#unani medicine for sinus
aarogyalife46 · 5 months
Welcome to Aarogya Life, where our expert team, led by the Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Delhi and renowned Sexologists in Delhi NCR, is dedicated to holistic well-being. Specializing in Ayurvedic Medicine for Sinus and effective Bed Wetting Treatment, our comprehensive approach combines ancient wisdom with modern expertise. Experience personalized care and discover natural remedies tailored to your needs at Aarogya Life, your trusted destination for optimal health.
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hectorrqak · 2 years
Benefits and Use Violet Essential Oil That You May Not Know Regarding
Violet has actually been used for hundreds of years for both it's flavouring as well as its therapeutic residential or commercial properties. It is thought that violet was very first cultivated by the Old Greeks in 500 BC, who made it the sign of Athens and utilized it thoroughly in food recipes, white wine, love potions and also medicine.
Middle ages herbalists made use of the plant for its healing properties, and also the Ancient Britons for its capacity to alleviate various skin conditions. In Europe, and in Ayurvedic and also Unani medication, it was a conventional solution for whooping cough as well as various other respiratory troubles, in addition to tonsilitis, a sore throat as well as fever.
The Old Greeks focused on its capacity to lessen migraines and also wooziness, as well as it was extensively utilized as a pain reliever from the 16th century, which is not so surprising when you become aware that it has salicylic acid, which is a prime component in most of today's most prominent nonprescription painkillers. The edible flowers of the violet plant are utilized to flavour syrups and liqueurs, as well as can additionally be contributed to treats and also salads, along with being candied.
Viola Odorata also called Dessert Violet, English violet, Timber Violet and Garden Violet, symbolizes discreetness as well as fact and also loyalty, as well as it is considered that St Valentine made use of ink made from the violets he grew to pen his renowned love notes. The name violet is stemmed from the old French word "Violette" which came from the Latin word "Viola", indicating 'violet flower'. Violet grew in popularity as fragrance in the late Victorian period as well as is a crucial "green' note in the fragrance world.
The oil is extracted from the blossoms and roots by way of vapor purification, as well as supplies a wide variety of therapeutic benefits. So exactly what is violet oil helpful for, and also exactly how do you utilize it?
The restorative buildings of all-natural violet oil can be carried out by way of a diffuser, vaporiser, topical application, or as a massage.
Violet Oil Diffuser Conveniences:
Violet oil boosts psychological wellness. It is incredibly relaxing, comforting as well as harmonizing. It eliminates tension, nerves and mental exhaustion, and promotes peace, serenity and leisure. Violet oil is deemed to be comforting when handling pain or loss, urging approval of adjustment as well as self-reliance, and promoting motivation and reflection.
A powerful aphrodisiac, violet oil can aid with sex-related dysfunction and also issues in the bed room caused by stress and anxiety. Mentally uplifting, as well as promoting relaxation, it can assist to increase sex drive to get rid of any type of problems triggered by anxiety or stress and anxiety.
An all-natural remedy for sleeplessness or rest conditions related to anxiety or anxiousness.
As a result of its capacity to relax and also relieve, violet oil can relieve migraines, migraine headaches and also tight necks connected with tension.
Work as an expectorant as well as decongestant to reduce breathing signs connected to the acute rhinitis, influenza, sinus problems, bronchitis and also seasonal allergic reactions such as asthma and hay fever, and provides discomfort relief. Helps to loosen as well as distribute excess mucous as well as phlegm in the breathing and nasal systems, and minimize lung swelling, to help less complicated breathing, and reduce symptoms such as coughing.
A reliable natural insect repellent, violet oil can ward off mosquitoes, flies, and also other pests.
Violet Oil Topical Application Benefits:
Extremely moderate and gentle on the skin, violet oil acts as a moisturiser and also emollient and has the ability to soothe troubled skin, including conditions such as dermatitis, dermatitis, rosacea and psoriasis, dry skin, irritation, general soreness and also inflammation, as well as stress and anxiety related skin conditions. Its antioxidant buildings can assist to neutralise destructive free radicals. Include a couple of drops to your normal moisturiser or weaken with a provider oil.
With antibacterial and antimicrobial buildings to cleanse the skin, and also its capacity to tighten bigger pores, violet oil is a mild natural treatment for acne.
