#under tag “speedpaint” if you could guess
northboundstarz · 5 months
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rainwing redesign
Operation olive branch spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1vtMLLOzuc6GpkFySyVtKQOY2j-Vvg0UsChMCFst_WLA/htmlview#
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milo-gin · 6 years
soft bias tag
tagged by @sugas-kookies thanks (imissyou)
❦ Who is your bias?
The man in my profile photo and his many sides and endeavours. Min Yoongi/Suga/PD/AGUST D
❦ What made you notice them?
Well, since I like talking I’ll write the entire story. One day (this is a pun and you’ll see why) I was watching art videos and ran into this amazing fanart of a guy with white hair and it said “AGUST D SPEEDPAINT” since I had a thing for white haired characters I gave it a go, without knowing it was KPOP related because as no one knows I despised kpop and their fandoms A LOT, moving on though, I went along and watched the entire thing and I after watching @auriee video more than 10 times I started to accept the fact that I REALLY LIKE THAT SONG AND I HAD TO KNOW THE MAN BEHIND IT. When I saw him maaaaan I fell, and as plus I was trying to get into rap a little more because I was in need of new music so this one fit the glove perfectly, then I procedeed to slowly tap the waters and listened to his other MV, after that I started reading the comments to see where could I download that mixtape, and found it on twitter...This wasnt enough though so I was like I need m o r e  music from him, and later on found out he was in a KPOP band and was like....NOPE...But slowly my curiousity and love for his outstanding talent go the better of me... So I explored this so called “BTS” and tried many songs didnt like any of them they were too hyped to get into them as a first, but then I found love of my life ONE DAY lol As a funny side note I later on discovered that it was almost meant to be I had both photos of him and Taehyung as hot guys I wanted to draw, the selca I’d saved was the following
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So yeah....that’s my story LOL ❦ What’s your favorite thing about them?
I love that he speaks his mind, maybe because that’s a quality I lack also I love that he’s shy and aloof. That’s always been kind of the guys that I like physically they always have this coldness to them, but in reality they’re always the kindest people, and this is without a doubt the case with him too. He’s just such a nice and talented human. I admire him a lot, he’s such an inspirational soul.
❦ Who would initiate skinship more?
I think me if the scenario was perfect then we’d probably known each other for quite some time so i think I would be the one to make things happen since Im more of an acting kind than talking irl
❦ Who would hog blankets more?
i feel like because of the way I am I’d let him hog the blanket haha and get another one for myself so that he feels comfortable
❦ Who would be more clingy?
neither? I’m not clingy and yoongi doesn’t seem like he’s too clingy either
❦ Who would say ‘l love you’ first?
Damn...maybe me cuz I get attached super fast, and I am in a sort of “no ragrets” run so if I like, love, feel anything for someone I tell them. I now speak my mind more so than I ever did before cuz I learned the hard way that sometimes it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission as we say in spanish
❦ Who would be more easily flustered?
I think he’d pretend not to get flustered lol but he’d definitely get more flustered...depending on the situation also cuz I am very aloof about many things mostly when it comes to detaching myself from others 
❦ What cuddling position would you two have?
Not to be that person, but I’m a scorpio venus and moon...so maybe id be big spoon because i love babying the shit out of people, and I recently found out I love being big spoon, adding up Im a cancer mars so yeah there you go that’s why I like giving more than receiving
❦ Which colours remind you of them and why?
I think of blue idk why but that’s the color I associate with him, teals, and cold colors maybe the shade pigment too...basically dark and cold spectrum colors
❦ Which season would you like to spend with them?
I have no idea, but I think he doesnt function well in warm weather so summer is out of the table lol cuz he kinda doesnt like it. So maybe Winter or something that’s very chill not too cold or hot...balanced weather I guess that would be Spring
❦ Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
I dont bake lol so he’ll do it. I’ll be stealing
❦ Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
i’m a libra, end of the story. We make a lot of puns, i like puns if you dont like them we cant be friends
❦ Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?
