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henry01s · 29 days
10 Top Tips For Choosing The Best RFID Asset Tracking System
RFID or radio frequency identification technology, though exiting from the 1940s, became more useful after the rapid digitalization of the business world in the late 90s. RFID is now more useful in several sectors, including retail, laundry, manufacturing, healthcare, and others. It is because of its capability to track assets from life-saving medicines to livestock.  Also, it provides real-time data on tools, machinery, IT hardware, software, infrastructure, and other assets. With the demand for innovative technology increasing, there are many RFID and barcode asset tracking systems available.  However, it is critical to choose the right one from a reputed business provider to have all its benefits.
Hence, in this article, let us discuss many tips for choosing the best RFID asset tracking system to safeguard assets with real-time data to have valuable insights and make many informed decisions to develop the business to new heights.
Ten tips for choosing the best RFID asset tracking system
In the ever-evolving business world, the need to track assets in real-time is increasing now more than ever.  This is because of the rapid rise in e-commerce sales and the demand to monitor the inventory, increasing efficiency and reducing losses, among others. There are many benefits of having the best RFID asset tracking system in several sectors.  A few include enhanced asset utilization, regulatory compliance, improved customer experience, advanced maintenance planning, etc. But is it critical to choose the best barcode asset tracking system by using the following tips, among others.
Check if the system has all the features to provide not only efficient tracking of the assets but also cost-effective for simplifying and digitalizing all the processes.
Confirm whether asset tracking is able to store a lot of data to have long durability, which makes asset tracking by RFID better than other methods.
Verify whether the RFID asset tracking system can read over a hundred tags even without the need for a line of line-of-sight visibility.
Check if the system can scan the tags or labels even from a longer distance by having an excellent sensor and antenna.
Confirm whether the RFID system can track multiple assets to determine their exact location at any given time.
Verify whether the asset system can guarantee 100% accuracy of all the data and reduce all human errors in identifying the asset and its condition.
Check if the RFID asset tracking system is able to improve business operations through an app to maximize profits.
Confirm the asset tracking solutions for managing businesses, keep records, and monitor all assets on a regular basis to assess their condition and boost the efficiency of operations.
Verify if the business solutions provider can provide RFID tracking systems with low, high, and ultrahigh frequencies to offer different ranges of reading and data transmission rates.
Check if the asset tracking system supports cloud-based software so that all stakeholders can access the collected data to improve operations.
The above facts and tips will help anyone to use the best RFID asset tracking system to not only track valuable assets in real-time and efficiently but also run the operations of many businesses in several sectors smoothly.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Tying Knots Inside Lasers - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/tying-knots-inside-lasers-technology-org/
Tying Knots Inside Lasers - Technology Org
What do you picture in your mind’s eye when you hear the word “laser“? A light saber? A cat toy? The sensor at the supermarket reading barcodes as fast as the eye can blink?
These are all lasers, but there are so many more in so many sizes and colors with capabilities that have yet to be tapped or even imagined. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics Alireza Marandi is in the business of dreaming up these lasers and creating them in the lab.
Marandi’s latest investigation involves mode-locked lasers, which emit light in steady pulses rather than in a single continuous beam. These pulses can be extremely short, counted in picoseconds (trillionths of a second) or femtoseconds (quadrillionths of a second), and can carry ultrahigh powers in such short times. Pulses from mode-locked lasers have been used in many applications, such as eye surgery, by providing narrowly targeted cutting power without creating the undue heat that a continuous laser beam would cause.
Mode-locking involves locking the amplitudes and phases of the light waves that traverse a laser’s resonant cavity. When mode-locking is achieved, these resonant waves act in concert, typically forming a steadily pulsing pattern. Marandi’s team adds topological robustness to a mode-locked laser by introducing specific couplings among the resonant light pulses in the laser cavity.
The resulting topological temporal mode-locking creates laser pulse patterns that can tolerate imperfections and disorders arising from manufacturing or environmental noise sources.
