zcrayas · 9 months
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The necklace was held tightly at the moments of doubt. Before the cooling nights forced the serpent to find a hideout and set to rest. Until the warm rays of the sun would wake her from the chilled slumber. Or, when she gazed to distance, the places she had to yet to explore. Too many places to count or comprehend. She wasn't entirely sure what she was looking for. Answers, but for what questions, exactly? And where?
During times like that, the kind of questions flooded her mind. Eventually, the final question she mused during times of peace was: If setting to this journey was the right choice.
It was.
Rya knew it within her heart. She wanted to know what was hidden from her, the things she had seen yet never been explained. But in the same time, she missed home, her mother. She had lately become a young adult - someone expected an independency, wasn't it silly?
But without this journey of hers, she was certain, she wouldn't be worth of the family name. Even... as the successor, for according to lady Tanith, she most likely would be.
Dropping on her knees, she fidgeted the necklace of her mother's visage. Looking at the familiar features once more. Pondering if her absence would cause her tremendous concern. Yet, Rya's attention is soon captured by something - or someone. Having her to stand up once more, to seek what she cannot explain. || @unalloyeddivinity ❤' d!
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fellomenking · 9 months
"Hello, Morgott." A projection of Miquella as he looked with his curse, sitting near Morgott and looking out over Leyndell from his spot. A rarity. Miquella had never shown up to speak to Morgott after the stalemate happened, illusion or otherwise.
Ahh, that voice... Though it had been many long years since last they had conversed, Morgott recognized the voice of young Miquella.
But of course, merely a projection, it would seem... Morgott was familiar with such incantations, having perfected the art himself, though few would know.
"... Speak," said the veiled monarch, not even turning his head to look at Miquella. "Thou'rt here for a reason."
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thalassaschel · 10 months
"What is your goal, in these lands?"
The blue-clad warrior set her hands upon her hips, a brow arched as she was approached by a fair-haired boy from out of the blue...
"... Just a simple nomad," she started. "Wandering from one place to the next. Trying to get my bearings of this place."
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luminaryofblood · 4 months
Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character
"... She is your twin."
A statement. Not an opinion.
"... She is... The Blade of Miquella."
Again, another statement... This time with a certain trace of jealousy to his voice.
The Lord of Blood turned away, running his hand over the top of his head... Truly? An opinion in regards to Malenia, the undefeated swordswoman?
"... I... Have no opinion of her... What more need I say?"
A lie... Mohg was a jealous sort. And clingy.
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rottedvalkyrie · 8 months
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That sensation. It felt notable, again. Far worse than few days past. As if her skin was on fire around the stub, her shoulder... that itch crawled all the way up to her neck and down her back. Slowly, it was eating her right side.
Millicent turned her head away to the left. Resting the temple of her head against the rock. Trying to set her focus at the sound of wind. She hesitated to look at it. She hesitated touch it. She didn't even want to think about it. The scabs might have spread, she dreaded. If not on top of her skin, perhaps, it was digging its way... deeper within.
The golden eyes hid behind her lids - for a while she tried to come in terms with the discomfort, which may soon grow in pain.
Was someone coming? Almost sounded like it. Perhaps a kind soul hoping to aid the poor woman. Millicent knew, she was beyond aid.
"...P-please, turn back... should you wish to avoid the curse clutching of me... there is nothing that can be done..." || @unalloyeddivinity like'd!
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thefirsteldenlord · 10 months
He looked at the young, nearly frail boy before him. He was both curious and concerned at the same time. Where is this kid's parents and why the hell is he asking Godfrey, of all people, for advice? He would think a kid who looked like this would ask him for food or the way to the nearest out house.
Maybe he should be glad they're not asking for food, because Godfrey pretty much ate what's left of his ration of rowa berries earlier, and he barely has any runes to his name.
"Oi, thou doing well, little one?" He asked in a softer tone, or at least as soft as his raspy old voice would allow him. "Thou art raised to be a scholar, ey? The Roundtable Hold is a place to look for a wealth of knowledge, the leader of the Hold is even a scholar himself. Surely he shall lead thee to the right path." The old man said. Serosh was watching the boy closely, a faint glimmer in the beast's eyes seemed to indicate that he recognized this boy's power, yet he failed to notify Godfrey about this.
"Thou can also ask for food and water there if thoust need it. The Roundtable Hold is a place usually only for tarnished, but most there shan't turn away a child."
Serosh let out a huff.
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blasphering · 9 months
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"Ah... Dear Miquella."
Visiting the capital, in honesty was a horrible experience since the damm tree is so bright.
He could barely sleep.