Violet oil is antifungal and also can eliminate fungal infections. Application to the applicable location can eliminate nail fungis, skin infections and Athlete's foot.
A considerable repellent versus mosquitoes, studies have actually demonstrated its capacity to give protection of up to 8 hours. violet essential oil
Violet Oil Massage Benefits:
When weakened with a carrier oil, a massage therapy with violet oil can assist to boost blood flow, and also its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties can soothe various disorders of the joints and muscular tissues including rheumatism, joint inflammation as well as gout arthritis, or pain due to overexertion.
Raised blood circulation is additionally practical in the therapy as well as prevention of cellulite and oedemas. Cools and also relieves swellings.
Alleviate a tension headache by massaging violet oil right into the neck and holy places.
Added Violet Oil Applications:
Include a few drops to a bowl of warm water to alleviate exhausted and aching feet. Violet oil's cooling, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, moisturising and soothing properties can provide instantaneous relief. Dry, difficult and damaged skin is moisturised. Professional athlete's Foot, fungal infections of the nails, cuts as well as abrasions are relieved as well as treated.
Mix a couple of drops of violet oil to a bathroom item and also contribute to a warm bath to calm away aches as well as discomforts, as well as carry out complete relaxation.
Weaken violet oil in some water or a lightweight oil and also rub or spritz onto the skin as an all-natural chemical-free bug spray to maintain mosquitoes away.
Although there are approximately 500 species of violets, each including restorative buildings, the sweetest smelling is Viola Odorata. The plant creates delicate blue-violet blossoms with five oblong petals, although the blossoms can likewise be white, lilac or pink, and also is a small reduced expanding hardy perennial with heart shaped fuzzy fallen leaves. Although native to Europe, North Africa and also West Asia, most of the oil production is currently mostly created in Egypt. Grown along with corn to manage it defense from the solid Egyptian sunlight, violet oil has actually remained in industrial manufacturing in Egypt because the very early 20th century.
Analgesic, anti-bacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antipyretic, decongestant, diaphoretic, emollient, expectorant, febrifuge, bug spray, sedative.
When searching for an all-natural oil or important oil, it is constantly best to seek an oil which has been manufactured throughout with one resource, therefore ensuring its stability. Natural oils should be collaborated with accreditation.
If you wish to include violet oil to your oil collection, look no more than Nefertiti for all-natural oils and natural herbs.
Nefertiti utilizes ideal practises, natural fertilisers only, as well as their unique experience, to create the best plants for their special use, from their own farm in Al Fayoum, among the richest farming areas in Egypt. The oils are removed in their very own manufacturing facility, making use of the environmentally friendly style of modern chilly press technology or heavy steam purification, utilizing nothing else solvents, as well as ensuring a consistent supply of optimum high quality oils.
All natural oils created utilizing the cool press technique are done under the control of the Egyptian State and also the Egyptian Ministry of Health. In recognition of their nonstop strive for top quality, all the products are certified. Certifications acquired include: COA certificates and ISO awards in Top quality Administration System, Environmental management system, Occupational Health & Safety And Security, Food Safety Management System, to name just a couple of.
Violet blends well with bergamot, geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, lotus, orange, patchouli, increased, sandalwood, ylang ylang.
Violet oil need to never ever be applied straight to the skin due to its high concentration and also have to be weakened with a service provider oil. Advised ratio: 1 decline to 5ml oil.
Avoid use while pregnant and breast-feeding.
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luvtahliahcom · 4 years
Luxury Ayurveda Sri Lanka
The word originates from the Sanskrit terms ayur (lifetime ) and veda (knowledge).
Though Ayurveda, or medicinal medicine, has been documented from the sacred ancient texts called the Vedas centuries before, Ayurveda has evolved over the last few years and is now integrated with other conventional methods, including yoga.
Ayurveda is practiced to the Indian sub continent -- more than 90 per cent of Indians utilize some type of Ayurvedic medicine, as stated by the University of Minnesota's Center for Spirituality & Healing -- and the convention has gained fame in the Western world, though it's still considered another medical treatment.