“This fundamental research could potentially have many applications,” Marandi says. “By realizing topological behaviors in mode-locked lasers, we are essentially creating a knot that can make the laser’s behavior more robust against noise. If the laser is ordinarily mode-locked and you shake it, everything goes crazy. But if the laser pulses are knotted together, you can shake the system, and nothing chaotic will happen, at least for a certain range of shakings.”
Topologically protected mode-locked lasers can create better frequency combs used in communication, sensing, and computing applications. “The output of a mode-locked laser in the frequency domain is a frequency comb, that is, many equidistant narrow spectral peaks,” Marandi explains. “Frequency combs are typically prone to noise sources and environmental instabilities. By utilizing the topological behaviors in a mode-locked laser, the resulting frequency comb can protect against some noise sources.”
In the future, Marandi hopes to utilize the rich physics of this new type of laser to access regimes of nonlinear topological physics that are not accessible with other experimental platforms as well as developing advanced types of sensors and computing hardware.
Written by Cynthia Eller
Source: Caltech
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aviationanddefence1 · 10 months
Global Defense Avionics Market reports
The terms "avionics" and "electronics" refer to the electrical components of aircraft. Navigation, communications, controlling and displaying numerous systems, and the hundreds of parts installed aboard aircrafts to carry out specific tasks are all included in avionic systems. These can be as basic as the tactical system of an airborne early warning platform. The control apparatus (in turbojets) includes the attitude gyro and many power-indicating gauges, such as the tachometer (in propeller boats), torquemeter (in turboprops), and exhaust pressure ratio indicator.
Performance instruments include the altimeter, Machmeter, turn and slip indicator, and numerous devices that show the angle of attack, vertical velocity, and airspeed. Among the communication devices are two-way radios, which operate across a wide frequency range from high frequency (HF) to very high frequency (VHF) to ultrahigh frequency. They allow for direct voice communication between the aircraft and other aircraft as well as the ground (UHF). Two instances of electronic radio navigation technology are radar and instrument landing systems.
The term "avionics," which combines the words "aviation" and "electronics," describes the electrical equipment on airplanes. The Global Defense Avionics Market reports systems encompass a vast array of technologies installed on aircrafts for specific purposes, including navigation, communications, control and display of multiple systems, and more.
Principal drivers of the expansion of the defense avionics market:
As the number of unmanned platforms increases, so too will the requirement for avionics systems, especially those linked to Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) mission control systems for integration on board manned and unmanned platforms. These systems facilitate data gathering, processing, and communication, which is essential to support the planning and development of intelligence activities (surveillance and reconnaissance). scalable, flexible, and modular.
Trends influencing the defense-avionics market's size include:
An Open-Standard System Architecture (OSSA) is a technique for developing architectures that uses open standards to delay system obsolescence, reduce the risk and expense of owning weaponry, and accelerate the deployment of capabilities. The utilization of widely accepted standards from several manufacturers reduces the cost of weapon systems through the application of an open systems strategy.
Market Forecast and Dynamics for Defense-Avionics:
Growing defence spending will be the driving force behind new procurement activities. Procurement will also be impacted by the present geopolitical environment in Europe and the Asia-Pacific area. Increased purchases of defense avionics systems in Europe and the Asia Pacific area will result from cross-border aggression. There will be a large market for avionics systems because defense avionics is used in a variety of aircraft, including fighters, bombers, transport aircraft, helicopters, and unmanned systems.
Analysis of the Defence Avionics Market for Recent Advancements:
According to the statement, enhancements will be made to the 3,100 EDECUs during the course of the five-year deal. EDECUs are defined as "flight critical computers that improve engine performance, efficiency, and operation with operating and application specific software." More than 2,000 EDECU orders will be completed in compliance with the contract by the end of the year. Triumph has supplied over 7,000 EDECUs for the Apache, Black Hawk, Jayhawk, and Seahawk fleets to the Army, Navy, and Coast Guard since 2013.
