#i think this is my fav so far
northboundstarz · 2 months
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rainwing redesign
Operation olive branch spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1vtMLLOzuc6GpkFySyVtKQOY2j-Vvg0UsChMCFst_WLA/htmlview#
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jinlias · 2 years
can i request prompt #46 from list c with yuna?
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yuna had noticed the shift in your mood as soon as the weather got colder and the nights longer. when all the dorms around yours started decorating for christmas. she knew how much you missed your family, she knew there was no logical way to see them, christmas was one of your busiest months, with so many award shows coming up.
she hated that she couldn’t do anything to help. she hated that like yeji, you’d be stuck in the dorm while everyone else went home to their families and warm, homemade food.
“i love you” she whispers against your forehead. she’s leaving for suwon tomorrow, and she had been trying to convince you to come with her for the holidays, but she understood you didn’t want to leave yeji alone too. “i hate seeing you like this”
“i’ll be fine” but as you whisper the reassurance, you hug her tighter, as if you were treasuring the last few hours of her warmth. “yeji and i are making gingerbread houses, and cookies, and opening presents, i’ll be fine my love”
“okay but you have to call me when you two open my presents”
“will do” you press a warm kiss to her cheek and after a couple of silent minutes you speak up. “You know what would make me really happy? To wake up at 7 am tomorrow just to go outside and build a snowman before everyone else wakes up.” 
“do you wanna go now?” you leave the question in the air as you look at the alarm clock on yuna’s night table, and stare back at her with a mischievous grin before jumping out of bed and grabbing your coat. your girlfriend follows you quickly, and while you put on your boots and head out, you’re already thinking about the convenience store down the street that has a mean hot chocolate, the memory of you two sneaking out to make a snowman and drink the warm beverage just the two of you, you knew would be enough to get you through the holidays without her.
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blatantlyhidden · 11 months
♫ ~~
let's start c:
2. Das ist alles von der Kunstfreiheit gedeckt - Danger Dan
3. Ageispolis - Aphex Twin
4. Sklave - Kraftklub
5. Kovis - Käärijä
enjoy <333
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chrisbangz · 3 months
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BANG CHAN ✦ GET LIT 4TH FANMEETING (240331) © babystaypretty
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lotus-pear · 7 months
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started playing genshin again, fontaine has been an experience
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alta1312 · 2 months
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bro thinks hes the gift lmao what a loser (i need him)
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azfellschild · 7 months
day 2 of painting a random s2 scene until good omens gets renewed for s3
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bimboamyrose · 8 months
Unfamiliar - Ch. 16: The Fool
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Art: @mmm-asbestos​ ☆ First 2 chapters ☆ Prev. (Ch. 15)  ☆ AO3
Ch. 16 - The Fool
“Did you have an errand in town or something?” Amy sensed his anxiety.
In minutes, the pair were miles away. They quickly found themselves in town, in the center of a populated shopping area. Some passerby who recognized Sonic began rubbernecking as they milled about. 
He shifted his vision around apprehensively as he allowed Amy to step down from his arms. 
“Do you think he’s tailing us? Don’t think it’s the best idea to bring him right back to your place, considering…”
“I don’t think Eggman has anything fast enough to keep up with you” she started. “Oh- well, not anymore. Besides, you’re hungry, remember?” Amy joked. They stood near a selection of restaurants and cafes.
“Oh- yeah!” Sonic exhaled. “We should give Tails a call, though-”
“Let’s not,” Amy blurted out. It wasn’t exactly how she’d planned it, but this was just the opportunity she needed to be alone with Sonic.
“Huh? Why?” 
“I didn’t bring my communicator,” she tried to sound nonchalant.
“I’ll just run over there-”
Amy dashed past him to a glass storefront, gasping theatrically. “I’ve been wanting to check out this new cafe!”
“Well I was thinking to grab Tails and-”
“Let’s sit down inside!” Amy insisted, pushing her way through the front doors.
Not in an arguing mood, Sonic followed inside begrudgingly. 
A hostess escorted them to a small table by a window. It overlooked a fountain in the square. It was past lunchtime, but a few other pairs lingered in neighboring tables; couples gazing dreamily at each other or sharing desserts. Sonic shifted his own eyes to the window. He fidgeted in his chair.
“So,” Amy sighed, “that was… interesting.”
“No kidding.” He didn’t turn to her.
“He… knows about Metal,” she continued.
Sonic spun back to face her gravely.
“Oh, come on, there’s no way he’s listening to us here. Relax!”
“Guess you’re right.” He turned bleakly back to the window. “What do we do?”
Amy was unsure herself. “Maybe… Going to this grand opening thing won’t be so bad?”
