#umineko layouts
dilfiesz · 1 year
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I'm blind and tortured, the white horses flow ⋆ ࣪.* ࣪.⋆ ༒
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lacevalentines · 2 years
tifalockhart ➜ ushiromiya
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onewholivesinloops · 1 year
battler's conversation with eva in ep1 after the first twilight is very loaded bc eva and hideyoshi are the ones who get bought off this episode, and eva goes out of her way to tell battler that kinzo must've had shannon or someone else dress up as beatrice to trick maria and hand her the letter about the epitaph, that one of the servants must be the perpetrator bc the garden shed's shutter is always locked and they were able to find its sole key in the servant room among all the others keys even though it has no name tag meaning the culprit must've known the layout of the mansion pretty well, that all of servants must be in on it bc it'd be difficult for one person to assault this many people and move the bodies then paint a magic circle in such a short amount of time alone, and that there must be a mastermind bc the word 'servant' literally means to serve someone, so it's eva literally spelling out the entire solution of umineko to him (which reads heavily as eva rebelling against sayo presumably bc she doesn't trust the deal they made or something btw)
battler is dismissive of this line of thought though bc he thinks it's 'too easy' and he keeps tormenting himself by running in circles by 'spinning the chessboard around' (which is a way of thinking that is always predicated on the assumption that everyone is acting in ways to achieve the greatest strategic advantage in every possible situation except only kyrie does this and sayo is doing the complete opposite lol), wondering why the culprit would make decisions that aren't optimal when sayo's intent was always to create a fair mystery that follows knox and leave clues behind bc she wants battler to solve it and understand her, and battler also refuses to engage with a real crime as a mystery and even quotes higurashi about how without a beginning the mystery would never start, so he assumes that the bodies being found must mean the servants aren't the ones behind it bc it casts the suspicion on them (which is something sayo is aware of, and even though she presents him as the detective and her opponent in this game which is reminiscent of when they discussed mysteries together as kids, she knows he can't treat this like a game which makes this an uphill battle for him)
battler isn't stupid however and he immediately realizes that eva must be involved bc she's the only one who didn't lose anyone, and yet it takes battler so long to realize the truth of everything bc he wants to believe in others and love them even when they're messy bc he refuses to give up on the idea that it's not his family and denies that the people he knows could do this while still refusing the fantasy solution, so he can't allow the murderer to be a person and it needs to be someone else that this inherently witch is disguised as, which is why to learn the truth battler needed to see the humanity behind the witch first
in many ways battler is similar to keiichi and even echoes the same thoughts but he's also the opposite? keiichi is tormented by his conflict over whether should trust his friends or not, but he ultimately succumbs to the belief that they're monsters or possessed by something supernatural until he learns to trust them in the answer arcs, as opposed to battler who's also conflicted over whether he should trust his family or not, but is in denial about the prospect of his family ever being involved in something like this while also refusing to entertain the idea of something supernatural, which is how you arrive at battler making ridiculous arguments about devil's proof and inventing an extra person to suspect that is neither one of the 18 nor a witch, which is rightfully memed, but it's deeply human and heartbreaking bc battler is someone with a desperate need to love and believe in others, and that's also something that puts him in the best position to understand beatrice in episode 5...
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ampersandra · 4 months
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i just did this for fun but i do want to put it on my blog so here's a bunch of comparison photos of the kyu-furukawa gardens (mainly the museum/historical house) and the location for the mission movie production in idolish7 third beat! and also it's the design for rokkenjima in umineko and it was in episode 1 of jetman
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in real life, there's more garden between the house and the lawn, which you can kinda see in the satellite photo, but the actual exterior of the house is pretty much spot on! most of the photos are full of people checking out the park so its almost funny to imagine yamato sitting out here alone by this huge lawn having a breakdown.
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to the right of the sun room on the lawn side is the main entrance! i found an okay photo where you can see the windows that match on the side where yuki talks with the director, and i did find a good one one to compare to the establishing shot, so you can see where it connects to the sun room.