The Textron Beechcraft AT-6E Wolverine received Military Type Certification (MCT) from the U.S. Air Force, a certification level that will keep the light attack turboprop in production and enable foreign sales. IN permissible zones, the Air Force is actively testing a two-seat, specially designed, armed reconnaissance derivative of the T-6 Texan II trainer. Textron Aviation Defense (NYSE: TXT), located in Wichita, Kansas, is the company developing this version.
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danielallaradblog · 2 years
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jakeparalta90 · 2 years
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sybilius · 3 years
First Lines
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
Tagging @electricshoop @secretcatboi @girlfriendsofthegalaxy, @dansedan,  @option-monad @believerindaydreams, @simoneinside and @dumbwhorepage if you feel like playing, do as many as you’d like to!
1. jerk the curtain back
There is a woman, her legs tucked together in a neat little seat, waiting outside the first aid suite.
2. takes teeth to run a mouth like yours
Minneapolis. First times-- and then at the same time, it's just another stadium in another city, with another set of locker rooms, concrete white walls, thin carpets on the media room floor.
3. Closed Frequency (ft. line by @dansedan)
The air whistling along the shoreline is thin, but sharp. It makes the thirst at the back of his throat accumulate, taste stale and salty, feel thick.
4. play the gravedigger’s angle
I shouldn’t have been the first fucking one here.
5. the seeing and the sound
The dull axe comes down hard on the juniper wood. Each stroke misses the last mark without fail, splinters flying on to the mulch littered earth by the gatehouse.
6. sell it in the bones
Listen. I know-- this shit isn’t *real*, okay? I know how to fucking sell it.
7. Half Light: Bloodletting Blue
Tapping pens. The shriek of metal against tile. The slow-roll of a drop of sweat down your neck.
8. Static Contact (another feature by @dansedan and honestly one of my favourites)
Every four years, TipTop comes back into Revachol, and with it the chatter, the hobby-enthusiasts, the loud parading in the streets after each and every local champion’s win. With it comes something to do, following along on the public radio broadcasts as the championships progress and the inevitable scandals and tragedies arise throughout it. The airwaves saturate with plenty of people to talk to as the ZC block lights up the ultrahigh amateur frequencies with commentary and conversation.
9. clean as our would-be tomorrows
The thought of getting that call propels you through most of the evening.
10. rewind, demagnetized
No dreams last night. Or the night before.
Thanks for the tag @jaimehwatson!
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New method to track ultrafast change of magnetic state
An international team of physicists from Bielefeld University, Uppsala University, the University of Strasbourg, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, ETH Zurich, and the Free University Berlin have developed a precise method to measure the ultrafast change of a magnetic state in materials. They do this by observing the emission of terahertz radiation that necessarily accompanies such a magnetization change.
Magnetic memories are not just acquiring higher and higher capacity by shrinking the size of magnetic bits, they are also getting faster. In principle, the magnetic bit can be 'flipped' -- that is, it can change its state from 'one' to 'zero' or vice versa -- on an extremely fast timescale of shorter than one picosecond. One picosecond is one millionth of one millionth of a second. This could allow the operation of magnetic memories at terahertz switching frequencies, corresponding to extremely high terabit per second (Tbit/s) data rates.
'The actual challenge is to be able to detect such a magnetization change quickly and sensitively enough,' explains Dr Dmitry Turchinovich, professor of physics at Bielefeld University and the leader of this study. 'The existing methods of ultrafast magnetometry all suffer from certain significant drawbacks such as, for example, operation only under ultrahigh vacuum conditions, the inability to measure on encapsulated materials, and so on. Our idea was to use the basic principle of electrodynamics. This states that a change in the magnetization of a material must result in the emission of electromagnetic radiation containing the full information on this magnetization change. If the magnetization in a material changes on a picosecond timescale, then the emitted radiation will belong to the terahertz frequency range. The problem is, that this radiation, known as "magnetic dipole emission," is very weak, and can be easily obscured by light emission of other origins.'
