#ultimately the young wolf is like whatever class you picked but this is just my two cents
qsdblogging · 4 years
Why It Makes Sense: The Whedonverse Theory
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When people say Joss Whedon, my first thought has always been Buffy the Vampire Slayer (followed by Angel, obviously), Firefly (and Serenity), and The Cabin in the Woods. After those, it’s up in the air if I remember his input as director of the 2012 film, The Avengers. But, that one isn’t included in this theory.
Growing up on Whedon’s creations (courtesy of my dad), I got invested in the stories he told.
Now, this theory (for me, at least) surfaced in 2015 and I liked the idea of it. It’s summarized in a format through pictures, the year, and what happen during that year to follow the timeline of this theory.
If you aren’t aware of it, continue on reading, or if you are and just want to see if a fresh pair of eyes has anything new to offer in regards to a fan-favored theory, continue on.
But, fair warning, this is going to include spoilers if you haven’t watched any of the listed shows and movies.
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This theory essentially starts off with Whedon’s works: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, as it is it’s spin-off series. As it takes places the earliest amongst the bunch, in the late 1990’s and early 2000's.
Buffy’s lore is the main focus of the thoery as the biggest point of all refers to active Slayers (and the Potentials, before they were activated for the most part). In the last season of Buffy, they round up any Potentials and in the final fight, get their Slayer abilities activated to turn the tide of the fight in their favor.
It broke the tradition (AKA, the magic behind it all) that the Slayer line followed. One died, a new emerged with the powers and got thrust into a world they didn’t, most likely, know about with a giant burden to bare.
Buffy, having died twice and come back both times, kept her abilities and instead of one Slayer, there were two. First, Kendra, who later got killed after meeting Buffy. When Kendra died, as she was the current activated Slayer, Faith emerged. So, when Buffy died the second time around while still being a Slayer, it didn’t cause another to emerge as she wasn’t the latest activated. Make sense?
But a while later, after all the Slayers were activated, Angel ran into his own amount of issues that had been piling up in Los Angeles.
During Angel’s final season, which is just around a year later after Buffy’s show came to a close, Wolf Ram and Heart defeated and destroyed the Circle of the Black Thorn. This causes a lot of destruction in the process and Angel’s series finale ends with those left standing ready to die fighting whatever is coming their way (including a dragon, apparently).
According to the theory, this event esstentially kickstarts the awakening of the Senior Partners. Hoping to appease them and prevent an apocalypse, The Initiative, a group Buffy deals with during her fourth season, began to give sacrifices.
That leads us to the events of The Cabin in the Woods, which takes place in 2012, barely even a decade after the events of Buffy and Angel.
A ragtag group of misfits who think they’re just taking a small trip to Curt’s cousin’s (who may or may not exist) cabin in the woods. Once there, find a few odd things and a lot of weird and strange items littering the basement of the cabin.
It’s a suspenseful scene to watch, as you get the feeling it’s what is going to make things go sideways for the group and eventually, as everyone is playing with their own chosen objects, Dana reads from a notebook and doesn’t realize the consequences the group will face from doing so.
The Buckner family, an undead redneck family, attacks the group later on in the night.
In the Initiative, who is watching everything go down on the cameras, is hoping it’ll work out for the best as they are the last chance of appeasing the Senior Partners. All of their other locations have failed in their tasks for the year of sacrificing a group.
The group members who are left, in efforts to save themselves, try leaving and run into a wall. Literally. As the movie goes on, you learn that this branch of the organization follows the five person sacrifice that most horror and thriller films seem to follow.
The Whore dies first, followed by the Jock, then the Brains. The Fool is assumed dead this time around, but we learn that this movie’s fool isn’t quite dead. The last death, the Virgin, is optional as long as she (or he) is the last to go.
Dana, the coined Virgin, is saved by Marty, the presumed dead fool. He brings her to what he found to be an elevator that the Buckner Family had crawled out of. They find themselves amongst many other elevator cages, filled with monsters and creatures alike.
It’s Dana that realizes they picked their own fate down in the basement.
Eventually those in the Initiative find the cage the two are in and try to bring them around to kill them (but, Marty has to go first). However, the two are a force to be reckoned with as they take advantage of the severed arm of a Buckner member attacking the guard and find their way into the control station for the cages.
They press a button that releases all of the creatures and monsters in their cages on the security team sent after the two remaining sacrifices. After a while of bloodshed, the two make their way around the base in hopes of finding a way out.
Along their way, they find themselves in the sacrifice room, where the Director at the time, meets them. A lot of arguing and explanations, followed by a betrayal here and there, ultimately ends with Dana and Marty saying screw it all and refusing to finish the sacrifice as the Director planned.
With sacrifices unfinished, the movie ends with the Senior Partners being unleased on the world.
But of course, that didn’t mean there was no way the Initiative ever planned for something like this, right?
Well, the Initiative planned for something like this to possibily happen because you always need to plan for the worst.
Some of humanity manages to escape the destruction on Earth that was and formed the Alliance (with heavy influences from the Initiative, we should assume).
Which brings us to the events of Firefly and Serenity.
Hundreds of years have passed before a child is born. You wouldn’t think anything of it, children are born all the time. However, the remaining remnants of the Initiative inside of the Alliance recognize her for what she is.
A Slayer. Or, at least, a Potential.
River Tam is lured into a school that is meant to challenge her intellect, but according to the theory, the experiments they held on River were attempts to trigger her Slayer abilities.
After her brother, Simon, manages to get her out after a letter in code telling him they were hurting her, the two find themselves on Serenity, a Firefly class spaceship run by essentially, space cowboys. Now, a string of events in the first episode lead to the crew deciding to go on the run and reluctantly keeping Simon and River on board.
But, as the two siblings stay on for longer then Mal had planned and originally wanted them on for, attachments are formed and the need to do the right thing takes over.
The first, and only, season of Firefly gets cut short (and aired out of order, but that’s a whole other thing) and there’s a lot of loose ends that didn’t get tied up.
With one last chance to tie things up, Whedon puts out Serenity, the movie surrounding the crew’s adventure on figuring out what exactly River knew that the Alliance didn’t want her to know.
Originally, River and Simon were meant to leave the crew in the beginning of the film, but some things lead to another and a few extra details are revealed. The crew was made well aware of River’s uncanny ability to shoot a gun without even looking at her targets, but watching her fight and take down multiple people bigger than her was a strange occurence, I’m sure.
It’s the first moment you see her supposed Slayer abilities.
By the end of the movie, things are revealed, some deaths happen to beloved characters, River has finally tapped into her Potential and is an active Slayer, and you get an explanation of who and what exactly Reavers are.
But, for this theory, it’s been mentioned that maybe the Reavers are simply Vampires who managed to get aboard the escape from Earth after the rise of the Senior Partners, and driven to extremes in order to survive in space themselves.
A Slayer had been born again, restarting the Slayer cycle, and there was a chance that things could go back to how they used to be.
Not sure how it would happen, but the basics of the theory make sense. Obviously there are specifics that are harder to include and most likely make sense of in regards to all of this, but in the grand gist of it all, it makes sense.
It’s a fun little theory that can connect multiple works made by one person.
Now, obviously this wasn’t a shortened version of the theory. And there have been some portions of the theory put into question, especially in regards to some of Whedon’s other works.
Dollhouse, Fray as a character in the comics, and The Avengers.
Personally, I don’t include the Avengers in this. It’s Marvel and Whedon was the director of the film for it, but I don’t see it fitting in with this particular theory in any way. People have included it (mostly S.H.I.E.L.D being with the Initiative became, but it just doesn’t make any sense to me given Marvel as it’s own identity), but I prefer not to.
As for Dollhouse, I never actually watched the show. My dad did, but I was too young at the time to be allowed to watch it and I was just never interested in it. Maybe one day I’ll get around to it, but this meant I had to do a little bit of digging to understand this a bit more.
For most of the takes on this theory that have mention the show, mention it may just take place in the parallel universe. They, as in parallel universes, were confirmed to exist in Buffy, Angel, and the comics that continue after them, it’s a plausible theory.
This also means that this theory could follow a majority of the canon information from the shows, films, and comics mentioned, before dividing into it’s own events. It simply means that some things that were difficult to explain in specifics may just be different in this theory’s parallel universe.
So, Dollhouse could take place in the same universe, but events could have differed greatly by universe. We don’t know for sure.
That, in all, also explains the comic series by Whedon surrounding Melaka Fray, a Slayer from a future timeline where things are a little post-apocalyptic on Earth. Monsters run amock and eventually, Fray emerges. Now, it could mean there’s a parallel world where the Avengers and Buffy take place in the same world, but I still don’t like that idea, so I ignore it.
Parallel universes are just a lot of fun to imagine, and in worlds like these, could mean a lot in the grand scheme of it all.
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littlehollyleaf · 5 years
Name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) 
Then tag ten people
Tagged (ages ago, whoops!) by @castiel-saved-me-from-myself 
(I’m sorry, I got distracted!)
1.Supernatural. Castiel.
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Obviously. I may be out of the fandom now, but I’ve never loved a character as much as Cas, and probably never will.
2. Good Omens. Aziraphale.
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Thought I’d put both my darling angels at the top :) I suspect that without Zira there to pave the way Castiel may not even have existed, so I love him double - for himself and for Cas as well :p 
While really quite different when it comes to their personalities (just think how Zira would SHUDDER at Cas’ trenchcoat), they share a lot of character traits and tropes (mini-series!Zira anyway, maybe less so in the book, or less obviously anyway), so, no surprise that I should adore them both. I’ve also said before, and I stand by it, that Aziraphale is sort of a combination of my favourite aspects of both Cas and Dean in one, with Cas’ struggle with Heaven/god and trying to be a good angel and finding he loves humanity/earth more, plus Dean’s whole ‘performing Dean’ thing and repression of queer feelings he is scared to admit to (out loud) because he believes they are somehow ‘wrong.’ 
...just to give a little insight into my feelings about these two that was neither needed nor asked for...
4. Hellblazer. NBC Constantine. Legends of Tomorrow. John Constantine. 
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Aaaand the other guy I love twice because Cas, and indeed spn in general, kinda owe their existence to him. Though in turn his fabulous live action portrayal by Matt Ryan probably owes its existence to spn and Castiel’s popularity. So... there’s a weird ouroboros situation happening with my favs here that makes my head spin whenever I think about it, but I love it - stories within stories built on stories feeding off stories, which connects to wider themes of story and storytelling being vital and intrinsic to life and stuff.
Anyway, despite his wardrobe, Johnny is NOTHING LIKE CAS. He is, in fact, a lot like Dean. But I like him more. Maybe because he’s British :p He has the whole ‘repressing his feelings’ things, a bit like Zira, but it’s not because he thinks they are wrong, it’s more of a coping mechanism to deal with the constant tragedy/trauma his life/lifestyle/fate causes him to suffer. But whatever the reason, I like my characters facing that struggle :) (actually the British element is probably way more significant to my enjoyment of him than I’ve been fully aware of... that’s probably why I loved Zira so fast as well... obviously they are both a completely different class of British, literally, but the fact they ARE British is INTRINSIC to both their characters, and I guess a little, vaguely patriotic part of me is excited by that... :p)
4. Gotham. Edward Nygma.
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Since I’ve started giving explanations - I love Eddie because he’s also got the whole ‘emotionally repressed’ / out of touch with (his) emotions thing going on (as seen in Zira and Cas), but with the addition of various geeky / ‘tech guy’ character traits that I also love.
5. Doctor Who (Classic). Vislor Turlough.
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I waxed poetic once about how I liked Gotham’s Edward Nygma because he reminded me a bit of Turlough. That was early on in my Gotham days though and given how Eddie developed I don’t see as many similarities now. Turlough shares some of Eddie’s ‘dark’ traits however - self-centered, often lacking in empathy for others and nonplussed (sometimes even happy) to see them get into trouble or hurt. But ultimately his attempts to be self-serving and cowardly end up thwarted by him developing feelings for specific individuals despite his best efforts, which is what I enjoy about him (and actually that’s a lot like Eddie still, huh... their endgame’s are opposing though ofc - while Eddie goes on to embrace being a villain, Turlough gives up on villainy and even becomes a bit of a hero, now and then). Plus, Turlough is the ONLY Companion (IIRC?) to have joined the Doctor specifically in order to MURDER him and... idk, I just think that’s cool :P
6. Doctor Who (New). Donna Noble.
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(I’m trying not to double up on fandoms/shows so I can cover more, but New and Classic Who count as different things, kinda, right...?)
Donna doesn’t really fit any of the character traits I’ve talked about above, though I guess her low self-esteem is something that all my other favs share in various ways (though it’s not such an EXPLICIT aspect of their characters and story arcs as it was for Donna I’d say). What I first loved about her was that after YEARS of New companions (and other randoms) being literally in love with the Doctor, she had a strictly platonic relationship with him. Yeah, I think maybe the show was a bit heavy-handed about it, but even so it came as a huge breath of fresh air and frankly a RELIEF to me. Not that I’m opposed to the Doctor having romantic/sexual  relationships, it was just that... coming from a childhood love of the Classic series where that just... didn’t happen (save a fleeting kiss in the TV Movie - which I actually enjoyed fyi!), it just... idk, was starting to stretch my credulity that EVERYONE seemed to be falling for him maybe? Or at least for me it was growing tiresome. So the fact she didn’t have that element to her character/story was a plus. Then I just adore how loud and brash she is when calling anyone, including the Doctor, out on their shit (I envy her that maybe). Plus I like the way she isn’t... traditional TV pretty, you know? (ie. young and slim, like a lot of other companions).
...or maybe I just like redheads *shrug emoji* 
7. Spartacus. Naevia.
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(she has two actresses okay? and they both deserve kudos!)
Truth is I love FUCKING EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IN THIS SHOW. Spartacus is like... my PERFECT SHOW. There isn’t a single moment, a single plotline, a single character that I don’t enjoy. I have never even CONSIDERED looking up or writing fic because the finished product is completely satisfying exactly as it is. God. But I wanted it represented in this list so I had to pick someone!
Considering the time period there couldn’t really BE a ‘geeky, emotionally repressed with low self-esteem’ character :p BUT nearly ALL of the characters have the whole ‘struggle to understand/discover who they are’ thing and the ‘who I am and want to be is counter to who I’ve been told I am / should be’ arc, on account of the main cast being rebelling slaves (though the other characters are equally complex and compelling and I love them too - Lucy Lawless in particular is incredible!). Anyone who’s seen me blog about the show before might have thought I’d pick either Agron or Nasir as my favs, since I do like to squee over their romance. But whenever I think about the show it’s usually Naevia who I remember first, because her character arc/development just BLEW ME AWAY. She went from someone I’d kinda dismissed at first as a typical het love interest to a WARRIOR GODDESS and you SEE all the key moments of that growth, you FEEL it, it makes ALL THE SENSE. And her romance with Crixus, which again I was initially a bit dismissive of as a typical, sudden, weak het romance, grows into, imo, one of the deepest, most developed, most believable love stories in the show. So yeah. Naevia. Amazing.
8. Due South. Ray Vecchio. 
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(he’s the guy not the dog - gifs were limited! ...also the dog is actually a wolf, it’s a whole thing... that doesn’t need exploring at this juncture)
Ray was my first TV crush :P He had a bit of a sidekick vibe to him I guess, which I like (lead characters tend not to interest me as much). He wasn’t ‘geeky’ exactly, but he def had the ‘trying to look/act cooler than I am’ thing going on... also an obsessive attachment to his vintage car... meanwhile his partner Benny was the stoic, ‘British, stiff upper lip, keep emotions in check’ one who was always trying to live up to the ideal persona dictated by his people/employers, in this case the Royal Canadian Mounted Police... HUH, so... it’s actually SUPER WEIRD that I ended up loving Cas and Zira over Dean and Crowley when it seems pretty clear suddenly that my first big fictional fav was CLEARLY the Dean-Crowley to Benny’s Cas-Zira......?? Ray was FUNNY in a way Dean and Crowley aren’t though, I think? He def filled a ‘comic relief’ slot on the regular and I liked that a lot (it also made his serious, angsty moments EXTRA serious and angsty, and extra angst is something I always love!)
9. The Librarians. Eve Baird.
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Remember this little show? It was... is... sorta ridiculous. Not amazing. Based on some... very cheap, very OBVIOUS Indiana Jones rip-off films, that were also ridiculous and... not... great (the third one is the best, with an awesome performance by Stana Katic aka Kate Beckett as a vampire, but I digress). But... idek, I am EXTREMELY FOND of the series for some reason :p
There are a WHOLE BUNCH of characters that fit my ‘type’ more than Eve tbh... in fact... probably every.single.other.main.cast.member (save perhaps Jenkins?) shares the traits above that typically make a character my fav. But... EVE! I just... think she’s neat! ...maybe it’s BECAUSE all the others are main/lead characters that makes me gravitate towards her? In a cast where ‘geeky, socially awkward, struggles with emotions’ is the norm, Eve being the no-nonsense, socially competent, badass soldier type therefore becomes different and thus more interesting to me? Also, much like with Donna, I appreciate that she’s an older woman who gets to have a full character and plot of her own. There’s also something about her romance with Flynn that... makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
10. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Jonathan Levinson.
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(tumblr gif search failed me so I had to grab from elsewhere...)
Listen. Look. Okay. Buffy is pretty old school these days so, for anyone not in the know, as a character, originally, Jonathan... he wasn’t even a side character, he wasn’t even REOCCURRING, he was barely a background character. For several episodes he didn’t have a name and it wasn’t until several seasons after he became ‘Jonathan’ that he actually got a surname. Danny Strong was just an actor who happened to be occasionally on-hand when the script called for a random to have a line, until eventually that happened often enough for Joss to think ‘hey, you know what, let’s make this guy an actual part of the show...’ 
He got a couple of episodes focused on him in S03 and S04 respectively, but didn’t become a regular until S06 (and wasn’t in S05 AT ALL). Other than that he had a HANDFUL of ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ moments here and there, not even full scenes for the most part, usually lasting no longer than the above gif.
