steel-and-fire · 4 years
19:What could you happily give a two hour lecture on?
//Oh god. So many things. I’m such a know-it-all smartass, i don’t even know where to start.
I guess historical combat and equipment function. Why oversized swords are a joke, why boobplate is not somehow dysfunctional, why using a sword without a shield when not in full plate is dumb as bricks, why armor does not make you slow, why armor did not disappear the moment guns were invented but co-existed for nearly 200 years and it stopped appearing mainly for economical reasons etc etc etc etc etc etc
20: What would a mirror opposite version of yourself be like? It doesn’t necessarily have to be an evil version– any feature can be reflected!
Hmmmm...that would take too long to describe. He would probably be a bit of a coward, but also violent. Cause im generally not. He would be short and skinny and a huge, guiltless, hypocrite.
He would get some good stuff though, he would be one hell of a sweet talker, and probably much less clumsy than i am. Probably get higher grades in Uni than me too-
I start to hate this guy.
21:  What’s an occasion you’ve done a double take?
//Ummmm....hm. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM......I can’t remember? Probably many though???
22:If you could only see one color (and its varying shades– dark/light) for the rest of your life… what would you choose?
// That...is a goddamn weird question. If it means i see everything in ONE color, then probably grey, cause with its shades it sounds functional at least.(dont tell me black/white/grey dont count, i’ll cheat all i want.)
If it means i can only recognize a single color and none of the rest...i’m probably fucked either way. Maybe white, so i can kinda see white/black stuff? Guess im reading manga and watching old movies for the rest of my life?
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oceanbrings · 4 years
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@unbreakvble​ asked: Com sua espada pendurada numa bainha em suas costa, Diana estava vestida para batalha, porém a armadura de prata não fora colocada para combate, e sim para o retiro que fazia de tempo em tempo, para comunicar-se diretamente com a deusa Lua. A presença de uma pessoa coberta pela sombra das rochas perto de um grande lago a surpreendera. "Eu não esperava encontrar alguém por aqui tão tarde da noite."
unprompted ask / ( always accepting!! )
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               NÃO ERA COMO SE A SEREIA ESTIVESSE SEGUINDO A MULHER MISTERIOSA, aquele era um encontro totalmente inesperado. E talvez um que ela esteja ansiando durante toda a sua busca, mas a Vastaya não sabe disso, AINDA. Sentada numa rocha perto do grande lago, Nami avistou aquela mulher e suas vestes lhe chamaram muita a atenção---- eram vestimentas de um grupo que seu povo conhecia muito bem. Então Nami havia finalmente encontrado um LUNARI ? Aquela só podia ser uma armadura de alguém a quem serve a deusa da lua. Os olhos turquesa da sereia olhavam para ela, até seus pensamentos serem interrompidos pela voz da mesma. ❝ Eu---- também não esperava em te encontrar em um lugar como esse. ❞ Isso foi tudo o que ela conseguiu pensar para falar naquele momento.
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visionofnoxus · 4 years
The general stood on the balcony, inhaling the cool and dry night air. His eyes scanned the rooftops of Noxus Prime, the iron fortifications glimmering in the  moonlight. His gaze kept moving around, just taking in the beauty and silence of it all. Eventually the focus of attention came to a river running through the Ivory District. The moon colored it’s dark waters silver. Breathtaking.
It all reminded him of someone. A tiniest of shudder shook the man as he imagined the contrast of dark satin sheets draped over pale body, silvery hair covering her modesty in alluring display that brought out a spike of lust in the Grand General. The man smiled joylessly. “Doubtful that I’d be the one to part that veil”.
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kinkou-led · 4 years
💬 + you hate fun
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it.
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“A rumor of Akali’s creation im sure... But no contrary to what she, and whatever others may think I do not hate fun. Not in the slightest.”
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ringmaster-jack · 4 years
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voidhunting · 4 years
Feliz aniversário! 🎂🎁🎈
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// ty for all the best wishes!! uwu 
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dancingashes · 4 years
Is it moutain or fire though?