Read more.
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autodaemonium · 2 years
Pronounced: zmtdsiidtaifayiilypfaiu.
Pantheon of: unorthodoxy, nature, licentiousness, spontaneity, egotism, employment, effusiveness, amount, accuracy, physical entity.
Pronounced: rtthwzttvuhnglnpuhuaynraya Amount: smallness. Accuracy: exactness. Physical Entity: substance. Nature: animality. Unorthodoxy: unconventionality. Egotism: superiority complex. Legends: overindulgence, stargazing, standdown, knight's service, contracture. Prophecies: matrix multiplication, bioremediation, paperwork, elves.
Pronounced: zaysngtusaiiszeayaynzftlr Amount: margin. Accuracy: fidelity. Physical Entity: substance. Nature: complexion. Unorthodoxy: unconventionality. Egotism: superiority complex. Legends: trimming, lottery, electronic warfare. Prophecies: redetermination, military censorship, drama. Relations: ɑssrsrəlrmɪkvnmsnmlf (imperative mood).
Pronounced: ngluhwaytshuhtsediuhuhsaizeik Amount: critical mass. Accuracy: exactness. Physical Entity: thing. Nature: sociality. Unorthodoxy: nonconformity. Egotism: superiority complex. Legends: shipwreck, special verdict, seminar, underproduction, snooker. Prophecies: electrocution, compulsion, invasion, proselytism, funeral. Relations: zɛsŋtusaɪiszeɛɛnzftlr (universal quantifier), ɑssrsrəlrmɪkvnmsnmlf (operating expense).
Pronounced: nglikashuhttshkuhitniiminj Amount: insufficiency. Accuracy: exactness. Physical Entity: substance. Nature: sociality. Unorthodoxy: unconventionality. Egotism: superiority complex. Legends: trading, twist, prolonged interrogation, venial sin. Prophecies: dislocation. Relations: ɛʃitzsrnɑʃæiəiðəsvən (ultrahigh frequency), ŋləwɛtʃətsedɪəəsaɪzeik (mine pig), ɑssrsrəlrmɪkvnmsnmlf (tartar emetic), ʌnrnttttɒaɪnepaʊfəəɛrθ (apocope).
Pronounced: ahssrsruhlrmikvnmsnmlf Amount: negativity. Accuracy: exactness. Physical Entity: causal agent. Nature: disposition. Unorthodoxy: nonconformity. Egotism: superiority complex. Prophecies: touch football, descent. Relations: ŋlɪkæʃəttʃkəɪtnɪɪmindʒ (sterol), ŋləwɛtʃətsedɪəəsaɪzeik (gravity gradient), rtðwzttvəŋlnpəʌɛnrɛæ (cherry).
Pronounced: ayshitzsrnahshaiuhithuhsvuhn Amount: margin. Accuracy: fidelity. Physical Entity: thing. Nature: sociality. Unorthodoxy: unconventionality. Egotism: superiority complex. Legends: layout, terror, baseball. Prophecies: knockout, escape, sublimation, decampment, expiation. Relations: ʌnrnttttɒaɪnepaʊfəəɛrθ (litmus), zɛsŋtusaɪiszeɛɛnzftlr (nicotine), ŋlɪkæʃəttʃkəɪtnɪɪmindʒ (stall).
Pronounced: unrnttttouainepowfuhuhayrth Amount: insufficiency. Accuracy: fidelity. Physical Entity: substance. Nature: disposition. Unorthodoxy: nonconformity. Egotism: superiority complex. Legends: descent, acceleration, questioning. Prophecies: feast, confiscation, forehand. Relations: ŋləwɛtʃətsedɪəəsaɪzeik (arrears), rtðwzttvəŋlnpəʌɛnrɛæ (ruby wood), ŋlɪkæʃəttʃkəɪtnɪɪmindʒ (bank card).