I tell you all this so that when I say childhood me (well... somewhere between 12 and 14 years anyway) was OBSESSED with this character in the show, and I mean O B S E S S E D (to the point of spending hours painstakingly making VHS recordings purely of the episodes he was in), you understand how UTTERLY BIZARRE that was. Because this obsession pre-dated S06. Was, in fact, in full swing during the airing of his S04 episode - which was, like, a fucking DREAM COME TRUE for freakily obsessed me fyi, because the whole episode was constructed with him as the LEAD CHARACTER, because he’d performed a spell to make him super awesome. They even changed the title sequence to read ‘Jonathan’ instead of Buffy! And while other fans were no doubt just lol-ing at the random I was bouncing about on my sofa all ‘MY TIME HAS COME!’ and fucking SWOONING over seeing MY CHARACTER suddenly in the spotlight and getting to do crazy fun OOC shit like this -
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Then when S06 rolled around and HE WAS A LEGIT REGULAR, omg, I was in HEAVEN! First TV boxset I ever bought that - Buffy S06 :P
So... yeah. A bit of a fav. Geeky. Outcast. Slowly grows more morally grey, what with that spell I mentioned and also the fact he was teamed with the ANTAGONISTS in S06. I guess you could say he was the beginning of a lot of my fav fictional character traits/tropes (though looking back - I think his ‘villainous’ teammates in S06, Andrew and Warren, are more my ‘type’ these days, and I did end up loving Andrew especially a whole damn lot, but at the time I’d been a Jonathan fangirl for so.fucking.long. there was just no chance anyone else in the show was ever gonna come close to my heart!)
Sorry not sorry for the tmi. I got a bit too into this one.
Actually sorry I have so few women on the list :( Internalised misogyny/sexism is a real thing and I spent a lot of my life being... somewhat unfairly dismissive of female characters or at least prioritising male ones over them. I’m working on it.
Ten people is SO.MANY. to tag. But I might as well do this right this time, since I’ve come so far. But if you’d rather not play, no worries! <3
@enchantersnight @momecat @bold-sartorial-statement @vampirebillionaire @edwardnashtons @miss-olivia-cellophane @knightinpinkunderwear @supes9 @leaper182 @hamburgergod
Honourable mentions (because I CAN):
Gotham. Lucius Fox.
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Gotham. Fish Mooney.
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Gotham. Tabitha Galavan.
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Doctor Who. The Doctor.
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Doctor Who. The Master/Missy.
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Supernatural. Hannah.
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Supernatural. Naomi.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Andrew Wells.
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tally-my-words · 5 years
OC Interview
@wortfinder shared this with me ahead posting her’s. I just saw she finished hers and realized I didn’t tag her right.
Rules: Pick a character from your WIP, and have them answer these 15 questions, then tag 15 people.
I changed the phrasing of these questions a little so that they would have a more intimate phrasing/feel more natural for the characters to respond to.
1: I don’t think I know you’re full name?
It’s Lyall Philip Driscoll. I try to avoid any of the titles with it. Being Scottish doesn’t really transfer so well over to English gentry. 
2: Is there any meaning behind that name?
I think all of it’s ironic, intentional at worse, embarrassing at best. 
Lyall is Scottish, it means something roughly like ‘Wolf’s shield’ and my father was being ironic when he gave it. I don’t know how he thought his first born wouldn’t be his heir, but he always wanted other sons and he always wanted me to serve so he could have more power. Everything he asked was for me to serve to give him power ... 
Philip was about one of the things we ultimately shared - A Christian name for my baptism, but a Greek one with a secular meaning, ‘Lover of horses’ or I prefer ‘Friend of horses.’ My father liked horses for the privilege and had an eye for horse flesh, always knew how to buy a good horse. I on the other hand was as mad about them as any four year girl who wants a pony every birthday and that enthusiasm only wavers when I question if whatever horse I want would really be the best fit for both of us. 
Now Driscoll didn’t suit my father I mention because it’s the only name we shared, but like all the other irony, it suits me. My father never held any leaderships positions with Robert’s pack. He wasn’t interested in those responsibilities, but he thought I was right when I said Andrew Carter’s pack would make more money than Robert’s ever dreamed of. Driscoll means ‘To go between’ or roughly ‘messenger’ and that is the role I’ve played for both my pack and Andrew since I helped Andrew start the blasted mess. 
3: What are your favorite nicknames or maybe something else you’re fond of being called. 
I really do like that Andrew never refers to me by any of my titles. When it’s formal, I am always Mr. Driscoll to him. He measures me as a man in my own right, free of anything I haven’t earned.
4: Do you consider yourself a man, are you comfortable with that?
I was born a man, I am a man, and a man I shall always be.
5: What are your sexual preferences?
I don’t advertise my sexuality freely, but I also make little effort to hide that I am a a gay man. I can’t say I’m quiet a proud gay man, but I didn’t grow up in a time where pride in what I was seemed possible. I take pride in things I do, not things I am. 6: Where are you from?
I was born in Scotland, but my father’s interests and government ties had long brought our branch of the family to London. I was only born in Scotland so that my father wouldn’t feel so shoddy about the title he retained. Hard to be a Scottish Lord when you’re born in England. We’ve really been more English than Scottish since James took the throne. I tend to prefer living outside of London, but I’m within the city almost daily and it would be silly to think I’m anything but an Londoner.
7: How old are you?
Too old for you. I was born in 1855, and if I think about it, I’ll figure that out.
I’m one hundred and sixty four years old. My birthday was in April. Funny that I used to think I was far too young for things I wanted. 
8: What is your lineage, I know you mentioned a pack, so I’d assume you’re a werewolf? Are you anything else?
I’m a werewolf, of a long line of werewolves. Like most of us, I probably have some blood from the continent, but there have been werewolves in Scotland and England for centuries at this point. We’re rare, but we’ve circled the globe by now. I do probably have some witch blood, too, but not much. Mostly some inane insight into trivial things. 
9: How would you describe your appearance?
I think I’m a bit dark for a Scotsman. Especially when you look at me next to Andrew. Dark brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, muscles from riding, rough hands because while we might heal fast, it still takes a bit for all the rough spots from hard work to rub off. I’m about average height, 5′10, but broad around the shoulders and broader in the arms. I’m probably twice as intimidating as I’d like. 10: What’s your style?
Anything I can ride in on the average day or don’t have to worry about getting too dirty and rucked up while still looking functionally professional for my day job. When I’m not working in a professional sphere and my focus is on the pack, I tend to base my wardrobe on whatever will look least out of place and most in step with my alpha. 
11: Who’s your best friend?
I have known Andrew what feels like all my life. I met him when I wasn’t quiet twenty, but we didn’t become friends til later. Sometime before I was twenty five, we were inseparable despite the age gap. I think that was mostly my fault and born out of some childish idolization, but Andrew needed a friend and I was it. We’ve had each other’s back since I suggested he leave his father’s pack. It was a good decision politically and financially, so maybe that’s part of why we’ve stayed close. 
12: Would you ever get a piercing/tattoo?
I’ve considered piercings, I know some wolves who get them, but the earrings have to stay in most of the time. They class with professional fashion most of the time. I did once get an interesting piercing. It was quiet tender and hurt significantly. I took it out when it went out of fashion, but it was fun for the period. I wouldn’t do it again. 
13: When are you happiest?
Probably whenever something has gone borderline horribly wrong and Andrew shows up at my door. I get to pretend I’m deeply confused and a helpless oaf covered in dogs. I always like being covered in dogs and I like Andrew exasperated and angry when it’s nothing that can’t be solved. I would do anything to solve all of his problems, but I love how hot his blood boils between the discovery of a problem and its resolution. It’s bad enough to make me consider inappropriate and counterproductive pranks, but if I started, I probably will get to greedy to stop and just end up watching him raging around his office most of the day.
14: If you could reveal something in this room without consequences, what would it be?
How sad it is to be alone. I have a robust dating life including weekly affairs, I have life long friends, people I would trust with my life. I have the respect and admiration of an alpha I am so honored to call my closest friend and a pack that respects me, though I often can’t see why they trust me so ... and I am alone.  I would live longer than any humans I were to decide to date and the pack is about fifty old white men, rather, to be fair, it isn’t. It’s men and women and children and it’s vibrant. They trust me and I love them. I would do anything to keep the pack safe and to support and protect them, even against Andrew, and yet I have what feels a rare privilege to trust my alpha utterly and completely. I want to love and be loved and wake up each day with someone who can be second in my heart to all that responsibility, while still knowing I love them utterly and I want to be with them always. I’m tired of waking up alone. 
15: What was your first impression of…?
He looks so much like his mother. Sarah died too young and Andrew will never recover from his role in that, but maybe Ian will bring him some peace. He and Andrew seem the same overly dramatic, messy sort who the British elite try to pretend their above, with logic and reason where mostly reason is just whatever they want most. But I also saw a danger, Ian had already killed Robert and if he made attempts towards Andrew, I needed to be there and I needed to be ready to protect Andrew. That wasn’t because I thought Ian would win a fair fight or that even if Ian cheated, he would win a dirty one, but that Andrew shouldn’t have to kill his own nephew after everything with Sarah. Need be, I would do that. 
Tagging anyone who wants to as most of the blogs I follow write primarily fanfiction.
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wo-the-wolf · 7 years
The Revenant’s Shield and Sword, Part 2
Legends and Fables always have a center mass at which some truth lies. How we spin these tales over the ages can say a lot about our civilizations. But one thing crossed my mind at some point. A grand tale of cat and mouse, of lies and deceit, for as we all wear masks in public, those in darker corners of the world wear masks to decide the fates of millions. Sometimes when our masks are cracked, people see what we are truly capable of in the face of adversity. What if humans were the only ones that held hatred so strong, or love so deep; what if we were the only species to willingly butcher a hated foe? What if we were the only ones willing to even attempt defy our very natural laws? What if, what we called passion and loyalty, made us into monsters in the galaxy? Monsters that were feared for their dedication, and respected for the same? All characters have an origin story. This will tell the tale of their meeting. A pure heart turned sour and an honorable heart turned murderer deciding to make their own future, their own choices. But at what cost is it deemed too great? This is the meeting of Emma and Derrick. Enjoy! (Also prepare for a throwback to RvB, one of my favorite shows on the internet XD) ———————————————- A Response, to Director Veiz, head of the Overseer Committee, from the Director of Black Monarch and Project Sentinel. Dear Director, Our projects were made in that, of the preapproved notions by all manner of boards and dull committees, to be in the name of defense and freedom for that of the People hereof the Terran Republic. My resources, and where they come from, are of no concern as duly noted by the Chairman, so long as the defense of the Republic’s people, and therefore all manner of citizen under their just law, is adhered to. I hereby do state that there is absolutely nothing of which you have to receive from your requests.  Do note, Director, that we understand the incident that has transpired at Base 22-F, was that of a simple bubble in the security protocols we have. While Agent Derrick “King” and Private Emma Taures are currently MIA, we have our methods of which we will insure the capture and incarceration of our Agents. Do note the Committee for Military Investment has, in it’s own report, saw fit to claim we are within our very right to continue handling this matter as we see fit.  Director W. -Message from Director Wolf, to Director Paul Veiz, Regarding the whereabouts of Agent 01, Derrick J. Ishmael, and Private Emma Taures, and the operations known as Project Black Monarch and Project Sentinel,of which they were a part of respectively. Investigation 01, run by the committee for Terran Republic Galactic Security.  --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fourth Day.  Derrick and Emma sat in the training room, covered in sweat and toweling off. The rest of the team seemed to be avoiding them, as the Sentinels were bonding well with the Monarchs of their teams. However Derrick and Emma were less than successful. Both set of eyes saw to the leader board the Director had set up, in order to track their project. There they sat, dead last and far beneath the rest.  “Hey’ it’s all good Emma, I’m sure you’ll get luckier, the guy just needs to chill,” Kyle patted her shoulder before wandering off with his Monarch partner in tow. “Chill indeed.” Emma grunted upon finishing re-equipping her armor, just as Derrick wandered towards her. Kyle pushed past Derrick, smirking as he shrugged and went along his way.  “Well . . . I do my best to be loved,”  Derrick shrugged. 
“Can you just fuck off and leave me be to pick up the pieces of what was supposed to be an advancement in my role as a soldier of the Terran Republic? For fucks sake, you’re supposed to be my Monarch, you have to follow my orders!” Emma stood towering above him, glaring down at Derrick. Despite her combat records, despite her efficiency, and the ease of the task that would be the killing of Derrick if needed, Derrick, aware of all of this, stood staring at her without fear nor tension. “Say something!” She growled at him.  Derrick looked back at the door, his eyes glowed for a brief moment, “We should go to the War Room.”
“We’re not done yet!” She reached forward for his throat before suddenly stopping. She struggled, and Derrick’s eyes seemed to glitch momentarily. “What the?” Emma struggled more before Derrick began walking. 
“Thanks for the head start,” Derrick smirked ever so slightly without looking back at her.  After he was long gone, she could suddenly move again, her armor felt finally out of whatever lock it was in, yet she herself had so many questions. “What the fuck was all that?” She grumbled before looking around in surprise. “Security shut down her armor maybe? Locked her in place?” She thought to herself. 
With no answer in mind, Emma finally trudged to the war room. Upon entering she saw the rest of them. Her team and their Monarchs. “Funny,” she thought quietly as she made her way to her seat. “They look more like servants, rather than some kind of royalty.” She sighed and took a seat near the middle right, Derrick at her side quietly watching the front of the war room.  Director Wolf, along with his assistant, stood at the front of the class. The Assistant stepped forward, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name as most of you know, is Doctor Henrietta, I’ve called you all over for a very special meeting.” To those who would first hear her voice, look at her face, the good doctor with the snow colored hair sounded sweet and innocent. She seemed like someone that you could trust your secrets with, your problems, everything. To those among the Monarch Program, the Good Doctor was to be feared. Her icy blue eyes were void of light, but her smile was so genuine it sent shivers down even Derrick’s spine.  “Why were we called?” Asked one of the other agents. He was a young yet gruff looking man with blood colored eyes, heavily scarred and grim looking. The doctor kept her smile and nodded, “Why for a briefing of course. . . As you all know, eventually you will be sent on missions for the betterment of the Terran Republic. Until then, it falls upon me to regulate your vitals and mental status. I send you to dangerous places, you complete objectives, missions, etc, and ultimately work together, Sentinel and Monarch. Once you achieve a certain level of experience, you are to be shipped back out to the regular military, and better serve your people and all her colonies. Tomorrow you will be sent to a secret facility controlled by a rogue group of Oba’shen and humans. They’ve occupied an independent medical station that was conducting vital research for your. . . Enhancements,” she grinned, “You will be going here.” 
The Doctor tapped away at her data-pad, then a large cylindrical like structure appeared before them all. “It’s a pretty big station,” stated one of the Sentinels.
“Very observant,” Doctor Henrietta smiled, clearly being sarcastic. “As you can see this facility is cutting edge, and well defended. It will be your jobs to secure it at once tomorrow. The Director shall take over from her.” She bowed her head ever so slightly.
Director Wolf stepped forward, “Thank you, Doctor,” he nodded, “I know your training is being cut short. But there are assets aboard that facility that will be moved by the end of the week, i.e. two days. We have to hit them hard, and we have to hit this traitors fast. Once you board, Agent Eredin will keep the operation running.” He gestured to a young man near the front of the room. The Sentinel nodded, sitting up proud and strong as accepted his task. 
“That cunt is the leader?” Derrick scoffed ever so slightly. 
“Is there a problem, Agent King?” Director Wolf gazed at Derrick. 
“No, of course not, no,” Derrick shrugged, “Just looking for trouble is all.” 
“At ease, Agents . . . The plans will be forwarded to your HUDs, study them. Agent Eredin will inform you all of your assigned tasks and what is to come. I recommend you all get some rest tonight . . . Your first mission is expecting absolute success.” He stated before nodding for them to leave. “Dismissed.
Derrick smiled as everyone got up to leave, Emma grabbing his room and practically dragging him out of his seat. Director Wolf, frowned back, looking at Derrick with a cold hatred. “Insure the operation is a success, Agent Eredin,” he looked to the Sentinel who nodded again. “Every objective . . . Must be complete.”
“Yes sir, Director.” Eredin nodded before rising, his female Monarch following quietly. 
TO BE CONTINUED ——————————————————————————- HEY YOU! How’s it going? It was a pleasure to work on this arch of the short stories I’m doing this to pass time during my last year of university. Once again don’t forget, if you have any prompts you want me to work on just send me them, tag me in them, anything at all! I will put them in the que if I like em! All my stories are connected so never fear, old characters will always come back! Until next time, Fly safe fellow Explorer’s of the unknown. On an extra note, your comments, messages, and asks are always appreciated and read, plus most likely answered ^w^ thanks again! 
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toboldlywrite · 7 years
Writer Meme
Tagged by @prycarious - thank you!
1. How many works in progress do you have?
I'm only working on one project right now, but I do have several ideas I'm mentally developing.
Star Stuff is my main project: A young woman sacrifices herself to save others and then her sister and fiancé travel to the future on the word of an alien stranger about reincarnation to find her, where they run into a starship crew with a super-powered captain that agrees to help them- shenanigans ensue. (This was for a one-sentence plot question so sorry about the run-on)
My rough ideas are: Ordinary and Echoes of Earth
2. Do you/would you write fanfiction?
Nope. Not for me. I have definitely thought about how some shows/movies/books could have been done better, but I have too many of my own ideas rattling around in my head to attempt to write any of those down. I like creating my own worlds and characters and rules too much. Kudos to those who do delve into that world, though.
3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
I believe both have their merits. However I just love bookstores. Being in bookstores, surrounded by books. And then I end up buying some because I have no restraint. But ebooks are so convenient and I do love being able to have so many books in one little device; and how you're able to look up the meaning of words just by holding your finger down on it (I have a Kindle Touch), and highlight without actually having to find a working highlighter. Books are good in whatever form.
4. When did you start writing?
Good question. It must have been a long time ago, because I hardly remember a time when I wasn't writing. I finished my first "novel" (a 100 page story about magical wolves and dragons) just before starting 7th grade, I believe.
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
The first person I went to with my short story was my sister. She's not a writer but is an avid reader. I have a good friend who is a writer also and she was my biggest help with the first round of Star Stuff. Unfortunately she's just been so busy lately. But those are my two go-to people. Most others I share writing with when it's at least a little bit improved (I didn't share Star Stuff with my SO until I thought it was finished the first time. But I did share my short story with him a bit earlier so I think I'm improving)
6. What is your favorite place to write?
I'm not really sure I have one. It depends more on my mind-state than any place. (Though I do tend to get most of my writing done at my desk at work. Totally only when I'm on lunch though. Yeah. ;) )
7. Favorite book as a child?
Ooo that's a hard one. The Avalon series by Rachel Roberts was definitely a favorite. I even bought and read the last 2 books when I was older and had nearly grown out of it just so I could finish the series and know how it ended. Animorphs. When I was even younger I would only read books that were about animals, so the Warriors series was a big one. Also Firebringer by David Clement-Davis was one of my absolute favorites. He also had a book (or 2?) about wolves which was the main inspiration for my own magic wolf story. Oh there was also one called Ratha's Creature by Clare Bell that I really liked. Sorry I can't just pick one, apparently.