I’d say it’s Mountain due to the colors and the more earthy feels the scales seems to have. Plus tail difference.
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feytherstorm · 4 years
Do you know if Diana has one? :O
right now, she does not. They have Demacia, Noxus, Ionia, Blidgewater, and then various champions just labeled Runeterra that has like Taric, Tahm, Eve, Ashe, and a couple others.. I havent seen all the new ones though
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askyorick · 4 years
A surprise visit [RP with @unbreakvble]
The weather was, to say the least, incredbily awful. There was nothing about it that was anything less than attrocious. Water was pourding down from the skies as if somebody had finally decided to put all of earth under water finally. Animals and men alike were fleeing for their homes covering everything they could to escape the downpour.
Yorick instead was embracing it. His head stretched towards the sky he felt the drops against his face, brushing up and down his skin. When was the last time he felt rain? He honestly could not remember at this point. There was a coldness rushing over his skin but even that was like reliving a memory of something so long forgotten. 
With a sigh he kept stepping forward, walking through the rain until he found the door he was looking for, guided by the spirits that passed him along the way. They seemed very much in tune than what he remembered... but there were strangely so many of them... regardless the door was before him so he rose and gently knocked... then one more harder as he figured through the sound of the storm it was hard to hear
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tantibus-aeternam · 4 years
"Why is everyone so obsessed with comparing you to another?"
“Why don’t you ask them, moon wench?”
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steel-and-fire · 4 years
@unbreakvble said: "Eu sinto-me bem perto de você, mas mesmo querendo muito confiar, vai levar um tempo."
“Um....Is that...Targonian?..No..doesn’t sound like them....Hnnn.....Wait, is it Ixtali?? Give me a moment.” He pulls a small notebook he keeps under his desk, a clean sheet of paper and a pen, and gets ready.
“Say it once more, i got this!”
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noxianking · 4 years
✘ + happiness
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He doesn’t believe it’s possible to be happy in a place of such power.  Mostly because of the responsibility, he thinks it’s impossible to mix that and pleasure to a reasonable degree.  He does deprive himself of happiness, though not really consciously.
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hidterrae · 4 years
| (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
munday asks.
favorite tv show.
it's hard to say, it sort of changes a lot. because of quarantine, I've been rewatching 'criminal minds' and started watching 'i am a killer' on netflix. i really love forensic shows.
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regalentempire-a · 4 years
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@unbreakvble​ said: “Don’t walk away when I am talking to you.”
The man merely huffed in annoyance as he was on his way to get this little hunt of theirs done. There wasn’t much need for words. Only to get to the one they are hunting and collect the gold. It was simple. Time was already wasting with their little conversation. 
Turning to look over at her, he sighed.
“What more do you need to say? The clock is ticking, my dear.”
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fierrum · 4 years
unbreakvble ha respondido a tu publicación: nautilus……….  i love he
Same. So cute when he’s walking into lane!
HONESTLY...... his LoR interactions are great he’s a good.....
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casarova · 4 years
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Unbreakvble Sent : Diana took pause when she noticed a familiar face. The handsome stranger that was throwing darts and conversing with her that night long ago, at the local tavern. She couldn't remember his name, and realised they hadn't shared either of them. From across the narrow street she lifted a hand in a brief but friendly wave to greet him. (He's Cinderella, but without the enchanted shoes XD) 
Unprompted! || Always Accepting ! @unbreakvble​
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The city was smaller than most, but that suited Rakan just fine. Small cities seemed to come together for revelry, instead of avoiding it like the larger ones. A whole town at a party certainly spiced up the evening! Taloned feet carefully stepped through the street, not wanting to gouge out any markings on the path. They tended to look down upon that. But what he didn’t expect was someone to wave at him. It was strange to be interacted with outside of his parties, but she looked familiar. Bright eyes widened as he figured out who was waving at him!
It was simple business for him to glide across the street to her, his lips curling wide as he got close. “Hey you~” He crooned, his eyes locked on her. “Your throwing arm get any better~?”
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