genjieleet-blog · 6 years
How Overwatch Teaches Game Sense
Game Sense is extremely important to being a good Overwatch player. Especially if you are playing competitive,  you need to have some. Game sense are those key skills that are hard to really acknowledge. It is things like positioning, timing, and coordination. They aren’t talked about as much but they can make it easier to play any role in a comp.
 In most competitive games I play in, people are talking about damage and medals. Those are both really important and good indicators that you’re doing your job, but but it is very hard to make a medal for coordination. It doesn’t matter how many kills you are getting if your team is in spawn. You need to know how to move in with your team. Unless you are Genji eleet like me. As long as there is a Pro Genji on the team, he can just solo kill the entire enemy team and cap the point, without even using his ult. He only ults when he is nano boosted of course. 
But if you are merely a regular Genji you need to know that you cant be in the center of a fight all the time, but you still need to be getting eliminations. Well you will need good game sense to pull something like that off! But how can we learn game sense? Well how did Jeff and the Overwatch team think we should play Genji? They never released a tutorial on how to play him. But they do release a lot of lore about him. He is an assassin turned monk. He is lethal, and patient. Now, I land head shots with every one of my shurikens, so I don’t need to be patient. I just spend 100% of the match on fire. But if don’t have 100% accuracy then you will need to know when to be patient, and when you can secure a kill. 
By using lore we can understand what characteristics a Genji player should have to be good. They need to be a cold calculated killer and a zen monk. They need to wait for an opening to do their job most effectively.  
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