8. Writing for fun or publication?
I think you have to write for fun if you're going to write. Of course you can aim for publication too, but I believe fun is a prerequisite. I would like to publish something that's actually ready to published someday, though. For now I just want to focus on getting things done and good. I want to share it no matter what, but ultimately I want to hold a copy of my book in my hands again and know that it was worthy. I think I will still self-publish, though.
9. Have you ever taken a writing class?
I took one in college (a requirement), but it was focused more on non-fiction, essay writing. I've tried taking a few free online classes, but really none of them are particularly helpful to me. I think I learn more by reading other works (especially because all those classes aren't focused on genre fiction), and actually writing, as well as getting feedback on my writing. Hearing advice and lessons from other writers (like on here) is also helpful.
10. What inspired you to write?
I've been telling myself stories for as long as I can remember. When I didn't fall asleep with the light on and a book on my chest, I would tell myself stories (out loud) until I fell asleep. I used to do this thing with my sister called "commercials on the swings" where we get on our swingset and I would use a dramatic movie trailer voice to recount ideas I came up with. Writing things down was just the next logical step.
Tagging: anyone born in an even numbered month (and anyone who wants to do it)  
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delerithmoriwen · 7 years
Hex and the city: The curse of his salvation - Klaroline Mashup day 3
So 3 day event 3 drabbles yay me! This is for day 3 of the Klaroline Mash up event: Magic & Bedsharing! And because it’s my birthday it’s extra long! Enjoy! Set after TVD season 4 finale no magical babies! I don’t own TVD or TO
Caroline tried to drive through the crowds of the New Orleans nightlife. But her head was getting very dizzy and the sweat made her hands slippery on the wheel. Her sight was getting hazy as well and she prayed that she would find the address soon because she didn’t know how much longer she would be able to drive safely without being a danger to herself or others. She bit her teeth hard as another burning pain shot up and down her body her muscles tensing painfully. Only for a second the world went black.And in that second she heard the crash and felt the shock of her car coming to an abrupt halt. She had never had an accident before - or at least not one that she caused - but now she had crashed right into a concrete roadblock. Thankfully not another person she managed to think to herself. The hood of her car was dented and there was smoke coming out of it. Worried and curious people were gathering around her car. With the little strength she could master she kicked the door open hard nearly breaking it off it’s hinges people staring at her wide eyed.
“Are you ok lady?” A half drunken frat boy walked up to her.
Caroline could hear his blood pulsing through his arteries. She was so thirsty and so weak.And he smelled so delicious...She needed to get out of here fast! It couldn’t be far now. She pushed herself through the crowd hoping that in the middle of the drunkenness of whatever party was going on in the city here she wouldn’t be noticed. Looking up she saw she had the right street now and in the middle of it was the house the lady in the bar had described.She stumbled to the door trying to stay up straight by holding .on to the doorframe with one hand, and holding on to her stomach with the other. She felt like her body was splitting in two pieces. She knocked on the door hard hoping SOMEBODY would be home.
She was relieved when she saw a vampire opening the door. He was large and mean looking but at least she was probably at the right spot.
“What do you want?” the vampire asked rather rude.
“I’m looking for Klaus Mikaelson!” Caroline breathed through her pain.
“He’s in a meeting , no visitors today” The vampire wanted to close the door again.
Caroline tried to put her foot in the door to keep it from closing completely.
“No you don’t understand it’s urgent…. My name is Caroline Forbes, please just tell him i’m here” Caroline begged the man shaking like she was in heroin withdrawal.
“Look lady!” The vampire started to raise his voice “I don’t care what your name is, he said not to disturb him so get lost before I rip your head off”
“Ronald what seems to be the issue here?” A familiar deep voice emerged from the back.
“Elijah!” Caroline gasped relieved before she fell on her knees letting out a painful scream as she clutched to her head.
“Miss Forbes!!” Elijah pulled her up again supporting her under her shoulder.”Go get Niklaus” He barked at the vampire named Ronald.
“But he said not to disturb him….” Ronald whimpered.
Caroline was annoyed by how scared he sounded for somebody so intimidatingly looking.
“I don’t care go upstairs tell him Caroline Forbes is here and she’s hurt… GO!” Elijah shouted as he placed Caroline on the sofa.
With vampire speed Ronald was all the way on the other side of the compound, the smell of sage hitting his nostrils. He couldn’t hear any voices coming from the meeting area but he knew they were there. Gently and politely he knocked on the door 3 times.
“Enter!” Klaus’ voice bellowed through the door.
Ronald swallowed hard before he walked into the room. At a long table the most powerful supernatural beings of New Orleans were joined discussing territory and power.
“I thought I said I did not wanted to be disturbed” Klaus growled deeply.
“I know sir...I- I’m sorry but your brother send me….he said it’s urgent” Ronald tried to explain.
“And what could possibly be so urgent that he said to disturb me during a faction meeting” Klaus asked him contempt filling his voice.
“A girl named Caroline Forbes just arrived sir, she seems to be hurt” Ronald said in one breath hoping Klaus wouldn’t rip his heart out.
Klaus’ eyes widened only for a second before he regained his composure.
“Meeting is adjourned!” He said calmly waving his hand towards the door.
“Klaus we were in the middle of an important discussion” Marcel reminded him not realising why they all had to leave so sudden.
“I said the meeting was adjourned!” Klaus barked again.
The rest other faction members hurried out the door as soon as klaus raised his voice leaving only Marcel in the room.
“Do you know how difficult it is to get all these people in one room?” Marcel asked annoyed following Klaus as he rushed downstairs.
Klaus found her sitting on the sofa next to Elijah shaking vigorously. She was nearly blue pale and her hair clung wet to her face from the sweats. Her lips were cracked in multiple places and her eyes sunken deep into her face. She looked on the verge of dying. He was next to her in an instant holding his face in between her two hands.
“Caroline” he whispered in a soothing voice trying to catch her gaze.
“I didn’t know where else to go” Caroline apologized her voice cracking from weakness.
“That’s ok love, I’m glad you’re here….’ Klaus smiled. She felt hot and feverish to his touch. “Now drink up” he continued as he bit his wrist open bringing it to her mouth.
“Who is that?” Marcel asked confused as to how caring Klaus suddenly was to this unknown young girl.
“Hopefully….his salvation” Elijah whispered under his breath as the two of them looked at the pair.
Her body seemed to relax after his blood ran through her system calming the firing pain to a dull ache like being sore a few days after falling down the stairs. Her breathing became more regular  but still shallow and she was still shaking and grey looking.
“Who bit you?” Klaus asked with a growl scouring the visible parts of her body for bitemarks. Whoever did this was in for a world of pain.
“I don’t know” Caroline coughed letting go of his wrist wiping a stray drop of his blood from her lips. “One second I was in my dorm room getting ready for class the next I wake up in the forest feeling like i’m on fire I don’t remember anything.”
“Send a few hybrids to Mystic falls let them question every wolf around until you find whoever bit her.” Klaus barked at Ronald who nodded and made himself scarce.
“There’s an empty room upstairs for you to rest up love, do you think you can stand?” Klaus asked her grabbing hand and pulling her up straight when she nodded.
As soon as she stood up the room started spinning again. A wave of dizziness and nausea hitting her like a brick. She fell to her knees again in agonising pain gasping for air before puking out all Klaus’ blood again on the carpet her body shaking hard again.
“CAROLINE!” Klaus yelled trying to keep her straight. He felt powerless not knowing what was wrong with her. But when he saw the blood she was puking turning a near black color he knew it was bad…. This wasn’t a wolf bite this was magical. “Get me Sophie Deveraux!”
“She’s not going to want to help after what happened with her sister!” Elijah said carefully looking too Marcel for confirmation.
“If she wants her and her coven to live she will!” Klaus yelled again picking up Caroline from the ground and holding her close to his body.
“I’ll come with you, maybe I can put in some leverage” Marcel said nodding reassuringly before leaving the compound with Elijah.
Klaus carried Caroline up to the spare bedroom next to his placing her on the soft bed. She was coughing hard nearly choking and struggling to breath.
“Hold on ok, we’re going to save you I promise!” He whispered stroking a wet streak of hair out of her face.
“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Sophie said as she put away clean shot glasses.  
“Come on Sophie We’re just asking you to check out what kind of magic is used” Marcel said sternly.”Besides I wasn’t really asking”
“And what will you do if I refuse? Murder me like you did Jane-anne? I don’t care anymore” Sophie bantered back.
“There are worse things we could do to you then murder you Miss Deveraux” Elijah suggested darkly.
“Yeah well try your best shot because I’d rather die a hundred tortures then help an Original...so either get on with it or get the hell out of my bar” Sophie gestured them out.
“Come on” Marcel pulled Elijah out by his arm back to the streets.
“Well that went splendidly, are you going to explain this or Niklaus then?” Elijah said sarcastically.
“I have a backup plan, go back to the house i’ll meet you there” Marcel grabbed his phone.
“And what might that be?” Elijah inquired looking at Marcel suspiciously.
“Look I can help you, but to do that i’m going to need you to trust me and let me do what I need to do ok so you go back to the house and i’ll be back in an hour…” Marcel said annoyed typing in the digits on his phone.
“You have 30 minutes” Elijah said sternly before vamping off.
As soon as Elijah was out of side Marcel pressed the call button listenin to the ringing until there was an answer on the other side.
“Hello?” The voice on the other side picked up the phone.
“Hey it’s me , i’m stopping by I need a favor” Marcel said before hanging up again keeping the conversation short.
“If Sophie Deveraux didn’t want to do it why do you think I would?! I thought you said this Klaus guy was like the ultimate bad guy” Davina asked surprised sitting at the end of her bed looking at a pacing Marcel.
“Because D. she’s a young girl around your age….and she looked genuinely scared like you were” Marcel tried to persuade her hoping that if he could help her relate to the young girl she might give into helping them.
“What makes you think I can even help? I don’t know that kind of magic!” Davina protested.
“I believe in you ok, you’re more powerful than you think… “ Marcel looked at her hopefully with a smile.
“It would mean I’d have to come out of hiding, the witches would sense my magic and they’d know i’m alive and come to find me” Davina doubted getting up from her bed to the window of the attic looking out of it over the city.
“True, but the Original family would owe you a favor for helping them, and they could protect you...they could help you with your magic much better than I ever could.” Marcel explained putting a hand on her shoulder.
“I don’t know Marcel” Davina sighed turning around and looking at him.
“Look D.” Marcel put his other hand on her other shoulder holding her in a tight grasp. “If i thought you would be in any kind of danger i wouldn’t ask…Think about it, you’d be free to walk around the city again under the protection of every vampire in the city….free to leave this attic... I’m not asking you to trust them...i’m asking you to trust me. ”
“Alright, I guess I could give it a shot” Davina smiled convinced.
“That’s my girl” Marcel put his arm around her as they both walked out of the attic for the first time in a very long while.
Although the bed was comfortable and luxurious Caroline couldn’t seem to relax. The pain had taken over her body again agonising her to the point where she was going insane. She had crawled up into a little ball in the bed panting hard. Her hands crossed over holding her arms like she was trying to keep herself together literally. Rocking back and forth. Her nails were digging into her own skin scratching it till the point of bleeding, healing over in a second only to be cut right open again.
“What is taking Marcel so long!” Klaus paced through the room. He couldn’t stand seeing her like this and not being able to do anything about it.
“He said to trust him Niklaus” Elijah tried to reason with his younger restless brother “patience”
“WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR PATIENCE!”Klaus shouted angrily.
Caroline shot up again with a bone chilling scream the fire in her head taking over again making her gasp for air harshly leading her to gag up her empty stomach again.Klaus quickly sat next to her holding her hand and caressing her back trying to sooth her. His eyes shot meaningfully to Elijah. He could hear her sob now lightly under her pain. Breaking from exhaustion.It was the last straw.
“I’m going after him it’s taking too long!” Klaus said stubbornly trying to get up from the bed.
Her hand weakly held on too his shirt trying to keep him from leaving.
“Klaus….please don’t leave me” She uttered nearly inaudible. “I’m really scared”
Another cough escaped her lips before her body relaxed slightly again after the painful attack. Klaus bit his lip looking from her to Elijah. He was torn. He wanted to save her so badly but she had never begged him to stay by her side before and she looked so fragile lying there.
“I’ll go” Elijah said silently nodding at Klaus before he left the room again closing the door behind him.
Klaus sighed as he sat on the bed again next to her. She looked at him with teary eyes full of fright and agony. Kicking off his shoes Klaus laid himself next to her on the bed with his back against the headboard watching over her.
“Am I gonna die?” She suddenly whispered tears streaming down her face.
Her question took him by surprise, she was always so full of hope and light but now lying here it almost looked like she had given up. He couldn’t even imagine how much pain she must be in if she began to think like that.
“Ofcourse not sweetheart...I will ensure it” Klaus smiled at her pulling her into his chest and holding her tight.
She seemed to relax as he held her, her breathing calming down and the uncontrollable shaking reduced to a soft quiver. He could hear her softly falling to sleep.
When Davina Claire arrived in the compound she shivered slightly. There was a dark aura about this place. She could sense it. She hadn’t quite grasped the full possibilities of her new power yet but magic had definitely touched this place. Marcel and the original named Elijah guided her to the upstairs where she would fine the girl Marcel had wanted her to help. She was glad her guardian was with her because even though the man named Elijah seemed very polite and gentlemen-like he creeped her out. She could feel there was blood on his hands. And lots of it.
Though the sense she got from him was nothing compared to the aura that had hit her when she entered the room and found the original hybrid sitting next to the bed watching over a beautiful young blonde girl like a hawk. She had to take a minute to regain her composure reluctant to show any sign of weakness. The girl however exhumed no darkness at all. She was surrounded by light. She was pure good that was simply surrounded by evil. Davina wondered why she would be in such company.
“Who’s this” Klaus barked at Marcel waving his hand to Davina.
“My name is Davina Claire and i’m here to help you” Davina said bravely straightening her back. She had once learned that when face to face with an aggressive animal the best thing to do was to make yourself as big and intimidating as you could. Not easy when you were so small as she was.
“I asked for Sophie Devereaux, and elder witch, not the weekend student help” Klaus said sarcastically.
“Davina is no ordinary witch, she’s the last standing Harvest girl, I saved her before the ritual was completed. She has all the power of her coven now.” Marcel shot back stepping next to Davina.
“Why haven’t we heard of her then?” Elijah asked surprised studying Davina more carefully now.
“Because her coven is looking to kill her to complete the ritual. She’s been under my protection. Which leads me to our demand, if she does this… you vow to protect her as well” Marcel negotiated.
“And why would I agree to that...i’m trying to keep the witches in check, i could just tell her to help or i’ll deliver her to her coven for her death sentence” Klaus threatened he didn’t like meeting other people’s demands.
“Look do you want my help or not, because the way I see it is she doesn’t have a hell of alot of time left” Davina interrupted the two men’s pissing match.
Klaus seemed to take her words into deliberation for a second weighing his options. Caroline was getting worse, fast!
“Yes fine, if you succeed I promise you no harm will to come to you by the witches.” Klaus agreed holding out his hand to seal the agreement with her.
Davina walked past him ignoring his invitation for the handshake. She held her hands out above Caroline’s body whispering in an unknown language. A wind formed in the room circling like a small storm located in this part of the house alone. The lights began to flicked and a dark grey mist formed around the two girls. Objects started to fly around as the room began to shake and Davina started chanting louder. Blood softly dripping from her nose.
“D!” Marcel shouted trying to stop her but he was stopped in his tracks by Elijah.
“Let me go man! She’s killing herself” Marcel shouted trying to fend Elijah off.
“This is very dark magic, if you pull her out now all three of you will die” Elijah explained to him.
The words had just been spoken when the entire room came to the halt. All flying objects falling and shattering of the floor. Marcel was just able to catch Davina before she fell backwards panting hard from exhaustion.
“You ok?” Marcel asked her looking to see if she was hurt in anyway.
Davina nodded before standing up again. “She’s been cursed..”
“Well then uncurse her!” Klaus yelled annoyed!
“It’s not that simple, I’ve never seen this magic before I only heard of it when I was very young. It was banned long before I was born. A dark magic used in ancient times to rid the world off vampires. Set the balance of nature back. Her body had been hexed to repel vampirism, that’s why she’s throwing up blood. It forces her to dessicate. But this kind of magic needs a tangible totum in this world to draw its power from , find it destroy it and she’ll live.” Davina explained.
“That could be anything anywhere she doesn’t have that time!!!” Klaus sighed frustrated rubbing his temples.
“Magic like that always leaves a trace, I should be able to track it if I have a starting point, some kind of lead”Davina went on turning to Marcel ignoring Klaus completely.
“Start with Mystic Falls in Virginia, she has a bennett witch friend there, i’m sure she can help” Klaus sighed giving her Bonnie Bennett’s number from his phone on a piece of paper.
“I’ll get right on it… in the meantime i suggest getting her on an IV drip of blood, that way it’s forced directly into her system and she can’t regurgitate it.” Davina nodded taking the phone number from his hands and following Marcel out of the door.
“Compel a nurse to set up a station for her” Klaus looked at Elijah gritting his teeth. This was taking too long!
In the hours that followed Klaus had been able to turn the bedroom into a fully functioning hospital room with an IV drip in the inside of her elbow and heart monitor attached to one of her fingers. Caroline at this time was falling in and out of consciousness and her body temperature was rising rapidly. The more she deteriorated the more Klaus became on edge. Worried creases forming permanently on his forehead. He never left her side just like she had asked him too which was difficult for him because he severely disliked sitting around and doing nothing. He felt useless in protecting her this way. He remembered the last time they had spoken to each other like it was yesterday.
3 months ago
Klaus watched her clean up the various caps and gowns as he walked up to her. His dear sweet full of light Caroline, always cleaning up the messes of other people even literally. While the other members of her superhero god squad were off celebrating or brooding or whatever it was they did to fill their days, Caroline chose to process the day's events while cleaning. Lucky for him, because this would mean she was alone and he could say to her what he had prepared in his head for days now upon receiving her graduation notice. She must have heard his footsteps or sensed his presents because as soon as he got close she turned around. Smiling slightly as if she was actually happy to see him. With these circumstances she probably was although he hoped that maybe it wasn’t just because they needed his blood, that maybe it was also just for him. Maybe this amazing blonde goddess actually deemed him worthy of being her friend.  He had chuckled when receiving her millionth voicemail where she told him now was not the time to decide he was over her. How could she possible ever think he would be over her. She was impossible to get over.
“How did you get here so fast?” She asked tilting her head slightly.
