merely trying to make him remember could cause him to suffer processor damage and maybe shut down. I much rather rhave him healthy and calm than damaged for my selfish desires."
"I understand. We'd do anything to protect the ones we love. However, you're the one who once told me to confess my feelings to the woman, and look at us now."
He smiled at hearing his friend use the old nickname he'd given Orihime before they were even friends. What he said was true, as when they were the ones stuck in their universe he urged Ulquiorra to confess. The arrancar did so once the situation was resolved, and ten years later he was now married to the woman he loved and had two beautiful daughters with her.
"Maybe you'll never see the Shockwave you first fell in love with again, but if you still love him after all of that has happened then you should tell him."
"You're right. I'll tell him."
"Good, now let's put Sora to bed. I have plans for all of us."
"If I were on Cybertronian form not only would I not have a nose for you to pull but you'd be the size of a scraplet!"
Orihime laughed as Kokoro kept on pinching poor Shockwave's face. She took the baby back, who seemed angry that she couldn't bother the scientist anymore.
"I imagine dealing with the cassettes is the same.
"Rumble and Frenzy are equally mischievous, but Ravage and the avians don't cause any trouble. They would be good friends with your offspring if they met them."
"Well, the babies won't be universe hoping until they're a little older but I'm certain they would love to meet everyone. Kokoro is fond of you despite the pinching."
Shockwave raised an eyebrow and glanced at the baby who giggled when she saw him. He smiled back. "Very well, tiny organic. I appreciate your affections, but do not pinch me. I'm not used to having a face."
"That's something else I wanted to ask about. Have you made any progress on your recovery?"
"Other things take priority. Once the war ends I shall concentrate on that. As of now I have no returning memories, and the surgery to recover my faceplate can only be performed if we return to Cybertron. For now I stay as I am."
Orihime nodded. "You've never been curious as to why the only person you seem to trust and remember is Soundwave?"
"Yes I do wonder sometimes. He's a loyal mech and a wonderful company but it is odd he's the only thing from my past I can recall before shadowplay."
"I was thinking it's because of fate."
Shockwave knew his redhead human friend was a hopeless optimist but didn't think she'd suggest such an illogical notion.
"It may seem silly to a scientist like you but think about it. It's the same thing that happened to Ulquiorra and I.
A human, an arrancar, two completely different beings on opposite sides of a war. By all means we should've remained strangers or enemies till the conflict ended. But we didn't, and then we went to your universe and we returned, knowing well that we wanted everyone to survive, that we wanted the war to end. So we fought for that and now look at us 10 years later. If it wasn't fate who made us meet, and fall in love. Then what was it?"
She had a point. Fate seemed to have bound Ulquiorra and Orihime but would it bind him and Soundwave too or was this just a concept his original universe didn't have? Shockwave didn't care to find an answer just yet.
"Regardless of fates involvement I can tell you one thing."
"What's that?"
"I'm not wearing a green puffy wedding dress."
The redhead laughed so loudly it could probably be heard on the other room. "Fine fine, I'll leave the dress for Sora and Kokoro to borrow once they're old enough. I take it that means you won't be a kindergarten teacher either?"
He shook his head. "I don't think teaching is for me. You have the patience for it but I do not."
She doubted that. Soundwave had told them that before the Shadowplay the scientist ran an academy. Even if he didn't remember it now he had it in him to be a teacher. 'I hope soneday he'll be able to remember.'
"Okay, since teaching is out of the question, there's only one place we can take you to!"
He knew that look in her silver eyes. Orihime was plotting, and whenever that happened it was wise to be wary.
The twins had been left in charge of Orhime's best friend as they went out for the night. Surprisingly, their friends took them to the bakery Ulquiorra owned. The place had changed for the better since the last time they visited, being expanded and remodeled along with having more employees.
"I take it business is booming. Don't let Swindle visit or you might be in trouble." Soundwave said.
"Things have been going well. We even have dance nights as of late. Orihime was hoping you'd both like to join us for that.
Soundwave beamed at the idea, still he hesitated, knowing now why their friends were eager for them to join.
'They want me to confess now.'
It's not as if he didn't want to but rather the fear of finally having to give up hope that Shockwave would feel the same. He knew it was likely that he would be turned down, but Ulquiorra was right. It was time to face this.
Shockwave was slightly nerveous as he didn't know how to dance. He was naively expecting to cook pastries with Ulquiorra and Orihime but then he realized it'd be illogical for them spend their night out working. At least he had a music expert for a partner.