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jcmarchi · 10 months
Milestone for novel atomic clock - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/milestone-for-novel-atomic-clock-technology-org/
Milestone for novel atomic clock - Technology Org
An international research team has taken a decisive step toward a new generation of atomic clocks. By using nuclear, rather than electronic, transitions in atomic scandium, researchers at the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser facility have made an advance that some believe will lead to a thousandfold increase in timekeeping precision. The results are published in the journal Nature.
An X-ray beam at European XFEL excites the ultra-narrow resonance of a Scandium-45 nucleus, causing it to emit nuclear fluorescence photons which enable an accurate measurement of the resonance energy. This facilitates the future use of Scandium-45 as nuclear clock with unprecedented accuracy. Image Credit: European XFEL / Tobias Wüstefeld, HI Jena / Ralf Röhlsberger
Atomic clocks have numerous applications that benefit from improved accuracy, such as precise positioning using satellite navigation. 
Atomic clocks are currently the world’s most accurate timekeepers. These clocks have used energy transitions of electrons in the atomic shell of chemical elements, such as cesium, to define time. These electrons can be raised to a higher energy level with microwaves of a known frequency. In the process, they absorb microwave radiation. 
An atomic clock shines microwaves at cesium atoms and regulates the frequency of the radiation such that the absorption of the microwaves is maximized; experts call this a resonance. The quartz oscillator that generates the microwaves can be kept so stable in this manner that cesium clocks are accurate to within one second over 300 million years.
Crucial to an atomic clock’s accuracy is the resonance width used. Current cesium atomic clocks already use a very narrow resonance, and even more accurate results are obtained using strontium lattices. In hopes of leapfrogging ahead, teams around the world have been working for several years on the concept of a “nuclear” clock, which uses transitions in the atomic nucleus rather than in the electron shells of the atom. Nuclear resonances are much sharper than the resonances of electrons, but also much harder to excite.
The team could now excite a promising transition in the nucleus of the element scandium, which is readily available as a high-purity metal foil or as the compound scandium dioxide.
“The breakthrough in resonant excitation of scandium and the precise measurement of its energy opens new avenues not only for nuclear clocks, but also for ultrahigh-precision spectroscopy and precision measurement of fundamental physical effects,” says Yuri Shvydko of Argonne National Laboratory. 
Texas A&M University’s Olga Kocharovskaya, initiator and leader of the project funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, adds “Such a high accuracy could allow gravitational time dilation to be probed at sub-millimeter distances. This would allow studies of relativistic effects on length scales that were inaccessible so far.”
John Gillaspy, NSF program director for Atomic, Molecular and Optical Experimental Physics, said that “this advance is both exciting and timely (double pun intended).”
Source: NSF
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dustedmagazine · 3 years
Alex Riva — Solos and More (Wide Ear Records)
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Solos and More at Studio 304 by Alex Riva
Railing backstage at his musicians between sets, drummer and big band leader Buddy Rich once declared, "There’s no sound in flutes. All I hear is noise!" It's unclear if Alex Riva ever listened to these covertly made recordings of Rich chewing out his band. But if he had, Rich's words certainly could have been the rallying cry on Riva's new solo CD, Solos and More, recorded in Bangalore, India in 2019.
Riva plays a wide variety of plastic recorders, the bane of many parents worldwide as they struggle to withstand the sheer torture of hearing their offspring struggle through horribly mangled versions of "All My Little Ducklings" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," as assigned for homework in their early music school courses. No! Riva embraces this and dives headlong into those very qualities which might make the recorder certainly one of the most detested musical instruments of all time.