‘I was already on my way” Klaus explained trying not to let his excitement get the best of him “I received your graduation announcement… It was very subtle”
The slightly embarrassed giggle that came out of her warmed his heart.
“I assume you’re expecting cash?” He teased her putting the announcement back into his pocket.
“That… Or a mini fridge” Caroline joked back.
“Well I had considered to offer you a first class ticket to join me in New Orleans, but I knew what your answer would be” Klaus smiled slightly sad looking disappointed because they both knew he was right. The look in her eyes confirmed that.
“So I opted for something I knew you would accept” He went on suddenly looking at her very seriously. “Tyler is now free to return to Mystic Falls”
She looked at him in shock like she couldn’t believe this was happening and would wake up any time soon.
“What?” She breathed looking at him like he had just given her a unicorn.
“He’s your first love” Klaus explained a rare warm smile gracing his features “I intend to be your last… However long it takes”
He moved in quickly to kiss her cheek softly and for a moment he was sure she wanted him to kiss her, to seal this utterly selfless and romantic gesture he had just done for her with their lips softly grazing over eachother. She was truly happy at this moment and that was the most important thing. To give her this moment of utter happiness and to be the one who caused her to feel this way. It was worth it to push past his pride for this one occasion.
“Congratulations Caroline” He whispered softly into her ear. He meant it. After all the misery and drama she went through she had made it. She had managed to graduate and hold on to that last speck of her human life.
He could tell she was moved, nearly in tears by the emotion of the situation.
“Now let’s get out of here before twelve angry hybrids decide to pick a fight” Klaus joked offering her his arm as they walked away from the football field.
They had talked for a while about what her plans were for college and what courses she would take. What her plans were for summer and he even tried to convince her that maybe she should try and visit New Orleans for spring break. She had dismissed the invitation again as he knew she would. Nevertheless he turned to her took her hand into his and looked at her deeply.
“I’m being serious Caroline, I can no longer protect you and that makes me more uncomfortable than I care to admit so I have something else for you” He whispered taking a vile out of the inside pocket of his vest.
“This contains my blood, I want you to keep it on you at all times. You were lucky this time that I was already on my way, if somebody bites you while I am in New Orleans I will not be here on time to save you so consider this my insurance policy, should you need to use it you simple call me up and i will send you a replacement” Klaus told her rubbing the back of her hand with this thumb and never losing her gaze.
“Klaus..I” Caroline whispered taking a hold of the vile. It was so clear how much he loved her.
“However it comes with a promise” Klaus explained swallowing hard due to the tension between them.
“Yeah sure” Caroline whispered.
“Should you find yourself in any kind of trouble whatever it may be… Promise me you will come to me straight away…. Do not rely on others to protect you ….trust me to always keep you safe… “
She moved into him and for a moment Klaus thought that maybe this time she would actually kiss him. He nearly closed his eyes in anticipation of her lips when she wrapped her arms around him tightly pressing her face in his neck and embracing him.
“I promise” She whispered nearly silently not letting go.
He wrapped his arms around her as well hugging her back and smelling her hair. She smelled like Jasmine and vanilla. He could feel her breathing against his chest and hear the slightly faster beating of her heart. She was soft to his touch and warm. It mesmerized him so that he had uttered the words before he had even realised it.
“I love you Caroline”
She released him cupping his cheek with her hand tilting her head slightly and giving him a sad smile.
“I know you do”  
Klaus was awakened from his memory by the ringing of his phone. He shook his head slightly to regain some of his composure as he picked his phone from his jeans looking at the caller on the screen. It was a number he didn’t recognize. Realising it could be Davina with an update he answered on the second ring.
“Is it true? Is she with you is she safe?” The voice of Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes asked worriedly on the other side of the line.
“She came to me for help yes…” Klaus said calmly recognizing the voice.
“Is she ok? Can I talk to her” Liz begged nearly in tears.
“She’s resting right now Sheriff, i’ll have her call you when she wakes up “ Klaus said hoping to end the conversation quickly.
“If you hurt her..”Liz started to threaten.
“Rest assure that no harm will come to your daughter as long as she is in my care, I am just as invested in her well being as you are you have my word” Klaus cut her off annoyed.
“Alright… I trust you to save her”  Liz warned him.
“I will protect her with my life” Klaus agreed before hanging up and ending the conversation.
Caroline didn’t wake up for nearly twelve hours after having received the 4th bloodbag in a row. The bags seemed to keep her a little more at ease, it relieved her of the horrible pains for the most part dulling it down to a soft ache and it helped with the shivering. But she was getting weaker he could tell that time was running out. She had called her mother just like Klaus had promised when she awoke in the middle of the night and he could tell she was trying to be brave and make light of the situation as to not worry her mother to much. But he knew how scared she was, he wasn’t quite sure if she had been hallucinating when she asked him to stay by her side because she was scared, but he knew her well enough now to know she was terrified even if she tried to hide it.
When she hung up the phone he had explained to her that the witch had  sensed dark magic on her and that they were out trying to find and destroy the totem. He explained to her that the IV drips helped keep her somewhat fed and functioning when her body was repelling the blood.
“Thank you for saving me” Caroline eventually said able to slightly sit up from from the bed.
“Thank you for keeping your promise” Klaus replied giving her a weak smile. “So I hear you and Tyler broke up?” he said a little to cheerfully.
Caroline had to chuckle slightly at his enthusiasm making her cough painfully. “Not now Klaus” She waved away his flirtations.
They talked for a while longer. Klaus tried to distract her mind for the pain and situation she was in by inquiring about her new life, in college. The classes she was taking and her professors. How her friends had been faring with him gone ...All the while avoiding the matter or her recently obtained single status. Eventually she had grown tired and fell asleep again. The sun was setting in New Orleans it had been little over 24 hours now since she had arrived. But Klaus had not spend a minute away from her. As he was watching her his eyes fell weary and he very slowly drifted into sleep.
“I’m picking up on something here...we’re definitely getting closer” Davina said as she softly stood in the middle of an open spot of the woods.
She was holding on to the hand of the Bennett witch they had met up with about an hour earlier channeling her powers to get the best reading. She had never met a Bennett witch before but she had heard of them. Several witches in New Orleans spoke badly of them because of their generations long affiliation with Vampires. But Davina had never judged about things like that, after all she befriended a few herself. Josh, Marcel… they had meant more to her in the last year then most of her family had in her entire lifetime.
Behind them were Marcel and Elijah who had come along for muscle power after all they had no clue what to expect once they had found the totum. The two men kept their distance leaving the girls to focus on the task at hand.
“Elijah can I ask you something?” Marcel asked when they had been waiting for over 15 minutes.
“Go ahead” Elijah nodded breaking a twig from a tree and twirling it between his fingers.
“What did you mean when you said his salvation?” Marcel asked curiously, he had been wondering what Elijah meant by that and why klaus seemed to be so uncharacteristically caring towards the girl.
“You know as well as I do that throughout the centuries I have fought for Niklaus’ humanity. To make him care for something other than himself whether that be family or mentoring you. But everytime I think we get close he’s proved me wrong by doing something to push all of us away….” Elijah started explaining the story.
“Yes I know that, it still doesn’t explain the girl” Marcel cut in, anxious to hear more about this mysterious girl.
“I’m getting to that now… You see about a year and a half ago Niklaus and I were in Mystic falls on a quest to find an alleged cure for vampirism. Miss Forbes who you have met earlier today was a new vampire turned by Katherina Petrova to be killed as a sacrifice in the ritual that would turn Niklaus into a hybrid. However young miss Forbes seems to have a knack for surviving even in the most dire of situations. This was also the case when she was bitten by her wolf boyfriend. In the end Niklaus came to her rescue because for the first time in his life he pitied someone, I think he must have thought her to be very beautiful” Elijah went on.
“Well she’s pretty i’ll give him that even when near death you could see she’s pretty” Marcel agreed.
“After he had fed her his blood, he changed. He always kept an eye out for her. Protected her but he also craved her attention. At first I think it was because she blatantly rejected him over and over. Niklaus always wanted what he could not have. But then it became more. You see Miss Forbes is everything we are not to him. She is loyal and full of light and she was always honest with him even when he did not want to hear the truth. She challenged him both openly and personally. She dared him to be better. She saw more to him I believe.... “
“Are you saying… He fell in love?” Marcel said in disbelief.
“With my brother there is never a guarantee, but in my opinion...yes he fell in love, for the first time since we were human I believe he fell in love, and it is in that love that I hope his salvation lies” Elijah ended the story.
“She must be one special girl” Marcel thought out loud thinking he never saw his mentor to be capable of such a thing.
“That she is” Elijah agreed.
“I hate to break up this little bromance, but Davina seems to think she discovered the location of the totum. So if you could break up your little moment i’d like to go and save my best friend” Bonnie interrupted the conversation.
“Very well Miss Bennett lead the way” Elijah nodded gesturing his hand for her to guide them.
As the night progressed Caroline got worse. Her system was now severely rejecting any form of blood and the heart monitor was only barely registering a heartbeat. Every time it took the monitor a little too long to peep Klaus would feel a panicky jolt going through his chest like an electrical shock. He had barely fallen asleep for an hour or two but was more awake than ever. The call from Mystic falls had awoken him. Elijah had said they found the location of the hexed totem and they were now on their way to destroy it. He just needed her to hold on a little longer. She was shivering uncontrollably again slipping in and out of consciousness. She had also definitely started hallucinating. They had a few hours left to save her at most. The hallucinations had been the worst part. Klaus had to watch helplessly as she relived every horrible memory from her past. It surprised klaus that for somebody who was so pure and light she had been through so much in her short lifespan.
First had come the memories of Damon biting her and trying to kill her. She had screamed in fear mistaking him for that sorry excuse of a vampire. It had taken him nearly twenty minutes to calm her down making her realise where she was and by that time she had weakened herself severely. The next hallucination was one of her father torturing her trying to condition her to not need blood anymore. She was just barely awake for that so Klaus thought it might have just been a bad dream. Nevertheless he crawled back into bed with her holding her and trying to sooth her through the worst of it.
The last hallucination was the one she was experiencing now. It was calmer but equally as horrible. She was crying. Heartbreaking sobs against his chest and he had no clue why. She whimpered something from time to time but she was too weak for it to be understandable. His shirt wet from her tears he tried to reach her, but the empty gaze in her eyes told him she was gone. Lost in whatever the hallucination showed her. In the end she kept repeating the same sentence as a whisper over and over again. And when he finally realised what she was whispering his heart seemed to break into a million pieces.
“Why did you leave me, Klaus?”
“Caroline?” He said in a shaky breath trying to get through to her. “Caroline i’m here….I didn’t leave look at me love….I’m here”
Her eyes became slightly more focussed when he spoke to her again, telling him she was out of whatever hallucination she was experiencing for now. But her skin had started to turn slightly grey and Klaus realised they might have even less time than he thought.
“Klaus?” she whispered looking up into his eyes slightly wondering why she was lying in his embrace on a bed.
“I’m here love…” Klaus smiled back.
She coughed , little spats of blood staining his shirt. He didn’t mind.
“I’m so tired” Caroline complained trying to keep the fog out of her head.
“I know love, I know but i need you to hold on for a little while longer....”
“I can’t anymore” tears rolled down her eyes.
“Don’t say that” Klaus said angrily he wasn’t going to let her give up. Not now that they were so close.
“Klaus I-” Caroline started to speak shakingly.
“NO! Caroline no! I won’t let you give up’ He started to raise his voice.
“Listen to me…” Caroline begged silently.” I need to tell you’
“Tell me what sweetheart?” he asked confused not knowing what she was talking about.
“I’m sorry…”
“Sorry for what , you have nothing to be sorry about I told you if you were ever in trou-” Klaus interrupted her again.
“I’m sorry for never telling you….”She coughed again “How I felt about you..”
Klaus smiled softly at her as she tried to keep speaking. “You’re hallucinating love”
“No i’m not” She went on determinedly. “ I need you to know I was just scared of admitting it and I need to tell you now before it’s too late “
Klaus kept her close to him trying to calm down her tensing body.
“You can tell me later love, when you’re better”
“No I need to tell you now” Caroline sobbed before placing a hand on his cheek and softly pulling him towards her. Slowly her broken cracked lips met his brushing against him with the softest kiss he could ever imagine. And in that kiss he felt more of her then she could ever express in words.
When they parted after what seemed like ages but could’ve only been a couple of seconds her body started going limb and the heart monitor started beeping like crazy. Klaus’ eyes widened as he realised she was dying.
“CAROLINE!!!” He screamed thinking that this way not the way things were supposed to go for them. “CAROLINE!!” He shook her hard forcing her eyes to stay open.
It was then that a thought came to him. The last possible resort he could possibly imagine.
“Caroline look at me…. Are you on vervain?....... Are you on vervain love answer me?!!!” He yelled at her.
Panting weakly her head shook only just for no.
“Look at me…. You can’t die on me! Do you hear me! I forbid you to die!!” he looked into her eyes deeply and saw her pupils dilating. He prayed for it to work.
“This is it” Davina whispered as the foursome halted at an empty space at the edge of the woods.
“I don’t think this is right D, there’s nothing here”  Marcel said looking around to see if maybe there was some freshly covered dirt that indicated something was buried.
“Hold on”Bonnie closed her eyes trying to sense something. She raised her hands up before her chest whispering something in Latin.
As by smoke a small Cabin appeared out of thin air. It was a small old thing. Looking like nobody had lived in it for over a decade. It’s windows were shattered and the wood had a mossy green color from bad maintenance. Looking at each other the four of them carefully checked to see if the door was open. It swung open at the touch indicating there was definitely magic around. As the boys tried to step over the threshold there were stopped by an invisible force field indicating that they had to be invited in.
“Well that’s an inconvenience” Elijah sighed banging on the invisible wall that kept him out.
“We’ll go check it out you guys wait here” Bonnie said stepping over the threshold.
Marcel stopped Davina grabbing her by her arm. “Be careful” He whispered meaningfully.
The girl simply nodded as she followed the other witch inside.
Inside it looked no better than the outside. It smelled horrible like there was something rotting and the single room looked like somebody had come in and trashed the place with a baseball bat.
“Hello?!” Bonnie yelled into the darkness grabbing the flashlight she had conveniently packed into her bag and turning it on. There was no response.
“Nobody’s here’ She whispered as they checked the space.
“Yes there is… I can sense it” Davina frowned her brow.
“Let’s just look for the totem” Bonnie said nervously starting to rummage through the place.
“You will never find it” A deep hollow voice whispered eerily from the darkness.
“Who’s there… show yourself?!” Davina yelled.
A figure emerged from the darkness stepping into the little light that shone through one of the cracked windows. An old woman who looked like she was at least a hundred years old appeared. She was small and her silver white hair hung braided over her shoulder. She hunched a little and needed a cane to walk. It was her eyes that freaked the girls out the most, pitch black with no iris’ or whites in them. They were hard against her wrinkled translucent skin creating a nearly demonic look.
“Who are you!” Bonnie asked taking a step back creating a bit more distance between her and the old crone.
“It does not matter who I am...you girls need to leave here… now!” The woman said in the same unnatural voice.
“Not without what we came for” Davina joined next to Bonnie.
“It is no use… I have seen the future and you are too late… As we speak the saviour is dying” The woman stepped closer.
“Look I don’t know what kind of creepy ass scientology shit you’re into lady but I’m here to save my best friend so give me that totem!” Bonnie said angrily to the old woman she had feared they were running out of time and she was stalling.
The woman reached into her blouse revealing a big silver amulet glowing blue through the cabin and dimly lighting the place. “As soon as this stops glowing your friend will be dead, and our future’s as witches will be ensured. With her death we will live!”
“What are you talking about Caroline wouldn’t hurt a fly!” Bonnie yelled back at the old woman. Clearly she had the wrong person.
“No, but the hybrid wouldl...When he rises to power he will unite the factions of all species leaving no room for us ancient practitioners....Vampires are already stopping our rituals and sacrifices...meddling in affairs they have no business in...you are the living proof of that miss Clare”
“What does that have to do with Caroline?!” Bonnie asked confused keeping her eye on the ever fading amulet.
“It is foretold that she will be the one to save him and his humanity. To inspire him to unite the factions. Inspired by her love for him he will find his power. So in removing his salvation he will turn to darkness and fall into the hands of his enemies” The woman explained.
“But peace between the factions is a good thing! We would all live together and be stronger for it!....the old covens are dying because of their inability to see this….” Davina rebutted in disbelief.
“Witches used to rule this earth….and it is their destiny to rule it again...to rule over these anomalies of nature that walk among us!....and now you are to late to stop us” The crone laughed wickedly.
When she spoke her last words the crone started chanting and the amulet started vibrating heavily along with the rest of the cabin. The two girls nearly fell off their feet trying hard not to fall over.
“What is she doing?!” Bonnie screamed through the noise of clattering junk falling to the floor.
“She’s tapping into the power of the amulet Bonnie take my hand now!” Davina yelled loudly.
“What are you going to do” Bonnie asked over the noise grabbing Davina’s hand.
‘I’m going to try and tap into the power of the ancestors to stop her but I can’t do it alone, I need your lineage too so hold on!!” Davina started chanting as well.
As soon as Bonnie started following her chant she could feel a surge of power coursing through her body. She could feel the essence of her ancestors around her harvesting so much power inside of her she felt like she was going to explode. She looked over at Davina who was still chanting in all her might. Blood pouring from her eyes , ears and nose. The spell was killing her but she kept on going.
When the air became too thick with power there was a giant explosion sending both girls off their feet into the ground and obliterating the cabin all together. The next thing she knew Bonnie was on the ground panting hard as burning debris fell  in every direction. A loud ringing in her ears disorienting her. She tried to sit up and take in her surroundings, the old crone was nowhere to be found but a few feet away from her Davina was lying motionless to the ground in her own blood.
“Davina!!” She could hear Marcel screaming as he ran towards the girl’s lifeless body he cradled her into his arms biting into his wrist letting drops of his blood fall into her mouth.
“Come on! Come on wake up” He screamed at her in a panic.
There was a moment of complete silence where Bonnie feared the absolute worst for the girl before she jolted up breathing in deeply.
“Thank god…” Marcel cried out hugging the girl close to his body. “You’re ok...you’re ok” He whispered soothingly.
“The Amulet!” Bonnie came back to her senses looking around to find it.
“Destroyed” Elijah joined them holding the now in three pieces broken amulet in his hand.”We have to bury the pieces in separate locations to keep them from rejoining but you did it!”
“Give me your phone!” Bonnie shouted to Elijah who took it out of his jacket and tossed it to Bonnie.