Hmm seeing how he loves Holly i’ll convince him somehow and we’ll end up doing it haha
❦ Which one of you would nearly burn the down the kitchen to try to microwave a pop tart and who would come to rescue?
me...I always burn stuff while cooking. Im sorry, im a poor excuse of a woman
❦ Who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?
I fear heights so...maybe none of us. I dont know him lol so I wouldnt know how he’d act on this one
❦ What would watching a horror film with them be like?
I dont think he’d watch a scary film, he’s said he doesnt like them so he avoids them and he seems like the stubborn type when it comes to things he likes to do which is why he always says that he wants to be with someone that is very similar to himself. So i cant imagine it sorry. I just dont think it could work
❦ Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
I think he’d be the cheesy flirt hahahhaa he’s a softie and he’s sometimes very impulsive from what i’ve picked up so he’d do it and regret it immediately. I know that I am very smooth as a flirter cuz I just ignore people i like o _ o ) but jokes aside in a comfortable situation I am very smooth
❦ Who is more competitive?
hmmm i think none of us haha i dont think things are worth fighting about when they’re not serious like games, sports, all those things I take them as entertainment and I want to take out stress. If I take it seriously and compete ill stress out which is missing the point of the whole thing.  Given the way he’s with music I think he’d end up competing and ill be like “meh” ahaha but on the inside id be like “i dont wanna play anymore cuz i keep losing” 
❦ Who would have to be given constant reminders (remember to eat, don’t forget your keys, etc.)
MEEEE lol I hate that shit. It’s my “pet peeve” it gets under my skin, I hate being told what to do when I know I have to do it.
❦ Who sends memes and who sees cute ‘I miss you’ texts at 3am?
I get cheesy at 3 am and im usually awake very late so I’d send the “I miss you” text and he’d respond with a meme of his face like
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I think he’d do that cuz he likes acting all cool and stuff, but inside he’d be dying when told someone missed him (maybe like ive said I wish i knew him but I can only speculate from what I’ve picked up on his lives and stuff they’ve done for us to be a little more “public”) I’ll tag: @jin-sin @billiethebean @chiminichichi @lukello (idk if youll do this cuz i know how you see your boo) @hobislobster @gaypopped @daegutown @its-suga-sweet @jungkookiimonster @sugaa @anaevilbanana
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endernadra · 7 years
tagged by @smo1cactus​! ayy
1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
1. Favorite youtuber/kind of videos on YouTube? definitely shane dawson. girl yes. he’s absolutely hilarious. love him. favorite type... honestly, probably speedpaints.
2. Favorite perfume? nah
3.Country in Latin America you would like to visit? probably brazil, or mexico.
4. Weird thing you like to eat and everyone judges you about it? i actually really like uncooked pasta. i know, i know. shhh
5. Without limits and effort, how would you like to change or put into your room? change my wall colour from green to grey, actually have a door on my closet, a bookshelf (a big one), more posters, i don’t have windows since my room is in the basement, and definitely more than two outlets, that is not enough. i need at least four.
6. Your favorite memory with family (or friends, or s/o)? i was sitting on my mom’s bed at night, and i was begging her to sing the song in hungarian, and finally she gave in, and i would try my best to sing along (the song is könnyű álmot hozzon az éj by charlie).
7. That thing in your room that you keep wondering what’s still doing there or why you have it? a bunch of plastic bags, like from hot topic, coles, !ndigo, all that shit. i really need to throw that shit out.
8. Your most ridiculous fear (at any time of your life)? well, shit, i have a fuck ton of those. but i guess i have a fear of my finger or toenails being ripped off. anytime i hear about that, i cringe so fucking hard.
9. Favorite piece (or three pieces) of merchandise you own? my sweater, my duvet, and my laptop (i have another, so i’m adding this here, and that is my hair pin).
10. Habits of other people you can’t stand? chewing with you mouth open.
11. That OTP of OTP’s, above any in all your fandoms? oh, jesus. i have so many, fuck me. either bagginshield, spideypool, or boombox. shit man.
smo1cactus’ questions:
1. Which fandom are you the most active in? probably the rise of the guardians fandom.
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would choose? i definitely would go an live in hungary.