In the first track of the CD, "The Self-Immolation of a Toe," Riva sticks to the higher registers, allowing his improvisation to unfold at a relaxed and even place. The generous amount of background noise and ambient nature of the recording could lead one to believe they're listening to a long-lost recording of Moondog playing on some quiet side street of the Lower East Side. Or hear this as an imaginary folk music, a sonic spell cast against the sounds of the city.
Riva follows this with "On Glasses-but-no-Cheese Street," moving over to a lower-register recorder and working through a process of staccato attacks and bursts, before shifting into circular-breathing mode. He manages here to apply a constant friction between simultaneously blown high whistles and a deeper drone, before leaving the listener hanging for a full ten seconds of just the sound of the room Riva is recording in. He reenters with soft, asthmatic-like rasping barely audible above the ambient sound level of the recording space. Ultrahigh frequencies creep in to end the piece, as if Riva were try to split apart the silence he'd left before in his wake.
Track three, with the unfortunate title "Sun Ra Becomes Rasam," pairs Riva with long-time collaborator Mikael Szafirowski, listed in the credits as providing "mixes and remixes." Which in this case means a kind of enfolding electronic sheen chasing Riva's playing like a sonic shadow. The beginning of the piece leaves the impression of someone routing a very loudly amplified flute through a distorting ring modulator. Though at times Szafirowski's contribution takes its own detours, employing a constant of high-pitched oscillators set against Riva's chirping, stuttering tones, which eventually drop down in pitch against Szafirowski's deep pulsing drone. Something like an alap for the industrial age.
The next track, "Beedit Power," Riva credits in the liner notes with the discovering of something new in his repertoire. Overblowing on what must obviously be a rather large member of the recorder family, Riva's playing here sounds at times like an absent-minded elephant mumbling to itself. The intimate, warts-and-all recording, which doesn't shy away from including the odd microphone bump, eventually devolves into a slew of white noise and what could be a pack of very angry dogs barking raucously somewhere off in the distance.
On "The Reincarnation of a Toe," Riva returns to what by now has become one of the prevalent modus operandi on his CD, opting again for the higher registers in sputtering oscillator mode. Riva definitely falls more into the category of sonic explorer than gestural player, mining the depths of his sounds for interference and impurity. And as such, makes his recordings a prime example of some excellent noise music. The simultaneously-blown high pitches fight it out, relentlessly phasing in and out of tune with each other. Perhaps one could imagine a sped-up Sachiko M on endless repeat.
Mikael Szafirowski joins Riva again on the next track, "Mika's Minutes," which obviously sounds more like some discarded Blue Note title than what actually takes place on this recording. The piece opens with Szafirowski panned hard left with what could be a recording of Riva run through a granular synthesis patch, bubbling and quivering vigorously. Riva then joins in on the right channel, managing to sound very close to Szafirowski's processing. The two proceed in similar fashion for the length of the piece, electronics casting a kind of aura around Riva's playing. After a short break of nobody making any sound — a device by now used several times on the CD — they drop down deep into a swirling morass of chunky, low-pass filtered curtains of white noise.
The shortest piece of the CD, "Narashimha's Toothbrush," follows with what could be a straight-up field recording of a tree full of birds chirping furiously at a family of monkeys laughing at them. Maybe Moondog in a more frivolous moment. This type of playing is certainly one of Riva's fortes, and he uses it to great effect here.
Finally, we end this collection with "Carnatic Music Class with a Martian," the longest track of the CD. The Indian singer Bindhumalini opens the recording with a kind of gentle alap. A slight veil of reverb encloses her voice, which quickly gets joined by Riva's accompaniment. He doesn't exactly play along or react to Bindhumalini but provides something more like a parallel texture to her sounds, much like Szafirowski does in an electronic fashion on his tracks with Riva. A persistent ground hum haunts the proceedings as the two build in intensity, with Riva's recorder obviously being altered through some kind of electronic distortion and conjuring up images of a Carnatic version of Ornette Coleman on amplified violin.