"Shall we?" He asked, noticing how flustered Soundave became as he took his hand.
The song they would dance to was slow, yet happy, he had heard it a few times when he worked alongside Soundave back home.
"I'm glad we visited. It seems that our friends are doing very well with the shop and the babies."
"Yes. I hope we too can get that rest when our war is over."
He couldn't wait. Soundwave was tired, everyone was already tired but they were close and he intended to go at it until the end
"Despite my reservations, I think I'd like to stay a human for a little while longer." Shockwave mused.
"Really? Why is that?"
"I missed having a face."
Soundwave felt his spark break at that revelation. Though he understood as he also missed seeing Shockwave's gorgeous face as they woke every morning, before he had been tortured. 'That was already 5 million years ago...'
But 5 million years or 1 day didn't make a damn difference, because he still wanted him just as much. "It suits you, and I'll confess I've missed it as well. Now I can do this..."
Shockwave felt Soundwave's soft lips cover his own as the taller mech gently pulled him closer. The kiss was like switch within him as the mere action brought back feelings he didn't think he'd ever have.
It was familiar, it was sweet, it was heated, and it was heartbreaking all at the same time. Right then and there he knew that this confirmed his previous hypothesis. He didn't just know Soundwvae before his fall but they were lovers.
"...You have waited milenia for that, haven't you?"
The spymaster nodded as Shockwave wiped away a few tears from his red eyes. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't keep quiet anymore."
"Then don't. There's a reason fate has yet to separate us. And I don't think I'd let it."
This time Shockwave kissed him, just as intensity and sweetly. It was all Soundwave had been craving for a long time.
The pair only broke away when they heard Ulquiorra and Orihime chuckling ad they observed them from a nearby spot.
"We should play matchmakers more often." Orihime said.
Ulquiorra smiled. "It's safe to say they did it for us first."
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reaperpie · 7 months
A mini comic for Ulquihime week!
Alternative Universe
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geek-fashionista · 7 months
Ulquihime Week Day 7: Apology.
At least once a month she has that dream.
The two of them, standing under a bright moon on a tower reaching into the heavens.
Every time, she would apologize to him. Every time, he would lift his hand. Every time, she would try to take it. And every time, he would fade to ashes.
I'm sorry.
She'd sit at her desk, eyes turned towards the window while everyone else took notes.
I wanted to save you.
She'd lag behind her friends as they walked along, chattering, laughing at the usual day-to-day things.
But I wasn't strong enough.
She'd eat her dinner alone without really tasting it.
Then one night, seventeen months after the war, she dreams that dream again. Only this time when she reaches for him, her fingers close around his, cold and solid and real. She looks up into his eyes, finds reassurance where once there was nothing at all.
And she wakes with a start, lifts a hand to her pounding heart, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that he is alive.
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noschoolformrpool · 2 years
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Ulquihime Week 2022
Day 1 - Wrong Number/Text @ulquihimeweek
I have no idea if I’ll get this done before the week is up. I couldn’t take the full week off of work this year like the last couple years 😩 But here is where it’s at at the moment…five days later.
Concept: Orihime is a telephonista/switchboard operator in the 1930s. She accidentally makes the wrong connection during one of her shifts and overhears a conversation she shouldn’t have! Mafia hitman Ulquiorra tracks her down and forces her to turn spy for them or die—what will our heroine do? Will she be able to convince Ulquiorra to let her return her to normal life or will the world of money, sex, and violence swallow her whole?
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ulquihimeweek · 2 years
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vanillaxbiscuit · 7 months
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UlquiHime Week 2023 Day 2 [Dance]
Manage to make 1 prompt cause I was so busy this month. 
Link Event
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ulquihimelovers · 7 months
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UlquiHime Week 2023 drawing by TiromaArt on Twitter!
Artist has given permission to repost.
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niscuit-gravy · 7 months
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Day 6 of Ulquihime Week 2023, "Cruise"
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keitoz · 2 months
I'm back after 10+ years!
Okay so. It happened about a week ago that my UlquiHime hyperfixation reignited. YouTube decided to recommend me my old ABSOLUTE FAVORITE MADs/AMVs (Hueco Mundo Revolution, Kokoro-Heart, Destiny's People, etc) and I haven't been able to stop thinking about them 24/7 since then.