Principles of Ayurveda
Health care is a highly individualized practice under Ayurvedic principles, which state that everyone has a certain constitution, or prakruti, that determines his or her physical, bodily and psychological personality and disease vulnerability,'' according to Dr. Bala Manyam, a neurologist and professor emeritus at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.
Pitta energy is connected to fire, and is believed to control the digestive and endocrine systems. People who have pitta energy are thought fiery in nature, fast-paced and intelligent. When pitta energy is out of balance, ulcers, inflammation, digestive problems, anger, heartburn and arthritis can result.
Vata energy is associated with space and air, and it is linked to physical movement, for example breathing and blood circulation. Vata energy is supposed to predominate in those who are energetic, inventive, original pioneers. When out-of-balance, vata types can endure pain, nausea, dry skin, stress and other disorders.
Kapha energy, connected to ground and water, is traditionally believed to regulate strength and growth, and is associated with the torso, torso and back. Kapha types are thought to be solid and strong at constitution, and generally serene in nature. However obesity, diabetes, sinus issues, insecurity and stomach problems can result when kapha energy is click here out of balance, as stated by Ayurvedic professionals.
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Based on Ayurvedic beliefs, factors like stress, unhealthy lifestyle, weather and strained connections may influence the total amount which exists between a individual's doshas. These unbalanced energies then render individuals more vulnerable to disease, as stated by the University of Maryland Medical Center.
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Scientific study on Ayur Veda
Some researchers who study Ayurveda believe that understanding someone's doshas -- and in turn their prakruti -- may help determine that patient's risk of developing certain diseases or health problems. At a study published in 2013 at the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Manyam used the principles of Ayurvedic medicine to establish populations which may be at higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease. The analysis found that the prevalence of Parkinson's disorder was highest in people that have a vata prakruti (people that dominant dosha is vata).
Such studies can be helpful not just in identifying vulnerable people for diseases but also in slowing the onset of symptoms and slowing down the development of their disorder, according to Manyam. Regarding patients with Parkinson's disease, people who have a vata prakruti might alter their diet or seek out therapeutic remedies to keep their doshas in balance, Manyam explained.
Disturbances in any of the 3 major doshas are dealt with by means of a range of cosmetic treatments, including herbal remedies, dietary restrictions, massage, yoga, breathing and meditation exercises called pranayama, according to the University of Maryland clinic. unani medicine means Consequently, some doctors and other medical care professionals consider ayur-veda a insecure adjunct to traditional medication. The analysis discovered that such treatments were both safe and effective, providing assistance from gout with no harmful side effects.
But such studies are few and far between, according to the WHO, that notes that there are currently no published studies that have analyzed Ayurveda as a whole system, nor are there lots of studies that have analyzed multiple Ayurvedic treatments in the management of a particular disease.
Businesses like the Ayurvedic Trust are now endeavoring to back up claims regarding the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatments with peer reviewed studies and articles, which are published in the company's two journals, Ancient Science of Life (ASL) and ASL-Musculoskeletal Diseases.
Advantages of Ayurveda
"the essential concept of Ayurveda is to keep up health. Ayurveda will not examine the illness. It appears in the server and [an individual's] vulnerability," Manyam explained.
Many Ayurvedic treatments -- such as individualized and meditation diet plans -- are therefore directed at keeping a person healthy, not curing them of disorder. Turmeric comprises beta carotene, antioxidants, calcium, iron, niacin, potassium, zinc and other nutrients. And in addition to its possible effectiveness in treating peptic ulcers and some kinds of cancer, garlic has shown anti-inflammatory properties.
A 2011 analysis found an Ayurvedic herbal chemical was just as effective at treating arthritis rheumatoid symptoms like Trexall (methotrexate).
Still another popular employed treating treatment is frankincense, a dehydrated resin derived from the Boswellia tree. According to NCCAM, osteoarthritis patients had significant declines in pain after having a frankincense remedy.
A report published in 2005 at the journal Cardiology at Review indicated that the regenerative practice of yoga can help reduce stress and improve quality of life, making it a beneficial exercise for anyone who have heart disease and hypertension.
Can Be Ayurveda safe?
But as Manyam pointed out, the medicines mentioned in the 2008 JAMA study weren't linked to a widespread outbreak of poisoning in people that have Ayurvedic medication.