At one point, Riva soars up into a high-pitched drone, mutating in function to that of an experimental shruti box. Bindhumalini immediately brings her voice in line with Riva's oscillations, phasing her pitch ever so slightly in and out of tune. Riva eventually fades out, and Bindhumalini closes out around the last minute of the piece alone. Here Riva and Bindhumalini meld traditional Indian musical qualities with western notions of noise and dissonance. Not a fusion, but a successful juxtaposition of two worlds which might have more in common than one might think.
In a way, Riva has managed to vindicate Rich's dictum of there only being noise in flutes. But on Solos and More what a glorious noise it is.
Jason Kahn
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marketusme · 3 years
Is it possible to detect and assess neuromuscular functions via wearable, soft yet durable strain sensors?
Simultaneously achieving ultra-softness, ultrahigh sensitivity and mechanical resiliency is a major challenge for wearable electronics and soft machines. The soft yet wearable sensors with their mechanical properties well matched with that of the soft human skin have largely fulfilled the demands for achieving the high-fidelity and real-time detection and assessment of different bodily movements remotely. However, as restricted by the intrinsic viscoelasticity of conventional soft materials, current wearable sensors based on soft materials are primarily utilized for monitoring low-frequency and relatively large bodily motions. Detection of subtle and fast neuromuscular functions with a soft material is crucial for the design of highly sophisticated wearable electronics but still remains a challenge. Source Link Is it possible to detect and assess neuromuscular functions via wearable, soft yet durable strain sensors?
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crylink · 3 years
BBO nonlinear optical crystals – LASER CRYLINK
BBO Crystal is a one of the most important nonlinear optical crystals, beta-barium borate (β-BaB2O4,β-BBO) combines many outstanding features such as its high nonlinear optical coefficients, low group-velocity dispersion, broad transparency range (189–3500 nm) and high damage threshold. This unique combination ensures β-BBO crystal a promising candidate for a wide range of nonlinear optical applications such as frequency converters and optical parametric oscillators. In the realm of quantum optics, β-BBO crystal can be used to generate entangled photon pairs and ten-photon entanglement.
BBO nonlinear crystal is a negative uniaxial crystal, which provides phase matching for various second-order interactions almost over its entire transparency range (from 185 nm to 3.3 µm, as deduced from the transmittance measurements using crystal samples of several mm thickness), making it a widely used crystal for nonlinear frequency conversion in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared. In that regard, BBO crystal is the most important nonlinear crystal for near infrared optical parametric chirped pulse amplifiers, which currently deliver few optical cycle pulses with high average and ultrahigh peak powers.
The range of transmission is from 190 nm to 3500nm
Good physical properties
Appropriate mechanical properties
Effective SHG(Second-harmonic generation) coefficient is large
Damage threshold of 100 ps pulse with 10 J/cm2 at 1064 nm
The range of phase matching is large from 409.6 nm to 3500nm
Temperature bandwidth is about 55℃
Optical homogeneity is high:δn≈10-6/cm
Material Processing
266nm laser
Optical Communication
1600nm laser
Radar and Ranging
1064nm,532nm,355nm laser
Medical Applications
532nm laser
1064nm/532nm laser
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nephsystem · 3 years
Nephsystem Technologies launched a passive ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) RFID-based asset tracking solution. The solution provides accurate data about how medical supplies are actually being used, helps hospital to reduce medical supply expenditures and other inventory costs.
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autodaemonium · 2 years
Pronounced: ayahtaimouiithdtuznrgzino.
Pantheon of: naivete, unnaturalness, roentgenium, military position, ultimate, foreignness, depth, turbulence, incapability.
Pronounced: itooouhiutaisnrahioahuhits Naivete: credulousness. Unnaturalness: pretentiousness. Turbulence: rip. Foreignness: alienage. Military Position: ground. Incapability: incapacity. Depth: profundity. Legends: copying, pounce, rendering. Prophecies: metrification, pornography. Relations: ʌeətnɪzəthɪtʃvznɛestŋ (polyurethane), torəʌaɪslnzziəsmtriəp (maltose), rəkwɪknrkŋɪðterizrlʊ (fluoroboride), əwɛɑɒnɛlrɛrɒhronddmʌ (iodine-125).