Bonnie hurried through the contacts clicking on Klaus’ name. He answered on the first ring.
“Klaus! We destroyed the Amulet….where’s Caroline were we on time?!” She asked rapidly.
“Listen for yourself” Klaus’ voice said softly on the other end of the phone.
There was a slight rustle on the other end of the phone and then another familiar voice spoke.
“Bon?” The voice of Caroline asked sounding much stronger than the last time they had spoke.
“Care thank god!” Bonnie cried laughing through her tears. “Are you ok?!”
“Yeah… a little shaky on my feet but i’m getting there… are you?” Caroline asked also sobbing.
“Yeah we’re all fine….” Bonnie laughed.
About two days later Caroline was sitting on the edge of the curb in front of the compound in New Orleans waiting for Elijah, Marcel, Davina and Bonnie to arrive. Though Klaus was sitting right next to her they had barely spoken since she had been cured from the hex. Bonnie had said she would come and find her once they had rested up a bit from the battle. The clouds were dark and grey announcing a thunderstorm would cross over the city of New Orleans any second now but she didn’t care. She was to excited to see her best friend. And as the black SUV turned around the corner she jumped up in excitement. The two girls hugged excessively the second they saw eachother both of them glad the other one was ok.
Caroline then went over to Elijah and Marcel to thank them both for the part they played in her rescuing. When she walked up to the other girl Caroline couldn’t help but hug her also.
“Thank you!” She whispered as she embraced the girl tightly.
“You’re very welcome…” Davina smiled awkwardly.
“No really… you don’t know me yet you risked your life for me.. Not that i’m ungrateful but why?” Caroline asked her seriously.
“Because I also believe in a world where the species can live together in peace… and i highly hope you can contribute to that” Davina squeezed Caroline’s shoulder before walking into the compound with Marcel. The rain now slightly dripping on her shoulders.
“What did she mean by that?” Caroline turned to Bonnie and Klaus as al three of them also walked inside.
“Care we need to talk about something.. “ Bonnie took her best friend by her hand and sat her down in a private corner of the courtyard. “You might want to hear this too Klaus”
“That old woman that hexed you….it wasn’t a random act” Bonnie sighed looking at her feet.
“What do you mean ? What did I do wrong?” Caroline asked surprised at this revelation.
“Nothing...yet…. I mean you’re not going to do anything wrong the way I see it...but other people might see it that way….” Bonnie started rambling.
“Bon you’re not making any sense and you’re scaring me” Caroline looked from Bonnie to Klaus for an explanation he looked just as confused and worried as she did.
“What do you mean?” Klaus asked looking at Bonnie intently.
“The crone was a sort of oracle, she could see into the future… And she made a prophecy that you Klaus will unite the supernatural world under your leadership” Bonnie explained.
“Not that that doesn’t sound bloody brilliant love, but what does that have to do with Caroline” Klaus asked confused.
“Because according to the prophecy it is the love between you too that will inspire you to do so...Without her you can’t…” Bonnie muttered.
“Oh…” Klaus said turning to Caroline with a big smile.
“Wait… Hold on…. You’re saying the fate of the supernatural world is resting on some epic love that there is supposed to be between us…” Caroline started freaking out. She was not prepared for this.
“Yeah…” Bonnie said looking slightly guilty for being the one to tell her this.
“So if I don’t give in to feelings I may or may not have towards the evilest being in the world i’m basically dooming us all” Caroline had the wind knocked out of her. She wasn’t sure how she felt about Klaus yet and this all felt like she was being forced. She felt like she was going to puke again and the walls were closing in on her.
“I need to get out of here!” Caroline whispered running out of the front door into the streets.
It was pouring rain outside and Caroline really wished she hadn’t crashed her car earlier that week because it would make running away from her problems alot easier. She could hear Klaus following her.
“Caroline!” He yelled after her.
But she kept moving the rain soaking her instantly from head to toe. Thunder and lightening rumbling high in the sky.
“CAROLINE STOP!” Klaus yelled as he ran after her.
She could hardly see him through the rain as she turned around. Her hand removing wet hair from her face.
“WHAT?!” She yelled back at him.
“Sweetheart came back inside it’s pouring!!” Klaus urged her.
“NO!! I cant!!!” Caroline yelled back rain falling in streams from her face.
“Why not?! What did I do wrong” Klaus asked her as he caught up with her grabbing her by the shoulders.
“You did nothing wrong Klaus!” Caroline said turning her head away from him.
Klaus grabbed her chin in his hand and turned her head back to him to look into her eyes.
“Then why are you running from me?”
“Because this isn’t how it’s supposed to go!” Caroline shouted over the sound of the rain.
“You’re not making any sense darling how is what not supposed to go?” Klaus asked her looking at her cockeyed.
“US!! I won’t let you break my heart. I”m not settling for being second choice ever again because you taught me not to do so! You made me see that I deserve to be loved for me...so you should want to be with me for me! And not because some witch told us it was going to bring you power” Caroline explained her hand running through her hair again to remove wet strains from her cheeks.
“Caroline listen to me…. I don’t care about all that… I never have with you…. I just want you….I always have...screw everything else” Klaus proclaimed.
“Really?” Caroline asked suddenly alot calmer.
“Ofcourse...haven’t you been paying attention? Everything that you think is good about me is all because of you… Because I want to be better for you...It was always you!.... But If you need me to stand here in a thunderstorm to explain that to you over and over again I will… Because if you would give me the chance to be yours I will stand here for as long as you want me to remind you that you will always come first with me…So what do you say Caroline…”  Klaus asked her with a look of total vulnerability in his eyes holding his hand out for her to grasp.
“I say right answer” Caroline mouthed as she grabbed his hand and walked up to him crashing her lips to his, kissing him hard and passionately in the middle of a thunderstorm with rain pouring down on them.
FF link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12395780/6/The-realisation-Caroline-Forbes Please leave a review! (come on it’s my birthday :p) 
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proxylynn · 7 years
Dreemurr Academy #4 (UnderFell Papyrus)
Dreemurr Academy, a prestigious closed-off college for monsters and humans alike of all ages and worlds.
This includes myself, though I'm sort of a in-between.
I'm Lynsie, the human anomaly. I'm a human, but I can do magic like monsters. I'm an oddball.
That's the thing about making a school that is open to multiple alternate dimensions. Weird things are bound to show up. Even a bunch of the same person. From what I saw on orientation day, the same faces are scattered around all around.
To fix these type of issues, everyone that has a multiple or doppelganger is given a school name so there's no confusion.
Other than that, it's fairly normal. The hierarchy is the simple.
The Deans are made up of the same people, skeleton monsters that go by the name of Gaster. One is a teacher of the Sciences, goes by Wingding. He's a kind and understanding man, but is known to pull a prank or two. They all speak in a typeface sign language but use telepathy magic so others understand. It's been said no one has ever heard their real voices and those that have are no longer at the academy.
Another Gaster dean teaches Home Economics, he goes by Wingy. He's a bubbly sweet guy that loves his work. Nothing makes him smile more than seeing the joy on a student's face when they take pride in being able to do something they first thought they couldn't.
Another Gaster dean teaches the studies of Magic, he is called Fall. At times, he can be cynical, malicious, and sarcastic. He has a commanding presence that exuded gravitas, authority and control, able to keep a class quiet without effort. Yet there is a kindness to him, it's rarely seen, but not unheard of.
Another Gaster dean teaches History, his nickname is Dings. A cold, bitter, and sometimes childish man. He tends to hold grudges against troublesome students and is extremely spiteful toward those whom he dislikes. Yet those that can take his punishments are rewarded with his respect. He is a teacher that commands respect and who's grades are earned with doom hanging over your head.
The Professors are also skeleton monsters, but not all are the same person. The Psychology professor is a guy named Papyrus but goes by Stretch. He's the favorite among students because he's so laid back. He chews a tooth pick in class to suppress his urge to smoke, but we all know he does so when on break. He's really good at reading students and helps out when able. All in all, he's the cool teacher.
The Literature professor is a Papyrus that is called Fell. He is the one teacher everyone dreads. Very strict and old fashioned. He does not tolerate interruptions and will humiliate those he feel need to be taken down a notch. Such things take there toll on him and often squeezes a stress ball that he keeps in his desk. But he is a very passionate man when it comes to his work and takes his subject seriously, even though this makes him into a bit of a grammar nazi which is why many students get low grades.
The Biology professor is a skeleton called Sans that sometimes goes by Classic, whatever that means. He is very cheesy and comes off as lazy, making puns that have people cringe yet secretly love them. He is very protective of his students and will go out of his way to help them. He does not tolerate bulling of any kind and can be quite scary. He's the second favorite among the students.
The Physical Education professor is also a Sans that goes by Pain. He is also a stern and old school type of teacher, only he tends to be more cruel in humiliation of students that are unprepared. While his scope is all around, he prefers the darker side of the study. Using borderline violence to weed out the weak that think taking his class is a easy A. There is mercy in his dojo, but it must be earned with blood, sweat, and tears.
The Students are broken into four groups based on which part of the four years they are currently in. The first years are called freshmen. Second years are sophomores. Third years are juniors. And fourth years are seniors. There are some variations on this topic, but this hierarchy of college students is still readily recognizable by everyone.
Me? This isn't my first rodeo but not my last. I'm a sophomore and have gotten the gist of who's who and what's what. I get along with students and teachers. I've always been a middle ground type of girl.
I didn't come looking for friends, but they just seemed to find me. Funny enough, my buddies are the brothers of the professors. Stretch's brother is a freshman, his name is Sans but goes by Rascal. Fell's brother, also a Sans, is a sophomore like me and goes by Edgy. Classic's brother is a Papyrus, a freshman that goes by Papy. And Pain's brother is a sophomore Papyrus by the name of Slim.
I've always been a tomboy. I prefer the guys company. They're different and fun, even if they can be a bit odd sometimes.
Rascal, as the nickname implies, is the school clown/prankster. He likes to test his limits and challenge authority, even dishevels his uniform to assert his individuality. He comes off as a slacker, but secretly very deep, clever, and loyal to a fault. He likes taking his brother's class so he can improve his skills with messing with people, mostly his brother as he disrupts his teachings when he sees a chance.
Edgy is shy around new people and slow to open up, enjoying a laugh with friends when able. Though he appears weak or even nerdy because of his glasses, he is far more tougher than he leads on. He doesn't take crap from anyone. When alone, he's angsty and borders on straight up angry. Getting a pissy attitude when annoyed. Like his brother, he is very passionate about literature and does his best to impress his brother, going so far as to become the teacher's pet.
Papy is easily the most loveable guy in the whole school. Very cheerful and optimistic, he tries his best no matter what. He doesn't like conflict and tries to keep his brother out of trouble when the teacher pulls a prank. I find it sweet of him to take his brother's class even though he doesn't particularly enjoy it, just so he can stay close to him. Like I said, this guy is a loveable soul.
Slim is easy going. He doesn't take things too seriously and never breaks a sweat over hard exams. The only thing that breaks his cool is his smoking, he really gets tense if he goes too long without his fix. He's incredibly smart and instinctual, good traits to have when dealing with his brother. While he does attend his brother's class, he merely does so as a request of his brother who likes to make sure he doesn't slack off due to not being challenged enough.
All of them are oddly related to each other in some form. Gaster's, Papyrus's, and Sans's are brothers. Yet I see them all as different people. I value them. They're helping me even if they don't know it. I am not so confident in myself. I tend to isolate myself, go at things lone wolf style. It's how I've always been. Then I met them and slowly my world began to expand bit by bit. I'm still not comfortable with others. But with them, I can step out from behind my mask for a bit, and really be myself around them.
Today is a typical day. Professor Fell has been lecturing us on the true meaning of the works of William Shakespeare for the last hour or so. Honestly I find his take on things to be very insightful, sometimes. Other times it seems he lets his own views on the matter bleed into his teachings, which is quite compromising.
"but that isn't the point."
All eyes go to Edgy.
"while romeo and juliet is sometimes considered to have no unifying theme, save that of young love. romeo and juliet have become emblematic of young lovers and doomed love. since it is such an obvious subject of the play, several scholars have explored the language and historical context behind the romance of the play. on their first meeting, romeo and juliet use a form of communication recommended by many etiquette authors in shakespeare's day: metaphor. by using metaphors of saints and sins, romeo was able to test juliet's feelings for him in a non-threatening way. this method was recommended by baldassare castiglione, whose works had been translated into english by this time. he pointed out that if a man used a metaphor as an invitation, the woman could pretend she did not understand him, and he could retreat without losing honor."
Time to throw my metaphorical hat into this ring.
"Not to mention Juliet, however, participates in the metaphor and expands on it. The religious metaphors of 'shrine', 'pilgrim', and 'saint' were fashionable in the poetry of the time and more likely to be understood as romantic rather than blasphemous, as the concept of sainthood was associated with the Catholicism of an earlier age. Later in the play, Shakespeare removes the more daring allusions to Christ's resurrection in the tomb he found in his source work: Brooke's Romeus and Juliet."
"GO ON."
"In the later balcony scene, Shakespeare has Romeo overhear Juliet's soliloquy, but in Brooke's version of the story, her declaration is done alone. By bringing Romeo into the scene to eavesdrop, Shakespeare breaks from the normal sequence of courtship. Usually, a woman was required to be modest and shy to make sure that her suitor was sincere, but breaking this rule serves to speed along the plot. The lovers are able to skip courting and move on to plain talk about their relationship...agreeing to be married after knowing each other for only one night. In the final suicide scene, there is a contradiction in the message...in the Catholic religion, suicides were often thought to be condemned to hell, whereas people who die to be with their loves under the 'Religion of Love' are joined with their loves in paradise. Romeo and Juliet's love seems to be expressing the 'Religion of Love' view rather than the Catholic view. Another point is that although their love is passionate, it is only consummated in marriage, which keeps them from losing the audience's sympathy."
"true. the play arguably equates love and sex with death. throughout the story, both romeo and juliet, along with the other characters, fantasizes about it as a dark being, often equating it with a lover. capulet, for example, when he first discovers juliet's faked death, describes it as having deflowered his daughter. juliet later erotically compares romeo and death. right before her suicide, she grabs romeo's dagger, saying “o happy dagger! this is thy sheath. there rust, and let me die.”."
"To be blunt sir...It’s not the story of a young couple rebelling against their parents. It’s the story of Juliet falling victim to Romeo. It’s a tragedy because of what happens to Juliet, not because their relationship doesn’t work out. We’re supposed to hate Romeo. This idea was proposed by comedian Jay Black, a former English teacher who was explaining his theory to a student at Edinboro University after a show."
"romeo & juliet was written around 1595 though there’s some debate and first performed soon after. i mention the date here because it’s important to why we're supposed to hate romeo. there was rampant famine in england in the 1590s among the poor. most of the audience showing up to a performance of romeo & juliet was probably hungry. they pay what little money they have to see a play to forget their misery for a few hours. then out saunters romeo, a little rich boy, whining about love. besides love, what’s one of the first lines out of his mouth? he asks benvolio: “where shall we dine?” imagine a theater full of starving people hearing that delivered by some beautiful rich kid. he has so many options for where he’s going to get his next meal that he can’t even decide. they’d have thrown tomatoes if they weren’t so hungry."
"It’s semiotics. The same way a filmmaker now might show a villain being mean to an animal to signal to the audience that this is the bad guy, Shakespeare included this line to incite the feeling in the audience that they should hate this guy. Besides talking about food when we first meet him, Romeo is whining about love, but really he’s just mad that Rosaline won’t sleep with him. When he meets Juliet, he doesn’t fall instantly in love, he sees someone he thinks he can have sex with. He uses the fact that Juliet has fallen for him to manipulate her. Romeo is a dick."
"black tells this theory as one he came to on his own in studying the play, but admits it’s probably not a particularly unique take on the idea. in researching this, one can find no shortage of theories and alternate interpretations of the text. beyond black’s thoughts on romeo, one can develop some of their own about paris to further support the idea that romeo is a villain."
"Paris tends to be seen as the guy that Juliet is having forced upon her by her parents, but his conversation with Lord Capulet makes it clear that Capulet doesn’t want them to be married for at least two years, and that although he likes Paris, the young man still needs to win Juliet over. Capulet tells Paris in Act I Scene II: “But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart, My will to her consent is but a part; An she agree, within her scope of choice Lies my consent and fair according voice.”. Paris isn’t being forced on anybody. He loves Juliet. She is Paris’ dying thought at the end of the play after Romeo kills him: “O, I am slain! If thou be merciful, Open the tomb, lay me with Juliet.”."
"another theory on the subject is about juliet’s virginity. it proposes that juliet’s reluctance to marry paris isn’t because she’s so in love with romeo, it’s that she can’t marry him because he’ll know she’s no longer a virgin. there isn’t much in the text to support this directly, but most of juliet’s reluctance is about the idea of marriage, and not about paris specifically. whether juliet realizes the consequence of letting romeo up on that balcony or not, it’s still true."
"So Romeo, in an attempt to get laid, ruins Juliet’s prospects of marrying Paris, kills her cousin, gets banished, and drives a 13-year-old girl to suicide. Romeo’s the asshole here. Juliet kills herself because her love, Romeo, who's been manipulating her this whole time, is dead. Romeo offs himself because he’s screwed and got no other choice that he wants to take. He’s already been banished, killed Tybalt, and now Paris. What do you think happens next if he walks out of that tomb? The dude is royally fucked. When he finds Juliet “dead”, that’s the last straw. His whole world’s been thrown into upheaval over this girl, and now she’s dead. Romeo, already a desperate man in a desperate situation, doesn’t see any other option than death. Such a bitch move."
"exactly! so why then, do we see it as story about two crazy kids in love? probably because that’s what people want to see. we’d rather see two kids kill themselves because they’re so in love and the world just doesn’t understand than watch a play where a sex-crazed maniac drives a 13-year-old girl to kill herself."
Fell is shocked but impressed.
We are confused.
This has me nervous.
"Um...With all due respect sir...I don't feel that to be necessary."
He and the rest of the class are taken back by this. Normally I follow a teacher's instructions without question. So me trying to get out of obeying is like a lightning strike on a cloudless day, very odd.
"B-but sir..."
Fuck, shit, damn it, crap! I have performance anxiety. I turn into to a mess when in front of others. But damn it all to hell, Fell's not giving me a choice. Well...I could run away, but that'll only mess my grades up. So I reluctantly follow Edgy down to stand with Fell and already I can feel the butterflies in my gut going crazy.
"yes professor."
"Yes sir."
I feel ill. I can't get my eyes off the floor and I'm fiddling with my hands nervously. A stark contrast to my normal demeanor. And it is very noticeable.
He claps his hands and a chill shoots up my spine as Edgy clears his throat.