“Come on, Ames, that’s an obvious trap.” Sonic leaned an elbow onto the table and turned to her. “And what about your roommate? Eggman kinda owns him.”
“Metal will make the right choice,” she waved off his question.
He looked skeptical. “Why are you so confident about that?”
“‘Cause,” she trailed off, unclear of her own reasoning. “Well, he barely even remembers right now. I’m not worried about him.”
“Eggman wants him back.” Sonic returned with a concerned frown. “He can’t live with you forever.”
“I know,” Amy replied sheepishly. There hadn’t been much thought put into what exactly was going to happen to Metal, or when. Though she understood Metal couldn’t hang around much longer if she got involved with Sonic. 
“What do you think he wants him for?”
“To… build?” Amy shrugged. “It seems like Eggman’s only priority right now.”
The pair each looked somberly to the window until they caught each other’s eyes in the reflections. Amy  pouted, uncertain of what else to say about the situation. Sonic grinned at his friend gingerly and met her face to face.
“We always figure it out,” he said as confidently as he could manage. “We’re a great team, after all.”
The misgiving situation weighed on Sonic, his usual direct approach to problems ineffective in all the uncertainty. But he was nothing if not a pacesetter for his team. It didn’t do them any good for him to be gloomy.
“Yeah,” Amy smiled with a similar hesitance.
A waiter interrupted them with his introduction. The short minutes they spent ordering lavish sounding drinks and pastries calming Amy and Sonic. By the time the waiter retracted the menus, the two had relaxed in their chairs. They smiled more comfortably now, no less uncertain but confident they could tackle the situation as a team. 
“If Metal’s really on our side, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to send the guy back his bot,” Sonic commented between bites of a croissant.
“If he wants to go back.” Amy took a sip from her tea, lifting her eyes to him over the rim, hesitant about what he’d think of the remark.
“Well if you want him on the team,” Sonic shrugged.
“I mean, it’s not about what I want…” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Sonic smiled at her knowingly. “Metal can do what he wants. I won’t give him a hard time- if he really isn’t up to something with Eggman.”
“Uh-huh. I’ll talk to him.” Amy was eager to get off the subject. 
“So… what’d you think of the food?”
“Pretty good, I guess.” Sonic took a sip from a tall glass of some kind of local handcrafted soda the waiter had offered as an alternative to tea and coffee. It was the only drink that sounded mildly good to him. “Little fancy, though.”
She reached into her pocket for the all-important card she’d pulled that morning and told herself it was time to broach the subject. Her cheeks felt warm.
“I like it,” she continued, “It’s kinda- I don’t know- romantic, isn’t it?”
“Yeah… I guess you could say that.” He took an uncomfortable look around the room, sucking up his drink impetuously. 
Amy brought her cup back to her lips apprehensively. “It’s a cute place for a date. Maybe- maybe we can come back for one sometime?”
A fizzy gulp caused Sonic to cough and clear his throat. Amy blinked at him from behind her teacup, hiding her flushed face, panicking internally.
“I-” he started, pausing to clear his throat a second time. He looked away from her in embarrassment. “I mean, we’re not, uh, dating, though.” A flight response kicked in and he glanced toward the front door.
“But… We could be.” Her words were a demure squeak. “Don’t you think?”
“I’m gonna be heading back to Tails’, I think-”
“Sonic.” Amy set down the cup. She swallowed. “Can we try?”
Sonic steadied himself with a deep breath. It felt wrong to continue dodging the matter. He met her pleading face with a poignant seriousness he didn’t often display.
“Amy, I don’t think that’s gonna happen,” he said plainly.
Expecting some hesitancy on his part, she pushed on. “Aw, but we’d be so good together! You even said we make such a great team!”
“We do, but-”
“And we’ve known each other for so long! Think of all that history! We’ve always been there for each other and stayed friends even when I was, well, a little obsessed- But you stuck around and that meant so much to me! And-”
“Stop.” Sonic clanked his glass on the table between them. “All this romantic stuff putting everything at stake- I can’t do it, Amy. Much less with you.”
The response left her taken aback, even more than she could have predicted. “So… it’s a problem because it’s me?”
“Sort-of- I-”
She sat upright, loudly clanking her teacup on the table. “And it’s not just because you don’t like me?” Amy’s eyes began to sting as tears threatened to well up. 
Sensing an outburst, Sonic leaned away nervously. Being on the receiving end of Amy’s anger was never an enviable position to be in. “Uh…”
“Well? What’s so wrong with dating me? Are you still mad about how immature I was back when we met or something?”