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kairaliproducts · 4 years
Anu Thialam – Ayurvedic Nasya medicated oil for prevention from communicable diseases
Amid all the gloom spread across the world due to the outbreak of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which has now infected millions of people all over the world, everyone is focusing on preventive measures for ensuring that the virus does not affect them. The victims have been kept in isolation wards and special laboratories have been set up across the country to test the impact of the virus. The whole world is going through fear of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the research councils under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India have issued a health advisory based on the Indian traditional medicine practices in Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Unani. AYUSH systems are based on definite medical philosophies and represent a way of healthy living with established concepts on prevention of diseases and promotion of diseases. The main approaches to follow these systems on health, disease and treatment are holistic.  In the recent meeting of the Ministry of AYUSH discussed the ways and means to prevent the spread of Coronavirus infection using Ayurveda.
Ayurveda, the ancient medicinal system is nature based science has been helping people for ages to treat illnesses. AYUSH recommends the use of Anu thailam that helps manage the symptoms of COVID-19 such as respiratory infection and headache. Anu oil or Anu thailam is a product from Kairali Ayurvedic Group that helps manage respiratory illnesses due to allergies. It is a product from Kairali Ayurvedic Products Pvt. Ltd. that manufactures authentic products that are chemical-free and have no side effects. Use of these products lead to a state of “arogya” (disease free).  These products are non- toxic and non – evasive and aim towards maintaining and restoring body’s own capabilities to maintain a balance and fight with all the ailments. There are multidimensional benefits of Kairali Ayurvedic Products.  Since all these products are made by using herbs and rare plants that are grown under strict supervision of Kairali’s own staff. This ensures that a consistent high quality is maintained.
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This traditionally prepared Nasya oil is used as Ayurvedic nasal drops that acts as a treatment for respiratory problems and allergies. It is a famous product that heals nasal congestions and respiratory problems such as it helps manage the symptoms of a recent outbreak of 2020 i.e., Coronavirus (COVID-19). Anu thailam is a traditional formulation of various potent herbs that helps provide relief from auditory deficiency and minor problems related to eyesight. Anu thailam, acts on nasal mucous membranes and as per Ayurveda, nose is a path to the brain so this oil is also effective in managing Neurological disorders. Instilling 2 drops of Anu oil or Anu taila oil in each nostrils daily in the morning helps manage the respiratory problems. Anu oil is dispensed as Ayurvedic nasya drops that are meant for nasal application. It should be used as per directed by the physician. This nasya medicated oil treatment can be very helpful in providing relief from the symptoms of a sinus infection as it clears the nasal passages by lubricating them and clears the respiratory canal. AYUSH formed guidelines on the basis of potential and strength of its systems supported by evidence for promotion of immunity and helps in improving the respiratory symptoms in an illness. Apart from this, AYUSH suggested that the diet should be fresh, warm and easy to digest. It is also recommended to practice Yogasana and Pranayama under the guidance of a qualified Yoga instructor.
For more information about Anu Thailam, visit https://www.kairaliproducts.in/anu-thailam-10ml.html or contact us at +91-9555156156 or write to us at [email protected]
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drhakimsadiq · 10 months
Gut Cleanser Ayurvedic - Hakimi Shifakhana's Clinic
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Dr. Hakim Sadiq gives the best treatment for Gut Cleanser Ayurvedic with our proven natural treatments. refers to natural Ayurvedic remedies designed to cleanse and restore the digestive system. These herbal formulations aim to remove toxins, rebalance gut flora, and promote overall digestive health. Ayurvedic gut cleansers offer a gentle and holistic approach to improving digestion and well-being.
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drhakimsadiq · 10 months
About Us| Dr Hakim Sadiq
If you are constantly feeling lazy then, Dr Hakim Sadiq introduced the best unani medicine for nerve weakness. These will be beneficial in all the possible ways so that you can get rid of this problem. For more details contact at 8889878633
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drhakimsadiq · 11 months
Unani Medicine: The Power of Balance Over High Dose Medicines
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In the world of modern medicine, high doses of medications have become the norm for treating various health conditions. While these medications can be effective, they often come with potential side effects and risks. Unani Medicine, an ancient healing system based on the principles of balance and harmony, offers a powerful alternative to high dose medicines. In this article, we will explore how Unani Medicine harnesses the power of natural remedies and individualized treatments to promote healing without the need for high doses of medications.
