blancaliliaibarra · 1 year
El nueve de marzo se llevará a cabo la iniciativa ciudadana #UnDíaSinNosotras, que busca crear conciencia sobre el valor y papel fundamental de las mujeres en la sociedad mexicana, así como sobre los altos niveles de violencia y los recientes casos de feminicidios en contra de mujeres y niñas.
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No women in offices or schools. No women in restaurants or stores. No women on public transportation, in cars or on the street.
A country without women, for one day.
That’s the vision of an alliance of feminist groups in Mexico that — fueled by the rising violence against women and girls, including two horrific murders that appalled the nation this month — have called for a 24-hour strike by the country’s female population on March 9.
The action is to protest gender-based violence, inequality and the culture of machismo, and to demand greater support for women’s rights. Promoted under the hashtag #UNDÍASINNOSOTRAS, A Day Without Us, it has gained extraordinary momentum across this country of more than 120 million, with wide-ranging buy-in from the public and private sectors, civic groups, religious leaders and many, if not most, women.
The support has cut across the boundaries of class, ethnicity, wealth and politics that fracture this nation, and has given organizers hope that this might be not just a monumental event but also a watershed moment in the modern history of Mexico.
“So many of our slogans and mottos — like, ‘The revolution will be feminist,’ or ‘The future is feminist’ — they talked about this moment,” said Arussi Unda, the spokeswoman for Las Brujas del Mar, a feminist collective in the state of Veracruz that is helping to mobilize the strike. “It seems like the moment might already be here.”
In the past year, feminist activism in Mexico, partly inspired by the global #MeToo movement, has gained new energy as women have taken to the streets in anger and frustration to protest gender-based violence and entrenched attitudes of machismo. The protests have been rowdy and, at times, violent, as participants have smashed windows and defaced public monuments — including the National Palace — with spray-painted slogans and feminist exhortations.
Sabina Berman, a Mexican novelist and feminist activist, said that the nucleus of these latest protests was a younger generation of women who have lost patience with a more measured approach to activism.
“They have decided to skip the pacifist, smiling kind of protests, and instead smash windows,” she said. “It was them who lit the spark by taking that further step, and they made us all wake up.”
After simmering for months, the movement reached a roiling boil this month after the horrific murders of a woman and a girl.
Ingrid Escamilla, 25, a Mexico City resident, was stabbed, skinned and disemboweled. Her body was found on Feb. 9, and photos of her mutilated body were leaked to tabloids, which published the images on their front pages, adding to the public outrage.
On Feb. 11, Fátima Cecilia Aldrighett, 7, was abducted from her primary school in Mexico City and her body was discovered wrapped in a plastic bag next to a construction site on the outskirts of the capital.
Ms. Unda said her feminist activist group “was shaken to its core” by the deaths and met with other groups to decide how to respond.
“We asked each other, ‘What else has to happen for this to change?’” she recalled.
Instead of occupying public spaces, the traditional approach to protest, they decided to stage an action that symbolized women’s disappearance from them — “in order to send a message of anger and rejection of violence against women,” she said.
For participants in the strike on March 9, the instructions are straightforward: Stay home. The strike will come a day after International Women’s Day, during which protesters are expected to take to streets across the country.
Many corporations and companies have voiced their support for the strike and said they would not penalize their female employees who took the day off.
Mexico’s Business Coordinating Council, an influential coalition of business groups, issued a statement urging companies to support employees who participate in the strike.
“Without a doubt, the response of the authorities in the past few years has not been adequate or sufficient,” the council said, referring to the crisis of violence against women. “But we have all failed as a society.”
“It is time for solidarity and empathy,” the statement continued, “but also time for responsibility and actions. Each and every one of us must do our part.”
One large national business group, Concanaco Servytur, estimated that the one-day strike would cost the Mexican economy $1.37 billion.
Many branches of local, state and federal government have also voiced their support for employees who participate in the strike.
Claudia Sheinbaum, the mayor of Mexico City, said she had instructed all the department heads in municipal government not to penalize any female employees who stayed away from work on the day of the strike. She said the city employed about 150,000 women.
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has spoken generally in support of citizens’ rights to protest. But he has also seen the specter of political machinations in the strike, and has said that his opponents were using the moment to sow political opposition to his administration.
“No manipulation, no opportunism,” he cautioned during a news conference this week.
The strike’s organizers and others, however, have shrugged off the president’s insinuation that the event, for some, is a political gambit.
“This is not against his government or any government,” Ms. Berman said. “It is against the entire Mexican state, against the private sector, against the men who harass, who rape, who kill, and against those good men who stand by and do nothing.”
The organizers hope that the strike is not simply a fleeting demonstration but that it inspires a robust national conversation and effects substantive changes across Mexican society. These include specific measures — such as the improvement of corporate day care facilities for working mothers — and broader shifts in attitudes toward women and women’s rights.
