#ummm yeah if I wait for a couple of hours I’ll start noticing stupid mistakes so I’m posting it NOW jkadkchadjf
geminison · 11 months
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Pov some unlucky fella
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imomomi · 4 years
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       AN: I imagine it goes a little something like this....
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         The moment Kiyoomi agreed to meet Suguru for drinks he had regretted it. The ex-Nohebi captain had a talent for getting him to drink far more than he expected. Every time they hung out, Kiyoomi would end up stumbling home, pink cheeked and slurring his words.
          A beer bottle was pushed in front of him as Suguru flipped the sizzling pork-belly. Kiyoomi lowered the mask, thankful that they were situated in a corner booth and far from the students loitering in the middle of the restaurant. The slightly bitter aftertaste rushed in his mouth, chased down by a piece of pork belly so crisp it was almost burnt.
          As much as he grumbled about Y/N’s band of misfit cheats, he didn’t mind having a break from the fame that surrounded his life as a pro-player. Suguru was never hesitant to poke fun of him or cut him down for a bad game.
          “How’s the new team?” asked Suguru, in between bite of food.
          “Atsumu is as much of a pig as he was in high school and Bokuto is just as loud as ever,” answered Kiyoomi. A dark look crossed Suguru’s face at the mention of Fukurōdani’s former ace forcing a laugh out of Kiyoomi.
          “You shouldn’t have cheated. You might have gone to Nationals, if you hadn’t. Though, from the way Nohebi played, you wouldn’t have made it very far,” said Kiyoomi.
          “Shut up. It’s not like we had a top ace on our team.”
          “Which is why you should have practiced more.”
          “Yeah, let’s end this right there. Hearing this from a V-1 player is just depressing.”
          “I beat you in college, too.”
          “You’re an arrogant bastard,” Suguru muttered.
          “If you put enough effort and practice regularly and with care, anyone can be good. It’s not so much arrogance as an acknowl-“
          “Okay, you need another beer and more food,” Suguru said, cutting him off. He waved down a waitress, ordering far more stuff than either of them would eat. There was an unspoken rule that Kiyoomi would pay. It was payback for the money that Y/N regularly forced Suguru to cough up as compensation for being mean to her.
          “I wonder what would have happened if you guys met during our last qualifiers,” Suguru mused. Kiyoomi tilted his head in confusion.
          “What?” he asked.
          “Your second year. We were your opponents during the Spring Qualifiers.”
          “I remember. We won in straight sets.”
          “Did you really need to mention that?” Suguru grimaced, inhaling a mouthful of beer, “Y/N was injured, so we played without our manager. But, I’m pretty sure we dodged a bullet not having her there. The first time we lost, she spent an hour making fun of us afterward.”
          “How did she get injured? Where? How bad was the injury?” Kiyoomi asked in a rush. Had he been paying more attention; he would have noticed the gleam that entered Suguru’s eye.
          “It got hot in the gym and they were renovating the central air, so the floor was slick with sweat. You know how Y/N is, she didn’t bother looking and slipped. Broke her collarbone and was yelling at us about it for a month,” Suguru said. He grinned at the memory. Though there’d been some worrying and tears when it initially happened, the scowl that Y/N wore for weeks after the accident had been an endless source of amusement for everyone on the team.
          “Open or closed fracture?” said Kiyoomi sharply. Suguru raised a brow, finger tracing the rim of his bottle.
          “Don’t remember to be honest. Just ask her later.”
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          “What are you doing?” asked Y/N. Her feet were propped on the couch, hands steadily applying a thin layer of pink nail polish to her toes. Kiyoomi’s fingers hooked around the collar of her shirt, pulling it down slightly so he could see the sharp edge of her collar bones. Y/N inched backwards, looking at him with wide eyes.
          “Ummm, can you wait until after I finish my nails?”
          “I never noticed this scar,” he murmured, eyes glued to the silvery line that cut across the bone. Her brows drew together, teeth scraping her lip, as she considered her answer. Kiyoomi fixated on things at random times, like different players or an illness he’d heard about on the news. Unlike his cleaning habit---something she was endlessly thankful for after years of being told she’d make a bad housewife---his pessimism was endlessly amusing to her. In college, she’d often lied awake by his side as he hunted down videos of opposing teams and found out everything he could about their players.
          “It’s almost gone, I’d be surprised if you did,” said Y/N, at last. Kiyoomi leaned back, towering over her with a scowl on his face. His brow wrinkled and she fought the urge to smooth it out.
          “How often did you get injured before we met? Were you a clumsy child?”
          “Not particularly, but I had trouble sitting still.”
          “I thought so,” muttered Kiyoomi. He turned sharply, disappearing down the hall. Y/N watched his back in bewilderment, before turning back to her nails. Whatever it was, he’d tell her later.