1. Holistic Approach:
Unani Medicine takes a holistic approach to healing, considering the person as a whole rather than just focusing on the symptoms. It aims to identify the root cause of the health condition and addresses it through a combination of natural remedies, dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and mental well-being. This comprehensive approach often leads to a more effective and lasting recovery.
2. Personalized Treatments:
Unlike high dose medicines, which are often prescribed based on standard protocols, Unani Medicine tailors treatments to each individual's unique constitution and health condition. By taking into account factors such as age, gender, medical history, and lifestyle, Unani practitioners create personalized treatment plans that are more likely to yield positive outcomes.
3. Herbal Remedies:
Unani Medicine relies heavily on herbal remedies, which are derived from natural sources such as plants, seeds, and roots. These remedies are carefully selected to restore the balance of the four humors—blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile—in the body. The use of herbal remedies is generally considered safe and has a lower risk of adverse effects compared to high dose medications.
4. Minimal Side Effects:
High dose medicines often come with a range of side effects, ranging from mild discomfort to severe health issues. In contrast, Unani Medicine aims to restore the natural balance in the body, reducing the risk of side effects. By promoting natural healing, Unani treatments prioritize overall well-being.
5. Prevention and Long-Term Benefits:
Unani Medicine places great emphasis on preventive measures to maintain health and prevent diseases from occurring. By adopting a balanced lifestyle, following dietary guidelines, and managing mental well-being, individuals can reduce their reliance on high dose medications and experience long-term health benefits.
6. Strengthening the Body's Defense Mechanism:
Unani Medicine focuses on boosting the body's natural defense mechanism to fight off illnesses and recover from health conditions. By enhancing the body's immunity and resilience, Unani treatments enable the body to heal itself, making it a powerful alternative to high dose medications.
Unani Medicine offers a powerful and effective alternative to high dose medicines by emphasizing the restoration of balance and harmony in the body. Through personalized treatments, herbal remedies, minimal side effects, and a holistic approach to healing, Unani Medicine promotes natural recovery and long-term well-being.
By embracing the power of nature and individualized care, Unani Medicine stands as a testament to the effectiveness of balanced healing methods. As it gains recognition in modern healthcare, individuals can explore the potential of Unani Medicine in achieving optimal health without the need for high dose medications. Always seek guidance from qualified Unani practitioners to experience the full benefits of this ancient healing tradition.
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drhakimsadiq · 1 year
Unlocking the Healing Power of Unani Medicines: A Comprehensive Guide
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Unani Medicine, also known as Yunani or Greco-Arabic medicine, is a holistic healing system that originated in ancient Greece and was further developed in the Arab world. With a history spanning thousands of years, Unani Medicine offers a unique approach to healthcare, focusing on the balance of the body's humor and the use of natural remedies derived from plants, minerals, and animal products. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the principles, practices, and benefits of Unani Medicines.
1. The Principles of Unani Medicine:
Balance of Humors: Unani Medicine is based on the concept of maintaining a balance among the four humors—blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile—to ensure optimal health and well-being.
Holistic Approach: Unani Medicine treats the individual as a whole, considering physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of health.
Vital Force: The belief in a strong force called "Quwwat-e-Mudabbira" regulates the body's functions and helps heal.
2. Diagnosis in Unani Medicine:
Observation and Examination: Unani practitioners carefully observe the patient's physical appearance, pulse, urine, and other bodily secretions to identify imbalances.
Temperament Assessment: Patients' temperaments are classified into four types—Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric, and Melancholic—to guide the treatment approach.
3. Treatment Modalities:
Regimenal Therapy: Unani Medicine emphasizes the importance of a balanced lifestyle, including dietary recommendations, exercise, massage, and other detoxification techniques.
Pharmacotherapy: Unani medicines utilize a wide range of natural substances such as herbs, minerals, animal products, and their formulations to treat various ailments.
Cupping Therapy: Known as "Hijama," this therapy involves creating suction on the skin to stimulate blood flow and alleviate pain.
4. Commonly Treated Conditions:
Respiratory Disorders: Unani medicines offer effective remedies for respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and the common cold.