“What we really want is for this not to end up being an anecdote, or a nice picture from the march,” Ms. Unda said, “but rather for it to turn into concrete action.”
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nizaguiee-blog-blog · 5 years
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Crónica visual de la marcha 08 marzo del 2020 en la ciudad de México
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momoception · 5 years
Before going to sleep I just wanted to share this article about yesterday’s national labour strike here in Mexico, an event planned by Mexican feminists to demonstrate how the country would be without us, women. The article is in English, and it hurts that other countries understand the movement but in Mexico we are just stupid women who doesn’t get f*cked right. Yesterday was historic and will be remember forever and it makes me so proud.
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goldennails · 5 years
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Todo #marzo @goldennailsags Te consiente como te lo mereces💛 #PromoMujerGoldennails 20% de descuento 👩👩‍🏭👩‍💻👩🏻‍💼👩🏻‍🔧👩🏻‍🔬👩‍🎨👩‍🚒👩‍⚖️👩🏻‍🚀👩‍✈️👸🦹‍♀️👰👩🏻‍⚕️👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🎓👩‍🌾👷🏻‍♀️👮‍♀️🧕👩‍🦳👵🏻👩‍🦱👧en todos los servicios todo el mes de marzo. *Promo válida mostrando esta publicación al momento del pago. *Las promociones no son acumulables. #UnDíaSinNosotras #Goldennails #ParoNacional #NiUnaMás #Undíasinnosotras #undiasinnosotras #undiasinmujeres (en Goldennails) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9R0pDQn6Gl/?igshid=zeufj81a29p5
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diadiatlaxcala · 4 years
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RESPETA SEPE-USET PARTICIPACIÓN DE TRABAJADORAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN EN "UN DÍA SIN NOSOTRAS" La Secretaría de Educación Pública del Estado (SEPE) y la Unidad de Servicios Educativos de Tlaxcala (USET), respeta la iniciativa promovida a nivel nacional denominada #UnDíaSinNosotras, afirmó el Titular de la dependencia, Roberto Lima Morales. De esta manera, la SEPE-USET se suma al anuncio que realizó el Gobierno de Marco Mena, en el sentido de que las mujeres que laboran en la administración pública cuenten con las facilidades para participar en dicha iniciativa. “En solidaridad y respeto, esta Secretaría les brinda todo el apoyo y facilidades a las trabajadoras que deseen participar en la iniciativa #UnDíaSinNosotras para que puedan hacerlo, con la seguridad de que no tendrán ninguna sanción administrativa por no asistir a su centro de trabajo”, mencionó. Finalmente, el profesor Roberto Lima Morales, señaló que la dependencia cuenta con un Área de Equidad de Género, cuyo propósito es tender puentes de comunicación con los trabajadores de la educación para que se garanticen los derechos de igualdad, equidad y de oportunidades. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMM4zrlFkby/?igshid=ubvlvmynb7jf
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jeancarloaldana · 5 years
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Esta semana en @vimagazinemx seguimos reflexionando sobre el #8M #DíaInternacionaldelaMujer y tendremos nuestro segundo especial de #MujeresViajeras entre las invitadas tendremos a @michserenisima @boydeviaje @50sontour y @gasemarisol quienes nos compartiran sus propias travesías en esa encomiable labor de ser mujer hoy en día. También tendremos una selección muy revolucionaria de música para explorar al más puro estilo #womenpower y empoderar a cada una de nuestras mujeres... La cita es el miércoles 11 de marzo a las 5PM por la señal de @ennezaradio97.3fm y el streaming de www.ennezaradio.com o el jueves 12 por la señal de @uvmradiomexico y el streaming de www.uvmradio.mx por única ocasión de 5 a 7PM Conducen: @more_barrientos y @dracoaldana Arte: Intiviso / Foto: Xinhua #ViMagazine #ElSoundtrackdetuViaje #NómadasSomosyenelTripAndamos #ContagiandolasGanasdeViajar #ViajandoqueesGerundio #NiunaMás #NiunaMenos #MeToo #UnDíaSinNosotras #undiasinmujeres #elnuevenadiesemueve #Mujeres #womenizer #Viajeras #EnNezaRadio #SintonizandolaLibertaddeExpresión #uvmradio #SomosUVM (en Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9mhbazjbMh/?igshid=10rz60mxnkoaa
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luisfelipegaspar · 5 years
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#UnDíaSinNosotras #9M #elnuevenadiesemueve #8M #NiUnaMenos #México #BajaCalifornia #LuisFelipeGaspar https://www.instagram.com/p/B9hv8UqFJGw/?igshid=1lg11o0sdw4xw
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preparartegourmet · 5 years