3. What’s your ideal vacation like? i mean, going to the harry potter amusement park in orlando or somewhere would be pretty cool.
4. Explain your url/blog title. don’t completely understand this question, so sorry if i get this wrong. my username/url is ender nadra put together. ender is a name that means ‘extremely rare’, and nadra means ‘special’. it’s my username because it makes me feel better about myself. yay. blog title.. i think that’s the thing under your icon, right? if it is, the reason why mine says ‘send help’ is because, girl please, send it. i need it.
5. What food do you never get tired of eating? probably ice cream.
6. What would you do if you could stop time for a day? Go and steal a bunch of mone- nah, i’m just kidding, i wouldn’t do that. maybe idk, probably something stupid.
7. Do you get along with your siblings? i try to, but being the eldest i kinda have to be mean and horrible. jeez.
8. Have you ever been on a boat? nah, and i don’t plan on doing so. ever. water is literally one of my worst fears. if i can’t touch or see the bottom, i’m out.
9. What’s the biggest injury you’ve gotten? well, i’m not exactly clumsy, but i’m not graceful either, so it’s a miracle that i haven’t broken a bone or something. but when i was really young, i had to go to hospital for breathing problems. i could have died. and there was actually a little girl my age with the same problems in the same hospital sadly died that same night.
10. What website was your first account on? i think it was youtube. or for like playstation or nes.
11. What do you dream about? nothing good, girl. nothing good.
My Questions!
1. How many books do you own?
2. Favourite song?
3. Favourite book?
4. Sign? Aries, Taurus, etc.
5. How long have you been in fandom?
6. Do you have any pets?
7. If you could spend $1000, what would you buy?
8. Are you into makeup/hair?
9. Can you play any instruments? if not, what intrusment would you like to learn?
10. Do you write fanfiction, or make fanart?
11. Can you speak another language?
as for tags...
@iamtheepicemily @zothehomo (babashook lol) yeah i ain’t doin’ any more i’m sorry
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Ima ask on anon bc I'm shy af but can I ask for a one shot of Keef tellin Shiro he's engaged? (like years down the line in life) To the dork Lance? For the Dad au? I can only live through so much angst. I had to watch a bby!voltron speedpaint 2day !!
Hi there nonny! I hope this isn’t too late for you! Aww, I hear you there. Sometimes we need some more fluff (I  love me some angst and it seems like a lot of you all do too :)) And this is very cute! So I’m guess this is like a sequel to this oneshot, but it’s an AU of the single dad Shiro AU bc no set pairings here but it was cute. I hope the speedpaint was super adorable and enjoy! I love when you nonnies send in great asks.
              It wastoo early to think coherently.
              Lancewished he had gotten coffee first.
              He really wished he had gotten coffee. Itwas too early to be awake.
              But herehe was. Awake and sitting in the terminal of an airport with a little old lady,trying to connect to the world-wide web via a worldwide travel book, a lonelyman asleep with half an omelet still on his plate, and a pile of gum wrappersthat didn’t even get close to making it in the trash can. The airport terminalwasn’t busy by any means, but Lance was still pleasantly surprised at how manypeople were here at five-fifty in the morning. Here and awake.
              At leasthe wasn’t the only one who was barely able to form thoughts and maneuverhimself into a waiting chair, after he had watched a man about twice his agerun straight into a pillar in the wall. Earlier, a woman had almost taken amorning dip into the fountains. It was safe to say that these people probablyweren’t morning people either.
              When was the last time you wokeup this early? Middle school? Lance groaned, leaning back into his chair.He rubbed his eyes tiredly and glanced over to where Shiro and the others weresnoozing in their chairs. At least he wasn’t the only one suffering at thishour. Lance glanced back up at the time board that lay above their waitingarea.
              Flight 201CA has landed.
              Oh yeah.