Digestive Disorders: Gastrointestinal issues such as indigestion, acidity, and constipation can be addressed with Unani treatments.
Musculoskeletal Problems: Unani Medicine provides relief from joint pain, arthritis, and muscular injuries through herbal remedies and external applications.
Skin Disorders: Unani formulations help manage skin conditions like eczema, acne, psoriasis, and dermatitis.
5. Safety and Precautions:
Unani Medicines are generally considered safe when prescribed by qualified practitioners. However, it is essential to consult a professional before starting any treatment. Unani medicines work effectively if you are suffering from a nerve problem then take unani medicine for nerve weakness.
Allergies and Sensitivities: Individuals with known allergies or sensitivities should inform the Unani practitioner to avoid potential adverse reactions.
Quality and Authenticity: It is crucial to source Unani medicines from reputable manufacturers and ensure their authenticity.
Unani Medicine offers a time-tested and holistic approach to healing, focusing on restoring the balance of humour and using natural remedies derived from herbs, minerals, and animal products. By unlocking the healing power of Unani Medicines, individuals can benefit from a comprehensive system that addresses both the symptoms and underlying causes of various ailments. However, it is essential to seek guidance from qualified Unani practitioners and ensure the quality and authenticity of the medicines used. Most people are tired very quickly for them unani medicine for weakness is the best option. With its rich history and effectiveness, Unani Medicine plays a significant role in promoting health and well-being.
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kairaliproducts · 4 years
Anu Thailam – Ayurvedic Nasya oil
Anu Thailam is an effective Ayurvedic herbal Nasya oil for allergies, sinusitis, migraines, memory loss and headache. Anu oil or Anu Thailam is a product from Kairali Ayurveda Group that helps manage respiratory problems. It is one of the most effective Ayurvedic medicated oils that is used in the treatment of facial paralysis, mental stress and nervous disorders. It is a famous product that heals nasal congestions and respiratory problems such as it helps manage the symptoms of a recent outbreak of 2020 i.e., Coronavirus (COVID-19). A contagious respiratory disease that was first detected in Wuhan China that has spread worldwide with a faster rate. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus is called COVID-19. The most common symptoms are fever, tiredness, dry cough, breathing problems and headache. Some individuals affected with COVID-19 also have experienced aches and pains, nasal congestions, runny nose and sore throat. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that causes illnesses that start from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). With the increase in the positive cases of COVID-19, people are trying all sorts of protective and precautionary measures to protect themselves from contagious infections. The government’s search for a way to tackle the highly infectious COVID-19 went into the field of alternative medicine today. So far there is no cure for COVID-19, but Ayurveda has been helping people since ages. The notification from the Ministry came after Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged AYUSH practitioners to take part in the battle against Coronavirus. The Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy or AYUSH, sent out a new advisory to states suggesting add-on traditional medicine interventions to conventional care. The health advisory suggests the intake of anti-malarial Ayurvedic drugs, use of sesame oil in the nose and Tulsi , ginger and Guduchi in diet. These systems are based on definite medical values, beliefs and philosophies and represent a way of healthy and positive living with established concepts on prevention and cure of diseases and promotion of health. The basic approach of all these systems on health, disease and treatment are holistic. AYUSH formed guidelines on the basis of potential and strength of its systems supported by evidence for promotion of immunity and helps in improving the respiratory symptoms in an illness. Apart from this, AYUSH suggested that the diet should be fresh, warm and easy to digest. It is also recommended to practice Yogasana and Pranayama under the guidance of a qualified Yoga instructor.
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AYUSH issued a health advisory to use Anu Thailam for protecting yourselves from respiratory problems. Anu Thailam is the ancient recipe from classical texts and is used extensively for nasal problems. Anu oil is dispensed as Ayurvedic nasal drops that acts as a complementary treatment for respiratory problems. It is an Ayurvedic Nasya medicated oil that is meant for nasal applications. The nozzle of the bottle needs to be inserted near the nose and then squeezed to release the oil. As per AYUSH, instilling 2 drops of Anu taila in each nostril daily in the morning helps manage the symptoms of COVID-19 such as respiratory problems and headache. It helps clear the nasal passages by lubricating them when administered via nose. The nasya treatment also provides relief from the painful symptoms of sinus infection.
