#ultraviolette f77 sound
plugincaro · 2 years
Ultraviolette F77 Launched at 4 Lakhs INR (US$ 4,800)
Ultraviolette F77 Launched at 4 Lakhs INR (US$ 4,800)
Ultraviolette F77 – Is it worth 4 Lakhs? You decide!
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Ultraviolette F77 Sets Record For Long-Distance Electric Motorcycle Travel
Look familiar it should be it's azero a 2022 and someone is trying to sell them and it's illegal cuz they're taking but they're selling them on a different name and they're not building them and it's a scam it's not a legitimate company unfortunately people get hurt trying to get parts for them and yeah it's close doing it they're trying to take them all things like that it's not really nice what you're doing
Thor Freya
There's a lot of news to announce my son wants to play the quarters game and find out what he found out before it doesn't work too good but there's a bill right on the edge and just takes a lot of time and you have to apply yourself and you get tired and he got tired and they knew it and they're sitting there ripping them off :-) so you're going to return the favor.
, there are a few huge things going on and we're not losing track then we're very busy. We are at war we are having a war with the clones and morlock and they are incessant. Non-Stop and they're very compulsive and they're losing very badly. Today they send about 2% of the population now it all sorts of targets and lost miserably they made it while stayed home. They say they can't afford to
, there's another thing going on and it's here in Chicago county there's a bunch of people who are being real jerks to our son constantly and they're following him around and they're making stupid comments and they're giving stupid looks they think they're going to win something by doing it we're constantly telling them you lost this over here you lost this over here and they don't get it they think they're going to win with some sort of large terrorist attack and threatened for other stuff which really they think that 9/11 was them alone and that they are the ones who profited by it and Tommy f is always saying that he did it so that's coming up pretty soon get killed because he wants to take claim to it and then people are going to go after him he's been committing terrorist acts anyways but he's a fool and want him away from our son and a son and his clone I mean they're ridiculous people
, they have other things to speak on it's a huge amount of people who are just sitting around Charles county and they have been the whole time thinking pot shots of people getting rid of each other it's just a slow malays and disgusting crap there's actually nothing going on here ever and it's been on me we'd like our son to have a better quality of life it's terrible I put it out there a lot and it's not really getting across it's kind of important
, the huge contingents went out there to the north and other ships and left a small amount of people in certain areas those areas were taken because they are not controlling them and they're not holding on to them and their weaklings to begin with and they're losing more and more territory by doing it. The city there trying to insult our son they don't know what they're talking about and who is where and they're talking about North Korea and when he says is why don't you go back there have a good time it's going to happen shortly anyways I mean you don't even keep track of what's going on and stupid butts remember James Bond sorry if the sound looks in their faces and hands up in the air the retards okay they're simple s****
, there's also another thing going on and they're so insulin that we did take a look get there these ponds that people use for terrorist attacks and that they're going to win by doing it I think we're going to support them doing it and help them they're wrong it's illegal what they're doing and they're going to be sent to prison
, does more happening those territories that they left are very big all over the world in total it's probably about three to four percent of the world's surface area but this particular surface area was developed and we moved it off 90% of it and we are gaining we have a lot of area every time they send up a huge contingent we are moving forwards and taking over we also are putting in basis the areas that they vacated had five empire bases one very large three large and well two medium so it was one more and we are building those rapidly feeling awesome there are three quarters in and we are loading them up now and yeah down below too where we coming we put it in nobody believes it but they see it afterwards and it's in so look like jackasses sincerely look like real jackasses shops look at some topic of discussion until weirdos. On top of those areas that they abandon we are going after airs and coordinating them off and taking them due to them being absolutely abusive people and not willing to live with anybody including each other we do not want them to just wreck the place and light it on fire so we are taking it over.
, these are very huge advances and the empire understands it's an advanced but these people are really stupid and just keep pushing us pretty soon will probably take over other areas to make sure we grab what we can in the south is a lot of stuff there he says we're waiting for these crabs or something and we're not really we're waiting and pulling stuff out they're going to come out of the Midwest and we want them out of there and they'll come out of the cities and it's true too so I'm going to begin doing that.