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9 de marzo 2020. El nueve ninguna se mueve. #undiasinnosotras #undiasinmujeres #undíasinnosotras #undíasinmujeres #undíasinnosotras💜 #niunamenos💜 #elnueveningunasemueve #cupcakeoftheday #cupcakesofinstagram #cupcaketime #cupcakesdaily #cupcakedesign #cupcake #cupcakes #cupcakestagram #cupcakesdecorados #cupcakespersonalizados #pueblagram #pueblamexico #puebla #pueblacity (en Puebla, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9hvEKXpBOn/?igshid=1trkbal4rwc3w
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george-muro · 5 years
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Ilustración: @maria.arus (Madrid, España). _ Qué hermosas se ven las redes sociales inundadas, repletas, desbordadad de publicaciones, imágenes, fotos, vídeos de cientos de miles de mujeres apoyando la marcha del #8marzo2020 en México. _ Hoy además, generando conciencia sobre el motivo del paro nacional, #9marzo ¡Hartazgo! _ Ellas, ustedes, como nunca se apoyan y comparten la indignación generalizada por los abusos, feminicidios, intolerancia, desigualdad, violencia y demás cánceres que sufren muchas mujeres en este país y en el mundo. ¡No están solas, hoy menos que nunca! Sin ustedes poco sucede, poco tiene sentido, poco podemos hacer. Hoy nos lo están demostrando. _ La empatía es sólo el comienzo de una sociedad justa, que honre valores y los traduzca en acciones ejemplares. . . . #UnDíaSinMujeres #UnDíaSinNosotras #UnDíaSinEllas #El9NadieSeMueve #9ParoNacional #8M #DíaInternacionalDeLaMujer #DíaDeLaMujer #8M2020 (en Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9hUo5PnpXy/?igshid=1ucypjnqbn6bc
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chavarockyahoo · 5 years
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Hoy nos escuchamos a las 11 AM en Chava Rock en HELL RADIO. ‪#TeApoyoYTeRespeto ‬ http://hellradio.mx/ ‪ #NiUnaMenos‬ ‪ #UnDiaSinMujeres‬ ‪ #UnDíaSinNosotras‬ ‪ #El9NadieSeMueve‬ ‪#ParoNacionalDeMujeres ‬ https://www.instagram.com/p/B9hRckUJ_4-/?igshid=1q2w4qxu4f9ef
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¡Feliz día de la mujer! Unid@s somos mas fuertes 💜 nos solidarizamos al paro Nacional el día 9 de Marzo en contra de la violencia que azota a nuestro país. #undíasinnosotras 💜#2más2Inmobiliaria https://www.instagram.com/p/B9esIcVpvWy/?igshid=1gxorgdkhyxzw
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elpuntero · 5 years
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Aquí la circular de Carlos González a la estructura de la SEyD sobre el paro #UnDíaSinNosotras: “Se sancionará al funcionario que impida la libre participación de nuestras compañeras” https://elpuntero.com.mx/inicio/2020/03/07/aqui-la-circular-de-carlos-gonzalez-a-la-estructura-de-la-seyd-sobre-el-paro-undiasinnosotras-se-sancionara-al-funcionario-que-impida-la-libre-participacion-de-nuestras-companeras/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B9cIEd0lNdr/?igshid=kk176rb5mxtq
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lookmgmt · 5 years
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Este próximo lunes 9 de marzo nos sumamos al movimiento "Un Día Sin Nosotras". En LOOK mgmt las mujeres son un gran pilar en nuestro día a día... Empleadas, directoras de casting, talentos femeninos e infantiles, madres de familia no podemos imaginar un mundo sin todas ellas. Enfrentar la violencia contra las mujeres necesita de todos y todas. #UnDíaSinNosotras #undíaportodas #nomásviolenciadegénero #mujeresunidas #paronacional #nomásfeminicidios 💜🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽💜 (en Mexico City, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ZuPUNH0o9/?igshid=1n3zx0kyvcql1
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columbusoficial · 5 years
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En Columbus creemos, sin duda alguna, que queremos y debemos trabajar por un mejor país en un sentido amplio; socialmente, culturalmente, incluyente, un país donde se cumplan las leyes y como resultado de lo anterior, lograr un mayor bienestar y un mejor entorno económico. Y esto hace indispensable acciones, compromisos y conductas que contribuyan a dicho objetivo. El 49%…
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goldennails · 5 years
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En Goldennails nos solidarizamos y apoyamos la libertad de decisión de las mujeres en participar en #UnDíaSinNosotras convocado para el 9 de marzo. #UnDíaSinNosotras #Goldennails #ParoNacional #NiUnaMás (en Goldennails) https://www.instagram.com/p/B82LZMink7I/?igshid=otfris5jnare
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