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          She put up with it for three days. Three days of Kiyoomi spotlessly cleaning and drying the floors whenever he was home. Of him ensuring that her shoes are double knotted and tight enough to suffocate her feet whenever she left the house. Of him hovering over her whenever she gets up in the apartment. Once, he’d explicitly told her not to move from the bed when she wanted water and had rushed to kitchen to get it for her. Half of her wanted to laugh, the other half was ready to kill him.
          “What happened and why am I being baby-proofed?” asked Y/N, folding her arms over her chest.
          “Nothing,” mumbled Kiyoomi. His lips pursed, forming a pout as Y/N leaned over the table and took his hand into hers.
          “I’m not stupid, Yoomi. Something’s wrong. What did Suguru tell you?”
          “You broke your collarbone,” he said. Y/N fell back into her seat in surprise, before she started to laugh loudly. Kiyoomi’s lips twitched reluctantly, the sound fanning the embers of affection that thrummed through his body.
          “You didn’t even know who I was back then and even if we did, you went to a different school?” Y/N said.  
          “All the more reason, we should be cautious now and prevent any injuries.”
          “I don’t play sports. An injury isn’t going to end my career,” said Y/N.
          “That shouldn’t prevent you from taking proper care of your health.”
          “When have I ever been sick?” she asked in exasperation, “Only once in the five years we’ve known each other. If I get injured, I’ll get better. Worry about me dying when we’re old, okay?”
          He nodded and turned the conversation toward Hinata’s latest attempt to push his debut up. Y/N let him, but her mind lingered on his concerns. Kiyoomi might not have been the most affection person in the world, but he cared far more than people realized. He did everything with care as if it would break in his hands if he handled it too roughly.
          Later that night, they’re resting in bed. Kiyoomi was warm and bright beside her, lips tracing the scar at her collarbone. Teeth nipping at the skin.
“I hope I die before you,” he whispered.
“Don’t say stuff like that,” Y/N said sharply.
“Hmm,” he rose up on his elbow, and rested his head in the palm of his hands. His fingers traced an invisible pattern on her ribcage. “It’s true. It’d be easier not to worry, if I’m dead.”
“You’re so annoying. If you’re lucky, I’ll kill you in your sleep,” she promised
“Wait a couple years, will you? I’d like to make it to the Olympics first.”
Y/N let out a breathy laugh, shaking her head at his absurdity. She wondered briefly what he’s be like if they decided to have children. Overprotective to a fault, but unfailingly awkward when it came to voicing his affection. Blunt as baseball bat when it came to pointing out someone’s mistakes. She rested her hand over his squeezing all her fondness of him into the touch.
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ourotps · 6 years
Seeing Green
Sirius x Reader with a special power
You were a very special witch. One that only came once every couple centuries. In fact the last one like you was simply a rumor.
You were given a very special gift, or maybe a curse. As you touched someone you were able to see how they died. You were able to see how anyone in this world died. When you were little this was terrifying and to be honest you had a very dark childhood, you were hyper aware of everything. You were always scared that tomorrow your visions would come true. But as you had grown older you had realized that these scenes were in the future, and in some cases a far off future. You wrote down your visions as you met people and were careful not to touch to many people.
At Hogwarts your gift was hidden, no one knew. You never let anyone touch you, because you were scared to see them die. You couldn't stop them from dying, it was the future. You had tried to intervene once or twice but they faced the same destiny.
"(Y/n)" a voice called slinging an arm around you. You carefully shrugged your shoulder making his arm slip off of you. When his hand accidently brushed yours, you saw a veil flap again.
"Sirius," you  quietly greeted the fellow Gryffindor keeping your head down.
"How are you doing my dearest (y/n)?" He asked happily.
"I'm fine, what's got you in such a good mood Sirius?" You inquired 
"Well, when I looked on the calendar I realized a certain Hogsmeade trip was coming up this weekend and I couldn't help but think of a beautiful young lady who I'd love to go with me."
"And who's that lucky girl Sirius?" You asked sarcastically.
"Well dearest (y/n), it's you of course!" He boasted trying to slip the same arm around you. His hand brushing past your neck and you saw a green flash. You gasped stopping in your tracks. He was going to be killed!
"Sirius—Siri—I can't. I'm so sorry, you must know how hard this is for me." You said stepping away from him.
"(Y/n), you know I'm crazy for you." You knew, oh merlin you knew. It was in the way he looked at you, in the ways he said your name and cared for you. It was in everything he did that you knew.
"Sirius, I know, I just don't feel that way." You lied unable to look him in the eyes. You couldn't get close and see him die every time he touch you. You wanted so much to touch him and but you couldn't because you'd just see him die.
"I know, and you know I respect that. But a man can dream."