“No! Listen, Amy, I don’t like you that way,” he searched for the right words, frantically and unsuccessfully. “And even if I did, I just don’t think I could ever be in that kind of relationship with you. You’re-”
“I’m what?” Angry tears escaped the moment she stood up abruptly. Her chair screeched against the floor loudly, attracting the attention of the diners around them. “I’m not good enough for you somehow?” 
“Amy, that’s not fair,” he scolded. “You know that’s not what I was about to say!”
“What’s not fair is that you always reject me and never tell me why.” She threw her napkin against the table to free her hands, digging through her pocket aggressively. “But I get it now.”
“Amy, come on, please-” Sonic lowered his head in embarrassment as whispers circulated around them. He lowered his voice.
“Please what? Please stop being so loud and obnoxious? Stop being a pest? Stop,” a sob gave her pause, anger melting into heartbreak. “Stop being an annoying little rascal around you?”
The other patrons were staring daggers at them. Sonic melted further into his seat. “This is why I didn’t want to go out,” he muttered. “I was trying to avoid this-”
“Seriously? Ugh!” Amy scoffed, indignant and deeply frustrated. In that moment, that embarrassingly public moment, the only sensible explanation for his rejection were the parts she hated about herself. Her angry outbursts, the insufferable clinginess. Tears continued their path down her cheeks as she dug through her pockets again. Finding the bills she was after, Amy tossed a fistfull onto the table. 
The back of her gloves became smudged with makeup as Amy fiercely wiped at her eyes and cheeks. At least she could manage not to sob her way out. At least she wouldn’t add pathetic to the list of her flaws. “I’m leaving!”
“Amy, wait!” Sonic shot up from his seat. “I didn’t mean that-”
“Don’t follow me!”she cried, asserting herself past the hostess and front door. She felt everyone’s eyes on her back, right until the door shut loudly behind her.
Once she was out of sight, all those eyes briefly turned back to Sonic. The other guests began muttering to each other or turning away with secondhand embarrassment. 
More than the outburst itself, Sonic immediately felt self-conscious about his response to Amy’s distress, letting all those nosy strangers get in the way.
He sighed at the crumpled notes on the table, letting the public shame wash over him. Amid the wadded bills, he spotted a familiar symbol adorning the back of a creased card. Recognizing it as part of Amy’s deck, Sonic picked it from clutter. 
Flipping it on its face, he grimaced at the irony. 
“The fool, huh? Man…”
In the square, Amy stomped through walkways and around pedestrians. Her cloudy sights were set on the nearby bus stop. The last thing she wanted to do was sob on public transportation, but what choice did she have?
She planted her hunched form on the bus stop’s only bench. A man in a pressed suit stood nearby and ogled for a few moments, turning and stepping away only after being met by a snapping, fiery glare from the sad-looking girl. 
“That’s what I thought,” she grumbled, bowing her head back down onto her palms.
For however much she tried, there was no holding back the floodgates. She sat breathing deeply, trying to calm herself. But her eyes spilled over with tears, leaking between her fingers and onto her lap. Her face was red hot. She didn’t even want to think about how she looked. 
Just as she’d resolved to breathe through her woes until she got home, Amy caught a familiar whirring growing closer overhead.
Amy sat up, quickly wiping at her face with the back of her hand. Sitting on her hands to hide her dirty gloves, she spotted him. 
“Metal,” she sniffled, “what are you doing in town?”
Metal floated toward the bench, touching down just next to her. 
She spun away from him, trying desperately to tidy herself up. She was hardly excited to explain her current state.
Sensing something was off, Metal leaned in for a closer look at her.
“Um… a- a-choo!” Amy forced a sneeze. “Sorry, I have some allergies,” she lied. “All the pollen this time of year…”
That was strange to Metal, being that Amy always seemed to have her nose in some kind of spring bouquet. He was about to press further when she sneezed again.
“I don’t have any tissues with me,” Amy blubbered. “It’s sorta embarrassing…” That much was true.
Rather than question it, Metal scanned their surroundings for a solution. He spotted the man who’d been staring at Amy moments earlier once again gawking, this time at both of them. Metal hardly noticed the man’s gaze, however, more preoccupied with the neatly folded pocket square adorning the front of his jacket. He started toward the man.
Realizing the danger, the guy backed away, holding up his palms in surrender. He grinned awkwardly at the menacing robot approaching him to cut the tension.
It didn’t stop Metal. He pointed at the man’s chest, indicating the blazer’s front pocket. He then held up his palm in command.
The man looked around frantically for the possibility that he could be approaching someone else, but there wasn’t a soul in sight. Not understanding Metal’s intentions, the man rustled through his pockets in a panic. 