"*ahem* but, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? it is the east, and juliet is the sun. arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou her maid art far more fair than she: be not her maid, since she is envious; her vestal livery is but sick and green and none but fools do wear it; cast it off. it is my lady, o, it is my love! o, that she knew she were! she speaks yet she says nothing: what of that? her eye discourses; i will answer it. i am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks: two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat her eyes to twinkle in their spheres till they return. what if her eyes were there, they in her head? the brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, as daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night. see, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! o, that i were a glove upon that hand, that i might touch that cheek!"
Shit! My turn.
"Ay me!"
That came out a bit louder than I wanted and people are noticing.
"she speaks: o, speak again, bright angel! for thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head as is a winged messenger of heaven unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air."
"O Romeo, Romeo! W-wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy f-father and refuse thy name; O-or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn m-my love, And I'll no longer be a C-capulet."
Oh dear god, no, a stutter?! The looks I'm getting. I want to go curl into a corner and die.
"uh...shall i hear more, or shall i speak at this?"
That is both a line and a real question, but Fell lets it continue.
"'T-tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art t-thyself, though not a Montague. What's M-montague? I-it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other p-part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? T-that which we call a rose By any other name w-would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd, R-retain that dear perfection which he owes W-without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for t-that name which is no part of t-thee Take all myself."
"i take thee at thy word: call me but love, and i'll be new baptized; henceforth i never will be romeo."
"W-what man art thou that thus b-bescreen'd in night So s-stumblest on my counsel?"
"That's not the only thing stumbling!"
Laughter waves through the rows of students and I can feel the tears threaten to pour.
Fell's booming voice is like thunder.
No one seems to mind this.
To that the people groan.
Well I'm dead now.
"Yes sir?"
I reluctantly remain behind, only Edgy giving me any show of support by mouthing the words 'good luck and be safe' as everyone leaves the room and Fell shuts the door, locking it too.
I hang my head low.
"Because I disgraced the work of Shakespeare with such a shitty reciting."
He approaches me, his demeanor never faltering.
I rub my arm sheepishly.
"I...I can't function in front of multiple people."
He cocks his head in puzzlement.
"That's because I'm not in a spotlight like that was. If I know others are watching me, expecting of me...I get so messed up."
"*sigh* Honestly, him there was the only reason I was able to speak or recall my lines. Otherwise I would've ran out of the room. But still...It took ages to become comfortable to do that with Edgy. Don't get me wrong, he was sweet in helping me through my shyness. But he is only one person, and this was a whole classroom. I can't deal with so many at once, I just can't."
He looks off in thought for a moment before grabbing my chin so that I'm looking at him and not the floor.
I gulp a nervous lump in my throat and nod.
That has me look at him funny. I know sometimes Fell can word things in a awkward form, but that made me feel all types of weird.
Holy shit, this must be serious.
"Yes sir. These lips are sealed. *zips mouth*"
I do as told.
I don't have to try all that much, my imagination works wonders, and even though I know it's all in my head, the signs of a panic attack start kicking in. A sense of terror chills me. My heart begins racing. A numbness in the hands and fingers. My chest pains as breathing becomes difficult. My body feels weak and my head spins. Feeling a loss of control over myself and I sway ready to topple over. Luckily Fell gets to me before I can fall and holds me to his chest.
To further help sooth me, he rubs my back and rests his head on my own, which in my current state has me being lulled into his care.
I nod and give him a hug in thanks, which messes with him and he shoves me away. Both of us blushing.
He straightens himself up.
"But sir..."
I shiver and face his desk. I can still feel eyes on me even though I know it's just us. I open my mouth to speak, but I can't make any words come out. Fell notices and rolls his eyes. This was more of a challenge than he first thought.
He's...He's leading me into my next line?
"M-my ears have not yet drunk a hundred words O-of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound: Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?"
He slams his hand on the desk and makes me jump.
"H-how camest thou..."
He slams his hand again and I claw the desk to keep from panicking.
"How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, And the place death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here."
My heart is pounding, my nerves on alert, and yet he smirks. He found a way to keep me focused on my performance, by distracting me.
"If they d-do..."
I flinch when I feel his hand on my back.
"If they do see thee, they will murder thee."
Fell nudges me to move and gets me behind his desk. There he stands behind me and holds my chin up so that I look straight at the empty seats.
"Sir, this doesn't feel right anymore."
"Okay...*sigh* I would not for the world they saw thee here."
Okay Lynsie, you can do this. Just focus and recite the lines. Then he'll stop and you can go to your place to take a nice long rest.
"By whose direction found'st thou out this place?"
He smiles darkly and removes his hands. I feel relief until his hands find themselves on my sides.
His hands slowly rub small circles into me and I squirm.
"What are you doing?"
"Sir...Are you enjoying this?"
"I guess."
That makes me blush more as I clear my throat.
"Thou know'st the mask of night is on my face, Else would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek For that which thou hast heard me speak to-night Fain would I dwell on form, fain, fain deny What I have spoke: but farewell compliment! Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say 'Ay,' And I will take thy word: yet if thou swear'st, Thou mayst prove false; at lovers' perjuries Then say, Jove laughs. O gentle Romeo, If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully: Or if thou think'st I am too quickly won, I'll frown and be perverse an say thee nay, So thou wilt woo; but else, not for the world. In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond, And therefore thou mayst think my 'havior light: But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true Than those that have more cunning to be strange. I should have been more strange, I must confess, But that thou overheard'st, ere I was ware, My true love's passion: therefore pardon me, And not impute this yielding to light love, Which the dark night hath so discovered."
"O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable."
His hands start to roam my body. Exploring my curves up to my chest before cupping my breasts and eliciting a sharp gasp from me.
"Sir, this doesn't seem appropriate anymore."
"This doesn't leave the room?"
"O-okay. But sir..."
"May I ask one question?"
"...Are you getting turned on by all this?"
"I'm not naïve."
"I...uh...I plead the fifth on the grounds I don't wish to to give self-incriminating information."
He presses his body against me, a large bulge resting on my ass and his hands softly grope my breasts.
A small shudder leaves me.
He smiles and presses harder to me as to make my head spin while I continue.
"Do not swear at all; Or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, Which is the god of my idolatry, And I'll believe thee."
"Well, do not swear: although I joy in thee, I have no joy of this contract to-night: It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden; Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be Ere one can say 'It lightens.' Sweet, good night! This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet. Good night, good night! as sweet repose and rest Come to thy heart as that within my breast!"
I yelp at the end as he gives me a squeeze, earning me a devilish snicker and yet another squeeze.
He begins to rock against me, rubbing that bulge harder and harder to me. I'm slowly losing it and I lean my head back onto his shoulder.
"What satisfaction canst thou have to-night?"
He gives my neck some light nips and I swoon, purring into his neck.
At this point love means lust and we both are feeling it. As much as I was fighting it at the start, now I'm enjoying his advances, even to the point that I'm grinding back into his hypnotically moving hips much to his ego's delight.
"I gave thee mine before thou didst request it: And yet I would it were to give again."
His hands wander back down, feeling my thighs and daring to go under my skirt. I don't really care for the uniforms. Girls have to wear skirts, I hate it because of perverts taking up-skirt pics. But in this case the damn thing makes it easier for this kind of fun.
I reach down to hold his hands, guiding them under my skirt and letting his bony digits feel along my flesh, making him shudder through his teeth.
"But to be frank, and give it thee again. And yet I wish but for the thing I have: My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite."
"*groans* YOU'RE SUCH A TEASE."
"And you're a kinky pervy teacher. What's you're point?"
He humps me harshly.
"Me drop them? That doesn't sound like something a tease would do. If anything, a tease would do this..."
I lean on him more, pressing my ass to his hard as hell bulge and slowly rubbing on it teasingly. This has him swoon, moaning in growing need before becoming aggressive and bends me over his desk.
"Honestly sir...You are one of the scariest teachers here. When you have a bad day, even Edgy and I tremble."
"Heh...Maybe you're not the only one that's enjoying this. Maybe the danger excites me."
I flinch feeling his hand on my ass, kneading it tenderly before suddenly yanking my panties and ripping them right off me with a surprised yelp.
He lifts me up more, making sure I'm set properly across his desk and I hear him undo his pants, letting his long blood red erection free.
"Do you aim to deflower me, Romeo?"
He lifts my skirt up then slides his member between my legs to my folds and glides it slowly on my sex. Starting a test rhythm and building up heat for us both, a hot need for more.
"Mmmm...A bit ironic in a cute way, don't you think?"
"You're the 'little' brother of three, and yet you are anything but."
"Then why are you smiling?"
"If you say so sir. But denial doesn't suit you."
He smacks my ass and I yelp a moan much to his interest.
"Still you sir."
He smacks me again and again I moan. He does this as his hips pick up speed. Excitement getting to him and pleasure building. Soon enough he groans and bucks particularly hard, shoving himself hilt deep inside me, making me scream in pain.
"Fuck you!"
He eyes me funny as I claw at his desk harshly.
"I wasn't joking with that deflowering line. *wincing* That fucking hurts!"
If skeletons could pale, he'd be doing it. He looks down at the point where we connect and pulls back slightly. I whimper as I bite my lip and feel him touch around my sex's entrance. He frowns when he looks at his red stained fingers and regret comes to his mind.
"I...I'M SORRY."
I look up at him in shock. I have never heard him apologize or speak in such a somber tone.
He attempts to slowly pull out and I grab his arm.
"Don't move."
"Don't you dare move. Do not flee from that which you have started. For to do so now would be a coward's act. And last I checked, you are no coward. Or am I mistaken sir Fell?"
He flinches. I dare his resolve with eyes set in a glare and swelling with tears.
"The damage has been done. There is no going back. So do not quake like some pitiful schmuck and see this through."
"Do not run away Papyrus!"
His name...Hearing his name used in such a way snaps him out of his daze and reverts his mind into a baser understanding.
"I think so. Just...Take it slow, okay?"
I merely nod, letting his arm go and he waits a moment before his hips start moving, though he pauses when I gasp sharply.
"*bites lip* Why are you so big?"
His ego soars.
"I'm...I'm trying..."
Moving slow to start, the pain in my body eventually fades off into the swell of pleasant feelings.
"Mmmmm...Ooooh Papyrus..."
He buries his face against the base of my neck, catching my shoulder with his teeth as he groans and slowly grinds within me. It's like a slow-paced pendulum. Neither of us find it necessary to rush. Every small thrust, every tiny jab he makes within me is met with a powerful response deep in my abdomen. Every inch of my skin feels as if it's lit up like fireworks, the blood running through my veins sizzle across my bones in an intense explosion, flaring within me like a blazing inferno. His hands grab a tight hold of my thighs, and I stifle the urge to scream as the head of his erection suddenly hits a bundle of nerves deep within me.
"So good...You feel so good..."
He chuckles wickedly.
"Please do."
He wasn't joking either. As intense as this was already, he pushes into me faster and harder. His thrusts gradually speeding up faster and faster, going deeper inside me to hit places I had no clue even existed. With each plunge he takes, the more unraveled I get, my face twisting in mind altering euphoria and he can't get enough of it.
"Ooh yes...yes...Ohnn...Papyrus...mnhnn...Aaaahn...don't stop...Don't stop Papyrus..."
Releasing my hips from his grasp, he loops his right arm around my waist while his left hand finds my own and laces his bony phalanges in my fingers in a gentle grip. The rhythmic thrusting of his hips, driving that hardened magic made member of his to my depths, eliciting his name to ring out of me over and over in the most heated of ways.
"Oohh...o-oh ahh...Papyrus...Hahnnhhnann...Oooooh...yeahhh...Papyrus..."
"O-oh P-pa...hnnm...Paaahpyrus...I-I'm...Hhahh...oohnn...I think I-I'm getting c-cl...oh I'm...hghnnn I'm c-cloosee...u-uahhn...hnnmm..."
"*shrieks* There! Ah! Papyrus! Please! There! There! Again! There Please!"
He centers his movements to hit into it, the hand around my waist dips down to rub his fingers against my clit, that pressure in my abdomen increases fiercely. The series of moans and cries coming from me, they're ushering him over his own edge.
He claims my lips in a heatedly deep kiss as he pounds as hard as he can into me and I feel everything getting so tight it's painful. Yet after so much building pressure I let out a high scream as my vision goes blank and I peak in orgasm of sweet release. Faintly he feels a warm gush from me coating his length, setting off the sparks inside him and letting him lose himself completely.
He groans out as he follows after me, spilling his essence well into my core in deliciously hot spurts and giving me this wonderful full feeling. Our left hands still laced together and tightening till it almost feels like we'll almost break the others hand. I'm shaking underneath him as he pants hard in my ear, lightly nuzzling into my hair as his hips slowly settle themselves down till they've stopped and he keeps our connection while holding me close.
"*purrs* THANK YOU."
"For what sir?"
"*snickers* Yeah. Why change a moment where you got laid?"
I'm stunned.
"For real? No joke?"
"Is that what we're calling foreplay now?"
I blink in realization.
"It...I honestly forgot all about it.
"Thanks sir. *pause* I wonder how much time has passed."
"That depends...Are your brothers joining us?"
"Good. Not sure I could handle a drive with Edgy or Fall after this."
"So...Wanna stay like this for while? I mean, I really can't feel my legs right now, so walking would suck."
I smile then bring our joined hands over to my lips and kiss his hand.
"Happy to be of service sir."
We continue to stay there for some time. Eventually, we leave the privacy of his classroom and go home, returning to our normal lives. We never speak of that day again, but the effects stay with us, and at random when the mood is right, we share passions once more upon his very sturdy desk. Whether we have feelings for one another is still uncertain. But that's fine with us for now. For never was a story tied in such a goofy bow...Than this of me, Juliet, and my skeletal Romeo.
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off-briefer · 8 years
On Saying Goodbye
The following is the eulogy that I read in front of the 500 people that showed up to my mother’s funeral. I loved my mother more than most sons. She was my life in a lot of ways.
First, seeing all of you here fills myself and my family's hearts with joy. My sisters and I know that my mother is loved, but seeing you all here leaves no doubt that Judith Margaret Biancalana left a positive mark on this earth, a feat that not all are able to claim. You are all a tribute and testament to, and ultimately, the result of a life lived unburdened by regret, the “what ifs”, or could-haves. My mother lived a full life, one with many happy, glorious times, memories we all share. Thank you. The pain of our immediate loss is dulled and is washing away at the sight of all of you. She's looking down and thinking she must have done something right. In fact, I believe that’s how she would have put it, “I guess I did something right.” To me, that would be my mother grossly understating the truth. To me, she did near everything right. But she'd never boast, she'd never shine a light on her life's achievement. If she was anything she was humble, honest, and set in her ways. But she really did do so many things right.
Father Donal, thank you. We have known you for more than 30 years and are beyond pleased that you’re our celebrant today. My mother is happy, I can assure you, as are we all. Through her time at the hospital recently and well before, you were and are such a wonderful friend to Mom.
To Mrs. Pat Casey, one of mom’s lifelong friends, for being there every single day my mother was in the hospital, 55+ days, for being a source of comfort to our whole family and to, most of all, mom. No one but she had her dedication and love. Pat was there 27 years ago when my father passed, and she was there for Mom. Her consistent presence and counsel will never be forgotten.
And one more but not least thank you to the team of doctors and medical professionals that helped my mother over the years, specifically Dr. Aileen Whelan, Dr. Donald Ho, Dr. Fred Lui, Dr. David Kursrock, Dr. Khan and Dr. Lee. Were it not for their dedication, expertise and guidance, my mother would have truly been lost, our family without a path or plan. You helped extend mom’s life and we’re all so thankful to have had those days and memories.
The poem says "grieve if you must" but if you all can, remember mom at her best, funniest, her most lively. What I’ve written tries at that.
Aristotle once said, The roots of education are bitter, but their fruit is sweet.
Judith Margaret Baldassare was born on November 9th, 1940 in a bit of a shanty called McKees Rocks, just outside of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of Joseph, who worked for the “local men’s group” running numbers for them, booking sports and betting. Without too much detail, my mother was raised to be street smart. Whatever she learned in school paled in comparison to the education she received from life in those years, living above a pool hall with her aunt and uncle, their children and her father and her sister.
My mother was older sister to Eileen, who was the polar opposite of my mother. Aunt Eileen was brash and crazy and untethered. My mother was responsible and studious and obedient. My mother and her sister Eileen were very much alike though in that they were both a joy to know, a joy to be around. They accepted each other much the way my sisters and I accept each other. And today, we remember our Aunt Eileen as well.
Mom moved to San Jose to live with her aunt and uncle in the mid fifties and attended Willow Glen High School. She was very involved in activities, was her student body president and was a beautiful example of her own will and drive to affect her world in a positive manner by participating in athletics and school programs as much as time would allow. She was smart about her money at a young age and bought her first car, a 1957 Chevy with money she earned herself. In 1958 she graduated.
Famed sportswriter Ring Lardner said, “The family you come from isn’t as important as the family you’re going to have.”
In the early sixties, Mom went to work in San Francisco at an insurance agency as an administrative assistant. It was there she met her best friend, Barbara Fenich, and it was Barbara that set my mother up on a date with a guy named Mario. She fell in love and they married in 1966.
Soon after they married, in 1968 they had Diane, 1970 Debbie arrived and in 1972, my fathers last try for a boy, I was born. My mother wrote me a letter after my father passed letting me know how much she loved me and that that day I was born how proud they both were, delighted they had a son. I can remember feeling more proud reading that letter than I have ever felt. Under that strict exterior was a heart as big as her, and in all her children she saw unlimited potential. She saw humor, athleticism, intelligence and poise. When we were awkward she was stalwart. When we faltered she let us solve the problem and fix it, and when we succeeded she was the first to congratulate and beam with pride. She pushed us to take chances, to achieve. To work hard, to persevere, and to never give up.
Angelita Lim is quoted as saying “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.”
This is how my mother felt about all of her children’s spouses. My mother had picked up telling me over the past decade, "you better thank your lucky stars." She refers to me thanking the stars for my wife, Laura, whom she loved, and I tend to agree. Her sons in law, Gary and Rob were beyond good and kind to my mother and she was very lucky to have them in her life. She loved her entire family equally, in law or otherwise, without fail.
Billie Jean King once said, “Champions keep playing until they get it right.”
Mom was competitive. She loved the Pittsburgh Pirates and Steelers, and of course the Giants and Niners and Warriors. She was present for every one of our games, whether it was baseball or softball or basketball or volleyball, she was there. She was involved in everything we ever did. Coaching, managing, running things. And if she wasn’t managing from the dugout, or driving the car to a tournament, she was always cheering on the sidelines. Taking carloads of friends of ours to teepee the houses of Burlingame. Mom made sure that a dull moment was never had.