              Keithwas coming home.
              Afterfive years of service, Keith was finally coming home for good. No more havingto go back. No more training others. No more emergency service. Keith hadfulfilled his time in the military, paid many prices for it, and he was finallycoming home.
              Lancehad nearly sobbed at learning that his boyfriend of seven years was going to becoming home. Shiro had actually cried (There were tear marks all over Keith’sletter, but that was okay, Lance wasn’t about to ruin the father’s moment).Everyone was more than a little excited about welcoming Keith home, and soon awelcoming party had gone underway under the supervision of Pidge and Coran.Which was not a good idea.
              Shiro andLance both knew that Keith wouldn’t want a big party, but while Shiro wanted tostop the party and keep everyone from overwhelming Keith, Lance didn’t see theharm in getting Keith out. After all alot of people had missed him while he was gone. Shiro and Lance had arguedfor a bit about Keith’s party, but eventually Lance won after insisting thatKeith should realize how loved hewas.
              He’dnever seen his boyfriend’s father so awed before.
              Hopefully soon-to-be father-in-law.
              Theheavy weight of a small box in Lance’s pocket suddenly felt much heavier thanever before. His heart rate speed up and soon enough, any trace of sleep wasgone and Lance was wide awake. Unlike his companions. For a split second, Lancewas quite jealous of how his friends could sleep through this waiting period.As if the rest of their lives didn’t rest on the sole moment of Keith walkingthrough those gates, ready to determine how their futures would end – oh wait,that only affected him. Right.
              To befair though, none of them even knewwhat plans Lance had made for when Keith came in today. Not even Shiro, whichmay or may not have been a good idea.Guess I’ll find out soon. Lance thought nervously as he looked down at hiswatch for the millionth time this morning.
              He wasso busy lost in thought and thinking about the impending future, that Lance andthe others had failed to notice when people had entered into the waiting areafrom the gates and were now walking towards them. In fact, none of them noticeduntil a pair of brown combat boots had stopped in Lance’s line of sight and avoice chuckled.
              “Keith!” Of course, Shiro was the firstto shoot out of his chair, awake in less than a second (damn, Lance needed tolearn how to do that). Lance looked up in time to see the others awakening at aslower pace, but with smiles all around and saw Shiro making a break for hisson.
              Keith,in his uniform with that especially tight black shirt and those loose cargopants with two sets of dog tagshanging around his neck, smiled tiredly at his father before dropping his bagto the ground. He easily caught his dad into a hug, standing at an impressive two-inchtaller height than Shiro before pulling a surprised Shiro up into the air.
              “Dad!”Keith laughed when Shiro gawked. “It’s so good to be home.” Shiro was surprisedfor only another second before scowling playfully at his son.
              “Whatthe hell are they feeding you there, where did my little child go?” He whinedbefore ruffling Keith’s hair (which had finally grown back out to the familiarmullet he used to have). Keith chuckled and set his father on the ground,before the two embraced in a much tighter and more heartfelt hug. Lance and theothers could feel their eyes beginning to grow misty as Keith and Shiropractically hung onto each other for several long minutes. All around thempeople were watching and smiling at the small display, sharing happy commentswith one another, to which Keith and the rest of them ignored mainly.
              Eventually,Keith and Shiro pulled back, both with wet eyes and bright smiles, as Shirogently pat Keith on the back.
              “I’m sohappy you’re home. Shiro whispered before letting go of Keith’s hand.
              “Imissed you too dad.” The twenty-three-year-old grinned at his dad beforeturning to Lance and the others. Lance was the first to leap at Keith, jumpingright into his arms (Ha, he was stilltaller than Keith and Shiro) and pressing a full-on kiss right onto Keith’smouth. Keith blinked in surprise but caught Lance without a struggle andeventually melted into the kiss. The two lovers could hears some clapping andcheers all around them but ignored it in favor or holding on to each other fora few moment’s longer. Lance felt tears dripping down his face and he blushedin embarrassment, though to be fair it had been almost 13 months since he’dlast seen his boyfriend in person.