"Tell me what's going on, you seem so down." Sirius asked noticing your glum mood. 
"Nothings wrong, Sirius. I'm just tired. I'll see you after class." You promised slipping out of his sight. He sighed as you left. You were always so close but so far.
"Hi, Lily," you greeted your best friend as you took a seat next to her in divination, a class you of course excelled at.
"Oh hey, (y/n)" Lily said. She smiled happily and you noticed the green of her eyes was the same green as the flash that would kill her, James, Sirius, and Remus. All of them were to be killed and it was something only you knew.
"This class is so boring," she mumbled as the teacher went on.
"Yeah, I don't really like it either," you whispered back
"But you're probably the best in our year,"
"It's luck Lily," You mumbled. The teacher partnered you off with a new Hufflepuff student. You were forced to do a palm reading of course. As he touched your hand you saw it. He was sick in the hospital. It was a muggle hospital too. His wife presumably was next to him holding his hand. He was old, his hair grey and missing. His children, were next to him. He was going to die an old man. One with a beautiful family. You almost cried tears of joy.
A war was coming, you had long known it was on its way, perhaps before Dumbledore himself. So many people you had met, died with green flashes, it was a sign of a war coming.
When class was over you made sure of copy down the boy's name and his death scene. You had done this for everyone, you couldn't tell anyone so you wrote it down in a journal. It helped you cope. Walking out of the class you were met with Sirius who always waited outside your class for you. He was sweet alright.
"My sweet (y/n)," Sirius greeted taking a step next to you like always.
"My dear Sirius, how can I help you?"
"Hogsmead," he said wiggling his eyebrows
"Nope," you replied smiling and shaking your head. At this point it felt like a game. How many times would he ask you, and how many times would you reject him.
"Marry me," Sirius joked taking a seat out in the courtyard.
"Can't do that one either," You answered laughing a bit. Sirius' acted fake hurt he clutched his head and fell to the floor acting like he was dying.
"Oi, (y/n) only your sweet lips can save me!" He cried dramatically fake dying on the floor
"Well,  I guess I'll see you in the afterlife." You tell him dramatically stepping over him to sit on the bench. The two of you sat and talked until dinner. When you got up to leave you carelessly left your journal behind. It was a careless stupid mistake that you would regret. 
"Hey (y/n) I believe this is yours." Sirius said dropping a journal on your lap. You looked up surprised from your textbook. You hadn't even thought that the journal was missing.
"Sirius! Wow! Thank you so much!" You replied relieved to have this back in your possession.
"Ummm...did you read this?" You asked worried suddenly.
"No, don't worry (y/n). I knew it was yours, you always have this bloody thing with you. It's private and I didn't want to intrude." He answered sweetly and he started to walk away. He was telling the truth and it nice that he didn't read your journal. He had the power to know your deepest secrets but respected you enough to not intrude.
"Sirius, wait." You called surprised at yourself. He stopped in his tracks and turned around. You patted on the empty space next to you for him to take a seat next to you. He did so quickly noticing your glum state.
"What is it?" He asked worried
"Sirius, I really appreciate that you didn't read this. I—I want you to know why I can't go out with you. I do like you Sirius, and I think you know that." Your cheeks heated up at the last sentence. Sirius laughed and nodded. "But I can't, and I feel like I owe you an explanation."
"You don't owe me anything." His hand reached for yours. You heard a scream of a young boy, you shivered. You quickly moved it away.
"No, Sirius, please. I want you to know. I trust you." You placed the journal in his hands.
"Read this, and know everything in here is true. Read this and get back to me okay?" You bravely told him giving him a quick kiss on his cheek. You saw the boy now, with a lightning scar. You left the common room and went up to your dorm.
There was a feeling of relief you felt.  Someone would know your secret now. Someone you loved. Someone you trusted, someone who would never hurt you. You felt such relief and fear. After a few hours you heard a soft knock on your door.
"(Y/n)" Sirius had red lined eyes. He'd been crying.
"Sirius," You wanted to cry too.
"Darling, I really want to hug you right now, but I know it'll just make it worse." Sirius said laughing with wet eyes. Breaking one of your biggest rules you ran into his arms hugging him. You saw Remus holding back the boy. Remus looked older, Sirius still had time. Remus had time. You started balling, when you heard your own cry. You were going to be there when he died.
"Shhhh, (y/n), it's okay. It'll be okay," Sirius whispered holding you as you saw the veil flap again.
"I can't keep seeing you die. I can't do it, I can't keep seeing the person I love the most die every time he touches me Sirius," you cried out.  His lips kissed your forehead.
"(Y/n) I love you so much. I'm so sorry." He said kissing your face, both wet with tears. He finally let go of you, but you couldn't stop seeing the green flash.
He never touched you again.
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