My sisters would be the picture of athletic and academic achievement where I, had two hobbies, baseball and driving my mother nuts.
But no one could handle me like my mother handled me. More than once. And I expected and deserved every whalloping I got. But as tough as my mother was, she taught me what it meant to love unconditionally, to care about whatever we did, whether it was school, sports or even much later in my career as a writer — that I give everything I have to everything I do with passion and focus, and most of all, with a fire inside. And no matter how hard I may have fought against her at times, no matter how many mistakes I'd make, she let me make those mistakes, it’s my belief, for two reasons: because it turned me into an adult, helping me learn and grow and stand firm, on my own two feet and the second reason, so that she could say with no doubt, "See? What'd I tell you."
From Mother Theresa: “The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it.”
In the early 80s, when I and Debbie were still at OLA, and Diane was at Mercy High, she was a teachers aide at OLA, and then the school secretary in 1985. She was also a yard duty — the best yard duty, as any of the boys in my class can attest. Anyone that knew the kids in my class knew we weren’t the nicest children, we were mischievous, and my mother would have none of it. We never said no to her, she was the law and we all respected her. Because she was firm and resilient and fair. A perfect example, if two boys were fist fighting, my mother would sometimes take her time in breaking it up. I always wondered why. I found out later that she’d let the brawl go if she liked the kid that was winning.
In her time as secretary at OLA, there are many many stories to tell, but one which I truly love. On no particular day, a student walked in and said "Mrs. B. I don't feel good," the child holding their stomach. My mom said, “Okay, what's wrong?” The kids said, “Well, I threw up.” My mother, always skeptical of kids faking so they could get a free trip home said, "Oh yeah? Where’d you throw up." The kid said, "In the upper yard" thinking, there’s no way Mrs. B would follow up on that. My mother stood up, took the kid’s hand and said, "Show me where you threw up." So they walked to the upper yard. In the end, the student was back in class. My mother knew which kids were faking, which kids weren’t and which one’s cried wolf all too often. I think more children spent more days in school during her years behind that desk, because unless real circumstances were afoot, kids were staying in school. My mother treated each one of those kids as she would have treated her own.
There are more stories. But her time at OLA was about the children. It’s what she cared about most, and it is encapsulated by her incredible work ethic, never leaving her desk until every bit of work was done leaving nothing for the next day, her desk clean each night, no matter the hour. Thankfully for us, my father was an amazing cook, as some nights she got home very late. In that, she had a dedication to our catholic education, bearing three children that went kindergarten to college degree in Catholic school, my sister Diane and I finishing at St. Mary’s College of California and my sister Debbie at Santa Clara University. Even after my father passed, she made it her personal quest to put us through the best education money could buy. The two of them, my father and mother, sacrificed everything for our education, for our wellbeing, and we never wanted for anything. Our childhoods and and the years that followed were always privileged ones, in our eyes. At times we couldn’t rub two nickels together, as my mother liked to say, but we would be educated, we would be happy and we would always have family.
There’s a great line in Cormac McCarthy’s “All the Pretty Horses” — “Scared money can’t win.”
She loved to play cards, to gamble. As a young family we would take vacations to north and south Tahoe in the summers and winters accordingly, always close to casinos. We kids played in the arcade while my father played keno and kept a close eye on the bank account, while my mother played black jack, 12 hours or more at a time. Sometimes she won and sometimes she'd come away empty. I remember one night we sat down for dinner at a restaurant in one of the hotels up there, maybe Harrahs, and my mother informed us that she had just played black jack with none other than Clint Eastwood. We kids wanted autographs. "Did you get his autograph" we asked excited. "No I certainly didn't. I got up and left.” We looked at her incredulously. She went on, “He sat down right next to me. He ruined the table" she said, "He screwed up the deal. They let him get up and deal the damn cards." We couldn’t believe she didn’t get Clint Eastwood’s autograph. She couldn’t believe the Pit Boss at Harrahs allowed Clint Eastwood to handle play dealer with my mom’s chips on the line.
When I lived in Louisiana for a couple years, my sister Debbie and my mother visited and we ended up on a riverboat in New Orleans one day. My mother and I were playing black jack side by side, as she won hand after hand after hand. Soon a crowd gathered. The other players at the table had stopped playing to let my mother continue, just she and the dealer. Soon I noticed as I sat next to her that two large men with cowboy hats were standing right behind her. She kept winning and they kept watching, too close a watch for me. I had my eye on these two guys in case they did something, follow my mom away from the table — I didn't know, I was worried. By the time my mother played her last hand she had 7 or 8 thousand dollars in front of her. The crowd applauded as she finished by beating the dealer a final time. We got up, my mother oblivious to the two men behind her. I hooked my arm with hers, to “protect” her (there was nothing I could Have done. I was 165 lbs. soaking wet, these guys were enormous). One of the cowboys stopped my mom, put his huge hand gently on my her shoulder and said, "ma'am, it was a genuine pleasure to watch you play black jack." I sighed with relief. We cashed out, and I remember that night being our favorite in New Orleans.
Taking trips to casinos around the Bay Area with her best friends Mary Meyer and Mary Lycett and Judy O’Rourke and in recent years friends like Molly Mitchell and Father Flavian have been her escape and minor vacations - strangely with the winner of the group usually being father Flavian, not my mother. 
A.A. Milne says perfectly — “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
No quote could better sum up my mothers great love, her reason for being and source of joy and pride, her grandchildren. They became her life the day Samantha was born in 1997. Watching her hold, talk to and play with her grandchildren, you understood true passion and love. She had so much pride in, and so much peace and joy filled my mother with each of her 8 little babies - Samantha, Ashleigh, Jessica, Mario, Dominic, Daniella Lucia and her youngest Joseph. When I say grandma loved you 8 kids I understate the word “loved” by miles. No one could love you kids more. A perfect example is when Samantha was born. Mom told us she wanted to be in the background and let Rob and Diane enjoy their new baby, to give them their space and not be too intrusive and mothering. So instead, not able to hold in her pride and love,  she turned to walking the hospital hallways wearing a sweatshirt that read #1 Grandma. Not too subtle but classic Mom.  When my father passed in 1989 her heart most definitely broke. My sister Debbie contends that her heart began to beat again when Samantha was born.
Finally, Tennessee Williams writes, “To be free is to have achieved your life.”
And after the stories I’ve told, illustrating the life she lived, she is certainly free. In the past two months my mother endured, fought tooth and nail, clawed. She fought until her body simply couldn’t any longer.
As we say goodbye to mom, grandma, Judy, Mrs. B we remember her fondly, happily, with her set ways, with her "don't care about what other people are doing care about what YOURE doing" attitude. We remember her as the only Giants fan that didn't like Will Clark because he swore using the worst of swear words on live tv in 1987 after they won the west, “no I STILL DON’T like him”, she'd say decades later, we remember the school secretary that ushered hundreds of kids to and from class, teachers and principals in and out of OLA, we remember the mother and friend that displayed an unmatched generosity and passion that would put her in front of a bus for a loved one if need be, the mother in law that never minced words and always, always gave as good as she got, we remember the grandmother that filled a living room with Christmas presents to rival Santa’s workshop, gifts piled shoulder high making all her grandchildren lucky and insane with happiness, we remember the woman that fell in love with my father and created a beautiful, strong family that she knows will survive any hardship or bump in the road. 
This is what I believe over everything: 
As are with all works of art, we all have a favorite, our favorite piece whatever it may be, we cherish it because of the emotion, true feeling that it brings out in us, the way it affects us, be it a painting, a sculpture, song, prayer. And we always talk about those amazing creations in the present tense as we hold them close. Because works of art are infinite. They live forever.
In the hearts of your family and friends Mom, you are loved, you are happy, you are smiling and joyful, and you live forever. Mom, I love you. You are my favorite work of art.
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atreeofbooks · 7 years
Tell the Wolves I’m Home, by Carol Rifka Brunt
This book centred on a fourteen (maybe thirteen?) year old girl whose uncle had just died of AIDs, and the friendship she developed with her uncle’s boyfriend in the aftermath of his death. I didn’t know much about this book going in, I just knew it dealt with AIDs and involved the friendship between a girl and someone with AIDs, and I think my expectations were reasonably high. In the end It was okay, I think a younger reader may have enjoyed it more than I did, but ultimately I was a bit disappointed in it. 
Firstly, the book appeared to be targeted at young teenage readers, but I did wonder how aware young readers today are of the AIDs crisis in the 1980s and its consequences for gay men. There wasn’t much of an explanation as to what AIDs was or how you got it - reflecting the lack of knowledge of the ‘80s I suppose, but I think there is a certain degree of knowledge you need to have about the subject of this book, and I feel like this book didn’t do a great job of educating young readers who may not have that prior knowledge. I could tell this book was meant to be set in the 80s - certain cultural references, certain viewpoints etc, but the book didn’t outright come out and say it was set in the ‘80s until more than half way through, and I again wonder if many young readers would have picked up on the setting because it wasn’t very overt, and it could have been easy to think it was set in the present. Another thing - I wasn’t alive in the ‘80s and I do not live in America so I do not know what it was like, but I was surprised to read that the thirteen/fourteen year old female protagonist was learning computer coding in class. I attended school from 2001 - 2013 and not once did I learn coding or was ever offered the opportunity - and I thought it was surprising that they were already teaching computer coding to young girls in the ‘80s where surely computers were only just becoming mainstream. Perhaps because the technology was advancing so rapidly at that stage they were teaching it in schools - but it just stuck out to me as a bit implausible, even though I may be off base. 
Also I think that this book could have handled the subject matter better - there are so many beautiful pieces of art/literature/cinema etc about AIDs, (one of my favourites is ‘Angels in America’)  and I just didn’t feel like this one really did the subject justice. It did touch on the stigma and fear surrounding AIDs and the fear of contagion - but ultimately I kind of felt that the story was June’s story and her relationship with these men dying of AIDs was really a plot device to further her character development. This is maybe an unfair criticism of me to make - but in the end both men die tragically of AIDs whereas June lives and mends her relationship with her sister and maybe gets a boyfriend and her story leaves her in a more positive place. I thought it was maybe a bit unfair to use AIDs as a backdrop for all of this - especially because I didn’t think it did a great job of educating or going into AIDs related issues. I wasn’t horrendously offended or anything and I do believe people can write about whatever they want and tell the story they choose to tell however they want to, I just thought like the way it was done came across a little bit like a (straight) person using this as a convenient tragic backdrop to their otherwise unremarkable coming of age story about a (straight) teenage girl.  But whatever, not everyone can write ‘Angels in America’ I guess. 
I don’t think the book did a great job of making me connect with Finn, June’s uncle. Both Toby (his boyfriend) and June bonded over how much they loved Finn, but the book didn’t really do anything to make me miss him or empathise with the love Toby and June felt for him. The way Toby was handled - he was portrayed very strangely and irresponsibly - and not really a great friend for a fourteen year old girl, as he contacted her secretly, warned her not to tell her parents, gave her alcohol and cigarettes and large amounts of money etc. Like I hope that young girls understand that in real life a situation like this with an older man, even a gay man, is not okay. 
Also this whole bit of the book was about how June was secretly in love with Finn her uncle, and she was embarrassed of it and she said she knew it was gross, but Toby tells her to accept it - and it’s kind of compared with homosexuality which I’m a bit uncomfortable with. Toby who is gay, is like to her “I know about wrong love” etc. and I don’t think its a great comparison to make to be honest. I mean really I’m not condemning June for being in love with her gay uncle because she was just a kid and it was in no way reciprocated and she had no power to act on it or for it to go in a weird direction - but it would have been weird if the uncle had reciprocated or if it had been the uncle feeling that way about her. I just think it was kind of a weird angle to take on the story - and I didn’t think it should have been compared to homosexuality. 
Also, the author then makes June fall in love with Toby, and its like the poor girl needs a love interest who is not a gay man dying of AIDs and who is not related to her and who is her own age. Which is Ben’s role I suppose, the guy she kind of ends up with, but he was weird, almost all he ever talked to June about was dungeons and dragons and how he wants her to play it with him and at the end of the book she says she will, and that’s their romantic fate sealed I guess. 
I understand that its okay to portray young girls discovering their sexuality, and it is a confusing time when you are a teen, but I don’t really think the most healthy way to do this is to place them in strange situations with far older men, even when those men are gay. Like June keeps thinking about how everyone who sees her with Toby must think they are lovers, and she told some cab driver that they were lovers, and she pretends he’s her boyfriend to her sister and there’s this bit where she kisses his fingers and he kisses her neck or something - and its all just a bit odd. It’s never implied that Toby has any feelings for her, but I just think it was a strange approach to insert all this weird sexual tension or whatever between a fourteen year old girl and a gay man. 
Anyway there were bits of the book I liked - I enjoyed the bit about Finn’s portrait of June and her sister, and how he was actually a renowned painter, and each person in the family added to it, and how the negative space created a shape of a wolf - I thought that was interesting. I also thought that June’s relationship with her sister was interestingly done - and I liked reading about it. In the end it turned out that the reason why Greta was so mean to June was because she was jealous of her closeness with Finn - but this was kind of obvious - and also Greta was sad because she was a year younger than all her friends so she didn’t feel mature enough to go to university and also she was sad that she was too good at everything. As I said, I feel like the first reason was kind of obvious - and the other reasons were.. not weak but I felt that the author didn’t develop them enough for us to really understand the impact that they had on Greta. 
Ultimately I wouldn’t call this a bad read, but I wouldn’t call it a great read either. I think I am being very harsh on this book, and to be fair this isn’t actually too bad compared to a lot of what is out there haha, but I just don’t think it had that spark, and it didn’t live up to the glowing reviews I’d read of it. 
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pacificbookworm · 7 years
This next chapter of Mora is being a bit harder for me to write so I’m not getting my dose of Mora I need so did another questionnaire. I like doing these because as I write her she is getting more flushed out and being a more real person. Writing her early life with @theravenandthepawn is helping as well. I am really in love with this character. Mora and Neoma have become something I think about all the time (even on the bus and at work). Why do I fall in love with characters I never own the rights to and can only ever do fan fiction >< 
The questionnaire has been edited by me, original here: http://thewriterowl.blogspot.ca/2016/03/ultimate-character-questionnaire.html
Anyone interested in the visuals I keep to help me with Mora can find them here:
What is your name?
Mora Shandra
What is your name’s origin and meaning, and how was it chosen?
N/A Haven’t spent time much on her parents, I think if I do this I would have to collaborate with Raven about where she was born and who her dad was. I took the easy way out, she doesn’t remember where she was born other than it was a Barony. 
Any nicknames? 
A lot of disrespectful names are said behind her back. The Bastard would probably be the most common. When she was young she would fight anyone who would say it to her face, as an older Mora she has grown too tired to fight anymore. She just frowns and usually leaves or walks away.
How tall are you?
I have her about 5′4″ - 5′6″, average.
Who do you live with or near, if anyone?
She lives alone in the poor district. She could afford better accommodations but she “knows her place” as she puts it and stays with her own kind. She is a flea bottom peasant even though her trade now makes her off the craftsman class and I’m sure Zale could make her a noble. 
Where is your residence and what is it like?
It is a very old building that needs to be torn down. The lock sticks and the door is badly warped. Inside, the fireplace is unusable so it gets quite cold in the winter. She has an old table in the main room with a couch that is at least a decade old. On the mantle of the useless fireplace is a small alter to Septriss (god of the moon and magic). She has a 2x4 she uses to lean against her door latch as a lock. There is a window in the main room which is so badly warped it doesn’t open.
In a separate room is a straw mattress bed and a large window looking out over the poor district. In the same room is the tub which doesn’t have running water, but does have a plug to drain it. Mora just uses her wash basin to wash herself and the tub sits empty. Sometimes when she is really drunk she sleeps in it. There is a shared bathroom down the hall from her apartment. There is no running water in the bullding so it is basically a vault toilet. 
The whole building creaks horribly in a bad storm and her apartment leaks. 
What is your hometown and local culture like?
She doesn’t remember (I haven’t really spent time on this). 
Who are your parents?
Her mother was a washerwoman who sometimes laid with men to get by. It is likely her father is one of these men. Her mother was a woman who was born in the gutters and likely died in the gutters (Mora ran away from home as a child). She was bitter about it. For some reason, instead of aborting the child, she allowed Mora to be born and kept her. Her mother never had a kind word for her and reminded her constantly of the burden she was. After Mora was born she stopped bringing men into the hut but Mora knew what her mother was doing. 
Are you married, single, seeking a relationship, avoiding romance?
After Richard died Mora was heartbroken. She wrapped her heart in cold iron and kept everyone at an arm’s distance. She doesn’t open up to anyone ever. If anyone tries to force her to open up she reacts violently. She would run away before ever letting in. She is very afraid of opening her heart again. She carries the guilt and the loss on her like a weight.
For someone to love her she would have to lost herself, which I don’t see happening on her own. If someone really wanted to be with her they would have to fight her and not run away. It would have to be someone very patient and stubborn. This for me, makes Mora one of my most saddest characters. She is very strong, stubborn, can survive almost anything, but she can’t open up to others and let them in. Even still though, she does care for people she is just not willing to admit it or face it.
What is your class/income level?
What is your income source and/or occupation?
She was a highwayman for a few years than worked as a mercenary for a noble. She is now retired and maps the stars.
What is your education?
Private tutor after retiring from being a mercenary. Richard taught her a little to read and write her name.
What is your worldview/religion? What is your level of devotion to that philosophy?
She worships Septriss, god of moon, magic, and knowledge. When she was a little girl she ran away from home and ran into trouble the following night. A band of brigands captured and were going to hurt her when a  mercenary camping nearby heard her screams. He killed the men and saved her under the light of a harvest moon. It made a big impression on her child mind. She became obsessed with the moon and eventually through persistence she discovered Septriss. She couldn’t really read until much later in her life so her worship is very unconventional and she is one of the very few who are not Septrinian (lizard folk), a wizard/mage, or a sage that worship him. 
What are your current life problems?
Oh so many. I think her biggest problem in life is she doesn’t let anyone in. She also believes she can handle anything on her own and she doesn’t need help. She is stubborn as a mule and has a fiery tongue to match it. 
She is blind to whatever relationship she has to others around her. Someone could be actively trying to court her and she probably would not notice because she is trying to hard to keep people at arm’s distance.
Who (or what) are your enemies?
I haven’t thought of any named enemies, but she picked up a few in her travels with the Blades.
What are your priorities in life?