              EvenShiro was clapping from behind them.Looks like I’ve gotten dad’s approval after all. Hopefully he won’t try to killme after today.
              WhenLance and Keith finally broke apart, Lance rest his forehead against Keith,looking into those beautiful blue eyes he’d memorized after nineteen years.
              “Heybabe.” Lance grinned crookedly, drying his eyes while Keith snorted.
              “Thatwas quite a greeting Lance.” Keith huffed, but Lance could see the love andamusement in Keith’s eyes as he continued to hold Lance against him. Lancegrinned.
              “I’m allabout the big show stopper babe. Go big or go home.” Lance winked before givingKeith another peck on the lips, who happily closed his eyes at the kiss, andhopped out of Keith’s arm. His heart was hammering like a drum in his chest andthe small box in his pocket felt like a giant weight. Nervously he wiped hishands against his jeans.
              “I’vemissed you. Kissing your sleeping face on a computer screen just doesn’tmeasure up to the real deal.” Lance joked, causing Keith to laugh in thatadorable way where he sounded like he was too embarrassed to be laughing. It waslaugh that always make Lance’s heart stop.
              “I’vemissed you too.” Keith said sincerely and brushed some of Lance’s hair out ofhis eyes. Lance swallowed heavily and his fingers itched for the box in hispocket. This is the perfect moment. Do itnow. “Except for when you hog all the blankets. I did not miss that.”
              Okay, so maybe not now because that wasrude.
              Keithlaughed at Lance’s pout and Shiro snickered from behind them. Rude.
              “Hey don’thog Keith! Let us say hello!” Pidge finally smacked Lance’s arm and shoved himaside just before Keith was attacked by Hunk and Pidge with everyone elsehanging behind them. Keith laughed happily and accepted the hugs and high-fivesfrom everyone. He gently gave Hunk a pat on the back when he started bawling inKeith’s arm. He accepted the manly hug from his grandpa and gave his grandma akiss on the cheek. Keith accepted Allura’s scolding for making them all worrybefore hugging her and narrowly avoided a long-winded story about Coran’s timein his youth with young love. From the side, Lance watched this all with lovingeyes finding himself falling more and more in love with this man, even afterseven years of being together.
              Do it now. Now it the perfect chance.
              Lancenervously licked his lips, as his hands dug into his pocket. He thumbed thesmall box in his pocket and eyed Keith.
              Do it.
              Lancegripped the box tightly with sweating fingers. Shiro glanced over.
              Do it.
              As Lancepulled the box out from his pocket, his heart hammered heavily in his chest andShiro’s eyes widened.
              DO IT.
              “Eat food with me forever?!”Lance had suddenly shot out before Shiro could open his mouth, right in frontof Keith (in front of everyone) before taking a knee and thrusting the smallbox unromantically towards Keith.
              Theairport was dead silent.
              Keith’seyes were as wide as the moon and he stared at Lance with his mouth open. Thesilence etched on as Lance was frozen in horror. Did I just propose like an idiot?! He could hear Pidge and Alluratrying to hide their snickers while Hunk was sobbing again. Still Keith saidnothing and Lance’s heart shook.
              “W-what?”He finally squeaked, and normally Lance would have teased the hell out of himfor his tiny mouse voice but he probably was seconds away from passing out.
              “Er, um,marry me?” Lance tried again before mentally slapping himself. How was that any more romantic than before?Keith blinked again.
              “Is thisa joke?” Keith’s face suddenly grew hot and a heavy blush spread over hischeeks. Lance thought it was adorable.
              “No!Fuck, I bought a ring and everything see?!” Lance thrust the box back at Keithbefore realizing that the lid was closed.Oh. Quickly he opened the lid with shaking fingers and presented the ring toKeith.
              “Whatthe?” Keith gawked and stared at the silver band with intricate diamonds andstones that represented his birth month. He blinked again, this time feelinghot tears behind his eyes. The ring was stunning. It was hard, simple but itwas beautiful too with stones that Keith always mentioned were pretty to Lance. He remembered. It wasn’t too masculineor too feminine. It was perfect.