Pronounced: mtezaydikbdrrvmduhvotf Naivete: simplicity. Unnaturalness: artificiality. Turbulence: rip. Foreignness: alienage. Military Position: line. Incapability: incapacity. Depth: superficiality. Legends: last rites, skinny-dip. Prophecies: track meet. Relations: rəkwɪknrkŋɪðterizrlʊ (methionine), əɪpəswfətɑrtiəknmræs (proportional tax), rɒədtomɪʒʃnwrtɪvələð (pyrocellulose), torəʌaɪslnzziəsmtriəp (canary wine).
Pronounced: rouuhdtomizshnwrtivuhluhth Naivete: artlessness. Unnaturalness: artificiality. Turbulence: rip. Foreignness: alienage. Military Position: ground. Incapability: incapacity. Depth: superficiality. Legends: trick, backfire, washing-up. Relations: torəʌaɪslnzziəsmtriəp (red brass), ʌeətnɪzəthɪtʃvznɛestŋ (syncategorem), rəkwɪknrkŋɪðterizrlʊ (ultrahigh frequency).
Pronounced: ruhkwiknrkngithterizrloo Naivete: artlessness. Unnaturalness: affectedness. Turbulence: rip. Foreignness: exoticism. Military Position: ground. Incapability: incapacity. Depth: superficiality. Legends: torrent, own goal, nursing, conjuncture. Prophecies: symbolatry, crackle, snick, game, downtick. Relations: ʒiəsərɪhkɪəətorhswʃɪ (polyunsaturated fat).
Pronounced: toruhuaislnzziuhsmtriuhp Naivete: simplicity. Unnaturalness: artificiality. Turbulence: rip. Foreignness: exoticism. Military Position: line. Incapability: incapacity. Depth: profundity. Legends: paternity suit. Prophecies: port-access coronary bypass surgery. Relations: əwɛɑɒnɛlrɛrɒhronddmʌ (talc).
Pronounced: uhwayahounaylrayrouhronddmu Naivete: credulousness. Unnaturalness: artificiality. Turbulence: rip. Foreignness: alienage. Military Position: line. Incapability: incapacity. Depth: profundity. Legends: snap roll. Prophecies: acceptance sampling. Relations: rɒədtomɪʒʃnwrtɪvələð (otaheite arrowroot), itʊoəɪʌtaɪsnrɑɪoɑəɪts (almandite), ʒiəsərɪhkɪəətorhswʃɪ (playing card).
Pronounced: uhipuhswfuhtahrtiuhknmras Naivete: artlessness. Unnaturalness: supernaturalism. Turbulence: rip. Foreignness: alienage. Military Position: ground. Incapability: incapacity. Depth: superficiality. Legends: medical diagnosis, allopathy, royal tennis, belly dance. Prophecies: messaging, airdrop. Relations: rɒədtomɪʒʃnwrtɪvələð (polymethyl methacrylate).
Pronounced: ueuhtnizuhthitshvznayestng Naivete: artlessness. Unnaturalness: artificiality. Turbulence: rip. Foreignness: exoticism. Military Position: line. Incapability: incapacity. Depth: superficiality. Prophecies: opening, buying, record. Relations: ʒiəsərɪhkɪəətorhswʃɪ (lifeblood).
Pronounced: ziuhsuhrihkiuhuhtorhswshi Naivete: artlessness. Unnaturalness: supernaturalism. Turbulence: rip. Foreignness: alienage. Military Position: ground. Incapability: incapacity. Depth: superficiality. Legends: trigger, decriminalization, nonappearance. Prophecies: concurrence, cabinetwork, standardization, mime, embryonic stem-cell research.
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