Anu Thailam is a product from Kairali Ayurvedic Products Pvt. Ltd.. Kairali Ayurvedic Products manufactures authentic products that are chemical-free and have no side effects. These products are non- toxic and non – evasive and aim towards maintaining and restoring body’s own capabilities to maintain a balance and fight will all the ailments.  Use of these products leads to a state of “aroygya” (disease free).   Since all these products are made by using herbs and rare plants that are grown under strict supervision of Kairali’s own staff. Kairali employs specially trained people for gathering the herbs and raw materials and ensures that each deliverable batch is meticulously tested, sorted, and cleaned.  
For more information about Anu Thailam, visit https://www.kairaliproducts.in/anu-thailam-10ml.html or contact us at +91-9555156156 or write to us at [email protected]
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kairaliproducts · 4 years
Anu thailam, an Ayurvedic medicated Nasya oil for respiratory problems
Anu oil or Anu thailam is a product from Kairali Ayurveda that helps manage respiratory illnesses due to allergies. This traditionally prepared Nasya oil is dispensed as Ayurvedic nasal drops that acts as a complementary treatment for respiratory problems and allergies. It is a famous product that heals nasal congestions and respiratory problems such as it helps manage the symptoms of a recent outbreak of 2020 i.e., Coronavirus (COVID-19). A contagious respiratory disease that was first detected in Wuhan China that has spread worldwide at a rapid pace. The 2019 Novel Coronavirus is called COVID-19. The most common symptoms are fever, tiredness, dry cough, breathing problems and headache. Some individuals affected with COVID-19 also have experienced aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose and sore throat. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that causes illnesses that start from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). With the increase in the positive cases of COVID-19, people are trying all sorts of protective and precautionary measures to protect themselves from contagious infections. Ayurveda is the world’s oldest medicinal system that can manage any disease without any side effects. Ayurveda experts have stressed that some of the medicinal herbs such as Neem, Giloy, Shilajit and ginger are considered to help improve the immune system by maintaining the balances of all the forces and mind, body and soul.
AYUSH is the acronym of the medical systems that are being practiced in India such as Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. These systems are based on definite medical values, beliefs and philosophies and represent a way of healthy and positive living with established concepts on prevention and cure of diseases and promotion of health. The basic approach of all these systems on health, disease and treatment are holistic. AYUSH issued an advisory to use Anu thailam as a protective measure from respiratory infections such as COVID-19. Anu thailam is a traditional formulation of various potent herbs that helps provide relief from auditory deficiency and minor problems related to eyesight. Anu thailam, acts on nasal mucous membranes and as per Ayurveda, nose is a path to brain so this oil is also effective in managing brain disorders.Instilling 2 drops of Anu oil or Anu taila oil in each nostrils daily in the morning helps manage the respiratory problems. Anu oil is dispensed as Ayurvedic nasya drops that are meant for nasal application. It should be used as per directed by the physician. This nasaya medicated oil treatment can be very helpful in providing relief from the symptoms of a sinus infection as it clears the nasal passages by lubricating them and clears the respiratory canal.
AYUSH formed guidelines on the basis of potential and strength of its systems supported by evidence for promotion of immunity and helps in improving the respiratory symptoms in an illness. Apart from this, AYUSH suggested that the diet should be fresh, warm and easy to digest. It is also recommended to practice Yogasana and Pranayama under the guidance of a qualified Yoga instructor.
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Anu thailam is one of the famous product of Kairali Ayurveda Products.Kairali Ayurvedic Products manufactures authentic products that are chemical-free and have no side effects. Use of these products leads to a state of “aroygya” (disease free).  These products are non- toxic and non – evasive and aim towards maintaining and restoring body’s own capabilities to maintain a balance and fight will all the ailments. There are multidimensional benefits of Kairali Ayurvedic Products.  Since all these products are made by using herbs and rare plants that are grown under strict supervision of Kairali’s own staff. This ensures that a consistent high quality is maintained. Kairali employs specially trained people for gathering the herbs and raw materials and ensures that each deliverable batch is meticulously tested, sorted, and cleaned. Kairali manufactures various categories of products like classical preparations, proprietary organics, Herbal Infusions and Herbal cosmetics. 
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