He had to bring in his own curtains that held as mighily as they could against the brightness of the erdtree.
It was all terribly dreadful.
"You caught me at a moment of indulgence."
His personal table was littered with gears and other machines that one as smart as the two of them could understand. It was a attempt at a prosthetic leg, though much smaller to fit a human.
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luminaryofblood · 7 months
‘sharing warmth’ (The Haligtree and Elphael are surely chilly, being so far north and how they're past a snowfield.)
Miquella had not yet seen Mohg with his wings, vast and magnificent; webbed like a bat, yet covered in feathers of darkest midnight.
The divinity would be in for quite a treat...
As it was, Mohg had been making himself scarce of late. As time went on, Mohg's belly began to swell. A nest! A nest was in order! He had been quite busy in constructing his nest: a combination of fallen twigs and blackest feathers. Pillows, and linens. Whatever was needed for warmth. Whatever was needed for comfort.
There was still time... Such things took time...
He was at rest. Great wings wrapped around his plump body. He was bare -- as bare as his brother, heavens! Yet in spite of the chill, Mohg found himself at ease.
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luminaryofblood · 10 months
"Do you enjoy pomegranates?"
"Pomegranates?" the Lord of Blood repeated the word with an arch of his brow, clawed hand stroking the twisting horns that served as a beard.
"I have not heard of such a thing... What manner of creature are they? Do they hop around on two feet? Stride on four? Do they have wings?"
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zcrayas · 7 months
no harm in a little mystery
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BALDUR'S GATE 3 SENTENCES || highly accepting!
" Apologies for my questions, I suppose I am too eager to solve mysteries. " Head bowed slightly. Little too curious, little too enthusiastic to learn. She couldn't contain her burning desire to know more about her friend.
She looked back at her humble little shelter. Every now and then she found a lily of Saint Trina, thinking holding them near by might invite a visit. Even now, one was placed underneath her head rest. And now, after few attempts, it finally happened. Whether she was asleep or awake, he was as vivid as before. And she couldn't be more excited.
" Instead, i should be happy that our paths cross again. The lilies must have worked!"
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luminaryofblood · 8 months
"It's too warm in here for me to keep my eyes open..."
There was a rumbling trill from the Lord of Blood, his attention drawn away from whatever thoughts brewed in his mind, turned now to his beloved.
"Truly? I've found myself quite chill of late," said the Lord of Blood, drawing in a deep breath.
"Come... If you would require rest, I am more than happy to offer you respite."
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luminaryofblood · 7 months
The fluffiest of tails! Yes!
Mohg chuckled to himself.
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luminaryofblood · 4 months
Send 💕 and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are. X
The Lord of Blood clapped his hands enthusiastically. Most joyous!
64% Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Mohg and Miquella has a reasonable chance of working out, but on the other hand, it might not. Your relationship may suffer good and bad times. If things might not be working out as you would like them to, do not hesitate to talk about it with the person involved. Spend time together, talk with each other.
"Bah! Shame on you for having any doubt!"
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luminaryofblood · 10 months
I dunno, I had this thought of Miquella teaching Mohg about the Law of Causality and Regression and, well...
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luminaryofblood · 10 months
Muse headcanons!
☠: my muse’s biggest fear
Nothing gnaws away at Mohg's heart more than abandonment...
He has suffered abandonment twice in his life.
The first time, he was abandoned by the eternal queen and the first elden lord, Marika and Godfrey respectively.
Beyond the statues carved in their likeness, he cannot recall a time to which he gazed upon their faces in the flesh. If he ever had such an opportunity to look upon his mother and father before they locked him away, such a memory is long gone.
To be abandoned by those who were supposed to love you was hard enough. Yet Morgott's abandonment, his own brother to whom he spent much of his life with, his grace, his guiding light in a world of darkness...
That was what hurt the most...
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luminaryofblood · 6 months
“Someone, somewhere has failed you miserably. You were supposed to be loved, protected and cared for but you never were.“
Mohg recalled the daggers of the white-masked men: narrow blades that brought a swift end to the dying. A swift mercy to the suffering.
The words of the empyrean Miquella were akin to the miséricorde in that they pierced through even the toughest armor, striking swifty into the heart. But Mohg was not dying. And Miquella sought not his death.
The Lord of Blood. Luminary of the Formless Mother. Heirarch of the Mother of Truth. He who preached the gospel of blood, who sought to heighten his lord to godhood.
And here he knelt before the empyrean, his vision blurred and burned from tears. For when Miquella spoke, he spoke with compassion, and mercy. A mercy that did not seek to end his life; but rather offer him another chance. Perhaps...
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