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to the left of the lawn is the rose garden! the steps were very easy to find similar pictures for, but i had a hard time finding wide shots of the garden from a similar angle as the show. the closest i got was one from the opposite side, since the layout is pretty much mirrored down the middle!
overall, the exterior is almost an exact match which is very cool to see :) i was gonna say that i didn't think they referenced it as heavily for the interior, but i just found a picture with a floor plan for the first floor and i can identify exactly which rooms they referenced now lol. anyway. the wikipedia page for the gardens mentions the first floor has western style rooms while the second floor is japanese style with tatami mats, so all the rooms in the anime are on the first floor. i mostly found pics of the interior that didn't match any room in the anime, so ill just compare what i can see in the floor plan & its small picture for each room.
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okay so i'm rewriting this now that i know which room it is, aka the study! while getting screenshots, i realized all three of these scenes were in the same room, and the floor plan confirmed that for me. the picture for the study shows its fireplace with the large mirror over it, as well as the built-in shelves along the wall opposite the windows, something i think is unique to that room. the chandelier and pattern on the wall also match.
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another one i'm rewriting now that i know exactly which room it matches! before i had any pictures, all i could figure out was where it was located on the outside (and i was correct!) based on the bay window placement. this is the only scene in this room and they never cross the 180 line so we don't get to see the other side, which is the only side i have actual pics of, but there's still some stuff i can check. the chandelier is a match and the doors/windows/fireplace match up with the floor plan! the floor plan photo is too bright to see how well the wall matches, but i did eventually find exactly one photo from inside the room. there is wallpaper over white square wood panels but its not exactly the same as the anime. i'm guessing they changed it bc a darker, blue color matches the scene & yamato's issues better.
OKAY THAT'S A WRAP. this was all for me, so if you aren't me and you just read this: thank you i hope you enjoyed :)
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construingseacats · 11 months
Umireread: Legend of the Golden Witch - Chapter 13: The Two Who Are Close   
Sun, Oct 5 1986 - 7:00PM
The following contains spoilers for the entirety of Umineko. Please do not read if you are yet to finish it.
And so we open once again on the servants. Similar to the last one we had, this one feels weird to me - fantasy scenes feel best when they’re partially true, having different connotations depending on how you read it (e.g. early scenes where you can read it as one of Shannon or Kanon being absent, Kinzo study scenes), or full fabrications like the fantasy murders we have to look forward to in future episodes. I’m not particularly gleaming anything interesting here - there’s some ruminating from Kanon over Shannon, but Genji and Nanjo talking about “where did Kinzo go? I hope we aren’t killed” doesn’t really contribute anything meaningful beyond misdirection as far as I’m aware.
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It’s tempered immediately by the next line, but “he had approved of it instantly” is such a funny thing to say. “Babe, do you want to put a baby in me?” “YES MA’AM!”
I have to say, I feel that the writing here - giving characters big emotional moments right before they’re killed off - is a little… basic? Again, it’s the whole “he was one day from retirement” thing - it’s very cheap to add details like that to elicit more of an emotional response. It’s the kind of thing you’d expect in third-rate literature, not Umineko.
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Episode 1 (and soon to be Umineko at large) has been dwelling a lot on having characters reduced to plot devices; humans muted down to digestible aspects. Eva here is dismissing Shannon as just “some servant girl”, completely ignoring the person that lies behind that interpretation. We’ve already seen it quite a bit with the layout of the family at the dinner table, the references to women being borrowed wombs for the family, and both George and Jessica being observed as successors to the family rather than kids with their own hopes and dreams outside of it.