              Keithwas mortified.
              “Youidiot.” Keith sniffled before gripping Lance’s collar ad hauling him to hisfeet. Lance swallowed thickly, thinking he had somehow messed up. “You couldn’twait until we were home?! Or when I wasn’t so tired, I could barely say my ownname?!” Keith sniffled again and Lance frowned. Was that a yes?        
              “Er, areyou gonna marry me or not? ‘Cause you’re not making much sense.” Lance laughednervously and Keith rolled his eyes.
              “That’sbecause it’s six in the fucking morning, and I got two hours of sleep.” Keithrolled his eyes with a snort. “And my stupid boyfriend thought it would be niceto propose to me, while I was dead on my feet, he was exhausted and hungry instead of during a nice quietdinner or at home.”
              “I can,uh, do it over again? If you want?”            
              “No,give me that goddamn ring. This is perfect.”
              Lanceblinked once. Twice. Three times before Keith finally pulled him in for a deeploving kiss. There was no battle for dominance, no tongue lashing ordesperation. But rather it was full of love, passion and promises for their future.
              Theairport exploded with the sounds of screaming cheers, sobbing and clapping whenLance and Keith finally pulled away. Lance eagerly pulled off one of Keith’sglove before slipping the ring on his finger. A perfect fit.
              Keithand Lance both stared at the ring, with goofy and tired smiles.
              “I loveyou.” Keith whispered, eyes staring into Lance’s and Lance broke into a huge grin.
              “I loveyou too.” The two broke apart when everyone else came rushing towards the newlyengaged couple to give their congratulations. Keith happily accepted all hugsfrom everyone, while Lance did the same. Eventually, Lance felt a familiar metalhand grab his shoulder and his stomach dropped. He turned around to face Shiro,who wore an unreadable expression on his face.
              “Shiro,sir, I know I should have asked for your hand in marriage and talked to youfirst –” Lance babbled nervously.
              “Youshould have.” Shiro said and Lance swallowed. He was then pleasantly surprisedwhen Shiro pulled him into a bone crushing hug. “Thank you for making him sohappy. Welcome to the family, Lance and please take care of my son.” Shirowhispered into Lance’s ears and the tears were falling again on Lance’s face. He clutched at the back of Shiro’s jacketbefore burying his face into the shirt.
              “Thankyou Shiro. I promise to take care of him for the rest of our lives.”
              “I hopeyou don’t mind that I gave dad my dog tags.” Keith said when he and Lance werefinally alone in their house. Hiseyes continuously wandered back to his ring every few minutes and Lance foundthat absolutely adorable. Keith might not be the most verbal about his appreciationbut Lance wouldn’t be with him otherwise if that was the only reason he’d wantto love him.
              “Nah, Ifigured you were going to.” Lance admitted with a smile. He remembered that momentwhen Shiro and Keith started cryinglike babies. Shiro’s tags were still resting against Keith’s pale chest, fullof new scars.
              “I wasalways going to give them to him. It only felt right.” Keith said softly. “Evenwhen we got together, I knew I was going to give them to him. After everythingI put him through.”
              “Heloves them Keith. He loves you. Don’t worry about anything else.” Lance saidquickly before Keith could go into a guilt-filled rant about his time in the military.Keith never regretted his decision but he’d seen how much it had hurt hisfriends and family. He often took it out on himself for their pain. “I loveyou, okay. Besides, you’ve given me a muchbetter gift.” Keith frowned.
              “You’regonna be my husband.” Lance grinnedand snaked an arm around Keith’s waist. Keith squeaked at the touch andplayfully swatted at Lance’s arm. He snorted but allowed Lance to pull himclose into another soft kiss.
              “Mhm,yeah. I’m excited for our future. But Lance?”
              “There’sno way I’m going to be Keith McClain. You better get used to Lance Shirogane.”
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