#uncle vecna fuckery
Karen being Alice Creel makes it all unthinkably tragic - does this mean Mike will blame himself for what has happened to Will? If a great deal of Vecna's plan comes down to vengeance upon the family that abandoned his young self, then targeting Mike by targeting Will, the most special person to Mike, was of course just the beginning.
But I do think Will was targeted for something intrinsic to Will himself, as well. The connection between Mike and Will and what harm may come to them because of it is worth a hundred posts, but I'll try to keep this first one brief.
I think of Karen and Mike's reunion at the end of season 4. The first thing she told him was not that she was relieved and happy to see him, but that he was "never going on vacation again." No college either - "you are staying right here," she insisted. Right here, in this fucked up, broken town? Why? Perhaps there is something about Mike's presence in Hawkins that keeps Vecna in check, so to speak. And perhaps this applies to all of the Wheelers, not only Mike. I think, though, that Mike is the key to all of this. Throughout season 4, we see Mike physically and psychically drained. Perhaps Vecna is siphoning energy from him. As Vecna gains strength, Mike loses it. By the end of season 4, Vecna is badly hurt and down for the count - and it's only then that Mike gathers the strength and conviction to reach across the divide and make physical contact with Will.
Vecna targeted another physically drained person - Chrissy, who had an eating disorder.
Mike's trip to California may have well been the first time Mike ever left Hawkins. Maybe, if Nancy had left too, things would've gotten even worse in Hawkins. Vecna chose her to hit with a blast of True Sight for a reason.
This may explain why Karen conducts a life she does not find fulfilling - she considers it a duty to carry out. Something of both real world and supernatural consequence.
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aemiron-main · 2 years
Okay this might be a reach but I've been thinking about you're theory regarding the time weirdness in s2 and how that might relate to birthdaygate. So if we go by the theory, Vecna either made the other characters forget about Will's birthday or at least made them think it was in a different day. And at first people thought it was just a production error and dismissed it but it makes sense in universe that Vecna would use this to further isolate Will.
But Will's birthday/age isn't the only one that's wrong though. Eddie's is also wrong in the missing person's poster put up by his uncle. We know he was meant to have graduated at least 2 years ago from his talk with the hellfire club in ep1. However the poster says he's 17 which wouldn't makes sense at all. And this is a poster made by his uncle so surely he would know Eddie's age?? I thought this another production error too at first but now I'm not so sure given everything.
Idk how this all connects and again it might be a reach, but all of this time fuckery surrounding people that are involved with the UD is, well... strange.
EDDIE’S UNCLE WAYNE IS WEARING BASICALLY AN IDENTICAL OUTFIT TO JONATHAN- like when Jonathan was putting up Will’s poster, he was wearing almost the EXACT same jacket as Wayne was when he was putting up the poster.
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I could dismiss eddie’s as a continuity error if a.) they didnt go OUT OF THEIR WAY to make sure that the audience knew how many times eddie failed graduating + therefore his age not being 17 and b.) all of the other subtle time fuckery i’ve been looking at all the sheer attention to detail in this show makes me reluctant to brush anything off as a continuity error. That is SUCH a good point with both will and eddie having birthdays/ages that are wrong. This also prompted me to look at will’s missing poster vs eddie’s missing poster, and then i noticed something. I was looking at eddie’s missing poster + how it’s defaced earlier in the scene + wayne takes down the defaced version.
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And that reminded me of the defaced newspaper clipping that Will finds in his locker in s2. So, i went to find that scene, right? Take a close look at the contents of the article and what it says. Now compare that to the contents of the article in the next image, of the newspaper clipping in the police station. 
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And then i went and compared it to the same newspaper clipping that we see in the police station (at least im 99% sure it’s the police station) and i realized something: these are two completely different articles- well, actually, it’s the same article, just with totally different content for some reason. I’ve darkened and upped the contrast on the police station clipping so that you can just barely see that the name also says “benjamin buck,” just like the article that Will finds in his locker..