I think part of this is indeed a parallel to Yasu’s thoughts on being perceived as furniture - after all, if that’s what she has been reduced to, why should the same not be true for others? However, I think it’s also reflective of the meta commentary of literature as a whole. In forgeries by less talented writers, this is exactly what happens - they fail to comprehend the infinite intricacies that lie behind every human, and unable to capture that with the skills that they lack, they reduce the characters to tropes or traits that they can portray at the cost of their humanity. Shannon is just some servant girl. Eva is just a girlboss. I’m just someone writing their thoughts on a visual novel. Why would there be anything more than that?
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Yeah they really are leaning in to the “killed 2 days before retirement” angle, huh.
I’m hesitant to dismiss every case of hacky writing as being intentional from Yasu. Ryukishi’s work is phenomenal, but he’s not some sort of omnipotent savant who is actually writing 5 levels of meta around each moment of weak writing. Is Yasu, as a writer, unlikely to be proficient, and prone to resorting to cheap techniques? Yes, I’d say so. Is every moment like this an intentional reflection of that? I heavily doubt it. Unless there was a line where Shannon/Kanon was talking about writing as a hobby, and how they had a tendency to fall into cliches, I think we can just say this is weak stuff and move on.
That aside, I do think it’s worth pointing out that this scene is them talking about going on a fancy holiday to celebrate the new years. Almost like they’re about to inherit a good sum of money - as if they’d been offered parts of the 10 tons of gold for their assistance in the ongoing mystery - eh?
Moving on from the two who are close, we return to more suffering with Natsuhi. After dealing with everything else, she’s now thrust into a stressful leadership position, which no doubt exacerbates her problems. How unfortunate for her.
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Once again, this is something only the servants could have done - but thanks to Battler Chessboard-thinking himself out of the answer, it doesn’t feel overly obvious.
I want to bring up the North Wind and the Sun again here, since I feel it’s relevant - with how much that fable has been pushed already, there’s no doubt that it’s a reflection of what’s going on. The game is telling you it is the servants. By all reasonable logic, it MUST be the servants. But that’s what the North Wind is telling you - so you grip your coat, you fight against it, you look for answers that prove it wrong. It’s only when the sun shines from the Golden Land, when you arrive at the answers yourself, that you let down your coat that insulates you from the truth.
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I’ve clocked the use of “proved” here in white text that’s reminiscent of when Shannon having only half her face caved in “proved” that her body was real. I think this is another word to keep an eye out for - every time the white says it has “proved” something, should we be assuming the opposite?
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While we know that the rigmarole with the chain is a fabrication, this line from Genji feels real - beyond being the veteran servant, Genji almost feels like a mastermind in this scene, supporting Yasu and making sure everything sticks to the plan. Don’t go alone - bring someone with you to make sure you have a tighter alibi, so that fingers can’t be pointed as readily. The fact that Genji said this out of “wariness” doubles down on this read.
In a sense, this confidence of the servants abiding to “don’t go alone, travel in pairs” also shows how mechanical they are with their approach to the whole situation. While the non-culprits are flailing and don’t know what to do, those responsible are sticking to the script and holding up remarkably well. There’s a clear divide between those who are lost in Episode 1 and those who have adapted, and it’s not hard to see what that line dividing them is.
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There’s something to be said about how antagonistic the Umineko narrative is as a mystery, with the constant lies at every corner.
If it was simply using these stratagems as a gotcha, to be a difficult mystery for a reader to solve, this would be a terrible story. It’s the reasoning behind these antagonistic choices that makes Umineko the piece of literature that it is. I know lots of people who get frustrated at the antagonistic elements, who feel that the story is making fun of them, and conclude that it’s a bad story as a result. I hope that those people can one day return to it, overcome their presumptions, and see what the story really has to say about those elements.
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And Kanon steals the award of “best facial expression” for Episode 1, it’s not even close. Beatrice sure does get the best expressions of everyone, huh?