She doesn’t really have any. Mora at the time of the Crown of Chains (the time period in which I am writing) is just basically existing. I guess keeping herself alive and out of the dungeon cells than.
What is your goal in life? What is your motivation for this goal?
Mora would like to see her kind raised up. Her loyalty to Zale keeps her from rebelling with the people, but when he dies there is no one around to keep her straight. She is only loyal to Zale, she is not loyal to the Malidur family. She wouldn’t hesitate to rise up against them if Zale were out of the picture.
Other than that I don’t think she has much in way of goals (at least not yet).
What changes do you undergo by the end of the story (emotional, physical, philosophical, relational, etc)?
From the time Zale pardons her to the time she leaves Victarith she goes through a huge change. At the start she was a scared 15 year old girl traveling with 5 strangers, most of them men, to an older, strong willed woman. Before she was tiimid with Zale, these days she will and has told him off and has no filter when she speaks to him. Most see him as the king proper and treat him like such, Mora will speak to him as she would one of her own and doesn’t fear the repercussions from it. When she fights with Zale, it isn’t pretty. She wouldn’t be afraid to tell Zale to ‘fuck off’ even though he is a high noble.
She grew into a woman with the Blades, travveling with them for over 15 years, closer to two decades. In the time she took a life and more after that. It changes you and it took whatever innocense she had left (though how innocent can you be born in flea bottom). I think that would have had an impact on the other Blades members but Mora proved to be a valid asset because she would not hesitate to do something to dangerous. While the others are busy of talking about to jump in the fire she would drop her blue cloak and run into it without hesitation. This has helped her to realize she is braver than she thinks and how strong she is.
But she has also changed for the worst. Zale did not pardon Richard and was heartbroken by her loss. Zale couldn’t or didn’t wish to linger on this and Mora was surrounded by hardened men, two arrogant men, and a woman who wad an idealist and who didn’t spend mch time getting to know Mora. On top of that Tork harassed and teased Mora. This all made Mora retreat within herself and hide her pain. It made her a little bitter and angry and she lost the softness of her youth. She hardly smiled and her eyes were always a little sad. Surrounded by people, she felt utterly alone and very heartbroken.
Eventually this is what would encourage to drink more and encouraged her to be even more reckless. Mora only wears leather armor, maybr a chainmail chest peiece, and she runs into battle with the big boys unconcerned about her saftey. Luckily, she is a capable fighter.
What is your central philosophy in life?
She has a very dark view of the world and believes in the wolf or lamb philosophy.
What moral code do you follow and why?
Because of Zale she has honor. She always defends the weak and she will give everything she owns, even the clothes on her back, to help others. I know that is honorable, where it gets shaky is if you are willing to rob someone blind because they are better off than you, are you really honorable? Mora is in kind of a grey zone. 
What is your outlook on life?
She has a very dark and morbid outlook.
What do you wish would happen to you?
Mora wishes for death to  be reunited with what she believes are the only people who cared for her.
What do you want to hide?
She wants to hide her feelings and emotions. I based her off of the medieval society since that is what seemed closest to what Raven had his world set in, so I based her off a patriarchy world. She dresses and acts man-ish and acts tough like them and hides her emotions and likes people to think she doesn’t feel much. Its a facade.
What languages do you know?
She only knows common.
What do you worry most about?
She is terrified of the plague and showing weakness. If anyone tries to get close or tries to get her to open up she freaks out.
What are your phobias?
What are your insecurities?
She believes she has no value because she is a bastard and now she is an old maid. She is also a little self conscious about her ability to read and write since she gained it in later life. She reads and writes well enough.
How is your self-confidence?
She is very self confident despite her issues. She is perhaps a little too self confident about her fighting skills.
What is your political stance?
She hates the feudal society she lives in (to be clear, if you said to her it was a feudal society she would have no idea what you’re talking about). She would love to see the people rise up and topple the nobles.
Do you like what you do for a living? If so, why? If not, what do you wish you could do instead?
She likes what she does now for a living. She maps the stars and constellations. Her late training and education in life was a boon from Zale for all the years she spent in the Blades. It gave her a trade so she doesn’t have to spend the rest of her life as a mercenary. 
Where do you feel most at home?
She wanders the dangerous woods at night. She feels at home there because she can be alone and be herself where there is no one to watch her and criticize her.  
Who do you look up do?
She idolizes and looks up to Richard. She was only with him about 1 1/2-2 years, but he made a big impact on her. He was a disgraced noble who didn’t give the caste system much value. He was honorable, though he turned to be a highwayman.
I think a part of her does look up to Zale even though she is a bit abrasive with him.
When and where were you the happiest?
She was the most happiest in the woods with Richard and the boys. They were her family. Richard taught her to read a little and to write her name and he taught her the basics of sword. She learned more from him and the other boys in the time they were together. Mora longs to have those moments back and would do almost anything to be back there.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I think Mora would like to know who her father was. Mora would tell you she wished she could turn off her emotions, but really she just needs to release the weight she has been carrying for years.
How do you feel about showing your emotions?
Mora will not show emotion in front of anyone, if she feels like she is going to lose control she will quickly walk away.
What kind of creature are you (elf, human, alien, etc)?
Human, Plains human.
What are your abnormalities (deformity, birthmark, allergies)?
In her travels there was a priestess who traveled with them and she received much healing, so she doesn’t have many scars. For someone born in the gutter, she is remarkably mark free. She is a very plain and not strikingly beautiful but her eyes show her emotion and sometimes will strike you. She has a tattoo of a crescent moon over her chest, it is hard to see and sometimes you can see just the edge. 
What is your figure like (thin, muscular, pudgy)?
She grew up poor and did not have food to eat all the time. The long malnourishment made her slender but she has strength. Her thighs, abdomen, and arms are strong and she is very agile. But most of the Blades (except Tork) could beat her in a strength contest.
How fit are you?
She is very fit.
What is your hair and eye color?
She has dark walnut brown hair that looks black in the shadow and hazel eyes.
What is your hair texture and style?
She has long slightly wavy hair. It is very thick.
What is your face shape and features (freckles, big eyes, zits, reddish cheeks, birthmark, etc.)
She has a rounded v-shape face. Her birthmark is on her left wrist on the inside.
How old are you?
Mora doesn’t know how old she is. At the time of the Crown of Chains she is in her 30′s. She is the youngest member of the Blades. I would say something like 32-36.
What kind of colors do you wear?
She wears all colors.
What kind of clothing do you wear?
She dresses in mens clothing. It is always a little big on her. She is too much of a city girl so she still binds her breasts unlike the country women. It is well tailored cotton, one of the few things she’ll spend a little coin on.
What kind of clothing do you hate on yourself/others?
Dress. Don’t try to put her in a dress.
What accessories do you frequently have?
She has a mithril necklace with Septriss’s symbol on it. 
How do you feel about your appearance?
She finds herself very plain. When the beautiful noble women are around she admires their beauty and it makes her self conscious. She thinks the queen is beautiful even though she doesn’t trust her.
What is your skin like (smooth, pale, dark, rough, tight, saggy, scarred, etc)?
She has very pale skin. She has beauty marks from sunburns and her hands are calloused from years of using a sword and labor. She has crows feet and frown lines but otherwise her skin is flawless, a product of Victaria’s healing.
How is your health? Any problems? What was your health like as a child?
When she was a child she was malnourished but she survived. Her health is surprisingly good even though she drinks too much. Likely a result of Victaria’s healing.
What are your common movement habits and demeanor (swaying, graceful, snapping, wringing hands, staying perfectly still, glancing around, stumbling, etc)?
She stares off into space sometimes when she is remembering things. She moves gracefully.
What is your race/ethnicity/nationality?
She is a plains human.
What food do you usually eat (amount, kind of food, what times of day)? What food do you like to eat?
She eats simple, hearty food. She sometimes only eats once a day. She is used to hunger so it doesn’t bother her much. She likes chocolate and coffee, but its really expensive. She also loves fresh fruit and real butter and fresh bread.
What do you like to drink?
She drinks rum and occasionally brandy. She hates moonshine and whisky, which is unfortunate, since she is surrounded by wheat, wild and cultivated.
What is in your refrigerator?
She buys food as she needs it.
What do you smell like (cologne, sweat, musty, cats, etc)?
Even though Mora doesn’t have a proper bath she is very clean. She uses the bathhouse, who never charges her. One of the longtime employees knows Mora and is protective of her, the owner doesn’t charge her because of her affiliation with Zale. She is there most days, but whether or not she goes, she cleans herself with her washer basin in her apartment. Its just sometimes her hair goes a few days without being washed.
What would you change about yourself physically if you could?
She wishes she were born a man.
When and where were you born?
She was born in a Barony.
What are your past occupations and career goals?
She used to take odd jobs here and there to get by and traveled city to city. Being a young girl she got some sympathy. After she encountered Richard’s highway group and joined them she did that for a year to two years before working for Zale.
As a child, what did you want to be and do when you grew up? Did you do it? How do you feel about that?
She just wanted to be free and to be loved. She almost gave up on it once until she ran into Richard, and after his death she was heartbroken and the dream got lost.
What are your greatest accomplishment?
The Blades achieved many goals and fought many battles and saved lives. I think her greatest accomplishment is to survive all she did.
What are your greatest failures?
To her, her greatest failure is not standing up to Zale about Richard and the boys a demanding if he free her, he free all of them.
It would also be very tragic is she found love or realized she loved someone too late, but I see that happening all to easily with her. It would be dependent on the person or writer.
What is the worst thing that ever happened to you?
A lot of really horrible things have happened to her, but the worst was losing Richard.
What is the best thing that ever happened to you, or your most cherished memory?
Again, being with Richard.
What do you regret?
She regrets not trying to save Richard, she regrets not stabbing the magic user that caught them.
What do you remember most about your childhood?
She remembers the sorrow most, the good memories are lost and hard to find but sometimes she’ll have a good memory.
What was your favorite thing to do as a child?
She used to go to the boundary of the Barony and think about running away. Eventually she got the courage. She also loved running through the wheat fields with her friends and using the rainstorms as baths.
What did you dislike most as a child?
The baron. He was cruel and used women as objects.
What are your vices?
She drinks, occasionally uses an intoxicating herb,.
What are your virtues?
She does actually have honor and courage, and she is very charitable to the less fortunate.
What is your typical attitude?
She is bitter and angry, but underneath that she is vulnerable and soft.
What are your quirks (only eats raw meat, collects action figures, always wears rubber band on wrist, etc)?
Sneezes when she goes from a dark/shadowed place to bright sunlight, switches to her normal accent when tired or drunk, doesn’t know how to swim.
What would make you smile?
Happy memories, the rare time she dances (as rare a golden egg laying goose), being alone in the woods (she is a city girl and lived in cities most of her life, so the woods seem strange and exotic to her)
What would make you laugh?
She has a sense of humor, she is very cheeky when she wants to be.
What would make you cry?
She cries for those she misses and for the things she wishes she should have done.
What makes you calm down?
Drinking, some of the Blades members can talk her down (not Tork), having a quiet moment away from people
What makes you revved up?
The adrenaline rush of a fight
What do you do when you are happy?
She drinks, dances, and helps those in the poor district.
What do you do when you are stressed?
She drinks and keeps away from people
What do you do when you are upset?
When she is really upset she will go out to the fields at night where it is quiet or hides in her apartment.
What do you do when you are angry?
Mora is hell when she is angry. She has a temper and a fire within her.
What are your habits (good or bad)?
Touches her necklace when she is feeling emotion or worries, runs her hand over the runes on her longsword when she is cleaning it (she doesn’t know what it says), her blades have a permanent edge but she always runs her finger along it when she cleans them and cuts herself, she has a habit of looking at someone as if to say something and then turning away without a word.
What is something you can’t resist?
Helping an innocent, fresh fruit, butter.
What is something most people do not know about you?
I think most people don’t really know Mora. She does care for people and she is a little lonely but she hides that within herself. She has people she cares deeply for but she will never admit it. She is also very intelligent which is missed because she is a gutter rat and wasn’t educated until later in life.
What are your areas of expertise?
She knows how highwaymen work and she knows how to be a decoy. Later in life she gains the cartography skill in making star maps.
What is hard for you to do?
To open up to people and sometimes being social is hard for her.
What special skills do you have?
Map making, highwaymen traps, dirty fighting.
What weather and physical conditions do you like?
She loves the rain and thunderstorms, also likes warm summer nights when the wind blows through the wheat creating whispers.
What would you do all day if you could do anything you wanted?
Depends on her mood. It could be go to the library, walk in the wheat fields, or walk in the forest.
Who would you ask for help in a tight spot?
No she would not.
Who’s company do you enjoy?
Srei, he owns the tavern and is a retired pirate.
How often do you see family and friends?
Family, never, friends she sees often, though she doesn’t call them friends.
How do you interact with other people (cold, awkward, friendly)?
Very awkward and distant.
Who is your family and what are they like?
Mother was a washerwoman who sometimes laid with men for money. She didn’t treat Mora well at all, but made sure there was some food on the table most nights. She doesn’t know her father.
If you could convince any one person or group of people of one thing, what would that be?
To end the caste system and force nobles to treat peasants fair.
What is the main quality or aspect you look for in a person (good looking, is talkative, seems helpful, has money, etc.)?
She likes people who are more like her. The lower classes and dredge of society. She wants nothing to do with thieves or people who pray on the innocent and weak. She says she likes men with calloused hands. She considers nobles to be ‘soft handed’ who get others to do their work (sometimes dirty) for them.
What is something people often misunderstand about you?
They think she is either a bitch or promiscuous because they can’t believe a woman of her age never married or had a lover.
Can people get the gist of who you are when first meeting you, or is your true self so hidden we would need to know you for a long time? Or somewhere in between?
She is somewhere in between.
How do you feel about other people’s worldview/religions?
She doesn’t care what other people believe.
How do most people see you?
She is invisible to most people. She stays on the outside and avoids attention.
What person or group of people do you dislike the most, and why?
She hates nobles and knights. She sees them as the dredge of the commnfolk and is weary of watching them break their backs to appease the nobles.
How do you greet people (if you greet people at all)?
She smiles and nods and says the local greeting.
How do you feel about and treat authority?
She doesn’t respect authority at all, even after years of traveling with Zale.
How do you speak (speak loudly, quickly, whispering, interrupting, talkative, etc)?
She has an accent which she tries to hide. Her vocabulary is like that of someone born in flea bottom and she doesn’t try to soften the blow, she is blunt and to the point.
What words and phrases do you use frequently (omg, dude, like, um, for pete’s sakes,)?
“petticoat”, her nickname for fluffy, weak women.
What expletives do you use in surprise or irritation (swears, gasps, yowza, etc)?
She uses them all.
Do you speak properly or often use slang and bad grammar?
Slang and bad grammar.
Does your speaking style change when you’re around certain people? If so, how?
Yes. She speaks more “normal” around the Blades and others unless tired or drunk. When she is around her own she talks normal.
What is your accent or dialect?
It is from wherever she is from.
What is your pitch and voice texture?
Mora talks very soft when she is upset. She has an average tone for a woman, but not high pitched.
What are the five worst things possible to happen to you?
1. Any time she has to go to the castle
2. Ending up alone. Mora completely alone would be a very sad thing.
3. Getting the plague.
4. Getting old and weak, she has no family or anyone to look after her when she gets old.
5. Disappointing those around her, it would devastate her.
How would you react in a fight?
She fights dirty and uses objects since she is not overly strong.
What do you do when you’re bored (go crazy, tap your fingers, hum)?
She drinks, works at her trade, and walks around beyond the walls of Victarith.
What are you or would you be embarrassed about?    
She is embarrassed when her emotions get the best of her. She is also very sensitive about being a bastard.
What is the first thing you do every morning (go for a jog, check your phone, take a pill, check your own pulse, etc)?
She washes herself and sits in the sun to help her wake up while she waits for her tea to brew. She also lights an incense stick.
What would you do with 5 million dollars?
She would buy a land parcel and create a community where everyone was equal and would look after each other. There would be no “peasants”.
If you could teleport anywhere, where would you go (Hawaii, your mom’s house, the theatre, that old barn you used to play in, etc)?
Mora has a longing to know who she is and where she is from. She also has a desire to kill the baron.
What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate it?
It would probably be a Septrinian holiday and I don’t know what that would be.
What do you spend most of your day doing?
Working at her trade, getting the few things she needs at market, training.
How do you want to die (suddenly, alone, with a certain person near you, etc.)?
She wants to die fighting before she gets old.
What is the worst you’ve ever been injured or sick (broken arm, cancer, hang nail)?
She has popped her shoulder out of place, broke some bones in her hand, bruised ribs, had a concussion, and would have been burned badly by the black dragon had not Travinter pulled her out of the way. She has also been stabbed and cut many numbers of times and countless bruises.
What object(s) do you like to keep near you?
Her Septris necklace, her curved dagger, her blue cloak.
What is in your backpack, purse, or closet?
She would have a few dry rations. Having group up hungry she can go without food longer than most. She’ll also have a rudimentary blanket and flint and steel (she is a city girl), her water skein, and some sparse medical supplies (needle, thread, boot knife for burning wounds shut).
If there was a fire in your house and you only had time to grab whatever you could carry, what would it be?
Her weapons.
What is your most valued possession (for a reason other than monetary value)?
The necklace of Septriss. She got in from a traveling merchant while with the Blades and has never taken it off since. It has become her worry stone and source of comfort. Mora is afraid of truly being alone and it comforts her. Her curved dagger is also very precious because it was made for her and is more suited than her longsword which is a bit too heavy for her. She can defend herself far better with it than her sword.
Do you still have any possessions from your childhood?
She had nothing as a child but the clothes on her back.
What is your symbol?
A crescent moon.
What does your signature look like?
Her name printed.
What is your theme song?
Stolen Roses by Karen Elson
What is something that really annoys you (loud people, music that is too quite, when your mom vacuums at three in the morning, the sound of trickling water)?
Arrogance, anytime Tork smiles, holy proclamations, when wealthy people pretend to care by giving out free bread or “reading to the poor children”
What is the place you hate the worst (standing in line at McDonalds, the salon, Toledo Ohio, etc.)?
The castle
What is your favorite kind of entertainment and what type of content do you like (books, movies, comics, romance, sci-fi, humor)?
Bare fist fights, tavern brawls, books, listening to people talk of far away lands
What is you favorite celebrity or historical figure?
Any strong willed woman
What were you doing before this story started?
She was part of a highwaymen group
What time period do you wish you lived in? Past, future?
If you were and animal, what kind would you be?
A falcon
Do you or have you ever had any pets?
And finally... the most important question of all....What is your favorite color (and why)?
Green, the color of the sky before a terrible thunderstorm.
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