As Metal closed in on him, the man whipped out his wallet, shakily holding it out and turning his face away from the frightening sight.
Believing himself to be in the middle of a mugging, the man finally pleaded meekly, something about taking the wallet. Metal ignored him and his outstretched hand and instead reached forward towards the cowering man’s chest. The man shut his eyes.
Metal snatched the pocket square out of the man’s jacket pocket and promptly forgot about his existence as he rotated back around to Amy. 
He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, holding the crisply folded handkerchief in front of her. She raised a brow, confused at the gesture.
 She turned to him. “Where did you get that?”
As Amy took hold of the pocket square, she caught sight of the man cowering nearby. She gasped in realization.
“Is this his?!”
The man’s eyes snapped open, only just understanding what had occurred. He patted at his chest, realizing he’d been robbed of a mere square of fabric. 
Amy shot up, intending to return the stolen accessory, but the man quickly turned and ran off with a squeal as he noticed he was being approached once again.
“Sir! Oh, come on…”
Amy turned her attention back to her friend, shocked at what had just occurred.
“Metal! You can’t just take some random creep’s handkerchief!”
Metal stared at her blankly. He analyzed her flushed cheeks and watery eyes, ignoring her protests. Her gloves were stained front and back with makeup. Was she just crying?
Perturbed, Amy turned away, one again feigning a sneeze. She brought the handkerchief up to her face out of habit. “Well, I guess he’s not gonna be coming back, so…”
Unhappy with the circumstances, Amy wiped away her tears in resignation. The whole scene at least distracted her from her woes- and it was better than blubbering into her damp gloves. She folded the square away into her pocket and looked to Metal.
“Thanks for the tissue, but please promise you won’t go around snatching people’s things,” she managed calmly, 
Metal continued to study her expression. He concluded that she was decidedly composed and he could’ve been mistaken about her emotional state. But now there were these supposed allergies to worry about-
“Metal? Hello?” Amy waved a hand in front of him, vexed by the lack of response. “Are you listening?”
He nodded instinctively. It wasn’t what he was focused on.
“Anyway,” Amy sighed. “Did you have an errand or something?”
Metal shook his head and gestured to her with an open palm, clad in his new gloves.
The gesture confused her for a moment, but quickly understood what he had to say. “Oh… did you come just to get me?” 
He nodded.
Amy tilted her head with some uncertainty. “How did you know I was here…?”
There was no simple way to explain it to her. He didn’t understand it himself, in fact. Just a few minutes prior, he felt an urgent need to come to this precise spot to find her. It was as if he’d received a signal with a command. So, he rushed over, flying faster than he had for as long as he could recall. It felt almost out of his control, his body propelling him to meet her here. An unexplainable urge. A hunch, he’d heard such a feeling called.
Not knowing any other way to answer, he performed his characteristic shrug and reached closer toward her with his still outstretched hand. 
Amy couldn’t help but giggle. His cryptic and limited responses were charming, in a way. 
“Well, thanks for picking me up.” She took his hand. It beated taking the bus.
They took off in what was becoming a typical way for Amy and Metal to travel together. It was even more comfortable now that his pointy claws were under wraps. It felt like floating to Amy, who didn’t even have time to recall her sorrow; they arrived at her front door in no time.
“By the way, Metal, I wanna talk to you about today,” she said as he allowed her down. She reached for her front door, continuing. “I gotta call Tails, too. We should all chat about-”
The door eased open. Amy couldn’t believe her eyes. 
There must not have been a mug, tumbler, or bowl that wasn’t filled with spring blooms. Lilies sprouted out of drinking glasses and a bushel of peonies practically spilled out of her biggest sauce pot. The bushiest of hyacinth stems poked out of the top of an empty wine bottle. Mason jars sat on every inch of her counter filled with daisies, daffodils, and primroses. Every counter, every chair- every conceivable surface of her home was littered with flowers. Unprecedented and breathtaking.
She stood at the door, speechless. Amy forgot all about the conversation she was about to propose, along with her rejection, the stressful mission, and her “allergies.” 
Metal stood back, observing; apprehensive. She’d just had a reaction, and here was every type of flower he could find within a 100-mile radius diffusing pollen into her home. He reached out, intending to hold her back.
But it didn’t stop her. Amy practically sprinted toward the living space, rustling through every vessel, burying her face in as many bunches as she could get her hands on. She gasped and sputtered as she went. 
Radiating joy, she looked back to Metal. “You got all these? For me?” 
Metal nodded at her tensely from the doorway.
Amy erupted with laughter. “It’s amazing!”
Though muddled by it, her positive response put Metal at ease as he followed her inside.