And with George, we’re really cementing the themes of loss of innocence across Episode 1 - we’ve had all the kids reacting viscerally to losing their parents (well, except maybe Maria, unless you want to view her as having retreated fully into fantasy as a coping mechanism). I feel there’s a parallel to be drawn here between the loss that Yasu suffered - just as her innocence was forcibly stricken from her, so too have all the cousins been met with a fate more cruel than what they deserved. In a sense, those who have died are the fortunate ones; it is those who are left behind, who must deal with the grief, who are the unfortunate ones. And is that not how Yasu feels about her life as a whole?
I do wonder how, as Kanon, Yasu feels when she sees everyone so pained by these events. After all, the three older cousins are all potential love interests for her, so it’s not like she’s disinterested to their suffering. I feel like I would have liked to have seen the mask slip - for her to break down every so briefly at the others’ grief, even if painted as grief for Shannon; or if that would be too improper for furniture, then perhaps to have seen that in one of those servants-only scenes that didn’t have much else going for them. As with the discussion of Shannon being “some servant girl”, you lose so much of Yasu if you paint her as a coldhearted serial killer who has no emotions regarding what she does. I wish we had a little more of her here.
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Hey, so remember that one comment we put to the side last chapter?
Well, great news Battler, you already have.
Unironically I feel like this might be one of the biggest hints for Episode 1 if you go back and read through it like a hawk - I’m not sure if Battler grabs anyone else by the collar in this episode, so it basically confirms the culprit, especially given Kanon is easily the most suspect from everything else going on.
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And this chapter just fades to black instead of giving us the usual screen. Very odd. I’m not entirely sure why it does this - obfuscating the time could be useful for opening up more options on the mystery side of things, but given Kanon’s upcoming death is already the most suspect part of Episode 1, casting more uncertainty on it feels unnecessary?
I suppose it might be because we’re not jumping forward and continuing almost immediately from the last scene, but you still could have thrown up the fancy banner to mark the chapter end. Maybe this was originally a single, long chapter, retroactively broken here to split it up? Either way, I don’t think there’s anything meaningful to be gleaned from this transition, so let’s keep pressing forward. Or space bar, I suppose.
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n-clair · 5 months
would you forgive me if i changed my layout to umineko
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zappsbrannigan · 1 year
dude, i need to remake my about or at least link my carrrd, not totally coming back here cus the layout looks confusing nowdays...anyway gotta post some frapp jumpscare for the lulz (either analysis or art) and my umineko/wtc art!!
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del1very · 3 years
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TIMEKEEPER && LAMBDADELTA !! - layouts, with rainbows, sweets, and positivity, for @abyssoftheephemeralflow.
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dilfiesz · 1 year
hey! i love your blog, your layouts are really amazing!! can u pls make some erika furudo layouts? (from umineko) tysm! <3
hi my love thank u 🥺🥺🥺🥺 <33 ofc i could!
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canmom · 3 years
one thing a VN loses compared to film is the ability to use the tricks of cinematography. generally speaking characters will almost always be shot standing, from the waist up, and their location in the scene is left extremely vague - although there is some attempt to alternate backgrounds to create a kind of shot-reverse shot sort of framing, which again helps break up visual monotony. so a scene that narratively involves characters sitting around a table will instead be drawn with them standing up with the table in the background, because that’s what the sprites permit.
occasionally you’ll get a special fully painted image - usually called a ‘CG’ - depicting a key dramatic moment. these will usually be still images, though later in the story Umineko does deploy a few cheap digital effects like a short ‘slash’ animation to depict magical attacks.
by comparison, a kind of ‘voiced comic’ could exist where every scene is a full drawing with the characters placed in appropriate poses with gestures etc. I imagine this would look pretty effective but the amount of work would be enormous - comparable to animation layouts - and it would make a work on the vast scale of Umineko pretty much impossible to pull off, especially for one dev working alone. not to mention you might get people approaching it instead as animation and judging it for, well, not being animated.
still, there’s this kind of spectrum of prose, comics, VNs on one end, then limited animation of various types (anime-style low drawing counts or western style cutout animation, canned animation cutscenes with automated lip flaps) and finally full animation at the end. the trick really is working out how to make the most effective use of what resources (time, especially) you have...