It REALLY doesn't help that recently there have been more breadcrumbs for us such (more like for Ulquiorra fans in general) such as the BBS Cyberpunk teaser, Bleach April Fool's 2024 High School Warfare, and his absolutely possible return in the Hell Arc if Kubo decides to continue it. I've read lots of theories and discussions on the topic even from a pessimistic angle, but with Kubo recently keeping Ulquiorra "alive" in AUs, possibly due to popularity/cash grab, it's hard to imagine he wouldn't take this opportunity to bring him back (as well as Gin). It would upset a minority (the people who want his death to remain impactful), but it would be reasonable.
The only route I can see Kubo taking that wouldn't bring Ulquiorra back is that since he's a natural-born Hollow with no human origin, his reiatsu scattered with his ashes across Hueco Mundo. However, if the "Captain reiatsu being too dense to be reabsorbed" rule applied in HM as well, it would make sense that Espada who died there would also go to Hell. Not sure if they need a ritual for that as well though but considering Kubo only mentioned it for the first time in the Hell chapter, I wouldn't be surprised if he made one up for Arrancar in the future.
The theory that Ulquiorra is in Hell sits better with me rather than him reincarnating as a human or in SS if at all. Even if Kubo took the "Ichigo's Hollow is his Zanpakuto, therefore Ulquiorra was purified" route sounds too much of a stretch even for Kubo.
Now if Ulquiorra IS in Hell, I don't think he meets the same requirements as Szayel to be jailed as he was never human nor did he commit (many?) crimes as a Hollow.
I want to see his Hell version!! 🥺🥺 Any fanart of this?
Anyway, I'm open for discussion!
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majycka · 2 years
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Happy Ulquihime week!!
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geek-fashionista · 7 months
Ulquihime Week Day 2: Dance, featuring that furniture store AU I never wrote.
"Yoohoo, Ulquiorra, your favorite customer is back," Yumichaka said the moment Ulquiorra stepped out of the breakroom. "And she's dancing this time."
Ulquiorra drew in a breath and let it out through his nose. The woman had been coming to the store for weeks now, had seen everything they had to offer two or three times over, and had yet to buy anything. Not a single sofa, table, desk, or chair. He was starting to believe she was lying about the house she'd bought.
Nevertheless, he summoned up his best customer service attitude and walked from showroom to showroom until he found her. And sure enough, she was dancing---shimmying right in the middle of one of their more elegant living room displays.
"Ulquiorra, hello!" she greeted him, slightly out of breath and oblivious to the stares of other customers.
"We meet again, Ms. Inoue." He resisted the habit of slipping his hands into his pockets and folded them behind his back instead. "How can we help you today?"
The woman threw her arms out and did a slide across the floor, nearly tripping over the beige carpet in the process. "Well, I was thinking about what you said last time, about how this living room configuration might work in my new space? And it sounded good, but then I realized I hadn't danced in it!"
Ulquiorra tried to keep his eyebrow from raising. "Do you dance often?"
"Oh, totally. I'm a regular jitterbug!" And she began to jitterbug, as if she needed to prove it to him.
He hadn't won Las Noches Furniture's Employee of the Year award for nothing, so he decided to redirect the conversation. "What is your opinion, now that you've danced around the furniture?"
The woman stopped to catch her breath. "Umm," she said, "I think the carpet's gotta go. But there's one more test I need to run, if you don't mind helping me with it."
"I am happy to assist you," he lied.
"Great!" She stepped over to him and held her hands up in invitation. "Dance with me?"
Ulquiorra blinked. "Huh?"
"It's just that I want to make sure there's enough space in this living room for two jitterbugs. You know, in case I get married someday?"
Ulquiorra could have sworn he heard Yumichaka snickering nearby. No doubt he was texting the rest of their coworkers about the spectacle in that insidious group chat Ulquiorra never participated in. But if they were going to gossip about him, then he should give them something true to whisper behind his back: that he was passionately, if not stupidly, dedicated to being the best at his job. "Very well," he said to the woman, and placed his hand in hers. "You may lead."
And that was how Ulquiorra spent a sliver of his work shift waltzing with the store's most deranged customer---if one could call someone who never bought anything a customer. At the end of the day, the woman would once again walk out without making a purchase, apologizing and promising she'd be back when she'd had more time to think about it. Yumichaka would tsk and shake his head. Their manager, Sousuke Aizen, would praise Ulquiorra for going above and beyond to secure a sale.
And Ulquiorra would spend an unusual amount of time staring at his hands, feeling the woman's lingering warmth even hours after she'd gone.
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