“Thank you!” She twirled around, taking stock of all the bouquets. “Where did you find so many? Look at these peonies, and those hyacinths, and the daffodils, and- and-” 
Her eyes landed on the small bunch of assorted wildflowers she’d received from Sonic that morning. 
She trailed off, stroking a little blue cornflower from the motley assortment. They sat next to her one other proper vase, stuffed neatly with pink tulips.
Bittersweet tears flooded her eyes. A conflicted sob escaped her as they flowed down into her smile.
Amy’s emotions had overwhelmed her by the time Metal reached her across the room. He took a cautious step back when he realized her cheeks were already soaked.
For however conflicted she felt about the day’s events, Amy was overjoyed at the thoughtful gesture. There was nothing to do but throw her arms around Metal with all the affection she possessed. 
Not anticipating tears, Metal hesitated for a moment. But she clutched and squeezed him with an intensity which he thought could practically crush him. He was as impressed with her strength as he was concerned for her.
Metal wrapped an arm around her slowly. Carefully, he reached a finger to her cheek, catching a tear as it spilled from her eye. 
She sniffled, breathing deeply. “Oh, me? Don’t worry,” Amy turned her damp eyes up to him, still beaming. She laughed. “It’s just allergies!”
Me in may: hehe I will have so much time to myself this summer i will be able to write sooo much
Me in june: (takes the hardest class I've ever done in my entire life)
Me in july: (builds an entire kitchen)
Me in aug: (gets married)
Me in sep: (picks up twice as many responsibilities at work because the assistant quit)
but hey I got married and we later went to LA to see Sonic Symphony! So it's been a good summer/autumn so far. Other than you know. working 6 days a week. eugh
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hyakunana · 8 months
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Daily Hotel Krat: Lying in the cold hard ground
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narusasuart · 6 months
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Soft boys
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yangjeongin · 11 months
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dontflirt · 3 months
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THE BOYZ — [PHANTASY] Pt.3 Love Letter #Run
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feyreswaterybowels · 2 months
⟡ Princess of Dreams ⟡
# 2 Lucien x Rhys!Sister
⟡ Part 1 ⟡ Part 2 ⟡ Part 3 ⟡
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Following the events of the Solstice ceremony.
Warnings/Tags: smut. implied past sexual assault. fluffy romance. feyre and Rhys’ sister being besties and wanting to destroy tamlin. possible grammatical errors.
Authors Note: All likes comments and reblogs are appreciated, welcome and encouraged! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list for part 3! Bold italics are mental communication, regular italics are inner thoughts. (Mood Board)
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It’s hours later when the intensely bright sun had finally sunk back below the western horizon, giving me back my beautiful night sky.
There had been more countless hours of…well of not much really but it was still exhausting to be standing around all day surrounded by thousands of flowers and brightly colored streamers, watching Feyre and Tamlin greet and speak to everyone while Ianthe followed around trying to explain what happened.
The cauldron had blessed her chosen friend, she told anyone who would listen—how the sun had altered its very path to show how glad it was for her return. I would silently mock her every time she repeated those words.
There hadn’t been many interested in her tale, and the ones that were showed mild interest at best.
Feyre had stuck close to us for a majority of the time. I didn’t mind. I felt extremely protective over her. Not only as my High Lady but as my friend. I may not have access to my physical powers but I could still enter a mind in half a second and destroy someone if they dared harm her.
I’d enjoyed watching this new Feyre. How confident and sure she’d become. When the adoring fae wished to touch her hand, weep a bit over her, thank her for all she’d done she would have cringed away before. Now she openly accepted their thanks and gratitude. Thanking them and smiling as any High Lord would. Mostly genuine. Though for some, like courtiers and sentries, she put on a better show.
After six hours many retreat to freshen up.
“Tell my brother I love him.” I tell Feyre when she hugs me as she leaves. She promises to tell him for me.
Lucien and I stay, watching as lunch is cleared away and the band sets up. I would give anything to be spending this day with my family, but I was always grateful to have my mate at my side.
So when the band finally started playing and the fae around us took to the dance floor I dragged Lucien up. He hadn’t put up much of a fight—we loved dancing.
And dance we did for hours. I had even stolen Feyre away from Tamlin a few times much to his annoyance and my satisfaction.
We laughed together, spinning around the dance floor. It reminded me of myself and Mor—how we would get drunk on wine at Rita’s and dance the night away. I couldn’t wait to have nights like that with Feyre, too.
I spun her back into Tamlins arms as Lucien stole me away this time, practically begging me to come with him to eat and I realized why when I noticed Ianthe prowling around the tables.