I’m going to try and pay more attention to this if I resume the liveread, because I think there’s a lot more to the visual part of a visual novel to discuss than just, well, is the art ‘good’ or ‘bad’...
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unidentifiabled · 3 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*╰┈➤¿?!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ [Welcome to UNIDENTIFIABLE] ¡! ❞
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miropop · 3 years
could I have a discord layout of lambdadelta from umineko no naku koro ni? please and thank you!
hi anon !!! im sorry but im gonna have to decline your request :( i dont feel comfortable editing for this source specifically, but feel free to request something else !!!
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yorunowaltz · 3 years
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hello! i’m mod shion (she/it) and this is my edit blog. my main sources are when they cry & rpg maker horror games but i’ll take requests from others if you ask nicely... more info under the cut!
i kin: charlotte (wh) charles (hc) shion (higu) lambda (umi) and some more. i’m iffy with some doubles and may decline your request if it makes me uncomfortable because of this
my main sources are: higurashi, umineko, misao, hello charlotte, 1bitheart, animal crossing, monster prom, genshin impact, liar liar, pokemon, 100oj, madoka magica, undertale/deltarune, ddlc, yttd, bandori & more (ask) but i’ll take most requests if i’m able to (some limits but i’ll also do basically every single rpg maker horror game ever made)
things i’ll make/do: icons (default 300x300, anything but fanart), layouts, pride flags, kin matchups, aesthetics, stimboards, kin pendulum, pronouns & some more
dni: basic dni criteria. ableist, homophobic racist etc & no problematic sources (homestuck, south park, aot etc.) i also won’t do anything brawlhalla for personal reasons
bonus info: i’m seventeen, autistic and a lesbian! i’m an isfj and i love love LOVE stuffed animals. (very important fact about me) i’m also very mentally ill and may dip sometimes/only be able to do very basic things. (will specify!) oh and sometimes i’ll post edits no one requested for funsies
[last edited 4/8/22]
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retiredwebkinz · 7 years
Fun House Project!
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Today marks the first day of my project to recreate the Rokkenjima Mansion from Umineko in Webkinz! Why? Well mostly because I can and because Halloween events always give the best items. Mostly I’m arranging the layout of the mansion, one room at a time right now. Here are Battler, Hideyoshi (my new bear I adopted today!) and Lambda in the chapel for Halloween... :3e 
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canmom · 2 years
I was recommended your Umineko read through. Well you did mentioned that you felt kind of cringe about it now, some of your attitude. I really love reading it! You had a lot of really cool ideas, and I was wondering if you were interested in continuing your read through? I enjoyed it so much I ended up reading it with a friend on call. Of course, if you weren't interested or have time for it, please don't feel pressure by me an online rando.
So glad you've enjoyed it!
As it happens... I'm in the process of writing the next update right now! It's only been what 11 days haha. But yeah, this isn't dropped, there won't be (barring unforeseen circumstances) any more massive five year hiatuses, I'm in this to the endgame! Whatever the hell that turns out to be.
Actually while you're here, perhaps you could help me with a puzzle. I've been trying to identify this magic circle seen in the fullbody sprites of the Chiesters.
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My current best guess is that it's a combination of design elements from the Key of Solomon. The layout overall resembles the Second Pentacle of Mars. The outer ring is definitely from the Seventh Pentacle of the Sun - it has that very distinctive diamond-shaped design at the top. I'm not sure I can identify the letters on the outer Magen David - my friend who reads Hebrew said some of the letters don't look like Hebrew ones. And I haven't found any designs with two nested Magen Davids like this. I checked the original sprites to see if they're different from the PS3 sprites, and they seem to be the same at least as far as the nested Magen Davids, though that one is cropped so we can't see the whole circle.
So I currently think this is a ryuukishi07 original, but it might be I just haven't found the right source. Any insights welcome!
Anyway, next update should be dropping later today, all being well ^^
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