, there's other things that we need to do and they are coming out today we need to start setting up businesses in the perimeter California and the South are kind of off limits for us now and the east coast is mostly Max so we don't really have a place to do it in and he's made several suggestions of crazy businesses that we could run remotely that would set the stage and they don't want those they want the ones they have and their garbage so he says why don't we get in the hell out of there this is supposed to be our place and they're just going to ruin it at some point and burn themselves down or fill it up with s*** again and we didn't notice that they do that every once in a while so we have a particular and it's filling out if they're doing it or not and I'm going and pull out tons of them and pretty soon they'll be out of there but what you're saying is you don't want to put up with it here and you're not going to put up with it over there and our people are getting stuck with them somewhere if we keep on doing it whereas if we take California by piece by piece and fight over it with mac and foreigners for areas of influence we'll have to say in these idiots will stop doing their s*** cuz they won't be in Florida as it is the South and the West are holding them here so it's sat down and we heard Mac today and he said that he doesn't want to take the south in the West it's too expensive for him and it was also then Arnold saying it but foreigners don't care so the guy is setting himself up and what you say is he might go in if they start going and we do already we're courting off a huge sector of Nevada and Washington State and Oregon almost the entire States and we see that Europe is going up into British Columbia and they're coming down and they'll probably be in San Francisco and San Diego and Asia will is starting a little bit into la but you say is we should go in and push it this is opportunity no this is survival and I'm starting to get that so what you said was the form oh and then the Maxwell before student will be sitting over the hat in her hands instead of being the lead and getting what we want so I got a plan and it's going to work and the crabs are just sitting there it's one of those things are waiting for that never happens and people are coming from Australia and going up there and dying it's kind of a waste of time and they're not fighting in Australia for ships that are just sitting there so their idiots.
So there's a lot of things happening those are some of the major ones but we do understand what you're saying and we are gearing up to do that we did hear on the radio that the Max and McDonald's might and they have troops out there so you said get us out there and we are and it's going to start probably tonight.
, other things that are happening along with that out west there's a big movement to stop these idiots from wrecking stuff they seem to go around rec stuff and don't demand the whole territory and they don't want to keep the island and they're kind of lame on the ships and lame on the laser basis nobody knows what to do with them and they seem to be spent and they're still kind of big they have like 8% of the world's population off Island and it can't be tolerated anymore it is a ridiculous bunch if you're wandering around harassing people and they don't do any work and really the highly even here near me they know what you're saying but they don't follow that kind of conversation my son does he listen to his dad and his dad talked that way it was mesmerizing to them and they couldn't understand him and my son was listening it's a way of doing things but we're not doing it on purpose.
, there are several things happening between hotels motels apartments and trailers there's only about 5% of that left it's because it's in court with Biden and Stan and it really is in court and they're going through it and they're threatening people and those people are Max and McDonald's and say they're going to answer the threats and that they won't hold their properties because of it. Secondly they're the houses we said it sound to about 13% and really it's more like 14.5% in Florida lastly they're about 20% of the population still but where our son is it's around 90%. So he needs minority morlock.
We're going to publish keep between tooling with a stupid thing
Thor Freya
I'm so sick of these dweebs they can't go by without saying something and it's very lame it doesn't really have any Perkins I'm going to put a notice out and it's going to rain it's going to get out of there
We have a work to do we're going to start recording off the South and the West I was sick of it and we're doing it in the Midwest and Opera Midwest big time and we did put a few cities on their cities and we're going to put more in tonight and we are taking over about 50 no all of the empire former heavy duty bases and pretty much all the USA style in the Western hemisphere we'll have probably half of them demolished by tonight we started already and will have about 10% in and our son is wondering why and we have to fabricate them and takes time so I guess it's possible that could be good because the population he'll be shocked this what's happening so I agree but we are demolishing about half of them we like to do more and it is necessary because it takes time for them to settle and we can mobilize some Cajun and he's ordering it and she's going to send it in and we appreciate it
Thor Freya
Good work team and we're going to get him home and fed
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host24space · 5 years
Ultraviolette F77 Electric Bike | Price, Range, Charging Time, Performance & More | ZigWheels.com
Ultraviolette F77 Electric Bike | Price, Range, Charging Time, Performance & More | ZigWheels.com
Ultraviolette F77 e-bike was launched in India on November 13, 2019
Ultraviolette F77 electric bike price is projected to be between Rs 3.0 lakh to Rs 3.25 lakh
Ultraviolette F77 electric bike sound is like a high-pitched whine, similar to a jet turbine
Ultraviolette F77 will be available from Q3 2020
India’s electric two-wheeler segment has just received its latest entrant, the Ultraviolette…
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plugincaro · 3 years
Ultraviolette F77 Electric Motorcycle
Ultraviolette F77 Electric Motorcycle
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