Even she couldn’t put a damper on my mood right now. We fixed our plates and seated ourselves. More wine in our glasses as we sat tucked off away from the largest parts of the crowd—talking in hushed voices and feeding one another as if we hadn’t been mated for nearly two decades now.
Eventually I had shifted from my seat to stand behind Lucien, playing with his hair while we watched those on the dance floor become increasingly more drunk. I started braiding his hair, a taunt braid along either side of his head, curling behind his pointed ears.
“Your hair is getting so long,” I tell him, those auburn locks well past his shoulders now.
“I know,” He says, leaning back in his chair. “I’ve been thinking of cutting it—”
I gasp, drawing his attention up to me. “You better not!”
The laugh that leaves his mouth goes straight to my core. He reaches up and pulls me to bend over him so he can kiss me.
“Is that an order, Princess?” He asks against my lips and I grin.
“More like I’ll kick your ass if you do it,” I tease, kissing him again.
As I’m pulling away to go back to braiding his hair I feel eyes on us. Violet meeting teal and I bare my teeth in a wicked smile. I slide my fingers through his hair, gently pulling to tilt his head back, keeping eye contact with her as I lean down to kiss him again… stroking my tongue over his. He gasps in my mouth, reaching up to caress my head with a strong hand.
Anger lights in those eyes across the way and I grin as Lucien’s lips move to my throat, my free hand sliding around and down his chest—slipping under his shirt to feel heated skin.
I moan as he sucks on my skin, digging my nails into his chest and tightening my hand in his hair.
“Fuck,” Lucien growls, standing quickly from the chair, towering over me. “Come here.”
Then I’m being dragged away. I look over my shoulder smirking at Ianthe who is red in the face looking like she’s about to have a tantrum. She takes a step forward as if about to follow Lucien and I only to be stopped by Feyre, though I couldn’t hear what was being said before we disappeared into the thick woods.
“You’re nothing but trouble,” Lucien taunts, pushing me against a tree and attacking my mouth.
“You love it,” I gasp against his lips, reaching between us to work his pants open, ignoring the way the tree bark digs into my wings.
“Turn around,” he orders, but before I can move he’s got me spun around and pressed against the tree. “Hands.” Is his next order.
I present my wrists to him behind my back and his large hand wraps around them, pinning them to my lower back.
“I’m gonna fuck you right here, Princess,” Lucien says, the sound of his buckle coming undone making me shiver. “I want you to be loud enough that she hears you.”
I moan at that. Knowing exactly who he’s talking about without saying her name. Though it’s unlikely she’ll actually hear me from this distance over the music but the thought that she might? And probably had many times is something I love. She wants him so bad—not that I blame her. But to remind her he was mine over and over, that she would never get to have him made me feral.
I’m pulled from those thoughts when the skirt of my dress is being lifted, that hand of fire trailing between my thighs, rubbing at my wetness before ripping the stocking and panties I wore beneath.
“Tell me, sweet girl, are you turned on because of me? Or because you know she knows exactly what we’re doing out here?” Lucien asks, fingers sliding through my wetness, rubbing in that perfect spot until I was weak in the knees. Only held up by his weight pushing me against the tree.
“I asked a question,” He grunts, pulling that heat away from my center.
“Both,” I gasp out in a moan, needing his hand back. “Fuck, both.”
“That’s a good girl,” He praises, hand sliding back between my thighs, rubbing at me, two fingers sliding inside.
“Oh, fuck, Lu,” I moaned. His fingers weren’t as thick or long as his cock but they felt so good filling me up, curling perfectly to find that spot that had me seeing stars.
“I’m gonna make you cum on my fingers first,” He leaned over me to breathe in my ear, careful of my wings, fingers pumping faster, “then on my cock. Then I’m gonna take you back to that party filled up. We’re going to tell everyone goodbye then I’m gonna take you home, tie you to the bed and have my godsdamn way with you.”
“Yes, please!” I cry out, clenching around his fingers, cumming entirely too easy just from the way he rubs that spot inside of me, just from the way his voice rasped against my ear.
His fingers slide from me but before I can protest I feel him press against me, pushing in, in, in until he’s fully sheathed inside of me. He pressed a kiss to the back of my neck, the back of my shoulders between my wings. I wished he had ripped the damn dress from my body so I could feel his lips against my skin.
“That could be arranged,” He purrs, reaching around to grasp my breast, not realizing I had sent that through the bond.
“Lu, please,” I begged, pushing back against him. He hisses in pleasure, nipping at my neck before straightening his spine, still holding my wrist as he pulls his hips back, thrusting all the way back in. “Yesss.”
Then he fucks me. Hard and rough.