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Why the hell are there two completely different stories about what happened to will being published by the SAME PERSON at the same time? Now, the first photo of the zombie boy article is hard to read in my screencap, but i found a clearer one:
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NOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE. BECAUSE THESE ARTICLES EACH PUT OUT A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY OF WHAT HAPPENED TO WILL, BOTH WRITTEN BY THE SAME GUY?? according to the one in season 1, Will was the subject of experimenatation at the lab and that’s how they found him. According to the one in season 2, will was found by hoppper out in an abandoned cabin??? hop’s cabin?? i smell timeline fuckery. i’m not saying that either of these things happened to will, because we KNOW what happened with him/his fake death, but it’s absolutely bizarre to me that there’s two completely different, contradictory accounts of it, in an article with the SAME HEADLINE written by the SAME GUY. this smells like the sort of “rewriting history/changing peoples’ perceptions of evenets and dates” that’s tied to birthdaygate. And it gets even weirder- because according to the s1 article, Will was found after a week/7 days- but according to the s2 article, will was found by hopper in six days specifically.  And how does the articles + will’s poster connect to eddie’s poster? the picture used in the articles is not only the SAME photo from his missing poster, but they go out of their way to let us KNOW that it’s the same photo by mentioning it in the newspaper itself, when you read the caption underneath the s2 photo.  It’s also interesting to me that both eddie and will are tied to the word “freak” specifically (eddie’s whole thing and the will-jonathan freak peptalk), and that “when it’s cold i’d like to die” plays when will’s briefly dead in the upside-down when hop and joyce rescue him, and also plays when eddie dies in the upside-down.  IM NOT SURE HOW IT CONNECTS YET EITHER BUT I DEF DONT THINK ITS A REACH. it’s DEFINITELY strange and i’m currently gathering more evidence of time fuckery because im starting to see more and more of it, possibly even dating back to the beginning of season 1. Smthn is wonky here and i’m not sure what but it’s SOMETHING.  Idk what time fuckery is going on or why eddie’s age is wrong but im gonna sit here and think on it 
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erikiara80 · 1 year
Let’s talk about this. So, IF it’s real, it could mean different things. But the most important thing is that this is Henry’s first day at the Creel House. 
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It could be Vecna in someone’s vision, showing that he too was innocent when he was a kid. But awful people ruined him, and that’s why he wants to destroy the world and build a better one. So the vines would be part of the vision. 
Or maybe they’re real, and this is a flashback. So, maybe what Victor said was true. There was something strange in that house, and Henry felt it
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In the S4 trailer we see a different version (cough timeline cough) of the Creels flashback. Henry is all excited and runs up the stairs. But then, when Nancy has the vision and sees Henry running, he doesn’t look excited. Imo he looks scared
Here he’s exploring the new house. 
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But then (same clothes, so same day. The first day in the house)
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I could be wrong, but it’s like he saw something that scared him...  Maybe the vines? His reaction would totally make sense.
But you know what. Even if that pic is just one of Vecna visions, Victor too felt there was something strange in their house. If it was just his evil wife or Brenner already spying on them for some reason, I’m not sure he would have used those words. Hiding in the shadows. Nesting. 
And why did he go to the attic? I doubt Virginia used to go there. Or that the lab would put microphones in that room. And there weren’t candles or jars there yet, so he went to the attic before Henry.
Victor felt that there was something wrong in the same place where later Henry drew the Mind Flayer. And where Vecna connects himself to the vines/UD to become even more powerful and find his victims. Like a spider. 
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So both father and son felt something. I swear, if in S5 we get another Henry-Will parallel and Henry says: “It was almost like a feeling”
The fact that Victor went to the attic is sus. And that there are many shots where we see the family from the stairs. As if someone (from the attic, like a spider from its web?) was looking at them. 
Unless this is all part of some time-fuckery and it’s Henry from the future who is looking at his family. Who knows! 
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Anyway. We know that the Creels weren’t a happy family. Many of us think that Virginia had an affair, and one of my theories was that she killed her grand uncle (with poison) to get his money. Maybe she knew Brenner and had other secrets.
But we know that things got worse when they moved to Hawkins. And that’s where Henry developed his powers.
And speaking of nests. Henry said that the house itself made him find a nest of black widows under the floor. 
Black widows have a hourglass marking on the underside of their ubdomen. Curious that time powers is exactly the type of power Henry seems to develop. 
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And those vines/roots. They are everywhere.
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Looking at that lamp, I can see that there could be a microphone there. But wouldn’t it be the weirdest place to put one, where you can easily find it? I’m not an expert, lol. 
Anyway, if the black widows hourglass marking is a reference to time powers, vines (and spores) make me think about fungi and plants. And what is the other power that only Henry has? The power to absorb other people’s abilities/ powers. Like fungi or parasitic plants.
Like the rafflesia arnoldii
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Interesting. It’s like the powers Henry developed in the Creel House are connected to the Upside Down. Unless it’s all just foreshadowing.
So, in conclusion. The Creels definitely had secrets. It is possible that Brenner, since Virginia called him, already knew this family and maybe was even spying on them because of something in their past, or something related to that house. 
But that pic with the vines is so fascinating! I can’t wait to see if it’s real and we’ll see it in S5. And what it means.
Other analysis/theories:
- Parallel between the exorcism that angered the “demon” and the soldiers that angered Henry in S2
- In one of the articles on the massacre they call Henry Edward, so what Jason says here could have a double meaning, re Eddie AND Henry’s past
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