Bent over against a tree in the middle of the forest. I let every sound imaginable fall from my lips exactly the way he ordered me to. Between the events of the day, the flirting, the unwanted looks from another and the wine I was falling over the edge easily for the second time.
He slows his thrusts, giving me only a moment to catch my breath before he’s pulling out and spinning me back around. My knees buckle and I fall to the ground directly in front of him.
“Look at my pretty girl, so fucked out she can’t even stand,” Lucien coos, grasping my chin gently to tilt my head up, sliding his thumb into my mouth. I suck on the digit, batting my eyelashes at him, watching that fire burn in his eyes.
He reaches down, grabbing me around the waist and hauls me up, lifting me easily into his arms, my dress bunching between us. My arms and legs wrap around him and I kiss him. I can’t help it.
It only takes some slight maneuvering before he’s back inside of me, my calves over his forearms as he’s thrust into me. It was always such a turn on the way he could hold me like this, so easily, as he took me.
The bond suddenly lights up with warmth and my mind goes blank as I come again.
“Fill me up. Please, cum in me, I want it.”
I can feel how close he is without him saying anything. The sounds he’s making, the feelings through the bond. I know exactly when he’s about to cum and I moan as he fills me up
“So good, that was so good, Luc.”
He moans, eyes meeting mine and I smile at him. Pushing a few strands of hair from his sweaty forehead.
He takes a few gasping breaths, holding me in his arms still, basking in the high of his orgasm. I wrap my wings around us as we stand there, providing us with some form of privacy should anyone stumble upon us.
“We should get back,” I tell him, kissing the tip of his pointed ear. Wanting nothing more than to just skip out on the goodbyes and just go back to the house.
“Just another minute,” he said breathy, one of his hands reaching to grasp my ass cheek. “Just wanna be inside of you.”
“Mm. We could just go say our goodbyes like this,” I offer, playing with the braid I put in his hair earlier. “Unfortunately that means quite a few males would see me with your cock—”
Lucien growls at that and I giggle when his eyes meet mine. “I would kill someone.”
I hum in response, kissing him.
“The thought of you killing someone simply for seeing my body shouldn’t be so sexy.”
His hearty laugh vibrates through my body—my favorite sound.
“Come on, Princess. Let’s get this over with so I can get you in my bed,” He says, slipping from my body and setting me getting on my feet, making sure I was steady before tucking himself away.
We take a few moments to collect ourselves, kissing softly between straightening the other clothes and fixing disheveled hair. Of course no one was stupid. They would scent the smell of sex on us but that didn’t mean we had to make it any more obvious.
By the time we got back the sun had been long gone from the sky, dozens of blazing fires lit the area now. I didn’t spot Ianthe anywhere but Feyre finds us within moments of us taking up a spot by the fire.
We had meant to say our goodbyes but Feyre offered me a glass of wine. Which led to another. And another. We danced with one another around the fire—Lucien taking turns spinning us around. I had no idea where Tamlin was and I honestly didn’t care.
It was when Feyre asked Lucien and I to escort her back to the manor. Being ever the gentleman he agreed. I was much more drunk than Feyre but Lucien offered an elbow to each of us, letting us hang on him as he led us back to the house.
We left Feyre at her bedroom, I giggled out a goodnight, grabbing her face and kissing her cheek. As we were turning away I tripped over my foot and giggled again.
“Luc, I’m drunk,” I said, as he grabbed my arm, wrapping it around his neck.
“Yeah, Princess, I know,” Lucien chuckled, leading me to our bedroom.
I felt so light and blissful, letting him undress me and clean me up. He pulled the pins from my hair and cleaned the makeup from my face sliding a nightgown onto my naked body.
He laid me back, pulling his comforter over my body, tucking me in tightly. “Get some sleep, sweet girl,” He smiles down at me, kissing my forehead.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
I woke up hours later to Lucien tossing and turning. Ever since the Mountain his sleep was more restless than not, dragging up traumas old and new.
My head pounded from all the wine I’d drunk but I watched his face, still peaceful despite the unease of his sleep. It was when a horrified grimace crossed his face that I took over. When I felt the bond run ice cold with fear, when I got a glimpse of that nightmare—one he’s had before, where it starts with Jesminda’s torture and right as she’s about to be executed she changes into me as Beron and Lucien’s brother’s force him to watch me be murdered.
I slip into his mind, caressing it gently, ending the dream easily before it gets to that horrid part. I crawl next to him, laying his head in my lap and carding my fingers through his hair, braiding and unbraiding pieces, scratching at his scalp gently.
Instead I show him Velaris, the life I want us to have there together, the life we always talked about.
Living in our home right on the river. Late night stroll under an endless diamond sky. A long and happy life with beautiful red headed, winged babies. All the adventures we could go on together when no longer stuck in the boundaries of the Spring Court. Having the bond declared in a ceremony, a proper wedding, going swimming in the Sidra, taking him to see Ramiel—there was so much I wanted to do with him.
We’ve had a good life together here in Spring. He had done everything to make it better for me once he realized who I was, that I was stuck here. Picnic dates by the pond, visits to farmers markets, naps under beautiful trees, drinking wine, horseback rides, festivals and gardening.
But we could have a better life. An amazing one instead of a good one and I wanted to spend it with him.
He shifts, arms wrapping around my legs, nuzzling against my thigh, pressing his lips to my tanned skin but he doesn’t wake. I lull him into a deeper sleep, thumbing away the crease between his eyebrows.
My head whips up at a sound across the hall, Feyres room. I listen carefully, hear her door open. Then there’s a gentle knock on our door. She must have had a nightmare too…maybe I should start checking in on her at night.
I gently untangle myself from Lucien’s embrace, pulling the bed sheet over his body before sliding from the bed. There’s a second knock just before I reach the door. I scanned her head to toe quick—sweaty and disheveled but not physically harmed.
“I heard you, are you okay?” I asked, stepping to the side to let her into the room, scanning the hall for any sign of trouble. There seemed to be nothing.
The room was lit mainly by the moon light and I watched her look around the room. The night gown she wore was above mid thigh but she turned around to look at me before I could question her motive.
“I had a dream about it,” she rasped thickly, “Under the Mountain. I couldn’t remember where I was.”
I nod my head in understanding. Lucien had similar dreams. I wanted to kill Amarantha all over again for what she had done. To Feyre. To Lucien. To my brother. To thousands and thousands of fae.
“What did you dream of tonight?” I asked, stepping closer to her.
“She had me spiked to the wall like Clare Beddor. And the Attor was—” She shuddered, running her hands over her face.
I walked closer to her, a frown on my face, wanting to provide her with some kind of comfort. There’s something in the house, a vibration, I feel it but before I can question it she’s thrown her arms around me. I don’t object as she buries her face against my neck, warm tears falling on my bare skin. I let out a small sigh, sliding an arm around her waist, the other caressing her head, stroking over her dark golden hair.
“I’m sorry, Feyre,” I breathed, kissing the crown of her head. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”
Her cries and tears eventually subside but I continued to hold her. Allowing her to take the comfort she needed from me. I pulled back slightly, caressed her face gently, wiping away the remaining tears. I looked at her, I knew she could see the concern in my eyes, but there was something else in hers, something not completely of the fear and sadness she was presenting.
“Why are you—”
“What’s going on?” Tamlin’s deep voice rumbles through the room. I turned my head slightly to look at him, he stood there face a mask of cold calm, the beginnings of claws glinting at his knuckles—looking as if he’d caught us in the middle of something naughty.
“I had a nightmare,” she explained, pulling, straightening her nightgown. I fought the urge to smile. “I-I didn’t want to wake the house.”
Tamlin knew I didn’t sleep in here most nights. Lucien either slept in my room or we slept separately, so in his eyes Feyre had to have been seeking out the comfort of Lucien after her nightmare.
He just stood there staring at us. Eyes glancing at Lucien before looking at me with narrowed eyes, a glare that I returned. His mouth tightened into a thin line and I nearly snarled at him—those claws still half drawn.
“I had a nightmare,” Feyre repeated sharply, walking forward to grip Tamlin’s arm, turning him but he looked back at me. I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked at him as she led him from the room closing the door.
“You little shit, your lucky Lucien wasn’t awake, Tamlin would’ve killed him,” I told her crawling back in bed with my mate.
“I wouldn’t let that happen. I needed to plant some kind of doubt in his mind. You seemed to do the trick though,” Feyre’s answer came five minutes later, laughter in her voice.
“You should have told me I would have kissed you right in front of him,” I teased back, sliding under the sheet, cuddling up to that warm body.
“Next time,” Is her response, a mental image of her winking and blowing me a kiss followed.
I laughed out loud.
“What’s going on?” Lucien asks, a slight frown on his face at being woken suddenly.
I grinned, kissing his chest.
“Nothing, my love. Go back to sleep,” I whispered, easily slipping into his mind to lull him back to sleep.
I grinned to myself.
“Burn it down, Feyre” I told her. “Burn it all down.”
Fuck Tamlin. And fuck the Spring Court.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
tag list: @sleepylunarwolf @stained-glass-eyes0708 @saltedcoffeescotch @cherry-cin @xmalfoyweasleyx @jesskidding3 @minaethrym @scorpioriesling @inloveallthetime @paleidiot
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